View Full Version : Kavanaugh & Barrett Are A Breath Of Stale Air

07-14-2021, 08:27 AM

07-14-2021, 11:20 AM
Trump picked 3 rhinos/swing voter moderates. Left liberals with a 3-2-4 majority.

07-14-2021, 11:36 AM
Pretty funny that blue got so hysterical over Kavanaugh and Barrett's nominations. I see nothing wrong with moderates.

07-14-2021, 11:43 AM
Think it's more a sign of the bullshit going to the courts nowadays. You can be a more traditional conservative and still vote against things like shitting on trans people and not overturning obvious elections.

07-14-2021, 12:08 PM
Trump picked 3 rhinos/swing voter moderates. Left liberals with a 3-2-4 majority.

Sad, but ultimately true. Once again we didn't do it right. And what's more Trump had certain "ringers" he wanted in there, and let the same Tired Old Shit Bags (TOSB) talk him out of it...RINO:::"Oh, no sir, you can't do that. You can't name that person to the SC and you can't leave Afghanistan. It's just not done. Please, sir, you can bait CNN and moon Pelosi, but you cannot name that person to the SC."

We never learn. And these 3 fucks will get nothing but worse.

07-14-2021, 12:11 PM
It's funny that "siding with the liberals" has been not siding with dumb conservative shit. On voting and money they still side with republicans because that keeps them in power and that's all they care about.

07-14-2021, 12:15 PM
Pretty funny that blue got so hysterical over Kavanaugh and Barrett's nominations. I see nothing wrong with moderates.

...but they ain't that, CC. They're not "moderates." You have to be strong enough to eschew them in the moment, like President Trump wasn't. He knew beyond a doubt that he was caving in,,,but, crossed his fingers hoping that it would work out. He had designated people he wanted in there who had assured him eye-to-eye that they would soldier precisely how he wanted it soldiered and ended up getting hoodwinked.

At least he got hoodwinked. Bush2, that fuck knew what he was doing to us and did it with relish. That mother fucker.

07-14-2021, 12:16 PM
It's funny that "siding with the liberals" has been not siding with dumb conservative shit. On voting and money they still side with republicans because that keeps them in power and that's all they care about.

...they equally "care" about retaining the status quo. Even more than equally, probably 70/30 status quo.

07-14-2021, 12:40 PM
...but they ain't that, CC. They're not "moderates." You have to be strong enough to eschew them in the moment, like President Trump wasn't. He knew beyond a doubt that he was caving in,,,but, crossed his fingers hoping that it would work out. He had designated people he wanted in there who had assured him eye-to-eye that they would soldier precisely how he wanted it soldiered and ended up getting hoodwinked.

At least he got hoodwinked. Bush2, that fuck knew what he was doing to us and did it with relish. That mother fucker.

Alito at least is a stalwart. Him and ole man Thomas who they tried to get to retire so they could put a fourth RINO in his place.

07-14-2021, 12:42 PM
lol rebranding Kavanaugh and Barrett as moderate seven months in.

lol "centrist" swagger

07-14-2021, 02:08 PM
lol rebranding Kavanaugh and Barrett as moderate seven months in.

lol "centrist" swagger

I had a sneaking suspicion when they raised their respective right hands---they each had the same GD smirk on their countenance that F.B.I. fuck face Wray had when he raised his right hand...and that proved out to be precisely what that fuck did, rolled over like a $3 whore.

07-14-2021, 03:31 PM

07-14-2021, 08:21 PM
lol rebranding Kavanaugh and Barrett as moderate seven months in.

lol "centrist" swagger


And believe it or not, there are questions that DO NOT fall into conservative or liberal categories.
(I dont think derp could ever fathom this)

07-14-2021, 08:24 PM

And believe it or not, there are questions that DO NOT fall into conservative or liberal categories.
(I dont think derp could ever fathom this)

Tell me more about these non conservative / liberal categories.

07-14-2021, 08:33 PM
Tell me more about these non conservative / liberal categories.

The Supreme court ruling on double jeopardy federal/state.
Read about it. There are plenty of vexing problems that do not fall into liberal/conservative categories ya dumb fuck.
They are merely difficult, which is why they go to the Supreme Court.

derp being derp...

Will Hunting
07-14-2021, 08:58 PM
It's funny that "siding with the liberals" has been not siding with dumb conservative shit. On voting and money they still side with republicans because that keeps them in power and that's all they care about.
Yeah this is the name of the game and conservatives still don’t get it.

Republican nominee when campaigning - promises his supporters to nominate culture warriors who will reverse Roe, send trans people to the gas chamber, etc.

Republican president - nominates judges who trigger liberals therefore social conservatives automatically think they’re winning but don’t understand how the actual judges are going to rule.

After being nominated - judges are as far right as it gets in campaign finance, labor laws, etc. but are centrists on cultural and social issues, thus SCOTUS is still short of the votes needed to overturn Roe, angering conservatives and starting the cycle all over again where the next GOP candidates promises that he’ll FINALLY be the one to pick culturally right wing judges.

Will Hunting
07-14-2021, 09:00 PM
:lol cons labeling any judge who isn’t a totally reckless partisan hack hellbent on sending us back to the Lochner era and legislating from the bench as a liberal.

07-14-2021, 09:03 PM
The Supreme court ruling on double jeopardy federal/state.
Read about it. There are plenty of vexing problems that do not fall into liberal/conservative categories ya dumb fuck.
They are merely difficult, which is why they go to the Supreme Court.

derp being derp...

Are liberals for or against double jeopardy?

Will Hunting
07-14-2021, 09:07 PM
Also Kavanaugh has always been another Roberts. Raising a stink about his nomination in 2018 was such a politically stupid thing for the senate Dems to do, it probably cost them the 2018 Florida governor and Florida senate race.

07-14-2021, 09:09 PM
Also Kavanaugh has always been another Roberts. Raising a stink about his nomination in 2018 was such a politically stupid thing for the senate Dems to do, it probably cost them the 2018 Florida governor and Florida senate race.

That would only be true if you mean people believe Kavanaugh not a rapist after all.

Will Hunting
07-14-2021, 09:15 PM
That would only be true if you mean people believe Kavanaugh not a rapist after all.
Naw even if he was a rapist (iirc he wasn’t accused of rape or anything close to it) it was politically stupid. Lets say Trump withdraws his nomination because of the allegations. What happens next? The Dems weren’t winning a senate majority back in 2018 no matter what, so Trump would have picked someone further right than Kavanaugh who would have been confirmed. There was absolutely no politics upside to how the senate Dems handled that confirmation hearing.

07-14-2021, 09:16 PM
Naw even if he was a rapist (iirc he wasn’t accused of rape or anything close to it) it was politically stupid. Lets say Trump withdraws his nomination because of the allegations. What happens next? The Dems weren’t winning a senate majority back in 2018 no matter what, so Trump would have picked someone further right than Kavanaugh who would have been confirmed. There was absolutely no politics upside to how the senate Dems handled that confirmation hearing.

:lol That was the whole crux of the argument, bruh.

Will Hunting
07-14-2021, 09:18 PM
When GWB picked a dumb bimbo named Harriett Miers as Sandra Day O’Connors’ replacement the Dems were so eager to embarrass her and didn’t realize they should have been thrilled with the pick. After they successfully torpedoed her GWB basically said OK assholes have it your way here’s Sam Alito the most right wing circuit court judge I can find. The same thing would have happened if the Dems actually were successful in sabotaging Kavanaugh.

07-14-2021, 09:19 PM
Are liberals for or against double jeopardy?

did you read the fkn case and its outcome?

google supreme court double jeopardy federal state

07-14-2021, 09:20 PM
When GWB picked a dumb bimbo named Harriett Miers as Sandra Day O’Connors’ replacement the Dems were so eager to embarrass her and didn’t realize they should have been thrilled with the pick. After they successfully torpedoed her GWB basically said OK assholes have it your way here’s Sam Alito the most right wing circuit court judge I can find. The same thing would have happened if the Dems actually were successful in sabotaging Kavanaugh.

He even beats out Clarence Thomas.

Will Hunting
07-14-2021, 09:21 PM
He even beats out Clarence Thomas.
Theyre both nutcases in their own way. In this year’s opinions Alito was definitely worse tho.

07-14-2021, 09:30 PM
did you read the fkn case and its outcome?

google supreme court double jeopardy federal state

I'm asking you, are liberals for or against double jeopardy?

It's not a tough question.

Will Hunting
07-14-2021, 09:33 PM
I’m against double jeopardy but can’t speak for other libs.

07-14-2021, 09:39 PM
Raising a stink about his nomination in 2018 was such a politically stupid thing for the senate Dems to do, it probably cost them the 2018 Florida governor and Florida senate race.

I'm not sure I agree with that, but what Republicans did with Obama and Merrick Garland basically guaranteed that Democrats would to go to war over ANY Republican nominations in order to appease or at least think they were appeasing their own political base that wanted revenge over it.

07-14-2021, 09:52 PM
I'm asking you, are liberals for or against double jeopardy?

It's not a tough question.

How would I know, read the case.
It went deeper than double jeopardy jar head...
It IS interesting BECAUSE it was difficult to categorize.
Get it?

07-14-2021, 09:57 PM
I'm not sure I agree with that, but what Republicans did with Obama and Merrick Garland basically guaranteed that Democrats would to go to war over ANY Republican nominations in order to appease or at least think they were appeasing their own political base that wanted revenge over it.

Total and complete hypocrisy on the part of the red team and Mitch McConnell cramming thru a vote on Barrett.
They wont live that one down.

07-14-2021, 10:00 PM
Total and complete hypocrisy on the part of the red team and Mitch McConnell cramming thru a vote on Barrett.
They wont live that one down.

The only norm Mitch preserved was the filibuster because of how much he loves it.

07-14-2021, 10:05 PM
How would I know, read the case.
It went deeper than double jeopardy jar head...
It IS interesting BECAUSE it was difficult to categorize.
Get it?

It's a straight forward question. No article reading required.
You for or against double jeopardy?

07-14-2021, 10:15 PM
It's a straight forward question. No article reading required.
You for or against double jeopardy?

I dont know it in this case, its subtle.
Did you read it? What do you think?
And you asked what liberals thought... the article has how all the justices voted so you decide.

07-14-2021, 10:19 PM
just read it derpwad...


07-14-2021, 10:39 PM
I’m against double jeopardy but can’t speak for other libs.

So, do you condemn calls from the leftist pundits in the controlled media calling for George Zimmerman to face double jeopardy?

07-14-2021, 10:41 PM
just read it derpwad...


Read the first paragraph. Sounds like SCOTUS talking out of their asses again, saying that somehow one offense can count as two separate offenses.

You for double jeopardy?

Will Hunting
07-14-2021, 10:41 PM
So, do you condemn calls from the leftist pundits in the controlled media calling for George Zimmerman to face double jeopardy?
Didn’t know that was happening but yes absolutely. I hate Zimmerman and think he should be in jail but a jury of his peers disagreed with me and he should be put back on trial for that.

(separately, I’m not even sure what would change in a new trial…it’s not like there’s new evidence we didn’t have back then, it’d be the exact same trial all over again)

07-14-2021, 10:45 PM
Didn’t know that was happening but yes absolutely. I hate Zimmerman and think he should be in jail but a jury of his peers disagreed with me and he should be put back on trial for that.

(separately, I’m not even sure what would change in a new trial…it’s not like there’s new evidence we didn’t have back then, it’d be the exact same trial all over again)

I think some of them were trying to pull sh** in the pgardn article. They wanted to say that it was a 'civil rights' (hate crime) and thus eligible for a second trial.

I agree that these are bs tactics and are unAmerican. People don't understand that stuff has to be done a right way the first time or sloppy a-holes will just terrorize people.

Will Hunting
07-14-2021, 10:50 PM
I think some of them were trying to pull sh** in the pgardn article. They wanted to say that it was a 'civil rights' (hate crime) and thus eligible for a second trial.

I agree that these are bs tactics and are unAmerican. People don't understand that stuff has to be done a right way the first time or sloppy a-holes will just terrorize people.
Well it wouldn’t be double jeopardy if the federal government charged him with a hate crime (didn’t realize that’s what you are talking about) but I still wouldn’t agree with it. The incident happened roughly a decade ago IIRC, unless some new evidence has been recently unearthed the justice department shouldn’t go after Zim a decade later just for the sake of winning culture war points.

Will Hunting
07-14-2021, 10:53 PM
I also don’t see how there’s sufficient evidence of a hate crime. Just because Zimmerman is undoubtedly a racist asshole doesn’t mean you can bring federal charges.

07-14-2021, 11:09 PM
Read the first paragraph. Sounds like SCOTUS talking out of their asses again, saying that somehow one offense can count as two separate offenses.

You for double jeopardy?

Talking out of their asses because you can’t see the complication. Just one. What about State v. Federal; are you against States rights?
You read the.... Yeah, lazy ass does not get it. So you won’t be a lawyer or judge, that’s cool with me.
You think this is straightforward Judge Derpwad?

I don’t know IN THIS CASE.

Look derp, I can find you another where judges considered conservative vote with judges considered liberal. I can find you many of them. They are NOT easy. You want the case for rights to specific DNA sequences?

07-14-2021, 11:13 PM
Well it wouldn’t be double jeopardy if the federal government charged him with a hate crime (didn’t realize that’s what you are talking about) but I still wouldn’t agree with it. The incident happened roughly a decade ago IIRC, unless some new evidence has been recently unearthed the justice department shouldn’t go after Zim a decade later just for the sake of winning culture war points.

They wanted to try him for murder a second time. It's double jeopardy. The govt. shouldn't be doing word play.
But even they decided it was a bridge too far (this time); they already had taken on enough notoriety by doing the case the first time with fake witnesses and everything already.

07-14-2021, 11:21 PM
I also don’t see how there’s sufficient evidence of a hate crime. Just because Zimmerman is undoubtedly a racist asshole doesn’t mean you can bring federal charges.

You remember all the rhetoric; he described him as a black guy on the 911 call; and NBC did their edit as well. So, he was surely racist.

07-14-2021, 11:32 PM
my main deal with hate crimes prosecution on the criminal side is that it enhances penalties based on intent, when the underlying behavior is usually a very serious crime all by itself.

otoh when serious crimes fail to be prosecuted, it makes sense that there should be a civil remedy in federal courts where local justice failed for corrupt or cultural reasons.

07-14-2021, 11:36 PM
my main deal with hate crimes prosecution on the criminal side is that it enhances penalties based on intent, when the underlying behavior is usually a very serious crime all by itself.

otoh when serious crimes fail to be prosecuted, it makes sense that there should be a civil remedy in federal courts where local justice failed for corrupt or cultural reasons.

Ya think? Hate crime is a political tool. We've known this.
Murder is murder; it doesn't matter one damn bit if the guy was racist or not.

07-16-2021, 11:58 AM
Sad, but ultimately true.

lmao. anyone .002% to the left of Mussolini is a libtard to you guys

07-16-2021, 12:28 PM
lmao. anyone .002% to the left of Mussolini is a libtard to you guys

Then the remaining % shouldn't wear sheep's clothing, Is. See, by having President Trump in there we finally found the truth, as bitter as it is. We suspicion-ed, yes. But thru President Trump we confirmed those suspicions,,,only the truth remains.

So, if "the left of Mussolini" can survive their convictions, so be it. I just pray they cannot.

07-16-2021, 12:29 PM
Ya think? Hate crime is a political tool. We've known this.
Murder is murder; it doesn't matter one damn bit if the guy was racist or not.


His finest hour has been since I retur...uh, uh, uh, since I been here from the very first day.

07-16-2021, 12:30 PM
my main deal with hate crimes prosecution on the criminal side is that it enhances penalties based on intent, when the underlying behavior is usually a very serious crime all by itself.

otoh when serious crimes fail to be prosecuted, it makes sense that there should be a civil remedy in federal courts where local justice failed for corrupt or cultural reasons.

Being as it's Friday, Winester, am I still in the shitter?

07-16-2021, 07:31 PM

07-16-2021, 08:53 PM

Alito and Thomas warning?
Wow, what they gonna do? plant a pubic hair on the refreshments?

07-16-2021, 09:11 PM
[QUOTE=baseline bum;10554009]This might be longer though

08-12-2021, 06:04 PM

Will Hunting
08-12-2021, 06:49 PM
When justices unilaterally deny emergency requests, they almost always informally consult with the full court first. Would be surprised if Barrett did this totally on her own without talking to the other justices.

08-12-2021, 07:05 PM
When justices unilaterally deny emergency requests, they almost always informally consult with the full court first. Would be surprised if Barrett did this totally on her own without talking to the other justices.

:lol You're just pulling sh** out of your ass.

08-18-2022, 07:40 PM
"new revelations about the FBI’s complete sham of an “investigation” into Kavanaugh’s background have me so fired up.

FBI Director Christopher Wray admitted

the agency never did anything with the tips they received involving Kavanaugh’s history of sexual assault—

except allow the White House to dictate which ones they followed.

This sexual abuser has never deserved a place on the Supreme Court. It’s time for Congress to investigate and impeach."

-- dailykos email

08-18-2022, 08:00 PM
Base cut that shit out. Its immature and stupid.