View Full Version : Biden goes after Trump and the 'big lie' in speech on voting rights

07-14-2021, 12:54 PM
In a fiery speech Tuesday in Philadelphia, President Biden took aim at former President Donald Trump and his unfounded claims that his loss in the 2020 election was due to widespread voter fraud.

“You don’t call facts ‘fake’ and then try to bring down the American experiment because you’re unhappy. That’s not statesmanship. That’s selfishness,” Biden said of Trump in remarks that promoted the passage of the For the People Act, the Democrats’ voting rights legislation, and warned of Republican efforts in several states to restrict voting.

“There’s an unfolding assault taking place in America today, an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote in fair and free elections. An assault on democracy, an assault on liberty, an assault on who we are as Americans,” Biden said, referring not only to the proliferation of new laws being proposed and passed in states where the Republican Party controls legislatures but also to the unsubstantiated claims fueling them.

Calling the 2020 election “the most scrutinized election ever in American history,” Biden referred to the claims routinely put forth by Trump as devoid of truth.

“The ‘big lie’ is just that, a big lie,” the president said.


07-14-2021, 01:36 PM
Sleepy Joe truly dickmatized trump, as trump’s ass keeps coming back for more.

07-14-2021, 01:41 PM
In a fiery speech Tuesday in Philadelphia, President Biden took aim at former President Donald Trump and his unfounded claims that his loss in the 2020 election was due to widespread voter fraud.

“You don’t call facts ‘fake’ and then try to bring down the American experiment because you’re unhappy. That’s not statesmanship. That’s selfishness,” Biden said of Trump in remarks that promoted the passage of the For the People Act, the Democrats’ voting rights legislation, and warned of Republican efforts in several states to restrict voting.

“There’s an unfolding assault taking place in America today, an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote in fair and free elections. An assault on democracy, an assault on liberty, an assault on who we are as Americans,” Biden said, referring not only to the proliferation of new laws being proposed and passed in states where the Republican Party controls legislatures but also to the unsubstantiated claims fueling them.

Calling the 2020 election “the most scrutinized election ever in American history,” Biden referred to the claims routinely put forth by Trump as devoid of truth.

“The ‘big lie’ is just that, a big lie,” the president said.


Probably because Trump won't shut up about it and go away. Biden is probably just trying to prevent another Jan 6th debacle

07-14-2021, 02:04 PM
Probably because Trump won't shut up about it and go away. Biden is probably just trying to prevent another Jan 6th debacle

Oh, absolutely not. That old man is gonna keep pissin' in mother fucker Biden's life until there are no more tomorrows.

See, it's payback for that mother fucker Biden pissin' all over President Trump's 4 years and then stealing his 2nd four. Make nary mistake, flo, you fellows, the whole fuckin' lot of ya's have this coming, and you're gonna get it.

Love always,

- Dale

07-14-2021, 02:06 PM
Sleepy Joe truly dickmatized trump, as trump’s ass keeps coming back for more.

tee, hee,,,and after swearin' up & down he'd not get into the pig pen with President Trump...there's mother fucker Biden easin' on down into the do-do.


07-14-2021, 02:30 PM
Fat Orange man living the life inside the Alzheimer patients cloudy brain.

07-14-2021, 03:07 PM
Fat Orange man living the life inside the Alzheimer patients cloudy brain.

But you voted for Biden, remember?

07-14-2021, 03:17 PM
But you voted for Biden, remember?


07-14-2021, 04:08 PM

07-14-2021, 04:59 PM
Probably because Trump won't shut up about it and go away. Biden is probably just trying to prevent another Jan 6th debacle

Trump's interview on Fox basically invited his murderous cult mob to attack again

This s*** ain't over

07-14-2021, 04:59 PM
Pelosi should impeach Trump a third time for insighting the attack on the capitol

07-14-2021, 05:08 PM
Biden did not mention the filibuster

I think he wants to keep the filibuster because it's a tradition no matter how s***** it is and no matter how the repugs will use it to s*** can all of the Dem bills as announced
Typical Democrats the repugs f****** everything and the Democrats don't f*** them back so the country suffers and degrades

07-14-2021, 06:48 PM
Pelosi should impeach Trump a third time for insighting the attack on the capitol

...if she did it'd be for the exact same reason she impeached him the first 2 times...

Trump President.
Not Clinton.

You'll never get over it, bouts.

07-14-2021, 06:50 PM
Biden did not mention the filibuster

I think he wants to keep the filibuster because it's a tradition no matter how s***** it is and no matter how the repugs will use it to s*** can all of the Dem bills as announced
Typical Democrats the repugs f****** everything and the Democrats don't f*** them back so the country suffers and degrades

Boiled down:::

He's afraid.

07-14-2021, 06:51 PM
Trump's interview on Fox basically invited his murderous cult mob to attack again

This s*** ain't over

...absolutely not. Not by a jugful it ain't, bouts.

07-15-2021, 12:50 PM
Probably because Trump won't shut up about it and go away. Biden is probably just trying to prevent another Jan 6th debacle


Fuck Biden! Fuck that whole sham of an election too but seriously fuck Biden and I hope he fucking rots in hell!

07-16-2021, 07:58 AM
Fat Orange man living the life inside the Alzheimer patients cloudy brain.

No more than Obama living rent free in Trump's head his entire term. And Obama was totally quiet up until a few months ago. Trump keeps spouting off total nonsense so it makes it almost impossible for Biden not to say something

07-16-2021, 11:39 AM
Trump's interview on Fox basically invited his murderous cult mob to attack again

This s*** ain't over

Problem is the hard core assholes that were the vanguard for Jan 6 are All being actively hunted by the FBI. There will still be a ready-made supply of gullible rubes, but you need a combination of DarrinS-level gullibility, coupled with a violent, aggressive 'roid rage.

The more the big lie sinks into the consciousness of the modern conservative movement, the more it will tap into the underlying violence inherent in that ideology.

I think there will be more replacements for that cadre of wanna-be brownshirts. How fast that forms, is the unknown.