View Full Version : Student loan forgiveness: Biden promise to forgive $10,000 in debt remains unfulfilled

07-15-2021, 03:03 PM

Not sure why the hell he should! Most borrow money and pay it back do not except a bail out. They knew the cost and the insterest (unless they are in Rural America and can not make a copy of their Id just ask Harris !)

07-15-2021, 03:04 PM
Oh wait
He is trying to buy young people votes!

Using their own money they pay in taxes

He must think they go to school in Baltimore

07-15-2021, 03:05 PM
Old Joe is slacking on this one... and 10k is a drop in the bucket, tbh...

01-13-2022, 04:38 PM

Will Hunting
01-13-2022, 04:41 PM
People like this are why the "cancel student debt" movement isn't serious :lol


01-13-2022, 05:24 PM
I ain't payin' shit! Don't need no mufuckin' credit, bitch! That's what rennacenna fo

Fat Brandon Bass
01-13-2022, 09:53 PM

01-24-2022, 12:34 AM
NYU Is Top-Ranked—In Loans That Alumni and Parents Struggle to Repay

Ms Jones first hatched her eggs before starting at NYU in 2017 to help pay for moving to the city, she said. She received a $12,500 annual scholarship and relied on $131,000 in federal loans to cover the rest of her tuition and expenses. She has laid her eggs five times, including at an NYU fertility clinic, earning $50,000.

Now 28 years old, Ms Jones is working independently on public-health campaigns for nonprofits, earning about $1,500 a month, which is not covering her living expenses, she said. . She is applying for new jobs and is considering leaving the field. She said of her debt, “There are certainly moments where that number comes in as this tunnel, with no light at the end of it.” “It’s like I’m stuck.”

Poor girl

01-24-2022, 01:08 AM
Gonna be a heck of a lawsuit when the rest of us that paid off our student loans ask for restitution.

baseline bum
01-24-2022, 01:19 AM
Shit'll never happen, only banks get bailed out.

01-24-2022, 03:35 AM
Gonna be a heck of a lawsuit when the rest of us that paid off our student loans ask for restitution.

01-24-2022, 08:44 AM
From the left's view point, Brandon should do this. He should also legalize weed. There are plenty of executive orders he could sign to help his miserable polling numbers.

I'm glad he is not doing them. :lol

01-24-2022, 10:03 AM
From the left's view point, Brandon should do this. He should also legalize weed. There are plenty of executive orders he could sign to help his miserable polling numbers.

I'm glad he is not doing them. :lol
Sad truth, tbh.

01-24-2022, 11:38 AM
"Nothing will fundamentally change."

-- Bolshevik Brandon

01-24-2022, 12:41 PM
From the left's view point, Brandon should do this. He should also legalize weed. There are plenty of executive orders he could sign to help his miserable polling numbers.

I'm glad he is not doing them. :lol

Radical leftist Brandon dropping the ball again...

02-17-2022, 04:17 PM
Education department to erase $415M in student loan debt for nearly 16K borrowers

“Students count on their colleges to be truthful.

Unfortunately, today’s findings show too many instances in which

students were misled into loans at institutions or programs that could not deliver what they’d promised.”

The U.S. Department of Education announced nearly 16,000 student borrowers will get $415 million in borrower defense.
About 1,800 former DeVry University students are part of that borrower defense, after the department found Devry claimed a 90 percent job placement rate.
The department found DeVry’s actual job placement rate to be around 58 percent.

https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/education/594626-education-department-to-erase-415-million-in-student (https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/education/594626-education-department-to-erase-415-million-in-student)

Repug Dept of Ed/Devos, in the loan servicing business, did not and would not have helped scammed students

Anybody from from the fraudulent for-profit scammers punished?

02-17-2022, 04:52 PM
Education department to erase $415M in student loan debt for nearly 16K borrowers

“Students count on their colleges to be truthful.

Unfortunately, today’s findings show too many instances in which

students were misled into loans at institutions or programs that could not deliver what they’d promised.”

The U.S. Department of Education announced nearly 16,000 student borrowers will get $415 million in borrower defense.
About 1,800 former DeVry University students are part of that borrower defense, after the department found Devry claimed a 90 percent job placement rate.
The department found DeVry’s actual job placement rate to be around 58 percent.


Repug Dept of Ed/Devos, in the loan servicing business, did not and would not have helped scammed students

Anybody from from the fraudulent for-profit scammers punished?

And that DeVry looked so upstanding on their commercials.

02-17-2022, 04:57 PM

Imagine making a 5 figure financial commitment based on a TV commercial.

baseline bum
02-17-2022, 05:19 PM
Imagine making a 5 figure financial commitment based on a TV commercial.

Gotta admit those commercials were good though


02-17-2022, 05:47 PM
'Cancel It. Every Penny':

Poll Shows 83% of Democrats Want Biden to Nix Student Debt

"Even Americans who don't carry student debt themselves are sympathetic and are supportive of loan forgiveness."


IIRC, 92% of the loans are govt, the rest are private.

02-18-2022, 10:14 AM
'Cancel It. Every Penny':

Poll Shows 83% of Democrats Want Biden to Nix Student Debt

"Even Americans who don't carry student debt themselves are sympathetic and are supportive of loan forgiveness."


IIRC, 92% of the loans are govt, the rest are private.

IDIOTS - you work hard, you sacrifice, scrimp and save to pay off yours and then WE must pay for those who rack up trillions in student debt. Why stop there? Why not auto loans, mortgage and credit card debt?

Trill Clinton
02-18-2022, 10:17 AM
IDIOTS - you work hard, you sacrifice, scrimp and save to pay off yours and then WE must pay for those who rack up trillions in student debt. Why stop there? Why not auto loans, mortgage and credit card debt?

Fuck that. Pay my shit off. right. now. Nobody told the government to give 17 and 18 year olds 20 thousands of dollars to go to college. Thats some predatory shit.

02-18-2022, 10:38 AM
'Cancel It. Every Penny':

Poll Shows 83% of Democrats Want Biden to Nix Student Debt

"Even Americans who don't carry student debt themselves are sympathetic and are supportive of loan forgiveness."


IIRC, 92% of the loans are govt, the rest are private.

If they forgive the loans they need to kill the loan program in the same bill. Loaning students money for their education is either good or bad. If "preying on innocent students" is bad then they need to stop the loan program..

Will Hunting
02-18-2022, 10:42 AM
If they forgive the loans they need to kill the loan program in the same bill. Loaning students money for their education is either good or bad. If "preying on innocent students" is bad then they need to stop the loan program..
Agreed. A one time mass student debt cancellation E.O. without any actual reform is a retarded idea. It'll just lead to the same student debt issue we have now in another 10 years, potentially even worse if people think their student loan debt will just get foregiven.

(FTR, I don't support mass student debt cancellation at all)

Will Hunting
02-18-2022, 10:44 AM
I still stand by the solution of making it so student debt is dischargeable in bankruptcy. If lenders actually had to worry about lending to a deadbeat transgender studies major, student loan availability would shrink and tuition eventually would too imo.

It's the best market-based solution.

Trill Clinton
02-18-2022, 10:49 AM
If they forgive the loans they need to kill the loan program in the same bill. Loaning students money for their education is either good or bad. If "preying on innocent students" is bad then they need to stop the loan program..

I agree with this. Just cancel the program.

Will Hunting
02-18-2022, 10:51 AM
'Cancel It. Every Penny':

Poll Shows 83% of Democrats Want Biden to Nix Student Debt

"Even Americans who don't carry student debt themselves are sympathetic and are supportive of loan forgiveness."


IIRC, 92% of the loans are govt, the rest are private.

I don't buy it that 83% of all Democrats want this. A lot of Democrats (like me) think mass student loan forgiveness via an E.O. would both be bad policy and political suicide.

02-18-2022, 10:53 AM
I still stand by the solution of making it so student debt is dischargeable in bankruptcy. If lenders actually had to worry about lending to a deadbeat transgender studies major, student loan availability would shrink and tuition eventually would too imo.

It's the best market-based solution.

I agree with this. The loan should be the same as a loan for a car, using an overall retail or resell value. What's the average income for a gender studies major upon graduation? If it meets the threshold for ROI it would be a reasonable decision for a bank to approve the loan.
Some of this lies with the schools who know just about anything they offer will receive funding and these kids who are either too socially wrapped up or too lazy to compete for real degrees will opt for these "makes me a better person" degrees.

Will Hunting
02-18-2022, 10:57 AM
Of course, a much better solution is doing what every other industrialized country does: test kids to determine who is and isn't cut out for college. The underlying problem with a lot of kids getting useless degrees is the fact they have no business being in college in the first place and they could be making $90k+ a year driving a truck, working the power lines or installing solar panels. The entire stigma this country has around how you need college is stupid, there's millions of unfilled jobs right now that pay near or above six figures and don't require a degree.

02-18-2022, 11:01 AM
Of course, a much better solution is doing what every other industrialized country does: test kids to determine who is and isn't cut out for college. The underlying problem with a lot of kids getting useless degrees is the fact they have no business being in college in the first place when they could be making $90k+ a year working the power lines or installing solar panels.

In many instances there doesn't seem to be a goal for even going to college, it's just the natural next step if you're fortunate enough to have the wherewithal and parental lottery luck to even see it coming and actually give a shit. Medical and engineering students no doubt have a trajectory, however many of these other folks are wandering aimlessly, hopping between classes to keep their grades up enough to remain in school. "What do you want to be" should not be a question a college freshman cannot answer.

Never heard of a barista job that requires a degree in Africana studies. Politics and journalism? Absolutely.

Will Hunting
02-18-2022, 11:06 AM
In many instances there doesn't seem to be a goal for even going to college, it's just the natural next step if you're fortunate enough to have the wherewithal and parental lottery luck to even see it coming and actually give a shit. Medical and engineering students no doubt have a trajectory, however many of these other folks are wandering aimlessly, hopping between classes to keep their grades up enough to remain in school. "What do you want to be" should not be a question a college freshman cannot answer.

Never heard of a barista job that requires a degree in Africana studies. Politics and journalism? Absolutely.
If you have rich parents who are paying your tuition then whatever, that allows the schools to give scholarships to kids who deserve them and make the most out of them. I'm more talking about the people taking out $50k+ of student debt to get a degree they don't even know how they're going to use.

Taking on that much debt is a huge decision and a lot of people are making it way too callously right now.

Will Hunting
02-18-2022, 11:08 AM
At the very least, cap the amount of student debt someone can take out. If you need to take out debt to go to private school then go to fucking state school.

Will Hunting
02-18-2022, 11:10 AM
Kids aren't taking out those loans. Their parents are cosigner. And usually those people with student loans get a degree and make more money than those without. So canceling these loans would help the top 20 percent more than the bottom 50 percent.
That's why this is such a stupid idea. People with student loan debt have some of the highest earning potential of all adults, why would you ever give them targeted debt relief?

Adam Lambert
02-18-2022, 11:13 AM
Of course, a much better solution is doing what every other industrialized country does: test kids to determine who is and isn't cut out for college. The underlying problem with a lot of kids getting useless degrees is the fact they have no business being in college in the first place and they could be making $90k+ a year driving a truck, working the power lines or installing solar panels. The entire stigma this country has around how you need college is stupid, there's millions of unfilled jobs right now that pay near or above six figures and don't require a degree.

We kind of do that already with SAT/ACT etc., but mainly it just determines who goes to shitty colleges.

Will Hunting
02-18-2022, 11:25 AM
In fact. No out of state loans. You want to go? Pay for it up front.
Yeah that's what I was saying. If you want to pay out of state tuition when in state tuition is an option, then you don't need government-back loans for it.