View Full Version : Dems Better Hope Biden Doesn't Croak Before 2024

07-20-2021, 01:47 PM
This is what a Harris vs. a Trump/DeSantis would look like in 2024. She's rabidly hated across the USA. Nobody likes her.



07-20-2021, 02:07 PM
Poll 3 years out by desperate Trumptard.

07-20-2021, 02:22 PM
^^^ Said the Board's pedophile and "rehabilitated" Trumpist.

Zero doubt the increase in gas prices have stalled your kitty-litter filled rape-van from leaving your sister's RV-resort campsite.

07-20-2021, 02:29 PM
Have another beer it's already past noon False Charge DMC.

07-20-2021, 02:32 PM
Shes a more inept and mentally / verbally challenged Clinton tbqh

07-20-2021, 02:36 PM
Desantis would mop the floor with her, tbh.

Trump? Meh, not so sure. She is unlikable but so is he and his presence motivates their base.

07-20-2021, 02:38 PM
I agree she's mostly an empty pantsuit. Still, bottom line is US white males can't handle any Democratic woman in charge. Even if she succeeds early and does great, she's toast.

07-20-2021, 02:40 PM
Desantis would mop the floor with her, tbh.

Trump? Meh, not so sure. She is unlikable but so is he and his presence motivates their base.

Would DeSantis win Michigan and Wisconsin though, that is the million dollar question. Winning back Georgia should be cake. Florida is already a solid red state. But winning back Georgia alone only cuts the deficit to 290-248. Give him back Arizona (no sure thing?) and it's still 279-259 Democrat. 270 to win.

I agree she's mostly an empty pantsuit. Still, bottom line is US white males can't handle any Democratic woman in charge. Even if she succeeds early and does great, she's toast.
Right, but, funny thing is -- they would line up for miles to vote for a Condi Rice or Candace Owens type. So it's most definitely partisanship, not racism or sexism.

ChumpDumper admitting by implication that US white GOP males aren't racist :toast :tu

07-20-2021, 02:55 PM
trump will be dead by 2024 and ron deathsentence is killing off his voter base in fl :lol

07-20-2021, 02:59 PM
Would DeSantis win Michigan and Wisconsin though, that is the million dollar question. Winning back Georgia should be cake. Florida is already a solid red state. But winning back Georgia alone only cuts the deficit to 290-248. Give him back Arizona (no sure thing?) and it's still 279-259 Democrat. 270 to win.

Right, but, funny thing is -- they would line up for miles to vote for a Condi Rice or Candace Owens type. So it's most definitely partisanship, not racism or sexism.

ChumpDumper admitting by implication that US white GOP males aren't racist :toast :tuNo, that's not it.

And they would never vote for Condi or Candace. Not in a million years.

07-20-2021, 03:00 PM
trump will be dead by 2024 and ron deathsentence is killing off his voter base in fl :lol

It's July 2021 and you still believe in the covid sniffle scamdemic hoax :lmao

No, that's not it.

And they would never vote for Condi or Candace. Not in a million years.
Seriously? Umm, yeah they would. They go crazy over intelligent minority women who are conservative and buck the trend. They're ultra hot commodities, like the 98-cent peaches at HEB in late July/early August.

Will Hunting
07-20-2021, 03:20 PM
Right, but, funny thing is -- they would line up for miles to vote for a Condi Rice or Candace Owens type. So it's most definitely partisanship, not racism or sexism.

ChumpDumper admitting by implication that US white GOP males aren't racist :toast :tu
No they wouldn't, they'd revolt if Condi Rice was ever the candidate.

Will Hunting
07-20-2021, 03:24 PM
It's July 2021 and you still believe in the covid sniffle scamdemic hoax :lmao

Seriously? Umm, yeah they would. They go crazy over intelligent minority women who are conservative and buck the trend. They're ultra hot commodities, like the 98-cent peaches at HEB in late July/early August.
:lmao calling Coondace Owens an "intelligent minority woman". All she does is repeat racist right wing dog whistles to try and make them seem more credible coming from a "black woman."

07-20-2021, 04:43 PM
I agree she's mostly an empty pantsuit. Still, bottom line is US white males can't handle any Democratic woman in charge. Even if she succeeds early and does great, she's toast.

Sums it up.

The only thing worse than a black guy is a woman.

They will lose what is left of their minds..

07-20-2021, 04:45 PM
It's July 2021 and you still believe in the covid sniffle scamdemic hoax :lmao.

600k+ dead is not a hoax.

Unless you are an idiot.

Are you an idiot?

07-20-2021, 04:48 PM
Have another beer it's already past noon False Charge DMC.

Lying Larry 2.0 pretending his threads and comments didn't happen. Still unable to grasp the function/purpose of highlighting/mentioning.

Only thing you got going for you is that you're not derp. Keep trying, no one has forgotten.

Will Hunting
07-20-2021, 04:49 PM
600k+ dead is not a hoax.

Unless you are an idiot.

Are you an idiot?
Anyone who thinks Coondace Owens is intelligent is most certainly an idiot.

07-20-2021, 05:14 PM
Anyone who thinks Coondace Owens is intelligent is most certainly an idiot.

Another stellar conservative with non-college bona fides. Dropped out junior year.

Will Hunting
07-20-2021, 05:35 PM
Biden is running again in 2024.

Theres also a reason he’s giving Kamala nothing but shit sandwiches to deal with that do nothing to up her popularity (border crisis, getting impossible voting rights legislation done, etc.) while Buttigieg is getting a massive infrastructure bill on his resume. He knows which one is actually electable and which one isn’t.

Will Hunting
07-20-2021, 05:42 PM
Desantis would mop the floor with her, tbh.

Trump? Meh, not so sure. She is unlikable but so is he and his presence motivates their base.
Unless his health gives out between now and 2024, Trump still gives the GOP the best chance imo. He gets more rural turnout than any other GOP candidate and no one else has the populist appeal.

One big misconception a lot of non-MAGA Republicans seem to be making is thinking a more polite version of Trump can win the suburbs back. The suburbs have been slowly trending blue for decades, all Trump did was kick that trend into overdrive and it’s not going to reverse unless the GOP moderates itself on things like climate change. The meal ticket for the GOP is to continue winning working class whites at Trump-sized margins and to eat into the Dems’ margins with uneducated minorities the way Trump did last year….the educated suburban white voter isn’t coming back though.

There are just so many intangibles about Trump as the candidate that people don’t appreciate. For basically the 30 years prior to his run for president he was depicted as the paragon of American wealth and success by most media outlets in the country. There’s no way another candidate can replicate that, and I don’t think the fact DeSantis is a more polished communicator + actually had a scintilla of human decency that’s displayed when a disaster occurs in his state comes close to outweighing all the unique stuff about Trump.

07-20-2021, 06:23 PM

:lol Pretending that the geriatric racist sexual assaulter Biden won anyhow.

07-20-2021, 07:10 PM
Unless his health gives out between now and 2024, Trump still gives the GOP the best chance imo. He gets more rural turnout than any other GOP candidate and no one else has the populist appeal.

One big misconception a lot of non-MAGA Republicans seem to be making is thinking a more polite version of Trump can win the suburbs back. The suburbs have been slowly trending blue for decades, all Trump did was kick that trend into overdrive and it’s not going to reverse unless the GOP moderates itself on things like climate change. The meal ticket for the GOP is to continue winning working class whites at Trump-sized margins and to eat into the Dems’ margins with uneducated minorities the way Trump did last year….the educated suburban white voter isn’t coming back though.

There are just so many intangibles about Trump as the candidate that people don’t appreciate. For basically the 30 years prior to his run for president he was depicted as the paragon of American wealth and success by most media outlets in the country. There’s no way another candidate can replicate that, and I don’t think the fact DeSantis is a more polished communicator + actually had a scintilla of human decency that’s displayed when a disaster occurs in his state comes close to outweighing all the unique stuff about Trump.

IMO, you underestimate Trump HATE. My brother is not flying up from Jamaica to vote for the first time in his life against DeSantis, but he did against Trump.

07-20-2021, 07:13 PM
IMO, you underestimate Trump HATE. My brother is not flying up from Jamaica to vote for the first time in his life against DeSantis, but he did against Trump.:tu

07-20-2021, 07:18 PM
IMO, you underestimate Trump HATE. My brother is not flying up from Jamaica to vote for the first time in his life against DeSantis, but he did against Trump.

Cool story, bro.

Will Hunting
07-20-2021, 07:42 PM
IMO, you underestimate Trump HATE. My brother is not flying up from Jamaica to vote for the first time in his life against DeSantis, but he did against Trump.
if your brother is an expat living in Jamaica he could have voted by mail, so that’s a pretty stupid and anecdotal example.

07-20-2021, 07:53 PM
Biden is running again in 2024.

Theres also a reason he’s giving Kamala nothing but shit sandwiches to deal with that do nothing to up her popularity (border crisis, getting impossible voting rights legislation done, etc.) while Buttigieg is getting a massive infrastructure bill on his resume. He knows which one is actually electable and which one isn’t.


07-20-2021, 07:54 PM
if your brother is an expat living in Jamaica he could have voted by mail, so that’s a pretty stupid and anecdotal example.


07-20-2021, 08:03 PM
if your brother is an expat living in Jamaica he could have voted by mail, so that’s a pretty stupid and anecdotal example.

And you know nothing about the lack of reliability of mail in a third world country - lol - at depending on that ballot getting to him much less going back to Miami in time (or at all).

07-20-2021, 08:56 PM
And you know nothing about the lack of reliability of mail in a third world country - lol - at depending on that ballot getting to him much less going back to Miami in time (or at all).

Mail votes cast in other countries go to the local embassy, not Miami... smh... he can also vote in person at the US embassy...

This is embarrassing...

07-21-2021, 09:16 AM
The suburbs have been slowly trending blue for decades, all Trump did was kick that trend into overdrive and it’s not going to reverse unless the GOP moderates itself on things like climate change.

Gallup poll shows largest increase in Democratic Party affiliation in a decade

It would appear so.

Will Hunting
07-21-2021, 09:19 AM
Gallup poll shows largest increase in Democratic Party affiliation in a decade

It would appear so.
I don't think the gap is that wide unfortunately. A lot of the people who identify as non-partisan independence are KarrinS honest broker types who wouldn't be caught dead voting Democrat.

07-21-2021, 11:31 AM
I don't think the gap is that wide unfortunately. A lot of the people who identify as non-partisan independence are KarrinS honest broker types who wouldn't be caught dead voting Democrat.

(nods) "I'm not part of party X, but I will vote for party X 90% of the time".

07-21-2021, 11:48 AM
It's July 2021 and you still believe in the covid sniffle scamdemic hoax.

600k+ dead is not a hoax.

Unless you are an idiot.

Are you an idiot?


Seriously, explain what exactly the hoax is/was. Defend this, if you have the stones.

07-21-2021, 12:37 PM
I agree she's mostly an empty pantsuit. Still, bottom line is US white males can't handle any Democratic woman in charge. Even if she succeeds early and does great, she's toast.
In contrast to which male demographic on planet earth handling women in charge?

07-21-2021, 12:58 PM
Gallup poll shows largest increase in Democratic Party affiliation in a decade

It would appear so.
In this article these people polled over the phone basically shifted from Republican to Independent.

Democrats didn't seem to gain in total just margin.

07-21-2021, 01:16 PM
Sums it up.

The only thing worse than a black guy is a woman.

They will lose what is left of their minds..

they'd line up in lines longer than the Trump lines to vote for a Marsha Blackburn or a good black candidate like Tim Scott

Unless his health gives out between now and 2024, Trump still gives the GOP the best chance imo. He gets more rural turnout than any other GOP candidate and no one else has the populist appeal.

One big misconception a lot of non-MAGA Republicans seem to be making is thinking a more polite version of Trump can win the suburbs back. The suburbs have been slowly trending blue for decades, all Trump did was kick that trend into overdrive and it’s not going to reverse unless the GOP moderates itself on things like climate change. The meal ticket for the GOP is to continue winning working class whites at Trump-sized margins and to eat into the Dems’ margins with uneducated minorities the way Trump did last year….the educated suburban white voter isn’t coming back though.

There are just so many intangibles about Trump as the candidate that people don’t appreciate. For basically the 30 years prior to his run for president he was depicted as the paragon of American wealth and success by most media outlets in the country. There’s no way another candidate can replicate that, and I don’t think the fact DeSantis is a more polished communicator + actually had a scintilla of human decency that’s displayed when a disaster occurs in his state comes close to outweighing all the unique stuff about Trump.

You aren't wrong. Maybe he can make the suburban white collar class less blue by winning back the men of that demographic. But the female suburban white yuppies are overwhelmingly blue these days and that won't change.

Trump needs to make severe inroads with Hispanics and minorities in general in order to win again. Run up the score on non-college educated/indoctrinated, of all races. Appeal to Hispanics' social conservatism... provide a path to citizenship for those who are willing to immigrate the right way.

07-21-2021, 01:19 PM
Biden is running again in 2024.

Theres also a reason he’s giving Kamala nothing but shit sandwiches to deal with that do nothing to up her popularity (border crisis, getting impossible voting rights legislation done, etc.) while Buttigieg is getting a massive infrastructure bill on his resume. He knows which one is actually electable and which one isn’t.

Unless he dies. If not he should be a slight favorite. Depends on how far to the right the minority % shifts in that case, and who is the GOP candidate. DeSantis is the only guy I think could beat him outside of maybe Trump if he rebounds... that said... Pence, Pompeo, Haley etc are all boring McCain/Romney types that would lose in similar fashion.

if your brother is an expat living in Jamaica he could have voted by mail, so that’s a pretty stupid and anecdotal example.

My wife's uncle is actually from Jamaica and emigrated to Wyoming after the SLC 2002 olympics because he loved America, GWB, and cold mountain weather instead of tropical Jamaican heat and humidity. He's black as night, he's a well known person in the Jamaican American community and he voted for Trump both times. :toast

And you know nothing about the lack of reliability of mail in a third world country - lol - at depending on that ballot getting to him much less going back to Miami in time (or at all).

Jamaica might technically be third world in the technical specifics of the term, but it is definitely first world compared to most of other black-majority places in the region, tbh.

In this article these people polled over the phone basically shifted from Republican to Independent.

Democrats didn't seem to gain in total just margin.

Yep. Because 2021 is a dark year for the GOP even darker than 2009 because of January 6th, and people who are conservative are afraid they'll be labeled as insurrectionists if they say they are GOP instead of independent.

Will Hunting
07-21-2021, 01:39 PM
Unless he dies. If not he should be a slight favorite. Depends on how far to the right the minority % shifts in that case, and who is the GOP candidate. DeSantis is the only guy I think could beat him outside of maybe Trump if he rebounds... that said... Pence, Pompeo, Haley etc are all boring McCain/Romney types that would lose in similar fashion.
The odds of him dying are lower than the odds of Trump dying. He's only a few years older but he takes better care of himself and isn't a disgusting fat fuck.

Uneducated minorities favor the incumbent regardless of party which is why I'd say Biden is the favorite in 2024 esp. if there's a good economy. Look at how 2004 Bush and 2020 Trump did with uneducated minorities. I think long term the GOP can make more inroads with that group but it'll be really hard to do in 2024 against an incumbent.

And no, winning back educated suburban men isn't happening either (esp. since the GOP hasn't lost nearly as many of them to begin with). The big questions imo are (i) how much more room does the GOP have to fall in the suburbs and (ii) are the Democrats done falling in rural America, or can their margins get worse in places like Wisconsin where rural white voters are still 35-40% Democrat?

07-21-2021, 01:41 PM
In contrast to which male demographic on planet earth handling women in charge?There are plenty of countries with female leaders. You're too busy flying halfway around the world to go to a strip club to notice.

07-21-2021, 02:39 PM
:lmao calling Coondace Owens an "intelligent minority woman". All she does is repeat racist right wing dog whistles to try and make them seem more credible coming from a "black woman."

:lol I swear her tweets read like they are written by some Boomer version of Chris

07-21-2021, 03:42 PM
It's July 2021 and you still believe in the covid sniffle scamdemic hoax.

600k+ dead is not a hoax.

Unless you are an idiot.

Are you an idiot?


Seriously, explain what exactly the hoax is/was. Defend this, if you have the stones.

[runs the other way]

[keeps running]


Thought so. smh

07-21-2021, 03:44 PM
they'd line up in lines longer than the Trump lines to vote for a Marsha Blackburn...


Sure they would. :rolleyes


07-21-2021, 03:47 PM
Trump needs to make severe inroads with Hispanics and minorities in general in order to win again. Run up the score on non-college educated/indoctrinated, of all races. Appeal to Hispanics' social conservatism... provide a path to citizenship for those who are willing to immigrate the right way.


Be less racist = lose racist white people = gain some hispanics

Given the party spine is essentially racist white people, that ain't never gonna happen.

The GOP used to wink at the racists, but have now made the mistake of embracing them, and now they are pretty much in charge.

07-21-2021, 03:54 PM

GOP's far right playbook, explained in excruciating detail. Posted it before, but if you haven't watched it, it is worth watching.


07-21-2021, 06:10 PM
Mail votes cast in other countries go to the local embassy, not Miami... smh... he can also vote in person at the US embassy...

This is embarrassing...

Please tell me where it says he can vote in person at the US Embassy - https://jm.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/voting/

He is registered to vote in Miami where he has a house.

07-21-2021, 08:51 PM
Please tell me where it says he can vote in person at the US Embassy - https://jm.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/voting/

Here, from that link:

Return Your Completed, Signed Ballot

You can send your ballot through international mail, professional courier service, or use the diplomatic pouch. If using the diplomatic pouch, ballots can be dropped off to the American Citizen Services unit by bringing your sealed, addressed ballot with proper postage to:

- The U.S. Embassy applicant entrance at 142 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6 between 7:15 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except U.S. and Jamaican holidays.
- U.S. Consular Agency Montego Bay at Whitter Village, Suite EU1, Rose Hall, St James between 9:00 a.m. and noon, Monday to Friday, except U.S. and Jamaican holidays.
- U.S. Consular Agency Cayman Islands at Smith Road Center, Unit 202B, Grand Cayman between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, except U.S. and Cayman holidays.

He is registered to vote in Miami where he has a house.

As the link you provided notes, he can download and print the ballot from https://www.fvap.gov/, fill it up and bring it to the embassy.
The only requirement is that it's done about a month in advance.

There's no need to travel to the US to vote.

07-21-2021, 10:47 PM
There are plenty of countries with female leaders. You're too busy flying halfway around the world to go to a strip club to notice.
:lol. I had an amazing trip tbh. Family came thru. Gorgeous women. So much heritage.

Come to Kraków and Gdańsk. Even if you don't fall for a girl, I guarantee you will for the city.

07-22-2021, 02:17 AM
:lol. I had an amazing trip tbh. Family came thru. Gorgeous women. So much heritage.

Come to Kraków and Gdańsk. Even if you don't fall for a girl, I guarantee you will for the city.You went to a strip club and tried to brag about it.:lmao

07-22-2021, 02:43 AM
You went to a strip club and tried to brag about it.:lmao
Not my personality to brag tbh

Come to Cali. We'll talk about my Euro Trip