View Full Version : Stop overrating Spurs Players.

07-22-2021, 10:19 PM
The entire team sucks balls. I watched the Suns vs Bucks series and there is NO SPURS that are championship caliber or gamers. They all suck and the team should get rid of all of them. Not one of them has the mental fortitude to take over a game, make a winning shot, block, steal or fight. I’m tired of your stupid ass opinions on anything that wears black and silver. It’s disgusting.

07-22-2021, 10:26 PM
Let’s see…

joined in 2003.

Must be at least 18 years old.

to be 18+ and acting this way is pathetic.

imagine being this unhappy with your life that you spend so much time hating on people who are happy with theirs.

07-22-2021, 10:31 PM
I think White, Keldon could be good role players on a championship team and wouldn't surprise me if they end up on a title team during one point of time in their careers. Hopefully it's on the Spurs.

07-22-2021, 10:33 PM
Let’s see…

joined in 2003.

Must be at least 18 years old.

to be 18+ and acting this way is pathetic.

imagine being this unhappy with your life that you spend so much time hating on people who are happy with theirs.

Hey rookie, when you get 20k posts you can reply to my shit. Dejounte sucks like your posts

07-22-2021, 10:44 PM
Let’s see…

joined in 2003.

Must be at least 18 years old.

to be 18+ and acting this way is pathetic.

imagine being this unhappy with your life that you spend so much time hating on people who are happy with theirs.

There’s one overrater

07-22-2021, 11:11 PM
I think White, Keldon could be good role players on a championship team and wouldn't surprise me if they end up on a title team during one point of time in their careers. Hopefully it's on the Spurs.

I would agree. Keldon is the best thing the Spurs have going for them. White is always hurt?

07-22-2021, 11:23 PM
I would agree. Keldon is the best thing the Spurs have going for them. White is always hurt?

Agreed White is injury prone but if he can ever figure it out how to stay healthy then he can be an above average player. Curry got hurt a lot early in his career but eventually figured out he had to change his body movements and the way he even walked to change it. Hopefully White eventually figures it out.

R. DeMurre
07-22-2021, 11:28 PM

07-23-2021, 12:23 AM
2009 thread tbh

baseline bum
07-23-2021, 12:53 AM
The entire team sucks balls. I watched the Suns vs Bucks series and there is NO SPURS that are championship caliber or gamers. They all suck and the team should get rid of all of them. Not one of them has the mental fortitude to take over a game, make a winning shot, block, steal or fight. I’m tired of your stupid ass opinions on anything that wears black and silver. It’s disgusting.


07-23-2021, 01:00 AM
You need 9 rotational players for a playoff team. The Spurs have White and Poeltl. Given, any team, they would get minutes. Murray is a maybe, depending on what stars the team has built around them.

Johnson is likely ready by next season.
Vassell is probably 2 seasons away. He has everything a team wants.
Walker is a big question mark. His game might age well when he matures in the game.

Obviously, Gay and DDR are too. But for DDR it's the price of a contract that comes with it.

07-23-2021, 01:54 AM
Bring back Bonner imo

DeRozan m8
07-23-2021, 02:21 AM
Let’s see…

joined in 2003.

Must be at least 18 years old.

to be 18+ and acting this way is pathetic.

imagine being this unhappy with your life that you spend so much time hating on people who are happy with theirs.

What the fuck are you talking about?

He's allowed to fairly criticise this garbage team...

They are spineless...it is what it is

Go hang on reddit or fb with other spurs fans who can't handle the truth, if you're just gonna pussy out here

07-23-2021, 04:07 AM
What the fuck are you talking about?

He's allowed to fairly criticise this garbage team...

They are spineless...it is what it is

Go hang on reddit or fb with other spurs fans who can't handle the truth, if you're just gonna pussy out here

ok, tough guy

saying the team is garbage is one thing

Being an asshole to people who think the other way is another

this guy spends majority of his time so focused on what other people think and cries about it. Imagine your whole exisitence being all about anti-whatever someone else’s opinion. Be original, stay in your own lane, and have your own thoughts.

the same way he’s allowed to criticize the garbage team, other people should be allowed to praise it. And it’s fucking weird you don’t agree with that because it’s hypocritical.

07-23-2021, 04:30 AM

Exactly! Love ya bro

07-23-2021, 04:31 AM
Bring back Bonner imo

Take your fuckin meds

07-23-2021, 04:32 AM
What the fuck are you talking about?

He's allowed to fairly criticise this garbage team...

They are spineless...it is what it is

Go hang on reddit or fb with other spurs fans who can't handle the truth, if you're just gonna pussy out here

I don’t need back up. Js

07-23-2021, 04:35 AM
ok, tough guy

saying the team is garbage is one thing

Being an asshole to people who think the other way is another

this guy spends majority of his time so focused on what other people think and cries about it. Imagine your whole exisitence being all about anti-whatever someone else’s opinion. Be original, stay in your own lane, and have your own thoughts.

the same way he’s allowed to criticize the garbage team, other people should be allowed to praise it. And it’s fucking weird you don’t agree with that because it’s hypocritical.

Check the win loss column and watch a fucking game for once and stop calling yourself Dejounte, that’s stupid.

07-23-2021, 04:52 AM
The truth is always somewhere in the middle. Yes the talent lvl is mediocre at best but one or two MVP lvl players can elevate garbage and mediocre guys to servicable NBA players on a championship team. We need at least one and if we're being totally honest, two top lvl, tier 1 whatever the fuck you want to call them and then some of these other players won't look as bad. We need gravity players, we need to tank, real tank until we get one and then maybe that one can attract another one. That's how it goes in the NBA.

07-23-2021, 05:04 AM
Take your fuckin meds

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

07-23-2021, 09:28 AM
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Makes me laugh every time I read this. :lol

07-23-2021, 09:50 AM
Hey rookie, when you get 20k posts you can reply to my shit. Dejounte sucks like your posts

the old "look at how many posts i have" argument; as if a post is the equivalent to being published or having a PhD.

07-23-2021, 09:54 AM
Yeah we suck. Hopefully they go back to the recipe for success and decide to tank eventually. Otherwise we're gonna be stuck in purgatory forever, tbh.

LaMarcus Bryant
07-23-2021, 11:28 AM
The entire team sucks balls. I watched the Suns vs Bucks series and there is NO SPURS that are championship caliber or gamers. They all suck and the team should get rid of all of them. Not one of them has the mental fortitude to take over a game, make a winning shot, block, steal or fight. I’m tired of your stupid ass opinions on anything that wears black and silver. It’s disgusting.

He's right, you know.

07-23-2021, 12:23 PM
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Sure df. Probably made E-3 and got kicked out for not cooking eggs properly.

Drom John
07-23-2021, 01:19 PM
Sure df. Probably made E-3 and got kicked out for not cooking eggs properly.

That would be me.
Starting at age ten, I drink the dregs of beer kegs (think brewers' yeast) at bedtime, and about once a week, crack an egg into the mug.
Age 13, at camp somewhere near Stuttgart, ordealing for Order of the Arrow:
early morning, first given a tin cup with milk, then an egg, ...
But before given a third item, I had cracked the egg into the cup and drank it.
Then they gave me a match. "Where's the egg?"
Pantomimed what happened.
Conference of leaders.
"Here's another egg. Cook it properly... but you can't eat it."

07-23-2021, 01:57 PM
You need 9 rotational players for a playoff team. The Spurs have White and Poeltl. Given, any team, they would get minutes. Murray is a maybe, depending on what stars the team has built around them.

Johnson is likely ready by next season.
Vassell is probably 2 seasons away. He has everything a team wants.
Walker is a big question mark. His game might age well when he matures in the game.

Obviously, Gay and DDR are too. But for DDR it's the price of a contract that comes with it.

As far as under 30 goes, who wouldn't championship teams potentially want?

PG: Murray (not there yet, but his shooting is improving unlike someone in Philly)/Tre (he was a rookie with little minutes but his skillset has upside as a backup PG)
SG: White (he just needs to be healthy consistently tbh)/Walker (the upside is there but he's definitely a question mark)
SF: Vassell (really good 3&D prospect just hasn't gotten consistent minutes yet bc he was a rookie)
PF: Keldon (the 3 point shot is getting better, big and strong, bullies opposing players. You see how he's doing with the Olympic team early on)/Luka (prototypical what you want at the 4 we just have to see how he develops)
C: Poeltl (I guess you could argue he's not a starter on a championship team bc he can't shoot, but I definitely think he could play a big role on one.)

Most of these guys are a good bit younger though. When you're 28/29 you know what you have in a player. 23/24 not so much always.

07-23-2021, 02:14 PM
no one that knows anything about basketball thinks any spurs players is good. most of them are average and only Keldon has potential to be very good. People thinkin every single season how Murray, White and Poeltl are gonna be good players are fucking retarded.

Allan Rowe vs Wade
07-23-2021, 05:37 PM

07-23-2021, 07:21 PM
no one that knows anything about basketball thinks any spurs players is good. most of them are average and only Keldon has potential to be very good. People thinkin every single season how Murray, White and Poeltl are gonna be good players are fucking retarded.

Those three are playoff rotational players for most teams. And they all on good contracts.

07-23-2021, 07:56 PM
Those three are playoff rotational players for most teams. And they all on good contracts.

yes, their limit will be that they are a role player. None of them will ever be an all star or a difference maker. On a serious team they get 10 min a game in the playoffs and thats it... Well, Poeltl gets 0.

07-23-2021, 08:47 PM
Spurs have some off and on talent but other than Keldon none seems primed to take next step and with a farce of a FO that did not get rid of either DDR or Aldridge for anything and a retired in place/stubborn coach the future is not bright. Unless a big move is made Spurs stuck as a 8-12 level WC team for years.

07-23-2021, 09:12 PM
yes, their limit will be that they are a role player. None of them will ever be an all star or a difference maker. On a serious team they get 10 min a game in the playoffs and thats it... Well, Poeltl gets 0.

So incredibly false. All three would be a rotational player in the vast majority of playoff teams.

07-23-2021, 09:51 PM
Murray and Walker clearly have potential.
I don't know what's going on there; but I figure Gregg gummed up the works.

The people who are getting excited about Derrick White are the same people who were getting excited about George Hill, tbh.

07-23-2021, 09:54 PM
Also, I liked Keldon in college and I've seen some good things from him.
But again, I think Gregg gums up the works.
I try not to get too high as long as Gregg is steering the ship.
Dude threw away the 2013 chip FFS.

07-23-2021, 11:05 PM
Yeah. I did read on spurstalk last week that Derrick white was an excellent playmaker Crofl

07-23-2021, 11:05 PM
Oh. And we're stacked at rebounding too

07-24-2021, 01:16 AM
If thats how u feel then....bye...you'll be missed

07-24-2021, 01:35 AM
Oh. And we're stacked at rebounding too

21st in rebounding last season.

07-24-2021, 04:29 AM
The spurs need another post option, a reliable one. But i guess they love picking guards. And might draft the guy from oz

07-24-2021, 10:21 AM
The spurs need another post option, a reliable one. But i guess they love picking guards. And might draft the guy from oz

Gay getting old. They need a wing.

Walker needed to be hardcore developed from the word go. He could've been their Booker. No way he can fulfill that capacity at this point though.

07-27-2021, 11:16 PM
Hey rookie, when you get 20k posts you can reply to my shit. Dejounte sucks like your posts

Who gives a flying fuck what your post count is, debbie downer.

Suicide hotlines exist for people like you. Call those instead of posting your emo thoughts on here. Thanks in advance.