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08-11-2021, 10:08 AM
Search feature is disabled so i couldnt find the bitcoin thread. but this thread is for all crypto discussions

EIP 1559 launched last week and ETH has been pumping ever since, after it bottomed around ~1700 it's been holding steady at $3k+ for a few days now and only going to go up

Anyone else here invested in crypto at all? right now I own ETH, ADA, MATIC, and AMP

08-11-2021, 10:39 AM
I just read one of them was ripped off for $600 million by a hacking group and apparently, it was nothing too complex.

Still a shaky proposition for me.

08-11-2021, 10:44 AM
I just read one of them was ripped off for $600 million by a hacking group and apparently, it was nothing too complex.

Still a shaky proposition for me.

Yeah, Poly Network got hacked, but apparently the hackers have already returned like 250M of what they stole :lol

08-11-2021, 10:45 AM
tbh, the only people who think cypto is a scam are those who dont understand or arent making money with it :lol

baseline bum
08-11-2021, 11:05 AM
Crypto is stupid as hell. Designed to keep using more and more power to just make shit up out of thin air. Fucking ethereum has ruined PC gaming since they always tweak the algorithm so you can keep mining on consumer graphics cards instead of becoming obsolete quickly in favor of dedicated ASICs like Bitcoin. I hope ETH's inventors die of AIDS.

08-11-2021, 11:18 AM
Tough crowd :lol

08-11-2021, 11:25 AM
Its all a scam. You can make your own fucking coins. :lol

The stock market and US dollar are equally a scam

08-11-2021, 11:27 AM
Crypto is stupid as hell. Designed to keep using more and more power to just make shit up out of thin air. Fucking ethereum has ruined PC gaming since they always tweak the algorithm so you can keep mining on consumer graphics cards instead of becoming obsolete quickly in favor of dedicated ASICs like Bitcoin. I hope ETH's inventors die of AIDS.

Its actually an amazing concept that changed the world.

I agree its bad for environment. But looks like china 8s shutting miners down there. So if you minus chinese miners, its actually not bad at all :lol

08-11-2021, 11:27 AM
Crypto is stupid as hell. Designed to keep using more and more power to just make shit up out of thin air. Fucking ethereum has ruined PC gaming since they always tweak the algorithm so you can keep mining on consumer graphics cards instead of becoming obsolete quickly in favor of dedicated ASICs like Bitcoin. I hope ETH's inventors die of AIDS.

Its actually an amazing concept that changed the world.

I agree its bad for environment. But looks like china 8s shutting miners down there. So if you minus chinese miners, its actually not bad at all :lol

08-11-2021, 11:35 AM
The stock market and US dollar are equally a scam

This is pretty much it. Crypto just happens to be later in the game. The primary reason to buy a stock is just the hope that at some point, someone will want to pay more for it than you. It's musical chairs. Eventually, a buyer can't find a seller and gets fucked. And that's not to say that you shouldn't buy stocks. Just that your ownership doesn't mean shit. 99% of the time.

baseline bum
08-11-2021, 11:37 AM
Its actually an amazing concept that changed the world.

I agree its bad for environment. But looks like china 8s shutting miners down there. So if you minus chinese miners, its actually not bad at all :lol

Oh yeah amazing. A bunch of fuckheads building large mining farms that use huge amounts of electricity to make some fake currency out of thin air.

baseline bum
08-11-2021, 11:38 AM
The stock market and US dollar are equally a scam

There's that famous hater whataboutism

Will Hunting
08-11-2021, 11:41 AM
LMAO @ comparing the stock market to crypo. When you buy a stock, you're buying a portion of a company's future cash flows because you think the present value of said cash flows is worth more than what the market share price is. With crypto you're buying something that has absolutely no intrinsic value and is getting propped up purely by manufactured demand.

08-11-2021, 11:46 AM
There's that famous hater (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=7609) whataboutism

He believes there is a corrupt oligarchy that controls everything in the world and also believes said oligarchy will sit by idly and watch their established, regulated and proven monetary system fall to a bunch of non existent currencies easily hijacked by 2-bit hackers. LOL.

There's no traction, there's no need really aside from illicit/illegal activities. It's literally the Dale of financial opportunities. Looks good, sounds good, but it's nothing but an empty box. We're 15 years in and little to no progress with crypto currency.

08-11-2021, 11:47 AM
LMAO @ comparing the stock market to crypo. When you buy a stock, you're buying a portion of a company's future cash flows because you think the present value of said cash flows is worth more than what the market share price is. With crypto you're buying something that has absolutely no intrinsic value and is getting propped up purely by manufactured demand.

It won't let me like this post. Either way, this is the tombstone for this thread.

08-11-2021, 11:49 AM
LMAO @ comparing the stock market to crypo. When you buy a stock, you're buying a portion of a company's future cash flows because you think the present value of said cash flows is worth more than what the market share price is. With crypto you're buying something that has absolutely no intrinsic value and is getting propped up purely by manufactured demand.It's kind of like Tinkerbell; as long as we all believe in crypto, it will continue to be shiny and magic.

08-11-2021, 11:50 AM
Oh yeah amazing. A bunch of fuckheads building large mining farms that use huge amounts of electricity to make some fake currency out of thin air.

Crypto is one of the greatest inventions in the las 25 years. Whoever disagrees just does not get it.

Will Hunting
08-11-2021, 11:50 AM
It's kind of like Tinkerbell; as long as we all believe in crypto, it will continue to be shiny and magic.
Or like tulips in the 17th century.

baseline bum
08-11-2021, 11:55 AM
Ethereum is the worst. They have some retarded libertarian fantasy that they're keeping the coin in the hands of small time miners by always tweaking the algorithm so it can be mined on consumer graphics cards when what really happens is big mining farms just buy up all the graphics cards and keep them out of the hands of gamers. Fucking gpus were going for 4x MSRP at the height of the bubble thanks to shitbird Ethereum miners and they're still ridiculously overpriced.

baseline bum
08-11-2021, 11:58 AM
Crypto is one of the greatest inventions in the las 25 years. Whoever disagrees just does not get it.

You keep saying that shit without ever explaining it. What's amazing about consuming a shitload of power and destabilizing electric infrastructure to make some fantasy currency up out of thin air?

08-11-2021, 12:11 PM
You keep saying that shit without ever explaining it. What's amazing about consuming a shitload of power and destabilizing electric infrastructure to make some fantasy currency up out of thin air?

Because it introduced the blockchain technology. This is being used now on tons of industries.

Its immutable, secure, decentralized, and relatively quick.

Its no surprise entire countries are adopting it in their currencies. China is the first. More to come.

And it can be applied not only on currencies, but any use. Social, medical, finance, etc.

If you think crypto invention is shit you just dont get it.

baseline bum
08-11-2021, 12:16 PM
Because it introduced the blockchain technology. This is being used now on tons of industries.

Its immutable, secure, decentralized, and relatively quick.

Its no surprise entire countries are adopting it in their currencies. China is the first. More to come.

And it can be applied not only on currencies, but any use. Social, medical, finance, etc.

If you think crypto invention is shit you just dont get it.

So secure that some high school kid and his brother stole $2 billion.

08-11-2021, 12:17 PM
LMAO @ comparing the stock market to crypo. When you buy a stock, you're buying a portion of a company's future cash flows because you think the present value of said cash flows is worth more than what the market share price is. With crypto you're buying something that has absolutely no intrinsic value and is getting propped up purely by manufactured demand.

The stock market is built on hype and bullshit just like crypto.

If the hype goes down for a company whatever you purchased is shit similar to crypto.

I believe crypto founder did not intend for this as he designed the decentralized system for payments/transactions.

If ppl are using it to make $ and then lose its because they are stupid fucks who would have probably blown their money on something else.

That does not mean we can say crypto is a scam :lmao.:lmao

Thats fucking stupid :lol

08-11-2021, 12:22 PM
So secure that some high school kid and his brother stole $2 billion.

It is secure. But if the owner of the account saves his password on a server or inadvertently sends coins to unknown accounts then :lol obviously nothing can protect stupidity :lol

08-11-2021, 12:23 PM
tbh, the only people who think cypto is a scam are those who dont understand or arent making money with it :lol

Most people don’t understand it. From the outside it looks like a scam because it kind of is.

You have to literally keep mining it to maintain its glory as it were. Unless you’re loaded like Musk and Cuban, this isn’t an effective money maker for the average person. If the value drops which happens weekly, they’re not going to feel the loss like you and I would.

08-11-2021, 12:26 PM
Most people don’t understand it. From the outside it looks like a scam because it kind of is.

You have to literally keep mining it to maintain its glory as it were. Unless you’re loaded like Musk and Cuban, this isn’t an effective money maker for the average person. If the value drops which happens weekly, they’re not going to feel the lost like you and I would.

My buddy this past yr went from $1400 in doge to $106000, back down to $60,000, and now I have no idea but he won't pull his money out which is ridiculous. Last time he showed me his portfolio was months ago so I wonder where it's at now.

Either way anything computational is also hackable and controlled by governments no matter how hard yall try to convince me otherwise.

08-11-2021, 12:27 PM
Most people don’t understand it. From the outside it looks like a scam because it kind of is.

You have to literally keep mining it to maintain its glory as it were. Unless you’re loaded like Musk and Cuban, this isn’t an effective money maker for the average person. If the value drops which happens weekly, they’re not going to feel the lost like you and I would.

All these copycat coins (doge, etc) are just copycats. If someone is stupid enough to "invest" in a dog coin then this stupid fuck will probably blow that money on something else :lol

I mainly talking about the bigdog. Bitcoin. Ethereum is also decent as it brings cool features.that bitcoin doesnt. The rest are trash I agree.

08-11-2021, 12:29 PM
My buddy this past yr went from $1400 in doge to $106000, back down to $60,000, and now I have no idea but he won't pull his money out which is ridiculous. Last time he showed me his portfolio was months ago so I wonder where it's at now.

Either way anything computational is also hackable and controlled by governments no matter how hard yall try to convince me otherwise.

Bitcoin and ethereum are not "hackable" save those 2 scenarios I described (getting private key sitting on a server or tricking someone to send coins to their account)

08-11-2021, 12:35 PM
Bitcoin and ethereum are not "hackable" save those 2 scenarios I described (getting private key sitting on a server or tricking someone to send coins to their account)

If they haven't been hacked yet they will in the future. Everything is hackable that's computational.

08-11-2021, 12:35 PM

08-11-2021, 12:39 PM
If they haven't been hacked yet they will in the future. Everything is hackable that's computational.

You need a quantum computer to hack it (theoretically)

Those havent really been invented yet. I believe the bitcoin devs are already working on next gen encryption that even the quantum computers wont be able to touch.

So yes. I truly believe crypto when built correctly is unhackable.

But I also agree anything is possible in the end.

08-11-2021, 12:47 PM
Hater with some truth nukes in this thread :tu

08-11-2021, 01:04 PM
Aside from the hacks, hasn't the IRS seized billions in BTC?
I recently read a headline where someone in the IRS called seizing btc a "side-hustle" for the gov, doesn't sound auspicious to me

08-11-2021, 01:08 PM
Its all a scam. You can make your own fucking coins. :lol

$600M stolen this week.

keep your coins on a hardware wallet chez vous, and disconnected from Internet until needed

baseline bum
08-11-2021, 01:12 PM
Hater with some truth nukes in this thread :tu

Oh yeah this shit is going to be great for our electrical grid once the mining farms move here after China cracked down on them.

08-11-2021, 01:13 PM
Aside from the hacks, hasn't the IRS seized billions in BTC?
I recently read a headline where someone in the IRS called seizing btc a "side-hustle" for the gov, doesn't sound auspicious to me

Well if you keep your crypto coins in accounts managed by central exchanges like Coinbase. Then yeah the government can do whatever the hell they want. I read thats what happened here.

You want to move those coins immediately to a private wallet. Then its impenetrable. Of course if u really a bad guy government can hack it by obtaining your password which most ppl have saved somewhere in their pcs.

08-11-2021, 01:14 PM
Oh yeah this shit is going to be great for our electrical grid once the mining farms move here after China cracked down on them.

US datacenters already take about 10% of US electricity

08-11-2021, 01:16 PM
tbh complaining about the use of electricity it takes to mine coins is kinda silly, considering how much energy it takes to run the hundreds of thousands banks and other financial centers in the US.

DeFi is the future. Ethereum is front and center. i'll remember to bump this thread when I'm in ETH millionaire in 5 years :lol

08-11-2021, 01:17 PM
and i'd also argue that saying it makes currency out of nothing isnt exactly true. and even if it were, how is that any different than fiat currency, which is literally just printed money thats only worth something because people believe it is

08-11-2021, 01:21 PM
Oh yeah this shit is going to be great for our electrical grid once the mining farms move here after China cracked down on them.

Lol a.gamer complaining about wasting electricity :lmao.:lol

baseline bum
08-11-2021, 03:20 PM
tbh complaining about the use of electricity it takes to mine coins is kinda silly, considering how much energy it takes to run the hundreds of thousands banks and other financial centers in the US.

DeFi is the future. Ethereum is front and center. i'll remember to bump this thread when I'm in ETH millionaire in 5 years :lol

Are banks designed to explicitly consume more electricity over time? Because with Moore's Law long dead, cryptocurrency is designed to keep consuming more power as mining gets more difficult over time. Also banks provide services for a real currency I can go spend anywhere and that has a relatively stable value.

Lol a.gamer complaining about wasting electricity :lmao.:lol

Oh yeah me playing my PS5 for three hours is the exact same shit as some douchebag with a warehouse of RTX 3080 and RX 5700 XT running balls to the wall 24 hours a day.

Trill Clinton
08-11-2021, 03:25 PM
STELLAR LUMENS(Coinbase card reward)

is what I own at the moment. Looking to get some SUSHI and AAVE next

The Reckoning
08-11-2021, 05:50 PM
cryptards are so funny.

"democratize money! deregulation! no taxes!"

then their magic internet money is stolen...

":cry help me FTC i was hacked :cry"

it's sad to see the middle and lower class being taken advantage of by a few foreign whales. just wait until all that american wealth is transferred out of the country once it is regulated.

i much prefer to trade derivatives and leverage rates...and i don't mind paying capital gains because it means i'm doing well.

08-11-2021, 06:07 PM
Nice rant bro :tu

08-11-2021, 06:55 PM
i'll remember to bump this thread when I'm in ETH millionaire in 5 years :lol

Bold move. This has 2 endings. Either you'll hit and get lucky or you will lose it all. Either way is gambling right now.

But I wish you the former obviously, you're a good guy. :tu

08-11-2021, 07:34 PM
Bold move. This has 2 endings. Either you'll hit and get lucky or you will lose it all. Either way is gambling right now.

But I wish you the former obviously, you're a good guy. :tu

Thanks brah. I've only invested what I'm willing to part with so it's a low risk/high reward tbh

08-11-2021, 09:48 PM
Oh yeah me playing my PS5 for three hours is the exact same shit as some douchebag with a warehouse of RTX 3080 and RX 5700 XT running balls to the wall 24 hours a day.

:lmao 3 hours

You mean 30 hours niga. That plus your 3x30+ inch monitors and 100w speakers you basically a one man mining operation :lol

Its hilarious that a hardcore gamer bitches about someone rigging up a few graphics cards to make a buck

Hilarious :lol

08-11-2021, 09:50 PM
cryptards are so funny.

"democratize money! deregulation! no taxes!"

then their magic internet money is stolen...

":cry help me FTC i was hacked :cry"

it's sad to see the middle and lower class being taken advantage of by a few foreign whales. just wait until all that american wealth is transferred out of the country once it is regulated.

i much prefer to trade derivatives and leverage rates...and i don't mind paying capital gains because it means i'm doing well.

Yet you are compelled to post here :lol

:lol jealous much

08-11-2021, 09:50 PM
Nice rant bro :tu


08-11-2021, 09:51 PM
Thanks brah. I've only invested what I'm willing to part with so it's a low risk/high reward tbh


Only a complete moron would invest their life savings into the roulette that is crypto coins :lol

baseline bum
08-11-2021, 09:57 PM
:lmao 3 hours

You mean 30 hours niga. That plus your 3x30+ inch monitors and 100w speakers you basically a one man mining operation :lol

Its hilarious that a hardcore gamer bitches about someone rigging up a few graphics cards to make a buck

Hilarious :lol

How am I going to play my PS5 30 hours in a day? So my one PS5 plus three 30 inch LED monitors plus my 100W speakers running for 30 hours a day is the same shit as a warehouse full of RTX 3080 and RX 5700 XT running balls to the wall all 24 hours of the day?

08-11-2021, 10:45 PM
How am I going to play my PS5 30 hours in a day? So my one PS5 plus three 30 inch LED monitors plus my 100W speakers running for 30 hours a day is the same shit as a warehouse full of RTX 3080 and RX 5700 XT running balls to the wall all 24 hours of the day?

Who has warehouses of rtx 3080s in the USA? :lol Thats not even good money.

Maybe in china somehow if u jack the cards and have some kind of hookup w nuclear power.

Show me 1 person that has a warehouse of rtx 3080s her nig. Thats a rarity thats not even worth it to get fussy about :lol

Take it easy play your games and let nigas mine their little coins

08-11-2021, 10:52 PM
Cryptocurrency has no future. Based Islam

baseline bum
08-11-2021, 11:25 PM
Who has warehouses of rtx 3080s in the USA? :lol Thats not even good money.

Maybe in china somehow if u jack the cards and have some kind of hookup w nuclear power.

Show me 1 person that has a warehouse of rtx 3080s her nig. Thats a rarity thats not even worth it to get fussy about :lol

Take it easy play your games and let nigas mine their little coins

What are you talking about, RTX 3080 is hugely profitable to mine ether on at US energy prices. Not good money my ass. You're a retard so allegedly knowledgeable about mining and not knowing mining farms exist here too and will only grow here after China shut them down. Also LOL no big cryptominers in the US when we have the allegedly largest cryptomine in the world about 140 miles from San Antonio.

08-11-2021, 11:31 PM

08-12-2021, 12:16 AM
Crypto is for losers

08-12-2021, 12:28 AM

Only a complete moron would invest their life savings into the roulette that is crypto coins :lol

...or a dollar.

08-12-2021, 12:50 AM
:lmao 3 hours

You mean 30 hours niga. That plus your 3x30+ inch monitors and 100w speakers you basically a one man mining operation :lol

Its hilarious that a hardcore gamer bitches about someone rigging up a few graphics cards to make a buck

Hilarious :lol

He's solar.

Who cares if you play 20 or 30 hours. How is that relevant to the thread? Crypto is at best a hobby, never your main source of revenue. You cant count on that shit. :lol

08-12-2021, 10:40 AM
Crypto is for losers

i'll keep that in mind while i'm wiping my tears away with money

The Reckoning
08-12-2021, 11:37 AM
i'll keep that in mind while i'm wiping my tears away with money

would that be with government controlled fiat money?

Trill Clinton
08-12-2021, 12:35 PM
i'll keep that in mind while i'm wiping my tears away with money

Check this site out. A lot of good info here


08-12-2021, 12:38 PM
i'll keep that in mind while i'm wiping my tears away with money


08-12-2021, 01:17 PM
i'll keep that in mind while i'm wiping my tears away with money
damn, so soft

"hey what do you guys think about crypto"

"dont care for it"

":cry yeah but i made money so take that! :cry"

08-12-2021, 01:20 PM
damn, so soft

"hey what do you guys think about crypto"

"dont care for it"

":cry yeah but i made money so take that! :cry"

:lol i wouldnt say the only response was "dont care for it." lot more negative responses than i would have initially thought

Tbh i dont care if anyone here values crypto or not :lol especially dudes that are probably 50+ and have no clue what it even is. hearing people talking about crypto and DeFi like its a scam makes me think of people in the 90s talking about how the internet was gimmicky. in the end, for me, it's about making gains, which i have done nicely thus far :tu

08-12-2021, 01:22 PM
damn, so soft

"hey what do you guys think about crypto"

"dont care for it"

":cry yeah but i made money so take that! :cry"

Except thats not what happened

Adam Lambert
08-12-2021, 01:26 PM
Crypto earnings should be taxed at 75%, and I say that as someone with investments in crypto.

LaMarcus Bryant
08-12-2021, 01:27 PM
cryptards are so funny.

"democratize money! deregulation! no taxes!"

then their magic internet money is stolen...

":cry help me FTC i was hacked :cry"

it's sad to see the middle and lower class being taken advantage of by a few foreign whales. just wait until all that american wealth is transferred out of the country once it is regulated.

i much prefer to trade derivatives and leverage rates...and i don't mind paying capital gains because it means i'm doing well.

Whoa, the reckoning makes an appearance. And he shits on crypto and talks about trading derivatives lol. My how times change

08-12-2021, 01:29 PM
Crypto earnings should be taxed at 75%, and I say that as someone with investments in crypto.

No problem. I can transfer my coins to another private wallet and cash out in another country :tu

Only an idiot would pay 75% tax :lmao

LaMarcus Bryant
08-12-2021, 01:30 PM
I fucks with crypto but purely on a speculative basis. I assume 2021 taxes on crypto are not going to change with any new law so cashing out long-term gains monthly i made a year ago. My entire cost basis has been out for months now. For me, most of the fun in crypto is trolling and shitting on my friend who got burnt on the last bubble :lol

Adam Lambert
08-12-2021, 01:56 PM
No problem. I can transfer my coins to another private wallet and cash out in another country :tu

Only an idiot would pay 75% tax :lmao

That's fine, we already have similar tax loopholes for billionaires, I'm good with at least making the process more difficult for homebody crypto gamblers who don't contribute to the economy in any meaningful way. :tu

08-12-2021, 02:01 PM
That's fine, we already have similar tax loopholes for billionaires, I'm good with at least making the process more difficult for homebody crypto gamblers who don't contribute to the economy in any meaningful way. :tu

Id be more for increasing tax on billionaires not homebody crypto nobodies

08-12-2021, 08:08 PM
i'll keep that in mind while i'm wiping my tears away with money

thanks Shapiro

Trill Clinton
08-16-2021, 07:52 PM

Check this out and let me know what you think. I was doing some DD on NFT's and came across Decentraland(MANA)


08-16-2021, 09:36 PM

Check this out and let me know what you think. I was doing some DD on NFT's and came across Decentraland(MANA)


That's pretty awesome, can't wait to see how it progresses as the technology evolves. And another reason I'm a believer in ETH tbh. Going to add MANA to the watch list and add some to the wallet when there's a nice dip :tu

09-01-2021, 01:53 PM
ETH steadily climbing and up to 3.7k today. Impressive since BTC has been teetering around 48k for awhile and bounced off the 50k resistance a few times.

If this shit ever gets to 10k a coin I'm retiring :lol

09-01-2021, 02:03 PM
Everyone in El Salvador getting $30 bitcoin on Sept 7 :lol

Congrats to ma jiga ElNoNo :tu :tu

How u gona spend you $30 ElNoNo?


09-01-2021, 02:07 PM
:lmao Chivo Wallet


09-01-2021, 02:11 PM

09-07-2021, 12:12 PM

09-07-2021, 12:15 PM
SEC are evil demons who need to GTFO out trying to extort the crypto world for their own gain.

Bogus lawsuit vs Ripple needs to be thrown out ASAP.

LaMarcus Bryant
09-07-2021, 02:08 PM
mouthpiece slurping Steph Curry jinxed the rally :lol

09-21-2021, 09:48 PM
Gensler telegraphs the punch



09-21-2021, 09:57 PM
Gensler telegraphs the punch



They have no jurisdiction. Besides the large american exchanges of course.

All they will be able to regulate is those. The large exchanges. Everything else will still be the wild west :tu

09-23-2021, 08:39 AM
Anyone fuck with IOTA?


Pretty cool shit. Not a blockchain but a Directed Acylic Graph. So no long time to approve transactions and more importantly. no fees

Getting me a bunch of Iotas this could be the future. :tu

baseline bum
09-23-2021, 09:32 AM
How can anyone believe in this bullshit? It's supposed to be a currency but its transactions are almost all speculation as opposed to transactions where you actually buy shit with it.

09-23-2021, 09:42 AM
How can anyone believe in this bullshit? It's supposed to be a currency but its transactions are almost all speculation as opposed to transactions where you actually buy shit with it.

It’s a new unregulated space to do pump and dump and separate the fool from their money. Free country though.

09-23-2021, 09:44 AM
How can anyone believe in this bullshit? It's supposed to be a currency but its transactions are almost all speculation as opposed to transactions where you actually buy shit with it.

Oh it is mostly speculation. So is ethereum tbqh.

Doesnt mean it has no use or no value. If it has a use it has a value. Thus cryptocurrencies do have value in the end. Why? Its a safe, free from regulation, unmodifiable payment system :tu

09-23-2021, 09:46 AM
Far easier way to move money, especially globally.
Bitch Ass SEC sees it's corruption fund drying up thus is heavily schemeing.
:cry If we can't regulate it we can't get bribe and skim money. :cry

Walmart and Ripple partners working together on a new money transfer marketplace - Coinnounce (https://coinnounce.com/walmart-ripple-partners-working-on-new-money-marketplace/)

09-23-2021, 09:51 AM
Plus with bitcoin its sooo easy to connect to the blockchain and pay ANYONE in the world securely.

You can download your own local node too for security. Have your own wallet. Takes maybe 1 hr to set up and now you can pay ANYONE in the world in minutes. Its secure and anonymous and transactions are engraved for eternity.

No need to setup bank acct, exchange rates or bothersome taxation/regulation.

There are the fees tho which are a bitch (ethereum is even more $) but you set the fee. Like a tip. The miners can either take them or not.

Thats maybe why the Iota Tangle is the answer. No fees, no mining, instantaneous transactions :wow

09-23-2021, 10:00 AM
the etheruem block chain goes way beyond just its currency. most sh** coins are trash but there are a few that actually have utility. given how the development of smart contracts on the block chain, the emergence of NFTs, DeFi, etc, ETH is one of the few coins that is a solid investment.

Hate on it all you want tbh im sure the guys that held bitcoin 10 years ago got made fun of too, and now i doubt they give two sh**s if someone thinks its a scam :lol

09-23-2021, 10:06 AM
the etheruem block chain goes way beyond just its currency. most sh** coins are trash but there are a few that actually have utility. given how the development of smart contracts on the block chain, the emergence of NFTs, DeFi, etc, ETH is one of the few coins that is a solid investment.

Hate on it all you want tbh im sure the guys that held bitcoin 10 years ago got made fun of too, and now i doubt they give two sh**s if someone thinks its a scam :lol

The more I learn about bitcoin (and Ive been developing in the blockchain for a while) the more I think its a wasteful pig. But its still most likely the most revolutionary invention since maybe the internet. Its so.clean simple and secure :wow

Ethereum is great and a great addition but I am seeing the big corporations jumping on it which is never a good sign IMO also Ethereum GAS is soooo expensive. Why?? Greed I guess.

The people that say "crypto is a scam and sucks" just have no idea what they are talking about. But the people that say "ill get rich with this" also are morons :lol

baseline bum
09-23-2021, 11:17 AM
If it's a currency why is it not used much as one? It's fucking tulip bulbs.

09-23-2021, 11:21 AM
If it's a currency why is it not used much as one? It's fucking tulip bulbs.

Who says its a currency? Its a payment system. A ledger where someone send you a transaction with coins and you can create a new transaction to someone else or many people.

Ideally tbqh once you have butcoin it stays bitcoins and you can pay ppl.and it never gets converted to $

Bitcoin is working flawlesly as designed. Its the greedy and idiots who think they can somehow make a fortune of $ from it.

09-23-2021, 11:27 AM
If it's a currency why is it not used much as one? It's fucking tulip bulbs.If people can't explain crypto in a few sentences, it's not going to be widely accepted as currency (excuse me, payment system) anytime soon. I can understand the excitement among the wonks, though.

baseline bum
09-23-2021, 11:36 AM
Who says its a currency? Its a payment system. A ledger where someone send you a transaction with coins and you can create a new transaction to someone else or many people.

Ideally tbqh once you have butcoin it stays bitcoins and you can pay ppl.and it never gets converted to $

Bitcoin is working flawlesly as designed. Its the greedy and idiots who think they can somehow make a fortune of $ from it.

If it's a payment system why are its transactions almost entirely speculating on it instead of actually paying for goods and services?

09-23-2021, 11:48 AM
If it's a payment system why are its transactions almost entirely speculating on it instead of actually paying for goods and services?

Huh??? millions of ppl already paying for goods and services with bitcoin. Every day.

09-23-2021, 12:11 PM
It has the pluses of unregulated currency (easy to hide income for taxing, for example) but the minuses of it as well (money laundering, rampant fraud, illicit goods, etc).

And you need to understand where you're putting your money into as well. ie: Bitcoin has one particular flaw that if somebody controls 45+% of the network, they can break the work-as-proof system and basically siphon and create money.

This nearly happened once, so it's not some arcane possibility. But, again, if you do your homework like you should be doing with any financial instrument, then these are risks you factor in.

09-23-2021, 12:26 PM
It has the pluses of unregulated currency (easy to hide income for taxing, for example) but the minuses of it as well (money laundering, rampant fraud, illicit goods, etc).

And you need to understand where you're putting your money into as well. ie: Bitcoin has one particular flaw that if somebody controls 45+% of the network, they can break the work-as-proof system and basically siphon and create money.

This nearly happened once, so it's not some arcane possibility. But, again, if you do your homework like you should be doing with any financial instrument, then these are risks you factor in.

Its 51% and its just not profitable to do that. It would cost billions of $ for a guy or group to do this attack. And they would be able to do only limited things (like reverse their own transactions) and for a limited time.

No they would not be able to create money.

Its just not worth it. Sure USA or China could do this but why would they spend so much $ and computing power just to hurt bitcoin value? That money and microprocessor power can be much more useful for China/USA invested in AI.

IMO the one thing that will hurt bitcoin is human greed.

09-23-2021, 02:54 PM
Its 51% and its just not profitable to do that. It would cost billions of $ for a guy or group to do this attack. And they would be able to do only limited things (like reverse their own transactions) and for a limited time.

No they would not be able to create money.

Its just not worth it. Sure USA or China could do this but why would they spend so much $ and computing power just to hurt bitcoin value? That money and microprocessor power can be much more useful for China/USA invested in AI.

IMO the one thing that will hurt bitcoin is human greed.

I'm not criticizing Bitcoin in particular, or anything like that. Just pointing out that you need to understand where are you putting your money, and what protections are available to you.

This is not specific to crypto currencies, it applies to almost every currency or financial instrument.

09-23-2021, 03:32 PM
I'm not criticizing Bitcoin in particular, or anything like that. Just pointing out that you need to understand where are you putting your money, and what protections are available to you.

This is not specific to crypto currencies, it applies to almost every currency or financial instrument.

Nothing wrong w criticizinv bitcoin tbqh

As I said its kinda of a slow pig. Transactions could take dozens of minutes. It uses up so much power and cpu and most is completely wasted as miners race to a POW and only 1 wins. The rest wasted all that effort. And fees are becoming expensive so is running a miner.

But its flaws might be its strengths too. As the wasteful CPU prevents countries/corporations from taking over. And the delay in transactions might be useful in some cases. Who knows

09-23-2021, 04:24 PM
If it's a currency why is it not used much as one? It's fucking tulip bulbs.

IRS treats bitcoin as an asset - which is an accounting nightmare.

09-23-2021, 04:49 PM
People shitting on crypto are accurate. It's only good to do scummy shit with- buy drugs online, have someone whacked, hookers, etc- but completely impractical in the real world.

Gots to love the people making a few bucks on it acting like they're enlightened instead of suckered. God bless y'all.

09-23-2021, 05:04 PM
People shitting on crypto are accurate. It's only good to do scummy shit with- buy drugs online, have someone whacked, hookers, etc- but completely impractical in the real world.

Gots to love the people making a few bucks on it acting like they're enlightened instead of suckered. God bless y'all.

My 87 year old abuela thinks the same of bitcoin tbqh

09-24-2021, 08:53 AM
as pointed out in the comments, economists have predicted twenty of the last zero Chinese financial crises


09-24-2021, 09:09 AM
Crypto is here to stay - as long as there is PERCEIVED value and therefore demand for it. At this point, there is too much invested in it - whenever bitcoin (or ethereum) falls a bit, the money comes in to buy them.

Now, don't we wish ETH would fall back to $1700s so we could buy more :-)

Trill Clinton
09-24-2021, 11:52 AM
Crypto is here to stay - as long as there is PERCEIVED value and therefore demand for it. At this point, there is too much invested in it - whenever bitcoin (or ethereum) falls a bit, the money comes in to buy them.

Now, don't we wish ETH would fall back to $1700s so we could buy more :-)
Yes please!

09-24-2021, 12:14 PM
Crypto is here to stay - as long as there is PERCEIVED value and therefore demand for it. At this point, there is too much invested in it - whenever bitcoin (or ethereum) falls a bit, the money comes in to buy them.

Now, don't we wish ETH would fall back to $1700s so we could buy more :-)

Yeah I believe Bitcoin cannot be stopped. Not even by China doing all this. I think China is doing all this BS with Bitcoin because they are probably entering a financial crisis (that would take us down too btw)

Even of China has a super powerful quantum computer that could. Why would they waste that resource on bitcoin? They would just take out the US first :lol

Bitcoin is safe for the foreseable future (next 25 years)

Russia already banned bitcoin too and US will most likely highly regulate it if not ban it.

Id advise everyone to soon move their bitcoin to a private wallet as you never know these wallets like Coinbase can just fold at the government and thats it youre done for

09-26-2021, 09:17 AM
nothing against the hamster :tu



10-01-2021, 02:29 PM

Coinbase says hackers stole cryptocurrency from at least 6,000 customers.

Hackers stole from the accounts of at least 6,000 customers of Coinbase Global Inc, according to a breach notification letter sent by the cryptocurrency exchange to affected customers.

The hack took place between March and May 20 of this year, according to a copy of the letter https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/09-24-2021%20Customer%20Notification.pdf posted on the website of California's Attorney General.

Unauthorized third parties exploited a flaw in the company's SMS account recovery process to gain access to the accounts, and transfer funds to crypto wallets not associated with Coinbase, the company said.

Hackers Take the Crypto and Run (https://news.yahoo.com/coinbase-says-hackers-stole-cryptocurrency-163117208.html)

10-01-2021, 02:32 PM

Coinbase says hackers stole cryptocurrency from at least 6,000 customers.

Hackers stole from the accounts of at least 6,000 customers of Coinbase Global Inc, according to a breach notification letter sent by the cryptocurrency exchange to affected customers.

The hack took place between March and May 20 of this year, according to a copy of the letter https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/09-24-2021%20Customer%20Notification.pdf posted on the website of California's Attorney General.

Unauthorized third parties exploited a flaw in the company's SMS account recovery process to gain access to the accounts, and transfer funds to crypto wallets not associated with Coinbase, the company said.

Hackers Take the Crypto and Run (https://news.yahoo.com/coinbase-says-hackers-stole-cryptocurrency-163117208.html)

:lmao stupid morons that keep their money in crypto exchange wallets :lol

10-20-2021, 12:46 PM
Damn :wow

Bitcoin reaching $66K TODAY

they are saying it will soon reach 160k due to some kind of bitcoin futures about to trade on the market.:wow


10-20-2021, 12:47 PM
All time high just reached :wow

11-27-2021, 12:47 PM
nothing against the hamster :tu


1442121351234342917RIP, Mr. Goxx

The hamster's financial career, and subsequent fame, were borne of an experiment by two friends in Germany who wanted to prove the randomness of success in the digital currency industry.

Mr Goxx's trading office, attached to his regular cage, was watched by thousands on a Twitch livestream. He would famously make decisions by running on his "intention wheel" to select which cryptocurrency he'd like to trade and subsequently entering either a buy or sell tunnel on his 'office floor'.

Every time he ran through a tunnel, the electronics wired to his office completed the trade according to Mr Goxx's desires.

The tiny trader began his financial career on 12 June 2021.After his final day of trading on 22 November, his portfolio was up 19.7% and he had made about 98 Euros profit.

Recent calculations by crypto-news site Protos suggested the hamster's latest financial results beat investing supremo Warren Buffet's company, Berkshire Hathaway.

On occasion, Mr Goxx even came out slightly ahead of Bitcoin, the biggest of the crypto-currencies.


11-27-2021, 01:37 PM
RIP, Mr. Goxx


My condolences. He was a genius. RIP.

12-07-2021, 12:36 PM

01-06-2022, 11:27 AM
lol shitcoin


baseline bum
01-06-2022, 11:32 AM
lol shitcoin


All crypto is shitcoins

01-06-2022, 06:36 PM

04-14-2022, 02:03 AM

05-06-2022, 10:36 AM
off-planet operations


05-11-2022, 12:32 PM

05-11-2022, 12:33 PM

05-11-2022, 12:34 PM
buy the dip?


05-11-2022, 12:34 PM

05-11-2022, 12:36 PM

05-11-2022, 12:40 PM
Coinbase advisory: no risk of bankruptcy


05-11-2022, 12:44 PM
It’s a new unregulated space to do pump and dump and separate the fool from their money. Free country though.

05-11-2022, 06:27 PM
Many theories of the "attack" on crypto in this thread, also in the threads embedded in the thread.


05-11-2022, 06:38 PM
What can you actually do with crypto currency if you have it? Can you buy a house, or car or anything serious like that?

I mostly see these on shady porn sites and torrent sites asking for donations in bitcoin. :lol

05-11-2022, 06:47 PM
What can you actually do with crypto currency if you have it? Can you buy a house, or car or anything serious like that?

I mostly see these on shady porn sites and torrent sites asking for donations in bitcoin. :lolfor buying illegal stuff and money laundering it's rumored to be great -- except it isn't.


05-11-2022, 07:10 PM
What can you actually do with crypto currency if you have it? Can you buy a house, or car or anything serious like that?

I mostly see these on shady porn sites and torrent sites asking for donations in bitcoin. :lol

ElNono can buy lots of shit in his country...

05-11-2022, 07:12 PM
Just waiting for it to drop a bit more. (Probably hit under 26k) and Im gonna go on a buying spree :tu


Ill own 10 bitcoins by year end :tu

05-11-2022, 07:55 PM
Just waiting for it to drop a bit more. (Probably hit under 26k) and Im gonna go on a buying spree :tu


Ill own 10 bitcoins by year end :tu

When they become Shitcoins lol

05-12-2022, 01:01 AM
Just waiting for it to drop a bit more. (Probably hit under 26k) and Im gonna go on a buying spree :tu


Ill own 10 bitcoins by year end :tu

:lol you just flip flopped on your buying threshold.

05-12-2022, 09:41 AM

05-12-2022, 10:23 AM

That almost looks like an Onion bit

05-12-2022, 10:48 AM
Luna craters, Terra breaks the dollar peg, at .27 USD at the time of the report

https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post/146225/luna-price-collapses-below-5-as-ust-slides-further-from-dollar-peg (https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post/146225/luna-price-collapses-below-5-as-ust-slides-further-from-dollar-peg)

05-13-2022, 11:09 AM
It’s a new unregulated space to do pump and dump and separate the fool from their money. Free country though.

Beanie babies, tbh.

05-13-2022, 06:38 PM

05-13-2022, 06:41 PM

05-13-2022, 06:43 PM
Im gonna wait for 25k so I can dump at least 100k on GOATCoins nigs :tu


My 100k can easily become 500k in a few months

Easy peazy money :tu

05-13-2022, 07:09 PM
Im gonna wait for 25k so I can dump at least 100k on GOATCoins nigs :tu


My 100k can easily become 500k in a few months

Easy peazy money :tu

You said you were waiting for 30k.

05-16-2022, 11:53 AM

05-16-2022, 12:46 PM
Make believe currency was back by another make believe currency. Weird that it didn't work out.

05-16-2022, 03:05 PM
Elon trying to talk the (already contractually agreed to) price of Twitter down is having some predictable effects


05-16-2022, 03:20 PM


05-17-2022, 01:47 PM

Terra now claims (https://twitter.com/LFG_org/status/1526126716388749313) that the movement of the $3.5 billion in Bitcoin reserves – as described below – was conducted in order to sell the majority of it, in an unsuccessful attempt to support the UST stablecoin. Holders of the LUNA token and UST stablecoin collectively lost around $42 billion over the past week. However, $85 million in cryptoassets remains in the Terra reserve to compensate them. https://www.elliptic.co/blog/what-happened-to-the-3.5-billion-terra-reserve-elliptic-follows-the-bitcoins

05-17-2022, 02:24 PM
The LUNA fiasco is one reason i'm glad most of my $$$ is in ETH and BTC now. alt coin season is over, time to DCA into the big boys for a bit until i can offload some of my other bags

05-17-2022, 02:49 PM
The LUNA fiasco is one reason i'm glad most of my $$$ is in ETH and BTC now. alt coin season is over, time to DCA into the big boys for a bit until i can offload some of my other bags

Congrats I guess. Don't you have some regrets for holding on to it?

05-17-2022, 02:54 PM
Congrats I guess. Don't you have some regrets for holding on to it?

Not at all. For one, i didn't hold onto all of it, i sold a good chunk last year and made some sold coin, and for two, i am still way up overall.

i'm not overinvested but i also believe in the long term utility of ETH and BTC so to me the price is only going up (especially when the ETH2 upgrade happens later this year). the people that really screw themselves are the ones that FOMO in or the ones who buy high and panic sell when theres a dip. i'm staking most of my ETH anyway. we're still in the beginning stages of crypto, i'm not worried about it longterm. these pump and dump schemes and scam projects getting obliterated is only good in the long run, imo. there are definitely way too many coins in existence right now that do absolutely nothing.

05-17-2022, 02:57 PM
I dont even fuck.witb ETH..greedy assholes.

Only GOATCoin for me . I was lucky to see it drop to 26k las week and snatched 3 coins :tu

05-17-2022, 03:01 PM
Not at all. For one, i didn't hold onto all of it, i sold a good chunk last year and made some sold coin, and for two, i am still way up overall.

i'm not overinvested but i also believe in the long term utility of ETH and BTC so to me the price is only going up (especially when the ETH2 upgrade happens later this year). the people that really screw themselves are the ones that FOMO in or the ones who buy high and panic sell when theres a dip. i'm staking most of my ETH anyway. we're still in the beginning stages of crypto, i'm not worried about it longterm. these pump and dump schemes and scam projects getting obliterated is only good in the long run, imo. there are definitely way too many coins in existence right now that do absolutely nothing.

I'm not sure I'd say that selling equates to panicking. I don't have any of either and hindsight is 20/20 but I think I would have bailed in December when it broke to the downside. I wouldn't consider it panicking. Just taking some profits. Or on the otherside, cutting my losses.

05-17-2022, 03:14 PM
I'm not sure I'd say that selling equates to panicking. I don't have any of either and hindsight is 20/20 but I think I would have bailed in December when it broke to the downside. I wouldn't consider it panicking. Just taking some profits. Or on the otherside, cutting my losses.

Oh I wasn't trying to insinuate you panic sold. But I mean a lot of ppl in the crypto space are moonbois who think they're going to get rich overnight so when there's a dip they panic sell and ultimately lose out. If you sell for a loss because the price dipped 10-15% and you got nervous thats a panic sell. If you just sell to take profits that's completely different.

05-17-2022, 03:15 PM
I dont even fuck.witb ETH..greedy assholes.

Only GOATCoin for me . I was lucky to see it drop to 26k las week and snatched 3 coins :tu

:tu great investment at that price

05-17-2022, 03:17 PM
Oh I wasn't trying to insinuate you panic sold. But I mean a lot of ppl in the crypto space are moonbois who think they're going to get rich overnight so when there's a dip they panic sell and ultimately lose out. If you sell for a loss because the price dipped 10-15% and you got nervous thats a panic sell. If you just sell to take profits that's completely different.

Gotcha. I never got in. Which is why I said 20/20. I might have held on but I'd like to think I'd have sold when the chart broke down. That being said, if I bought near the high, I might have rode it out.
Good luck to you. At this point, I don't have the nuts to take a shot on it.

05-17-2022, 03:27 PM
:tu great investment at that price

:tu Its long term just to see what happens

05-19-2022, 11:02 AM
Melvin Capitol goes tits up



05-24-2022, 06:48 PM

Crypto Might Have an Insider Trading ProblemAnonymous wallets buy up tokens right before they are listed and sell shortly afterwardhttps://www.wsj.com/articles/crypto-might-have-an-insider-trading-problem-11653084398

05-24-2022, 06:51 PM
Hey, Winester; we ain't do no more school shooter in Texas now? tee, hee.

05-25-2022, 12:29 PM


05-25-2022, 12:30 PM


How much have you invested in crypto?

06-10-2022, 11:08 AM

06-13-2022, 01:31 PM
down 80% since Matt Damon aped in


06-13-2022, 01:35 PM
"42% of hedge funds say Bitcoin will hit 75,000-100,000 by the end of the year"


06-13-2022, 01:35 PM

06-13-2022, 01:38 PM

06-13-2022, 01:38 PM
down 80% since Matt Damon aped in

Bro, you're just not bold enough.


06-13-2022, 01:39 PM

06-13-2022, 01:43 PM
It’s a new unregulated space to do pump and dump and separate the fool from their money. Free country though.

welp, don't say you weren't warned...

baseline bum
06-13-2022, 02:06 PM
LOL cryptobros

06-13-2022, 03:07 PM
Both TerraUSD and Celsius revolved around the prospect of super-high yields to keep up demand, which itself depended on a steady flow of new entrants feeding the system

06-13-2022, 04:23 PM
Bold move. This has 2 endings. Either you'll hit and get lucky or you will lose it all. Either way is gambling right now.

But I wish you the former obviously, you're a good guy. :tu

Lee, how has this gone? :lol

Will Hunting
06-13-2022, 04:26 PM
Nice to see the crypto bros get fucked :lmao

Will Hunting
06-13-2022, 04:27 PM
welp, don't say you weren't warned...
Hey! Who are you to say that investing in something with no literal intrinsic value is a terrible idea!

Will Hunting
06-13-2022, 04:29 PM


06-13-2022, 05:04 PM

a truly great twitter account

06-13-2022, 05:06 PM
baseline bum


06-13-2022, 05:11 PM
Damn :wow

Bitcoin reaching $66K TODAY

they are saying it will soon reach 160k due to some kind of bitcoin futures about to trade on the market.:wow



Will Hunting
06-13-2022, 05:30 PM
:lmao hater would be a crypto bro

I'll bet he also bought a lot of those ape NFTs

baseline bum
06-13-2022, 05:33 PM
Nice to see the crypto bros get fucked :lmao

Remember when crypto was hyped as a guard against inflation? :lmao

Will Hunting
06-13-2022, 05:34 PM
i'll keep that in mind while i'm wiping my tears away with money

06-13-2022, 05:37 PM
You guys are dicks :lol

Tbh yall acting like shits collapsed when it hasn't. Look at the rest of the world markets. This isn't the first nor the last bear market

06-13-2022, 05:38 PM

I made a lot of money last year. This year not so much:lol

baseline bum
06-13-2022, 05:38 PM
You guys are dicks :lol

Tbh yall acting like shits collapsed when it hasn't. Look at the rest of the world markets. This isn't the first nor the last bear market

Just like to see a scam get burned

Will Hunting
06-13-2022, 05:39 PM
I made a lot of money last year. This year not so much:lol
Did you at least sell out of a good portion of your ETH position before the crash started the last few months? I liquidated all my stocks earlier this year and now I just day trade options, which I'm doing until the market stabilizes.

06-13-2022, 05:40 PM
Just like to see a scam get burned

Never denied the crypto space is full of scammers sadly. Hopefully this bear market will shake out a bunch of the trash

06-13-2022, 05:47 PM
Did you at least sell out of a good portion of your ETH position before the crash started the last few months? I liquidated all my stocks earlier this year and now I just day trade options, which I'm doing until the market stabilizes.

I sold a few during December for Xmas stuff and to treat myself but not as much as I wish I did in hindsight. Still, no regrets. I have long term confidence in eth specifically so while I won't lie it sucks right now I'm sure it'll be fine. Merge is happening later this year and the whole market is bleeding. If it was just crypto getting rekt and the terra bullshit didn't happen I might be more upset :lol

Will Hunting
06-13-2022, 05:54 PM
You guys are dicks :lol

Tbh yall acting like shits collapsed when it hasn't. Look at the rest of the world markets. This isn't the first nor the last bear market
In terms of crypto this is the first bear market; while we know the stock market has survived countless bear markets, it's unknown whether crypto will be able to survive one.

06-13-2022, 05:56 PM
In terms of crypto this is the first bear market; while we know the stock market has survived countless bear markets, it's unknown whether crypto will be able to survive one.

Iirc back in 2018 eth went from like 1700 to a few hundred bucks or less. Bitcoin also plummeted. it's happened in recent years. Just hasn't existed long enough. But eth is an actual block chain and not just a coin so I have more faith in long term utility

Edit: went from 1200 to 115 and btc from 19k to 3k. Shit sucks for sure but it's happened at least once before

06-13-2022, 06:09 PM
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=c5ffe9fe07&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-a:r1062756011805865288&th=1815f54492be028b&view=fimg&fur=ip&sz=s0-l75-ft&attbid=ANGjdJ_RoXgAP9ghT5LLYAIUXE2HXVM4WqMaNpGjioQ fkExY6jQDec-jSVhsSGTlPOEcWozNQSeot2QvwZzD0jpJ6Xp_fJsH0UKjNPaSA k9EY5A3Vky--3irKP44NVA&disp=emb&realattid=ii_l4dckpbe0

Joseph Kony
06-13-2022, 06:11 PM

06-14-2022, 11:12 AM
Did you at least sell out of a good portion of your ETH position before the crash started the last few months? I liquidated all my stocks earlier this year and now I just day trade options, which I'm doing until the market stabilizes.

Same here. Other than some penny stocks that I'm holding, I've gotten out of everything for long term. With the current volatility, it's not hard to make a few hundred dollars as long as you're trading something you understand.

06-14-2022, 11:15 AM
Still all in nigs :tu

Gonna buy p couple more coins today. What a great pricing :wow

Cha ching!

06-14-2022, 11:29 AM
Still all in nigs :tu

Gonna buy p couple more coins today. What a great pricing :wow

Cha ching!

Good luck to you. But the chart looks ugly.
Also, the bitcoin correlation to NASDAQ correlation is approaching 1. You might as well just buy QQQ because it has history and will eventually come back if you're wrong.

06-14-2022, 11:43 AM
Never denied the crypto space is full of scammers sadly. Hopefully this bear market will shake out a bunch of the trash
the very nature of crypto is scammish. yeah if you time things like with any gambling mechanism you can make some money along the way. but this shits going nowhere and somebody's gonna be left holding the bag.

06-14-2022, 11:58 AM
Good luck to you. But the chart looks ugly.
Also, the bitcoin correlation to NASDAQ correlation is approaching 1. You might as well just buy QQQ because it has history and will eventually come back if you're wrong.

Dumped all my stocks nig.

That shits a scam :lmao

And I only invest in bitcoin money I have no use for. Also bought bubch of gold last year.

Its all in diversity.

06-14-2022, 12:00 PM
the very nature of crypto is scammish. yeah if you time things like with any gambling mechanism you can make some money along the way. but this shits going nowhere and somebody's gonna be left holding the bag.

The nature of bitcoin is to be a payment system that is immune to governments.

Its successful at that

It was never designed as a wealth making tool.

The idiots that spent their life savings to make a fortune deserve what they are getting :lmao

I buy coins here and there because I believe is a good long term investment. Talking 10 or 20 years :tu

06-14-2022, 12:03 PM
The nature of bitcoin is to be a payment system that is immune to governments.

Its successful at that

It was never designed as a wealth making tool.


The idiots that spent their life savings to make a fortune deserve what they are getting :lmao
the volatility makes it an awful payment system

06-14-2022, 12:04 PM
the volatility makes it an awful payment system

False. It was never designed to be pegged or compared to fiat money.

06-14-2022, 12:05 PM
False. It was never designed to be pegged or compared to fiat money.
which is why its a bad payment system

06-14-2022, 12:08 PM
which is why its a bad payment system

Not really it depends what you use it for. If u gonna want to always cash out then yeah. I never ever cash out.

I either pay back ppl w bitcoin or purchase things with bitcoin.


06-14-2022, 01:04 PM
Not really it depends what you use it for. If u gonna want to always cash out then yeah. I never ever cash out.

I either pay back ppl w bitcoin or purchase things with bitcoin.

:lol ok

people get up in arms when inflation hits 6-7% but you keep using your currency that oscillates by 40+

06-14-2022, 01:16 PM
You guys are dicks :lol

Tbh yall acting like shits collapsed when it hasn't. Look at the rest of the world markets. This isn't the first nor the last bear market

I don't take pleasure in people losing money but it's nice to see the "it's digital gold" myth put to rest

I'm never going to play with it but there's probably a chance to make a lot of money once it finds a bottom, wherever that is.

06-14-2022, 01:41 PM
I don't take pleasure in people losing money but it's nice to see the "it's digital gold" myth put to rest

I'm never going to play with it but there's probably a chance to make a lot of money once it finds a bottom, wherever that is.

Even buying now or at 25 is a good investment

I will keep buying daily until that bottom is reached :lmao

06-14-2022, 01:42 PM
:lol ok

people get up in arms when inflation hits 6-7% but you keep using your currency that oscillates by 40+

I dont use it to buy milk or necessities.


06-14-2022, 01:43 PM
I dont use it to buy milk or necessities.

literally doesnt matter what you buy with it. the principle is the same.

06-14-2022, 01:45 PM
literally doesnt matter what you buy with it. the principle is the same.


Its a payment system outside government control

I can pay a guy in Ethiopia and no government can do jack about it :tu

Its a great invention and great secure network.

Thats literally all it is :lmao

I buy into it because love the concept and believe it will be valuable longterm. Thats all

Its a great time to buy :tu

06-14-2022, 01:48 PM
I don't take pleasure in people losing money but it's nice to see the "it's digital gold" myth put to rest

I'm never going to play with it but there's probably a chance to make a lot of money once it finds a bottom, wherever that is.

Glad those idiots are off my network. Good thing is they wont come back until bitcoin is back at 45k and by that time, itll be too late for them again :lmao :lmao


06-14-2022, 01:50 PM
I can pay a guy in Ethiopia and no government can do jack about it :tu
you pay a guy with coin that you think its worth $200 and then a week later it turns out you gave him $300

then somebody pays you coin that you think is worth $800 and then two weeks later oh nevermind he only paid you $450 worth

its a terrible payment tool

06-14-2022, 01:51 PM
Glad those idiots are off my network. Good thing is they wont come back until bitcoin is back at 45k and by that time, itll be too late for them again :lmao :lmao

why is 45k too late if you think its about to hit 160k :lmao

06-14-2022, 02:28 PM
you pay a guy with coin that you think its worth $200 and then a week later it turns out you gave him $300

then somebody pays you coin that you think is worth $800 and then two weeks later oh nevermind he only paid you $450 worth

its a terrible payment tool

:lmao a week later

He can immediately exchange it to whatever coin he wants

Bitcoin is NOT a wealth storage platform :lmao

06-14-2022, 02:29 PM
why is 45k too late if you think its about to hit 160k :lmao

Because it follows cycl3s and by the time those morons are back it will immediately fall back :lmao

Glad those idiots lost their life savings :lmao

06-14-2022, 02:34 PM
:lmao a week later

He can immediately exchange it to whatever coin he wants

Bitcoin is NOT a wealth storage platform :lmao
doesnt matter. i'm not talking about the wealth your are holding. i'm talking about how much coin you just gave a guy or received from a guy.

if i pay you $1000 and then you convert it to euros after, if the dollar then triples in value, i got fucked for overpaying you, and you also got fucked for converting your USD to some other currency. the payment is being made with a volatile asset. its a terrible payment tool

06-14-2022, 02:38 PM
doesnt matter. i'm not talking about the wealth your are holding. i'm talking about how much coin you just gave a guy or received from a guy.

if i pay you $1000 and then you convert it to euros after, if the dollar then triples in value, i got fucked for overpaying you, and you also got fucked for converting your USD to some other currency. the payment is being made with a volatile asset. its a terrible payment tool

IDK...being able to pay someone in Ethiopia...that's a pretty big benefit. I've just been mailing cash so far.

06-14-2022, 02:45 PM
doesnt matter. i'm not talking about the wealth your are holding. i'm talking about how much coin you just gave a guy or received from a guy.

if i pay you $1000 and then you convert it to euros after, if the dollar then triples in value, i got fucked for overpaying you, and you also got fucked for converting your USD to some other currency. the payment is being made with a volatile asset. its a terrible payment tool

So u are saying the dollar will tripple in value within minutes??? :lmao

Thats fucking impossible :lmao

I owed a guy 10 bitcoin and paid him through a fast secure unbreakable network.

What he does with his coin after that is not my concern.

Not to mention its completely anonymous. Noone will evet who who paid 10 bitcoins to who in that transaction

Again repeat after me.

Bitcoin is an amazing secure, reliable, fast, 100% anonymous payment system.

Anyone wants to use it for anything else. Its on them :lmao

06-14-2022, 02:45 PM
IDK...being able to pay someone in Ethiopia...that's a pretty big benefit. I've just been mailingocash so far.

U must not have heard of drug cartels :lmao

06-14-2022, 03:02 PM
So u are saying the dollar will tripple in value within minutes??? :lmao

Thats fucking impossible :lmao

I owed a guy 10 bitcoin and paid him through a fast secure unbreakable network.

What he does with his coin after that is not my concern.

Not to mention its completely anonymous. Noone will evet who who paid 10 bitcoins to who in that transaction

Again repeat after me.

Bitcoin is an amazing secure, reliable, fast, 100% anonymous payment system.

Anyone wants to use it for anything else. Its on them :lmao
im not talking about the anonymity or whatever. i know why people use it to launder money and whatnot

but its value is very unstable relative to actual currencies, which makes it awful for the purpose of a payment system

06-14-2022, 03:02 PM
IDK...being able to pay someone in Ethiopia...that's a pretty big benefit. I've just been mailing cash so far.
is that how you've been paying for women in olongapo?

06-14-2022, 03:19 PM
is that how you've been paying for women in olongapo?

How is this so hard to understand. Everyone was doing it. Sparky, Gunner Sal, Skip, Poopshoot Magoo….
Yep…I do this for fun. Just showing off…9.4 seconds, Blind Lemon, benching 400, basement jail. Me and my black friend, Stan, picking up records at the yard sale. Heard of the Memphis Lollies? Nope.

06-14-2022, 03:58 PM
im not talking about the anonymity or whatever. i know why people use it to launder money and whatnot

but its value is very unstable relative to actual currencies, which makes it awful for the purpose of a payment system

Its not designed to be relative to actual currencies :lmao

Its a payment system :lmao


Think of it like you open an account in a bank. But its 100% anonymous and secure. You pay someone and then you close the account. Thats it

Again. If anyone uses it for anything else, its in them :lmao

06-14-2022, 04:04 PM
Its not designed to be relative to actual currencies :lmao

Its a payment system :lmao


Think of it like you open an account in a bank. But its 100% anonymous and secure. You pay someone and then you close the account. Thats it

Again. If anyone uses it for anything else, its in them :lmao
if this is true and you're never actually holding bitcoin then you shouldnt give a fuck if a coin is worth $1 or $1000. get your coins, make your transaction, and immediately dump them before anything changes, right? but literally nobody looks at it this way, and neither do you. you're just pretending you are now because you've lost some money on it :lol

you say its not meant to be a currency and its not meant to make you money, but wasnt that long ago you were jizzing about it going up to 160k and saying CACHING :lmao

06-14-2022, 04:08 PM
Its not designed to be relative to actual currencies :lmao

Its a payment system :lmao


Think of it like you open an account in a bank. But its 100% anonymous and secure. You pay someone and then you close the account. Thats it

Again. If anyone uses it for anything else, its in them :lmao

If it's not relative to actual currencies, how the fuck can you value anything you buy with it? And if it's not relative to actual currencies, why is it priced in dollars?
And if you're not using it for anything else, why would you buy it until you actually need it? From your posts, it seems like you're investing in it as a store of value.

And a quick Google search seems to confirm that most believe it is a currency.

I think you're in over your head here.

06-14-2022, 04:09 PM
Im gonna wait for 25k so I can dump at least 100k on GOATCoins nigs :tu


My 100k can easily become 500k in a few months

Easy peazy money :tu

Even buying now or at 25 is a good investment

I will keep buying daily until that bottom is reached :lmao

It was never designed as a wealth making tool.

06-14-2022, 04:10 PM
If it's not relative to actual currencies, how the fuck can you value anything you buy with it? And if it's not relative to actual currencies, why is it priced in dollars?
And if you're not using it for anything else, why would you buy it until you actually need it? From your posts, it seems like you're investing in it as a store of value.

And a quick Google search seems to confirm that most believe it is a currency.

I think you're in over your head here.
he's completely incoherent

baseline bum
06-14-2022, 04:13 PM
So u are saying the dollar will tripple in value within minutes??? :lmao

Thats fucking impossible :lmao

I owed a guy 10 bitcoin and paid him through a fast secure unbreakable network.

What he does with his coin after that is not my concern.

Not to mention its completely anonymous. Noone will evet who who paid 10 bitcoins to who in that transaction

Again repeat after me.

Bitcoin is an amazing secure, reliable, fast, 100% anonymous payment system.

Anyone wants to use it for anything else. Its on them :lmao

LOL 7 transactions a second on the bitcoin network being fast

06-14-2022, 04:14 PM
if this is true and you're never actually holding bitcoin then you shouldnt give a fuck if a coin is worth $1 or $1000. get your coins, make your transaction, and immediately dump them before anything changes, right? but literally nobody looks at it this way, and neither do you. you're just pretending you are now because you've lost some money on it :lol

you say its not meant to be a currency and its not meant to make you money, but wasnt that long ago you were jizzing about it going up to 160k and saying CACHING :lmao

I buy it cause I believe in the networl. Yes it will be worth 100k in the future.

Good time to buy :tu

06-14-2022, 04:14 PM
LOL 7 transactions a second on the bitcoin network being fast

Fast enough foe me :tu

06-14-2022, 04:19 PM
If it's not relative to actual currencies, how the fuck can you value anything you buy with it? And if it's not relative to actual currencies, why is it priced in dollars?
And if you're not using it for anything else, why would you buy it until you actually need it? From your posts, it seems like you're investing in it as a store of value.

And a quick Google search seems to confirm that most believe it is a currency.

I think you're in over your head here.

Itbwas not designed to be priced in dollars. Its a PAYMENT SYSTEM :lmao

baseline bum
06-14-2022, 04:20 PM
Itbwas not designed to be priced in dollars. Its a PAYMENT SYSTEM :lmao

It's tulip bulbs

06-14-2022, 04:22 PM
It's tulip bulbs

you gotta read Satoshi's Design Paper nig

it does everything it was designed to do :tu

06-14-2022, 04:27 PM
you gotta read Satoshi's Design Paper nig

it does everything it was designed to do :tu

Where in ds fuck here does it say Bitcoin is a currency???? :lmao

Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
Satoshi Nakamoto
[email protected]

Abstract. A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online
payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a
financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main
benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending.
We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network.
The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of
hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing
the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of
events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As
long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to
attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The
network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort
basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest
proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.

06-14-2022, 04:28 PM
Itbwas not designed to be priced in dollars. Its a PAYMENT SYSTEM :lmao

It's a payment system currently tied to the dollar. I mean how could you buy something if it wasn't relative to an actual currency.

You think when you're buying dildos from Ethiopia, the seller doesn't change his price based on Bitcoin's value vs. the dollar?

06-14-2022, 04:29 PM
It's a payment system currently tied to the dollar. I mean how could you buy something if it wasn't relative to an actual currency.

You think when you're buying dildos from Ethiopia, the seller doesn't change his price based on Bitcoin's value vs. the dollar?

:lmao its not tied to dollar :lmao

Someone lied to you :lmao

Its a cash payment network.

You can buy the dildos at .00032 bitcoin or not.

Its up to you

The network does not give a fuck about your feelings :lol

06-14-2022, 04:34 PM
:lmao its not tied to dollar :lmao

Someone lied to you :lmao

Its a cash payment network.

You can buy the dildos at .00032 bitcoin or not.

Its up to you

The network does not give a fuck about your feelings :lol

You make zero sense and have constantly contradicted yourself in this thread.

The dude that made the dildos had to buy materials and pay for manufacturing with some kind of currency. He's not going to sell them to you a .00032 bitcoin regardless of how many dollars a bitcoin is worth.

06-14-2022, 04:42 PM
You make zero sense and have constantly contradicted yourself in this thread.

The dude that made the dildos had to buy materials and pay for manufacturing with some kind of currency. He's not going to sell them to you a .00032 bitcoin regardless of how many dollars a bitcoin is worth.

Yeah so hes going to ask you a reasonable bitcoin amount AT THE TIME not later, not before AT THE TIME

You can choose to buy your dildo or not. Up 2 u

06-14-2022, 04:49 PM
Yeah so hes going to ask you a reasonable bitcoin amount AT THE TIME not later, not before AT THE TIME

You can choose to buy your dildo or not. Up 2 u

Then why not just buy the bitcoin at that time? If you bought your Bitcoin in December, that dildos going to cost you more than twice as much than if you bought your bitcoin today. If the only use for Bitcoin is for an anonymous payment system (as you said), why continue to purchase and hold it?

06-14-2022, 04:53 PM
Then why not just buy the bitcoin at that time? If you bought your Bitcoin in December, that dildos going to cost you more than twice as much than if you bought your bitcoin today. If the only use for Bitcoin is for an anonymous payment system (as you said), why continue to purchase and hold it?

If u scared dont hold it

Again. The network doesnt give a fuck about your feelings

06-14-2022, 04:55 PM
Yeah so hes going to ask you a reasonable bitcoin amount AT THE TIME not later, not before AT THE TIMEReasonable compared to what?

06-14-2022, 06:33 PM

06-14-2022, 11:02 PM
If u scared dont hold it

Again. The network doesnt give a fuck about your feelings

Your Ethiopian dildo has just gotten more expensive since my last post. Did you pull the trigger?

06-14-2022, 11:02 PM
Reasonable compared to what?

this is it in a nutshell

06-14-2022, 11:36 PM
Hey! Who are you to say that investing in something with no literal intrinsic value is a terrible idea!

That, and the fact that unregulated markets are basically a honeypot to prey on the clueless.

I mean if you give Wall Street 3 months without SEC oversight, they’ll rip investors a new asshole.

Why would any of this be different?

06-15-2022, 12:50 AM
That, and the fact that unregulated markets are basically a honeypot to prey on the clueless.

I mean if you give Wall Street 3 months without SEC oversight, they’ll rip investors a new asshole.

Why would any of this be different?it isn't

lol "financial innovation"

06-15-2022, 09:36 AM

06-15-2022, 09:37 AM

06-15-2022, 09:48 AM
If u scared dont hold it

Again. The network doesnt give a fuck about your feelings

06-15-2022, 09:53 AM


Hope the pussies sell

Just bought couple coins this dip

If it goes down to < 15k ill buy 4 more

If it goes down even more to near 0k :lmao Ill probably buy a dozen more coins

Sell sell sell :lmao

06-15-2022, 10:13 AM

Hope the pussies sell

Just bought couple coins this dip

If it goes down to < 15k ill buy 4 more

If it goes down even more to near 0k :lmao Ill probably buy a dozen more coins

Sell sell sell :lmaoHow many dollars will you have lost if it goes down to 15k?

06-15-2022, 11:32 AM
How many dollars will you have lost if it goes down to 15k?

You only lose if u sell. So zero :lol

Lot of my coins were bought in 2020 when it was 20k anyway :lmao

06-15-2022, 11:34 AM
You only lose if u sell. So zero :lol

Lot of my coins were bought in 2020 when it was 20k anyway :lmao

So you don't think it would have been a good idea to sell when it was clearly breaking down? Even at 40k, you could have doubled up your coins.