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View Full Version : Lots of lights or just a few?

11-22-2005, 03:15 PM
How do you like to decorate the outside of your house? With alot of lights? Or just a few?

I used to like to use a bunch, but after a while, your house just looks like anyone elses house. Plus, there are so much lights that everything kind of runs together creating a big lighted mess. So now I put up just a few lights. Maybe a lighted deer, or a tree. By putting just a few lights, your house will look better, plus your creation will stand out more.

11-22-2005, 03:52 PM
I used 600 white lights on my porch and around the roof of the front of the house. I also put about 200 lights around the tree of my front yard.

Marklar MM
11-22-2005, 03:55 PM
You need to make a nice little nightlight, that the whole city can see. :)

11-22-2005, 05:02 PM
I use icicle lights to outline my roof and porch and the C7 bulbs to outline my yard. And I use net lights to cover the shrubs and ground in the garden. I do everything in clear bulbs. I just like that effect. I am also very picky about puttingup the icicle lights. I can't stand it if people put up lights and don't stretch them out to make sure they are in a straight line. If you are going to take the time to hang them, then at least make them look good. My husband is not allowed to touch the lights. He just has to help hold me on the ladder since I have a problem with my hips.

SWC Bonfire
11-22-2005, 05:17 PM
I use icicle lights to outline my roof and porch and the C7 bulbs to outline my yard. And I use net lights to cover the shrubs and ground in the garden. I do everything in clear bulbs. I just like that effect. I am also very picky about puttingup the icicle lights. I can't stand it if people put up lights and don't stretch them out to make sure they are in a straight line. If you are going to take the time to hang them, then at least make them look good. My husband is not allowed to touch the lights. He just has to help hold me on the ladder since I have a problem with my hips.

Das ist nicht stackenblocken! :lol

11-22-2005, 08:49 PM
Every house down on this rock looks the same... No lights.. :)

Only a few go all out and decorate really well.. and everyone loves starin' at those houses... I love lights:)

11-22-2005, 09:18 PM
I use icicle lights to outline my roof and porch and the C7 bulbs to outline my yard. And I use net lights to cover the shrubs and ground in the garden. I do everything in clear bulbs. I just like that effect. I am also very picky about puttingup the icicle lights. I can't stand it if people put up lights and don't stretch them out to make sure they are in a straight line. If you are going to take the time to hang them, then at least make them look good. My husband is not allowed to touch the lights. He just has to help hold me on the ladder since I have a problem with my hips.
:tu :tu
classy. me likey.

11-22-2005, 09:20 PM
no lights at all :depressed

11-22-2005, 09:27 PM
User bought me the 6ft blow up snow globe the other day so I'd STFU about it everytime we go to Lowes (which is a lot, btw :lol)

It will go very nicely next to my 8ft Santa .... and at least 5000 lights. We tend to go over-board....but my kids love it. We have a gigantic yard so it's really not too gaudy. Just bright. :)

I've tried the icicle lights once, but I've very anal about them (too :lol ) and I got tired of always running out there with the ladder to straighten them out after it's been particularly windy. And yes, all the bulbs have to be facing the same damn way. :oops :lol

11-22-2005, 10:57 PM
This is going to be my first year with a yard and a house. So you know......I'll probably put them up 2 days before Christmas and take them down on Groundhog Day.

11-23-2005, 08:56 PM
Hope this was not posted before.

11-23-2005, 09:08 PM
User bought me the 6ft blow up snow globe the other day so I'd STFU about it everytime we go to Lowes (which is a lot, btw :lol)

It will go very nicely next to my 8ft Santa .... and at least 5000 lights. We tend to go over-board....but my kids love it. We have a gigantic yard so it's really not too gaudy. Just bright. :)

I've tried the icicle lights once, but I've very anal about them (too :lol ) and I got tired of always running out there with the ladder to straighten them out after it's been particularly windy. And yes, all the bulbs have to be facing the same damn way. :oops :lol

I bet CPS loves you.

11-23-2005, 09:40 PM
I bet CPS loves you.

After what my summer was like, I've made it onto their Christmas card list. :flipoff :lol