View Full Version : 6000 students and 300+ administration placed on quarantine| Guess the state?

Trill Clinton
08-17-2021, 10:37 AM

7th largest school district in the country has only been in school for 4 days.

The dashboard below shows 1241 positive cases, 381 kids tested positive just today, 6k+ in quarantine.

Reopening Plan / HCPS COVID-19 Data Dashboard (https://www.hillsboroughschools.org/coviddashboard)

08-17-2021, 10:46 AM
School administrators are closest to the intimate feelings of the parents of the students, it makes sense they're the first institution to react, they have to react. They are quasi and actually in loco parentis (https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/in_loco_parentis).

08-17-2021, 10:50 AM
I bet zero students and maybe 1-2 adults actually die of it. This isn't fucking ebola. People need to get over it and return to normal. People involved in the public school systems always get sick with various URIs near the beginning of the academic year, it happens. Shit, I had 28 separate URIs throughout my 4 years of high school... 26 of those in the first three years. Each lasted between a few days to a month. In say 2011 the process was, get plenty of rest and liquids, eat capsaicin and take medication to ease the symptoms, if you get post nasal drip/bronchitis then get a Z-pak or something. But now it's zomg we're all gonna die. Gotta love 2020-2021. :(

08-17-2021, 10:51 AM
stfu mm

08-17-2021, 10:53 AM
"mortuary trailer season" (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=289926&page=38&p=10584687&viewfull=1#post10584687)

08-17-2021, 10:54 AM
stfu mm

Scared of catching a sore throat, stuffy nose, fever and a cough. The kind of things we fought through and persevered through as kids and teenagers are scaring us to death as adults. What a pussified society we live in today.

Or, maybe it's about supporting those in favor of increased government control and regulation over liberty, masqueraded by a fear of a little sore throat bug.

08-17-2021, 10:58 AM
:lol millions of people worldwide didnt die from a "sore throat bug" doofus

08-17-2021, 10:58 AM
you're blind or dead inside.

not sure how you could mistake it so bad, but that's not my mystery to penetrate, it's yours, mm.

Trill Clinton
08-17-2021, 11:02 AM


08-17-2021, 11:18 AM
I bet zero students and maybe 1-2 adults actually die of it. This isn't fucking ebola. People need to get over it and return to normal. People involved in the public school systems always get sick with various URIs near the beginning of the academic year, it happens. Shit, I had 28 separate URIs throughout my 4 years of high school... 26 of those in the first three years. Each lasted between a few days to a month. In say 2011 the process was, get plenty of rest and liquids, eat capsaicin and take medication to ease the symptoms, if you get post nasal drip/bronchitis then get a Z-pak or something. But now it's zomg we're all gonna die. Gotta love 2020-2021. :(

Reigning Father of the Year checks in.

08-17-2021, 11:27 AM
I bet zero students and maybe 1-2 adults actually die of it. This isn't fucking ebola. People need to get over it and return to normal. People involved in the public school systems always get sick with various URIs near the beginning of the academic year, it happens. Shit, I had 28 separate URIs throughout my 4 years of high school... 26 of those in the first three years. Each lasted between a few days to a month. In say 2011 the process was, get plenty of rest and liquids, eat capsaicin and take medication to ease the symptoms, if you get post nasal drip/bronchitis then get a Z-pak or something. But now it's zomg we're all gonna die. Gotta love 2020-2021. :(

Coming back to school at the same time and being unvaccinated will put a severe strain on the medical community. How many times do we need to go over this. This is NOT the flu. It spreads much more rapidly and therefore infects a huge number of people... and get this... all in one period of time when they all go back to school.

You seemed hell bent on people taking care of the symptoms AT HOME when they need to be hospitalized? You want to make the home a young people's nursing home care. Thats just stupid. You really want this tested. Because the unvaccinated and kids are now getting NOTABLY sicker.

Again you show your total lack of numbers and that just because everyone does not die its fine. Its not fine because TOO MANY PEOPLE INFECTED INCREASES THE LIKELYHOOD OF LARGE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL. We have already seen this happen. Why cant you get this?

08-17-2021, 11:29 AM
So out if 100k kids tell 2019
Over 9k die


Over 65 million died in the womb

08-17-2021, 11:29 AM
Pity post.

08-17-2021, 11:41 AM
"mortuary trailer season" (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=289926&page=38&p=10584687&viewfull=1#post10584687)

When New York did it you thought it neat because President Trump was President.

Just shows ta go ya.

08-17-2021, 11:42 AM
Coming back to school at the same time and being unvaccinated will put a severe strain on the medical community. How many times do we need to go over this. This is NOT the flu. It spreads much more rapidly and therefore infects a huge number of people... and get this... all in one period of time when they all go back to school.

You seemed hell bent on people taking care of the symptoms AT HOME when they need to be hospitalized? You want to make the home a young people's nursing home care. Thats just stupid. You really want this tested. Because the unvaccinated and kids are now getting NOTABLY sicker.

Again you show your total lack of numbers and that just because everyone does not die its fine. Its not fine because TOO MANY PEOPLE INFECTED INCREASES THE LIKELYHOOD OF LARGE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL. We have already seen this happen. Why cant you get this?

Up to your neck in alligators, huh, dad?

08-17-2021, 11:44 AM


This under mother fucker Biden's stewardship.

C'mon, Joe, come get some, smart ass.

08-17-2021, 11:48 AM
Up to your neck in alligators, huh, dad?

Not yet.
But I got a lot of friends who are.

Honestly I thought the red team was interested in the family and the economics of parents going to work.
Two parents working, how novel. So the wife should quit her job...

Trill Clinton
08-17-2021, 11:50 AM
So out if 100k kids tell 2019
Over 9k die


Over 65 million died in the womb

spoken like a childless incel

08-17-2021, 12:00 PM
First they came for your grandparents, now they come for your children. Go ahead, open more schools so kids can attend; stop virtual schooling. What is the worst that could happen?

More than 121,000 child Covid-19 cases were reported in the US in the last week, according to a report from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

After declining in early summer, child cases have "steadily increased" since the beginning of July. From August 5 to August 12, a total of 121,427 child cases were reported, which the AAP calls "a continuing substantial increase."

Children represented 18% of the weekly reported cases.

Since the start of the pandemic, the AAP cites a cumulative total of 4,413,547 child cases reported, with children representing 14.4% of all cases.


08-17-2021, 12:27 PM
Not yet.
But I got a lot of friends who are.

Honestly I thought the red team was interested in the family and the economics of parents going to work.
Two parents working, how novel. So the wife should quit her job...

...this is a blood feud using 75 million Americans blood drunk like that father in -300-

Our hearts are painted black, like that father painted his in -300-

All because:::

Trump President.
Not Clinton.

08-17-2021, 12:28 PM
First they came for your grandparents, now they come for your children. Go ahead, open more schools so kids can attend; stop virtual schooling. What is the worst that could happen?

More than 121,000 child Covid-19 cases were reported in the US in the last week, according to a report from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

After declining in early summer, child cases have "steadily increased" since the beginning of July. From August 5 to August 12, a total of 121,427 child cases were reported, which the AAP calls "a continuing substantial increase."

Children represented 18% of the weekly reported cases.

Since the start of the pandemic, the AAP cites a cumulative total of 4,413,547 child cases reported, with children representing 14.4% of all cases.


Any parents, blue or red that sends their child into a school masked or sans mask needs their fuckin' head examined.

08-17-2021, 12:42 PM

7th largest school district in the country has only been in school for 4 days.

The dashboard below shows 1241 positive cases, 381 kids tested positive just today, 6k+ in quarantine.

Reopening Plan / HCPS COVID-19 Data Dashboard (https://www.hillsboroughschools.org/coviddashboard)

You realize people were going to school throughout last year right?

08-17-2021, 12:44 PM
You realize people were going to school throughout last year right?

No Delta variant last year.

08-17-2021, 12:44 PM
You realize people were going to school throughout last year right?

That has nothing to do with this thread. Try harder incel

08-17-2021, 12:46 PM
No Delta variant last year.

Okay, we also didn't have a vaccine. So unless this is very deadly to kids which I haven't seen any evidence of then I don't care. We have to proceed with life.

08-17-2021, 12:48 PM
Okay, we also didn't have a vaccine.Kids don't have it.

So unless this is very deadly to kids which I haven't seen any evidence of then I don't care. We have to proceed with life.How many dead kids would you consider worthy of reporting?

Post your number.

08-17-2021, 12:52 PM
"You realize people were going to school throughout last year right?"

correct, "going to school' over zoom

08-17-2021, 12:57 PM
"You realize people were going to school throughout last year right?"

correct, "going to school' over zoom

& in person as well.

08-17-2021, 01:02 PM
Any parent, blue or red that would permit this gov't to shoot their child with these chemicals need their fuckin' heads examined.

08-17-2021, 01:32 PM
No Delta variant last year.

Stay home might get sick
Laugh all you want
That is what you think

08-17-2021, 01:39 PM
Any parent, blue or red that would permit this gov't to shoot their child with these chemicals need their fuckin' heads examined.

You realize mandatory vaccinations have always been in place for children attending public school, right? This isn't new

08-17-2021, 01:41 PM
First they came for your grandparents, now they come for your children. Go ahead, open more schools so kids can attend; stop virtual schooling. What is the worst that could happen?

More than 121,000 child Covid-19 cases were reported in the US in the last week, according to a report from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

After declining in early summer, child cases have "steadily increased" since the beginning of July. From August 5 to August 12, a total of 121,427 child cases were reported, which the AAP calls "a continuing substantial increase."

Children represented 18% of the weekly reported cases.

Since the start of the pandemic, the AAP cites a cumulative total of 4,413,547 child cases reported, with children representing 14.4% of all cases.

You forgot the rest of the quote :lol

Hospitalizations were reported by 23 states and New York City, and children ranged from 1.6% to 3.5% of their total hospitalizations. Of all child Covid-19 cases, 0.2% to 1.9% resulted in hospitalizations.

Children made up 0% to 0.25% of all Covid-19 deaths, which were reported in 43 states, New York City, Puerto Rico and Guam. No child deaths were reported by seven states, and 0% to 0.03% of all child Covid-19 cases in the states that reported resulted in death.


08-17-2021, 01:44 PM
You realize mandatory vaccinations have always been in place for children attending public school, right? This isn't new

And they've been resisted (always).

But let us be frank here, Lee, (then) Trump hadn't made President, there was no politicization of vaccines. If you didn't want the polio one, you just didn't get in the queue for it. You don't want the flu shot every year, no biggee. You didn't want the shingles shot, no problem.

This all emanates from one action...
Trump President.
Not Clinton.

Let us proceed...

08-17-2021, 01:59 PM
And they've been resisted (always).

But let us be frank here, Lee, (then) Trump hadn't made President, there was no politicization of vaccines. If you didn't want the polio one, you just didn't get in the queue for it. You don't want the flu shot every year, no biggee. You didn't want the shingles shot, no problem.

This all emanates from one action...
Trump President.
Not Clinton.

Let us proceed...

There shouldn't be politicization of a vaccine or a pandemic to begin with. Only one side full of ignorant fools thinks it is political, and somehow thinks the entire rest of the world is in on it too :lol

08-17-2021, 02:12 PM
You forgot the rest of the quote :lol

Hospitalizations were reported by 23 states and New York City, and children ranged from 1.6% to 3.5% of their total hospitalizations. Of all child Covid-19 cases, 0.2% to 1.9% resulted in hospitalizations.

Children made up 0% to 0.25% of all Covid-19 deaths, which were reported in 43 states, New York City, Puerto Rico and Guam. No child deaths were reported by seven states, and 0% to 0.03% of all child Covid-19 cases in the states that reported resulted in death.



Saw how you did not include these paragraphs:

During this Delta variant surge, Covid-19 hospitalizations have soared among children. But the full extent of severe pediatric cases is unknown, said Giroir.

"Only 23 states and New York City actually report the number of children in hospitals," said Giroir, a pediatrician. He said Texas and Florida are among the states where the total number of child Covid-19 hospitalizations are unknown.

"Talking about flying blind, relative to children," Giroir said. "We need better data, and that's got to be the basis for action."

08-17-2021, 02:14 PM
op is a fearmongering wannabe shaunn king........nigga ops Trill Clinton entire family had covid19 including his kids/wife & all were better in 1 day......nigga had the sniffies for 1 night.......op family had & easier time beating covid than a common cold .............

08-17-2021, 02:18 PM
children dying from covid is minuscule, but 1000s more have been hospitalized, intubated and will suffer for a long time after, even long covid symptons

Trill Clinton
08-17-2021, 02:19 PM
op is a fearmongering wannabe shaunn king........nigga ops Trill Clinton (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=20413) entire family had covid19 including his kids/wife & all were better in 1 day......nigga had the sniffies for 1 night.......op family had & easier time beating covid than a common cold .............

1 day my ass. I wish. But by the grace of God we made it through!

08-17-2021, 02:31 PM
1 day my ass. I wish. But by the grace of God we made it through!

Careful now.

Playbair would love nothing more than licking your ass.

08-17-2021, 02:57 PM

Saw how you did not include these paragraphs:

During this Delta variant surge, Covid-19 hospitalizations have soared among children. But the full extent of severe pediatric cases is unknown, said Giroir.

"Only 23 states and New York City actually report the number of children in hospitals," said Giroir, a pediatrician. He said Texas and Florida are among the states where the total number of child Covid-19 hospitalizations are unknown.

"Talking about flying blind, relative to children," Giroir said. "We need better data, and that's got to be the basis for action."


08-17-2021, 03:09 PM

Under chumpette standards kids can't go back to school until we rid the world of covid, rsv, influenza

It's just too dangerous out there

08-17-2021, 03:10 PM
So out if 100k kids tell 2019
Over 9k die


Over 65 million died in the womb

ducks prefers kids already be in school when they did

08-17-2021, 03:11 PM
Under chumpette standards kids can't go back to school until we rid the world of covid, rsv, influenza

It's just too dangerous out there

:lol Trumptards always have to lie.


08-17-2021, 03:20 PM
There shouldn't be politicization of a vaccine or a pandemic to begin with. Only one side full of ignorant fools thinks it is political, and somehow thinks the entire rest of the world is in on it too :lol

Of course there (shouldn't be) but your side saw to it that there was politicization from day 1 of it. Why? Simple, (Trump President, Not Clinton.) It will always boil down to that equation no matter the calling card. Your side cast their lot in the denial and destruction of the Trump presidency. We're living and dying with that reality, Lee.

08-17-2021, 03:25 PM
:lol Trumptards always have to lie.


Your side taught us the art of lying and it's intrinsic value. Sure, we told our share and more of tall tales, but Trump beating Clinton like that in broad daylight ramped up the untruths to a fever pitch, to-this-day...by your side. Now, it's every man for himself type reality. No holds bar, "Texas death match" day in///day out,,,each side well aware, Dumps, that this-is-it.

All and most importantly because Trump made President.

08-17-2021, 03:29 PM
ducks prefers kids already be in school when they did

Ducks really prefers babies being smuggled into US to die.

08-17-2021, 03:31 PM
children dying from covid is minuscule, but 1000s more have been hospitalized, intubated and will suffer for a long time after, even long covid symptons

Bingo!!! Give that man a ceegar. And on Biden watch which Joe figured AND was assured would-not-happen.

Now, he told us 72 hours ago that only a slight portion of Americans would have to take the booster. 72 hours later, (as I predicted) we all must take the booster.

Get-fuckin'-lost, Joe.

08-17-2021, 03:39 PM

Over 50 Children in Florida Are Being Hospitalized with COVID Every Single Day.


08-17-2021, 07:01 PM
I wonder if Abbott is one of the few asymptomatic spreaders.
He has gone into hiding to derp's frustration.
He should go give a talk while unmasked to elementary school teachers in a confessional.

08-17-2021, 07:33 PM

Over 50 Children in Florida Are Being Hospitalized with COVID Every Single Day.


Hours ago you were just claiming that Florida didn’t track child hospitalizations :lol pick a lane dipshit

08-17-2021, 08:38 PM
Hours ago you were just claiming that Florida didn’t track child hospitalizations :lol pick a lane dipshit

Please do not get upset when you are corrected, it looks bad on you, stop being a pussy, man up.

I copied a paragraph from an article that you left out (below) and you say I claimed this because I provided the article?

Only claim I made is that covid is fucking kids up and that you are a fucking idiot. And I stand by these two statements.

"Only 23 states and New York City actually report the number of children in hospitals," said Giroir, a pediatrician. He said Texas and Florida are among the states where the total number of child Covid-19 hospitalizations are unknown.”


08-18-2021, 09:19 AM
Please do not get upset when you are corrected, it looks bad on you, stop being a pussy, man up.

I copied a paragraph from an article that you left out (below) and you say I claimed this because I provided the article?

Only claim I made is that covid is fucking kids up and that you are a fucking idiot. And I stand by these two statements.

"Only 23 states and New York City actually report the number of children in hospitals," said Giroir, a pediatrician. He said Texas and Florida are among the states where the total number of child Covid-19 hospitalizations are unknown.”


Do you not understand the two articles you posted contradict each other? Florida child Covid hospitalizations are either known or unknown. Pick a lane dipshit.

And whatever lane you choose my point still stands....https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#AgeAndSex

08-18-2021, 09:22 AM
Do you not understand the two articles you posted contradict each other? Florida child Covid hospitalizations are either known or unknown. Pick a lane dipshit.

And whatever lane you choose my point still stands....https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#AgeAndSex

Tell it, TSA.


08-18-2021, 09:33 AM
Tell it, TSA.


Oh TSA will testify.
READ about his foray into Global Warming.


08-18-2021, 09:38 AM
Oh TSA will testify.
READ about his foray into Global Warming.


I can't go against TSA now, peeg. He's got me bent over one of my unused barrels at moment, so, I have to charm him, even though he portends to be not in a charmin' mood. That way he'll take me off his Ignore List.

Good old TSA.

08-18-2021, 09:45 AM
I can't go against TSA now, peeg. He's got me bent over one of my unused barrels at moment, so, I have to charm him, even though he portends to be not in a charmin' mood. That way he'll take me off his Ignore List.

Good old TSA.

Sounds a lot like the paper he put up debunking global warming.
Its an in family kinda thing, like just amongst us on ST. Lotta back patting.
WE, mighty ST, can set up a Journal on Global warming and review articles concerning the science of global warming because WE understand it all. wtf do we need climatologists for? we can do this Thread! We are better than the smart people who study this as their life work.

08-18-2021, 10:12 AM
Oh TSA will testify.
READ about his foray into Global Warming.


cross posting your butthurt and now inviting more people to see that you never even read the study :rollin

08-18-2021, 11:06 AM
Amazing how you focus on minutia and forget about how mask bans that are fucking up children nor see the source of your perceived data discrepancy.

I will hold your hand like The Stupid Asshole, TSA, you are.

First they came for your grandparents, now they come for your children. Go ahead, open more schools so kids can attend; stop virtual schooling. What is the worst that could happen?

More than 121,000 child Covid-19 cases were reported in the US in the last week, according to a report from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

After declining in early summer, child cases have "steadily increased" since the beginning of July. From August 5 to August 12, a total of 121,427 child cases were reported, which the AAP calls "a continuing substantial increase."

Children represented 18% of the weekly reported cases.

Since the start of the pandemic, the AAP cites a cumulative total of 4,413,547 child cases reported, with children representing 14.4% of all cases.


This article references the American Academy of Pediatrics results (which lacks reports from FL&TX).


The FL&TX data is lacking because:
FL: As of 6/24/21, stopped reporting child hospitalizations
TX: Age distribution reported for only 3% of confirmed cases (80,313/2,759,325), resulting in
an undercount of child cases; TX is excluded from some figures


Over 50 Children in Florida Are Being Hospitalized with COVID Every Single Day. https://www.newsweek.com/50-children-florida-being-hospitalized-covid-daily-1619772

This article used data from the CDC.

Do you not understand the two articles you posted contradict each other? Florida child Covid hospitalizations are either known or unknown. Pick a lane dipshit.

And whatever lane you choose my point still stands....https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#AgeAndSex

See, two different articles, two different two different sources, but same conclusions: children are being hurt by mask bans and you are still an idiot.

08-18-2021, 11:10 AM
Amazing how you focus on minutia and forget about how mask bans that are fucking up children nor see the source of your perceived data discrepancy.

I will hold your hand like The Stupid Asshole, TSA, you are.

This article references the American Academy of Pediatrics results (which lacks reports from FL&TX).


The FL&TX data is lacking because:
FL: As of 6/24/21, stopped reporting child hospitalizations
TX: Age distribution reported for only 3% of confirmed cases (80,313/2,759,325), resulting in
an undercount of child cases; TX is excluded from some figures

This article used data from the CDC.

See, two different articles, two different two different sources, but same conclusions: children are being hurt by mask bans and you are still an idiot.

Your article

Children made up 0% to 0.25% of all Covid-19 deaths, which were reported in 43 states, New York City, Puerto Rico and Guam. No child deaths were reported by seven states, and 0% to 0.03% of all child Covid-19 cases in the states that reported resulted in death.


08-18-2021, 11:12 AM
TSA is taking his child to a COVID party this week.

08-18-2021, 12:25 PM
bug chasing seems to be the new theme for the herd of libertarian freethinkers

08-18-2021, 12:49 PM
bug chasing seems to be the new theme for the herd of libertarian freethinkers

You have to let these libertarian freethinkers, like tsa, be themselves.
