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09-03-2021, 08:11 PM
"Line of Succession & the Late J.T. Walsh"

by Dale


I saw it as I turned left off 99th Avenue on my way to the Post Office. Spied it while waiting for red to turn green via arrow.

As I drove past her I could see the rich turquoise, bordering on a nice blue against the center yellow stripe. Reminded me of the one I'd lost at a Smash Burger years earlier down on Thunderbird. I'd grieved over that thing. Even drove all the way back for her, but they wouldn't own up to taking her. Liars. Got a chocolate shake to go and moped on back to the house.

Girl: "Was it there, sweetheart?"

"No, leave me alone."


I looked quickly to see if anybody had seen me spot her, then a surreptitious look into the rear view mirror as I cruised by.

I turned down the radio KTAR-98.7 FM all the way to silence.

"If she's there when you come back we'll get her. Okay?"

"Just u-turn now."

"No, they'd see me."

I side glanced the yellow one on the empty passenger seat next to me. I'd fought hard to keep her captive,,,

A week earlier on the land line:::"Scott, did I leave it in your car?"

"Yes, dad." With more than a touch of exasperation.

"Thank Christ, I thought I'd lost the Goddamn thing. Don't lose it, savvy?"

"Sure. Did you hear?"

"What?" With a touch of impatience mixed with annoyance.

"We got Anthony."

"How bout Rondo?"

"No. Nothing yet."


Back tracking I saw some over 55-year-old guy in Bermuda shorts and black compression socks shuffling up his driveway.

"I'll bet that fucker got her. Shit, fuck me."

"I told you, didn't I?"

"Fuck me. It's gone. That SOB! He doesn't even know what to do with her. That SOB!"

"Why didn't you go back when I told you too, Dale?"

"I know, I know, let's just go home, have luncheon and watch last night's "Green Acres" again. What say, old horse?"

"Goddamn it!"

"Dale! Oh-my-God there it is! I shot a glance into the rear view again, not a soul in sight, swung the Caddy over and stopped at a judged placement where she should be laying.

"Don't get the COVID, Goddamn it., use those Fry's ads."

I opened the driver door. "I God's boy!" I'd judged it perfect. Leaned on over, though that big bay window precluded me from making the initial mark. "Shit." Scrunched over an inch, breathed in another and made contact with her, secured her into the newspaper ads, dragged her across and dropped her in a small heap on to the adjoining floor board.

"Damn, they're watching you, dummy." The light had turned green. I was still lodged there, foot jammed on the break pedal.

"What's he doing?
Was that money?
Was that something of value he picked up?
What's that old man up to?
Where's all his teeth?
Why doesn't he put his wheel covers back on?"

"Now...On the third day, I washed her. She wasn't too clean. I got all the right spots." -J.T. Walsh

She is as bright and beautiful as I thought she'd be when first I sighted her on the street.


-The End-