View Full Version : Failed business loser sells money losing hotel named after a total loser

10-12-2021, 03:24 PM
:lol "billionaire"

:rollin "genius"


Donald Trump to Sell D.C. Hotel After Records Show Millions in Revenue Loss

Former President Donald Trump's company is discussing the sale of the lease to its luxury Washington D.C. hotel in a transaction potentially worth more than $370 million, The Wall Street Journal reported this week.


The news of the potential sale of the hotel lease followed a report from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform that said the hotel reported losses of over $70 million during the four years of Trump's presidency even though the former president claimed it had netted him $150 million in income.


10-14-2021, 02:08 PM
Trump’s D.C. hotel is survived by his other properties, which also became channels for people to swap large sums of money for access and influence over the previous four years. Trump briefly floated his resort in Doral, Florida, as a possible site for a G-7 summit, effectively turning a major diplomatic event for world leaders into a free ad for his properties. Former Vice President Mike Pence went out of his way to stay at Trump’s Doonbeg resort in Ireland, ostensibly because it was well equipped to handle his entourage. (Dublin apparently doesn’t have hotels.) And Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s current residence and the site of his postpresidential court-in-exile, doubled its membership fee to $200,000 almost immediately after he took office.

What made Trump’s D.C. hotel truly unique, however, was the sheer blatancy of the grift. Thanks to the havoc wreaked upon federal anti-corruption laws by the Supreme Court over the last 15 years, corruption is an almost pedestrian habit in modern American politics. The Supreme Court, in its infinite majesty, allows rich and poor Americans alike to donate millions of dollars to super PACs, to shower elected officials with lavish gifts while seeking favors, and to enjoy a stream of benefits from politicians unimpeded by federal prosecutors. But the Trump International Hotel in D.C. was more flamboyant, more undeniable, and, in some ways, more transparent about the health of American democracy than any Federal Election Commission filing could ever be. In that sense—and that sense alone—it will be sorely missed.


10-14-2021, 02:10 PM
Boiled down:::

Trump President.
Not Clinton.

10-14-2021, 02:12 PM
:lol "billionaire"

:rollin "genius"


Donald Trump to Sell D.C. Hotel After Records Show Millions in Revenue Loss

Former President Donald Trump's company is discussing the sale of the lease to its luxury Washington D.C. hotel in a transaction potentially worth more than $370 million, The Wall Street Journal reported this week.


The news of the potential sale of the hotel lease followed a report from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform that said the hotel reported losses of over $70 million during the four years of Trump's presidency even though the former president claimed it had netted him $150 million in income.


:lmao donald “jenius” trump

10-14-2021, 02:17 PM
:lmao donald “jenius” trump

He made President, by God. Only 44 others have done likewise across 4 centuries.

10-14-2021, 02:39 PM
He made President, by God. Only 44 others have done likewise across 4 centuries.

He did indeed.
Only in country like ours could a person like this win by the EC.
And even a bigger surprise, completely upend all his Rep opponents in the primary.
We are a unique country. We voted for a narcissistic lying cheater.

10-14-2021, 02:47 PM
We voted for a narcissistic lying cheater.

Obama was voted in in 2008 not 16

10-14-2021, 02:50 PM
Obama was voted in in 2008 not 16

hater just applied a pile driver on the old peegster.


10-14-2021, 02:54 PM
He did indeed.
Only in country like ours could a person like this win by the EC.
And even a bigger surprise, completely upend all his Rep opponents in the primary.
We are a unique country. We voted for a narcissistic lying cheater.

The anti-democratic EC and anti-proportional Senate are two fatal flaws in Constitution, fatal to democracy.

Voters elect Gore and Hillary

EC elects Bush and Trump

The rest of the world asks: W T F F

The Constitutional flaws weaponized by the oligarchy and Repugs will lead to the end of democracy,

replaced by Orban-ized "soft" fascism,

.. but I expect there will be plenty of "hard" (bloody) fascism anyway. The rightwing gun fellators are too heavily cocked and loaded NOT to shoot, sooner or later. They've already blown up a govt building, shot up synagogues and stores full of browns, systemically brutalize and slaughter Blacks.

The Dems with fail to pass the Voting Rights bill and will be out of power for decades.

Corrupt, illegit SCOTUS will not defend democracy.

That's why their seats were purchased by the Capitalist oligarchy, to conspire in the death of democracy.

10-14-2021, 02:58 PM
Trump Derangement Syndrome runs deep with you losers! RENT FREE!

10-14-2021, 03:15 PM
Trump Derangement Syndrome runs deep with you losers! RENT FREE!

Tell it, kori.


10-14-2021, 03:22 PM
Tell it, kori.


They're all pussies and they know it too. Fucking loons who obsess over Trump while screaming "dictator" for 4 yrs but don't bat an eye at the tyranny currently taking place by the Corpse in DC and his swamp rats.

They are all useful idiots and would gladly tell on their parents if this was 1940's Germany, 1920's Soviet Union, 1950's China, etc... Fucking spineless bitchass males!

10-14-2021, 05:03 PM
Trump Derangement Syndrome runs deep with you losers! RENT FREE!

Your loser cult leader lost money.

:lol former Trump University student.

Loser duping losers like you every day. You people make it so easy for them.

10-14-2021, 05:04 PM
They're all pussies and they know it too. Fucking loons who obsess over Trump while screaming "dictator" for 4 yrs but don't bat an eye at the tyranny currently taking place by the Corpse in DC and his swamp rats.

They are all useful idiots and would gladly tell on their parents if this was 1940's Germany, 1920's Soviet Union, 1950's China, etc... Fucking spineless bitchass males!


Trump wanted to set aside the results of an election he lost fair and square, just like every autocrat in history, so he could be like his idol Putin.

10-14-2021, 05:26 PM
Your loser cult leader lost money.

:lol former Trump University student.

Loser duping losers like you every day. You people make it so easy for them.

You keep saying the same bullshit over and over again like your commie overlords as if it's factual. Trump is just a dude who beat out one of the most vile people in existence back in '16 and I didn't vote for the dude.

If anything he's your cult leader seeing how you archive everything he says and does here on ST and most likely irl too.

Go back to your holierthanthou attitude of, "I'm an intellectual. I know 5 languages."

You're a fucking retard RG and no amount of languages learned is going to change that.


Trump wanted to set aside the results of an election he lost fair and square, just like every autocrat in history, so he could be like his idol Putin.

Yeah yeah Rachel Maddow...

10-14-2021, 05:28 PM
Just remember RG, I didn't vote in Biden who was clearly friends with KKK members like Robert Byrd. You in essence support white supremacy you fucking faux intellectual! :tu

10-27-2021, 01:38 PM
Donald Trump Runs Face First Into Intellectual Property Buzzsaw

Shocking exactly no one, Donald Trump’s new social media venture — Truth Social — turned out to be a slapdash effort that played fast and loose with the law. Which is heartbreaking because I think we were all pulling for this plucky underdog to finally break through.

Rather than invest the time and money required to build a legitimate challenger to the social media powerhouses that facilitated his rise, Trump threw a few bucks and maybe a free Trump steak or two at some software folks to put together a bare bones alternative where his fans are free to share vaccine misinformation and threaten government officials while Trump collects their personal data for his all but inevitable 2024 run. A win-win.

Truth Social describes its source code — and everything else about the platform — as proprietary, which is a big problem under the AGPLv3 license that Mastodon uses, requiring anyone using the open-source code to release the amended code to the public. Trump was unwilling to do so and now Trump is on notice that Mastodon means business:

Early evidence strongly supports that Trump’s Group publicly launched a so-called “test site” of their “Truth Social” product, based on the AGPLv3’d Mastodon software platform. Many users were able to create accounts and use it — briefly. However, when you put any site on the Internet licensed under AGPLv3, the AGPLv3 requires that you provide (to every user) an opportunity to receive the entire Corresponding Source for the website based on that code. These early users did not receive that source code, and Trump’s Group is currently ignoring their very public requests for it. To comply with this important FOSS license, Trump’s Group needs to immediately make that Corresponding Source available to all who used the site today while it was live. If they fail to do this within 30 days, their rights and permissions in the software are automatically and permanently terminated. That’s how AGPLv3’s cure provision works — no exceptions — even if you’re a real estate mogul, reality television star, or even a former POTUS.


Another failed business from the loser that lost money from a hotel named after a loser. :rollin

10-27-2021, 02:54 PM
Man some of you have some deep running mental issues I don’t like Biden I think he is doing a terrible job - But I am not running around screaming the sky is falling or making some bullshit up that he is a Chinese and Russian puppet. Life is really to short to have so much anger and derangement for someone who really doesn’t give a shit about us.

10-27-2021, 02:59 PM
He did indeed.
Only in country like ours could a person like this win by the EC.
And even a bigger surprise, completely upend all his Rep opponents in the primary.
We are a unique country. We voted for a narcissistic lying cheater.

I don't think we are that unique. This world has produced some pretty strange leaders throughout its history.

10-27-2021, 04:16 PM
"total loser" more successful than OP.

That's the standard here for calling someone a loser. They have to be less successful than you.

10-29-2021, 11:21 AM
Man some of you have some deep running mental issues I don’t like Biden I think he is doing a terrible job - But I am not running around screaming the sky is falling or making some bullshit up that he is a Chinese and Russian puppet. Life is really to short to have so much anger and derangement for someone who really doesn’t give a shit about us.

Biden is doing meh.

Kind of hard for him to get anything actually done because the Republican party is doing the same thing to him that they did to Obama: oppose everything all the time, for the sole reason of keeping him from actually accomplish anything.

Jerrymandering and the oceans of PAC cash have given us a completely disfunctional government.

10-29-2021, 11:23 AM
"total loser" more successful than OP.

That's the standard here for calling someone a loser. They have to be less successful than you.

Forum Cop has spoken. :lol

Where do I sign the ticket?

10-29-2021, 12:45 PM
Trump's real-estate empire pays the price for poisonous politics

At 40 Wall Street, the 72-story skyscraper that was among Trump’s proudest acquisitions, problems that started before the pandemic have gotten worse, according to reports from firms that track real-estate performance. After the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riots, some of Trump’s large tenants, including the Girl Scouts and a nonprofit called TB Alliance, said they were exploring whether they could get out of their leases. One commercial real-estate broker says many prospective tenants won’t consider the building because Trump’s name is on it.

The Girl Scouts did not respond to comment requests, and TB Alliance said it was “exploring all options” for leaving the Trump building.

“Most New York tenants want nothing to do with it, and that’s been the case for five years now,” said Ruth Colp-Haber, who said she has placed seven clients in the building over the years, but can’t interest anyone now. “It’s the biggest bargain going, but they won’t look at it.”

Occupancy was 84% in March 2021, well below the average of about 89% for that downtown New York office market, according to Mike Brotschol, managing director of KBRA Analytics LLC. The rents Trump has been able to charge are lower, too – between $38 and $42 per square foot in a market where the average runs closer to $50, he said.

The property’s financials have tumbled into risky territory, the reports say.

Trump took out a $160 million loan in 2015 to refinance 40 Wall Street – personally guaranteeing $26 million. Last year, the building was placed on an industry watchlist for commercial mortgage-backed securities at risk of defaulting, according to reports by KBRA and Trepp, which also monitors real-estate loans. In the first quarter of the year, according to the KBRA report, the debt-service coverage ratio, a statistic monitored by banks, dipped to a number indicating that the building’s cash flow can’t cover its debt payments.


03-30-2022, 10:17 AM
Donald Trump's Truth Social App Is Failing Fantastically, Report Says

Donald Trump’s Truth Social app has plummeted in sign-ups and traffic since its technically challenged launch last month, The Wrap reported Tuesday.

The former president’s social media network for MAGA disciples has sunk to about 60,000 new users a week.

“This is down 93% from its launch week, when it saw 872,000 installs during the week of Feb. 21,” Stephanie Chan of the analytics site Sensor Tower told The Wrap. “We estimate that Truth Social has so far reached approximately 1.2 million installs since its launch.”

Truthsocial.com reportedly has fallen to 1.9 million weekly visits from a high of 6 million in the debut week for the Twitter-like platform, according to Similarweb stats cited by the news website.

Team Trump created Truth Social after he was banned from Twitter for allegedly inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

The digital opinion site has struggled in a conservative space already occupied by right-leaning ventures such as Gettr.



:lol Nunez

03-30-2022, 10:46 AM
Donald Trump's Truth Social App Is Failing Fantastically, Report Says

Donald Trump’s Truth Social app has plummeted in sign-ups and traffic since its technically challenged launch last month, The Wrap reported Tuesday.

The former president’s social media network for MAGA disciples has sunk to about 60,000 new users a week.

“This is down 93% from its launch week, when it saw 872,000 installs during the week of Feb. 21,” Stephanie Chan of the analytics site Sensor Tower told The Wrap. “We estimate that Truth Social has so far reached approximately 1.2 million installs since its launch.”

Truthsocial.com reportedly has fallen to 1.9 million weekly visits from a high of 6 million in the debut week for the Twitter-like platform, according to Similarweb stats cited by the news website.

Team Trump created Truth Social after he was banned from Twitter for allegedly inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

The digital opinion site has struggled in a conservative space already occupied by right-leaning ventures such as Gettr.



:lol Nunez

He made President. Only 44 others have done it across 4 centuries.

And he'll be President forever.

ha, ha.

03-30-2022, 11:04 AM

03-30-2022, 11:48 AM
He made President. Only 44 others have done it across 4 centuries.

And he'll be President forever.

ha, ha.

Forever a stain on American history

03-30-2022, 11:59 AM
Forever a stain on American history

Well, you took off after him the morning after he beat Clinton, threatening to impeach him, then threatening to blow him and the family up, then impeach him some more, resist him every day that ended in (y)...you thought you'd walk away from that coup attempt.

Uh, uh,,,in the words of the "Ace"..."If you think we're forgettin' about this, you're wrong. This is big time, baby." - "Stand by Me" --- & like the Tate slaughter in '69...her family didn't forget and those Trump boys ain't forgettin' either. Vengeance will continue to be meted out...a family heritage. It'll be like the Holocaust type thingy..."Never forget."

03-30-2022, 01:21 PM
:lol "billionaire"

:rollin "genius"


Donald Trump to Sell D.C. Hotel After Records Show Millions in Revenue Loss

Former President Donald Trump's company is discussing the sale of the lease to its luxury Washington D.C. hotel in a transaction potentially worth more than $370 million, The Wall Street Journal reported this week.


The news of the potential sale of the hotel lease followed a report from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform that said the hotel reported losses of over $70 million during the four years of Trump's presidency even though the former president claimed it had netted him $150 million in income.


Uhhh....not to shit all over your obvious excitement, but with accelerated depreciation it's not unusual for a project like that to show a paper loss while spinning off real cash flow.

03-30-2022, 01:35 PM
Uhhh....not to shit all over your obvious excitement, but with accelerated depreciation it's not unusual for a project like that to show a paper loss while spinning off real cash flow.

Good point.


Hard to know what the cash flows are, without any reliable financials or seeing the results on a tax return. Good luck finding a CPA to opine on that. Heh