View Full Version : Official Fauci planned and cooked up COVID-19 years ago conspiracy thread

10-15-2021, 08:52 AM
Open thread for anyone who wants to prove their newest favorite conspiracy theory.

Pony up a working theory, and provide evidence to support it.

10-15-2021, 08:58 AM
You really need to see a doctor. You're basically derp for the left.

10-15-2021, 09:02 AM
You really need to see a doctor. You're basically derp for the left.

It's true, RG. You usually have a decent amount of a wistful class about you that I admire, even envy.

This, ain't that.

10-15-2021, 09:11 AM
He's trying to move something off the 1st page.

10-15-2021, 12:44 PM
You really need to see a doctor. You're basically derp for the left.

Your arguments (more like whining) are insignificant and easily dismissed.

10-15-2021, 12:45 PM
He's trying to move something off the 1st page.

and no. We have threads for all sorts of conspiracy theories. Seems like these newest needed some place for the idea to be vetted. Not entirely sure MM was altogether serious, but hey, always willing to hear someone out.

10-15-2021, 01:05 PM
and no. We have threads for all sorts of conspiracy theories. Seems like these newest needed some place for the idea to be vetted. Not entirely sure MM was altogether serious, but hey, always willing to hear someone out.

So your role here (self appointed) is to start threads without any comment just as place holders in the event someone wants to talk?

10-15-2021, 03:34 PM
So your role here (self appointed) is to start threads without any comment just as place holders in the event someone wants to talk?

:lol DMC forumcop

Millennial_Messiah stated this as one of the things he believes. I doubt he is alone.

He is full of shit in a lot of things, but thought he might want to prove it out.

Seems like not. Another throw-away troll attempt to pwn the libs.

Sound familiar?

10-15-2021, 03:35 PM
So your role here (self appointed) is to start threads without any comment just as place holders in the event someone wants to talk?

Any thoughts on the OP?

Did Fauci plan and cook up a global pandemic virus?

10-15-2021, 03:51 PM
Any thoughts on the OP?

Did Fauci plan and cook up a global pandemic virus?



10-21-2021, 06:18 AM


That video does not support that the theory that "Fauci planned and cooked up a pandemic."

That video shows an epidemiologist predicting that there will be diseases. It is about as shocking as an oncologist predicting there will be cancer.

Lay out a working theory, and provide some evidence.

but first:

Post hoc ergo propter hoc (Latin: 'after this, therefore because of this') is an informal fallacy that states: "Since event Y followed event X, event Y must have been caused by event X." It is often shortened simply to post hoc fallacy. A logical fallacy of the questionable cause variety, it is subtly different from the fallacy cum hoc ergo propter hoc ('with this, therefore because of this'), in which two events occur simultaneously or the chronological ordering is insignificant or unknown.[1]

Post hoc is a particularly tempting error because correlation appears to suggest causality. The fallacy lies in a conclusion based solely on the order of events, rather than taking into account other factors potentially responsible for the result that might rule out the connection.[2]

10-21-2021, 06:27 AM
You really need to see a doctor. You're basically derp for the left.


10-21-2021, 08:58 AM
Any thoughts on the OP?

Did Fauci plan and cook up a global pandemic virus?

...I certainly hope so. If accurate, it'd be a boon.

It'd take MF Biden offin' the hook-a-smidge for killing over 50k Americans in the last 30 days.

10-21-2021, 10:22 AM
You really need to see a doctor. You're basically derp for the left.

It's true, RG. You usually have a decent amount of a wistful class about you that I admire, even envy.

This, ain't that.

He's trying to move something off the 1st page.




So your role here (self appointed) is to start threads without any comment just as place holders in the event someone wants to talk?



10-21-2021, 10:46 AM


Effy, sweetheart, pumpkinpuss, MF Biden has killed over 50k of Americans in the past 30 days, son.

Let us proceed...

10-21-2021, 10:47 AM
This message is hidden because Thread is on your ignore list.

10-21-2021, 10:49 AM
This message is hidden because Thread is on your ignore list.

You ought to be ashamed for shunning me, RG. It ain't right.

You can dish it.
You just refuse to take it by setting me on your ignore list.

10-21-2021, 10:51 AM
This message is hidden because Thread is on your ignore list..

10-21-2021, 10:53 AM
This message is hidden because Thread is on your ignore list..

You're doing me not only [dirt], and [dirty dirt], but you're doing me the worst kind of dirt-[damnable dirt].

I implore you, old horse; restore me.

10-21-2021, 12:28 PM



10-21-2021, 01:03 PM
provide evidence


Will Hunting
10-21-2021, 01:05 PM
Personally I think COVID started in a Wuhan lab and if Trump didn't fuck the dog on investigating it, he'd have been able to campaign on China being an enemy and would have won in a landslide.

10-21-2021, 02:34 PM
Personally I think COVID started in a Wuhan lab and if Trump didn't fuck the dog on investigating it, he'd have been able to campaign on China being an enemy and would have won in a landslide.

This. A modicus of competency probably vaults him over the top.

10-21-2021, 03:44 PM
Trump had every chance to be a true American hero. Some men just can't answer the bell.

10-21-2021, 04:12 PM

[1]"U.S. Government Gain-of-Function Deliberative Process and Research Funding Pause (from 2014) "

Rejected. Not relevant to proving assertion. A funding pause from research in 2014 actually is proof that such research was stopped years ago.

[2]"Gain-of-Function Research: Ethical Analysis"

Rejected. Not relevant to proving assertion. Analysis of what should be done is not evidence of what was done.

[3]Website: Research Involving Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens

"To date, only three [project proposals] involving ePPP research were reviewed by the HHS P3CO Review Group ... However, NIAID ultimately decided to redirect all funds under the award to support alternative approaches that do not involve ePPP research."
Relevant, but is evidence that no research was performed, disproving assertion.

[4]Ban on gain-of-function studies ends

Rejected. Relevant, but not proof of assertion. See previous.

[5]Gain-of-function mutation of microRNA-140 in human skeletal dysplasia

Rejected. Not relevant. Study is a gain-of-function analysis of one human gene (microRNA-140), and not of any virus. Mutation likely caused by pathogen, but study did not involve inducing gain-of-function on micro-organisms.

So, you not only have no evidence of assertion, but evidence assertion is false, and, if my own understanding is correct, one study you included because you didn't understand it.

Par for the course in conspiracy theory. It fails utterly and is actively disproved by available evidence.

10-21-2021, 04:23 PM
Imagine believing Fauci had no part in all of this including many others. :lmao

Mr 5 languages is fucking dumb as a rock tbh.

Cuck Ross
10-21-2021, 04:37 PM
[1]"U.S. Government Gain-of-Function Deliberative Process and Research Funding Pause (from 2014) "
Rejected. Not relevant to proving assertion. A funding pause from research in 2014 actually is proof that such research was stopped years ago.

[2]"Gain-of-Function Research: Ethical Analysis"
Rejected. Not relevant to proving assertion. Analysis of what should be done is not evidence of what was done.

[3]Website: Research Involving Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens
"To date, only three [project proposals] involving ePPP research were reviewed by the HHS P3CO Review Group ... However, NIAID ultimately decided to redirect all funds under the award to support alternative approaches that do not involve ePPP research."
Relevant, but is evidence that no research was performed, disproving assertion.

[4]Ban on gain-of-function studies ends
Rejected. Relevant, but not proof of assertion. See previous.

[5]Gain-of-function mutation of microRNA-140 in human skeletal dysplasia
Rejected. Not relevant. Study is a gain-of-function analysis of one human gene (microRNA-140), and not of any virus. Mutation likely caused by pathogen, but study did not involve inducing gain-of-function on micro-organisms.

So, you not only have no evidence of assertion, but evidence assertion is false, and, if my own understanding is correct, one study you included because you didn't understand it.

Par for the course in conspiracy theory. It fails utterly and is actively disproved by available evidence.

I don't believe Fauci planned and cooked up Covid 19 but I do think he has lied about the funding of gain of function research. I do believe it originated and leaked from a lab and Fauci has been trying to help cover that up. The extreme push to silence the lab leak theory from the start was very suspect.


EcoHealth Alliance Conducted Risky Experiments on MERS Virus in ChinaDocuments released by the National Institutes of Health yesterday raise new questions about government-funded research on viruses conducted in China. The annual grant reports from EcoHealth Alliance, which the NIH sent to The Intercept in response to a lawsuit (https://theintercept.com/document/2021/09/09/the-intercept-v-national-institutes-of-health/), provided additional evidence that the U.S. nonprofit — which studies emerging infectious diseases — and its sub-awardee, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, were engaged in risky experiments and that the NIH may not have been fully aware of these activities.

Yesterday, the NIH provided that missing report (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21089573-priority-grants-for-foia-request-55058-first-look-institute-2_redacted) for the period ending May 2019, which was inexplicably dated August 2021. That summary of the group’s work includes a description of an experiment the EcoHealth Alliance conducted involving infectious clones of MERS-CoV, the virus that caused a deadly outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome in 2012. MERS has a case-fatality rate as high as 35 percent (https://www.who.int/health-topics/middle-east-respiratory-syndrome-coronavirus-mers#tab=tab_1), much higher than Covid-19’s. The scientists swapped out the virus’s receptor-binding domain, or RBD, a part of the spike protein that enables it to enter a host’s cells, according to the report. “We constructed the full-length infectious clone of MERS-CoV, and replaced the RBD of MERS-CoV with the RBDs of various strains of HKU4 (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tylonycteris_bat_coronavirus_HKU4)-related coronaviruses previously identified in bats from different provinces in southern China,” the scientists wrote.
“Changing the receptor binding site on MERS is sort of crazy,” wrote Jack Nunberg, a virologist and director of the Montana Biotechnology Center at the University of Montana, in an email to The Intercept after reviewing the documents. “Although these new chimeric viruses may retain properties of the MERS-CoV genetic backbone, engineering of a known human pathogen raises new and unpredictable risks beyond those posed by their previously reported studies using a non-pathogenic bat virus backbone.” The researchers’ intent, which some scientists consider integral to defining gain-of-function, remains unclear.

“In the very same report, they showed data that one of their chimeric SARS-like viruses caused more severe disease in a humanized animal model than the original virus,” said Alina Chan, a Boston-based molecular biologist and co-author of the upcoming book “Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19.” “After seeing that result, why did they do similar work using the MERS human pathogen?”


10-21-2021, 05:18 PM
I don't believe Fauci planned and cooked up Covid 19 but I do think he has lied about the funding of gain of function research. I do believe it originated and leaked from a lab and Fauci has been trying to help cover that up. The extreme push to silence the lab leak theory from the start was very suspect.


EcoHealth Alliance Conducted Risky Experiments on MERS Virus in ChinaDocuments released by the National Institutes of Health yesterday raise new questions about government-funded research on viruses conducted in China. The annual grant reports from EcoHealth Alliance, which the NIH sent to The Intercept in response to a lawsuit (https://theintercept.com/document/2021/09/09/the-intercept-v-national-institutes-of-health/), provided additional evidence that the U.S. nonprofit — which studies emerging infectious diseases — and its sub-awardee, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, were engaged in risky experiments and that the NIH may not have been fully aware of these activities.

Yesterday, the NIH provided that missing report (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21089573-priority-grants-for-foia-request-55058-first-look-institute-2_redacted) for the period ending May 2019, which was inexplicably dated August 2021. That summary of the group’s work includes a description of an experiment the EcoHealth Alliance conducted involving infectious clones of MERS-CoV, the virus that caused a deadly outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome in 2012. MERS has a case-fatality rate as high as 35 percent (https://www.who.int/health-topics/middle-east-respiratory-syndrome-coronavirus-mers#tab=tab_1), much higher than Covid-19’s. The scientists swapped out the virus’s receptor-binding domain, or RBD, a part of the spike protein that enables it to enter a host’s cells, according to the report. “We constructed the full-length infectious clone of MERS-CoV, and replaced the RBD of MERS-CoV with the RBDs of various strains of HKU4 (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tylonycteris_bat_coronavirus_HKU4)-related coronaviruses previously identified in bats from different provinces in southern China,” the scientists wrote.
“Changing the receptor binding site on MERS is sort of crazy,” wrote Jack Nunberg, a virologist and director of the Montana Biotechnology Center at the University of Montana, in an email to The Intercept after reviewing the documents. “Although these new chimeric viruses may retain properties of the MERS-CoV genetic backbone, engineering of a known human pathogen raises new and unpredictable risks beyond those posed by their previously reported studies using a non-pathogenic bat virus backbone.” The researchers’ intent, which some scientists consider integral to defining gain-of-function, remains unclear.

“In the very same report, they showed data that one of their chimeric SARS-like viruses caused more severe disease in a humanized animal model than the original virus,” said Alina Chan, a Boston-based molecular biologist and co-author of the upcoming book “Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19.” “After seeing that result, why did they do similar work using the MERS human pathogen?”


The actual documents state no such thing. The claims come from opinions about the documents.

10-21-2021, 08:24 PM
one study you included because you didn't understand it.

Wrong. I didn't even look at any of those links Charlie.

10-22-2021, 08:36 AM
one study you included because you didn't understand it.

Wrong. I didn't even look at any of those links Charlie.

:lol If you didn't read it, you didn't understand it. Nuance from not being able to understand it, were you to do so.

Kudos for trying though. It was good to read through, and I am much more informed on this than I was when I started.

10-22-2021, 08:37 AM
Trump had every chance to be a true American hero. Some men just can't answer the bell.


10-22-2021, 08:39 AM
I don't believe Fauci planned and cooked up Covid 19 but I do think he has lied about the funding of gain of function research. I do believe it originated and leaked from a lab and Fauci has been trying to help cover that up. The extreme push to silence the lab leak theory from the start was very suspect.


EcoHealth Alliance Conducted Risky Experiments on MERS Virus in ChinaDocuments released by the National Institutes of Health yesterday raise new questions about government-funded research on viruses conducted in China. The annual grant reports from EcoHealth Alliance, which the NIH sent to The Intercept in response to a lawsuit (https://theintercept.com/document/2021/09/09/the-intercept-v-national-institutes-of-health/), provided additional evidence that the U.S. nonprofit — which studies emerging infectious diseases — and its sub-awardee, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, were engaged in risky experiments and that the NIH may not have been fully aware of these activities.

Yesterday, the NIH provided that missing report (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21089573-priority-grants-for-foia-request-55058-first-look-institute-2_redacted) for the period ending May 2019, which was inexplicably dated August 2021. That summary of the group’s work includes a description of an experiment the EcoHealth Alliance conducted involving infectious clones of MERS-CoV, the virus that caused a deadly outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome in 2012. MERS has a case-fatality rate as high as 35 percent (https://www.who.int/health-topics/middle-east-respiratory-syndrome-coronavirus-mers#tab=tab_1), much higher than Covid-19’s. The scientists swapped out the virus’s receptor-binding domain, or RBD, a part of the spike protein that enables it to enter a host’s cells, according to the report. “We constructed the full-length infectious clone of MERS-CoV, and replaced the RBD of MERS-CoV with the RBDs of various strains of HKU4 (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tylonycteris_bat_coronavirus_HKU4)-related coronaviruses previously identified in bats from different provinces in southern China,” the scientists wrote.
“Changing the receptor binding site on MERS is sort of crazy,” wrote Jack Nunberg, a virologist and director of the Montana Biotechnology Center at the University of Montana, in an email to The Intercept after reviewing the documents. “Although these new chimeric viruses may retain properties of the MERS-CoV genetic backbone, engineering of a known human pathogen raises new and unpredictable risks beyond those posed by their previously reported studies using a non-pathogenic bat virus backbone.” The researchers’ intent, which some scientists consider integral to defining gain-of-function, remains unclear.

“In the very same report, they showed data that one of their chimeric SARS-like viruses caused more severe disease in a humanized animal model than the original virus,” said Alina Chan, a Boston-based molecular biologist and co-author of the upcoming book “Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19.” “After seeing that result, why did they do similar work using the MERS human pathogen?”


Nope. Close, but no banana. Nono is right, there was no research done on COVID species, and they had very very strict controls in place that essentially prevented research from even getting funding.

Cuck Ross
10-22-2021, 11:01 AM
Nope. Close, but no banana. Nono is right, there was no research done on COVID species, and they had very very strict controls in place that essentially prevented research from even getting funding.

There was clearly research done on coronaviruses according to HHS. The same letter HHS admits their "very very strict controls" were not followed.


"very very strict controls"






10-22-2021, 11:57 AM
Is there a reason you're not using your TSA screen name? Did you lose another bet?