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10-29-2021, 12:49 PM
Spoiler alert: entitled whiny titty babies are entitled whiny titty babies

Capitol riot defendants have been complaining about the conditions in the Washington, D.C., jail where they’re being held. One judge isn’t having it. “They’re running a jail, not a hotel,” Judge Emmitt Sullivan said in a hearing on Wednesday. “Some people want hotel services.”

Some judges have been noting that they’re working with the D.C. jail to improve conditions, according to CNN, but Sullivan alleged many of the claims should be directed toward the jail, not brought up in court.

One such case is that of Christopher Worrell, a member of the Proud Boys who is claiming mistreatment. The Department of Justice said in a court filing on Wednesday he has “invented” many of his medical needs.

Although a judge ruled earlier this month that the D.C. Department of Corrections violated Worrell’s rights when they limited his access to necessary medical care, prosecutors said the filing that Worrell’s allegations of poor treatment have “repeatedly been contradicted or unsubstantiated by the medical records” of the doctors who have seen him.

10-29-2021, 12:50 PM
(facepalm) title.

10-29-2021, 12:53 PM
Mistreatment of prisoners good now