View Full Version : Insomnia

11-25-2005, 07:04 AM
What the fuck does everyone do to get rid of it? I've had it BAD for nearly a month now. I've tried melatonin and I really don't want to try prescription sleep aids, so what else is there?

11-25-2005, 07:07 AM
Have you done any kind of exercising? That usually helps....

11-25-2005, 07:08 AM

11-25-2005, 07:10 AM
Find out why you can't sleep and then fix it. If it's anxiety or depression then fix that. If it's spurstalkitis, then sell your computer.

If you are a night person, then work at night and sleep in the morning. That seems to work for some as well.

11-25-2005, 07:15 AM
lol @ spurstalkitis. It isn't that. I'd rather sleep than read this board.

I know it isn't a lack of excercise because I am phsyically tired much of the time, but I just can't sleep. I'm going to check out Sequ's site though.

11-25-2005, 07:19 AM
When do you sleep? Do you sleep at all and if you do how many hours a day?

11-25-2005, 07:26 AM
Normally or recently? Recently, it has been extremely erratic. I may sleep normally one night, then stay up for almost 48 straight hours and sleep for a portion of the day when I do finally get to sleep. It just varies at the moment. I've never been a sleeper who sleeps very well, but it has been noticably worse lately.

I think it might be related to being jobless. This started around the time I quit my job, but I don't have much anxiety because I'm making more money now than I was before. But I do get quite stir crazy and bored without the work.

11-25-2005, 07:36 AM
Anal people always have a hard time sleeping,

Damn Manny. Maybe if you spent as much time filling out job applications as you do creating new topics you'd hijack fewer threads.

See sig below :lmao

11-25-2005, 08:38 AM
sleep. and get rid of the demons.

11-25-2005, 09:56 AM
Normally or recently? Recently, it has been extremely erratic. I may sleep normally one night, then stay up for almost 48 straight hours and sleep for a portion of the day when I do finally get to sleep. It just varies at the moment. I've never been a sleeper who sleeps very well, but it has been noticably worse lately.

I think it might be related to being jobless. This started around the time I quit my job, but I don't have much anxiety because I'm making more money now than I was before. But I do get quite stir crazy and bored without the work.

jobless? and making more money?

Where do I sign up?

11-25-2005, 10:17 AM
have a wank man

Solid D
11-25-2005, 10:39 AM
I may sleep normally one night, then stay up for almost 48 straight hours and sleep for a portion of the day when I do finally get to sleep. It just varies at the moment. I've never been a sleeper who sleeps very well, but it has been noticably worse lately.

48 on, 24 off? Sounds like a perfect job fit to be a fireman.


Take a few minutes and develop a plan for yourself. A plan that includes some form of exercise that you specify (no generalities allowed), reading up on adding value to your marketability on the job market, improving your resume, read up on companies you would like to work for (most business websites have a "financial" or "investor" section to click on that offers an annual report. Look at the CEO's vision or mission statement to the investors or some of the new markets that company plans to enter in the coming months or years. You can use that knowledge to empower you in setting up your next interview, or to improve your chances during your interview.

These positive steps should also give you peace of mind, and might help you sleep when you need it.

T Park
11-25-2005, 10:50 AM
jobless? and making more money?

Where do I sign up?

No kidding, where is the website for this home based business.

David Bowie
11-25-2005, 01:09 PM
Ive had insomnia pretty much my whole life. This semester its been terrible, I recently went for about 4 days straight without sleep. It's mostly due to stress/anxiety I think. I would not reccomend taking sleeping pills. I hear that they are highly addictive and are just not good for your health. I tried them a couple of times as a kid, and they either didn't work or made me terribly tired. The thing that did help this semester was :smokin, and I am not the only one whom this works for ,but it is not for everyone. I reccomend to maybe take up a hobby. I think that it is easier to sleep if you feel satisfied with your day.

11-25-2005, 01:16 PM
Ambien :)

.. On a serious note. Try to exercise more should help you pass out.

11-25-2005, 03:53 PM
Man, I really don't want to go the ambien route. Jess would steal my whole prescription. :lol (she has lifelong insomnia)

I may have to do that though.

Mr. Defense
11-25-2005, 04:16 PM
Manny, get a job, get laid, and get some tylenol pm.

reading puts your ass to sleep as well...you know that.

now you got the answers you need. :tu

now get yo ass to bed at a reasonable hour.

early bird gets the worm nikka. :elephant

(although, i'm gonna need to start taking my own advice, i need a job and some tylenol pm in the worst way...:lol)

GiG's Doctor
11-25-2005, 04:24 PM
I recommend alot of sex and then 1 shot of the good stuff.

11-25-2005, 04:26 PM
Try putting in a good hard day's work once in awhile.

I never have any trouble sleeping after working hard all day.

11-25-2005, 04:57 PM
When the girlfriend isn't around....this works for me...


11-25-2005, 05:48 PM
Two words man, Pot.

Mr. Defense
11-25-2005, 06:03 PM
Two words man, Pot.


11-25-2005, 06:35 PM
jobless? and making more money?

Where do I sign up?

No shit. The only thing I can think of is that he's become a burglar. Which would work well with the insomnia.

Add me to the list of those recommending exercise, if you aren't getting some. Even if you feel tired.

The fact that you might have loss some structured hours to your life when you quit your job might have played a role.

Sequ is the man when it comes to sleep disorders, though.

N.Y. Johnny
11-25-2005, 06:50 PM
take some Lunesta you will fall asleep

11-25-2005, 07:47 PM
OTC Tylenol PM...works like charm. Plus it helps get rid of any headaches/pains you may also have. :tu

11-25-2005, 07:50 PM
I think its simple Manny.

Start a Fight Club.

11-25-2005, 08:14 PM
You have to learn how to turn off the internal dialogue (stop talking to yourself). When you close your eye's concentrate on just the breathing. Like counting one and two over and over again. Slow down your heart rate and in a few mins poof your drooling on yourself.

I have Aquarium in the room I sleep so the water sound is good too. Snooorrrr.

11-25-2005, 08:41 PM
Think of a Spurs game.

Sleep in no time ;)

11-25-2005, 08:44 PM
Is he asleep yet? Is it safe to post?

Guru of Nothing
11-25-2005, 09:27 PM
Try meditating. It may take a little practice before it works for you.

11-27-2005, 04:19 AM
What the fuck does everyone do to get rid of it? I've had it BAD for nearly a month now. I've tried melatonin and I really don't want to try prescription sleep aids, so what else is there?

I had it real bad before I went on a cross-country trip to Baltimore in July.

Upon my return (to Yuma, AZ.) I was all of a sudden tired around 11 p.m. or so.

As I got back into the swing of things at work (I routinely work until 1 a.m.), things got back to normal, though I no longer was up until 4 a.m. or 5 a.m. just for the hell of it.

Basically, either take a cross country trip :rolleyes or when you get up, don't take a nap. EVER. that only makes things worse. It doesn't matter how tired you get. Eventually, you'll get to the point where your body needs sleep enough that it should allow you to fall asleep at a normal time.

Funny, though... that I'm posting this at 2:20 a.m. on my night off. Funny... or maybe just sad. Whichever.

11-27-2005, 04:08 PM
Way up early even if you only got 4-5 hours of sleep the night before. give up booze, goto sleep early, continue pattern.

11-27-2005, 04:26 PM
Maybe you didn't leave your teeth under the pillow as a kid and now.... NOW... it's fucking coming back to get ya. That Fairy aint no shit.

11-27-2005, 05:04 PM
I also have insomnia. Most of the time i go to sleep until after 7am. :wow

11-27-2005, 05:17 PM
Drink some warm milk before you go to bed and have your girl friend read you a lullabye.

11-27-2005, 05:27 PM
elpimpo4cc is a master of sleeping technique. you could punch him in the face and he would not wake up.

George W. Bush
11-27-2005, 07:58 PM
Try not to snort at least 4 hours before bedtime.

And stop thinking so goshdarn much.

and don't eat 4 hours before you goto sleep.

when your mind is not at ease? when your metabolism is boosted by food.

OF course you gonna have a hard time sleepin.

Good luck.

David Bowie
11-27-2005, 08:54 PM
I also have insomnia. Most of the time i go to sleep until after 7am. :wow

Wow, do you work a night shift?

Although I must admit, it I have extended periods of vacation time and no schedule, Ill go to bed at 9am

11-27-2005, 10:34 PM
Two words man, Pot.


Seriously, do get some exercise for at least an hour. Go for a walk for no less than 1 hour. Come home, post a resume, plan on at least 2 days a week to interview.

More money? Stay at home? WTF? Why isn't this shit working for me? I have to be at work at 7:15.

11-28-2005, 04:22 AM
Wow, do you work a night shift?

Although I must admit, it I have extended periods of vacation time and no schedule, Ill go to bed at 9am

Bingo! :lol

11-29-2005, 02:30 AM
You said you've always had sleep problems. Is it possible you have sleep apnea? Do you feel tired all the time even when you've had a full night's sleep? Do you typically have problems concentrating or a bad memory? Has anyone told you that you stop breathing while you sleep? Do you find yourself drifting during normal activities such as driving?

Regular exercise will help, but do not do it within several hours of bedtime.

Have a regular sleep schedule. This is very important. Go to bed and get up around the same time every day, even on week-ends. If you don't get any sleep during that time, that's it. Wait until your next bedtime to get into bed again, NO naps.

When you can't sleep, don't do things that stimulate your brain such as watching TV (even something mindless) or getting on the computer. Read something boring, sit on your porch, just relax and then try to get back into bed.

An ordered sleeping environment helps some people. Keep a neat bedroom and bedside table. Keep fresh linens. You don't have to make your bed, but straighten out the sheets and the blanket over them.

I'm not sure if this is typical, but I sleep better when it's slightly cold (read: meat locker) in their home.

Try a 'white noise' machine or CD. Pick something soothing to you that you can put it on and it doesn't distract you.

Try to stop thinking when your head hits the pillow, this is not the time to problem solve. Keep a pad of paper and pen by the bed so that if you can't get something off of your mind, write it down and deal with it the next day. If you find yourself thinking of the same thing time and time again, resolve that problem. If it's your job situation, maybe you could have a schedule (one that's possible to accomplish) of things that need to get done, how often you need to do it, follow-up that needs to occur, contact info to include names dates and reason for calls. A spreadsheet might be helpful with this.

If you're not able to fix this on your own, consider seeing a doctor who may prescribe sleeping pills temporarily (maybe a week or two) until you've gotten your sleep schedule fixed. I haven't found any of them (and I've pretty much tried them all) addicting in the slightest, maybe I'm just weird. Word of warning, if they say take the medication and them immediately go to bed, DO IT. Even if you're fine one night, you may react differently the next. Sometimes John is up for several hours after he takes it, and others he's ended up crawling to bed on all fours and broken a window, almost gone through it. If your insurance will allow, I would suggest seeing a doctor who specializes in sleep disorders. Not only will they be able to pick the right medicine for you, if needed, but they'll also be able to determine if there may be any underlying causes and suggest non-drug methods for dealing with this.

And I'm with everyone else, how are you making more money without a job? I want in :)

Good luck, and please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or would like a referral to a doctor here in SA.

11-29-2005, 04:00 AM
Carie, I'm positive I have sleep apnea. I probably need to have surgery at the very least to remove my tonsils, but it isn't possible at this time.

11-29-2005, 04:06 AM
Carie, I'm positive I have sleep apnea. I probably need to have surgery at the very least to remove my tonsils, but it isn't possible at this time.Sorry, it sucks! My brain wakes up once every 30 seconds. Let's just say that my IQ has taken a nose dive since this started several years ago. Have you tried changing sleep positions? I sleep much better on my stomach. I'm just totally talking out of my butt here, but maybe if you slept on your side (prop a pillow behind your back if you have to) your tonsils will fall to the side of your throat and that will leave more room for oxygen to pass through? I know that sometimes you just can't do things, but consider starting saving for this if you can. It doesn't just affect your sleep. It causes serious health problems, including problems with your heart.

Also, I've read in some places that if you have sleep apnea you shouldn't take sleeping pills. I'm not sure of the science behind it, maybe it relaxes the muscles in your throat more leaving less room for oxygen to pass?

11-29-2005, 04:18 AM
Sorry, it sucks! My brain wakes up once every 30 seconds. Let's just say that my IQ has taken a nose dive since this started several years ago. Have you tried changing sleep positions? I sleep much better on my stomach. I'm just totally talking out of my butt here, but maybe if you slept on your side (prop a pillow behind your back if you have to) your tonsils will fall to the side of your throat and that will leave more room for oxygen to pass through? I know that sometimes you just can't do things, but consider starting saving for this if you can. It doesn't just affect your sleep. It causes serious health problems, including problems with your heart.

Also, I've read in some places that if you have sleep apnea you shouldn't take sleeping pills. I'm not sure of the science behind it, maybe it relaxes the muscles in your throat more leaving less room for oxygen to pass?
I really think the only solutions available to me are the pressure machines they have or actual oral surgery to remove the excess tissue. I've had doctors comment on the size of my tonsils before! :lol

Really, the problem isn't sleeping for me. The melatonin has been great at making sure I have a solid nights sleep once I fall asleep, the problem has been falling asleep. My sleep apnea probably affects Jess much more than it does me at this point. Anyone who has slept near me knows I snore pretty loudly.

11-29-2005, 04:29 AM
I really think the only solutions available to me are the pressure machines they have or actual oral surgery to remove the excess tissue. I've had doctors comment on the size of my tonsils before! :lol

Really, the problem isn't sleeping for me. The melatonin has been great at making sure I have a solid nights sleep once I fall asleep, the problem has been falling asleep. My sleep apnea probably affects Jess much more than it does me at this point. Anyone who has slept near me knows I snore pretty loudly.:lol "My, what big...tonsils you have"

If your tonsils are that big, how is the CPAP machine going to force the air around them? I haven't read anything about that, I thought removal was the only fix. Are you talking about surgery to remove the tonsils, or the tissue at the back of the throat? If the latter, please get a couple of doctor's opinions on this. Everyone I've talked to has said that it doesn't help a lot of people, and makes it worse in some cases.

Good luck getting to sleep! (BTW, it's 3 am, now would be a good time :))

12-09-2005, 05:46 AM

it's a bitch ain't it :lol