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11-05-2021, 07:41 PM

that's my winning ticket.

11-05-2021, 09:26 PM
Just hand it, AGAIN, to the Democrats.
This is just flat out giving up...

11-05-2021, 09:43 PM
:lol DeSantis would never win on his own. He'll prolly be Trump's VP in '24 though.

11-06-2021, 02:00 AM
horrible choices, man

11-06-2021, 06:48 AM
horrible choices, man

Awful, but what Democratic ticket do you have beating them?

11-06-2021, 08:30 AM
horrible choices, man

Biden/kagala 2020 say hi

11-06-2021, 08:31 AM
Awful, but what Democratic ticket do you have beating them?


Mayor Pete fucked himself by taking gaylental l3ave for 3 months while his transportation office burns. Hes done. And he was the hope. RIP

11-06-2021, 08:37 AM
Demorats will still try to push the disaster that is Kagala :lol im sure. That will be an epic fail :lol

They will also push Pete as the lgbtqxyz123 hero. But the shipping/supply disaster that we will face in 2022 will virtually disqualify this loser :lol

11-06-2021, 08:58 AM
Biden/kagala 2020 say hi

Donald Trump says hi "I am the largest modern fk up to ever hold this office"
And its not even close.

Anyone Else 2020 carried the day.
DeInsanitus is NOT anyone else.
He is a peckerwood.

11-06-2021, 09:02 AM
Demorats will still try to push the disaster that is Kagala :lol im sure. That will be an epic fail :lol

They will also push Pete as the lgbtqxyz123 hero. But the shipping/supply disaster that we will face in 2022 will virtually disqualify this loser :lol

No way they push Kamala as she is about as likable as a canker sore.

Has to be some random Mayor or Governor that emerges in their field. But if they can't find a real minority, they might push Elizabeth Warren, she of the great Indian heritage.

11-06-2021, 09:08 AM

* ding

11-06-2021, 09:09 AM
No way they push Kamala as she is about as likable as a canker sore.

Has to be some random Mayor or Governor that emerges in their field. But if they can't find a real minority, they might push Elizabeth Warren, she of the great Indian heritage.

Demorats pushed Shillary knowing she is metasticized ass cancer.

They are not only delusional. They are masochists :lol

11-06-2021, 09:18 AM
* ding

11-06-2021, 09:26 AM
* ding

Joe says hi

Your orange man catapulted Biden into office by 8 million votes
History is a cruel DING.

And now you want to do it over with your Florida governor.
And you call democrats masochists?
Damn Bolivian coffee bean...

11-06-2021, 09:49 AM
Joe says hi

Your orange man catapulted Biden into office by 8 million votes
History is a cruel DING.

And now you want to do it over with your Florida governor.
And you call democrats masochists?
Damn Bolivian coffee bean...

I dont think I would vote for deathsantis/youngkkk ticket nig

Unless they bring out shillary/kagala 2024 then maybe.

Never voted repugnant. And it would take a monumental fuckup from demoshits to make me

I usually abstain from these shitshows :lol

11-06-2021, 09:50 AM
Trump will be a convict by 2023, at least in Georgia, probably NY

Desantis is underwater in FL, but he controls the corrupt Repug FL machine, just like McConnell wins with 30% approval in KY

11-06-2021, 09:58 AM
Just hand it, AGAIN, to the Democrats.
This is just flat out giving up...

Who else ya got?

Pence's political career is done, and he's a monotone bore
Pompeo at least lost some weight, but there's still a lot of foreign policy dirt on him
Nikki Haley would be a decent VP candidate, but definitely not a top dog
Youngkin for president? I think he's too new and green to be top dog, but we'll see

Will Hunting
11-06-2021, 10:35 AM
Youngkin would be great at the top of the ticket provided that Trump cooperates with him the same way he did in Virginia, I just don’t see that happening.

11-06-2021, 10:47 AM
Deathsantis would get wrecked

11-06-2021, 10:56 AM
Deathsantis would get wrecked

By who? :lol

11-06-2021, 10:58 AM
By who? :lol

Biden/anyone. Alec Baldwin as VP would be fine. This would be the 4 millionth and last time pIeople underestimate Joe Biden and assume no one likes him, he's senile, and he's about to fail any minute now in his career etc. etc. Leftists still she'll shocked about the primaries into catatonia on Twitter.

Deathsantis has a giant hole in that he's been getting patty cake treatment by the media over his horrible handling of Covid but that wouldn't last an entire election cycle. This weird thing where Republicans are betrayed as shrewd and savvy and better at running campaigns and winning elections when they've lost like eight out of the last nine popular votes is myopic. At the end of the day Deathsantis will look a million times worse than we made 47% Romney and locker room talk guy look.

People like you will help Biden out by calling Biden senile which offends old voters and also makes it so that if he even sounds like remotely coherent people will be fine. The senile thing is great it makes passing the low bar you guys set for himall he has to do basically lmao

11-06-2021, 11:00 AM
Biden/anyone. Alec Baldwin as VP would be fine. This would be the 4 millionth and last time pIeople underestimate Joe Biden

:lmao thinking Joe Biden will be alive in 2024 :lmao

11-06-2021, 11:07 AM
:lmao thinking Joe Biden will be alive in 2024 :lmao

Posts like this mocking are paradoxically awesomely helpful. By mocking and calling him senile, old, and out of touch you basically lower the bar so little it's like 1 inch off the ground.

Then if he goes and gives a speech or a debate and he's like semi coherent people like "he's not bad like they said. Those guys are full of shit" happened all 2020 and I want to thank you again for making it possible in 2024 lmao

11-06-2021, 11:16 AM
Posts like this mocking are paradoxically awesomely helpful. By mocking and calling him senile, old, and out of touch you basically lower the bar so little it's like 1 inch off the ground.

Then if he goes and gives a speech or a debate and he's like semi coherent people like "he's not bad like they said. Those guys are full of shit" happened all 2020 and I want to thank you again for making it possible in 2024 lmao

:lmao thinking Joe will be alive in 2024

11-06-2021, 11:24 AM
:lmao thinking Joe will be alive in 2024

Thank you for your continued support :tu

11-06-2021, 11:43 AM
Biden/kagala 2020 say hi

They only won because of independents general revulsion of Trump.

11-06-2021, 12:51 PM
Biden/anyone. Alec Baldwin as VP would be fine. This would be the 4 millionth and last time pIeople underestimate Joe Biden and assume no one likes him, he's senile, and he's about to fail any minute now in his career etc. etc. Leftists still she'll shocked about the primaries into catatonia on Twitter.

Deathsantis has a giant hole in that he's been getting patty cake treatment by the media over his horrible handling of Covid but that wouldn't last an entire election cycle. This weird thing where Republicans are betrayed as shrewd and savvy and better at running campaigns and winning elections when they've lost like eight out of the last nine popular votes is myopic. At the end of the day Deathsantis will look a million times worse than we made 47% Romney and locker room talk guy look.

People like you will help Biden out by calling Biden senile which offends old voters and also makes it so that if he even sounds like remotely coherent people will be fine. The senile thing is great it makes passing the low bar you guys set for himall he has to do basically lmao

Nobody will give a shit about covid in 2023 or 2024.

11-06-2021, 12:55 PM
Nobody will give a shit about covid in 2023 or 2024.

That's extra bad then because that's what's causing most of Biden's drop in polling despite what the CRT/Fox News crowd thinks. People are just tired of it and want to go fuck away already and blame the man in charge whoever that is. My point was Deathsantis would drag it all up again and look the worse for wear but if your view is cov8d will be in the rear view mirror and the economy will be recovered then hallelujah

11-06-2021, 12:58 PM
That's extra bad then because that's what's causing most of Biden's drop in polling despite what the CRT/Fox News crowd thinks. People are just tired of it and want to go fuck away already and blame the man in charge whoever that is. My point was Deathsantis would drag it all up again and look the worse for wear but if your view is cov8d will be in the rear view mirror and the economy will be recovered then hallelujah

The only way covid will be an issue against the Dems is if the Dems go forward with their retarded covid vaccine mandates, otherwise covid won't be used against the dems past next summer.

11-06-2021, 01:11 PM
The only way covid will be an issue against the Dems is if the Dems go forward with their retarded covid vaccine mandates, otherwise covid won't be used against the dems past next summer.

DoK was right in that the mask mandates everywhere in public are more annoying than the vaccine mandates. The vaccine mandates for jobs are by far the best as people complain about them a lot but then you look at the statistics and 99.9% of them get vaccinated. The mask mandates are the ones need to go for sure.

Now the vaccine mandates for kids are just fucking stupid because kids and young people they spread the disease but they don't have almost any serious cases. Fauci focusing on the kids viruses and vaccination is fucking stupid. Would focus on 60 plus even more than already myself.

If it was me and I am definitely not a covid expert at all really but I would instantaneously replace Fauci. Focus 0% on kids while explaining that they don't have serious cases. Then I would just admit that people who have had covid and recovered have a pretty strong natural immunity to it. The fact that this is like covered up seems bizarre. I'd probably get shit on for that and then if there was like rw goobers doing covid style pox parties or some shit there would be blowback but I wouldn't give a fuck. You could include the group of people who've had a natural immunity to covid on your stats to juice them up

11-06-2021, 01:19 PM
DoK was right in that the mask mandates everywhere in public are more annoying than the vaccine mandates. The vaccine mandates for jobs are by far the best as people complain about them a lot but then you look at the statistics and 99.9% of them get vaccinated. The mask mandates are the ones need to go for sure.

Now the vaccine mandates for kids are just fucking stupid because kids and young people they spread the disease but they don't have almost any serious cases. Fauci focusing on the kids viruses and vaccination is fucking stupid. Would focus on 60 plus even more than already myself.

If it was me and I am definitely not a covid expert at all really but I would instantaneously replace Fauci. Focus 0% on kids while explaining that they don't have serious cases. Then I would just admit that people who have had covid and recovered have a pretty strong natural immunity to it. The fact that this is like covered up seems bizarre. I'd probably get shit on for that and then if there was like rw goobers doing covid style pox parties or some shit there would be blowback but I wouldn't give a fuck. You could include the group of people who've had a natural immunity to covid on your stats to juice them up

Not to mention Fauci should be incarcerated for abusing and murdering 100x+ as many dogs as one Michael Vick

Fauci has always been a fraud and should be executed

11-06-2021, 01:28 PM
Nobody will give a shit about covid in 2023 or 2024.

I'm pretty sure the folks that don't believe in vaxes that got fired because of Biden mandates will remember covid.

11-06-2021, 01:34 PM
I'm pretty sure the folks that don't believe in vaxes that got fired because of Biden mandates will remember covid.

Mandate us frozen :tu


11-06-2021, 01:55 PM
I'm pretty sure the folks that don't believe in vaxes that got fired because of Biden mandates will remember covid.

right, I just meant that the Dems won't be able to benefit from pro mask or pro vaccine mandates after about this coming spring/summer. The Dems won in 2020 because of coronavirus, while they still had a slight edge in coronavirus satisfaction in november 2021, by november 2022 the issue of the coronavirus will be heavily a right wing issue if anything.

if people lose jobs over vaccine Biden mandates they won't vote for another Democrat until they get tax credits back from the IRS equal to or greater than the amount the difference that they lost from getting fired because of the mandate... and I'd vouch for them too. And as prez I would incarcerate any business owner that enforced the mandates / complied with the covid fascism

11-06-2021, 02:08 PM
Donald Trump says hi "I am the largest modern fk up to ever hold this office"
And its not even close.

Anyone Else 2020 carried the day.
DeInsanitus is NOT anyone else.
He is a peckerwood.
I just don't think Trump would win in a 2024 election far removed from covid, mask mandates, vaccine crap etc... mega inflation... I do think 2022 is going to be a bloodbath with the Democrats on the receiving end, but the GOP can't be stupid and just act like that any candidate for POTUS would beat out Biden in 2024. Nominating Trump again sets the Republicans up for 2020-ish failure, albeit without covid. People didn't like Trump even before covid. The tweets, the public perception, just the person he is rubs people especially independent/moderate women the wrong way.

That said, I'd still vote for Trump over some terrible candidate like Pence, Romney, Haley, Murkowski, etc. but I hope it isn't Trump for the sake of the GOP actually winning back the White House in 2024.

11-06-2021, 02:11 PM
right, I just meant that the Dems won't be able to benefit from pro mask or pro vaccine mandates after about this coming spring/summer. The Dems won in 2020 because of coronavirus, while they still had a slight edge in coronavirus satisfaction in november 2021, by november 2022 the issue of the coronavirus will be heavily a right wing issue if anything.

if people lose jobs over vaccine Biden mandates they won't vote for another Democrat until they get tax credits back from the IRS equal to or greater than the amount the difference that they lost from getting fired because of the mandate... and I'd vouch for them too. And as prez I would incarcerate any business owner that enforced the mandates / complied with the covid fascism

99% when faced with a job mandate will just whine about having to get the shot but they'll get it and then just move on with their lives so it's effective. The masks and lockdowns I think is the main problem for normal people plus the fact that it's dragging on and the economy is not recovering fast enough


11-06-2021, 02:17 PM
99% when faced with a job mandate will just whine about having to get the shot but they'll get it and then just move on with their lives so it's effective. The masks and lockdowns I think is the main problem for normal people plus the fact that it's dragging on and the economy is not recovering fast enough


That's fascism 101.

I spit on anyone who complies against their will over the sake of money and strongly support those who stand up against it even at the risk of "termination". Better to be a gaunt G.O.A.T. than a fat sheep.

My Body, My Choice. What applies to Abortion also must apply to needle shots. If you don't agree with that, you're a flaming hypocrite and deserve execution.

11-06-2021, 05:02 PM
That's fascism 101.

George Washington made all his government worker troops get vaccinated for smallpox so guess he was a fascist too.

My Body, My Choice. What applies to Abortion also must apply to needle shots. If you don't agree with that, you're a flaming hypocrite and deserve execution.
This is silly and the kind of like a "what came first the chicken or the egg" style argument that never gets anywhere. I mean you guys dont believe in my body my choice and if you do now then by your logic you also should not selectively believe in it only for vaccines by that line of reasoning.

Same deal when Republicans said before 2020 (DarrinS for instance and Ben Shapiro said similar): "I'll admit that Biden is not that bad compared to the progressives and leftists but the Dems will never nominate an old white guy, they hate old white men" then when the final two candidates are old white guys Shapiro talks about how this proves they are all hypocrites and all their diversity talk is nonsense which maybe is true to an extent. But you could say it also proves a lot RW media rambling about Dems hating pld man whitey is B.S.

11-06-2021, 06:19 PM
George Washington made all his government worker troops get vaccinated for smallpox so guess he was a fascist too.

smallpox had a death rate rivaling ebola and was lethally contagious, this sniffly URI chinavirus doesn't

11-06-2021, 08:08 PM
Word is the Dem establishment has given up on Kamala and you libs will be voting for Buttplug in 2024

11-06-2021, 09:30 PM
Word is the Dem establishment has given up on Kamala and you libs will be voting for Buttplug in 2024

But is Buttigieg a top or a bottom, that is the question?

11-06-2021, 09:35 PM
Awful, but what Democratic ticket do you have beating them?I don't think it's a given Biden will be reelected or that DeSantis will be nominated. That said, Dems are more or less stuck with Brandon while he's still alive and wants to be president.

Let's go Brandon!

11-07-2021, 11:05 AM
I don't think it's a given Biden will be reelected or that DeSantis will be nominated. That said, Dems are more or less stuck with Brandon while he's still alive and wants to be president.

Let's go Brandon!
As bad as Biden's approval ratings have been lately, they aren't as bad as Trump's worst approval ratings and Kamala is way down in the low 30s %, people just don't like her, women hate her worse than Hillary. She's a phony and people know it. If it's her running for incumbency it would go way worse than Gerald Ford re-running

11-07-2021, 11:14 AM
Word is the Dem establishment has given up on Kamala and you libs will be voting for Buttplug in 2024

You’ve never been right about anything.

11-07-2021, 11:22 AM
Trump won't be the candidate in 2024.

11-07-2021, 11:26 AM
George Washington made all his government worker troops get vaccinated for smallpox so guess he was a fascist too.

This is silly and the kind of like a "what came first the chicken or the egg" style argument that never gets anywhere. I mean you guys dont believe in my body my choice and if you do now then by your logic you also should not selectively believe in it only for vaccines by that line of reasoning.

Same deal when Republicans said before 2020 (DarrinS for instance and Ben Shapiro said similar): "I'll admit that Biden is not that bad compared to the progressives and leftists but the Dems will never nominate an old white guy, they hate old white men" then when the final two candidates are old white guys Shapiro talks about how this proves they are all hypocrites and all their diversity talk is nonsense which maybe is true to an extent. But you could say it also proves a lot RW media rambling about Dems hating pld man whitey is B.S.

Hypocrisy has definitely become the go to now that Trump let the real red team out of the closet.

11-07-2021, 11:27 AM
Trump won't be the candidate in 2024.

For me the big question is how OTHER red team candidates deal with him.
Because he will inject his lying ass in the middle of red team affairs.

11-07-2021, 11:34 AM
For me the big question is how OTHER red team candidates deal with him.
Because he will inject his lying ass in the middle of red team affairs.

That's true. Im hoping by 2024 Trump is going to have enough legal and business problems to keep him busy.

baseline bum
11-07-2021, 11:40 AM
That's true. Im hoping by 2024 Trump is going to have enough legal and business problems to keep him busy.

His legal problems are one of the big reasons he'll be running.

11-07-2021, 11:41 AM
That's true. Im hoping by 2024 Trump is going to have enough legal and business problems to keep him busy.

Nah. I hope that he voluntarily takes a back seat and enjoys golf in 2024 while supporting the GOP candidate similar to the way he supported Youngkin, i.e. without being on the campaign trail all the time. But still stressing his message to the rural voters to ensure the score is driven up so high in those vote shares.

11-07-2021, 11:42 AM
His legal problems are one of the big reasons he'll be running.

He could potentionally be in bankruptcy by then.

baseline bum
11-07-2021, 11:50 AM
He could potentionally be in bankruptcy by then.

Why would lucky #7 hurt him with Republican voters when the first six didn't?

11-07-2021, 11:52 AM
Why would lucky #7 hurt him with Republican voters when the first six didn't?
Well, for one reason I doubt a bankruptcy judge would let him self fund a primary run.

baseline bum
11-07-2021, 12:01 PM
Well, for one reason I doubt a bankruptcy judge would let him self fund a primary run.

Will he stop PACs too?

Will Hunting
11-07-2021, 12:04 PM
Well, for one reason I doubt a bankruptcy judge would let him self fund a primary run.
He won’t need to…he didn’t self fund in 2020 and he’ll still be able to raise plenty from the MAGA boomers.

Will Hunting
11-07-2021, 12:06 PM
Will he stop PACs too?
Doubt a bankruptcy judge even has the authority to shut down a PAC just because it’s managed by someone who’s declared bankruptcy.

11-07-2021, 12:08 PM
He won’t need to…he didn’t self fund in 2020 and he’ll still be able to raise plenty from the MAGA boomers.he pretty much self funded the primary in 2014. After his behavior 1/6 and beyond he will have a much harder time getting big backing because of PR blowback.

Will Hunting
11-07-2021, 12:13 PM
he pretty much self funded the primary in 2014. After his behavior 1/6 and beyond he will have a much harder time getting big backing because of PR blowback.
:lol but Trump didn’t self fund at all in 2020 and his PAC has already fundraised $62 million just in the first half of this year in a post-1/6 environment (and that’s in an off cycle year when fundraising is much lower). You’re delusional if you think the MAGAboomers who contribute to Trump give two shits about 1/6.

Will Hunting
11-07-2021, 12:18 PM
If Trump runs again in 2024 he’s going to coast to a primary win absent a collapse of his health. The other good candidates aren’t even going to run if he runs after watching how much Trump crushed the other 2016 primary candidates’ political futures. His biggest competition will be some anti-Trump hack like Larry Hogan.

baseline bum
11-07-2021, 12:20 PM
If Trump runs again in 2024 he’s going to coast to a primary win absent a collapse of his health. The other good candidates aren’t even going to run if he runs after watching how much Trump crushed the other 2016 primary candidates’ political futures. His biggest competition will be some anti-Trump hack like Larry Hogan.

Republicans elected a dead pimp in Nevada, doubt they'd give a shit about Trump's health tbh.

Will Hunting
11-07-2021, 12:25 PM
Republicans elected a dead pimp in Nevada, doubt they'd give a shit about Trump's health tbh.
Not saying they will, but he needs to have enough energy to exude his brash persona. If he can’t do that anymore he loses his entire appeal and someone like DeSantis might decide Trump is vulnerable.

11-07-2021, 01:09 PM
Trump could win a primary from his deathbed with his kids and disciples campaigning for him. It would be an Oral Roberts prayer tower for billions instead of millions.

Will Hunting
11-07-2021, 01:31 PM
Trump could win a primary from his deathbed with his kids and disciples campaigning for him. It would be an Oral Roberts prayer tower for billions instead of millions.
:lol he could also start a gofundme and raise nine figures overnight to avoid bankruptcy if he ever needed to.

baseline bum
11-07-2021, 01:31 PM
Trump could win a primary from his deathbed with his kids and disciples campaigning for him. It would be an Oral Roberts prayer tower for billions instead of millions.

Especially if he picks Uday as his VP.

Will Hunting
11-07-2021, 01:34 PM
He’ll probably pick a pair of tits as his VP. Maybe Noem or Ivanka.

11-07-2021, 01:42 PM
Do we even know in what shape Trump is? He’s been in absolute hiding since November of last year.

11-07-2021, 02:48 PM
Do we even know in what shape Trump is? He’s been in absolute hiding since November of last year.
He was chopping at the World Series :lol

baseline bum
11-07-2021, 03:12 PM
Do we even know in what shape Trump is? He’s been in absolute hiding since November of last year.

Still an obese piece of shit.

11-07-2021, 04:19 PM
That's true. Im hoping by 2024 Trump is going to have enough legal and business problems to keep him busy.


11-07-2021, 04:32 PM
His legal problems are one of the big reasons he'll be running.

when convicted of Federal felony, he would be denied any and all elected offices

11-08-2021, 04:48 AM

Mayor Pete fucked himself by taking gaylental l3ave for 3 months while his transportation office burns. Hes done. And he was the hope. RIP

Out of the last batch, I only see Buttplug and Elena Klobuchar.

But they have team players if they look for them, like Queen ​Stacey, Beto, Castro, Gillum, etc

11-08-2021, 04:52 AM
I don't think it's a given Biden will be reelected or that DeSantis will be nominated. That said, Dems are more or less stuck with Brandon while he's still alive and wants to be president.

Let's go Brandon!

The midterms are going to be a bloodbath, what happens next is anybody's guess. Right now the best thing he has going for him is hoping Trump wins the Republican primary.

Frankly, Democrats need to start looking somewhere else.

11-08-2021, 08:13 AM
Out of the last batch, I only see Buttplug and Elena Klobuchar.

But they have team players if they look for them, like Queen ​Stacey, Beto, Castro, Gillum, etc

:lmao talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel :lol

11-08-2021, 08:31 AM
He’ll probably pick a pair of tits as his VP. Maybe Noem or Ivanka.

Nikki Haley much more likely out of all the female VP candidates.

If Trump runs again in 2024 he’s going to coast to a primary win absent a collapse of his health. The other good candidates aren’t even going to run if he runs after watching how much Trump crushed the other 2016 primary candidates’ political futures. His biggest competition will be some anti-Trump hack like Larry Hogan.
I'm pretty sure Cruz and Rubio are still doing just fine in politics while Trump plays golf on the daily at Mar-a-Lago.

Especially if he picks Uday as his VP.
Comparing Trump to the Saddam Hussein clan is mind numbingly stupid

Will Hunting
11-08-2021, 09:16 AM
Nikki Haley much more likely out of all the female VP candidates.

I'm pretty sure Cruz and Rubio are still doing just fine in politics while Trump plays golf on the daily at Mar-a-Lago.

Comparing Trump to the Saddam Hussein clan is mind numbingly stupid
:lol hopefully he picks Nikki Haley as his VP, the rubes won't like that at all.

Rubio and Cruz are doing just fine as senators, but their hopes of ever running for president were dashed after 2016.

Will Hunting
11-08-2021, 09:19 AM
Out of the last batch, I only see Buttplug and Elena Klobuchar.

But they have team players if they look for them, like Queen ​Stacey, Beto, Castro, Gillum, etc
:lol Gillum's political career is over after the weird incident where he was found passed out in a hotel room with all kinds of prescription drugs.

The best 2024 candidate assuming Biden doesn't run is Sherrod Brown. Winning the upper Midwest states & Pennsylvania is still our most surefire path to 270, and Stacey/Beto/Castro do absolutely nothing to help us there.

11-08-2021, 09:45 AM
The midterms are going to be a bloodbath, what happens next is anybody's guess.

If Repugs take both chambers, I wouldn't be surprised by "payback" impeachment of Biden for stealing the 2020, for pandemic, any fucking thing. It doesn't really matter, since impeachment only requires votes, not evidence.

If Repugs get 2/3 of Senate, they will convict Biden and remove him.

Will Hunting
11-08-2021, 09:51 AM
If Repugs take both chambers, I wouldn't be surprised by "payback" impeachment of Biden for stealing the 2020, for pandemic, any fucking thing. It doesn't really matter, since impeachment only requires votes, not evidence.

If Repugs get 2/3 of Senate, they will convict Biden and remove him.
:lmao the best case scenario for the GOP in the senate after 2022 is a 54-46 majority. There's a 0% chance they have a 2/3rds majority.

I hope they do impeach Biden for some stupid reason if they take the house. Ticky tacky impeachments are always unpopular. Both the Clinton blow job impeachment and the Trump Ukraine impeachment resulted in each president becoming more popular.

11-08-2021, 10:26 AM
:lmao the best case scenario for the GOP in the senate after 2022 is a 54-46 majority. There's a 0% chance they have a 2/3rds majority.

I hope they do impeach Biden for some stupid reason if they take the house. Ticky tacky impeachments are always unpopular. Both the Clinton blow job impeachment and the Trump Ukraine impeachment resulted in each president becoming more popular.

The Trump Ukraine impeachment was absolutely necessary. Far from ticky tacky. I guess the public took it this way.
Just because the public does not get it. And maybe that was the responsibility of the blue team.
The only defense for the Ukraine debacle is "I am only Donald and had no idea wtf I was doing or saying"
And apparently this is not valid but probably true.

This was absolutely a major league fk up not only from a foreign policy point of view, but from free and fair election point of view. And I realize they were brought forth for obstruction of Congress and abuse of power. That abuse of power part was absolutely legit because of what it actually encompassed. The real problem was the democrats never really dealt deeply in explaining to the American people how egregious this was from a historical perspective so the red team fobbed it off as nothing and were able to make it seem a joke... imo.

I would think if you talked privately to red team members who actually understood the depth of the problem they were absolutely shocked. But played the team game over something they felt would not hurt them politically.

11-08-2021, 05:27 PM
Gotta say I didn't know there were high profile Jamaicans - did not realize Powell was the son of Jamaicans. Kamala. Winsome (that's such a popular Jamaican name) - if she were born here - would be perfect to run along side DeSantis.

11-08-2021, 11:46 PM
The midterms are going to be a bloodbath, what happens next is anybody's guess. Right now the best thing he has going for him is hoping Trump wins the Republican primary.

Frankly, Democrats need to start looking somewhere else.Will they? Would they?

11-09-2021, 12:34 AM
:lmao talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel :lol

The GOP isn't doing a whole lot better, tbh.

DeathSantis is bottom of the barrel as they come, and then you have the usual cadre of low-energy tards like Cruz, Rubio, Hotwheels, etc.

11-09-2021, 12:37 AM
:lol Gillum's political career is over after the weird incident where he was found passed out in a hotel room with all kinds of prescription drugs.

The best 2024 candidate assuming Biden doesn't run is Sherrod Brown. Winning the upper Midwest states & Pennsylvania is still our most surefire path to 270, and Stacey/Beto/Castro do absolutely nothing to help us there.

At some point you have to bring in the new faces, tbh... Brown is fine (thanks for adding another one), but as long as you do the legwork and campaign instead of taking those States for granted, they can win them.

11-09-2021, 12:39 AM
Will they? Would they?

It's inevitable. Unless you convince Michelle Obama to run, which looks unlikely right now, there's just a ton of rebuilding that needs to happen when it comes to presidential candidates.

11-09-2021, 12:41 AM
It's inevitable. Unless you convince Michelle Obama to run, which looks unlikely right now, there's just a ton of rebuilding that needs to happen when it comes to presidential candidates.I see the logical need for it, but not the political will. Brandon would need to goof big time. Maybe it's just a matter of time.

11-09-2021, 12:43 AM
I see the logical need for it, but not the political will. Brandon would need to goof big time. Maybe it's just a matter of time.

Will he still be POTUS by 2024? If he's not, does it matter?

11-09-2021, 12:47 AM
Will he still be POTUS by 2024? If he's not, does it matter?Why wouldn't he be, if he's still alive?

11-09-2021, 12:48 AM
I guess that's the question.

11-09-2021, 12:51 AM
I guess that's the question.

I don't think impeachment post-midterms is out of the question, IMO.

11-09-2021, 12:58 AM
I don't think impeachment post-midterms is out of the question, IMO.GOP majorities in both houses might even be likely. Reapportionment sucks.

11-09-2021, 06:04 AM
I don't think impeachment post-midterms is out of the question, IMO.

There would be zero incentive for the Republicans to make Kamala the incumbent President in 2024. They would much rather watch the Biden trainwreck for 4 years.

11-09-2021, 07:28 AM
There would be zero incentive for the Republicans to make Kamala the incumbent President in 2024. They would much rather watch the Biden trainwreck for 4 years.

Because Kagala wouldnt be a 24 car derrailment? :lol

At least Joe listens to his handlers. Kagala cant even control her stupid laugh :lol

11-09-2021, 10:46 PM
There would be zero incentive for the Republicans to make Kamala the incumbent President in 2024. They would much rather watch the Biden trainwreck for 4 years.

Why wouldn't you want to put somebody completely incompetent with no experience whatsoever in charge?

Plus, the GOP is going to do whatever Trump tells them to do, it's his party now.

11-09-2021, 11:03 PM
DeSatan was linked to payoff corruption with Gaetz buddy who sang.

Where the hell is that at?

11-11-2021, 03:33 PM
:lmao the best case scenario for the GOP in the senate after 2022 is a 54-46 majority. There's a 0% chance they have a 2/3rds majority.

I hope they do impeach Biden for some stupid reason if they take the house. Ticky tacky impeachments are always unpopular. Both the Clinton blow job impeachment and the Trump Ukraine impeachment resulted in each president becoming more popular.

yeah, if the Dems could win back Ohio (Sherrod Brown's home state) and carry all the upper Midwest states they don't need GA/AZ/FL or even Virginia.

03-13-2022, 11:54 AM

03-13-2022, 02:17 PM
Did not read the thread - just glanced at it. I don't know what you guys are reading about DeSantis but his handling of covid is a plus. Those monoclonal treatment centers he set up very early all over the state were big lifesavers - as were his policies regarding nursing homes. Everyone around here knew that if they got it, they could head to Tropical Park and get the treatment.

I think maybe DeSantis and someone like Tim Scott with more congressional experience than Youngkin who is new to politics. DeSantis' wife is supposedly cancer-free (if there's such a thing once you've had it) so that might not be a hindrance. I just hope that Trump decides not to run - there is TOO much Trump hate and we need new blood and someone who guards his words more carefully than Trump does.

03-13-2022, 02:30 PM
Did not read the thread - just glanced at it. I don't know what you guys are reading about DeSantis but his handling of covid is a plus. Those monoclonal treatment centers he set up very early all over the state were big lifesavers - as were his policies regarding nursing homes. Everyone around here knew that if they got it, they could head to Tropical Park and get the treatment.

I think maybe DeSantis and someone like Tim Scott with more congressional experience than Youngkin who is new to politics. DeSantis' wife is supposedly cancer-free (if there's such a thing once you've had it) so that might not be a hindrance. I just hope that Trump decides not to run - there is TOO much Trump hate and we need new blood and someone who guards his words more carefully than Trump does.

If his wife is still married to him, she's not cancer-free...

03-14-2022, 02:00 AM
DeSantis / Youngkin :lmao

03-14-2022, 02:03 AM
Did not read the thread - just glanced at it. I don't know what you guys are reading about DeSantis but his handling of covid is a plus. Those monoclonal treatment centers he set up very early all over the state were big lifesavers - as were his policies regarding nursing homes.


Jesus, what a stupid cunt.

You made a good point though; when you lie about Desantis numbers they look really great :lmao :lmao

03-14-2022, 03:01 AM
Yeah, his number have always been fucking terrible when it comes to the pandemic.

Some people tried to excuse them by saying Florida has an older population, but he managed to do substantially worse than even Cuomo...

03-14-2022, 05:09 AM
Yeah, his number have always been fucking terrible when it comes to the pandemic.

Some people tried to excuse them by saying Florida has an older population, but he managed to do substantially worse than even Cuomo...

California still leads in [Total Deaths].

03-14-2022, 05:26 AM
California still leads in [Total Deaths].

Right, a meaningless number when it comes to comparing with other states.

03-14-2022, 05:31 AM
Just to paint the picture here:

California population: 39m - COVID deaths: 88k
Florida population: 22m - COVID deaths: 72k

03-14-2022, 06:26 AM
Just to paint the picture here:

California population: 39m - COVID deaths: 88k
Florida population: 22m - COVID deaths: 72k

Tougheth lucketh.

Will Hunting
03-14-2022, 07:46 AM
DeSantis would be a good, potentially great, presidential candidate.

Glenn Youngkin would be a trash VP who brings nothing to the table. His political future is getting massively overrated because he was lucky enough to run against a useless fat boomer in an off cycle election.

Will Hunting
03-14-2022, 07:48 AM
Youngkin would be great at the top of the ticket provided that Trump cooperates with him the same way he did in Virginia, I just don’t see that happening.
This was a retarded take. Youngkin ran a great campaign against McAuliffe, but he'd get wrecked by anyone capable of populist messaging against him as a private equity oligarch.

Will Hunting
03-14-2022, 07:51 AM
Yeah, his number have always been fucking terrible when it comes to the pandemic.

Some people tried to excuse them by saying Florida has an older population, but he managed to do substantially worse than even Cuomo...
Don't think that'll really matter.

People have been over the pandemic for some time now and the Biden admin / Dem governors were completely tone deaf in how long they dragged out mandates and restrictions that shouldn't have ever applied to people who were fully vaccinated. Dems had the upper hand in terms of who the country thought would handle COVID better, then we totally blew it because the Biden administration is staffed with ugly hypochondriacs who identify as "non-binary" and like wearing masks to cover up their double chins.

03-14-2022, 08:42 PM
Don't think that'll really matter.

People have been over the pandemic for some time now and the Biden admin / Dem governors were completely tone deaf in how long they dragged out mandates and restrictions that shouldn't have ever applied to people who were fully vaccinated. Dems had the upper hand in terms of who the country thought would handle COVID better, then we totally blew it because the Biden administration is staffed with ugly hypochondriacs who identify as "non-binary" and like wearing masks to cover up their double chins.

I'm just hoping Republicans continue to go with retarded takes like "privatize medicare", etc... this is far and away why Dems are generally considered the adults in the room when it comes to healthcare.

03-14-2022, 08:53 PM
I'm just hoping Republicans continue to go with retarded takes like "privatize medicare", etc... this is far and away why Dems are generally considered the adults in the room when it comes to healthcare.

Honestly, the GOP does not have to run on anything. Take the bunker Biden approach and just hide in the basement. Let Brandon continue to sh1t himself.

Worst thing the GOP could do is start talking anything substantive. Keeping up with the culture war or not saying anything at all is a winning strategy.

03-14-2022, 08:54 PM
Honestly, the GOP does not have to run on anything. Take the bunker Biden approach and just hide in the basement. Let Brandon continue to sh1t himself.

Worst thing the GOP could do is start talking anything substantive. Keeping up with the culture war or not saying anything at all is a winning strategy.

Tell it, _.


03-14-2022, 08:59 PM
Honestly, the GOP does not have to run on anything. Take the bunker Biden approach and just hide in the basement. Let Brandon continue to sh1t himself.

Worst thing the GOP could do is start talking anything substantive. Keeping up with the culture war or not saying anything at all is a winning strategy.

Agreed. But coming from a boisterous president that ran on a leftist platform, I don't know they can help themselves.

03-14-2022, 09:57 PM
I'm just hoping Republicans continue to go with retarded takes like "privatize medicare", etc... this is far and away why Dems are generally considered the adults in the room when it comes to healthcare.

Up until 2020 that was true.

Vax mandates are nothing but government enforcement of crony capitalism and mask mandates were nothing but the government showing their dirty side on cancel culture, control of the free will of people, and the left's war on individualism and civil liberties.

I'm not sure the Dems were the adults in the room at healthcare in 2010 even though, the way the ACA designed was retarded and once again government enforcement of crony capitalism, at that time more the big insurance companies more so than big pharma. No public option, seriously?

03-15-2022, 01:53 AM
Up until 2020 that was true.

Vax mandates are nothing but government enforcement of crony capitalism and mask mandates were nothing but the government showing their dirty side on cancel culture, control of the free will of people, and the left's war on individualism and civil liberties.

I'm not sure the Dems were the adults in the room at healthcare in 2010 even though, the way the ACA designed was retarded and once again government enforcement of crony capitalism, at that time more the big insurance companies more so than big pharma. No public option, seriously?

What you're going to hear in the next few years is how Brandon crushed COVID (provided another strain doesn't come around). The ACA was shit, but even being shit, they can't get rid of it. Public option is definitely the next step, and there's only one party outright fighting it (tho Dems are all talk on that one too).

03-15-2022, 06:41 AM
What you're going to hear in the next few years is how Brandon crushed COVID (provided another strain doesn't come around). The ACA was shit, but even being shit, they can't get rid of it. Public option is definitely the next step, and there's only one party outright fighting it (tho Dems are all talk on that one too).

I don't see how that is reasonably possible, El, considering he'll have killed over 600,000 Americans on his own and led us to the million dead mark, but, they'll get it done, no-matter-what. So, you're right!

They've already started hacking and whacking at the death count, shaving 3k off it in a 15 minute span yesterday/3-14 and nary a word of explanation! Gone, poof! Just like that. That'll MOST LIKELY be an almost daily (at least weekly) occurrence now as they got Putin over there as THE diversion to facilitate they're dirty work.

I've had the time of me life though counting coup on that cocksucker, El. He didnt "shut it down." He eclipsed the old man, by a jugful! I'll have the girl put all my 3/5 index cards and junk mail envelopes detailing my coup counting/cipher toting into the crematorium when I go, hey? tee, hee.

03-15-2022, 10:29 AM
What you're going to hear in the next few years is how Brandon crushed COVID (provided another strain doesn't come around). The ACA was shit, but even being shit, they can't get rid of it. Public option is definitely the next step, and there's only one party outright fighting it (tho Dems are all talk on that one too).

What many will remember is how he flip flopped on masks when the country was already tired of this covid stuff. They will also remember the testing shortages during Omicron that should not have happened. He didn't handle covid as poorly as Trump did, but he came close :lol

Will Hunting
03-15-2022, 11:23 AM
Honestly, the GOP does not have to run on anything. Take the bunker Biden approach and just hide in the basement. Let Brandon continue to sh1t himself.

Worst thing the GOP could do is start talking anything substantive. Keeping up with the culture war or not saying anything at all is a winning strategy.
In 2022 they won't need to run on anything, 2024 is a different story.

Will Hunting
03-15-2022, 11:35 AM
Up until 2020 that was true.

Vax mandates are nothing but government enforcement of crony capitalism and mask mandates were nothing but the government showing their dirty side on cancel culture, control of the free will of people, and the left's war on individualism and civil liberties.

I'm not sure the Dems were the adults in the room at healthcare in 2010 even though, the way the ACA designed was retarded and once again government enforcement of crony capitalism, at that time more the big insurance companies more so than big pharma. No public option, seriously?
Vax mandates aren't as much of a problem as the mask mandates were. The median American is someone who's vaccinated and pissed that they were still wearing a mask.

Mask mandates should have never been put back into place last summer. The mindset should have been that there's a vaccine for those who want it and beyond that people should be allowed to live their lives. Unfortunately Biden's staffers are ugly political science majors who see mask mandates as a way to cover up their deformed faces.

Will Hunting
03-15-2022, 11:42 AM
The Biden admin unironically letting freaks like this recommend policy on COVID mandates :lol


03-15-2022, 11:55 AM
Vax mandates aren't as much of a problem as the mask mandates were. The median American is someone who's vaccinated and pissed that they were still wearing a mask.

Mask mandates should have never been put back into place last summer. The mindset should have been that there's a vaccine for those who want it and beyond that people should be allowed to live their lives. Unfortunately Biden's staffers are ugly political science majors who see mask mandates as a way to cover up their deformed faces.
110% agreed with this sentence.

The covid shots and boosters are out there, they should be optional just like any other shots and freedom of choice applies. What's retarded is big corporations being allowed to require the jabs as a condition of employment (especially for work from home jobs :lmao) when they have never even required more ordinary stuff like polio, tetanus, meningitis or hepatitis shots. It's nothing but a crony-capitalism-big-pharma lobbyist cook up and money grab and it's plain to see. It's disgusting and should be federally prohibited.

03-15-2022, 01:18 PM
I don't see how that is reasonably possible, El, considering he'll have killed over 600,000 Americans on his own and led us to the million dead mark, but, they'll get it done, no-matter-what. So, you're right!

They've already started hacking and whacking at the death count, shaving 3k off it in a 15 minute span yesterday/3-14 and nary a word of explanation! Gone, poof! Just like that. That'll MOST LIKELY be an almost daily (at least weekly) occurrence now as they got Putin over there as THE diversion to facilitate they're dirty work.

I've had the time of me life though counting coup on that cocksucker, El. He didnt "shut it down." He eclipsed the old man, by a jugful! I'll have the girl put all my 3/5 index cards and junk mail envelopes detailing my coup counting/cipher toting into the crematorium when I go, hey? tee, hee.

What many will remember is how he flip flopped on masks when the country was already tired of this covid stuff. They will also remember the testing shortages during Omicron that should not have happened. He didn't handle covid as poorly as Trump did, but he came close :lol

:lol I didn't say it was true, I just said that's what you're going to hear about if this holds...

You're also going to hear how he sent free testing kits and handed free masks for those that wanted it. All about spinning det shit.

03-15-2022, 01:22 PM
110% agreed with this sentence.

The covid shots and boosters are out there, they should be optional just like any other shots and freedom of choice applies. What's retarded is big corporations being allowed to require the jabs as a condition of employment (especially for work from home jobs :lmao) when they have never even required more ordinary stuff like polio, tetanus, meningitis or hepatitis shots. It's nothing but a crony-capitalism-big-pharma lobbyist cook up and money grab and it's plain to see. It's disgusting and should be federally prohibited.

They're not optional for a lot of people, including nurses, etc, and many times are indeed condition for employment. I don't disagree with the money grab, but there are simple medical reasons as well.

03-15-2022, 01:48 PM
They're not optional for a lot of people, including nurses, etc, and many times are indeed condition for employment. I don't disagree with the money grab, but there are simple medical reasons as well.
It should be illegal to require that as a condition for employment but NOT require more practical and time-proven vaccines like polio, hep, meningitis, tetanus etc which are diseases that are proven to be far more dangerous and deadly than a man-made coronavirus that is largely mutated into a common cold.

The jury's still out on the effectiveness and potential side effects of the Pfizer/Moderna covid shots, and we will never find out the full evidence and truth because the scammers sealed it up for 75 years. Corporatocracy and the evil of big pharma in a nutshell.

03-15-2022, 01:57 PM
In 2022 they won't need to run on anything, 2024 is a different story.

Very true.

03-15-2022, 02:00 PM
It should be illegal to require that as a condition for employment but NOT require more practical and time-proven vaccines like polio, hep, meningitis, tetanus etc which are diseases that are proven to be far more dangerous and deadly than a man-made coronavirus that is largely mutated into a common cold.

The jury's still out on the effectiveness and potential side effects of the Pfizer/Moderna covid shots, and we will never find out the full evidence and truth because the scammers sealed it up for 75 years. Corporatocracy and the evil of big pharma in a nutshell.

It's a simple matter of liability. You bring in a nurse that infects and kills a bunch of patients, and then the hospital/clinic/doctor is on the hook.

And a lot of those "practical and time-proven" vaccines like meningitis and tetanus are indeed part of the list (see: https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/work-environment/health-safety/immunize/vaccines/).

The only real problem here is that after 100+ years of vaccinations, with a well documented history of both effectiveness and safety, vaccines have been wield as a political tool, and the field is apparently ripe of idiots that will buy into it.

Will Hunting
03-15-2022, 02:20 PM
110% agreed with this sentence.

The covid shots and boosters are out there, they should be optional just like any other shots and freedom of choice applies. What's retarded is big corporations being allowed to require the jabs as a condition of employment (especially for work from home jobs :lmao) when they have never even required more ordinary stuff like polio, tetanus, meningitis or hepatitis shots. It's nothing but a crony-capitalism-big-pharma lobbyist cook up and money grab and it's plain to see. It's disgusting and should be federally prohibited.
I think the right approach was from governors like Hogan and Sununu. Give employers the freedom to mandate vaccines but don't require they do so. America is supposed to support business freedom and letting business owners run their company the way they see fit. That goes double for conservatives in America, telling employers they can't mandate vaccines goes against everything the GOP is supposed to be about.

Will Hunting
03-15-2022, 02:27 PM
It should be illegal to require that as a condition for employment but NOT require more practical and time-proven vaccines like polio, hep, meningitis, tetanus etc which are diseases that are proven to be far more dangerous and deadly than a man-made coronavirus that is largely mutated into a common cold.
Trying to create cumbersome regulations like this about vaccines employers can and can't mandate is how you end up with never-ending government bureaucracy.

03-15-2022, 02:31 PM
It's a simple matter of liability. You bring in a nurse that infects and kills a bunch of patients, and then the hospital/clinic/doctor is on the hook.

And a lot of those "practical and time-proven" vaccines like meningitis and tetanus are indeed part of the list (see: https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/work-environment/health-safety/immunize/vaccines/).

The only real problem here is that after 100+ years of vaccinations, with a well documented history of both effectiveness and safety, vaccines have been wield as a political tool, and the field is apparently ripe of idiots that will buy into it.

Deathsantis running in 2024 to put an end to that don't you worry. Gonna wish Covid away real hard. NVM that Republican anti-vaxxers are the main reasons we still dealing with this bullshit

Will Hunting
03-15-2022, 02:34 PM
If there was a Polio epidemic in the US and 30+% of the US population wasn't vaccinated against Polio, you would absolutely see employers requiring it. The reason employers aren't requiring proof of Polio vaccinations is the same reason they aren't requiring testing for the bubonic plague every time you walk into the office, it's not a disease that's threatening the US population at all right now.

03-15-2022, 02:41 PM
it's not a disease that's threatening the US population at all right now.

It's also something we have decades of research on and the track record to wipe it out. We can't say the same with the CHINA VIRUS or whatever other bs bug Gates and the others deem worthy enough to put out into the world.

03-15-2022, 02:43 PM
It's also something we have decades of research on and the track record to wipe it out. We can't say the same with the CHINA VIRUS or whatever other bs bug Gates and the others deem worthy enough to put out into the world.

Don't forget the illuminati and the jooze

03-15-2022, 02:44 PM
Don't forget the illuminati and the jooze

Sarcasm has a way of avoiding those with no sense of humor like yourself. :tu

Btw, I didn't know you were an anti-semite. Well now...

03-15-2022, 02:51 PM
:lol I didn't say it was true, I just said that's what you're going to hear about if this holds...

You're also going to hear how he sent free testing kits and handed free masks for those that wanted it. All about spinning det shit.

Yep, and when you can successfully spin 1 million Americans dead of the COVID it's saying something about a country.

03-15-2022, 03:01 PM
I agree. The ones dying now with a vaccine available must be some stupid fucking retards. :lol

Totin' them ciphers onto Biden's tab daily.

03-15-2022, 03:26 PM
It's a simple matter of liability. You bring in a nurse that infects and kills a bunch of patients, and then the hospital/clinic/doctor is on the hook.

And a lot of those "practical and time-proven" vaccines like meningitis and tetanus are indeed part of the list (see: https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/work-environment/health-safety/immunize/vaccines/).

The only real problem here is that after 100+ years of vaccinations, with a well documented history of both effectiveness and safety, vaccines have been wield as a political tool, and the field is apparently ripe of idiots that will buy into it.

Yup. I'm not some sort of anti vax qanon'er as I have had just about every vaccine that isn't for a URI. However, there is strong scientific evidence that shots for URIs don't work, and it's something I've been pretty keen on since I was a kid, for about 17 years. Basically that flu shots are a scam and I always believed that they weakened the immune system and not the other way around. In early 2010 my high school was giving h1n1 ("swine flu") shots like no tomorrow and I saw a ton of peers get huge bumps, hematomas, and general malaise as an after effect of the swine flu vax. I warned people not to get it but they didn't listen. I was semi afraid the Obama admin and schools were going to start to require it which scared me a lot, but they didn't. Props to Obama for not being as big of a corporate shill as the modern Democrat party. And now this is all playing out 11 years later, I'm proven right all along.

It is 110 percent a political weapon and divisive tool -- and these mRNA shots and especially boosters are doing more harm to the immune system than good and I knew not to get those shots even more all the dark evidence -- about the side effects regarding the spleen, crossing the blood-brain barrier, changing liver DNA and ultimately leading to death in up to 40% of all humans who have received the Pfizer/Moderna package in the next 10 years which is a very real possibility -- came out and into the open.

Trying to create cumbersome regulations like this about vaccines employers can and can't mandate is how you end up with never-ending government bureaucracy.

The problem is that it is new and novel and they have never done this before. As a government it is part of your economic duty to crack down on monopolies, oligopolies and protect the little guy on main street, whether it's small businesses or employees. While it is good to have limited government, that also means cracking down on big corporatocracy which becomes de facto government in the event of oligopoly.

When a qualified candidate must take a large pay cut vs. market value because only small businesses will employ him/her because he refuses to violate his/her body with a controversial, non-time proven preventative medical treatment involving needles and violation of HIPAA and human rights... that is a serious problem the government must not let happen. Big business cannot be allowed to rule the world; it is the government's duty to protect fair competition. It's like breaking up Standard Oil in the 1910s.

If there was a Polio epidemic in the US and 30+% of the US population wasn't vaccinated against Polio, you would absolutely see employers requiring it. The reason employers aren't requiring proof of Polio vaccinations is the same reason they aren't requiring testing for the bubonic plague every time you walk into the office, it's not a disease that's threatening the US population at all right now.
With bubonic plague and to some extent TB, there are mainstream silver bullet cures / antibiotics and besides those diseases are very rare even if you camp out West all summer. With polio that disease was much more wrathful than a URI like h1n1, sars covid02, covid19 etc. People died of it in much greater numbers per capita, you're talking young generally healthy people with no co-morbidities -- and those that survived lost limbs or at very best ended up with mismatching limbs that didn't grow properly, huge handicaps and organ deficiencies.

The other main thing is that the polio vaccines developed over a half century ago have been proven for decades to actually work and you don't need a booster every 6 months or even 6 years to be completely immune from it for life. It's obvious that Pfizer/Moderna are pulling a money scam that never would have been tolerated back then. For example the Tetanus boosters were recommended every 10 years and they can't really change that guidance now without looking suspicious; because it was determined by more neutral, non-paid off scientists back in those days that yes, the booster shots to the tetanus bacteria did reduce the risk of contracting tetanus later in life because of the earlier tetanus shots wearing off over a long period of time.

mRNA boosters for a fucking URI every 6 months to a year is the biggest, ugliest, scammiest example of corporate/big pharma shillery in the history of society :lol

03-15-2022, 03:43 PM
Yep, and when you can successfully spin 1 million Americans dead of the COVID it's saying something about a country.

Some of these things called drug stores have a life saving serum called "vaccine" fyi

03-15-2022, 03:50 PM
Some of these things called drug stores have a life saving serum called "vaccine" fyi

That's about as effective and even more double edged than the standard flu shot. No thanks.

Now for a case of an effective vaccine. I received the 3-part Gardasil suite in the first half of 2013, mah gawd did those HURT like mf'ers. But a few months ago, late last fall, I found out that this one lady who I was FWB with a few summers ago, not quite even 40 yet-- is literally dying of cervical and ovarian cancer that metastasized to her bladder, likely from this *thing* called HPV that she'd contracted likely a couple decades ago by simply doing the most primal of any act a person can do. That's a 'vaccine' that I'm proud to say that I've had.

URIs aren't shit to someone young, healthy, athletic and fit. They're sure good at finishing off the sick, though.

03-15-2022, 04:59 PM
Some of these things called drug stores have a life saving serum called "vaccine" fyi

1 million Americans dead in the ground..."I'll shut it down." - MF Biden

No you won't.

03-15-2022, 05:02 PM
Yup. Fucking 'tards. :lol

How bout this 'tard, daddy...


Who's the wild man now!!!

03-15-2022, 05:28 PM
I'm agreeing with you but you're getting angry. Boomer logic. :lmao

I'm like Rocky...I'm a bull in a China closet...I really want it!

03-15-2022, 06:54 PM
1 million Americans dead in the ground..."I'll shut it down." - MF Biden

Aww, please. Less than 20% of them died of covid alone. The other >80% had underlying conditions, including terminal cancer, terminal dementia, MS, organ/heart failure, et al. and yet were still counted as covid deaths so big pharma could get rich and we pay them back slowly but surely with inflation :lol

The government and GAE (Globalist American Empire) duped all of us.

03-15-2022, 07:17 PM
If there was a Polio epidemic in the US and 30+% of the US population wasn't vaccinated against Polio, you would absolutely see employers requiring it. The reason employers aren't requiring proof of Polio vaccinations is the same reason they aren't requiring testing for the bubonic plague every time you walk into the office, it's not a disease that's threatening the US population at all right now.


Will Hunting
03-15-2022, 07:25 PM
With bubonic plague and to some extent TB, there are mainstream silver bullet cures / antibiotics
:lol you think THIS is the reason why there aren't bubonic plague testing requirements by employers?

03-15-2022, 07:34 PM
:lol you think THIS is the reason why there aren't bubonic plague testing requirements by employers?

no, I already explained it when I said that you could pretty much camp outside naked out in the forests out West all summer and still be 0.0001% likely to catch the black death bubonic plague

TB testing by employers especially school and hospital employees has been a thing for decades though. TB is a long term killer if untreated.

Omicron-and-beyond coronavirus is a common cold. Delta and earlier variants were more in the category of a doozy flu. Okay if you want to test for swine flu, SARS, coronavirus, maybe once a month or when necessary because of a specific outbreak and timing. But the vax and mask mandates are retarded.

04-06-2022, 08:37 AM
In a move criticized by advocates of Florida’s open government laws, Gov. Ron DeSantis’ staff intervened in a public records request related to a former appointee who is reportedly connected to a federal sex trafficking investigation (https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2021/07/07/state-withholds-spending-records-of-matt-gaetz-associate-halsey-beshears/), documents obtained by News 6 show.

The governor’s secondary “review” of state spending records delayed the release of those documents for more than two months, records confirm.

04-23-2022, 10:34 AM
Ron DeSantis is F I R E ..... :ihit:ihit:ihit:ihit:ihit

04-23-2022, 12:23 PM
Lol. He's a moron.

04-23-2022, 12:33 PM
Lol. He's a moron.

:lmao It's laughable to hear Democrats bitching about gerrymandering after what they did in IL, NY, CA, OR, amongst others. But apparently drawing out Nashville or Kansas City (they won't because the MO GOP is spineless) is a foul even though neither city is plurality minority.

04-23-2022, 02:15 PM
All you weak fucks fear a real man like DeSantis and it's hilarious! :lol

04-23-2022, 04:00 PM
:lmao It's laughable to hear Democrats bitching about gerrymandering after what they did in IL, NY, CA, OR, amongst others. But apparently drawing out Nashville or Kansas City (they won't because the MO GOP is spineless) is a foul even though neither city is plurality minority.

I think gerrymandering should go away altogether.

04-23-2022, 04:06 PM
I think gerrymandering should go away altogether.
But you'd have to get rid of the VRA to do that (i.e. draw clean and neat shapes and draw maps by geography, not crack cities/counties/precincts at all when possible, etc) and the Dems in control would never go for that.

The VRA hurts Republicans in deep red southern states but it hurts Democrats in the swingy purple upper midwest type of states. The current Michigan map for example is both a clean non-gerrymandered map and also an epic violation of the VRA, since it doesn't draw any black-plurality/black-majority districts even though there is a distinct case there should be 2 black majority districts and it's easy to draw them as such. For example. The black rights activists fighting the Michigan map in court might end up helping Republicans if they force the legislature/commission to draw a map that would include Pontiac and especially black-heavy Flint in with the NW Detroit area black voting bloc.

The current Michigan map: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/redistricting-2022-maps/michigan/ is a violation of the VRA because it packs too many black voters in the Washtenaw and Oakland county districts as well as packing Flint with an overall district this is extremely white outside of Flint. It is still in litigation and may very well be struck down in court over the VRA, but maybe not in time for the 2022 election.

Here's a VRA-compliant map I proposed a few weeks ago in Michigan that would give blacks 2 majority districts, one spanning most of Detroit and the other going from black-heavy NW Detroit and the black suburbs such as Southfield all the way through Pontiac and up to Flint. VRA-compliant.


05-31-2022, 09:38 AM


05-31-2022, 09:39 AM


Geez, how tall us the apple crate he's standing on there?

05-31-2022, 09:47 AM

06-02-2022, 08:45 PM

06-03-2022, 05:34 AM
Geez, how tall us the apple crate he's standing on there?

:lmao another midget with inferiority complex

06-03-2022, 01:03 PM


06-03-2022, 01:15 PM
:lmao another midget with inferiority complex

Youngkin makes up for that height

06-03-2022, 01:17 PM


Ron DeSantis's hand-drawn U.S. congressional Florida redistricting map survives the Florida Supreme Court and will be officially valid for the 2022 election.

Ron MF DeSantis :toast :toast :toast :toast :toast

06-22-2022, 12:46 PM

06-22-2022, 12:48 PM

Makes sense for states like NH and VA, AZ, NM, GA, NE, KS, etc. States that have kind of bucked Trump but strongly hate the Left. FL is a tough one because they love both of them. Iowa will most definitely go to Trump, though, as well as (most) the SEC Super Tuesday states.

Hopefully the trend continues, or they run together in 2024 and DeSantis runs with a strong VP in 2028 and 2032.

06-22-2022, 02:42 PM

07-11-2022, 11:30 PM

07-22-2022, 09:53 AM

08-04-2022, 11:37 AM

Standing ovation :tu

08-04-2022, 11:39 AM

Standing ovation :tu

A liberal Florida judge will step in and reverse this over the weekend.

08-04-2022, 11:44 AM
Fla Gov swing a big D

08-04-2022, 11:52 AM

They made America Texas in 2000, Chicago in 2008 and a nursing home in 2020.

08-04-2022, 12:02 PM
A liberal Florida judge will step in and reverse this over the weekend.

F me if that happens.

08-04-2022, 12:38 PM
F me if that happens.

You can count on it, boomster. The left doesn't taken it, like we do. They get right on it, in broad daylight. And they always have.

08-11-2022, 09:02 AM
In January 2020, Glenn Youngkin, now the Republican governor of Virginia, got some welcome news. A complex corporate transaction had gone through at the Carlyle Group, the powerful private equity company that Youngkin led as co-chief executive. Under the deal, approved by the Carlyle board and code-named “Project Phoenix,” he began receiving $8.5 million worth of Carlyle stock, tax-free, according to court documents.

The Project Phoenix payout came on top of $54 million in compensation Youngkin had received from Carlyle during the previous two years, regulatory records show. Youngkin retired from Carlyle on Sept. 30, 2020; he won the governor’s election in November 2021.

Youngkin was not alone in receiving the 2020 windfall, according to the court documents. Eight other wealthy Carlyle officials received over $200 million worth of company shares in the deal, tax-free and paid for by the company. David M. Rubenstein, Carlyle’s billionaire founder and co-chairman, received $70.5 million worth.

Now, that transaction is under attack by a Carlyle shareholder in Delaware Chancery Court. The suit, filed last week by the city of Pittsburgh Comprehensive Municipal Pension Trust Fund, says the $344 million deal harmed Carlyle’s stockholders, who received nothing in return when they funded the payday.

08-11-2022, 10:38 AM

What happens when he sells the tax free shares?

11-06-2022, 12:21 AM
What happens when he sells the tax free shares?
You excited for your boy DeSantis to pull a very respectable 28% of the vote in the first primary before bowing out and bending the knee to Trump?


11-06-2022, 12:25 AM
daboom1 aka Chris you can answer that one too if you would be so kind

11-06-2022, 10:32 PM

11-08-2022, 07:07 PM
Who ya got, chief?

11-08-2022, 07:14 PM
DeSantis running guarantees a Dem victory :tu

11-08-2022, 07:15 PM
Who ya got, chief?

Maybe now we know why he was hoarding classified information...maybe political dirt? Fuck Trump.

11-08-2022, 09:59 PM
DeSantis running guarantees a Dem victory :tu

That will be must see TV that debate between him and Trump lol

11-08-2022, 10:01 PM
Maybe now we know why he was hoarding classified information...maybe political dirt? Fuck Trump.

I’m pretty sure Trump will be willing to bring the whole party down if he’s not the nominee. I wouldn’t put it past him to threaten to run as a 3rd party candidate

11-08-2022, 10:10 PM
I’m pretty sure Trump will be willing to bring the whole party down if he’s not the nominee. I wouldn’t put it past him to threaten to run as a 3rd party candidate

Agreed. We need a Trump parade in Dallas. We need another Lee Harvey Oswald.

11-08-2022, 10:13 PM
That will be must see TV that debate between him and Trump lol

DeSantis would be dumb to run against Trump at this point. He is young and can wait. Trump will either be humiliated in 2024 or win and will burn his second Presidency. DeSantis would be a lock as the nominee in 2028.

11-08-2022, 10:13 PM
Agreed. We need a Trump parade in Dallas. We need another Lee Harvey Oswald.

U mean we need another J Edgar Hoover

Hell no

11-09-2022, 12:46 AM
DeSantis would be dumb to run against Trump at this point. He is young and can wait. Trump will either be humiliated in 2024 or win and will burn his second Presidency. DeSantis would be a lock as the nominee in 2028.

if Trump somehow won and became wildly unpopular by 2028, the GOP would have no shot even if Nancy/Hillary was the Dem ticket.

DeSantis Youngkin is the winning ticket :tu

11-09-2022, 02:04 AM
if Trump somehow won and became wildly unpopular by 2028, the GOP would have no shot even if Nancy/Hillary was the Dem ticket.

DeSantis Youngkin is the winning ticket :tu

Maybe lay off on predicting stuff for a few days, chief

11-09-2022, 06:52 AM
Trump v DeSantis would be interesting.

Scenario 1: Trump and DeSantis go head-to-head in a primary, Trump hits DeSantis with all he's got. If Trump wins, GOP is at a big disadvantage in 2024. If DeSantis wins, Trump tries his best to divide the party and sink DeSantis' campaign. Not going to be pretty for the GOP either way

Scenario 2: GOP elders and DeSantis decide it's not worth getting into a nasty primary with Trump and let him have the nomination. GOP probably loses in 2024 and aims for 2028

Scenario 3: Trump is found culpable by the Jan 6 panel, or the Trump org is found guilty of tax fraud in NY. This is the best scenario for DeSantis. He can promise to pardon Trump if he wins, and Trump backs off to save his skin

11-09-2022, 10:58 AM
DeSantis would be dumb to run against Trump at this point. He is young and can wait. Trump will either be humiliated in 2024 or win and will burn his second Presidency. DeSantis would be a lock as the nominee in 2028.

Desantis seems to be pretty arrogant too. Maybe not as bad as Trump...yet. Trump has already struck first so I guess we'll have to see what happens/

11-09-2022, 10:59 AM
Trump v DeSantis would be interesting.

Scenario 1: Trump and DeSantis go head-to-head in a primary, Trump hits DeSantis with all he's got. If Trump wins, GOP is at a big disadvantage in 2024. If DeSantis wins, Trump tries his best to divide the party and sink DeSantis' campaign. Not going to be pretty for the GOP either way

Scenario 2: GOP elders and DeSantis decide it's not worth getting into a nasty primary with Trump and let him have the nomination. GOP probably loses in 2024 and aims for 2028

Scenario 3: Trump is found culpable by the Jan 6 panel, or the Trump org is found guilty of tax fraud in NY. This is the best scenario for DeSantis. He can promise to pardon Trump if he wins, and Trump backs off to save his skin

Scenario 3 would suck because I really want to see Trump vs Desantis lol

11-09-2022, 11:12 AM
Trump v DeSantis would be interesting.

Scenario 1: Trump and DeSantis go head-to-head in a primary, Trump hits DeSantis with all he's got. If Trump wins, GOP is at a big disadvantage in 2024. If DeSantis wins, Trump tries his best to divide the party and sink DeSantis' campaign. Not going to be pretty for the GOP either way

Scenario 2: GOP elders and DeSantis decide it's not worth getting into a nasty primary with Trump and let him have the nomination. GOP probably loses in 2024 and aims for 2028

Scenario 3: Trump is found culpable by the Jan 6 panel, or the Trump org is found guilty of tax fraud in NY. This is the best scenario for DeSantis. He can promise to pardon Trump if he wins, and Trump backs off to save his skin

Scenario 3 -or-

Scenario 4: Trump bends the knee to DeSantis either before or early in the primary, endorses DeSantis and DeSantis goes on to win the general election 2024 in a red tsunami year considering what will likely be a stagflationary recession paired with record gas prices.


Scenario 5: Trump and DeSantis go head-to-head in a primary, Trump hits DeSantis with all he's got but by now the general consensus on both sides from all but the most radical QAnon`ers is that Trump is a pathologically waffling, lying fraud and anything he says is a reach or a lie at this point. DeSantis wins comfortably on Super Tuesday '24 and Trump bends the knee, suspends campaign, endorses DeSantis and DeSantis wins easily in 2024 considering the recession / Biden disapproval etc.

Desantis seems to be pretty arrogant too. Maybe not as bad as Trump...yet. Trump has already struck first so I guess we'll have to see what happens/
Oh sure he's arrogant but so was Obama. Desantis is a charismatic juggernaut.

The difference between Trump and DeSantis is DeSantis doesn't have all the baggage, from the multiple kids with multiple wives thing, the access hollywood/perverted stuff that turns him off suburban women voters, prior history of being a racist, possibly even a rapist; the QAnon ties and conspiracy hoaxes, waffling on covid policy etc. Started the inflation crap in 2020 with the stimulus bullshit, well before Biden was in power. Trump is just garbage.

11-09-2022, 02:08 PM
.... all the baggage, from the multiple kids with multiple wives thing, the access hollywood/perverted stuff that turns him off suburban women voters, prior history of being a racist, possibly even a rapist; the QAnon ties and conspiracy hoaxes, waffling on covid policy etc. Started the inflation crap in 2020 with the stimulus bullshit, well before Biden was in power. Trump is just garbage.

Trump being garbage, a liar, a racist, a rapist etc etc didn't stop you or 70 million others from voting for him. And ultimately that's the truth about the conservative base - they will happily vote for Satan to defeat a (D) candidate.

11-09-2022, 02:20 PM
Trump v DeSantis would be interesting.

Scenario 1: Trump and DeSantis go head-to-head in a primary, Trump hits DeSantis with all he's got. If Trump wins, GOP is at a big disadvantage in 2024. If DeSantis wins, Trump tries his best to divide the party and sink DeSantis' campaign. Not going to be pretty for the GOP either way

Scenario 2: GOP elders and DeSantis decide it's not worth getting into a nasty primary with Trump and let him have the nomination. GOP probably loses in 2024 and aims for 2028

Scenario 3: Trump is found culpable by the Jan 6 panel, or the Trump org is found guilty of tax fraud in NY. This is the best scenario for DeSantis. He can promise to pardon Trump if he wins, and Trump backs off to save his skinIf he's convicted by the state of NY, DeSantis wouldn't be able to pardon him.

It's difficult to see a scenario where Trump doesn't run as long as he is in legal jeopardy. He'd even run from prison. Especially from prison.

11-09-2022, 02:58 PM
If he's convicted by the state of NY, DeSantis wouldn't be able to pardon him.

It's difficult to see a scenario where Trump doesn't run as long as he is in legal jeopardy. He'd even run from prison. Especially from prison.

Good point on state vs federal charges.

Trump likely sees elections as opportunities to grift - he fund-raised from his idiot followers initially for the 2020 campaign and then to fund voter fraud investigation and legal challenges. If the GOP, Fox News and the rest of the RW media can divert the lemmings' attention away from Trump and towards DeSantis - and Trump's fund raising stalls - he might bend the knee and try to play kingmaker from the outside

11-09-2022, 03:04 PM
If he's convicted by the state of NY, DeSantis wouldn't be able to pardon him.

It's difficult to see a scenario where Trump doesn't run as long as he is in legal jeopardy. He'd even run from prison. Especially from prison.

DeSantis while he's still governor of Florida could block extradition though. Trump would just have to lie low and not set foot in NY state

11-09-2022, 03:14 PM
DeSantis while he's still governor of Florida could block extradition though. Trump would just have to lie low and not set foot in NY stateHe wouldn't leave Florida for the rest of his life? :lol

And DeSantis would be running for president while harboring a fugitive? Biden wins in a landslide.

11-09-2022, 03:17 PM
But you'd have to get rid of the VRA to do that (i.e. draw clean and neat shapes and draw maps by geography, not crack cities/counties/precincts at all when possible, etc) and the Dems in control would never go for that.

The VRA hurts Republicans in deep red southern states but it hurts Democrats in the swingy purple upper midwest type of states. The current Michigan map for example is both a clean non-gerrymandered map and also an epic violation of the VRA, since it doesn't draw any black-plurality/black-majority districts even though there is a distinct case there should be 2 black majority districts and it's easy to draw them as such. For example. The black rights activists fighting the Michigan map in court might end up helping Republicans if they force the legislature/commission to draw a map that would include Pontiac and especially black-heavy Flint in with the NW Detroit area black voting bloc.

The current Michigan map: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/redistricting-2022-maps/michigan/ is a violation of the VRA because it packs too many black voters in the Washtenaw and Oakland county districts as well as packing Flint with an overall district this is extremely white outside of Flint. It is still in litigation and may very well be struck down in court over the VRA, but maybe not in time for the 2022 election.

Here's a VRA-compliant map I proposed a few weeks ago in Michigan that would give blacks 2 majority districts, one spanning most of Detroit and the other going from black-heavy NW Detroit and the black suburbs such as Southfield all the way through Pontiac and up to Flint. VRA-compliant.


Tldr. Just get rid of gerrymandering

11-09-2022, 03:18 PM
Good point on state vs federal charges.

Trump likely sees elections as opportunities to grift - he fund-raised from his idiot followers initially for the 2020 campaign and then to fund voter fraud investigation and legal challenges. If the GOP, Fox News and the rest of the RW media can divert the lemmings' attention away from Trump and towards DeSantis - and Trump's fund raising stalls - he might bend the knee and try to play kingmaker from the outside

Trump's mere existence is an opportunity to grift -- rubes keep sending him money no matter what. I think he sees running for president and definitely being president as get out of jail free cards and in some respects that's closer to truth than not. The legal and public advantages are just too great and the personal cost to him is zero -- I can't see a compelling reason against his running.

11-09-2022, 03:18 PM
heil DeSantis


11-09-2022, 03:55 PM
Who ya got, chief?

Just like Cruz they'll be besties if they end up teaming up

11-09-2022, 08:34 PM
Just like Cruz they'll be besties if they end up teaming up

You think DeSantis will bend the knee like that cuck??

11-09-2022, 09:07 PM
Who ya got, chief?

baseline bum
11-09-2022, 10:35 PM
Good point on state vs federal charges.

Trump likely sees elections as opportunities to grift - he fund-raised from his idiot followers initially for the 2020 campaign and then to fund voter fraud investigation and legal challenges. If the GOP, Fox News and the rest of the RW media can divert the lemmings' attention away from Trump and towards DeSantis - and Trump's fund raising stalls - he might bend the knee and try to play kingmaker from the outside

Trump would happily burn the GOP to the ground by claiming the primaries were rigged if Desantis wins the nomination. We know because he did it before, telling his voters not to show up in the 2020 Georgia runoff and thus ceding two critical senate seats to the Democrats when they listened to him.

11-10-2022, 01:13 AM
Agreed. We need a Trump parade in Dallas. We need another Lee Harvey Oswald.don't sugarcoat it, tell us what you really think, CC


11-10-2022, 01:20 AM
Trump being garbage, a liar, a racist, a rapist etc etc didn't stop you or 70 million others from voting for him. And ultimately that's the truth about the conservative base - they will happily vote for Satan to defeat a (D) candidate.
Biden is all those too.

Republican support for Trump decreased because his policies weren't successful. It's not about beating the other team as much as improving our lives.

11-10-2022, 04:37 AM

Ronny has a Presidential wife

11-10-2022, 01:56 PM
:lol she's probably taller than him

11-10-2022, 06:25 PM

11-10-2022, 07:10 PM
:lol she's probably taller than him

so he did well then :tu

11-10-2022, 07:48 PM

baseline bum
11-10-2022, 10:23 PM
Agreed. We need a Trump parade in Dallas. We need another Lee Harvey Oswald.

Seven years too late.

11-10-2022, 10:25 PM
Seven years too late.


11-11-2022, 03:35 AM

11-11-2022, 10:37 AM
Trump says he has dirt on DeSantis and his wife.
AND more importantly ... DeSantis is fat.

So the elementary school attacks are beginning again to get that base back in action.

11-11-2022, 11:21 AM
Trump says he has dirt on DeSantis and his wife.
AND more importantly ... DeSantis is fat.

So the elementary school attacks are beginning again to get that base back in action.
Trump's going to really come out and say that DeSantis is a cuck and that his wife slept with the pumpkin man, tbh? :lol

11-11-2022, 03:16 PM

This was pre-election, interested to see how much it swings.

11-11-2022, 08:10 PM
You think DeSantis will bend the knee like that cuck??

If Trump gets the Republican nod, sure

11-11-2022, 08:31 PM
If Trump gets the Republican nod, sure

Probably so. DeSantis is young and just getting stronger. He doesn't have to bend the knee, just not run. Going head to head to Trump in this fucked up scenario isn't politically smart. More than likely Trump wins the primary against Pence and ? and gets killed in the general. Again. At that point he is dead and gone. DeSantis could slide right in in 2028.

11-12-2022, 01:05 AM

11-12-2022, 02:10 AM
:lol midget

11-12-2022, 03:24 AM
Probably so. DeSantis is young and just getting stronger. He doesn't have to bend the knee, just not run. Going head to head to Trump in this fucked up scenario isn't politically smart. More than likely Trump wins the primary against Pence and ? and gets killed in the general. Again. At that point he is dead and gone. DeSantis could slide right in in 2028.

Well in 2028 he will have been out of office two years and not on a roll like he is now

11-14-2022, 08:30 PM
Well in 2028 he will have been out of office two years and not on a roll like he is now

I would be fine with Desantis primarying Trump if he actually runs. I just think it would be better for him politically to wait. He could legitimately say "I fulfilled my responsibilities to Florida" and immediately roll into primary season for 2028. Two years is the normal run up to the election anyway.

11-14-2022, 08:33 PM
:lol midget

He is the Governor of Florida and you are...the Spurstalk Chump. :lol

Really knocking him for how tall he is or isn't?

11-14-2022, 09:35 PM
He is the Governor of Florida and you are...the Spurstalk Chump. :lol

Really knocking him for how tall he is or isn't?You judge literally every female politician on her looks and now you start clutching your pearls when someone dares make fun of a male politician's appearance.


11-14-2022, 10:20 PM
You judge literally every female politician on her looks and now you start clutching your pearls when someone dares make fun of a male politician's appearance.


How tall are you Chump? i'm 6'3'. Do I get to :lmao at your pussy ass if you are shorter?

11-14-2022, 10:24 PM
How tall are you Chump? i'm 6'3'. Do I get to :lmao at your pussy ass if you are shorter?

:rollin you're really bent out of shape on behalf of DeSantis, aren't you?

You can make fun of anyone for any reason.

Unless you're policing the forum, that is. Then only the things you allow can be funny, right?


11-14-2022, 10:27 PM
He is the Governor of Florida and you are...the Spurstalk Chump. :lol

Really knocking him for how tall he is or isn't?

Jebs wife must give great head because she would be the frugliest first lady in history. She looks like a midget troll.

Why is the wife of a politician fair game but not the male politician, CC?

11-14-2022, 10:27 PM
Just admit you are an internet warrior bitch and we can end this. I will gladly go to a GTG and prove I'm 6' 3". You are too big of an pussy to ever show your face at an GTG even back when we had them on a regular basis.

11-14-2022, 10:35 PM
Just admit you are an internet warrior bitch and we can end this. I will gladly go to a GTG and prove I'm 6' 3". You are too big of an pussy to ever show your face at an GTG even back when we had them on a regular basis.

Oh I looked away for a second and thought tats was posting

11-14-2022, 10:38 PM
Oh I looked away for a second and thought tats was posting

You apparently looked away quite awhile while your wife was sucking sancho's dick. oops.

11-14-2022, 10:38 PM
Just admit you are an internet warrior bitch and we can end this. I will gladly go to a GTG and prove I'm 6' 3". You are too big of an pussy to ever show your face at an GTG even back when we had them on a regular basis.
I'm 6'2" and I hosted a GTG in Austin.

If you want to call me a midget, knock yourself out.

If you can't explain why it's OK for you to attack Jeb Bush's wife but not for me to call your Ron a midget, you're absolutely a pussy and no one should respect you no matter how tall you are.

Also, what does your height have to do with Ron DeSantis anyway?

11-14-2022, 10:44 PM
I'm 6'2" and I hosted a GTG in Austin.

If you want to call me a midget, knock yourself out.

If you can't explain why it's OK for you to attack Jeb Bush's wife but not for me to call your Ron a midget, you're absolutely a pussy and no one should respect you no matter how tall you are.

please link your GTG.

Also explain why you think shorter people are somehow defective.

11-14-2022, 10:44 PM

11-14-2022, 11:00 PM
please link your GTG.What do you mean, link the Toros game from a decade ago?

Also explain why you think shorter people are somehow defective.I called him a midget, not defective.

Tell everyone here why you can shit on Jeb Bush's wife but Ron DeSantis is off limits.

If you don't, you're a pussy.

11-15-2022, 12:01 AM
I would be fine with Desantis primarying Trump if he actually runs. I just think it would be better for him politically to wait. He could legitimately say "I fulfilled my responsibilities to Florida" and immediately roll into primary season for 2028. Two years is the normal run up to the election anyway.
You really want 4 more years of Biden though? Fuck no

:lol midget
She's just a tall woman.

It takes one heck of a guy of DeSantis' less than stellar height to pull a broad that tall, keep her, and have a family with her. Alpha male for sure. Bet he licks her good too, tbh. :tu like all good men do.

11-15-2022, 12:03 AM
Liz Cheney is going to run too, IMO

11-15-2022, 12:04 AM
Liz Cheney is going to run too, IMO
I'd vote for a brick over her

i.e. I'd vote for the Biden-Fetterman ticket over her

11-15-2022, 12:09 AM
I'd vote for a brick over her

i.e. I'd vote for the Biden-Fetterman ticket over her

Well, we established here you would vote for almost every loser in the election, so she has that going for her, tbh

11-16-2022, 11:03 PM

11-16-2022, 11:53 PM
Good. Big business is - and always have been - the enemy and government needs to crack down against them and their woke agendas. :tu

11-17-2022, 09:43 AM
Good. Big business is - and always have been - the enemy and government needs to crack down against them and their woke agendas. :tuPolitical donations are core free speech and may not be infringed, but you think the government should suppress political speech you don't like.

Extra Stout
11-17-2022, 10:01 AM
GOP is in a pickle for 2024. They need both the rural poor white and suburban college white vote to win, but there’s no clear way to get both. Trump draws the former, but the latter hates him so much they vote (D). If Trump loses, he tries to burn down the party and tells the former all to stay home.

Prison solves nothing. And he will never, ever, ever, ever bend the knee because he is a malignant narcissist and they never do that.

The only way out is for Trump to fall victim to a chronic fatal illness that he turns out in retrospect to have had.

Extra Stout
11-17-2022, 10:03 AM
Political donations are core free speech and may not be infringed, but you think the government should suppress political speech you don't like.
The Republican Party isn’t conservative anymore and doesn’t really pretend to be conservative anymore, so right-wing populist beliefs and actions aren’t really hypocrisy anymore. They may be incoherent, but not hypocritical.

11-17-2022, 10:21 AM
The Republican Party isn’t conservative anymore and doesn’t really pretend to be conservative anymore, so right-wing populist beliefs and actions aren’t really hypocrisy anymore. They may be incoherent, but not hypocritical.

Oh no, right wing beliefs are still chock full of hypocrisy

Extra Stout
11-17-2022, 10:45 AM
Oh no, right wing beliefs are still chock full of hypocrisy
“Let’s use government power to protect and reward our own tribe and other friendly tribes, while punishing enemy tribes. And whether your tribe is friend or enemy is determined by loyalty. And part of the loyalty test is debasement of your own reason for the cause.”
Most actions I’ve seen over the past seven years are consistent with that ethos.

Extra Stout
11-17-2022, 10:49 AM
Corporations were part of a friendly tribe, so they got special favors, aka corporate welfare/corruption. Then they turned and betrayed the tribe by embracing left-wing cultural causes. So now they are disloyal and the enemy and must be punished severely. DeSantis understands the game.

11-17-2022, 10:57 AM
“Let’s use government power to protect and reward our own tribe and other friendly tribes, while punishing enemy tribes. And whether your tribe is friend or enemy is determined by loyalty. And part of the loyalty test is debasement of your own reason for the cause.”
Most actions I’ve seen over the past seven years are consistent with that ethos.

Yep. The number 1 litmus for Republican policy is "Does this make libs mad?" Whether the cause is fundamentally conservative, Christian, small government, etc. is secondary.

11-17-2022, 11:13 AM
Political donations are core free speech and may not be infringed, but you think the government should suppress political speech you don't like.


Political donations are corruption, and the Left is 10x as guilty as the right these days. Hence why you see 10x as many Democrat TV political ads this cycle and the last.

GOP is in a pickle for 2024. They need both the rural poor white and suburban college white vote to win, but there’s no clear way to get both. Trump draws the former, but the latter hates him so much they vote (D). If Trump loses, he tries to burn down the party and tells the former all to stay home.

Prison solves nothing. And he will never, ever, ever, ever bend the knee because he is a malignant narcissist and they never do that.

The only way out is for Trump to fall victim to a chronic fatal illness that he turns out in retrospect to have had.
Good analysis :tu

If Trump just croaks of a heart attack from eating too much McDonald's, we're all better off

Will Hunting
11-17-2022, 11:15 AM

Political donations are corruption, and the Left is 10x as guilty as the right these days. Hence why you see 10x as many Democrat TV political ads this cycle and the last.
I always love this argument...you're saying the left is just as guilty because we choose to play by the Roberts' Court's rules instead of roll over and die?

Citizens United was a partisan ruling. Dems didn't want the game this way but now that we're here, we have to play it.

Extra Stout
11-17-2022, 11:15 AM
Yep. The number 1 litmus for Republican policy is "Does this make libs mad?" Whether the cause is fundamentally conservative, Christian, small government, etc. is secondary.

American conservatism was Burkean. It was rooted in the classically liberal tradition. The thought leaders on the right, such as they are, have over the past seven years by and large repudiated classical liberalism. So they are no longer conservatives in the American sense. But America has no tradition such as Europe does as a basis for an Old Right. So all that is left to draw from is the ideology of Nietzsche and Schmitt. And that way there are dragons.

11-17-2022, 11:18 AM
The Republican Party isn’t conservative anymore and doesn’t really pretend to be conservative anymore, so right-wing populist beliefs and actions aren’t really hypocrisy anymore. They may be incoherent, but not hypocritical.My intention was more to expose the underlying will to power than pierce the veil of hypocrisy. Anecdotally, other posters being cool with using political force to enact their political orthodoxy is becoming less rare and more overt.

Extra Stout
11-17-2022, 11:25 AM
My intention was more to expose the underlying will to power than pierce the veil of hypocrisy. Anecdotally, other posters being cool with using political force to enact their political orthodoxy is becoming less rare and more overt.
Except that there really is no underlying political orthodoxy. Everything is up for grabs in the pursuit of power. Which is guess is your point.