View Full Version : Lakers: Are Renaming Staples Center: Crypto.com Arena

11-17-2021, 08:08 AM
Crypto has announced they are partnering with the Lakers:

Deal reportedly worth $700 million million dollars over 20 years. Name change will go into effect on December 25th.

Just thinking out loud here...There is a new CBA forthcoming, right? Lakers getting ahead of the game, per usual.

Lots of pissed off Laker fans crying about this tho. :lol

11-17-2021, 08:49 AM
No surprise, Staples has been a dying business for a long time. They expanded east and kept the California prices nationwide, not popular, a lot of them shut down. Brick and mortar and never really adopted a proficient online shopping model.

It's a shame because they had a couple products back when I was in high school that I just loved that you couldn't find at say Walmart, Office Depot, Office Max or HEB or Target... but at $7.89 a binder... it sure was pricey to shop at Staples. I guess you're used to that if you live in CA, but in San Antonio they priced themselves out of the market

11-17-2021, 10:00 AM

Tryna compete with Ballmer. I ain't mad. :lol

The location of where Staples Center is, is perfect. It makes sense to keep it there and renovate.

Allan Rowe vs Wade
11-17-2021, 10:12 AM
Bloods arent happy about this i bet

11-17-2021, 10:43 AM
Bloods arent happy about this i bet
NWA holding the first concert there :lol

11-17-2021, 10:46 AM
I forgot that MSG got a $1B makeover but stayed in the same location. Lakers doing this is perfect. Staples, er um The Cryp will be in the center of everything in Hollywood. Even Big Bank Ballmer can't compete with that :toast

Crypto should have done this partnership last year...then maybe Jeannie would have had enough money to keep Caruso :cry

11-17-2021, 11:44 AM
Crypto has announced they are partnering with the Lakers:

Deal reportedly worth $700 million million dollars over 20 years. Name change will go into effect on December 25th.
Like with real crypto can it be hacked?

Change the name on the building to Rigged_Phaggots.com :lol

11-17-2021, 11:56 AM
Like with real crypto can it be hacked?

Change the name on the building to Rigged_Phaggots.com :lol

Just think if BangBros got the naming rights. Everytime a 3ptr goes in: "From way downtown...Bang!" :lol

11-17-2021, 12:01 PM
^ :lol good one.

You know with the continued decline of civilization it's coming.

11-17-2021, 02:19 PM
This crypto app is blowing up, user base growing at a fast rate and it's being advertised all over the place and sealing partnerships left and right (F1, UFC, european soccer leagues, now the lakers).

If you're not investing in cro coin (crypto.com's coin), you deserve to work in a cubicle for the rest of your life. Thank you.

Cro coin already pumping over 30% today because of the partnership with the lakers.

11-20-2021, 02:59 PM
The top is in. Enron Field redux.

11-21-2021, 04:26 PM
CRO hasn't stopped pumping since these news came out. Up 500% in the past 6 months.

Don't be like Faggs, forever cucking for banking institutions.

Mr. Body
11-21-2021, 08:01 PM
Crypto is just a massive bubble for morons. If you can get out with a nice bag, cool. But it's literally nothing that people are paying money for. A sign of our fraudulent, fucked up economy.

11-21-2021, 08:13 PM
Crypto is just a massive bubble for morons. If you can get out with a nice bag, cool. But it's literally nothing that people are paying money for. A sign of our fraudulent, fucked up economy.

Much better to keep your money in your bank account collecting dust at miserable rates :lol

Keep getting cucked by the banks while billionaires continue to accumulate all the crypto. That's what they want you to do.

11-22-2021, 04:53 PM
Much better to keep your money in your bank account collecting dust at miserable rates :lol

Keep getting cucked by the banks while billionaires continue to accumulate all the crypto. That's what they want you to do.

Real estate is the investment of choice, tbh. You at least have an amount of control over the value of your property.

11-22-2021, 06:25 PM
Fitting for the death of the franchise.

Mark Celibate
11-25-2021, 08:36 AM
This crypto app is blowing up, user base growing at a fast rate and it's being advertised all over the place and sealing partnerships left and right (F1, UFC, european soccer leagues, now the lakers).

If you're not investing in cro coin (crypto.com's coin), you deserve to work in a cubicle for the rest of your life. Thank you.

Cro coin already pumping over 30% today because of the partnership with the lakers.

:tu dropped a decent bit of cash in it the other day, hope im not left holding the bag IMO

Mark Celibate
11-25-2021, 08:37 AM
Crypto is just a massive bubble for morons. If you can get out with a nice bag, cool. But it's literally nothing that people are paying money for. A sign of our fraudulent, fucked up economy.

Even with bubbles....someone makes money

11-25-2021, 10:47 AM
Investing in crypto is at least as stable as investing brick and mortar businesses, if not more so. It's about catching that upward pull in time to make money. It doesn't matter what you're invested in. People have been naysaying crypto since inception and there are billionaires from it now, while these naysayers probably rode Amazon to a 40% increase vs the 5000% some currencies have seen. Can you lose? Sure you can, no one is going to guarantee you that kind of increase without risk.

11-25-2021, 11:31 AM
:tu dropped a decent bit of cash in it the other day, hope im not left holding the bag IMO

Binance coin is worth over $600 at the moment, obviously that price is a pipe dream but if you look at other exchange proprietary coins (Uniswap, KuCoin), they're within the $20/$30 range. Which i believe is an entirely realistic goal for Cro Coin.

Crypto.com is making the right moves and continuously growing. I have faith in this project, this one is a long term wait for me.

Mr. Body
11-26-2021, 11:02 PM
Much better to keep your money in your bank account collecting dust at miserable rates :lol

Keep getting cucked by the banks while billionaires continue to accumulate all the crypto. That's what they want you to do.

Billionaires are already accumulating all the resources, fuckhead. Crypto is just billionaire-controlled bullshit that will pop and leave a gaping hole in the economy out of pure stupidity.

11-28-2021, 03:31 AM
Investing in crypto is at least as stable as investing brick and mortar businesses, if not more so. It's about catching that upward pull in time to make money. It doesn't matter what you're invested in. People have been naysaying crypto since inception and there are billionaires from it now, while these naysayers probably rode Amazon to a 40% increase vs the 5000% some currencies have seen. Can you lose? Sure you can, no one is going to guarantee you that kind of increase without risk.

But any trader worth their salt knows that risk can be greatly minimized by understanding what you're investing in and ensuring there's actual value. That's really the first thing you learn from any good trader.
Warren Buffet doesn't want to invest in a pyramid scheme or a scam, and nobody else should either. If high risk, high return is your thing, you can go play roulette in any casino.

At least with Bitcoin there's full transparency and understanding on the virtual scarcity that gives it value, and what it's vulnerabilities are. Yet, as it's usual with unregulated markets, it's still full of scams, from coin exchanges suddenly getting 'hacked' to completely disappearing with the funds. There's also the fact that if your computer died and you didn't have a backup with your wallet's key, your funds are gone.

It really is the wild west out there for virtual coins right now, though it'll be getting regulated sooner rather than later. That said, sub $1 coins are not much different than penny stocks, and can be a good value if you have some spare bucks to throw at them.

11-29-2021, 08:33 PM
No surprise, Staples has been a dying business for a long time. They expanded east and kept the California prices nationwide, not popular, a lot of them shut down. Brick and mortar and never really adopted a proficient online shopping model.

It's a shame because they had a couple products back when I was in high school that I just loved that you couldn't find at say Walmart, Office Depot, Office Max or HEB or Target... but at $7.89 a binder... it sure was pricey to shop at Staples. I guess you're used to that if you live in CA, but in San Antonio they priced themselves out of the market

MM, with the solid take, per usual. Peerless, MM!

12-03-2021, 07:29 AM
Fits 2022 Lakers all hype as is most (but not all) crypto.

12-06-2021, 01:40 PM


12-06-2021, 10:09 PM
Will the new logo have Kirbys head anywhere?