View Full Version : LRB: Air pollution estimated to kill 10 million people annually

11-26-2021, 10:58 AM
Feedback loops are impervious to cynicism but bodies are perishable. In the end, nature won't be mocked but millions of annual deaths will be little more than an externalized cost of so-called civilization.


11-26-2021, 11:08 AM
The United States and other developed countries in the global north are responsible for 92% of all the excess carbon dioxide emissions driving global warming, according to a study in the September issue of The Lancet Planetary Health. The U.S. alone was responsible for 40%, followed by Russia and Germany (8% each), the United Kingdom (7%), and Japan (5%).

The study’s author, economic anthropologist Jason Hickel, told Sarah Lazare, of In These Times, that his research began from the premises that “the atmosphere is a common resource” and that “all people should have equal access” to a fair share of it. He calculated each nation’s fair share of a sustainable global carbon budget, based on population, along with an analysis of “territorial emissions from 1850 to 1969, and consumption-based emissions from 1970 to 2015.” In turn, this was used to calculate “the extent to which each country has overshot or undershot its fair share,” according to the study. Thus, the above list of the largest climate debtors.

The results, he told In These Times, show that “the countries of the Global North have ‘stolen’ a big chunk of the atmospheric fair-shares of poorer countries, and on top of that are responsible for the vast majority of excess emissions … [T]hey have effectively colonized the global atmospheric commons for the sake of their own industrial growth.”

In contrast, the study found that “most countries in the Global South were within their boundary fair shares, including India and China (although China will overshoot soon).” The leading climate creditors to date are India (34% of global “undershoots”), China (11%), Bangladesh and Indonesia (5% each) and Nigeria (4%).

“High-income countries must not only reduce emissions to zero more quickly than other countries, but they must also pay down their climate debts,” the study said. “Just as many of these countries have relied on the appropriation of labor and resources from the Global South for their own economic growth, they have also relied on the appropriation of global atmospheric commons, with consequences that harm the Global South disproportionately.”

“Other studies and analyses have pointed to the disproportionate responsibility of the Global North, and wealthy countries, for driving the climate crisis,” Lazare noted. Most dramatically, a 2015 study by Oxfam International “found that the poorest half of the world’s population—roughly 3.5 billion people—are to blame for just 10% of ‘total global emissions attributed to individual consumption,’ yet they ‘live overwhelmingly in countries most vulnerable to climate change.’” She reported. “In contrast, the richest 10% of people in the world are responsible for roughly 50% of global emissions.”https://prospect.org/power/project-censored-part-1-the-new-normal/

11-26-2021, 12:18 PM
Claims air pollution
Claim debunked

11-26-2021, 12:39 PM

11-26-2021, 12:40 PM
DMC sullenly hugging his strawman

11-26-2021, 10:56 PM
Won't have to worry about Air Pollution as most of us will be dead from Covid in a few years

11-26-2021, 11:00 PM
Won't have to worry about Air Pollution as most of us will be dead from Covid in a few years

"us" as in unvaxxed trumptards?

11-27-2021, 12:45 AM
Lmao eat it up you gullible fuck!

11-27-2021, 04:06 PM
"us" as in unvaxxed trumptards?

What about all the kids ages 1-4, who can't get the vaccine shot - I guess they are all trumptards to you? So very sad

11-27-2021, 05:50 PM
What about all the kids ages 1-4, who can't get the vaccine shot - I guess they are all trumptards to you? So very sad

Vaccines and treatments being available for them are just a matter of time. Fortunately, 1-4 years old are a statistically insignificant population dying from COVID right now, so no rush.

It's the minority trumptard antivaxx parents not vaccinating their kids that's the real tragedy with that group, tbh

11-29-2021, 09:41 AM
Check out your community with this interactive tool


11-29-2021, 07:06 PM
Are they libs or repugs?

12-01-2021, 02:56 AM
Are they libs or repugs?only thing that matters to you, apparently

01-27-2022, 05:26 AM
Leaving climate change wholly to one side, cleaner energy could save lives

“We found a risk of dying early from exposure to air pollution, even at very low levels of air pollution across the United States,” said Daniel S. Greenbaum, president of the Health Effects Institute.

The findings come as the Biden administration is considering whether to strengthen the national standard for PM 2.5, which is currently set at a yearly average of 12 micrograms per cubic meter, a level higher than that recommended by the World Health Organization.

Researchers concluded that 143,257 deaths could have been prevented between 2006 and 2016 if the standard had been tightened to 10 micrograms per cubic meter.

“If we were to reduce PM 2.5, we would be saving a substantial amount of lives,” said Francesca Dominici, a professor of biostatistics at Harvard who led the study, which took four years to complete. “It’s highly significant.”

01-27-2022, 05:35 AM
Morons thinking we can outsmart Mother Nature,,,,LMAO. We cant even outsmart ourselves. Dinosaurs,,,,with the IQ of a house plant will last longer on this planet than the human species.

01-27-2022, 06:09 AM
Morons thinking we can outsmart Mother Nature,,,,LMAO. We cant even outsmart ourselves. Dinosaurs,,,,with the IQ of a house plant will last longer on this planet than the human species.Industrial smokestacks aren't mother nature, tbh