View Full Version : Candle factory and Amazon employees threatening with firing during tornado warning

12-15-2021, 11:17 AM
Why yes, I would be honored to die for an hourly pittance, too.


12-15-2021, 11:33 AM
Why yes, I would be honored to die for an hourly pittance, too.
Any of the Amazon - Candles make a successful escape?

12-15-2021, 11:36 AM
Any of the Amazon - Candles make a successful escape?none mentioned in the article

12-15-2021, 11:42 AM
"Fearing for their safety, some left during their shifts regardless of the repercussions."

Found longer article. FWIW management is calling b.s. on the You Can't Leave accusations, saying Covid protocols remained in place that allowed employees to leave whenever they wanted. Link:
Kentucky tornado: Factory workers threatened with firing if they left before tornado, employees say (nbcnews.com) (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/kentucky-tornado-factory-workers-threatened-firing-left-tornado-employ-rcna8581?cid=sm_npd_nn_tw_ma)

“It’s absolutely untrue,” said Bob Ferguson, a spokesman for Mayfield Consumer Products. “We’ve had a policy in place since Covid began. Employees can leave any time they want to leave and they can come back the next day.”
He also denied that managers told employees that leaving their shifts meant risking their jobs. Ferguson said managers and team leaders undergo a series of emergency drills that follow guidelines of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
“Those protocols are in place and were followed,” he said.
A 24-hour hotline is available as of Monday for employees to call about hazard pay, grief counseling and other assistance, he said.
Autumn Kirks, a team lead at the factory who was working that night, denied Monday afternoon on MSNBC that people’s jobs were threatened if they didn’t go in.

I would side with worker accounts. Probably some supervisors said up to you, others threatened. As far as Bob Ferguson, spokesman he's just a paid shill most likely towing the company line and prepping for lawsuit defense. Bezos probably slipped him a fat bonus and promotion offer.

12-15-2021, 11:48 AM
I would side with worker accounts. Probably some supervisors said up to you, others threatened. As far as Bob Ferguson, spokesman he's just a paid shill most likely towing the company line and prepping for lawsuit defense. Bezos probably slipped him a fat bonus and promotion offer.
Seems likely. Another man text his wife saying Amazon wouldn't let him leave. He was killed in the storm.

12-15-2021, 11:49 AM
"Fearing for their safety, some left during their shifts regardless of the repercussions."

Found longer article. FWIW management is calling b.s. on the You Can't Leave accusations, saying Covid protocols remained in place that allowed employees to leave whenever they wanted. Link:
Kentucky tornado: Factory workers threatened with firing if they left before tornado, employees say (nbcnews.com) (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/kentucky-tornado-factory-workers-threatened-firing-left-tornado-employ-rcna8581?cid=sm_npd_nn_tw_ma)

“It’s absolutely untrue,” said Bob Ferguson, a spokesman for Mayfield Consumer Products. “We’ve had a policy in place since Covid began. Employees can leave any time they want to leave and they can come back the next day.”
He also denied that managers told employees that leaving their shifts meant risking their jobs. Ferguson said managers and team leaders undergo a series of emergency drills that follow guidelines of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
“Those protocols are in place and were followed,” he said.
A 24-hour hotline is available as of Monday for employees to call about hazard pay, grief counseling and other assistance, he said.
Autumn Kirks, a team lead at the factory who was working that night, denied Monday afternoon on MSNBC that people’s jobs were threatened if they didn’t go in.

I would side with worker accounts. Probably some supervisors said up to you, others threatened. As far as Bob Ferguson, spokesman he's just a paid shill most likely towing the company line and prepping for lawsuit defense. Bezos probably slipped him a fat bonus and promotion offer.

Do they have a recording, Mult? Otherwise, they're SOL.

Just looking for a check now that the candle factory is no longer in business.

12-15-2021, 11:52 AM
Do they have a recording, Mult? Otherwise, they're SOL.

Just looking for a check now that the candle factory is no longer in business.
Oh ya agree the US Injustice System is long since broken.
Short of having stuff recorded it's like highly paid demonic defense liarwyers will get anyone off of anything.
Prosecuters no angels either, tons of false imprisonments by those phucks.

We should all seriously have a lawyer on speed dial.

12-15-2021, 01:05 PM
Get vaccinated else you're fired - "no one forced them to get vaccinated"

Get back to work else you're fired - "they forced them to remain at work"

12-15-2021, 01:18 PM
I’ll take “Incredibly Stupid False Equivalences” for 500, Alex.

baseline bum
12-15-2021, 03:01 PM
I’ll take “Incredibly Stupid False Equivalences” for 500, Alex.

That one should have been at least 1000

12-15-2021, 03:11 PM
Get vaccinated else you're fired - "no one forced them to get vaccinated"

Get back to work else you're fired - "they forced them to remain at work"

Have to save this for posterity before he changes or deletes it.

12-15-2021, 03:55 PM
Have to save this for posterity before he changes or deletes it.
He’s gonna come back with a “i WuZ tRoLLiNg!” face-saving attempt.

12-15-2021, 03:57 PM
Force is force. Losing your job is losing your job. Your life is your life.

Keep reaching, you know I popped you on that one.

12-15-2021, 04:00 PM
There's a clear difference between an imminent tornado strike and a vaccine mandate one has months to fulfill.

Even honest brokers know that.

12-15-2021, 06:36 PM
Hopefully future tornado warnings will say Flee Shelter Now

12-15-2021, 07:27 PM
let's all have a chuckle at the dead warehouse workers....

12-15-2021, 07:47 PM
He’s gonna come back with a “i WuZ tRoLLiNg!” face-saving attempt.

No, he is just a ducks’ level idiot. I originally thought it was related to bad texting due to fat hands but he is just an idiot.

Exhibit B
“Force is force. Losing your job is losing your job. Your life is your life.”

12-15-2021, 09:08 PM
No, he is just a ducks’ level idiot. I originally thought it was related to bad texting due to fat hands but he is just an idiot.

Exhibit B
“Force is force. Losing your job is losing your job. Your life is your life.”

ergo they are the same.

You will lose your job if you don't

A. Get vaccinated
B. Remain at work during a tornado warning
C. All the above

Optional answer if you are left: These are not even remotely the same

12-15-2021, 09:13 PM
ergo they are the same.

You will lose your job if you don't

A. Get vaccinated
B. Remain at work during a tornado warning
C. All the above

Optional left answer: These are not even remotely related.

False equivalence and you remain an idiot.

12-15-2021, 09:14 PM
False equivalence and you remain an idiot.

argument by repetition from the mind of an imbecilic child ^^

How is one force and the other not? You cannot explain that.

12-15-2021, 09:17 PM
argument by repetition from the mind of an imbecilic child ^^

How is one force and the other not? You cannot explain that.

Keep editing away but you are still an idiot. :lol

Adam Lambert
12-15-2021, 10:28 PM
Look if they don't want to work in a place that's going to force them to keep working through a deadly tornado, they should just get off their lazy asses and get a different job. Problem solved.

Adam Lambert
12-15-2021, 10:31 PM
Get vaccinated else you're fired - "no one forced them to get vaccinated"

Get back to work else you're fired - "they forced them to remain at work"

Get vaccinated to keep your job - Not dead.

Stay at work through a deadly tornado to keep your job - Dead.

Yep, these two things are exactly alike.

12-16-2021, 12:23 AM
Get vaccinated to keep your job - Not dead.

Stay at work through a deadly tornado to keep your job - Dead.

Yep, these two things are exactly alike.

The ultimatum is the same - do this or get terminated. The price to pay for non compliance is termination in both instances. How can one be force but not the other when the exact same price is paid for non-compliance?

I don't believe either of them constitute being "forced" to do anything. I think both consist of being given an ultimatum, one both instances signed on for when they took the jobs. In the case of vax, the employer has no option so if it's force, it's coming from the feds. Ah but many here said "no one is forcing them to get vaccinated". Well, I agree, but you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

12-16-2021, 12:28 AM
Look if they don't want to work in a place that's going to force them to keep working through a deadly tornado, they should just get off their lazy asses and get a different job. Problem solved.

It was hours before the tornado. What company sends people home during a tornado warning? Ever heard of "shelter in place"?

Also, what company actually stops anyone from leaving, ever? Anyone there chose to stay, or you're suggesting their low wage job was worth more to them than their own lives.

12-16-2021, 12:30 AM
Keep editing away but you are still an idiot. :lol

You've reached the limit of your arguing ability. You're basically Spurs Homer 2.0.

12-16-2021, 12:00 PM
Alright, try this equivalence.

Conservative is conservative.

Derp is a conservative. DMC is a conservative. Therefore Derp is dmc.


12-16-2021, 04:39 PM
Nope, you're still saturated with stupid. Keep flailing.

12-16-2021, 04:53 PM
Nope, you're still saturated with stupid. Keep flailing.

Glad you admit your logic is flawed.

Apology accepted, idiot.

12-17-2021, 10:50 AM
This is nicely put

For a vast majority of Americans, democracy ends when work hours begin.

Most people in this country are subject, as workers, to the nearly unmediated authority of their employers, which can discipline, sanction or fire them for nearly any reason at all.

In other words, Americans are at the mercy of what the philosopher Elizabeth Anderson calls “private government (https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691176512/private-government),” a workplace despotism in which most workers “cede all of their rights to their employers, except those specifically guaranteed to them by law, for the duration of the employment relationship.” With few exceptions — like union members covered by collective bargaining agreements or academics covered by tenure — an employer’s authority over its workers is, Anderson writes, “sweeping, arbitrary and unaccountable — not subject to notice, process, or appeal.”

If “private government” sounds like a contradiction in terms, that is only because in the modern era we have lost an older sense of government as an entity that, as Anderson says, exists “wherever some have the authority to issue orders to others, backed by sanctions, in one or more domains of life.” The state, then, is simply one kind of government among others, albeit one with a monopoly on the legitimate use of force.

For most of human history, the state itself was essentially private; few individuals outside of the ruling class had any standing to question its decisions or demand accountability for its actions. The extent to which the state is public at all is, as Anderson notes, “a contingent social achievement of immense importance,” the result of a centuries-long struggle for “popular sovereignty and a republican form of government” such that the state is now “the people’s business, transparent to them, servant to their interests, in which they have a voice and the power to hold rulers accountable.”

With that in mind, to say that most workers are subject to unaccountable “private government” is to make clear the authoritarian character of the American workplace. And it is to remind ourselves that in the absence of any countervailing force, the bosses and managers who wield that authority can force workers into deadly environments and life-threatening situations, or force them to remain in them.https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/14/opinion/tornadoes-mayfield-amazon.html

12-17-2021, 02:24 PM
You've reached the limit of your arguing ability. You're basically Spurs Homer 2.0.

Tell me again how conservatives are pro-science, and the left is really the anti-science party. :lol

12-17-2021, 05:29 PM
Glad you admit your logic is flawed.

Apology accepted, idiot.

Wait... maybe? .. nope nothing. Still stupid.

12-17-2021, 05:29 PM
Tell me again how conservatives are pro-science, and the left is really the anti-science party. :lol

Both sides believe an invisible man in the sky trumps science and does things outside of the realm of science, with no evidence whatsoever. Suck on that.

12-17-2021, 05:33 PM
Tell me again how conservatives are pro-science, and the left is really the anti-science party. :lol

He is just an idiot like ducks except ducks is more useful as he can fix 12 computers in a day.

12-17-2021, 05:35 PM
He is just an idiot like ducks except ducks is more useful as he can fix 12 computers in a day.

You work best on a coattail. When you step off it you fail mightily. Get behind Blake, he's got more time in grade riding it.

12-17-2021, 05:44 PM
When you step off, it you fail mightily.


ChumpDumper was right, you are an idiot with ducks’ level punctuation skills. :lol