View Full Version : Trump advisors wanted military to seize voting machines

02-09-2022, 10:28 AM
Looks more like an outright coup attempt with each new bit of evidence.

Lock him up.

His advisors pushed for it, and because he is a weak fool, he took it as a green light.

Makes one wonder what was in the 15 boxes of stuff he tried to squirrel away at Mar-a-Lago or tried to rip up and throw away.


02-09-2022, 10:41 AM
- "Promises, promises."

- Ernie "The Cat" Ladd

02-09-2022, 11:28 AM
- "Promises, promises."

- Ernie "The Cat" Ladd
I'm building a big, beautiful wall and Mexicos going to pay for it.

02-09-2022, 11:51 AM
I'm building a big, beautiful wall and Mexicos going to pay for it.

At least he tried. MF Biden flies the wet bastards around the country, dropping a load off every large city in turn,,,harvesting them votes, the fuck.

02-09-2022, 11:51 AM
Ever thought of putting these thoughts into one thread?

02-09-2022, 11:53 AM
Ever thought of putting these thoughts into one thread?

He's been on the rag 2 days running now. A good Dutch rub and an enema is what RG needs.

02-09-2022, 12:14 PM
Indulging the impetuous demands of a mercurial boss embittered by defeat surely isn't a crime. Who among us can fault Trump's thwarted passion to continue serving the people?

Government workers draw up plans for all sorts of things that might look far-fetched or improbable to most people, but that is part of their job. After all, if the election really had been stolen from Trump, it would have been the government's duty to protect the republic and prevent the will of the people from being subverted. Therefore, merely drafting a plan for the DOJ, with the assistance of DHS, DOD and the National Guard, to seize voting machines from the states and conduct a recount under the direction of the President's hand-picked ombudsman -- Sidney Powell, let's say -- cannot have been a crime. It was contingency planning.

It's not really a coup if you don't follow through.

02-09-2022, 12:22 PM
Indulging the impetuous demands of a mercurial boss embittered by defeat surely isn't a crime. Who among us can fault Trump's thwarted passion to continue serving the people?

Government workers draw up plans for all sorts of things that might look far-fetched or improbable to most people, but that is part of their job. After all, if the election really had been stolen from Trump, it would have been the government's duty to protect the republic and prevent the will of the people from being subverted. Therefore, merely drafting a plan for the DOJ, with the assistance of DHS, DOD and the National Guard, to seize voting machines from the states and conduct a recount under the direction of the President's hand-picked ombudsman -- Sidney Powell, let's say -- cannot have been a crime. It was contingency planning.

It's not really a coup if you don't follow through.

Boiled down:::

Trump President.
Not Clinton.

02-09-2022, 12:40 PM
what is now clear is that the Repugs

are no longer pro-life, but pro-death (eg against covid mitigation, against expanding Medicai (15k dead),

are no longer the party of law and order, but the party Fed and state crimes that has no respect for law and order or the Constitution.

Trash and his mafiya enlisted states to commit Federal crimes.

Congressional Repug assholes knew about the "legit political discourse" coup, and stayed silent.

150? House Repugs signed a document to annul the certified Presidential 2020 election.

Swing states under Repug control will submit electors to vote for the Repug candidate if a Dem wins their state. There's no way a Dem Pres candidate can win in 2024, or for decades after. The Start the Steal is already accomplished.

Jan 2025 when Repugs control all 3 branches will be the end of The American Experiment of democracy.

The fucked up beyond repair, anti-democratic Constitution enables the oligarchy's strategy of converting America to fascism.

The oligarchy's brownshirts are already widely deployed and winning.

02-09-2022, 02:35 PM

tee, hee.

02-09-2022, 02:49 PM
lmao the regressives REEeeeEEEEeeEEe some more! :lmao:lol

02-09-2022, 03:27 PM
At least he tried. MF Biden flies the wet bastards around the country, dropping a load off every large city in turn,,,harvesting them votes, the fuck.

Maybe you want them to die too, just so Biden can be miserable.

You gonna shove them in the ovens?

Concentration camp guards came from somewhere, and there no doubt in my mind that they were just like you.

02-09-2022, 03:48 PM
Maybe you want them to die too, just so Biden can be miserable.

You gonna shove them in the ovens?

Concentration camp guards came from somewhere, and there no doubt in my mind that they were just like you.


02-09-2022, 04:10 PM
Makes one wonder what was in the 15 boxes of stuff he tried to squirrel away at Mar-a-Lago

What's to wonder about? He returned them according to one of your other muh Trump threads.

02-09-2022, 04:30 PM
lmao the regressives REEeeeEEEEeeEEe some more! :lmao:lol
Four years ago, you were crying about Uppity Black Man wiretapping Orange Man’s phones.

02-10-2022, 03:48 AM
What's to wonder about? He returned them according to one of your other muh Trump threads.

I guess we will get to find out. I'm sure the Jan 6 committee looking into the attempted coup will be interested.

Do you think it will provide more evidence of that attempted coup?

02-10-2022, 01:30 PM
Four years ago, you were crying about Uppity Black Man wiretapping Orange Man’s phones.

I was crying about Obama spying on a duly elected POTUS... You should've been concerned too but you're a bitch who'll bend over given the chance. :tu

REEEeeeeEEEEeEeeeeeEEEEeEeeee! :lmao

Cry some more you puto! :cry

02-10-2022, 01:35 PM
I guess we will get to find out. I'm sure the Jan 6 committee looking into the attempted coup will be interested.

Do you think it will provide more evidence of that attempted coup?

LOL weren't you this giddy over the Mueller Report and making similar threats/assumptions against Trump then too? You're such a gullible retard you fucking faux intellectual dipshit.

02-10-2022, 02:35 PM
I was crying

02-10-2022, 03:12 PM

Ah how cute "fify" bullshit.... YOU'RE A PUSSY & YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE bro! :tu

02-10-2022, 03:26 PM
Ah how cute "fify" bullshit.... YOU'RE A PUSSY & YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE bro! :tu
What kind of a weak male gets this worked up over an emoji?

02-10-2022, 04:53 PM
What kind of a weak male gets this worked up over an emoji?

Maybe the same kind that runs off to an alt when cornered.

02-10-2022, 07:06 PM
MaYbE tHe SaMe kInD tHaT rUnS OfF tO aN AlT wHeN CoRnErEd.


02-10-2022, 07:21 PM

02-10-2022, 07:27 PM

02-11-2022, 03:51 AM
What kind of a weak male gets this worked up over an emoji?

Lol nothing I said had anything to do with that emoji you fucking pussy