View Full Version : Bulls: Jordan, the role model

08-09-2022, 08:36 PM
Got this on a thread, laughed my head off. This quote was before all the Jordan ugliness came out, back in 1992, so I can understand why people were lapping it up. But in today's world, when all of Jordan's questionable life-choices (gambling, being disloyal to his wife time after time, driving his high school coach (who was his fan) insane AFTER lying to the world about him, knowingly put profits over people) came to light, it is amazing how people are still support him (a vast majority of comments were about how Jordan is so great and anybody who said otherwise is a Lebron lover).

During a 1992 interview with Playboy, Michael Jordan opened up on being criticized by both white and black writers, taking a shot at them for picking on somebody who's trying to be a good role model for those who looked up to him.
Playboy: For all the credit, respect, celebrity and money that have come to you in your career, you remain a black man in a country dominated by white corporate structures. Recently, you have even taken shots from black writers who suggest you’re not black enough.
Michael Jordan: I realize that I’m black, but I like to be viewed as a person, and that’s everybody’s wish. That’s what Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for, that everybody could be treated equal and be viewed as a person. In some ways I can’t understand it, because here we are striving for equality and yet people are going to say I’m not black enough? At a time when actually I thought I was trying to be equal? I try to be a role model for black kids, white kids, yellow kids, green kids. This is what I felt was good about my personality. Don’t knock me off the pedestal that you wanted me to get onto. I get criticized about not giving back to the community—well, that’s not true. I do. I just don’t go out and try to seek publicity from it. I could hold a press conference on everything that I do for the black community. But I don’t choose to do that, so people are not aware of it.
Playboy: Does the accusation sting?
Michael Jordan: Yeah, it’s really unfair. Because they ask for more black role models, yet they’re stabbing me when I’m up here trying to be a very positive black role model.

https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FNBA DraftCentral%2Fposts%2Fpfbid02zqi8yuFQH7pqkCEnkBUn vgTfZNptLoBwsJZDnzk7ab3UcGaCohJXS7HV4zr3K7yVl

08-09-2022, 10:34 PM
So he tries to be role a role model for Aliens kids
Good for him.

Allan Rowe vs Wade
08-09-2022, 10:46 PM
jordan > lebron

08-10-2022, 11:32 PM
The whole concept of "giving back to the black community" is a load of bullshit. No other race has that ridiculous expectation.

Secondly, it's a false precept to imply the black community has given something to these athletes that needs to be repaid. Given what? Bad schools? Broken families? Abuse? Crime? Rampant drug use? Posses that drain their resources and get them into trouble? Degenerate hip hop culture? The black community far more often drags these athletes down than helps them up.

Jordan is a role model by refining his craft to the highest level and it made him a role model for humanity as a whole.

He and every other elite athlete has more than paid their way and deserves to retain and spend their earnings how they wish, without pressure from a league or a parasitic "community". Fuck Stern and Silver and every other hypocritical commissioner for pressuring athletes with this trash obligation. They rob their salary and rob them again with this obligation, then the media mock the athletes for being broke--like they had no part in it.

08-11-2022, 06:08 AM
The whole concept of "giving back to the black community" is a load of bullshit. No other race has that ridiculous expectation.

Secondly, it's a false precept to imply the black community has given something to these athletes that needs to be repaid. Given what? Bad schools? Broken families? Abuse? Crime? Rampant drug use? Posses that drain their resources and get them into trouble? Degenerate hip hop culture? The black community far more often drags these athletes down than helps them up.

Jordan is a role model by refining his craft to the highest level and it made him a role model for humanity as a whole.

He and every other elite athlete has more than paid their way and deserves to retain and spend their earnings how they wish, without pressure from a league or a parasitic "community". Fuck Stern and Silver and every other hypocritical commissioner for pressuring athletes with this trash obligation. They rob their salary and rob them again with this obligation, then the media mock the athletes for being broke--like they had no part in it.

First part is a lie, won’t address the rest. I will give an example the Indian culture in north Dallas particularly Frisco works like this but the giving back is not necessarily tied to donations. The expectations for the affluent is that they don’t marry out their race they put their family members through college if the parents can’t. They let other struggling new migrants even non family stay in their homes to save and establish themselves. They invest in communities heavily populated with Indians - opening Indian restaurants and markets. Plenty cultures expect their rich to give back in variou forms.

And MJ would have been rich without black support because he was a great player. But he doesn’t become a billionaire without their support either. Hip hop anointed him and the black culture loved him back when white dominated media called him a selfish ball hog and less than Larry Bird. Ironically it was blacks shooting each other over his shoes, that gave them some street cred and made people stand in long lines for them. And let’s be real young blacks have long been in America the arbiters over what us considered cool and fashionable and the success of Jordan’s as a cultural fashion piece that has built the resale shoe market owes a huge debt to Martin, Do the right thing, Jay Z and do many others hip hop or black media that have propped up $20 or less shoes as a $200 - $1000 commodity. To say the blacks gave him nothing is horse shit. He rode the culture obsessions with him and overpriced items to the Billionaire clubhouse.

But your social commentary was cute.
I do agree he doesn’t have to invest where he does not want it is his $$$.
But to say he got nothing in return?!

08-11-2022, 06:35 AM
^ KK81 you’re missing the point. MCM is saying superior white peoples don’t do things like that, which is also false. MAGA, which he is likely a part of, regularly donates to their overlord trump and other white supremacist. Oh wait, maybe he’s right, instead of donating to the poor and needy and make life better for everyone, white supremacists like to donate to the rich to further suppress others and keep the donators in a cycle of mediocrity.

But then early Irish Americans and Italian Americans, who were heavily discriminated against based on their cultures and accents, regularly donated back to their communities. The issue isnt about race as it is about poverty, which the black community is subjected to because unlike accents and cultures don’t really just disappear after a couple of generations of blending in.

08-12-2022, 05:35 AM
The whole concept of "giving back to the black community" is a load of bullshit. No other race has that ridiculous expectation.

Secondly, it's a false precept to imply the black community has given something to these athletes that needs to be repaid. Given what? Bad schools? Broken families? Abuse? Crime? Rampant drug use? Posses that drain their resources and get them into trouble? Degenerate hip hop culture? The black community far more often drags these athletes down than helps them up.

Jordan is a role model by refining his craft to the highest level and it made him a role model for humanity as a whole.

He and every other elite athlete has more than paid their way and deserves to retain and spend their earnings how they wish, without pressure from a league or a parasitic "community". Fuck Stern and Silver and every other hypocritical commissioner for pressuring athletes with this trash obligation. They rob their salary and rob them again with this obligation, then the media mock the athletes for being broke--like they had no part in it.

Very true.

Plus he was wise enough to stay out of politics (Republicans buy shoes too)

From being cut from his high school bb team, to ultimately becoming the mostly undisputed GOAT, this man is a role model for any aspiring human being to emulate. :worthy::worthy::worthy:

08-12-2022, 08:23 AM
Very true.

Plus he was wise enough to stay out of politics (Republicans buy shoes too)

From being cut from his high school bb team, to ultimately becoming the mostly undisputed GOAT, this man is a role model for any aspiring human being to emulate. :worthy::worthy::worthy:

:lol people still buying that HS cut sci fi story?

08-12-2022, 08:42 AM
Very true.

Plus he was wise enough to stay out of politics (Republicans buy shoes too)

From being cut from his high school bb team, to ultimately becoming the mostly undisputed GOAT, this man is a role model for any aspiring human being to emulate. :worthy::worthy::worthy:

You do know that he didn’t make varsity was because the team was short and jordan was 5’10” then and jordan would be a bench player on varsity, right? He made JV and was a star which was part of the coachs plan to develop him. But instead of taking it as a compliment jordan twisted the story “to motivate himself”.

The coach would open up the house to all the players and treated them like his own kids, he would get up and open the gym and 6 for the kids to practice but it’s never enough for jordan.

But it wasn’t good enough that he became the GoAT, he invited that coach to his jersey retirement ceremony, which the coach thought was nice of him to do, but instead of leaving the poorhouse man alone to enjoy his time, jordan introduced him as the coach who cut him (false) so the entire arena of 20k people booed the coach. The coach went insane and is now totally broke, all because role model jordan wanted to get his kicks.

08-12-2022, 10:03 AM
You do know that he didn’t make varsity was because the team was short and jordan was 5’10” then and jordan would be a bench player on varsity, right? He made JV and was a star which was part of the coachs plan to develop him. But instead of taking it as a compliment jordan twisted the story “to motivate himself”.

The coach would open up the house to all the players and treated them like his own kids, he would get up and open the gym and 6 for the kids to practice but it’s never enough for jordan.

But it wasn’t good enough that he became the GoAT, he invited that coach to his jersey retirement ceremony, which the coach thought was nice of him to do, but instead of leaving the poorhouse man alone to enjoy his time, jordan introduced him as the coach who cut him (false) so the entire arena of 20k people booed the coach. The coach went insane and is now totally broke, all because role model jordan wanted to get his kicks.
Don't underestimate the power og the Jordan propaganda brainwashing machine

Same shit with ASG freeze out game, nobody froze Jordan out

:lol And I feel bad for whoever believed that BS pizza story Grover was telling in the Last Dance

08-12-2022, 10:14 AM
:lol people still buying that HS cut sci fi story?

only completely retarded people, or people who are too stupid to think for themselves and just take popular narratives and run with them

08-12-2022, 10:24 AM
only completely retarded people, or people who are too stupid to think for themselves and just take popular narratives and run with them
That's why old heads and 90s players need to be removed from ESPN and stuff (ESPN needs to be removed too lol)
Draymond may be annoying at times but he is right about the new media, at least JJ Reddick and Green use context in their podcasts

08-12-2022, 11:19 AM
Don't underestimate the power og the Jordan propaganda brainwashing machine

Same shit with ASG freeze out game, nobody froze Jordan out

:lol And I feel bad for whoever believed that BS pizza story Grover was telling in the Last Dance

Might makes right. Jordan made a lot of people rich and they’d do whatever to protect that wealth.

08-12-2022, 11:48 AM
Might makes right. Jordan made a lot of people rich and they’d do whatever to protect that wealth.

Agree Amb.
Funny how blind followers act as though the fact many consider him the goat including me …
Blur the truth and ignore facts to prop up Jordan. There is no need to exaggerate his resume speaks for itself.
But the he would average 50 in todays game or would have won 10 straight if he didn’t retire twice is horseshit. He was back when Rockets repeated and needed to recharge after both 3 peats.
Maybe he could sniff 40 with softer rules but 50?! Nah fam … dude is a transcendent great would be dominant in any era he’ll …and if he played in west Russell era maybe he would average 50 but not post the modern era of the 80s …no way. Jordan fans act like he John Henry Babe Ruth and Jesse owens in basketball shorts

08-12-2022, 06:07 PM
It would be tough to argue against jordan being GoAT because the narratives are just through the roof. People conveniently ignore the years of the late 80s and acted like he never lost in the playoffs but the fact was that bird was beating him like a drum year after year.

I would give it to him that jordan never lost as a favourite and even when he lost (most often with horrible teammates) he put up great stats. He was, in many ways, unstoppable.

In :lol todays nba it’s conceivable he’d average 40 a game. Harden came close to it in the right system and if jordan had the ball like that for the sole purpose of having him average 40 a game I think he could’ve. Just that the team would be at best a second round out. But 50? I highly doubt it. There’s a reason nobody ever did it other than wilt and wilt did it in an era when the skill gap was enormous and the pace was comically fast. And he barely made it at 50.4ppg. The league just doesn’t have that type of circumstances anymore.

I think he can average triple double ala westbrick as well because, well, even westbrick can do it, but it would be an equally cringey situation where anybody except for the biggest Stan would be able to tell that it’s a farce.

Lebron is MUCH closer to jordAn than jordanstans would like to admit and it’s not because of accomplishments but purely narratives. Lebrons first few years in the league was a teenager and people want to compare those years to Jordan’s first few years when he was in his early mid 20s, with three years of college ball. It’s just a totally different level of physical and mental maturity. You think jordan had bad teammates, Lebrons were arguably worse and he dragged them to playoff after playoff, making the finals once. He had to go up against loaded teams like the pistons and Celtics along the way as well, he lost most of those just like jordan lost to the Celtics and pistons. But people held those against Lebron but not against jordan, why is that?

Jordan was also fortunate to have a front office that built a great teAm to accentuate his strengths and hide his weaknesses, he just never knew it. He got Pippen, grant, Cartwright and a whole bunch of shooters while Lebron had ilgauskas, mo Williams and boobie Gibson, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out none of them were even grant level, let alone pippen.

08-12-2022, 06:53 PM
jordan > lebron

Yes definitely as a player but despite his obvious roid use LeRoid a better person

08-12-2022, 08:39 PM
You do know that he didn’t make varsity was because the team was short and jordan was 5’10” then and jordan would be a bench player on varsity, right? He made JV and was a star which was part of the coachs plan to develop him. But instead of taking it as a compliment jordan twisted the story “to motivate himself”.

The coach would open up the house to all the players and treated them like his own kids, he would get up and open the gym and 6 for the kids to practice but it’s never enough for jordan.

But it wasn’t good enough that he became the GoAT, he invited that coach to his jersey retirement ceremony, which the coach thought was nice of him to do, but instead of leaving the poorhouse man alone to enjoy his time, jordan introduced him as the coach who cut him (false) so the entire arena of 20k people booed the coach. The coach went insane and is now totally broke, all because role model jordan wanted to get his kicks.

Bossman shit

08-12-2022, 10:15 PM
Yes definitely as a player but despite his obvious roid use LeRoid a better person

Yep especially since his comments on the China situation

08-13-2022, 06:49 AM
Yep especially since his comments on the China situation

That is a fair point but Jordan was a gambler, a cheater (on wife) and very hard to play with from reports. But Mike had that smile.....

08-13-2022, 06:54 AM
You do know that he didn’t make varsity was because the team was short and jordan was 5’10” then and jordan would be a bench player on varsity, right? He made JV and was a star which was part of the coachs plan to develop him. But instead of taking it as a compliment jordan twisted the story “to motivate himself”.

The coach would open up the house to all the players and treated them like his own kids, he would get up and open the gym and 6 for the kids to practice but it’s never enough for jordan.

But it wasn’t good enough that he became the GoAT, he invited that coach to his jersey retirement ceremony, which the coach thought was nice of him to do, but instead of leaving the poorhouse man alone to enjoy his time, jordan introduced him as the coach who cut him (false) so the entire arena of 20k people booed the coach. The coach went insane and is now totally broke, all because role model jordan wanted to get his kicks.

He has character flaws(all of us do), but the guy perfected his craft :tu

08-13-2022, 06:55 AM
:lol people still buying that HS cut sci fi story?

Say it with me...Like Mike, If I could be like Mike :worthy::worthy::worthy:

08-13-2022, 07:39 AM
He has character flaws(all of us do), but the guy perfected his craft :tu

That’s not a character flaw like we all do, that’s psychopathic.

Look, I appreciate his ability to play ball but he’s no different from Lance Armstrong in his approach yet Armstrong’s reputation has been all but destroyed yet jordan is still idolized by all. It’s as if people are justifying his actions because jordan provided so much entertainment to them, it’s a cult.

AI has huge character flaws and his fans don’t shy away from them and even accepted that is part of ai, similar to Barkley. Yet jordan have these Stans that would not only justify those flaws but turnaround and victimblame, change up the story to present jordan in a way better light or just straight out ignore them. The Steve Kerr story is now changed to jordan bring a boss and making Kerr cry when the original sorry (I no longer know which one is true) was Kerr flight back and jordan, like the bully he was, backed down and never bothered Kerr again. I chose to find the original much more believable considering the same happened to Cartwright and parish.

08-13-2022, 09:56 AM
That’s not a character flaw like we all do, that’s psychopathic.

Look, I appreciate his ability to play ball but he’s no different from Lance Armstrong in his approach yet Armstrong’s reputation has been all but destroyed yet jordan is still idolized by all. It’s as if people are justifying his actions because jordan provided so much entertainment to them, it’s a cult.

AI has huge character flaws and his fans don’t shy away from them and even accepted that is part of ai, similar to Barkley. Yet jordan have these Stans that would not only justify those flaws but turnaround and victimblame, change up the story to present jordan in a way better light or just straight out ignore them. The Steve Kerr story is now changed to jordan bring a boss and making Kerr cry when the original sorry (I no longer know which one is true) was Kerr flight back and jordan, like the bully he was, backed down and never bothered Kerr again. I chose to find the original much more believable considering the same happened to Cartwright and parish.

Yeah, I do get what you are saying.

I'll admit that MJ's HOF speech was some of the most narcissistic sh1t I have ever seen in my life. :lol We tend to let it slide because that flaw is part of what made him great in the first place. Same can be said for Kobe. I feel like the narrative is being re-written for him lately. If you didn't live through it, you'd never know he was high volume shooting, low percentage shot, ball hog, snitch(ratted out Shaq in Colorado) who selfishly pushed Shaq out of the way and then demanded a trade a few years later when he was drowning in mediocrity.

And lefty, you are correct, I watched that all star game lately and they did not freeze him out. He either made it up or he simply over estimated how much he was supposed to get the ball, being a young guy at the time. My guess is the latter.

08-13-2022, 12:26 PM
All this minor nitpicking about MJ when his "controversies" are like nothing compared to what half these modern day NBA stars do in terms of shitting on teammates, coaches, front office, getting in legal trouble, etc. It's kind of quaint and adorable tbh

08-13-2022, 01:46 PM
All this minor nitpicking about MJ when his "controversies" are like nothing compared to what half these modern day NBA stars do in terms of shitting on teammates, coaches, front office, getting in legal trouble, etc. It's kind of quaint and adorable tbh

the difference is that there was no internet/social media back then, Jordan would have been destroyed

Let’s not pretend there was no giant divas back in the good ol days

08-13-2022, 02:09 PM
Yeah, I do get what you are saying.

I'll admit that MJ's HOF speech was some of the most narcissistic sh1t I have ever seen in my life. :lol We tend to let it slide because that flaw is part of what made him great in the first place. Same can be said for Kobe. I feel like the narrative is being re-written for him lately. If you didn't live through it, you'd never know he was high volume shooting, low percentage shot, ball hog, snitch(ratted out Shaq in Colorado) who selfishly pushed Shaq out of the way and then demanded a trade a few years later when he was drowning in mediocrity.

And lefty, you are correct, I watched that all star game lately and they did not freeze him out. He either made it up or he simply over estimated how much he was supposed to get the ball, being a young guy at the time. My guess is the latter.

Funny you brought up Kobe as they really are the same person. It’s odd how people kept talking about how they were the hardest workers in basketball as it players like bird, magic, hakeem, Duncan, Lebron just woke up one day and became great then magically sustained that excellence for years. They all freaking worked hard but jordan and Kobe used it as part of their marketing campaign to make it much more than reality. There are very few players who can just dominate because they are so physically dominant over everybody else, even someone like shaq had to work and improve.

Jordan and Kobe are just absolute narcissists and some of the mentally weaker crowd would just lap it up because the k oh way that fanbase can recognize greatness is to be force fed it.

08-13-2022, 02:12 PM
All this minor nitpicking about MJ when his "controversies" are like nothing compared to what half these modern day NBA stars do in terms of shitting on teammates, coaches, front office, getting in legal trouble, etc. It's kind of quaint and adorable tbh

I wouldn’t call throwing the man who was your father figure and instrumental in your development to 20,000 wolves and be ridiculed on a lie you made up minor.

08-14-2022, 07:24 AM
I wouldn’t call throwing the man who was your father figure and instrumental in your development to 20,000 wolves and be ridiculed on a lie you made up minor.

What section of TMZ was this on?

08-14-2022, 07:28 AM
lefty collects vintage Nation Enquirers with Michael Jordan stories btw guise so if you have one contact him at [email protected] and you could maybe make some money

08-14-2022, 08:15 AM
lefty collects vintage Nation Enquirers with Michael Jordan stories btw guise so if you have one contact him at [email protected] and you could maybe make some money

You might want to take MJ’s dick out of your moth bro
Not hating, just trying to help you tbh

08-14-2022, 09:00 AM
What section of TMZ was this on?

I wouldn’t flaunt it if I was this ignorant.

08-14-2022, 07:14 PM
First part is a lie, won’t address the rest. I will give an example the Indian culture in north Dallas particularly Frisco works like this but the giving back is not necessarily tied to donations. The expectations for the affluent is that they don’t marry out their race they put their family members through college if the parents can’t. They let other struggling new migrants even non family stay in their homes to save and establish themselves. They invest in communities heavily populated with Indians - opening Indian restaurants and markets. Plenty cultures expect their rich to give back in variou forms.

And MJ would have been rich without black support because he was a great player. But he doesn’t become a billionaire without their support either. Hip hop anointed him and the black culture loved him back when white dominated media called him a selfish ball hog and less than Larry Bird. Ironically it was blacks shooting each other over his shoes, that gave them some street cred and made people stand in long lines for them. And let’s be real young blacks have long been in America the arbiters over what us considered cool and fashionable and the success of Jordan’s as a cultural fashion piece that has built the resale shoe market owes a huge debt to Martin, Do the right thing, Jay Z and do many others hip hop or black media that have propped up $20 or less shoes as a $200 - $1000 commodity. To say the blacks gave him nothing is horse shit. He rode the culture obsessions with him and overpriced items to the Billionaire clubhouse.

But your social commentary was cute.
I do agree he doesn’t have to invest where he does not want it is his $$$.
But to say he got nothing in return?!

You observe talented people in other professions giving back to their communities through common sense investment in their neighborhoods and families. How do you believe that relates to the performative, ineffectual, and ridiculous community programs created by the likes of Adam Silver and David Stern? What logical hoops did you have to jump through to equate t-shirts, sneakers, energy drinks, and toys, distributed in foreign areas with no follow-up, with real financial and personal investment that builds long-term community prosperity? Why doesn't the league let NBA players perform charity on their own terms?

On what point do you imagine we are disagreeing?

08-14-2022, 09:51 PM
lefty collects vintage Nation Enquirers with Michael Jordan stories btw guise so if you have one contact him at [email protected] and you could maybe make some money
I won't accept pesos.

08-15-2022, 06:12 AM
You observe talented people in other professions giving back to their communities through common sense investment in their neighborhoods and families. How do you believe that relates to the performative, ineffectual, and ridiculous community programs created by the likes of Adam Silver and David Stern? What logical hoops did you have to jump through to equate t-shirts, sneakers, energy drinks, and toys, distributed in foreign areas with no follow-up, with real financial and personal investment that builds long-term community prosperity? Why doesn't the league let NBA players perform charity on their own terms?

On what point do you imagine we are disagreeing?

1. Agree with charity on one’s own terms
2. Disagree the black community has not given to MJ since a large degree of his profits trace back to his success as a pitchman for shoes which started with love he received from the black community and the overvalue that culture places on overpriced brand names.
3. Again he is not REQUIRED to give back to his own community- but the narrative all they do is take undeserved hand outs from him is false, when his first big commercial was by a black film maker and made Jordan and his shoes more desirable in inner cities.

The black community started him on his path to billions he doesn’t make it without crossover acceptance by mainstream white media and culture but it started black first.

08-15-2022, 07:56 PM
1. Agree with charity on one’s own terms
2. Disagree the black community has not given to MJ since a large degree of his profits trace back to his success as a pitchman for shoes which started with love he received from the black community and the overvalue that culture places on overpriced brand names.
3. Again he is not REQUIRED to give back to his own community- but the narrative all they do is take undeserved hand outs from him is false, when his first big commercial was by a black film maker and made Jordan and his shoes more desirable in inner cities.

The black community started him on his path to billions he doesn’t make it without crossover acceptance by mainstream white media and culture but it started black first.

If you want to imagine that kids of other races wouldn't have bought MJ's products until black kids did...you can live in that reality if you're so inclined. I'd be hard pressed to disprove it and I suspect only a professional marketer could begin to model such a scenario.

But the characterization that the black community "gave" to MJ by buying his shoes is patently ridiculous. Buying shoes is a voluntary economic transaction. MJ refines his craft and sponsors products. People value his sponsorship and buy the products. This scenario happens billions of times every year across all imaginable demographics and product lines.

And while this thread originally related to MJ, my point was that it's ridiculous and insulting that athletes are REQUIRED to participate in league-directed, trashy pseudo charities that never amount to anything. Do you dispute that? Do you know of an NBA Cares program that has advanced a neighborhood on the level of the Frisco Indian communities you mentioned earlier, while using dramatically more financial resources?

08-15-2022, 08:45 PM
^ KK81 you’re missing the point. MCM is saying superior white peoples don’t do things like that, which is also false. MAGA, which he is likely a part of, regularly donates to their overlord trump and other white supremacist. Oh wait, maybe he’s right, instead of donating to the poor and needy and make life better for everyone, white supremacists like to donate to the rich to further suppress others and keep the donators in a cycle of mediocrity.

But then early Irish Americans and Italian Americans, who were heavily discriminated against based on their cultures and accents, regularly donated back to their communities. The issue isnt about race as it is about poverty, which the black community is subjected to because unlike accents and cultures don’t really just disappear after a couple of generations of blending in.

Straw men and projections. Let's sort through it.

"MCM is saying superior white peoples don’t do things like that"

MCM said that non-athletes don't have that bullshit, league-created, racial obligation. Non-athletes spend their money how they want and support what they want without league and media pressure.

"MAGA, which he is likely a part of, regularly donates to their overlord trump and other white supremacist. Oh wait, maybe he’s right, instead of donating to the poor and needy and make life better for everyone, white supremacists like to donate to the rich to further suppress others and keep the donators in a cycle of mediocrity. "

The point that you're choosing to ignore is that regardless of how I donate or spend my money, I don't have to do it in a League-directed way, and the players deserve that same financial independence.

It's hilarious to see you to delude yourself that MAGA are some kind of white supremacist, billionaire loving group. Maybe you should apprise yourself of the current political demographic trends. All races (excluding over-educated Karens) are leaving the Democratic plantation. And the billionaires are the ones backing the Democrats. Buffett, Pfizer, Moderna, Amazon, Google, Zuckerberg, Gates, Bezos, Page, Brin, CNN/MSNBC/Fox/NPR/Post--they are on your side, not MAGA.

If you want a red pill research this simple Truth: Trump was richer when he went into office than he is now. How does that compare with the direction of personal fortunes of the politicians you currently support?

Is it possible you've been lied to?

08-15-2022, 09:12 PM
The whole concept of "giving back to the black community" is a load of bullshit. No other race has that ridiculous expectation.

Secondly, it's a false precept to imply the black community has given something to these athletes that needs to be repaid. Given what? Bad schools? Broken families? Abuse? Crime? Rampant drug use? Posses that drain their resources and get them into trouble? Degenerate hip hop culture? The black community far more often drags these athletes down than helps them up.

Jordan is a role model by refining his craft to the highest level and it made him a role model for humanity as a whole.

He and every other elite athlete has more than paid their way and deserves to retain and spend their earnings how they wish, without pressure from a league or a parasitic "community". Fuck Stern and Silver and every other hypocritical commissioner for pressuring athletes with this trash obligation. They rob their salary and rob them again with this obligation, then the media mock the athletes for being broke--like they had no part in it.

Straw men and projections. Let's sort through it.

"MCM is saying superior white peoples don’t do things like that"

MCM said that non-athletes don't have that bullshit, league-created, racial obligation. Non-athletes spend their money how they want and support what they want without league and media pressure.

"MAGA, which he is likely a part of, regularly donates to their overlord trump and other white supremacist. Oh wait, maybe he’s right, instead of donating to the poor and needy and make life better for everyone, white supremacists like to donate to the rich to further suppress others and keep the donators in a cycle of mediocrity. "

The point that you're choosing to ignore is that regardless of how I donate or spend my money, I don't have to do it in a League-directed way, and the players deserve that same financial independence.

It's hilarious to see you to delude yourself that MAGA are some kind of white supremacist, billionaire loving group. Maybe you should apprise yourself of the current political demographic trends. All races (excluding over-educated Karens) are leaving the Democratic plantation. And the billionaires are the ones backing the Democrats. Buffett, Pfizer, Moderna, Amazon, Google, Zuckerberg, Gates, Bezos, Page, Brin, CNN/MSNBC/Fox/NPR/Post--they are on your side, not MAGA.

If you want a red pill research this simple Truth: Trump was richer when he went into office than he is now. How does that compare with the direction of personal fortunes of the politicians you currently support?

Is it possible you've been lied to?

League directed way is the only way people can give back to the community? You were saying something about strawman?

The media is lying to us: check.

I’m waiting for the lizard people.

08-16-2022, 02:04 AM
If you want to imagine that kids of other races wouldn't have bought MJ's products until black kids did...you can live in that reality if you're so inclined. I'd be hard pressed to disprove it and I suspect only a professional marketer could begin to model such a scenario.

But the characterization that the black community "gave" to MJ by buying his shoes is patently ridiculous. Buying shoes is a voluntary economic transaction. MJ refines his craft and sponsors products. People value his sponsorship and buy the products. This scenario happens billions of times every year across all imaginable demographics and product lines.

And while this thread originally related to MJ, my point was that it's ridiculous and insulting that athletes are REQUIRED to participate in league-directed, trashy pseudo charities that never amount to anything. Do you dispute that? Do you know of an NBA Cares program that has advanced a neighborhood on the level of the Frisco Indian communities you mentioned earlier, while using dramatically more financial resources?
I remembered this post from a few days ago

Michael Jordan never projected black culture. His lasting image and Post career success was categorized by it. But did MJ ever display it? Golf, cigars, white buddies, baseball, and strong family.

Jordan hated what "black America" turned into displaying his logo on a shoe.

08-16-2022, 02:17 AM
Michael never claimed that role so why should he try to change or defend.

He was raised different and smarter. He recognized he could shape more minds with his approach...

And that is this generations Babe Ruth. Probably more. Everyone all over this World recognizes and loves this black man. Any social place I've been there is always someone Bulls jersey. Dat red.

08-16-2022, 05:05 AM
Jordan the GOAT.

Great guy off court also.