View Full Version : 2022 Midterm Elections

Trill Clinton
09-01-2022, 08:56 AM


09-01-2022, 09:12 AM
Rs are still odds on favorites to retake the House majority, but it's looking less and less like a red wave.

Dobbs, Trump and weak candidates are hobbling the GOP..

Trill Clinton
09-01-2022, 09:20 AM
Rs are still odds on favorites to retake the House majority, but it's looking less and less like a red wave.

Dobbs, Trump and weak candidates are hobbling the GOP..

I agree. 6 Months ago I would have said it would have been a complete takeover but now its looking like it'll be a lot closer than a lot of people thought.


Trill Clinton
09-01-2022, 09:21 AM


09-01-2022, 09:30 AM


09-01-2022, 12:47 PM
Did he say "quote, repeat the line"?

09-01-2022, 12:51 PM
Did he say "quote, repeat the line"?

09-01-2022, 12:52 PM
I'm glad you figured out the elections weren't yesterday Trill :tu

Props homey!

09-01-2022, 03:20 PM
Some dumb Twatter...

"Speaking to reporters in DC on Tuesday,... Robinette Biden suddenly stopped mid-sentence and shouted,... "I got monkeypox from Hunter!",... even though it was just crack cocaine."

Trill Clinton
09-02-2022, 12:54 PM


09-02-2022, 01:04 PM

09-02-2022, 01:44 PM

I'll take that as a "no".

09-02-2022, 01:52 PM
what an unappealing nick name. She looks like a younger version of the woman that hit the native american chick in that store

https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBUSFRgVFhYVGBgSGhoaGBoYGBgYGBgZGBgZGRgYGB gcIS4lHB4rIRgYJjgmKy8xNTU1GiQ7QDs0Py40NTEBDAwMEA8Q HxISHzQkJCQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0ND Q0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ1NDQ0NDUxNP/AABEIANQA7gMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAAABwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEBQYHAf/EAEgQAAIBAgQDBQQECQoGAwAAAAECAAMRBBIhMQVBUQYTImFxB 4GRoTJCscEUI1JikpPR0/AzQ0RUcoLC0uHiFhdjc4OUFSTD/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMBAgQFBv/EACkRAAMAAgEEAQMEAwEAAAAAAAABAgMRIQQSMUFREyIyBWFxg ZGhsUL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/ANjqbGHhKmxjDjtBqlB0VczMB4dDcBgSLMQDpfQnWAEjedlOWl Ww6Zipp0wxvl7pHCM5bKt2KILkaZrZRyY2jg0qtahh2qIa3gJd GVCTUZBkqOhKq1vFdbj6QItbQAtMEqn4NjVpixYEGmpRCrZUFH xZC7XLd5a5ZzoDa/MyYfFIWua7BnzMUakGLGjTAKhyVVA61Lr1y7i8ALH3Kls2Vc22 awvbpfeLSC4Vg61NmDF8j9 1iVsrNXZky2FxdWvz2HONOEUcWhoq/e2RUDlmpsmVaRDhzcszmpYgjTLl1 kIAWiCVzE8Jbv3qU0CGp3H4xAgf Vc4ixINiUKgnc6W1GnVXFOwU94ihiGcGl4lz1CCu5tlyDUA8AL FBKe4xqhVLV2d6bN4e5Fqnd0/pEgKFDltPM7iTeLw7vQYeLvFzMhOQEOhJQrl0y3AsG3XRtzACV 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SSq1S1gJiHHcT3uJrP VUe3opyj5KJsdV 7VnOyKzH 6CfumGu5NzzOvx1k5XxoxUCFaczQXiCgFMPExOgwAOr/KLZucasecWR5BdMWJHxhUF9Ov3RJ2iecwDYqyakxREt8PunEcc 95wastjqdLfZAsif4J2gCAJVvYaB97Do37ZYGxVJ7ZXQ36ETPK jXPQjeEzGKeGW9llmc8M0WtkUXJUDqTK9xXjaqMlM3PNuQ9Osr jVCdyT74WE4knthWZ1whW1zc6wrTunU6AltNjyA XxiZ840pppBLXMPOi3KcJgVCzonVtAIAATonJ2SVDCAGFvOiQA o20RWKX0iYmve0mV0SNByGUjcMLfGbNgDakCN23nYIjB4Z1uu8 IhO0ddvwavr/Nt8xrMlM7BLZfJzqEzOQQRRQA3nTBBAAQogggB0mFEEEgsHVzF h9Y8wFI9bwQQGYwuI39Rc p3icEEELv8mCLYRAzoDsWF4IJIT5OU0GnPM2t/I6Q5Oam7ncajoC7HNYe4QQSBv8A5YzDGdMEEBB0wwgggQdnIIJ JJ0TsEEgg6NoQQQTTH4ohn//Z


Trill Clinton
09-02-2022, 04:18 PM
what an unappealing nick name. She looks like a younger version of the woman that hit the native american chick in that store

https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBUSFRgVFhYVGBgSGhoaGBoYGBgYGBgZGBgZGRgYGB gcIS4lHB4rIRgYJjgmKy8xNTU1GiQ7QDs0Py40NTEBDAwMEA8Q HxISHzQkJCQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0ND Q0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ1NDQ0NDUxNP/AABEIANQA7gMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAAABwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEBQYHAf/EAEgQAAIBAgQDBQQECQoGAwAAAAECAAMRBBIhMQVBUQYTImFxB 4GRoTJCscEUI1JikpPR0/AzQ0RUcoLC0uHiFhdjc4OUFSTD/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMBAgQFBv/EACkRAAMAAgEEAQMEAwEAAAAAAAABAgMRIQQSMUFREyIyBWFxg ZGhsUL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/ANjqbGHhKmxjDjtBqlB0VczMB4dDcBgSLMQDpfQnWAEjedlOWl Ww6Zipp0wxvl7pHCM5bKt2KILkaZrZRyY2jg0qtahh2qIa3gJd GVCTUZBkqOhKq1vFdbj6QItbQAtMEqn4NjVpixYEGmpRCrZUFH xZC7XLd5a5ZzoDa/MyYfFIWua7BnzMUakGLGjTAKhyVVA61Lr1y7i8ALH3Kls2Vc22 awvbpfeLSC4Vg61NmDF8j9 1iVsrNXZky2FxdWvz2HONOEUcWhoq/e2RUDlmpsmVaRDhzcszmpYgjTLl1 kIAWiCVzE8Jbv3qU0CGp3H4xAgf Vc4ixINiUKgnc6W1GnVXFOwU94ihiGcGl4lz1CCu5tlyDUA8AL FBKe4xqhVLV2d6bN4e5Fqnd0/pEgKFDltPM7iTeLw7vQYeLvFzMhOQEOhJQrl0y3AsG3XRtzACV 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laVNVeCi9uMCaeJL20rjMPUaN90iQDlHpND7ccNNTD59L0TmHX Lsw Gvuma1q5mep7a2ei6DMqwpv1wJYiuFOpjKriyxB6bRvial2MLe UbOV1nXXduZekOMTjXqG7u7n85i1vS 0KuIiBhVMq TnKtC7Xc6/sjiwAsPfG1N9dPSOA/Ie89TKtaLp7E2XSIodTHNSNk1YyUVoSqrLJwTFOqAg6Ly9Okr2 J0k32YNwVPOUy8yWxvTNB4RxNKyDUX5jzk7hGW17zMalN6L5kJ F UeU 0NRRt85nU/BqVL2aRiKyyvcb42lJCARc6ASp4jtBWfQWEZJSeq2ZyT6yXPyD r4FMRXevcsfDK9ix4/lLVi7IlhKpUPiv5xmP9hOQUy3PvMDLYxMPtOu94xiwjiETQw7j nCossnojQ9WKCJUnGxgesB5zVi6lLhlKj2K1DGbbxU11bY/GIOdZsdq1tCtaG9WEWKVImsTXkDasKgJLb8yY94e/iJkBwTG58MhGrMAGPmuhEmOH6GLl75Ndz200TDJnvmFwQRbyIm N9o8KcO7obixIW/5J1B E2o1ci7TIfaPi 8xWXT8XTUN6m7fIESMq3Oy LqKxS5XtFRadVoDCXsZnMge85BONABantFENomeX8cocCVa2NQ cnUwlEeEnzgJ59YXNZD6yEiGI12vH3Aq Sov52hkbvH3C3VXXNoCbX9dIX JaPJfMTTDIGtqN5HVaK7kSRwxIXKeURrWHKY09GrQwSmoP0RHa akWEIH8ovTcDWWbDQy422VLczKiz6yY49jwTl3P2SBZo7FOkZ7 e2GLRVRGpbWKUqpEY0L3odgctjEHqZTONXiLNBIlserj1tYi3z iT177RpaHUSVKKu2KhwTrFSY2ilMx K 16Fvk7WGkSWLVDpG6zRXkqXzsZi7K6blTmHv0MumAOovM27K4k JiBc2Dgr7zqPmJpOEJdtBooiMT3J0 qnV7 SSq1S1gJiHHcT3uJrP VUe3opyj5KJsdV 7VnOyKzH 6CfumGu5NzzOvx1k5XxoxUCFaczQXiCgFMPExOgwAOr/KLZucasecWR5BdMWJHxhUF9Ov3RJ2iecwDYqyakxREt8PunEcc 95wastjqdLfZAsif4J2gCAJVvYaB97Do37ZYGxVJ7ZXQ36ETPK jXPQjeEzGKeGW9llmc8M0WtkUXJUDqTK9xXjaqMlM3PNuQ9Osr jVCdyT74WE4knthWZ1whW1zc6wrTunU6AltNjyA XxiZ840pppBLXMPOi3KcJgVCzonVtAIAATonJ2SVDCAGFvOiQA o20RWKX0iYmve0mV0SNByGUjcMLfGbNgDakCN23nYIjB4Z1uu8 IhO0ddvwavr/Nt8xrMlM7BLZfJzqEzOQQRRQA3nTBBAAQogggB0mFEEEgsHVzF h9Y8wFI9bwQQGYwuI39Rc p3icEEELv8mCLYRAzoDsWF4IJIT5OU0GnPM2t/I6Q5Oam7ncajoC7HNYe4QQSBv8A5YzDGdMEEBB0wwgggQdnIIJ JJ0TsEEgg6NoQQQTTH4ohn//Z


It takes a confident woman to like the nickname "Big". I had a friend named Tasha and we called her Big T and she liked it lol. Its also a trend now and a sign of empowerment for today's woman.

09-02-2022, 05:15 PM
Imagine actually propping up that authoritarian Whitmer. You fucks are pathetic "men"!

Plus what happened to the party that was against big money campaigns? :lmao

09-02-2022, 08:46 PM
It takes a confident woman to like the nickname "Big". I had a friend named Tasha and we called her Big T and she liked it lol. Its also a trend now and a sign of empowerment for today's woman.

Yeah. It’s the “Gretch” part that makes it weird for me.

09-07-2022, 10:09 PM
Trump endorses Mike DeWine for Ohio governor | Just The News


09-07-2022, 10:58 PM
what an unappealing nick name. She looks like a younger version of the woman that hit the native american chick in that store

https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBUSFRgVFhYVGBgSGhoaGBoYGBgYGBgZGBgZGRgYGB gcIS4lHB4rIRgYJjgmKy8xNTU1GiQ7QDs0Py40NTEBDAwMEA8Q HxISHzQkJCQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0ND Q0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ1NDQ0NDUxNP/AABEIANQA7gMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAAABwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEBQYHAf/EAEgQAAIBAgQDBQQECQoGAwAAAAECAAMRBBIhMQVBUQYTImFxB 4GRoTJCscEUI1JikpPR0/AzQ0RUcoLC0uHiFhdjc4OUFSTD/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMBAgQFBv/EACkRAAMAAgEEAQMEAwEAAAAAAAABAgMRIQQSMUFREyIyBWFxg ZGhsUL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/ANjqbGHhKmxjDjtBqlB0VczMB4dDcBgSLMQDpfQnWAEjedlOWl Ww6Zipp0wxvl7pHCM5bKt2KILkaZrZRyY2jg0qtahh2qIa3gJd GVCTUZBkqOhKq1vFdbj6QItbQAtMEqn4NjVpixYEGmpRCrZUFH xZC7XLd5a5ZzoDa/MyYfFIWua7BnzMUakGLGjTAKhyVVA61Lr1y7i8ALH3Kls2Vc22 awvbpfeLSC4Vg61NmDF8j9 1iVsrNXZky2FxdWvz2HONOEUcWhoq/e2RUDlmpsmVaRDhzcszmpYgjTLl1 kIAWiCVzE8Jbv3qU0CGp3H4xAgf Vc4ixINiUKgnc6W1GnVXFOwU94ihiGcGl4lz1CCu5tlyDUA8AL FBKe4xqhVLV2d6bN4e5Fqnd0/pEgKFDltPM7iTeLw7vQYeLvFzMhOQEOhJQrl0y3AsG3XRtzACV 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4V8QbG/KVriOKAUt9Z9FHQdTJ7itQZCBzsL u8o3EK13IGw0Ez5nzoiF7Bb6xiTt84djpEE8ThZmGFs7J8NBbO w21miYRJAdnqAFMEc7SyYdYiq5NULSH1GmI5RbRGlF1aE1oGcr AWkRiUvJaodIyqLJqthPgrnE8NdG9DMr4ymRyDe02PHaCZt2xw X1xsflLxQvLPBWaEcYd7GI8PXQ U7sffHGYdYnEsdNhI6rtHlYaXjOrtN JT2bQum98hqZ0iqiIoNIshmiELYeIVhF4jUlr8EIbobXiKC498 WC6wo3ImRpjC6dqsJ3WIqaWDnOo6Bv9bysvvNI9pOGuEqAWCHI T66j5iZu28w5Fqj02LL9TCn/Q5wmYMGX6SkEeo2m88CxQqUkcG ZQffz cwWgx5TVPZzivxRpMdaZuPRtftl8L9CP1DF3YVS9F1rtZTI4Cy N5x9iG0tGrfRM0pHDRmbp3bultC7H9I3O6CZTrsZI43DhnJ03h Wo2AsL2jV4IfLInjtPKi221Pyt9plFrizafxnD5qZ03Q/EEHSZvj01vMWfhjJ8BGiHDWu9zDVn09BEOHuFJJiNcBvk2HgFu 7S5A0lhpi0yXDdoUppZ1djyscoHpDYTtaQ6gvVSnfxZCrMB5Bt DraJ7G/Bp70kbBTqCKlpR8Fx iP6UKpcgIoouh1P1yTYe68tZq3TN5akbSjlp6LTSpbQ6euOZAA 3vIjHcdoIbBg7dFN/nMx4/2irVXZc2VFNso0 MbcN7SikhSph0qqDfNnelUBPIVE1I8jGzDfkrV9po2M4irrqpW xI0 MhMfTFSmwPMGVzHdqqlcLSSmtFE1yqWd2J5vUfxN6aCK4DEVQL MwI5hio33Ivr8JKntYJ9y2VrDDKWHRjBV6xzj6SpVcK2YE3v5n cRpUaN2Z2LLqsZVo5w7xDEjWasF63IukGXaKU4mOUXo0iZvkS2 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8pfBXbIpGoYAj4SaWqwIvoOvKYW dG7u2hTHY9Kb K tpJvxank3kc9BanMH4Q9DgaXuQbdOUESHoY1KrBUzXvvY2A9Y/NY0zqdIX8VRFyyL6sBGOK4hQfwiohJ6MD98loOR5isaG85X KVgwsI8p4U/laRviqQVWPkYLyDfBm3EB428pE1xYySxr3dj1JkdiBNk DBT5BQOskNxGFFLax6kvH5IPQsmwjilG6RenOzHoysVaMMQY eMK28jJ4BEeZ1IG3nVmMubPijd4y7YYQPhi19aRDAW5bN8jHuL 0cR4tJaiOrC dSvxFpRra0b8ddly/gyBTrJcbAeUj3w5RyhvdCQfcbR/eZoWmz1GF8bEcVfrL12BxYqUjRJ1pNcX5q2v23lCxVydJJ9l8T D10ZjYP4CP7Wx Noya1Rl67F9TG18cl87SPmRjy1A90qik2BAAAvqb9OktXGyCmt goFtdBKrisXTTXMjW28S/OPbWjzWiNx7kDcDzIHylVxpN9yZMcTxwe7E3PIAWAkV9LlMVNb LPwN0SwgrroDFWWEOotDYtl57E4sPRCE6obe7lLn3SVEKkcrGY 3wbiRw1QN9U6N 2ajwviIexvcNMmSe2tmrHW5KZxPhQw1a7BnpncXOYehllwFbhx QrnxAUkEIzViOV/CCVMksdhQ hFxGlHs6h2BEFe/Jplw1qtr GRfF62DBIw HzMxGVnFgPIA6/ZHnZrgaJ NdQzttcaIPzRJinwFKetrnqY/o08o9IVfpBVTrUr 35C1bIthzlY7T48U6TdTJfieNVbkkACZn2i4i1ZwPqjUefnDHL piLpTJGk3uYkFzECOGWw/jpf74nSTxTUZNcgqJbTpFqcSq7w1NvlLS QHaiKJCqYZROviraQikKNGNXePXMYudZOQqhlU3nFhqg1nFmV SxtHEXDVdNhJLANYbekhqniqmS D laVNVeCi9uMCaeJL20rjMPUaN90iQDlHpND7ccNNTD59L0TmHX Lsw Gvuma1q5mep7a2ei6DMqwpv1wJYiuFOpjKriyxB6bRvial2MLe UbOV1nXXduZekOMTjXqG7u7n85i1vS 0KuIiBhVMq TnKtC7Xc6/sjiwAsPfG1N9dPSOA/Ie89TKtaLp7E2XSIodTHNSNk1YyUVoSqrLJwTFOqAg6Ly9Okr2 J0k32YNwVPOUy8yWxvTNB4RxNKyDUX5jzk7hGW17zMalN6L5kJ F UeU 0NRRt85nU/BqVL2aRiKyyvcb42lJCARc6ASp4jtBWfQWEZJSeq2ZyT6yXPyD r4FMRXevcsfDK9ix4/lLVi7IlhKpUPiv5xmP9hOQUy3PvMDLYxMPtOu94xiwjiETQw7j nCossnojQ9WKCJUnGxgesB5zVi6lLhlKj2K1DGbbxU11bY/GIOdZsdq1tCtaG9WEWKVImsTXkDasKgJLb8yY94e/iJkBwTG58MhGrMAGPmuhEmOH6GLl75Ndz200TDJnvmFwQRbyIm N9o8KcO7obixIW/5J1B E2o1ci7TIfaPi 8xWXT8XTUN6m7fIESMq3Oy LqKxS5XtFRadVoDCXsZnMge85BONABantFENomeX8cocCVa2NQ cnUwlEeEnzgJ59YXNZD6yEiGI12vH3Aq Sov52hkbvH3C3VXXNoCbX9dIX JaPJfMTTDIGtqN5HVaK7kSRwxIXKeURrWHKY09GrQwSmoP0RHa akWEIH8ovTcDWWbDQy422VLczKiz6yY49jwTl3P2SBZo7FOkZ7 e2GLRVRGpbWKUqpEY0L3odgctjEHqZTONXiLNBIlserj1tYi3z iT177RpaHUSVKKu2KhwTrFSY2ilMx K 16Fvk7WGkSWLVDpG6zRXkqXzsZi7K6blTmHv0MumAOovM27K4k JiBc2Dgr7zqPmJpOEJdtBooiMT3J0 qnV7 SSq1S1gJiHHcT3uJrP VUe3opyj5KJsdV 7VnOyKzH 6CfumGu5NzzOvx1k5XxoxUCFaczQXiCgFMPExOgwAOr/KLZucasecWR5BdMWJHxhUF9Ov3RJ2iecwDYqyakxREt8PunEcc 95wastjqdLfZAsif4J2gCAJVvYaB97Do37ZYGxVJ7ZXQ36ETPK jXPQjeEzGKeGW9llmc8M0WtkUXJUDqTK9xXjaqMlM3PNuQ9Osr jVCdyT74WE4knthWZ1whW1zc6wrTunU6AltNjyA XxiZ840pppBLXMPOi3KcJgVCzonVtAIAATonJ2SVDCAGFvOiQA o20RWKX0iYmve0mV0SNByGUjcMLfGbNgDakCN23nYIjB4Z1uu8 IhO0ddvwavr/Nt8xrMlM7BLZfJzqEzOQQRRQA3nTBBAAQogggB0mFEEEgsHVzF h9Y8wFI9bwQQGYwuI39Rc p3icEEELv8mCLYRAzoDsWF4IJIT5OU0GnPM2t/I6Q5Oam7ncajoC7HNYe4QQSBv8A5YzDGdMEEBB0wwgggQdnIIJ JJ0TsEEgg6NoQQQTTH4ohn//Z


Literally the only thing they have in commons is 45+year old white skin

09-07-2022, 11:00 PM
what an unappealing nick name. She looks like a younger version of the woman that hit the native american chick in that store

https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBUSFRgVFhYVGBgSGhoaGBoYGBgYGBgZGBgZGRgYGB gcIS4lHB4rIRgYJjgmKy8xNTU1GiQ7QDs0Py40NTEBDAwMEA8Q HxISHzQkJCQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0ND Q0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ1NDQ0NDUxNP/AABEIANQA7gMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAAABwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEBQYHAf/EAEgQAAIBAgQDBQQECQoGAwAAAAECAAMRBBIhMQVBUQYTImFxB 4GRoTJCscEUI1JikpPR0/AzQ0RUcoLC0uHiFhdjc4OUFSTD/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMBAgQFBv/EACkRAAMAAgEEAQMEAwEAAAAAAAABAgMRIQQSMUFREyIyBWFxg ZGhsUL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/ANjqbGHhKmxjDjtBqlB0VczMB4dDcBgSLMQDpfQnWAEjedlOWl Ww6Zipp0wxvl7pHCM5bKt2KILkaZrZRyY2jg0qtahh2qIa3gJd GVCTUZBkqOhKq1vFdbj6QItbQAtMEqn4NjVpixYEGmpRCrZUFH xZC7XLd5a5ZzoDa/MyYfFIWua7BnzMUakGLGjTAKhyVVA61Lr1y7i8ALH3Kls2Vc22 awvbpfeLSC4Vg61NmDF8j9 1iVsrNXZky2FxdWvz2HONOEUcWhoq/e2RUDlmpsmVaRDhzcszmpYgjTLl1 kIAWiCVzE8Jbv3qU0CGp3H4xAgf Vc4ixINiUKgnc6W1GnVXFOwU94ihiGcGl4lz1CCu5tlyDUA8AL FBKe4xqhVLV2d6bN4e5Fqnd0/pEgKFDltPM7iTeLw7vQYeLvFzMhOQEOhJQrl0y3AsG3XRtzACV 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0In jgf Q/5JleK7TE6Invb9kYrxiseY9wldyiymjUMT7Vij5PwUG/PviP/AM4Wv7VnQA/gi6/9Y/u5mAqZ2DNaOMRWUi0iXO RdK1S14NC/wCbzf1Rf15/dzo9rjf1Rf15/dzLoYTdGHHXos20ac3tdYf0Rf1x/dwD2ut/VF/Xn93MwaPeH4Fqh20lckYY5aJlVXCNKw/tSd9sItv 8f3cdt7RqgF/wVf1x/dynDucOgLsL8lGp EbjjNCoMoJU/nC05l3be5WkaFMrhl/4X7QWrrf8HCm9rd4T/gElF7WE/zQ/T/2zMOzumbXQsbel95ZGqZVLdBeZ3lrfklxJIcY9pn4O2QYcOf 7l/wGRNT2wsP6Gp/85/dzP8Aidc1KjMeZkfVnXxYV2J15M1Png0hvbSx0/Al/wDYP7uHT2zuf6Ev/sH93MjaK0zpFdq2BOtqCZN9gsV3eJKk6VFI966j75EFPDfyiXD sUaVam40yupPpfX5XiN6aPW9VPdDX7G2YBfEWMWwPid26aRHDv ZGe0V4cbIx6zUjyzK37RMJ3tDOB/IOD7m0b3bTLcW3htN3xGBFWg6Nr3isPiNJhGPplWZTuhIPqDYx WVa5O3 n5d4Kn2v F77Pi9KmSdAi6e6OKqnNa9tYz7NNfDIR Tb4GK1nZjYR68HDy/m/wCR5WbS28bVEyi4a94olEhdTcxNxbSRoUdoo24MlqhyJcxhSJA u1haVftH2gNiiH1I wStUpJmWx9x7tKlK6UxmfY/kr 0yh4vGPUbM7En7PIDlCMSxh6eFP1jaIqnQ3WglPUx0KDDUaxan RpAat8xCvVy/ROYdJBfWgUEJh6z5eQMTXEAExDXEjSI2L51YXsPsgpMvO8QwqZ tjr0nKpKtqLS8214YNEippRZ J5Vsmh6yLLXgQR PDN0qptlKtpaR2q5OpN7xOlQzt 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4V8QbG/KVriOKAUt9Z9FHQdTJ7itQZCBzsL u8o3EK13IGw0Ez5nzoiF7Bb6xiTt84djpEE8ThZmGFs7J8NBbO w21miYRJAdnqAFMEc7SyYdYiq5NULSH1GmI5RbRGlF1aE1oGcr AWkRiUvJaodIyqLJqthPgrnE8NdG9DMr4ymRyDe02PHaCZt2xw X1xsflLxQvLPBWaEcYd7GI8PXQ U7sffHGYdYnEsdNhI6rtHlYaXjOrtN JT2bQum98hqZ0iqiIoNIshmiELYeIVhF4jUlr8EIbobXiKC498 WC6wo3ImRpjC6dqsJ3WIqaWDnOo6Bv9bysvvNI9pOGuEqAWCHI T66j5iZu28w5Fqj02LL9TCn/Q5wmYMGX6SkEeo2m88CxQqUkcG ZQffz cwWgx5TVPZzivxRpMdaZuPRtftl8L9CP1DF3YVS9F1rtZTI4Cy N5x9iG0tGrfRM0pHDRmbp3bultC7H9I3O6CZTrsZI43DhnJ03h Wo2AsL2jV4IfLInjtPKi221Pyt9plFrizafxnD5qZ03Q/EEHSZvj01vMWfhjJ8BGiHDWu9zDVn09BEOHuFJJiNcBvk2HgFu 7S5A0lhpi0yXDdoUppZ1djyscoHpDYTtaQ6gvVSnfxZCrMB5Bt DraJ7G/Bp70kbBTqCKlpR8Fx iP6UKpcgIoouh1P1yTYe68tZq3TN5akbSjlp6LTSpbQ6euOZAA 3vIjHcdoIbBg7dFN/nMx4/2irVXZc2VFNso0 MbcN7SikhSph0qqDfNnelUBPIVE1I8jGzDfkrV9po2M4irrqpW xI0 MhMfTFSmwPMGVzHdqqlcLSSmtFE1yqWd2J5vUfxN6aCK4DEVQL MwI5hio33Ivr8JKntYJ9y2VrDDKWHRjBV6xzj6SpVcK2YE3v5n cRpUaN2Z2LLqsZVo5w7xDEjWasF63IukGXaKU4mOUXo0iZvkS2 CFyXjtaAESfnLWVGDfSHmIg58RitQ2b0iN7kzJTLm2dsMOatGo gubKXAHVdfumSPNt4hUAz/nAj46TFsVTyuy/ksR8DMeZezudBX2uRTD7iW7srizQxCOT4X8DejbH42lSoR6rFi NdBKQ9HXrGrxuX7NxqGy36wlY2T1kd2dxn4Rh0b6w8L q6fOPcY17KJtXJ5XJDi3L9FU4nSYutjaLC9hFeIizRI1gBaNnw LYfEoGS9rlRp7xrMq4k R3U8mM1YV1y6n3WP3TMO1hBrsR93n0mXOkyZIim65xm jcX0vpfXTnFqdNGfwE2JOhFrDlaR bWSPDEJcEA2298yvwMhbrkcYnBbWhEwOY72uLEW6S3YHh e1xeTGG7PA62iPq64Nf0pKNRpNTNlNg1r8tByv901rD4NDhrZV 1A0sLbdJAvwJMwzC U3 EtFLSkBKutkdqXgyTH4V6jkMztkuBdsxXU6b6ekZvwlmNypmp1 uD0y5cAAsbt5nraO04XS8pKtk9s zMsDwor4iNTHGKoNlOmol8xWARbhbfOQWOohL6C upGnuEjvrZfS7eDOsY1nMaVnvHPEx4z6mRpM0z4MNPkd4d4piB sY1w7R5U2jcb1QuvAfLsY6pxuNhHFKdiTNQo0aVjHbRjiDIyAh hV3iMOxnLTFXLGm58UbxAdTM17U4Y08S97DNZtPzh 0GaLj6lql kpnbbDtmp1SPpgr8NR9piMq3J1OirV6 Su0ZJ4UaX6yLTS0laew9ImD0WPwWzsPxHu6rUmPhqC4/tLy EvCLcs52G0xyjUZKiODbIwYedtbTWVxwqUVdT4XAI981Q NHC/U8Pbk717ITjDHcdZEmsS/pJfjyZadzva8rQrWN7aGO7tI5ekP6tUgG2vlr90o3aA3e5FieX KXBsUlj4wOo52lL47iQ76a ZEx5mmyy4INzrHXDqxR1INo2teHvkINop Cqema5wSsSgNxqOYB 2T9OoFG 8pfBXbIpGoYAj4SaWqwIvoOvKYW dG7u2hTHY9Kb K tpJvxank3kc9BanMH4Q9DgaXuQbdOUESHoY1KrBUzXvvY2A9Y/NY0zqdIX8VRFyyL6sBGOK4hQfwiohJ6MD98loOR5isaG85X KVgwsI8p4U/laRviqQVWPkYLyDfBm3EB428pE1xYySxr3dj1JkdiBNk DBT5BQOskNxGFFLax6kvH5IPQsmwjilG6RenOzHoysVaMMQY eMK28jJ4BEeZ1IG3nVmMubPijd4y7YYQPhi19aRDAW5bN8jHuL 0cR4tJaiOrC dSvxFpRra0b8ddly/gyBTrJcbAeUj3w5RyhvdCQfcbR/eZoWmz1GF8bEcVfrL12BxYqUjRJ1pNcX5q2v23lCxVydJJ9l8T D10ZjYP4CP7Wx Noya1Rl67F9TG18cl87SPmRjy1A90qik2BAAAvqb9OktXGyCmt goFtdBKrisXTTXMjW28S/OPbWjzWiNx7kDcDzIHylVxpN9yZMcTxwe7E3PIAWAkV9LlMVNb LPwN0SwgrroDFWWEOotDYtl57E4sPRCE6obe7lLn3SVEKkcrGY 3wbiRw1QN9U6N 2ajwviIexvcNMmSe2tmrHW5KZxPhQw1a7BnpncXOYehllwFbhx QrnxAUkEIzViOV/CCVMksdhQ hFxGlHs6h2BEFe/Jplw1qtr GRfF62DBIw HzMxGVnFgPIA6/ZHnZrgaJ NdQzttcaIPzRJinwFKetrnqY/o08o9IVfpBVTrUr 35C1bIthzlY7T48U6TdTJfieNVbkkACZn2i4i1ZwPqjUefnDHL piLpTJGk3uYkFzECOGWw/jpf74nSTxTUZNcgqJbTpFqcSq7w1NvlLS QHaiKJCqYZROviraQikKNGNXePXMYudZOQqhlU3nFhqg1nFmV SxtHEXDVdNhJLANYbekhqniqmS D laVNVeCi9uMCaeJL20rjMPUaN90iQDlHpND7ccNNTD59L0TmHX Lsw Gvuma1q5mep7a2ei6DMqwpv1wJYiuFOpjKriyxB6bRvial2MLe UbOV1nXXduZekOMTjXqG7u7n85i1vS 0KuIiBhVMq TnKtC7Xc6/sjiwAsPfG1N9dPSOA/Ie89TKtaLp7E2XSIodTHNSNk1YyUVoSqrLJwTFOqAg6Ly9Okr2 J0k32YNwVPOUy8yWxvTNB4RxNKyDUX5jzk7hGW17zMalN6L5kJ F UeU 0NRRt85nU/BqVL2aRiKyyvcb42lJCARc6ASp4jtBWfQWEZJSeq2ZyT6yXPyD r4FMRXevcsfDK9ix4/lLVi7IlhKpUPiv5xmP9hOQUy3PvMDLYxMPtOu94xiwjiETQw7j nCossnojQ9WKCJUnGxgesB5zVi6lLhlKj2K1DGbbxU11bY/GIOdZsdq1tCtaG9WEWKVImsTXkDasKgJLb8yY94e/iJkBwTG58MhGrMAGPmuhEmOH6GLl75Ndz200TDJnvmFwQRbyIm N9o8KcO7obixIW/5J1B E2o1ci7TIfaPi 8xWXT8XTUN6m7fIESMq3Oy LqKxS5XtFRadVoDCXsZnMge85BONABantFENomeX8cocCVa2NQ cnUwlEeEnzgJ59YXNZD6yEiGI12vH3Aq Sov52hkbvH3C3VXXNoCbX9dIX JaPJfMTTDIGtqN5HVaK7kSRwxIXKeURrWHKY09GrQwSmoP0RHa akWEIH8ovTcDWWbDQy422VLczKiz6yY49jwTl3P2SBZo7FOkZ7 e2GLRVRGpbWKUqpEY0L3odgctjEHqZTONXiLNBIlserj1tYi3z iT177RpaHUSVKKu2KhwTrFSY2ilMx K 16Fvk7WGkSWLVDpG6zRXkqXzsZi7K6blTmHv0MumAOovM27K4k JiBc2Dgr7zqPmJpOEJdtBooiMT3J0 qnV7 SSq1S1gJiHHcT3uJrP VUe3opyj5KJsdV 7VnOyKzH 6CfumGu5NzzOvx1k5XxoxUCFaczQXiCgFMPExOgwAOr/KLZucasecWR5BdMWJHxhUF9Ov3RJ2iecwDYqyakxREt8PunEcc 95wastjqdLfZAsif4J2gCAJVvYaB97Do37ZYGxVJ7ZXQ36ETPK jXPQjeEzGKeGW9llmc8M0WtkUXJUDqTK9xXjaqMlM3PNuQ9Osr jVCdyT74WE4knthWZ1whW1zc6wrTunU6AltNjyA XxiZ840pppBLXMPOi3KcJgVCzonVtAIAATonJ2SVDCAGFvOiQA o20RWKX0iYmve0mV0SNByGUjcMLfGbNgDakCN23nYIjB4Z1uu8 IhO0ddvwavr/Nt8xrMlM7BLZfJzqEzOQQRRQA3nTBBAAQogggB0mFEEEgsHVzF h9Y8wFI9bwQQGYwuI39Rc p3icEEELv8mCLYRAzoDsWF4IJIT5OU0GnPM2t/I6Q5Oam7ncajoC7HNYe4QQSBv8A5YzDGdMEEBB0wwgggQdnIIJ JJ0TsEEgg6NoQQQTTH4ohn//Z

"You wish that you had Chunko's girl."

Sung to the tune of
lyrics jessie's girl-rick springfield - Search (bing.com) (https://www.bing.com/search?q=lyrics+jessie%27s+girl-rick+springfield&cvid=8fcf8acf7b3a45c78a8d0b37792ebc6e&aqs=edge.2.69i57j0l8.8423j0j1&pglt=43&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=U531)

09-08-2022, 10:18 AM


All 3 will lose, just like the lib that lost to the truck driver in NJ last fall that spent under $500.00 on his campaign.

Just like with Peter Meijer (worth 10 figures; hundreds of millions) in MI-03, vs. John Gibbs (worth 6 figures; less than a million). Money. Doesn't. Vote. People. Vote.

I agree. 6 Months ago I would have said it would have been a complete takeover but now its looking like it'll be a lot closer than a lot of people thought.


Ahh, the salt on the libtards when Walker, Masters, Oz, and Laxalt all win in November.



Special elections have always favored the Democrats and aren't a harbinger to the midterms and/or general elections. Look at Alabama 2018, for instance. Fuckin' ALABAMA.

09-08-2022, 11:25 AM
Predictions as of September 2022:

SAFE is >= 15% (D) or (R)
LIKELY is within 5% and 15% (D) or (R)
LEAN is within 1.5% and 5% (D) or (R)
TILT is within 1.5% or less (D) or (R)







09-08-2022, 11:53 AM
Special elections have always favored the Democrats and aren't a harbinger to the midterms and/or general elections. Look at Alabama 2018, for instance. Fuckin' ALABAMA.

:tu He ain't looking at shit :lol Trill reads the headlines and thats it.

09-08-2022, 12:54 PM
:tu He ain't looking at shit :lol Trill reads the headlines and thats it.

What do you think of the maps I created above?

09-08-2022, 01:04 PM
This fall would have been a red blowout EXCEPT for the fucking abortion ruling. I see democrats being more energized in November than Republicans plus some real Trumpy dipshits prevailed in the primaries which will hurt with independents.

09-08-2022, 02:33 PM
Predictions as of September 2022:

SAFE is >= 15% (D) or (R)
LIKELY is within 5% and 15% (D) or (R)
LEAN is within 1.5% and 5% (D) or (R)
TILT is within 1.5% or less (D) or (R)







What do you think of the maps I created above?


I got Nevada going to Steve Sisolak (D), New Mexico going to Michelle Grisham (D), Kansas is a toss-up not leaning either way, Wisconsin going to Tony Evers (D) and Michigan going to Whitmer (D) easily. Maine will go to Janet Mills (D) with no contest. The same with Josh Shapiro (D) in Pennsylvania. Kemp (R) should win Georgia easily. I like your optimism, but some of these picks (particularly PA, MI, and WI) are pie in the sky.


In Nevada I think Dems are favored heavily with Masto, and the same with Kelly in Arizona. Wisconsin is a toss-up, but I like your pick for Ohio. Pennsylvania will likely go to Fetterman (D). Georgia is a toss-up, but I'm pulling for Walker obviously.


Obviously Red Team is heavily favored to win the House, and I like your numbers there. Good stuff :tu

09-08-2022, 03:14 PM

I got Nevada going to Steve Sisolak (D), New Mexico going to Michelle Grisham (D), Kansas is a toss-up not leaning either way, Wisconsin going to Tony Evers (D) and Michigan going to Whitmer (D) easily. Maine will go to Janet Mills (D) with no contest. The same with Josh Shapiro (D) in Pennsylvania. Kemp (R) should win Georgia easily. I like your optimism, but some of these picks (particularly PA, MI, and WI) are pie in the sky.


In Nevada I think Dems are favored heavily with Masto, and the same with Kelly in Arizona. Wisconsin is a toss-up, but I like your pick for Ohio. Pennsylvania will likely go to Fetterman (D). Georgia is a toss-up, but I'm pulling for Walker obviously.


Obviously Red Team is heavily favored to win the House, and I like your numbers there. Good stuff :tu

you're going by the fake news polls. Wisconsin incumbent Johnson is a toss up? :lmao

MI and WI governors winning easily? :lmao gtfo PredictIt and Nate Plastic/ Five Twenty-Seven and take a red pill... Kansas not leaning either way in a red wave year? You're crazy, the Dem incumbent only won due to vote splitting (a GOP and a popular conservative libertarian) in a blue wave year. You're also massively underestimating the Hispanic shifts to the right in the areas that are Latino but not hyper-urban.

Your pessimistic predictions are assuming a 2018 or 2020 environment, when this year's environment is going to be more like 2010 or 2014... that said, if your pessimistic crap comes true, I'll have a good excuse for getting my foreign visa, making use of my passport, and booking my one way forever ticket out of Woke Shitmerica :tu

09-08-2022, 03:22 PM
you're going by the fake news polls. Wisconsin incumbent Johnson is a toss up? :lmao

MI and WI governors winning easily? :lmao gtfo PredictIt and Nate Plastic/ Five Twenty-Seven and take a red pill... Kansas not leaning either way in a red wave year? You're crazy, the Dem incumbent only won due to vote splitting (a GOP and a popular conservative libertarian) in a blue wave year. You're also massively underestimating the Hispanic shifts to the right in the areas that are Latino but not hyper-urban.

Your pessimistic predictions are assuming a 2018 or 2020 environment, when this year's environment is going to be more like 2010 or 2014...

MI & WI are fucked and unfuckable.

09-08-2022, 03:34 PM
MI & WI are fucked and unfuckable.

Says the pessimist... Is this 2002 or 2022? Did you live under a rock in 2016? In the Bush/Clinton admin years I would agree that MI/WI/PA were out of reach but that was back when white union socially conservative voters still voted democrat. WI & IA even voted for Dukakis, lol. But that was a different era. You're living in the past, when MI/WI/PA was fucked and unfuckable for us and Colorado/Virginia were still fairly solid red states.

Do you really think WI is not going red by 5+ points? Are you trying to jinx things and are superstitious? What you posted last post would be a major blackpilled night... I can't do 3 straight blackpill elections. Either red wave or I'm done with Marxmerica.

09-08-2022, 03:51 PM
Says the pessimist... Is this 2002 or 2022? Did you live under a rock in 2016? In the Bush/Clinton admin years I would agree that MI/WI/PA were out of reach but that was back when white union socially conservative voters still voted democrat. WI & IA even voted for Dukakis, lol. But that was a different era. You're living in the past, when MI/WI/PA was fucked and unfuckable for us and Colorado/Virginia were still fairly solid red states.

Do you really think WI is not going red by 5+ points? Are you trying to jinx things and are superstitious? What you posted last post would be a major blackpilled night... I can't do 3 straight blackpill elections. Either red wave or I'm done with Marxmerica.

I will GLADLY eat crow if I'm wrong about MI and WI. Like I said earlier Oregon could get a red governor for the first time in 35 years and that is optimism. If Red wins the Senate then Biden will likely be impeached, and Trump should have a clear path to POTUS.

09-08-2022, 04:06 PM
I will GLADLY eat crow if I'm wrong about MI and WI. Like I said earlier Oregon could get a red governor for the first time in 35 years and that is optimism. If Red wins the Senate then Biden will likely be impeached, and Trump should have a clear path to POTUS.

You are delusional.

09-08-2022, 05:30 PM
I will GLADLY eat crow if I'm wrong about MI and WI. Like I said earlier Oregon could get a red governor for the first time in 35 years and that is optimism. If Red wins the Senate then Biden will likely be impeached, and Trump should have a clear path to POTUS.

The only reason Oregon will get a red governor is because of the super strong third party (far leftist party) that will inevitably have a reverse TRoosevelt/Taft vs Woodrow Wilson effect. Oregon's (R) governor will not be re-elected in 2026. The state is just too liberal.

Even more important than having senate majority will be having (R) governors in MI, WI, PA, AZ, NV (smaller state but still not unimportant) to fix the election integrity issues there to be more like modern day Florida standards. If we can ban all but the most reasonable excuses for mail in ballots (absentee military and medically invalid) in those specific states, most of which are purple trending red anyway, then we will have a much clearer path to 270 and honestly 300 and make it VERY difficult for the Dems in the electoral college going forward.

Michels is definitely going to win governor of WI, it's a matter of how much. Wisconsin is going full Iowa and it's not going back. Michigan is a little tougher than WI but it's not as tough as PA. Obama did bail out Detroit in '09. But Whitmer is hated and despised amongst the general public and business owners who wish they had DeSantis back in spring 2020. It's trending red for sure but not as fast as say Ohio, Iowa or Wisconsin. Pennsylvania will be hard because there's a large bastion of soft ancestral (R) vote that just continues to get bluer in the Philly collar even if they keep electing moderate (R)s to congress like Brian Fitzpatrick.

You are delusional.
He's not delusional; Biden will be impeached. But will he be removed from office? Nope, you have to get 67 votes for that.

09-08-2022, 05:53 PM
The only reason Oregon will get a red governor is because of the super strong third party (far leftist party) that will inevitably have a reverse TRoosevelt/Taft vs Woodrow Wilson effect. Oregon's (R) governor will not be re-elected in 2026. The state is just too liberal.

Even more important than having senate majority will be having (R) governors in MI, WI, PA, AZ, NV (smaller state but still not unimportant) to fix the election integrity issues there to be more like modern day Florida standards. If we can ban all but the most reasonable excuses for mail in ballots (absentee military and medically invalid) in those specific states, most of which are purple trending red anyway, then we will have a much clearer path to 270 and honestly 300 and make it VERY difficult for the Dems in the electoral college going forward.

Michels is definitely going to win governor of WI, it's a matter of how much. Wisconsin is going full Iowa and it's not going back. Michigan is a little tougher than WI but it's not as tough as PA. Obama did bail out Detroit in '09. But Whitmer is hated and despised amongst the general public and business owners who wish they had DeSantis back in spring 2020. It's trending red for sure but not as fast as say Ohio, Iowa or Wisconsin. Pennsylvania will be hard because there's a large bastion of soft ancestral (R) vote that just continues to get bluer in the Philly collar even if they keep electing moderate (R)s to congress like Brian Fitzpatrick.

He's not delusional; Biden will be impeached. But will he be removed from office? Nope, you have to get 67 votes for that.

#1 Republicans are gonna lose the senate
#2 even if they did get a majority they dont have legitimate grounds to impeach Biden.

09-08-2022, 06:05 PM
they dont have legitimate grounds to impeach Biden.

At least eight impeachment articles against Biden have been introduced to Congress since the president took office, accusing him of “high crimes and misdemeanors” over what the lawmakers described as the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, the southern border crisis, the moratorium barring eviction of renters who struggled with payment for pandemic reasons, and the foreign business dealings of president’s son, Hunter Biden.


Who's being delusional now?

09-08-2022, 07:03 PM
#1 Republicans are gonna lose the senate
#2 even if they did get a majority they dont have legitimate grounds to impeach Biden.

Nope. Walker, Masters, Oz, Laxalt, Senator Johnson, Vance, and Budd will all win, and I'll bet the house on that.

The only one I think we lose by a narrow margin is Don Bolduc vs. Maggie Hassan. I think we have a chance to win if it's Chuck Morse, but it looks like Bolduc is unfortunately going to be nominated and he's an unpopular neocon for NH. But Sununu endorsed Morse so maybe he has a chance to win the primary after all. Trump needs to endorse Morse, badly.

Oz by the slimmest margin, though; probably by under 1.5%. Oz would have lost to Conor Lamb, even in a red wave year; but the Dems propped up the worst possible candidate. Mitch McConnell is an asshole, but until recently Oz on the surface was admittedly a pretty weak candidate. We had a strong candidate (Sean Parnell) that would have beat Fetterman by >5%, but he dropped out early because he was getting a divorce. Parnell will be back in '24 to probably defeat Casey. All of the people saying a different weak candidate like McCormick would do significantly better than Oz is talking out of their ass. It's hard to lose to Fetterman, but the only one that probably would have is Kathy Barnette.

And the Democrats didn't have grounds to impeach Trump from 2018-2021, but they manufactured it out of their ass.

I don't think Biden technically deserves to be removed from office over Afghanistan, but it will definitely come back to bite his ass if he runs for re-election which is more likely by each day he doesn't croak.

09-08-2022, 07:13 PM
At least eight impeachment articles against Biden have been introduced to Congress since the president took office, accusing him of “high crimes and misdemeanors” over what the lawmakers described as the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, the southern border crisis, the moratorium barring eviction of renters who struggled with payment for pandemic reasons, and the foreign business dealings of president’s son, Hunter Biden.


Who's being delusional now?
:lmao you and whoever drafted those articles

09-08-2022, 10:14 PM
Nope. Walker, Masters, Oz, Laxalt, Senator Johnson, Vance, and Budd will all win, and I'll bet the house on that.

The only one I think we lose by a narrow margin is Don Bolduc vs. Maggie Hassan. I think we have a chance to win if it's Chuck Morse, but it looks like Bolduc is unfortunately going to be nominated and he's an unpopular neocon for NH. But Sununu endorsed Morse so maybe he has a chance to win the primary after all. Trump needs to endorse Morse, badly.

Oz by the slimmest margin, though; probably by under 1.5%. Oz would have lost to Conor Lamb, even in a red wave year; but the Dems propped up the worst possible candidate. Mitch McConnell is an asshole, but until recently Oz on the surface was admittedly a pretty weak candidate. We had a strong candidate (Sean Parnell) that would have beat Fetterman by >5%, but he dropped out early because he was getting a divorce. Parnell will be back in '24 to probably defeat Casey. All of the people saying a different weak candidate like McCormick would do significantly better than Oz is talking out of their ass. It's hard to lose to Fetterman, but the only one that probably would have is Kathy Barnette.

And the Democrats didn't have grounds to impeach Trump from 2018-2021, but they manufactured it out of their ass.

I don't think Biden technically deserves to be removed from office over Afghanistan, but it will definitely come back to bite his ass if he runs for re-election which is more likely by each day he doesn't croak.

You're delusional if you think PA is electing Oz (or that Trump lemming Mastriano) :lol They both already annihilated their campaigns with their anti-abortion stance. Have you seen the voter registration surge in PA for Democrats since the Dobbs decision? The women in PA aren't going to let a bunch of old politicians legislate them back to the 60s. It's going to be Kansas all over again. And Sean Parnell didn't drop out early because he was getting a divorce :lol He dropped out because he was an abuser of his wife and kids and she was going to drop that bomb on him during his campaign lol. There's a reason she got sole custody of their kids in the divorce. Parnell won't be back. He's got "WIFE BEATER" tattooed on his forehead now.

09-08-2022, 10:38 PM
You're delusional if you think PA is electing Oz (or that Trump lemming Mastriano) :lol They both already annihilated their campaigns with their anti-abortion stance. Have you seen the voter registration surge in PA for Democrats since the Dobbs decision? The women in PA aren't going to let a bunch of old politicians legislate them back to the 60s. It's going to be Kansas all over again. And Sean Parnell didn't drop out early because he was getting a divorce :lol He dropped out because he was an abuser of his wife and kids and she was going to drop that bomb on him during his campaign lol. There's a reason she got sole custody of their kids in the divorce. Parnell won't be back. He's got "WIFE BEATER" tattooed on his forehead now.

It's a bunch of philly nignogs that vote democrat anyway but didn't register that registered after the Dobbs decision. Nignog women / sheboons are all pro choice / pro death, so nothing to see there.

As for Parnell, look at the Eric Grietens case. He was just found not guilty of the same thing as what you're accusing Parnell of. Typical of libs to go after the strongest / most right wing candidates when it suits their agenda and then when the case gets dropped it's not even merely a mea culpa.

Mastriano is a stronger candidate than Oz, but Shapiro is MUCH stronger than Fetterman, so both races are going to be close. It's a red wave, Biden will always be under 40%, everyone knows by now the chinavirus and related mandates were a hoax, he botched Afghanistan, record stagflation, nobody is ever getting their money back for the astronomical gas prices from spring/early summer etc. PA went red in 2016 when both Hillary and Toomey's Dem opponent were supposed to win as per the polls by a likely margin, well over 5%. In a D+2 environment national popular vote year.

Mastriano and Oz will win.

09-09-2022, 07:54 AM
At least eight impeachment articles against Biden have been introduced to Congress since the president took office, accusing him of “high crimes and misdemeanors” over what the lawmakers described as the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, the southern border crisis, the moratorium barring eviction of renters who struggled with payment for pandemic reasons, and the foreign business dealings of president’s son, Hunter Biden.


Who's being delusional now?


I said LEGITIMATE grounds.

09-11-2022, 04:41 PM
Virginia attorney general establishes 'Election Integrity Unit' | Just The News



09-11-2022, 04:47 PM
Georgia Republicans Walker, Kemp widen lead over Democratic opponents: poll


09-12-2022, 01:10 AM
You know the left is on their heels during an election when the posters here start talking about looks. :lol

09-20-2022, 08:24 PM
WATCH: Biden RADIO-SILENT After Democrat Calls For Trump Fans To Be ‘Killed and Confronted’: ‘I Will Never Apologize’

Far-left representative Tim Ryan (D-OJ), who is currently running against Trump-backed J.D. Vance for an open Ohio Senate seat, went off the rails during an interview on MSNBC on Tuesday. Ryan called for “Democrats, Republicans, and Independents” to “kill and confront” Trump supporters.

“How do we fix all of these broken systems? Some of those answers will come from Republicans, not the extremists that we are dealing with every single day. We’ve got to kill and confront that movement, but working with normal mainstream Republicans, that’s going to be really, really important,” Ryan said.


09-20-2022, 08:31 PM
"kill and confront that movement,"
movement, not the people.

Don't worry Joe will keep your food stamps etc coming.


09-20-2022, 08:35 PM
movement, not the people.

Don't worry Joe will keep your food stamps etc coming.


Creepy Joe will continue to sniff and grope little children you soggy nonce.

09-20-2022, 08:40 PM
Creepy Joe will continue to sniff and grope little children you soggy nonce.
81 Million Votes.

How many more is that then the Loser?

10-18-2022, 03:37 PM


10-18-2022, 04:09 PM
:lmao unbiased

10-18-2022, 07:30 PM

10-19-2022, 09:40 AM

10-19-2022, 09:42 AM
turnout>voter suppression shenanigans

10-19-2022, 08:40 PM
turnout>voter suppression shenanigans

This just proves that y'all's voter suppression claims are utter BS :lol

10-19-2022, 08:44 PM
turnout>voter suppression shenanigans
i think the actual effect of the voter suppression bills is overstated, though that doesnt make them less reprehensible just for the effort

10-19-2022, 09:14 PM
This just proves that y'all's voter suppression claims are utter BS :lolno, just that voter suppression efforts as currently constructed are relatively ineffective. if the turnout of young people, women and AAs is as heavy in other places as it has been in GA, there's a nonzero chance Ds will keep their majorities in both houses.

10-19-2022, 09:34 PM
I don't know how anybody can call voter suppression efforts ineffective. Those 5-hour voting lines in densely populated urban areas aren't by accident.

10-19-2022, 10:00 PM
I don't know how anybody can call voter suppression efforts ineffective. Those 5-hour voting lines in densely populated urban areas aren't by accident.poorly phrased. what I meant is that enthusiastic turnout can beat suppression.

10-19-2022, 10:06 PM
poorly phrased. what I meant is that enthusiastic turnout can beat suppression.

Enthusiastic turnout has a chance of making suppression inconsequential, if you only look at the election results. But imagine the results of enthusiastic turnout without the suppression.

10-19-2022, 10:50 PM
Enthusiastic turnout has a chance of making suppression inconsequential, if you only look at the election results. But imagine the results of enthusiastic turnout without the suppression.sure. gerrymandering and voter suppression are bad any way you cut it.

10-20-2022, 05:46 PM

Trill Clinton
10-21-2022, 08:18 AM

Trill Clinton
10-21-2022, 08:33 AM

10-25-2022, 01:13 AM
we've seen this movie before. crying about rigged elections before a single vote is cast is Republican SOP at this point.


10-25-2022, 08:54 AM
we've seen this movie before. crying about rigged elections before a single vote is cast is Republican SOP at this point.


Followed by Trash's example of refusing to concede and demanding recounts

10-25-2022, 08:59 AM
christo fascist Catholic SCOTUS6 will make ISL Constitutional,

so voting Dem in Federal election will never be successful. Repugs will easily surpass 70 - 30 Senate

10-25-2022, 12:05 PM

10-25-2022, 12:35 PM
If Repugs win either chamber, it's the official beginning of the end of USA Potemkin democracy

If Repugs lose both chambers, the end of USA Potemkin democracy will only be delayed

Will Hunting
10-25-2022, 01:18 PM
christo fascist Catholic SCOTUS6 will make ISL Constitutional,

so voting Dem in Federal election will never be successful. Repugs will easily surpass 70 - 30 Senate
:lol huh? ISL would have no impact on senate elections.

10-25-2022, 02:16 PM

seen it in person here library on the south side that was used for decades, no not good enough for elections

10-25-2022, 04:46 PM

Faux news.

Thats a fairly bizarre comedian they got to do that gig.

10-25-2022, 09:16 PM
Goodnight everybody. :lmao


10-25-2022, 09:34 PM
I do support fracking ... and I don't and I don't and I stand ... and I do support fracking. Then moderators shut down Oz. Clown world


10-25-2022, 11:23 PM
gonna be lit if he beats Oz.

10-25-2022, 11:28 PM
Do debates matter only when Democrats suck?

De Santis totally came off as a creepy weirdo last night.

10-26-2022, 12:17 AM
Have y'all seen Herschel Walker?


10-26-2022, 12:25 AM
The fracking moment was pretty bad tbh :lol

10-26-2022, 06:07 AM
I do support fracking ... and I don't and I don't and I stand ... and I do support fracking. Then moderators shut down Oz. Clown world


I want to see Fetterman debate Biden, with Corn pop as the moderator.

OMG why did the Dems leave him on the ticket and why was he allowed to debate if they knew he was in such poor condition?

10-26-2022, 09:57 AM


10-26-2022, 10:04 AM
OMG why did the Dems leave him on the ticket and why was he allowed to debate if they knew he was in such poor condition?
Oz is a complete scam but this Fetterman Fracking phuck up should be game set match.

:lol What US citizens tolerate for government.

10-26-2022, 10:17 AM
Darrin on Jan 6 hearings: "No one cares"

Darrin on a Senate debate in Pennsylvania featuring a fake TV doctor:

10-26-2022, 10:19 AM
OMG why did the Dems leave him on the ticket

Dr. Oz.

Your nominee is Dr. Oz. Hoping to join Herschel Walker and Tommy Tuberville.

The GOP is out of ideas and is just feeding you celebrities.

10-26-2022, 10:29 AM
I feel sorry for the guy. Strokes are no joke. You can tell his brain got scrambled.

baseline bum
10-26-2022, 10:34 AM
Ugh the thought of Oz being a senator and writing healthcare legislation focusing on his miracle cures with snake oil supplements is disgusting.

baseline bum
10-26-2022, 10:41 AM
Can't wait until this fucking quack Oz starts putting shit like homeopathy into our healthcare laws.

10-26-2022, 11:10 AM
Oz winning primary is an indictment of how ignorant, stupid, bamboozled, fucked up the Repug base is, as are all the Repug candidates who are election deniers

America is fucked and unfuckable. A fascist minority, thanks Constitution and SCOTUS, will rule/oppress the majority

10-26-2022, 12:10 PM
Dr. Oz.

Your nominee is Dr. Oz. Hoping to join Herschel Walker and Tommy Tuberville.

The GOP is out of ideas and is just feeding you celebrities.
Yeah but also, they’re all gonna win, because this country is stupid and the Democrats are incompetent.

10-26-2022, 12:25 PM
I feel sorry for the guy. Strokes are no joke. You can tell his brain got scrambled.

Uh...cows technically don't fart. I mean they do but it's not as much as belching. I never said they didn't fart.

baseline bum
10-26-2022, 12:29 PM
Yeah but also, they’re all gonna win, because this country is stupid and the Democrats are incompetent.

The Democrats aren't stupid and incompetent, they're excellent at serving this nation's oligarchs. They just can't come up with a winning message when they're Republican Lite economically and have to attach themselves to social issues that don't cost their donors money. They're the American Tories. The stupid and incompetent thing is the constitution that ensures having precisely two terrible parties controlling the nation is a stable equilibrium.

10-26-2022, 12:43 PM
Uh...cows technically don't fart. I mean they do but it's not as much as belching. I never said they didn't fart.

Fartboy regurgitating the same juvenile shit every time I post. Living rent free in baby Fartboy's head.

10-26-2022, 12:59 PM
Fartboy regurgitating the same juvenile shit every time I post. Living rent free in baby Fartboy's head.

Nope. Just waiting for you to say, "my bad, I was wrong." Or maybe, "I didn't understand the word, "technically". It's weird that you fight it even though you were dead ass wrong.
You know what I do when I've been proven objectively wrong? I accept that shit and acknowledge that I made a mistake. That's all you have to do. But your ego is so inflated that
you can never admit when you're wrong. Even on something as simple as saying, "oh yeah...I misspoke". Instead of the mea culpa, you dig in. You're really the real life Avante. Never
ever admit you made a mistake.

10-26-2022, 01:19 PM
Fartboy regurgitating the same juvenile shit every time I post. Living rent free in baby Fartboy's head.

Lol...you just can't help yourself. This was like a week or two ago.

You are getting repetitious and boring, Fartboy. You can go ahead and have the last word. I'm done responding to your bullshit.

So why do you respond? I 'll tell you. It's because you were wrong but you can't just acknowledge it. It's exactly why you're alienated from your kids and spouses.

10-26-2022, 01:23 PM
Fartboy regurgitating the same juvenile shit every time I post. Living rent free in baby Fartboy's head.

And now we've gotten so far down the road that you'll never say your were wrong because it makes you feel like a pussy. Even though if you admitted you were wrong, you'd gain some respect. Which is ironic. You spend hours trying to impress a random message board. But you won't do the one thing that might give you some slight amount of credibility.

10-26-2022, 01:33 PM
I feel sorry for the guy. Strokes are no joke. You can tell his brain got scrambled.
Unreal the Demon Party let him up there.
Some kind of going for the Woke / sympathy crowd.

It's not funny at all.

10-26-2022, 01:39 PM
Unreal the Demon Party let him up there.
Some kind of going for the Woke / sympathy crowd.

It's not funny at all.

Yeah it's sad. A friend of mine in his 50s had a stroke while he was in the middle of Canyon Lake fishing. Although he has partially recovered like Fetterman he will never be the same. It's totally fucked up his life.

10-26-2022, 07:08 PM
Georgia Poll: Herschel Walker Leads Raphael Warnock in Tight Senate Battle



10-26-2022, 07:19 PM
Georgia Poll: Herschel Walker Leads Raphael Warnock in Tight Senate Battle


fake polls

:lmao poll taken by the daily wire

10-26-2022, 07:31 PM
I feel sorry for the guy. Strokes are no joke. You can tell his brain got scrambled.

Dude got diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and cardiomyopathy and decided not to go back to the Dr for 5 years until he had a stroke. No need to feel sorry for his dumb ass.

10-26-2022, 07:31 PM
Ugh the thought of Oz being a senator and writing healthcare legislation focusing on his miracle cures with snake oil supplements is disgusting.

Raspberry ketones ftw

Will Hunting
10-27-2022, 10:31 AM
Raspberry ketones ftw
:lol the 2014 era when every fat soccer mom thought those things would enable them to lose weight while wolfing down cheeseburgers and milk shakes

10-27-2022, 12:15 PM
Sabotaging elections, tbh


10-27-2022, 04:03 PM
SCHUMER TO BIDEN ON HOT MIC: “It looks like the debate didn’t hurt us too much in Pennsylvania…”

Trill Clinton
10-27-2022, 06:38 PM


10-27-2022, 11:23 PM
SCHUMER TO BIDEN ON HOT MIC: “We're in danger”

10-28-2022, 12:53 AM
Oz winning primary is an indictment of how ignorant, stupid, bamboozled, fucked up the Repug base is, as are all the Repug candidates who are election deniers

America is fucked and unfuckable. A fascist minority, thanks Constitution and SCOTUS, will rule/oppress the majority

LMAO,,,I love it and you little democrat snowflakes on here cant do shit about it. Keep crying,,,,We are on the verge of suppressing and crushing the democrat party. When we take over, we will impeach Biden and raise the voting age not to mention go after all antifa and BLM members with legal action and incarceration. We will repeal gay marriage and all other forms of democrat perversion,,,,,suck it up, buttercup. A RED WAVE COMING TO A TOWN NEAR YOU!

10-28-2022, 01:25 AM
Yeah, snowflakes,,,read it and weep. This is happening all over the country even though your liberal media is trying to give you hope,,,lmao

‘Going to be ugly’: All signs point to Republican landslide in Florida (yahoo.com) (https://www.yahoo.com/news/florida-democrats-facing-brutal-midterms-083000264.html)

10-28-2022, 01:44 AM
:lmao look at this little bitch trying to sneak back into the forum after being curbstomped dozens of times.

10-28-2022, 01:50 AM
:lmao look at this little bitch trying to sneak back into the forum after being curbstomped dozens of times.

awww,,,little snowflake is angry. Lmao. Nothing you can do about it, buttercup. Sorry youre going through this,,,,bwahahahahaha

10-28-2022, 01:53 AM
LMAO,,,I love it and you little democrat snowflakes on here cant do shit about it. Keep crying,,,,We are on the verge of suppressing and crushing the democrat party. When we take over, we will impeach Biden and raise the voting age not to mention go after all antifa and BLM members with legal action and incarceration. We will repeal gay marriage and all other forms of democrat perversion,,,,,suck it up, buttercup. A RED WAVE COMING TO A TOWN NEAR YOU!

That's an amendment dumbass

10-28-2022, 01:56 AM
That's an amendment dumbass

You know how an amendment passes, dumbass? 2/3's house and 75% senate,,,we will have that after we impeach all democrats,,,,you democrats have shit and nothing you can do about it.

10-28-2022, 02:02 AM
You know how an amendment passes, dumbass? 2/3's house and 75% senate,,,we will have that after we impeach all democrats,,,,you democrats have shit and nothing you can do about it.

This is gonna be a fun one to bump, but also why stop at raising voting age when in your situation you can litterally do whatever you want like the R's have complete control and all they'd do is fuck over teenagers?

10-28-2022, 02:45 AM
LMAO,,,I love it and you little democrat snowflakes on here cant do shit about it. Keep crying,,,,We are on the verge of suppressing and crushing the democrat party. When we take over, we will impeach Biden and raise the voting age not to mention go after all antifa and BLM members with legal action and incarceration. We will repeal gay marriage and all other forms of democrat perversion,,,,,suck it up, buttercup. A RED WAVE COMING TO A TOWN NEAR YOU!

lol meltdown

10-28-2022, 03:06 AM
Democrats started the KKK,,,why would they support black women? Only stupid ass snowflakes would think the democrat party likes black people,,,

Black Democrats Say the Party Isn't Helping Beasley and Demings Enough (yahoo.com) (https://www.yahoo.com/news/black-democrats-party-isnt-helping-183105194.html)

10-28-2022, 03:19 AM
lol meltdown

lmao,,,snowflake denial and chumpsucker hatin life right now,,,,

10-28-2022, 03:58 AM
This is gonna be a fun one to bump, but also why stop at raising voting age when in your situation you can litterally do whatever you want like the R's have complete control and all they'd do is fuck over teenagers?

Exactly right, dumbshit,,,teenagers are idiots. You democrats want the young and gullible,,,,republicans want over 30 and knowledgeable,,,see the difference? Snowflake,,,your party is done!,,,LMAO

10-28-2022, 10:30 AM
Exactly right, dumbshit,,,teenagers are idiots. You democrats want the young and gullible,,,,republicans want over 30 and knowledgeable,,,see the difference? Snowflake,,,your party is done!,,,LMAO

lol you're poorly educated and triggered

10-28-2022, 10:36 AM
:lol Looks like SnackBoi dusted off the alts as well

10-28-2022, 10:40 AM
When people talk about "Dems" and the KKK, you just know they never passed their History class.

11-10-2022, 11:05 PM
It's a bunch of philly nignogs that vote democrat anyway but didn't register that registered after the Dobbs decision. Nignog women / sheboons are all pro choice / pro death, so nothing to see there.

As for Parnell, look at the Eric Grietens case. He was just found not guilty of the same thing as what you're accusing Parnell of. Typical of libs to go after the strongest / most right wing candidates when it suits their agenda and then when the case gets dropped it's not even merely a mea culpa.

Mastriano is a stronger candidate than Oz, but Shapiro is MUCH stronger than Fetterman, so both races are going to be close. It's a red wave, Biden will always be under 40%, everyone knows by now the chinavirus and related mandates were a hoax, he botched Afghanistan, record stagflation, nobody is ever getting their money back for the astronomical gas prices from spring/early summer etc. PA went red in 2016 when both Hillary and Toomey's Dem opponent were supposed to win as per the polls by a likely margin, well over 5%. In a D+2 environment national popular vote year.

Mastriano and Oz will win.

You're so f'n delusional it's almost comical. Like I said before (which I called perfectly correct), the women in PA and all over America for that matter weren't going to let a bunch of old politicians who already have one foot in the grave legislate them back to the 60s :lol This election was the Kansas referendum all over again. All you had to do was look at the explosion of female voter registrations in all swing states right after the Dobbs decision to know what was going down. That Kansas election in August was your first big clue that Republicans were in trouble. The Supreme court gave Democrats Christmas in July and in every election going forward because abortion is always going to be on the ballot in every state election now. If Republicans are smart they'll bite the bullet and assist Democrats in codifying abortion rights to get that issue off the ballot because it's going to always be looming.

11-10-2022, 11:22 PM
Dobbs was legally correct based on the constitution but was a huge hammer for Democrats to kill Republicans in 2022 elections. As it all sorts out and individual states determine how they will handle abortion I think it will fade as an issue in 2024.

11-10-2022, 11:33 PM
Dobbs was legally correct based on the constitution but was a huge hammer for Democrats to kill Republicans in 2022 elections. As it all sorts out and individual states determine how they will handle abortion I think it will fade as an issue in 2024.

It'll never fade, especially since Lindsey Graham let the cat out of the bag advertising the national abortion ban which killed Republican's argument of respecting state's rights. And I believe that's affecting the Arizona race right now. Blake Masters was all gung ho for anti-abortion measures calling for a federal personhood law until he saw what happened in Kansas. Then he quickly stfu and scrubbed his website of his anti-abortion stance :lol And I think that's costing him. There are too many split ticket voters. Pro-choice Republican women won't mind having Kari Lake as a governor but they're not sending Masters to the Senate and risking a future nationwide abortion ban which is why Lake is consistently outperforming him.

11-11-2022, 12:07 AM
Dobbs was legally correct based on the constitution but was a huge hammer for Democrats to kill Republicans in 2022 elections. As it all sorts out and individual states determine how they will handle abortion I think it will fade as an issue in 2024.

Two other SCOTUS disagree with this. As SCOTUS decisions go, looking at bedrock things like stare-decisis, etc it's one of the worst decisions in a long time, and will likely be reversed and moved into historical infamy along with the likes of Plessy.

11-11-2022, 01:30 AM
Dobbs was legally correct based on the constitution but was a huge hammer for Democrats to kill Republicans in 2022 elections. As it all sorts out and individual states determine how they will handle abortion I think it will fade as an issue in 2024.lol no.

they got the originalism and "deeply rooted tradition" wrong. total Calvinball, totally off the rails judicial activism.

11-11-2022, 01:32 AM
Are you a woman, gay or nonwhite?

Your rights may be revocable.

11-11-2022, 09:31 AM
You're so f'n delusional it's almost comical. Like I said before (which I called perfectly correct), the women in PA and all over America for that matter weren't going to let a bunch of old politicians who already have one foot in the grave legislate them back to the 60s :lol This election was the Kansas referendum all over again. All you had to do was look at the explosion of female voter registrations in all swing states right after the Dobbs decision to know what was going down. That Kansas election in August was your first big clue that Republicans were in trouble. The Supreme court gave Democrats Christmas in July and in every election going forward because abortion is always going to be on the ballot in every state election now. If Republicans are smart they'll bite the bullet and assist Democrats in codifying abortion rights to get that issue off the ballot because it's going to always be looming.

they should have done that in 2015 the same time they did the gay marriage codification, they would have won 2016 bigger and the national environment would always tilt R+ something instead of D+ something ever since.

11-11-2022, 10:31 AM
lol no.

they got the originalism and "deeply rooted tradition" wrong. total Calvinball, totally off the rails judicial activism.

If your position is that the constitution is irrelevant, then why even have a Supreme Court?

11-11-2022, 10:37 AM
If your position is that the constitution is irrelevant, then why even have a Supreme Court?that's not my position. my position is that SCOTUS got the constitution and the law wrong in Dobbs.

what part of Dobbs did you find convincing?

11-11-2022, 11:14 AM
that's not my position. my position is that SCOTUS got the constitution and the law wrong in Dobbs.

what part of Dobbs did you find convincing?

I thought the first sentence of the ruling was pretty self explanatory.

11-11-2022, 11:15 AM
You say Dobbs was correct; what specifically do you think it was right about, CC?

11-11-2022, 11:19 AM
I thought the first sentence of the ruling was pretty self explanatory.that's not a legal or constitutional claim, tbh

Abortion presents a profound moral issue on which Americans hold sharply conflicting views.

11-11-2022, 11:21 AM
did you mean this one?

The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. Wenow overrule those decisions and return that authority tothe people and their elected representatives.

11-11-2022, 11:22 AM
if so, that's a conclusion, not an argument

11-11-2022, 11:32 AM
that's not a legal or constitutional claim, tbh

I was on my phone and should have been more specific. The first paragraph of their decision after they went through all the legal arguments one by one and refuted them.

We end this opinion where we began. Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives.

That being said, I am pro-choice. I just felt like the decision was legally correct.

11-11-2022, 11:54 AM
I was on my phone and should have been more specific. The first paragraph of their decision after they went through all the legal arguments one by one and refuted them.

That being said, I am pro-choice. I just felt like the decision was legally correct.you're very gullible, tbh

11-11-2022, 11:59 AM

11-11-2022, 01:20 PM
I was on my phone and should have been more specific. The first paragraph of their decision after they went through all the legal arguments one by one and refuted them.

But they didn't. They actually created a new, broad, undefined 'legal standard' with the whole 'tradition' nonsense, which they'll eventually come to regret and likely will be the reason this will ultimately fail.

11-11-2022, 01:46 PM
you're very gullible, tbh

And you are very arrogant to think you are smarter than 6 Supreme Court justices.

11-11-2022, 01:52 PM
Blowbert scamming more funds.
Asking for donations.

11-11-2022, 03:20 PM
Blowbert scamming more funds.
Asking for donations.

She's an attractive little fire cracker. You should donate to her cause, tbh :tu

11-11-2022, 03:44 PM
Two other SCOTUS disagree with this. As SCOTUS decisions go, looking at bedrock things like stare-decisis, etc it's one of the worst decisions in a long time, and will likely be reversed and moved into historical infamy along with the likes of Plessy.
the opinion was also incoherent because by the same reasoning for this case would pretty clearly apply to other precedential cases involving miscegenation laws, for example. but they just put their fingers in their ears and pretended otherwise

11-11-2022, 04:07 PM
And you are very arrogant to think you are smarter than 6 Supreme Court justices.
cant believe you think you're smarter than the ones who issued Roe and Casey

11-11-2022, 04:31 PM
cant believe you think you're smarter than the ones who issued Roe and Casey

And then the other completely different ones that also ruled it to be constitutional...

11-11-2022, 06:59 PM
She's an attractive little fire cracker. You should donate to her cause, tbh :tu
Guess we got to wait another week before we find out if her political grifting continues or she gets paying gigs in Stepmom Porn like Bill Maher suggested.

baseline bum
11-11-2022, 07:00 PM
Guess we got to wait another week before we find out if her political grifting continues or she gets paying gigs in Stepmom Porn like Bill Maher suggested.

At least Palin went down in flames. Again.

11-11-2022, 07:40 PM
cant believe you think you're smarter than the ones who issued Roe and Casey

meh. Dobbs didn't ban anything. It just sent the decision back down to the states which pretty much aligns with the constitution. I understand that liberals want an all powerful Federal government but that's just not the way the US was organized.

11-11-2022, 08:01 PM
meh. Dobbs didn't ban anything. It just sent the decision back down to the states which pretty much aligns with the constitution. I understand that liberals want an all powerful Federal government but that's just not the way the US was organized.
im not talking about what Dobbs did

you thought somebody was arrogant because they thought a bunch of SCOTUS justices were wrong in Dobbs. clearly you thought the bunch of SCOTUS justices behind Roe and Casey were wrong. why doesnt that make you arrogant in exactly the same way?

11-11-2022, 08:22 PM
im not talking about what Dobbs did

you thought somebody was arrogant because they thought a bunch of SCOTUS justices were wrong in Dobbs. clearly you thought the bunch of SCOTUS justices behind Roe and Casey were wrong. why doesnt that make you arrogant in exactly the same way?

Smarter? I dunno. I do know I'm alive and they are dead. Roe and Casey made law that was never put to a vote. If your girlfriend (if you have one) wants to abort your spawn I personally think that is her right and there are plenty of states she can still get that mistake scraped out.

11-11-2022, 08:26 PM
Smarter? I dunno. I do know I'm alive and they are dead. Roe and Casey made law that was never put to a vote. If your girlfriend (if you have one) wants to abort your spawn I personally think that is her right and there are plenty of states she can still get that mistake scraped out.

Most of your party disagrees with you and wants a federal ban.

Joseph Kony
11-11-2022, 08:26 PM

:lmao hater's "red wedding"

11-11-2022, 08:33 PM
Most of your party disagrees with you and wants a federal ban.

I disagree. I do agree we have some stupid fossil motherfuckers advocating that but it will never happen.

baseline bum
11-11-2022, 09:10 PM
I disagree. I do agree we have some stupid fossil motherfuckers advocating that but it will never happen.

Like Roe Vs Wade getting overturned was never going to happen

baseline bum
11-11-2022, 09:13 PM

Hmmm, from the Washington Post tracker looks like about 26500 votes from Washoe still remaining and about 34100 from Clark, with about 11800 remaining from the rest of the state. Though these numbers don't count cures nor provisionals.

11-11-2022, 09:16 PM
I disagree. I do agree we have some stupid fossil motherfuckers advocating that but it will never happen.

That you still vote for

baseline bum
11-11-2022, 09:36 PM
Looks like Laxalt was underperforming a bit in the last drop of about 5450 rural votes, only padded his lead from about 800 to about 1950 votes. So it went about 61-39 Laxalt in that rural vote drop that just happened.

baseline bum
11-11-2022, 09:43 PM
Looks like maybe 6350 rural votes remaining vs 26500 Washoe and 34100 Clark County votes left according to the Washington Post tracker.

11-11-2022, 10:10 PM
I disagree. I do agree we have some stupid fossil motherfuckers advocating that but it will never happen.

Your party is run by the stupid fossil motherfuckers. They've already introduced legislation to ban abortion. What makes you think enough republicans would vote against it if they had the majority of congress?

11-11-2022, 10:12 PM
Your party is run by the stupid fossil motherfuckers. They've already introduced legislation to ban abortion. What makes you think enough republicans would vote against it if they had the majority of congress?

I'm confident it won't happen.

baseline bum
11-11-2022, 10:21 PM
I'm confident it won't happen.

Weren't you confident Roe Vs Wade was settled?

baseline bum
11-11-2022, 10:22 PM
So Masters had been hyping this Maricopa drop of about 73,000 votes that just happened as what would save his campaign. Turns out Kelly just beat him 40,700 to 32,300 in that drop.

baseline bum
11-11-2022, 10:24 PM
NBC projects Kelly wins AZ

Spurs Homer
11-11-2022, 10:24 PM
Dems win arizona senate race

baseline bum
11-11-2022, 10:24 PM
Washington Post calls the AZ senate race for Kelly

Spurs Homer
11-11-2022, 10:25 PM
If masto takes the lead in this next hour…in nevada

gop will shit their pants and give up in georgia…

Trill Clinton
11-11-2022, 10:30 PM

baseline bum
11-11-2022, 10:31 PM
If masto takes the lead in this next hour…in nevada

gop will shit their pants and give up in georgia…

Nah GA will still be crucial for them even if the Democrats win Nevada because it'll force Machin to take some votes that could hurt him in his 2024 re-election bid. If the Democrats take Nevada and Warnock wins the GA runoff then Manchin can go against everything Biden proposes without consequence.

11-11-2022, 10:36 PM
Weren't you confident Roe Vs Wade was settled?

honestly? I wish it had never been challenged. i'm pro choice and hate that it was overturned but legally it made sense. Now that it is up to the states people if it a huge huge factor for them can choose where they want to live if that is a huge factor for them.

Spurs Homer
11-11-2022, 10:37 PM
Nah GA will still be crucial for them even if the Democrats win Nevada because it'll force Machin to take some votes that could hurt him in his 2024 re-election bid. If the Democrats take Nevada and Warnock wins the GA runoff then Manchin can go against everything Biden proposes without consequence.

what I mean is that the voters will give up

1) thin skinned trump will poison the georgia gop voters

2) voters will be deflated since they will know they wont win senate if they vote or not- and a lot will give up

yes- every extra senator will help dems due to manchin but with these results- i wonder if manchin wont think twice when he sees the direction the country appears to be headed-

throwing maga movement under the bus = manchin might weasel his way to the correct side

but i wouldnt count on that piece of shit

baseline bum
11-11-2022, 10:45 PM
honestly? I wish it had never been challenged. i'm pro choice and hate that it was overturned but legally it made sense. Now that it is up to the states people if it a huge huge factor for them can choose where they want to live if that is a huge factor for them.

Not the question I asked.

11-11-2022, 11:12 PM
Cortez trailing by less than 1k votes :wow

:lmao red wave

11-11-2022, 11:14 PM
tick tock

11-11-2022, 11:22 PM
I'm confident it won't happen.

:lol watching CC try to deal with the reality that he’s now a RINO is prey fun. Don’t worry, your party will return to sanity soon enough. In the meantime, just keep voting them. That’ll fix the issue.

11-12-2022, 12:11 AM
Nah GA will still be crucial for them even if the Democrats win Nevada because it'll force Machin to take some votes that could hurt him in his 2024 re-election bid. If the Democrats take Nevada and Warnock wins the GA runoff then Manchin can go against everything Biden proposes without consequence.

what I mean is that the voters will give up

1) thin skinned trump will poison the georgia gop voters

2) voters will be deflated since they will know they wont win senate if they vote or not- and a lot will give up

yes- every extra senator will help dems due to manchin but with these results- i wonder if manchin wont think twice when he sees the direction the country appears to be headed-

throwing maga movement under the bus = manchin might weasel his way to the correct side

but i wouldnt count on that piece of shit
Manchin + Arizona Cunt = 2 Republican votes.
Isn't that what we just experienced the last 2 years?

So i don't see how 51-50 helps with those two corrupt POS's.

baseline bum
11-12-2022, 12:29 AM
Manchin + Arizona Cunt = 2 Republican votes.
Isn't that what we just experienced the last 2 years?

So i don't see how 51-50 helps with those two corrupt POS's.

They both confirmed Justice Jackson. Wouldn't get a sc justice a vote much less a confirmation if the GOP seats 51+ senators.

11-12-2022, 12:38 AM
They both confirmed Justice Jackson. Wouldn't get a sc justice a vote much less a confirmation if the GOP seats 51+ senators.
But that was an insignificant gimme since Turtle Head and Orange Blob stacked it up to 6-2 with Repugs.
The entire Build Back Better was stopped by Munchkin and Arizona Cunt. Not even a dime.

Spurs Homer
11-12-2022, 12:38 AM
Manchin + Arizona Cunt = 2 Republican votes.
Isn't that what we just experienced the last 2 years?

So i don't see how 51-50 helps with those two corrupt POS's.

those two corrupt kunts are also POLITICIANS

and they will see what happened with the election and they also will see that dem voters are motivated to punish politicians who wont support their agenda

manchin spouting his bullshit that the country didnt give the dems a mandate can stfu and study the results because this supposed red wave to PUNISH dems

went the fucking opposite way

11-12-2022, 01:14 AM
They both confirmed Justice Jackson. Wouldn't get a sc justice a vote much less a confirmation if the GOP seats 51+ senators.


if you look at it from the SCOTUS angle, the Dems already had 53 seats if you count Collins, Romney, Murkowski plus the 50 democrats. That wouldn't change even if the GOP had a 51-49 technical majority. Biden would still be able to force through any SCOTUS pick he / the DNC likes. This isn't 2016 with Scalia where the GOP had a big enough majority to prevent a Merrick Garland confirmation.

baseline bum
11-12-2022, 01:35 AM

if you look at it from the SCOTUS angle, the Dems already had 53 seats if you count Collins, Romney, Murkowski plus the 50 democrats. That wouldn't change even if the GOP had a 51-49 technical majority. Biden would still be able to force through any SCOTUS pick he / the DNC likes. This isn't 2016 with Scalia where the GOP had a big enough majority to prevent a Merrick Garland confirmation.

Yeah no, McConnell was in charge and refused to allow a vote because he knew Garland would have a good chance of confirmation if he did allow one.

11-12-2022, 01:43 AM
Against odds, but there's a nonzero chance Dems keep the house. If the GOP ends up with a 1-5 rep majority, they might occasionally have to seek votes on the other side of the aisle.

11-12-2022, 12:57 PM
Smarter? I dunno. I do know I'm alive and they are dead. Roe and Casey made law that was never put to a vote. If your girlfriend (if you have one) wants to abort your spawn I personally think that is her right and there are plenty of states she can still get that mistake scraped out.
lol deflecting from the extremely obvious point im making

just say the quote below was very stupid

And you are very arrogant to think you are smarter than 6 Supreme Court justices.

Will Hunting
11-12-2022, 12:59 PM
Why did he say 6 SCOTUS justices? John Roberts wanted to weaken Roe but not completely dismantle it.

11-12-2022, 01:00 PM
:lol I'm smarter than Einstein because I'm alive and he is dead!

Tyronn Lue
11-12-2022, 03:10 PM
If the repugs didn't run uncle fester looking stalag commandants they'd stand a better chance.

11-12-2022, 07:44 PM
Why did he say 6 SCOTUS justices? John Roberts wanted to weaken Roe but not completely dismantle it.

He still concurred with the ruling.

11-12-2022, 08:22 PM
Another brown steamer about to be delivered on the Red Wave.

Hobbs closing in on W vs Magat Anchowoman. Blitz, give it to us:

baseline bum
11-12-2022, 08:39 PM
Get in here Will Hunting. The Trumptards primaried Jaime Herrera Beutler who won WA-03 by +13 in 2020 because she voted to impeach the Dear Leader for trying to overthrow the government on January 6th, and the MAGAtard they nominated just lost them that seat. :lmao


baseline bum
11-12-2022, 08:44 PM
Another brown steamer about to be delivered on the Red Wave.

Hobbs closing in on W vs Magat Anchowoman. Blitz, give it to us:

Wow betting markets have Hobbs 80% to win the governership. Washington Post still thinks it's going to be Lake.

11-12-2022, 08:45 PM
Wow betting markets have Hobbs 80% to win the governership. Washington Post still thinks it's going to be Lake.
Gimma a legit site please.

Or are they all over, just google?

Will Hunting
11-12-2022, 08:54 PM
Get in here Will Hunting (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=17032). The Trumptards primaried Jaime Herrera Beutler who won WA-03 by +13 in 2020 because she voted to impeach the Dear Leader for trying to overthrow the government on January 6th, and the MAGAtard they nominated just lost them that seat. :lmao

I saw.

Even with this, Dems still need to sweep AZ01, AZ06, CA22 and CA41 for a house majority, which has a <10% chance of happening.

baseline bum
11-12-2022, 08:55 PM
Gimma a legit site please.

Or are they all over, just google?


baseline bum
11-12-2022, 08:56 PM
I saw.

Even with this, Dems still need to sweep AZ01, AZ06, CA22 and CA41 for a house majority, which has a <10% chance of happening.

Yeah not expecting to win the house, but still LMAO winning a R+13 seat because the morons primaried their incumbent for a MAGAtard.

Will Hunting
11-12-2022, 08:56 PM
Wow betting markets have Hobbs 80% to win the governership. Washington Post still thinks it's going to be Lake.
Lake is done. I looked at a precinct map of where those votes came in and she needed to win them by a lot more than 4%; the votes came from some of the reddest precincts in Maricopa.

Lake will lose and it might even be by more than 1-2%.

baseline bum
11-12-2022, 09:01 PM
Lake is done. I looked at a precinct map of where those votes came in and she needed to win them by a lot more than 4%; the votes came from some of the reddest precincts in Maricopa.

Lake will lose and it might even be by more than 1-2%.

Yeah Hobbs looking like she'll probably win based on the still remaining votes


Will Hunting
11-12-2022, 09:08 PM
Just want the Dems to sweep the Governor, AG, SOS and state superintendent races in AZ.

if the Dems somehow take the state leg, I’m gonna move back to AZ for a few months just to advice the house rep I know how they can go sicko mode against the AZ GOP.

Will Hunting
11-12-2022, 09:17 PM


baseline bum
11-12-2022, 09:22 PM



Spurs Homer
11-12-2022, 09:23 PM

moscow mitch….

11-12-2022, 09:25 PM
I saw.

Even with this, Dems still need to sweep AZ01, AZ06, CA22 and CA41 for a house majority, which has a <10% chance of happening.

You're assuming the Alaska seat goes D?

11-12-2022, 09:26 PM

lmao faux news has not even covered this yet

11-12-2022, 09:26 PM
:lol det red tsunami

11-12-2022, 09:39 PM
tick tock :lmao:lmao:lmao

baseline bum
11-12-2022, 09:42 PM
From fivethirtyeight:

NOV. 12, 7:58 PM
Just to emphasize how unlikely that Democratic pickup in Washington’s 3rd District was, our midterm forecast gave Gluesenkamp Pérez just a 2-in-100 shot of defeating Kent. That is the upset of the cycle thus far. While Kent always seemed likely to be a weaker GOP candidate than Herrera Beutler, a Republican losing an R+9 seat is highly unusual in a midterm when Democrats control the White House.


11-12-2022, 09:44 PM

btw wtf is wrong with CA counting so fuckin slow?

11-12-2022, 09:45 PM
btw wtf is wrong with CA counting so fuckin slow?

Det Soros ballot stuffing, tbh...

11-12-2022, 09:54 PM
Dobbs 84 / 12 means
bet 84 to win a profit 12?

11-12-2022, 10:09 PM

btw wtf is wrong with CA counting so fuckin slow?

The Hugo Chavez servers were moved to Ukraine from Germany and the internet connection is slowing down the changing of republican votes to democrat.

11-12-2022, 10:49 PM
Det Soros ballot stuffing, tbh...

el nono why you still taking dem soros handouts, i thought you paid off your coyote already

11-12-2022, 11:11 PM
el nono why you still taking dem soros handouts, i thought you paid off your coyote already

triggering dem conservatards, tbh

Spurs Homer
11-13-2022, 12:02 AM
Not sure if i actually hope the dems defy all odds - pull out a hail mary and keep the house


watch as the repukes win with 218
and watch mccarthy try to actually keep his nazi party together and not lose any votes on ANY ATTEMPTED LEGISLATION

11-13-2022, 12:02 AM
triggering dem conservatards, tbh

Waiting for dear leader Trump to tell them it was stolen.

Will Hunting
11-13-2022, 07:24 AM
You're assuming the Alaska seat goes D?
Yes and that’s not really that hard of an assumption. Peltola will win easily.

11-13-2022, 10:21 AM
Yes and that’s not really that hard of an assumption. Peltola will win easily.

MSNBC is projecting 219-216 +/-4 which would imply they only need to flip 2 of the 4 you identified assuming your 4 are the same, but they don't show a breakdown.

Will Hunting
11-13-2022, 10:48 AM
MSNBC is projecting 219-216 +/-4 which would imply they only need to flip 2 of the 4 you identified assuming your 4 are the same, but they don't show a breakdown.
MSNBC is probably more optimistic about CA27 and CA45 than I am. I don’t think the Dems have the numbers there.

i promise that unless Boebert’s district flips with military ballots the only path is sweeping AZ01, AZ06, CA22 and CA41.

Will Hunting
11-13-2022, 10:50 AM
MSNBC is probably more optimistic about CA27 and CA45 than I am. I don’t think the Dems have the numbers there.

i promise that unless Boebert’s district flips with military ballots the only path is sweeping AZ01, AZ06, CA22 and CA41.
And I should note that I think this has about a 3% chance of happening.

the GOP is gonna have a house majority, it’s just going to be tiny and ungovernable.

11-13-2022, 01:20 PM
I'm confident it won't happen.it may not be long until the partisan SCOTUS majority proclaims a right to life that removes abortion from bring decided by states. if it does so, will you still say they're right on the law?

Will Hunting
11-13-2022, 01:27 PM
it may not be long until the partisan SCOTUS majority proclaims a right to life that removes abortion from bring decided by states. if it does so, will you still say they're right on the law?
If that happens there's no question he'd say "look I'm pro-choice but those judges are smarter than you so I agree with their ruling!" but I don't think fetal personhood has much of a chance at happening. The constitutional law argument for it relies on such an incoherent reading of the 14th amendment.

11-13-2022, 01:39 PM
If that happens there's no question he'd say "look I'm pro-choice but those judges are smarter than you so I agree with their ruling!" but I don't think fetal personhood has much of a chance at happening. The constitutional law argument for it relies on such an incoherent reading of the 14th amendment.The current Calvinball majority is arguing that the 14th Amendment is color blind. It seems they're bound neither by coherence nor their avowed originalism. Sure looks like they're working backward from the desired political result on abortion so far.

11-13-2022, 01:40 PM
MSNBC is probably more optimistic about CA27 and CA45 than I am. I don’t think the Dems have the numbers there.

i promise that unless Boebert’s district flips with military ballots the only path is sweeping AZ01, AZ06, CA22 and CA41.

gotcha, thx.

Wasserman's take:


Will Hunting
11-13-2022, 01:49 PM
gotcha, thx.

Wasserman's take:

Yeah I guess CA13 is also a seat they need to win, I just think it's pretty likely that they will.