View Full Version : 2024 Electoral Map: Biden (D) vs. DeSantis (R) vs. Trump (I)

11-02-2022, 09:22 PM
Liberal pipe dream I know, but let's discuss this possibility. DeSantis wins the primary and Trump's ego can't take it and he runs an independent "MAGA Party" campaign against them both.

here's my mappy:


baseline bum
11-02-2022, 11:08 PM
Would be hilarious

11-02-2022, 11:51 PM
If DeSantis gets the nod you know Trump is going third party. He doesn't give a shit if the Republicans lose. He will not be put in the corner

11-02-2022, 11:55 PM
where is this rumor the GOP will give DeSantis the nod coming from? they've already broken from Trump?

no way.

11-03-2022, 08:39 AM
where is this rumor the GOP will give DeSantis the nod coming from? they've already broken from Trump?

no way.

I would hope DeSantis could beat Trump.

baseline bum
11-03-2022, 08:46 AM
I would hope DeSantis could beat Trump.

LOL when Trump claims rigged primaries and torpedoes the GOP in the 2024 election if so

11-03-2022, 11:07 AM
I would hope DeSantis could beat Trump.DeSantis is meaner and smarter than Trump, and his authoritarian streak is even worse.

11-03-2022, 11:11 AM
:lmao theres absolutely ZERO chance DeFatsy beats Dump in a head to head :lmao

Only chance I see is if Dump is somehow banned from running the Primaries

How about another pipe dream: Mummy/Kagala vs Dump/Defatsy


11-03-2022, 11:17 AM
I can only imagine Dump dropping the hammer on DeFatso if he really wants.

The guy looks comical :lol the nicknames would be epic :lol

11-03-2022, 11:22 AM
What does the map look like with a Trump/DeSantis ticket? You can easily see Trump convincing DeSantis to run as his Vice President since Trump can only serve one term. Trump will tell DeSantis he can gain experience in Washington during those 4 years as VP and then run as the GOP candidate in 2028. A Trump/DeSantis ticket would crush the democrats.

11-03-2022, 01:16 PM
And heres to what i was just saying,,,,

Ron DeSantis May Be Reconsidering a Presidential Run Against Trump: Report (yahoo.com) (https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ron-desantis-may-reconsidering-presidential-172333368.html)

Vanity Fair cites "four prominent Republicans" who say DeSantis has indicated that he would not launch a campaign against the former president.
"He's led them to believe he will not run if Trump does," one source — identified as a Republican briefed on donor conversations — told the outlet.

"He can walk into the presidency in 2028 without pissing off Trump or Florida," the source told VF. "What would you rather do? Be the governor of Florida for certain or go run for president?"

11-03-2022, 02:29 PM
If Trump isn’t in prison and runs in 2024, there’s no way he relinquishes power in 2028 to DeathSantis or anybody else. Not without a fight anyways.

11-03-2022, 02:30 PM
That said, Biden should not run in 2024. That’s an easy win for (R), whoever the candidate is.

11-03-2022, 03:08 PM
That said, Biden should not run in 2024. That’s an easy win for (R), whoever the candidate is.

You don't have a bench. Biden if he's alive will run.

11-03-2022, 03:09 PM
If Trump isn’t in prison and runs in 2024, there’s no way he relinquishes power in 2028 to DeathSantis or anybody else. Not without a fight anyways.

Lol Dump will be like 80+ in 2028

He will be a walking corpse. Defatso would take ova

11-03-2022, 03:09 PM
What does the map look like with a Trump/DeSantis ticket? You can easily see Trump convincing DeSantis to run as his Vice President since Trump can only serve one term. Trump will tell DeSantis he can gain experience in Washington during those 4 years as VP and then run as the GOP candidate in 2028. A Trump/DeSantis ticket would crush the democrats.
Trump/Desantis vs Biden/Harris would have roughly the same electoral college map as 2016 except the GOP should add Nevada and New Mexico. New Hampshire is kind of a reach for the GOP in presidential elections, so I wouldn't bank on that. Also, if Mastriano loses next week, the Democrats could keep PA.

Florida, Texas and Ohio will continue to shift further and further to the right and the popular vote would be razor thin, closer than say 2016.... even if the ECV map barely changes.

Something like this


Like I said PA and GA could go either way, but in this scenario it wouldn't change the outcome of the presidency.

11-03-2022, 07:44 PM
You don't have a bench. Biden if he's alive will run.

Newsom would make it competitive. But he won’t run if Biden decides to go for the 2nd term.

11-03-2022, 07:45 PM
Lol Dump will be like 80+ in 2028

He will be a walking corpse. Defatso would take ova

DeathSantis would have to take the king crown from his cold dead hands, tbh

11-03-2022, 07:51 PM
DeathSantis would have to take the king crown from his cold dead hands, tbh


11-03-2022, 07:53 PM
where is this rumor the GOP will give DeSantis the nod coming from? they've already broken from Trump?

no way.

I read weeks ago that BigDollar donors were abandoning Trash to finance Desantis

If the BigDonors want Desantis, the Repugs will have to go along. aka follow the money

11-03-2022, 08:22 PM
Newsom would make it competitive. But he won’t run if Biden decides to go for the 2nd term.

Newsom would be exposed. He's popular in CA but he wouldn't have appeal in the swing states, not even the southwestern ones because those are the ones most likely to be inhabited by voters who relocated out of CA largely because they didn't like him and the Democrats.

but hey, if getting a record margin in CA is the goal for the Democrats, then go ahead run Newsom

11-03-2022, 08:50 PM
Newsom would be exposed. He's popular in CA but he wouldn't have appeal in the swing states, not even the southwestern ones because those are the ones most likely to be inhabited by voters who relocated out of CA largely because they didn't like him and the Democrats.

but hey, if getting a record margin in CA is the goal for the Democrats, then go ahead run Newsom

He would smoke almost every Republican, especially in funding for the campaign. He’s been critical of the Democratic Party as well. He would do fine, the question is who do you pair him with? Can’t be Kamala.

11-03-2022, 11:46 PM
He would smoke almost every Republican, especially in funding for the campaign. He’s been critical of the Democratic Party as well. He would do fine, the question is who do you pair him with? Can’t be Kamala.

The Dems have outspent the right for decades like 10-1 or better and yet the results have been roughly 50/50 long term.

Money doesn't win elections; voters and votes do. Look at the 2021 elections in VA and even NJ. Look at some of this year's primaries.

Newsom is farther left than the average Democrat. He's not quite squad but he's definitely the opposite of a blue dog democrat.

I've always thought Sherrod Brown would make a decent Democrat president candidate. Tim Ryan is a guy, but his goose is about to be cooked after losing the Senate race this year. Roy Cooper of NC, perhaps. Cooper's so popular he keeps winning on the same damn ticket as both Trump and the GOP senate candidates who also win and he wins in spite of them winning even though NC is not traditionally a split ticket voting state.

I think Joe Manchin would be actually the Democrats' best shot at winning the general election, but he'd piss off a lot of far left types. It wouldn't matter though, because they're mainly in blue states anyway, and Manchin would do very well in the purple swing states.

11-04-2022, 12:25 AM
Newsome would smoke the republicans?,,,,lmao. Newsome would get crushed as the far left wing california politician he is. Look at what happened to far left california kamala harris in the democrat primaries. No chance Newsome would win the presidency.

11-04-2022, 12:32 AM
Also you better believe democrats do not want to run another white man for president. I'll give you two words that would scare the shit out of republicans if they could convince this person to run for president and that would be Michelle Obama. The democrats would fall over themselves to elect her. her rallies would probably be comparable to Trumps. They would look at it as getting Barrack back in office while electing a black female president. And the Obama's are the democrats favorite couple,,,,ever.

11-04-2022, 08:26 AM
Also you better believe democrats do not want to run another white man for president. I'll give you two words that would scare the shit out of republicans if they could convince this person to run for president and that would be Michelle Obama. The democrats would fall over themselves to elect her. her rallies would probably be comparable to Trumps. They would look at it as getting Barrack back in office while electing a black female president. And the Obama's are the democrats favorite couple,,,,ever.
She'd outperform the Hilldawg in some places, but WI-MI have trended too far right imo for someone like her. Also she wouldn't win AZ-NV. She'd probably win Georgia and make NC competitive. Not enough ecv to get to 270 for her imo. She'd win the popular vote by roughly Hilldawg margin imo.

11-04-2022, 08:38 AM
Votes? Fucking mummy Brandon beat the ever living shit of the most popular candidate the GOP has had in 30+ years. :lol
And that guy barely beat one of the worst Dem candidates in ages.
Don’t confuse midterm/local elections with federal.

Like I said, it’s not about what the GOP does. If Brandon decides to go for the next term, he’s likely to hand the WH to the GOP. If somebody like Newsom runs, things should be substantially easier for the Dems, tbh

11-04-2022, 08:40 AM
Still way too early anyways. You can never discount the GOP Congress shooting itself in the foot for the next two years…

11-04-2022, 09:16 AM
Newsome would smoke the republicans?,,,,lmao. Newsome would get crushed as the far left wing california politician he is. Look at what happened to far left california kamala harris in the democrat primaries. No chance Newsome would win the presidency.


Newsome is garbage agreed

11-04-2022, 09:35 AM
Newsome would smoke the republicans?,,,,lmao. Newsome would get crushed as the far left wing california politician he is. Look at what happened to far left california kamala harris in the democrat primaries. No chance Newsome would win the presidency.

What happened to Kamala? She’s the VP and destroyed Trump in the election…

She’s definitely garbage, but that goes to show how little the Dems need in presidential elections…