View Full Version : Democrat Ticket for 2024?

11-09-2022, 10:34 AM
Who do you Democrats want to see?

If I'm a strategist, the first thing that comes to my mind is Newsom-Whitmer ticket. You get a popular leader from the biggest state/biggest economy of the country who has some blue dog appeal, and you get a term-limited, successful electoral juggernaut and Michigander woman VP for purple state appeal in the upper Midwest.

Still going to be tough to beat DeSantis in what will likely be a red wave environment considering how the 2022 midterms went and which Senate seats are at stake in 2024, but still there's a chance I suppose.

Any other options?

11-09-2022, 10:49 AM
Newsom-Big Gretch is too white and not diverse enough, tbh…

Newsom-token minority (ideally a gay Mexican national or as close to that as possible) would be ideal, tbh, but I don’t think Newsom is going to run following a (D) president. I have him penned for 2028…

11-09-2022, 10:53 AM
What I really wonder is what happens in the GOP if Biden runs for re-election and the economy doesn’t ramp up.

Trump and DeSantis are shoe-ins, but there’s a distinct possibility that Trump might end up in jail, and I’m curious to know who’s going to challenge DeSantis in the ‘moderate-Nazi’ role. Wonder if Abbott would also jump into the fray into what should be an easy win for Republicans.

11-09-2022, 10:54 AM
Still a long time to go though…

11-09-2022, 11:02 AM
Newsom-Big Gretch is too white and not diverse enough, tbh…

Newsom-token minority (ideally a gay Mexican national or as close to that as possible) would be ideal, tbh, but I don’t think Newsom is going to run following a (D) president. I have him penned for 2028…

Who cares? Think about the Electoral College... you don't need Latinos anymore to win, tbh... we've reached the era of the white suburban upper class / upper middle class liberal.

Suburban class white liberals are the largest % demographic to have received the jab, and the jab slowly but surely changes the molecules in your brain to think more along the lines with the liberals.

So what if you lose AZ, NV, even NM... (FL/TX are no longer in play, tbh)... if you win MI, WI, and PA, you still get over 270 easily. VA Is not going back red. And you still have a chance in Georgia.

11-09-2022, 11:08 AM
What I really wonder is what happens in the GOP if Biden runs for re-election and the economy doesn’t ramp up.

Trump and DeSantis are shoe-ins, but there’s a distinct possibility that Trump might end up in jail, and I’m curious to know who’s going to challenge DeSantis in the ‘moderate-Nazi’ role. Wonder if Abbott would also jump into the fray into what should be an easy win for Republicans.

Right now I think it's DeSantis's to lose if Trump does wind up in jail. He has good momentum right now. If the economy is not shaky in 2024 I think Biden should pull it off again

11-09-2022, 11:17 AM
Who cares? Think about the Electoral College... you don't need Latinos anymore to win, tbh... we've reached the era of the white suburban upper class / upper middle class liberal.

This is exactly where GOP and Dems differ. GOP are in a desperate battle to not compromise and remain relevant due to dwindling demographics, and the unavoidable end of the white voting majority.

Dems need to strengthen their Hispanic and Asian voting blocks looking at the future.

11-09-2022, 11:23 AM
This is exactly where GOP and Dems differ. GOP are in a desperate battle to not compromise and remain relevant due to dwindling demographics, and the unavoidable end of the white voting majority.

Dems need to strengthen their Hispanic and Asian voting blocks looking at the future.
The Dems need to look into converting Hispanics to atheism or Buddhism or something because status quo is that whites are going atheist in record numbers and Asians are already relatively atheist anyway, but Hispanic religion % needle is never going to move... that voter bloc is lost with the Dems long term, especially as the old ancestral Hispanic D's die off and the young right wing Hispanic generation takes predominence.

Just look at Florida and even to an extent what's going on in NV and AZ. It's not just Cubans. Cuban voters in FL only changed 1% to the right between 2018, 2020 and 2022. It was the other Latinos... the Mexicans and Puerto Ricans that flipped hard right, from under 30% to well over 50% GOP in the state of FL. That's the alarming trend for the DNC that is likely to carry nationwide long term.

Keep running up the score with white elites with big money, Asians, blacks, and suburban women... keep pushing Roe v Wade... keep pushing how bad QAnon is, etc... that's the ticket to success for the Dems. Because WI, MI, PA and even Ohio and Georgia aren't going to be Hispanic enough long term to worry too hard about the electoral college.

11-09-2022, 11:44 AM
The Dems need to look into converting Hispanics to atheism or Buddhism or something because status quo is that whites are going atheist in record numbers and Asians are already relatively atheist anyway, but Hispanic religion % needle is never going to move... that voter bloc is lost with the Dems long term, especially as the old ancestral Hispanic D's die off and the young right wing Hispanic generation takes predominence.

Just look at Florida and even to an extent what's going on in NV and AZ. It's not just Cubans. Cuban voters in FL only changed 1% to the right between 2018, 2020 and 2022. It was the other Latinos... the Mexicans and Puerto Ricans that flipped hard right, from under 30% to well over 50% GOP in the state of FL. That's the alarming trend for the DNC that is likely to carry nationwide long term.

Keep running up the score with white elites with big money, Asians, blacks, and suburban women... keep pushing Roe v Wade... keep pushing how bad QAnon is, etc... that's the ticket to success for the Dems. Because WI, MI, PA and even Ohio and Georgia aren't going to be Hispanic enough long term to worry too hard about the electoral college.

This is another shit take. I’m Latino (not Cuban), this is completely off.

Religion is nowhere near as important to that block as economic security and citizenship is a large part of that. They’re largely on the bottom side of the food chain, and as long as the GOP keeps the xenophobia up, they’re going to continue voting blue. This is no more clear than in California and New York, states with the largest populations of Mexicans and Puerto Ricans in the US.

Garnering that vote en masse will require changes to the GOP that so far they’re unwilling to do…

11-09-2022, 11:50 AM
This is another shit take. I’m Latino (not Cuban), this is completely off.

Religion is nowhere near as important to that block as economic security and citizenship is a large part of that. They’re largely on the bottom side of the food chain, and as long as the GOP keeps the xenophobia up, they’re going to continue voting blue. This is no more clear than in California and New York, states with the largest populations of Mexicans and Puerto Ricans in the US.

Garnering that vote en masse will require changes to the GOP that so far they’re unwilling to do…
CA and NY Latinos voting blue is more a function of them being hyper urbanized rather than more suburban, exurban, or rural... like in TX/AZ/NV/NM and to some extent FL.

The McConnell's and Bush's and Romney's of the world will never figure out that the xenophobia doesn't work, and Trump shot himself in the foot with his 2015 comments.

But DeSantis has a clean state on that topic and the new era of younger conservatives are pro Hispanic. Being pro-border security and anti-drug pushing is not being anti-Latino. Also, Latinos and Latinas are naturally socially conservative and Spanish is a two-gender romantic language and culture fine-engrained and that will never change. So, for instance, drag queens in schools and woke white libtards pushing the "LatinX" crap are pretty much universally rejected by all Latino sub-demographics.

11-09-2022, 12:29 PM
CA and NY Latinos voting blue is more a function of them being hyper urbanized rather than more suburban, exurban, or rural... like in TX/AZ/NV/NM and to some extent FL.

The McConnell's and Bush's and Romney's of the world will never figure out that the xenophobia doesn't work, and Trump shot himself in the foot with his 2015 comments.

But DeSantis has a clean state on that topic and the new era of younger conservatives are pro Hispanic. Being pro-border security and anti-drug pushing is not being anti-Latino. Also, Latinos and Latinas are naturally socially conservative and Spanish is a two-gender romantic language and culture fine-engrained and that will never change. So, for instance, drag queens in schools and woke white libtards pushing the "LatinX" crap are pretty much universally rejected by all Latino sub-demographics.

Bush Jr won the Latino vote, smh… again, I know you’re trying to talk yourself into DeSantis pluses, but he’s a relative unknown outside of Florida and what’s known about him is mostly that he’s a Trump wannabe.

Not saying he would do bad with Latinos, but he’ll have to earn their vote by dropping the xenophobia Trump instilled in his campaign. After all, ‘open borders’ and ‘horde of rapists and criminals’ was one of the pillars of his campaign…

11-09-2022, 04:24 PM
Bush Jr won the Latino vote, smh… again, I know you’re trying to talk yourself into DeSantis pluses, but he’s a relative unknown outside of Florida and what’s known about him is mostly that he’s a Trump wannabe.

Not saying he would do bad with Latinos, but he’ll have to earn their vote by dropping the xenophobia Trump instilled in his campaign. After all, ‘open borders’ and ‘horde of rapists and criminals’ was one of the pillars of his campaign…
GWB never "won" the Latino vote outright. He got 43% in 2004 and 34% in 2000. And the 43% in 2004 proved enough to pick off not only Nevada but also New Mexico. Which I fully believe will flip red next election and keep zooming right. Take a quick look at NYT or whatever and look how close that governor race ended up being. The state is flipping red in 2024. Albuquerque is going to be West Miami pretty soon. The Latino base there is just about as fed up with Democrat policy on crime, drugs and wokism as in Miami.

11-10-2022, 10:50 AM
GWB never "won" the Latino vote outright. He got 43% in 2004 and 34% in 2000. And the 43% in 2004 proved enough to pick off not only Nevada but also New Mexico. Which I fully believe will flip red next election and keep zooming right. Take a quick look at NYT or whatever and look how close that governor race ended up being. The state is flipping red in 2024. Albuquerque is going to be West Miami pretty soon. The Latino base there is just about as fed up with Democrat policy on crime, drugs and wokism as in Miami.

I meant he won it in Florida (‘04). Obviously this was coming off 9/11 so you could argue it was a one off. Florida is going to remain a tossup for a while, especially on presidential elections.

11-10-2022, 12:22 PM
I meant he won it in Florida (‘04). Obviously this was coming off 9/11 so you could argue it was a one off. Florida is going to remain a tossup for a while, especially on presidential elections.


Florida will be R+15 or stronger in 2024 at the POTUS level regardless of whether it's Trump or DeSantis.

Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, hell possibly New York (outside chance) are the battlegrounds...

11-10-2022, 12:28 PM
I want Hillary to run again.

11-10-2022, 12:31 PM
I want Hillary to run again.
I want it to snow in Texas in July too...

11-10-2022, 02:04 PM
Newsom seems like a logical choice for the dems. He tiptoes in and out of progressive ideals, like reproductive rights, legalizing and decriminalizing marijuana use, LGBTQ rights, environmental policy. But it also feels like he’s open to some conservative policy as well when it comes more to businesses and economy. Charismatic enough and good enough in front of the camera for moderates on both sides, independents, and maybe even some less than extreme republicans. He’s also at a good age. Dems would be better served with him as candidate rather than Old Joe.

It feels like Whitmer would turn off a lot of moderates and independents. Her national perception alone based off stuff that Trump said about her makes her an easy target for criticism, whether justifiable or not. And voting can often be swayed merely by perception. I think she’d be a poor choice. And I’m a democrat leaning Michigan citizen. Maybe she doesn’t sink a presidential campaign, but she simply isn’t likely to help get a more significant number of votes.

If dems continue the age of inclusive politics by adding someone other than another white male to the ticket, I’d look at Amy Klobuchar. Smart, well liked generally (publicly in the media), has shown really good leadership, in favor of bipartisan politics. I don’t what other potential candidate should there would, if they’d look for a black or Hispanics male politician, a LGBQT politician, or whatever. But Klobuchar would be a strong option imo, and at least not off the top that I can think of, she isn’t too progressive or too radical to turn away voters from the middle.

11-10-2022, 02:05 PM
Who do you Democrats want to see?

If I'm a strategist, the first thing that comes to my mind is Newsom-Whitmer ticket. You get a popular leader from the biggest state/biggest economy of the country who has some blue dog appeal, and you get a term-limited, successful electoral juggernaut and Michigander woman VP for purple state appeal in the upper Midwest.

Still going to be tough to beat DeSantis in what will likely be a red wave environment considering how the 2022 midterms went and which Senate seats are at stake in 2024, but still there's a chance I suppose.

Any other options?

Did you get a single prediction right Tuesday?

11-10-2022, 02:22 PM
Did you get a single prediction right Tuesday?

Yes. Plenty. More than half, actually. :tu

11-10-2022, 02:54 PM

Florida will be R+15 or stronger in 2024 at the POTUS level regardless of whether it's Trump or DeSantis.

Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, hell possibly New York (outside chance) are the battlegrounds...

I think you're completely wrong about this. I can see that happening if Biden is the candidate, but that's a state Obama carried comfortably twice not long ago.

11-10-2022, 02:55 PM
Yes. Plenty. More than half, actually. :tu

Fake news

11-10-2022, 03:00 PM
I think you're completely wrong about this. I can see that happening if Biden is the candidate, but that's a state Obama carried comfortably twice not long ago.

Second time wasn't "comfortable" but in any case Florida didn't begin the right zoom until late 2018. I was saying back then, the Gillum vs. DeSantis race will decide which party controls that state long term, and I was right. If Gillum had won, it would have gone blue in 2020 and even bluer in 2022. And DeSantis won that by the skin of his teeth, just 4 years ago.

I think the same of Arizona. Now, Hobbs isn't as far left as Gillum probably, but it's the same concept. If Hobbs wins, AZ will likely be a purple slightly leaning blue state for years to come, with a shot the GOP can flip it in a favorable national environment, but similar to the way Florida used to be.

If Lake wins, AZ will be a red state that will keep trending redder and redder, Lake will abolish the personal income tax in AZ, conservative Californians left there will have a convenient place to relocate to (like the GOP New Yorkers and New Englanders that moved to Florida in the past 4 years) and AZ will be as good as gone for the Democrats just like Florida even as soon as 2024. Sinema and the AZ electoral votes will be essentially off the map for blue team in 2024 and beyond. If Kelly wins re-election now he's out in '28.

11-10-2022, 03:01 PM
Second time wasn't "comfortable" but in any case Florida didn't begin the right zoom until late 2018. I was saying back then, the Gillum vs. DeSantis race will decide which party controls that state long term, and I was right. If Gillum had won, it would have gone blue in 2020 and even bluer in 2022. And DeSantis won that by the skin of his teeth, just 4 years ago.

No, he did win it fairly comfortably. Twice. And that's the whole point. Candidates matter.

11-10-2022, 03:03 PM
Yes. Plenty. More than half, actually. :tu

You predicted 251 Republicans in the House. Each of those wrong seat calls will count, so include those in your final tally.

11-10-2022, 03:05 PM
No, he did win it fairly comfortably. Twice. And that's the whole point. Candidates matter.

Where people relocate to matters as well. The mass migration from NY and states to the northeast of NY to Florida is what turned Florida from pink to ruby red and it isn't changing back. But hey, at least New Hampshire went D+11%, so there's solace in that for you guys.

Same thing will happen with CA GOP -> AZ if and when Lake wins. Her winning alone will guarantee she'll permanently jimmy the election system there to make it nearly impossible for Dems to win all but the safest races in the first place, and then you factor in the policy changes and inevitable relocations from right wingers on the west coast to AZ, it will be safe red as well. If and only if Lake wins.

You predicted 251 Republicans in the House. Each of those wrong seat calls will count, so include those in your final tally.
So off by 25-30... fine. The media even didn't predict such a meltdown for the GOP especially in the House.

11-10-2022, 03:07 PM
So off by 25-30... fine. The media even didn't predict such a meltdown for the GOP especially in the House.You were bragging about your predictions, not the media's.

11-10-2022, 03:20 PM
Newsom-Big Gretch is too white and not diverse enough, tbh…

Newsom-token minority (ideally a gay Mexican national or as close to that as possible) would be ideal, tbh, but I don’t think Newsom is going to run following a (D) president. I have him penned for 2028…

Newsom would be ideal? You truly have lost the plot bro. :lmao

11-10-2022, 03:23 PM
What I really wonder is what happens in the GOP if Biden runs for re-election and the economy doesn’t ramp up.

Trump and DeSantis are shoe-ins, but there’s a distinct possibility that Trump might end up in jail, and I’m curious to know who’s going to challenge DeSantis in the ‘moderate-Nazi’ role. Wonder if Abbott would also jump into the fray into what should be an easy win for Republicans.

LOL You think DeSantis us "moderate-nazi"? You truly have been living in CA for some time now. Delusional! :lol

As for Biden and the economy, it's laughable you believe the inverse of Biden and his cabinet actually giving a fuck about this nation or its economy. They are on a scorched earth plan bro.

11-10-2022, 03:23 PM
Amy Klobuchar


11-10-2022, 03:32 PM
Newsom would be ideal? You truly have lost the plot bro. :lmao

Why? because he didn't get a calf tat? He's miles better than current and/or former Biden... and most every current Dem candidate from an electability standpoint...

Not to mention he just won re-election in a complete landslide (didn't even campaign for it) on the richest state in the nation...

11-10-2022, 03:36 PM
Newsom would be ideal? You truly have lost the plot bro. :lmao


11-10-2022, 03:36 PM
LOL You think DeSantis us "moderate-nazi"? You truly have been living in CA for some time now. Delusional! :lol

As for Biden and the economy, it's laughable you believe the inverse of Biden and his cabinet actually giving a fuck about this nation or its economy. They are on a scorched earth plan bro.

No, what I said is if Trump is out of the picture, and considering a very winnable election, somebody other than DeSantis is probably going to run, and will have to do it as the 'moderate-nazi'. In other words, not the full blown xenophobic, homophobic, etc nazi everybody expects DeSantis to be (in order to cater to the base, etc), but a candidate that throws the center a bone, like proposing amnesty to Asians and generally non-brown people, for example...

A Marco Rubio if you will...

11-10-2022, 04:03 PM
No, what I said is if Trump is out of the picture, and considering a very winnable election, somebody other than DeSantis is probably going to run, and will have to do it as the 'moderate-nazi'. In other words, not the full blown xenophobic, homophobic, etc nazi everybody expects DeSantis to be (in order to cater to the base, etc), but a candidate that throws the center a bone, like proposing amnesty to Asians and generally non-brown people, for example...

A Marco Rubio if you will...

LMFAO you're delusional. Trump was literally the first President to come in supporting the LGBT community unlike Obama and past Presidents.

I think you're describing Biden tbh.

You progressives labeling everyone a nazi is fucking as dumb as it gets but yall are in a cult so whatever yall gonna parrot what yall are told to.

11-10-2022, 04:47 PM
^not a trumpublican btw

11-10-2022, 04:47 PM
LMFAO you're delusional. Trump was literally the first President to come in supporting the LGBT community unlike Obama and past Presidents.

lol wut? I mean this stuff is fairly well documented...


Also see: https://www.glaad.org/gap/donald-trump

I think you're describing Biden tbh.

You progressives labeling everyone a nazi is fucking as dumb as it gets but yall are in a cult so whatever yall gonna parrot what yall are told to.

:lol Bolded is pretty ironic and funny seeing the above...

11-10-2022, 04:48 PM
yeah bro trump was so pro-LGBT that in his time in office he tried to ban transgender people from the military and allow adoption agencies to reject applicants on the grounds that they are gay

11-10-2022, 04:54 PM
:lol Simple Joey

11-10-2022, 06:41 PM
lol wut? I mean this stuff is fairly well documented...


Tell that to Richard Grenell

11-10-2022, 06:41 PM
:lol Simple Joey

It's November and I've yet to see you show up here bud. Where you at bigSnitchBitch?

:lol Simple Bene

11-10-2022, 09:45 PM
Tell that to Richard Grenell

Richard Grenell used to be the spokesman for the Romney campaign (https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/05/richard-grenell-openly-gay-romney-spokesman-resigns-from-post), and he already came out of the closet back then.

11-10-2022, 10:15 PM
Totally off.

This is pandering, theatre loving, democrat politicians we are talking about. Your combo is not black enough or gay enough.

It will be Rachel Levine and Karine Jean-Pierre. And their campaign pledge will be to only include people with green or blue hair to their cabinet and to make grooming 5 year olds to the LGBTQ community a top priority.

Who do you Democrats want to see?

If I'm a strategist, the first thing that comes to my mind is Newsom-Whitmer ticket. You get a popular leader from the biggest state/biggest economy of the country who has some blue dog appeal, and you get a term-limited, successful electoral juggernaut and Michigander woman VP for purple state appeal in the upper Midwest.

Still going to be tough to beat DeSantis in what will likely be a red wave environment considering how the 2022 midterms went and which Senate seats are at stake in 2024, but still there's a chance I suppose.

Any other options?

11-10-2022, 10:17 PM
Looks like Joe and Jill are planning to run again. Joe will probably stick with Kamala. It's even money that Joe's brain won't make it to 2028 and Kamala would become President by default. Newsom needs to run against Joe in 2024 so he doesn't have to run against a young incumbent in 2028.

baseline bum
11-10-2022, 10:19 PM
Where people relocate to matters as well. The mass migration from NY and states to the northeast of NY to Florida is what turned Florida from pink to ruby red and it isn't changing back. But hey, at least New Hampshire went D+11%, so there's solace in that for you guys.

Same thing will happen with CA GOP -> AZ if and when Lake wins. Her winning alone will guarantee she'll permanently jimmy the election system there to make it nearly impossible for Dems to win all but the safest races in the first place, and then you factor in the policy changes and inevitable relocations from right wingers on the west coast to AZ, it will be safe red as well. If and only if Lake wins.

So off by 25-30... fine. The media even didn't predict such a meltdown for the GOP especially in the House.

You think there is going to be mass migration to Arizona when they're the runt of the litter when it comes to water rights from a dying Colorado River?

11-10-2022, 10:25 PM
You think there is going to be mass migration to Arizona when they're the runt of the litter when it comes to water rights from a dying Colorado River?

yeah, the UHauls will drive right through to Texas.

11-10-2022, 10:26 PM
Looks like Joe and Jill are planning to run again. Joe will probably stick with Kamala. It's even money that Joe's brain won't make it to 2028 and Kamala would become President by default. Newsom needs to run against Joe in 2024 so he doesn't have to run against a young incumbent in 2028.

Joe actually looks sharper lately. They probably have him on some experimental drug or something.

11-11-2022, 12:10 AM
Looks like Joe and Jill are planning to run again. Joe will probably stick with Kamala. It's even money that Joe's brain won't make it to 2028 and Kamala would become President by default. Newsom needs to run against Joe in 2024 so he doesn't have to run against a young incumbent in 2028.

If we're lucky he dies on January 2024 and gives Newsom ~10 months to campaign, while Kamala is told what buttons to push...

11-11-2022, 12:44 AM
Looks like Joe and Jill are planning to run again. Joe will probably stick with Kamala. It's even money that Joe's brain won't make it to 2028 and Kamala would become President by default. Newsom needs to run against Joe in 2024 so he doesn't have to run against a young incumbent in 2028.
Newspn would get absolutely destroyed

11-11-2022, 06:21 AM
Newspn would get absolutely destroyed

Not unless the DNC rigs it for Joe, again. Newson is a seasoned politician and knows the game well.

11-11-2022, 06:43 AM
Not unless the DNC rigs it for Joe, again. Newson is a seasoned politician and knows the game well.
Rigged by poor black voters throughout the South. The most nefarious conspirators yet!

11-11-2022, 09:33 AM
If we're lucky he dies on January 2024 and gives Newsom ~10 months to campaign, while Kamala is told what buttons to push...

no, if we're really lucky Trump croaks or has a permanent medical issue which makes it to where he can live but no longer be a politician.

11-11-2022, 09:40 AM
no, if we're really lucky Trump croaks or has a permanent medical issue which makes it to where he can live but no longer be a politician.

Yup, you are a RINO, bigly.

11-11-2022, 11:16 AM
Yup, you are a RINO, bigly.
Better than QAnon, tbh :tu

I say I'm more like halfway between Romney and QAnon

11-12-2022, 06:32 PM
It's November and I've yet to see you show up here bud. Where you at bigSnitchBitch?

:lol Simple Bene

Where you at Bene? It's November you big pussy! :tu:lol

11-13-2022, 03:29 AM
Where you at Bene? It's November you big pussy! :tu:lol
Ill be there the week of the 20th. I plan to spend Thanksgiving with my daughter. But none of that matters because you have already made it clear you have no desire to fight me one on one. I would love to stretch you out on the sidewalk right in front of your shop but you have to have all this help from your buddies.

You're a nobody Joey. You are just a bitch who resorts to bitch tactics because you that's what you are. I would never tell a man I needed other men to fight my fights. I don't need anyone. You say some shit to me Ill knock your fucking teeth out of your head with no assistance required. But you aren't enough of a man to ride that train. You have made it very clear to everyone.

11-13-2022, 04:42 AM

Will Hunting
11-13-2022, 08:16 AM
Who do you Democrats want to see?

If I'm a strategist, the first thing that comes to my mind is Newsom-Whitmer ticket. You get a popular leader from the biggest state/biggest economy of the country who has some blue dog appeal, and you get a term-limited, successful electoral juggernaut and Michigander woman VP for purple state appeal in the upper Midwest.

Still going to be tough to beat DeSantis in what will likely be a red wave environment considering how the 2022 midterms went and which Senate seats are at stake in 2024, but still there's a chance I suppose.

Any other options?
Josh Shapiro would be my pick at this point.

The speech he gave in Philly to close out his campaign about how Democrats are the ones who really believe in freedom was Obama-like.

We have a pretty deep bench of governors at this point who'd be great candidates though. Polis, Whitmer, Shapiro, Cooper, Newsome, etc.

The American people don't want a Biden vs. Trump rematch, both sides want to see new blood. Biden is probably running again but he really shouldn't.

11-13-2022, 09:46 AM
Not Biden.

He has acted as a placeholder to keep Trump from totally fking the country over.

11-13-2022, 10:26 AM
Josh Shapiro would be my pick at this point.

The speech he gave in Philly to close out his campaign about how Democrats are the ones who really believe in freedom was Obama-like.

We have a pretty deep bench of governors at this point who'd be great candidates though. Polis, Whitmer, Shapiro, Cooper, Newsome, etc.

The American people don't want a Biden vs. Trump rematch, both sides want to see new blood. Biden is probably running again but he really shouldn't.

We're probably going to get Biden-Fetterman

Will Hunting
11-13-2022, 10:49 AM
We're probably going to get Biden-Fetterman
There a zero percent chance they nominate a VP from a senate seat in a swing state given how brutal our senate map is in 2024

11-13-2022, 11:03 AM
There a zero percent chance they nominate a VP from a senate seat in a swing state given how brutal our senate map is in 2024

True. Plus whoever runs with Old Joe is going to get burned as a loser... This might be a good role for Beto...

11-13-2022, 12:02 PM
Gavin Newsome - EJ Johnson?

11-13-2022, 02:28 PM
Hillary - Bill



11-13-2022, 08:54 PM
Ill be there the week of the 20th. I plan to spend Thanksgiving with my daughter. But none of that matters because you have already made it clear you have no desire to fight me one on one. I would love to stretch you out on the sidewalk right in front of your shop but you have to have all this help from your buddies.

You're a nobody Joey. You are just a bitch who resorts to bitch tactics because you that's what you are. I would never tell a man I needed other men to fight my fights. I don't need anyone. You say some shit to me Ill knock your fucking teeth out of your head with no assistance required. But you aren't enough of a man to ride that train. You have made it very clear to everyone.

This again? Bro talk all the shit you'd like but we all knew you're nothing but talk just like BD24 and others. I don't give af what bullshit tall tales you want to tell here about what you would or wouldn't do because you weren't going to do shit in the first place.

Swing by bigSnitchBitch! :tu

Btw, you did say you needed "other men" to be there when you claimed you wanted someone with a camera from here to show up as well as others so I simply said if you want a crowd you'll get a crowd then. You just want an excuse for an out and it's clear as day you fucking bitch.

11-13-2022, 09:23 PM
There a zero percent chance they nominate a VP from a senate seat in a swing state given how brutal our senate map is in 2024

the replacement would be running on basically a 2020 Georgia-esque package deal type of ticket with popular incumbent class of '06er Bob Casey, who took Santorum's job

also, I don't consider PA to be a swing state, Will Hunting . I think 2016 was more of a one off but PA is definitely a Lean D to Likely D state long term. Now had Mastriano won I think that state flips red to stay, but since Shapiro won, the Dems will have a solid upper hand in PA at all levels long term.

Hillary - Bill


Bill? Nah, even CC knows the rules better than that, and plus CC knows Bill is still popular unlike Hilldawg and would actually be a solid net asset to the Dems.

More like Hillary - Beto or Hillary - Stacey Abrams Imo

Will Hunting
11-13-2022, 09:39 PM
the replacement would be running on basically a 2020 Georgia-esque package deal type of ticket with popular incumbent class of '06er Bob Casey, who took Santorum's job

also, I don't consider PA to be a swing state, Will Hunting (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=17032) . I think 2016 was more of a one off but PA is definitely a Lean D to Likely D state long term. Now had Mastriano won I think that state flips red to stay, but since Shapiro won, the Dems will have a solid upper hand in PA at all levels long term.

Bill? Nah, even CC knows the rules better than that, and plus CC knows Bill is still popular unlike Hilldawg and would actually be a solid net asset to the Dems.

More like Hillary - Beto or Hillary - Stacey Abrams Imo
The Dems haven’t controlled the PA state leg for 40 years, and the senate seat Fetterman flipped had been held by a Republican since the 1960s (other than when Arlen Specter switched parties for 18 months).

Far from a guarantee Dems hold that seat if Fetterman vacated it.

11-13-2022, 09:53 PM
The Dems haven’t controlled the PA state leg for 40 years, and the senate seat Fetterman flipped had been held by a Republican since the 1960s (other than when Arlen Specter switched parties for 18 months).

Far from a guarantee Dems hold that seat if Fetterman vacated it.

It's a lean blue to powder blue state especially on the presidential level and the Dems especially Fetterman drastically overperformed expectations on the midterm. The Dems would be fine, probably a 3-4% win +/- 1. If Casey wins, I don't see the other Dem losing if Casey and Shapiro come out and endorse and campaign for him/her.

And the fact that the GOP had held that specific seat for 50 years except for Arlen Specter is irrelevant. When is the last time the Dems were in complete control of AZ? Hell even just the governorship of AZ. And, Georgia at the federal levels. So is the historical argument even relevant?