View Full Version : Christmas day

12-25-2022, 01:37 PM
Hope you guys are having a good one!

12-25-2022, 01:51 PM
Merry Christmas CC and Spurstalk family.................. :claw:huddle:

12-25-2022, 03:10 PM

Merry Christmas

12-25-2022, 03:39 PM
Hope you guys are having a good one!

Back at you and all the ST family.


12-25-2022, 08:15 PM
Merry Christmas CC and Spurstalk family.................. :claw:huddle:

12-25-2022, 09:54 PM
Merry Christmas, Everyone!

baseline bum
12-26-2022, 12:38 AM
Always awesome to spend time with family on Christmas and to see how excited kids get when you picked out a present they really wanted.

Trill Clinton
12-26-2022, 07:42 AM
Merry Christmas to everyone but the incel weirdos. Anybody in the DC area can recommend a dispensery?

12-26-2022, 08:50 AM
Happy Holidays to everyone!!!

On the flip, what in the bloody freaking hell is wrong with dude?

He needs help... from himself. I have a feeling no matter who he’s with, who’s around him or what he’s doing, he’s basically in his own emotional solitary confinement in his head, in his “world.” Whether it’s actual, physical presence or not, it seems like even those closest to him have abandoned him. He’s basically on his own island and his social media posts are just him as Tom Hanks talking to a soccer ball or screaming and shouting at ghosts in the ocean. Dude is a lonely, lonely man.

Without actually pitying him, it’s really quite sad.


Spurs Homer
12-26-2022, 05:28 PM
Happy Holidays to everyone!!!

On the flip, what in the bloody freaking hell is wrong with dude?

He needs help... from himself. I have a feeling no matter who he’s with, who’s around him or what he’s doing, he’s basically in his own emotional solitary confinement in his head, in his “world.” Whether it’s actual, physical presence or not, it seems like even those closest to him have abandoned him. He’s basically on his own island and his social media posts are just him as Tom Hanks talking to a soccer ball or screaming and shouting at ghosts in the ocean. Dude is a lonely, lonely man.

Without actually pitying him, it’s really quite sad.

If you or I or anyone else runs into a dude walking the streets of any downtown usa…
spewing the exact same shit trump spews 24/7

we would steer clear and understand that the dude is already gone and there is no helping him…
if you are in a good mood or a charitable mood you toss him a buck and say to yourself, “there but for the grace of the universe - go I”


same scenario

and GIFT this nutcase a few hundred million the way his nazi father did…

and there you have trump

most sane people saw it and tried to warn the country- but idiots (many here on this board)
with gullible and idiotic brains

voted for him, supported his fuckery, aided and abetted him, were complicit with his fuckery, and went to war with the rest of us


….and here we are….

12-26-2022, 11:13 PM
Happy Holidays to everyone!!!

On the flip, what in the bloody freaking hell is wrong with dude?

He needs help... from himself. I have a feeling no matter who he’s with, who’s around him or what he’s doing, he’s basically in his own emotional solitary confinement in his head, in his “world.” Whether it’s actual, physical presence or not, it seems like even those closest to him have abandoned him. He’s basically on his own island and his social media posts are just him as Tom Hanks talking to a soccer ball or screaming and shouting at ghosts in the ocean. Dude is a lonely, lonely man.

Without actually pitying him, it’s really quite sad.
It's pretty clear that he has mental health issues.

12-27-2022, 08:17 AM
It's pretty clear that he has mental health issues.

He’s an extreme narcissist. And that narcissism is tied into him being a sociopath.

He knows the shit he says and does are lies, are malicious. He just doesn’t care, as long as it helps him get what he wants. Power, attention, adulation.

If daddy didn’t gift him millions to start his real estate career, it’s pretty likely he would have been a serial killer.

Will Hunting
12-27-2022, 08:29 AM
If daddy didn’t gift him millions to start his real estate career, it’s pretty likely he would have been a serial killer.
He would have been your average low functioning sociopath who's in and out of prison and dies at an early age from drug addiction.

12-27-2022, 11:22 AM
He would have been your average low functioning sociopath who's in and out of prison and dies at an early age from drug addiction.

Maybe. You could be absolutely right.

But my crime drama watching logic goes straight to his obsessive need for both power and praise. Neither need is satiated by mere drug addiction or petty crime like shoplifting or even simple B&E. That thrill he gets from power over people, like ordering generals around, having staff wait on their hands and feet on his every whim, telling masses of people what to do and how to feel. The types of crimes that might offer that kind of feeling, that feeling of overwhelming power over other people, are rape and murder. And the praise and fame he loved to bathe in with his presidential press corps or the millions of likes for every tweet might come from the notoriety, even anonymously, of a serial killer/serial rapist who gets local and national media coverage. Not just some 2 bit, low level, dime a dozen misdemeanor criminal.

His sociopathy requires feeding his need for power and adulation.

The caveat I will concede to is that despite his well to do background and education, he seems if not ignorant, at least common sense stupid. So he may never have gotten to that point because he may very well have gotten caught or killed at a younger age before he could even become a serious serial anything.