View Full Version : Never had a girlfriend in my 20s/early 30s

01-02-2023, 07:21 PM
It was difficult to get any type of relationship with a girl until age 39 for me.

Struck out always. Had low confidence and bad game and was picky. Hit the gym hard but that made no difference if you don't have experience and game.

I wanted only really attractive girls so settled for nothing as those girls had better options. Wasted many years, good young years with nothing.

01-02-2023, 07:46 PM
Yeah going alone as a guy to the gym is not a place to meet girls. Seems like an idea on the surface, but when you think about it more practically, it is a bad idea.

Best if your career is say lucrative financially but isn't really a social one at all (my conundrum) and your circle of friends is small and generally married (also my conundrum) is to use a blend of options to maximize your chances. Get out as much as possible, do things that you enjoy doing and won't make you miserable (i.e. go bowling, go play sand volleyball, ping pong, laser tag, pool etc; don't just go to the gym and torture yourself because you think you'll attract girls), keep up with 1 paid subscription out of the reputable dating sites (like Match or EHarmony, NOT the freeware crap like Tinder or POF), buy a membership into co-ed social activities, and most important thing is don't force it.

01-02-2023, 07:54 PM
Dating sites are worthless for the average guy. Been on those for years and averaged one date per year sending hundreds of initial texts.

Need to find confidence and game somehow or you'll have a hard time.

01-02-2023, 08:00 PM
Dating sites are worthless for the average guy. Been on those for years and averaged one date per year sending hundreds of initial texts.

I'll agree with you to some extent; even if you have a good career and are decent looking and come off as being interesting, cultured, multi-interested, well-traveled etc. you'll only get a <10% message rate and probably get messages from less than 3% of the "wife material" types. And more than half of even those messages will be of the "thank you for reaching out to me, but I'm not interested, Good Luck" variety. Still, averaging one date per year is pretty bleak and I've done a hell of a lot better than that :lol (you must be not trying at all, not messaging enough women or sending too short/generic/uninteresting messages).

01-02-2023, 08:04 PM
I'll agree with you to some extent; even if you have a good career and are decent looking and come off as being interesting, cultured, multi-interested, well-traveled etc. you'll only get a <10% message rate and probably get messages from less than 3% of the "wife material" types. And more than half of even those messages will be of the "thank you for reaching out to me, but I'm not interested, Good Luck" variety. Still, averaging one date per year is pretty bleak and I've done a hell of a lot better than that :lol (you must be not trying at all, not messaging enough women or sending too short/generic/uninteresting messages).

Given up on it. Not worth the time or paying for it.

Maybe my photos were not on point and poor uninteresting messages can contribute to lack of success.

01-02-2023, 08:17 PM
Given up on it. Not worth the time or paying for it.

Maybe my photos were not on point and poor uninteresting messages can contribute to lack of success.

Nah, it's just a terrible numbers game for men, and the females that go on it are generally much more lax and way less into it and pay way less attention to their accounts than the guys that do. Even the women that are paid subscribers. They just don't check it nearly as often as men and don't respond very often because they know they could get tons more attention from men in person than men could from women.

Go do some co-ed activities. Posting on message boards isn't a coed or even social activity. My advice is to make something your hobby where at least 50/50, better, or close to the proportion of those who are interested in said hobby are female.

01-02-2023, 10:05 PM
Well rascal, I don't think anyone who has interacted with you over the past decade plus on this site finds any of this surprising.

01-03-2023, 12:28 AM

baseline bum
01-04-2023, 09:01 PM
Well you can't be Jacob1983's dad since that would have required going on a date, but are you perhaps his uncle?

01-04-2023, 09:09 PM
i think it has a lot more with you being a miserable asshole than bad looks or game or anything like that.

as long as you put yourself in enough social situations and arent a miserable asshole (i know this has been an issue for you) you'd eventually have been able to find women willing to go out with you (without requiring any game)

easiest place for me was being able to work in social settings. my first job was a popular frozen yogurt place where i worked for a few years. admittedly coming out of HS i didnt have enough game to start hitting on customers or anything :lol... but the job kinda set it up to be able to fraternize with coworkers, most of whom were similarly aged. was just a matter of not being miserable around people

Mark Celibate
01-04-2023, 09:53 PM
:lol hardly any guys have "game", that's only really a thing if you are just going out trying to pick up chicks. Everyone else just goes out and meets people eventually through their social circle; not that hard. The only guys who fail at this are the ones who are overly desperate and try to hit on every girl as soon as they are introduced to a new group causing them to be continually shunned

01-06-2023, 11:17 AM
:lol hardly any guys have "game", that's only really a thing if you are just going out trying to pick up chicks. Everyone else just goes out and meets people eventually through their social circle; not that hard. The only guys who fail at this are the ones who are overly desperate and try to hit on every girl as soon as they are introduced to a new group causing them to be continually shunned

right, just casually make friends with everybody first and don't ask girls out on dates the first day/night you're introduced to them (exception can be made for a drunken mixer party, but those are mostly college) to avoid coming off as desperate. Just get their facebook before you get their number, etc. Hang out with them in person a few times before asking someone to coffee/lunch. Then ask them to coffee/lunch and not dinner and a movie. Women are much more receptive to taking it slow in the early goings.

01-06-2023, 11:36 AM
i think it has a lot more with you being a miserable asshole than bad looks or game or anything like that.

as long as you put yourself in enough social situations and arent a miserable asshole (i know this has been an issue for you) you'd eventually have been able to find women willing to go out with you (without requiring any game)

easiest place for me was being able to work in social settings. my first job was a popular frozen yogurt place where i worked for a few years. admittedly coming out of HS i didnt have enough game to start hitting on customers or anything :lol... but the job kinda set it up to be able to fraternize with coworkers, most of whom were similarly aged. was just a matter of not being miserable around people

This is all pretty accurate.

Then again, if you don't work in a social setting (but you make a lot of money working IT predominately remotely) you have to manufacture other ways. Don't just turn to online dating which I've iterated many times is a tough game for guys in general. There are better ways.

Go to places where (co-ed) people are, but also get out of the house and do things you like to do that will make you happy regardless of whether you get a girl's digits/facebook or take a girl home or not.

Examples... Play sand volleyball at a popular spot... that's always been a good one for me at least, because that's a very co-ed sport and the girls tend to be fit and healthy and fine. Go spend the $80 or so and do a co-ed social bowling... again, the women there tend to be in at least reasonable shape compared to the uggos you'll find on internet dating sites that are boring couch potato homebodies. A place like Main Event is pretty solid, though the general public is often a younger audience to some extent, you'll find plenty of single adult yuppies as well. Just make acquaintances and strike up conversations with the guys first. That's "game". Don't make the mistake of hitting on the ladies... that might be someone's girlfriend, and even if not, you're coming off as a creep.

Big amusement parks are a decent option imo, though if you go alone it's tougher than if you're going with friends because typically the single women that go there are going in groups and the roller coaster enthusiasts are mostly male. At the water park, striking up conversation with people is fine, especially if it's a co-ed group that's not only a bunch of paired-up couples. Just don't stare and gawk at bikini bodies the whole time and be creepy. It's okay to glance over and then turn around, but don't make it obvious.

Other good option that I've heard about others having success with meeting people -- but I'd never explore myself -- are dog parks and churches. I'm not a dog person and I'm an atheist, but for others who have these interests, it could be a good way of meeting a like-minded partner.

What to avoid - Going to the bar or nightclub as a single male just strictly in the hopes of picking up chicks. If you know you won't have fun if you don't find someone, you'll end up leaving alone and disappointed or, worst case scenario, thrown out of the club for creeping out the ladies. (Now, if you're going to watch sports and legitimately to watch the game and cheer your team on and meet like minded people that you can connect with with the starter topic of the sports team/game rather than just "I'll buy you a drink and we'll play a drinking game...", then that's a different story.) Also, hobbies that aren't particularly co-ed, like going to play pickup basketball... I mean I do that fairly regularly, but I'm not out to get girls when I go do that, I'm out to stay in shape and play competitively and have fun. The key in life is to keep holding your head up and having fun and not focusing too hard on finding a mate.

The truth is... it's not "easy pickings" for straight and single guys once you've graduated college especially if your career is mainly remote, but forcing the issue and being desperate will leave you sad, lonely, miserable, and depressed.

01-06-2023, 01:29 PM
Ladies aren't attracted to guys who sit around and mope about being single or are boring and introverted in general. Also you'll never find someone by staying inside behind the comfort of your laptop and keyboard.

If you're looking for sleazy, non college educated, low wage/unemployed trashy females who are like 30 but can't compose a complete sentence to save her life, there's a bunch out there by going to bars and clubs, but those aren't desirable for long term relationships.

If you're looking for premium quality single women that are out there, late 20s/early 30s range, professional, college educated, with a career etc. either go the co-ed hobbies route or be willing to pony up some good dough for a quality matchmaker or matchmaker service like "It's Just Lunch" which I've heard is both expensive and successful. But being inside on the computer or playing Xbox/Playstation will never get you a partner

01-06-2023, 02:25 PM
These threads are GOLDEN yet I'm the run that ruins this forum at large. :lmao

01-06-2023, 02:29 PM
if you're following Millenial Mooks advice, don't forget to drive across the country before doing it. It's easier to pretend you are something you are not somewhere else!

01-06-2023, 03:55 PM
if you're following Millenial Mooks advice, don't forget to drive across the country before doing it. It's easier to pretend you are something you are not somewhere else!

Traveling does provide perspective and insights that you don't get by staying stuck in the same city or town or neighborhood your whole life.

Fat Brandon Bass
01-06-2023, 04:23 PM
Ladies aren't attracted to guys who sit around and mope about being single or are boring and introverted in general. Also you'll never find someone by staying inside behind the comfort of your laptop and keyboard.

If you're looking for sleazy, non college educated, low wage/unemployed trashy females who are like 30 but can't compose a complete sentence to save her life, there's a bunch out there by going to bars and clubs, but those aren't desirable for long term relationships.

If you're looking for premium quality single women that are out there, late 20s/early 30s range, professional, college educated, with a career etc. either go the co-ed hobbies route or be willing to pony up some good dough for a quality matchmaker or matchmaker service like "It's Just Lunch" which I've heard is both expensive and successful. But being inside on the computer or playing Xbox/Playstation will never get you a partner

really? I thought posting the weekly “black qb report card” threads would
get the panties dropping immediately…or telling them how many spurstalk troll
accounts I have…

Tyronn Lue
01-07-2023, 11:50 AM
Relationship advice from Frodo

01-07-2023, 05:41 PM
After my longest relationship, I was single for a handful of years. Legit single like random hook ups and only a couple dates with each girl.

Ya you pick up toxic traits or more precisely a me, I, my attitude. You tend to lose ability to be affectionate and become distrustful of others.

My first GF back I met at a family Holiday party and she was and remains the least attractive girl I've ever dated. She was very career driven, family oriented and overall a very sweet person.

Since then I've been consistently in and out of relationships (some long) but far more committed than my single stage. Relationships progress very quickly because I no longer have those toxic traits I mentioned before.

I'm still searching for the ideal balance of looks, personality, values, hobbies and arguably most importantly - timing. I usually date women about 7-10 years younger than me. I'm an Aquarius and have read we tend to see the end game rather early in the journey. I rarely get my heartbroken but maybe sometimes it would benefit me to be more lovingly gullible.

Last point- region is an underrated factor. I currently live in Southern California. Gorgeous people open to dating but who actually wants to settle down and commit.

Allan Rowe vs Wade
01-07-2023, 05:47 PM
jeez i'm 11 years old and i find this thread really sad

01-07-2023, 07:03 PM
look at it this way, did you work when u were in highschool or college/adult life? its all about the flashy shit imaginary lifestyle...cars, money that attracts the opposite...dont be jealous, you can be like them also if you worked early in your life to afford those materialistic things, yeh you would start earlier then those still at school finishing off their education, but only a certain few will catch up to you if u stick to your path invest/purchase wisely...or else once u hit ur 30s and have nothing to show for it...

look at those girls who dated early or ended up with those cool guys during highschool/college, how many ended up being single moms? or life going nowhere due to law of avgs selecting wrong chump..... yet there are chimps who wait 10years for their turn to hook up with that highschool/college crush when those girls never gave you a second of their lives to notice you....

01-08-2023, 02:26 PM
You need game, confidence and knowledge of female nature and the goods to back up that game to attract desirable attractive girls.

If you wait too long to develope game you're going to fall behind other guys and end up socially awkward at dating and not able to attract quality women.

Spurs Homer
01-08-2023, 03:58 PM
You need game, confidence and knowledge of female nature and the goods to back up that game to attract desirable attractive girls.

If you wait too long to develope game you're going to fall behind other guys and end up socially awkward at dating and not able to attract quality women.

listen man- first of all- part of me thinks you are just enjoying a nice game of trolling-


more importantly- I would NOT purport to be some expert or anyone to give out advice in this department-

I MUST chime in here;

you are going about it all wrong -IME-

who gives a shit what women want, what they look for, what they are attracted to ?? blah-blah

fuck all that

you do YOU-period!

you go anywhere and be into YOUR LIFE!

When women eventually wonder why the fuck you are happily into WHATEVER you are doing- they will come around, they will initiate contact they will show an interest…

this is when you clearly state, “im militantly single, im not looking for anything or anyone, thanks”

thats it

just go on about with this posture and you will see miracles.

women (most women-hate to generalize- but most women are like this)
in general

do NOT really know what the fuck they are about and are almost always curious about others who seem sure of themselves, their lives, the way they are confident, etc…

they will bite

they want to know WHY- they HAVE to know why- you did NOT fall all over yourself trying to woo them or compliment them, chase them ,etc

fuck em

ignore em
talk to them when forced to

when they call you and wonder why you didnt call

fuck em

say “ill call you later”

then - NEVER - call

the day you adopt this posture- you will wonder WHY- after treating them indifferently, or ignoring them or even being kinda rude

you will be stunned when they start trying to solve you, figure you out

then you just take what they give and keep re-inforcing how you want to stay single…

i cannot answer why women are this fucked up
(im referring to SINGLE women mostly- not the ones in good relationships- those are generally not going to give a shit about your attitude anyway- most attached women are fairly honest and stray little)

but they are

if you are a guy they know they can have easily- THEY DONT WANT YOU
if they think you dont want them


I HATE these games and am glad to be happily married for a long time-
but these are the games they play

you have to play it better.

01-08-2023, 04:05 PM
There is truth to the more you chase the deeper in the woods you find yourself

Also difference between pulling a woman and keeping her. I believe one must adapt to the situation.

Spurs Homer
01-08-2023, 05:50 PM
There is truth to the more you chase the deeper in the woods you find yourself

Also difference between pulling a woman and keeping her. I believe one must adapt to the situation.

who cares?

she has to be taught that YOU are the prize - not her

let her worry about keeping you

01-08-2023, 06:20 PM
who cares?

she has to be taught that YOU are the prize - not her

let her worry about keeping you

nonsense, You aren't the prize. Keep trying to convince yourself on that.

Attractive women will have more options than you ever will.

Spurs Homer
01-08-2023, 06:35 PM
nonsense, You aren't the prize. Keep trying to convince yourself on that.

Attractive women will have more options than you ever will.

its not about attractiveness, its not about that at all- you aren’t paying attention-

women are fucked in the head- whether they are hot or dogs they are all fucked up and this is why you see hotties with thugs and criminals and guys who cheat on them 24/7

when they THNK OR BELIEVE they are the prize- they abuse you and they abuse that privilege

when they find a guy who pretty much shits all over them and acts as if HE is the prize-
this really fucks them up

(again- not referring to sane healthy women who are in relationships and happy and faithful- and really - you should have zero business trying to pick them up anyways)

im talking about the millions of single unattached women running around thinking they are owed shit and USED TO-
USED TO - guys like you worshipping them

and in return - they shit all over guys who worship them

whether you think she is a prize or whatever- it is irrelevant

if YOU ACT like SHE IS LUCKY to have you- she will start believing it because why?

because women are fucked in the head.

Go ahead and keep playing by your rules and continue to strike out - your choice.

01-08-2023, 09:59 PM
This is just sad tbh

01-08-2023, 10:16 PM
its not about attractiveness, its not about that at all- you aren’t paying attention-

women are fucked in the head- whether they are hot or dogs they are all fucked up and this is why you see hotties with thugs and criminals and guys who cheat on them 24/7

when they THNK OR BELIEVE they are the prize- they abuse you and they abuse that privilege

when they find a guy who pretty much shits all over them and acts as if HE is the prize-
this really fucks them up

(again- not referring to sane healthy women who are in relationships and happy and faithful- and really - you should have zero business trying to pick them up anyways)

im talking about the millions of single unattached women running around thinking they are owed shit and USED TO-
USED TO - guys like you worshipping them

and in return - they shit all over guys who worship them

whether you think she is a prize or whatever- it is irrelevant

if YOU ACT like SHE IS LUCKY to have you- she will start believing it because why?

because women are fucked in the head.

Go ahead and keep playing by your rules and continue to strike out - your choice.

That's a bad attitude to take towards women. You can't put them on a pedestal of course because they will not likely value you as a high value man if you do that but you can't treat them badly like a jerk either.

Almost all women want a good man, who also has the ability to make her feel attracted to him. Women do NOT want a bad man who will cause them harm, treat them badly, cheat on them, etc.

If you are going through life thinking that women like jerks and bad boys because they want to be treated badly, you are wrong.

Women are not seeking bad men who will hurt them. Women are simply looking for a good guy who isn’t a pushover. She doesn’t want you to be instantly impressed by her and willing to have sex and a relationship with her simply because you feel attracted to her physical appearance.

She wants you to realize the reality that she lives in (i.e. most guys would bang her) and then allow her to have the experience of trying to impress you enough to get you interested. She wants to feel lucky to get a chance with you, rather than feeling like you’re just another horny guy who is hoping to get a chance with her.

Spurs Homer
01-08-2023, 11:20 PM
That's a bad attitude to take towards women. You can't put them on a pedestal of course because they will not likely value you as a high value man if you do that but you can't treat them badly like a jerk either.

Almost all women want a good man, who also has the ability to make her feel attracted to him. Women do NOT want a bad man who will cause them harm, treat them badly, cheat on them, etc.

If you are going through life thinking that women like jerks and bad boys because they want to be treated badly, you are wrong.

Women are not seeking bad men who will hurt them. Women are simply looking for a good guy who isn’t a pushover. She doesn’t want you to be instantly impressed by her and willing to have sex and a relationship with her simply because you feel attracted to her physical appearance.

She wants you to realize the reality that she lives in (i.e. most guys would bang her) and then allow her to have the experience of trying to impress you enough to get you interested. She wants to feel lucky to get a chance with you, rather than feeling like you’re just another horny guy who is hoping to get a chance with her.


then continue what you are doing

you misrepresented everything i suggested anyways

Good luck!

01-09-2023, 12:51 AM
Is there a punch line to this thread?

01-09-2023, 01:35 AM
dont give up op........i went to prison at 17 got out at 37 never had a gf my entire life either until i was 41.........never held hand never kissed i miss out on it all..........op u have to lower ur standards & the puzzy will flow for u........

01-27-2023, 09:14 PM
Lol haha this a funny thread. It's a very easy concept: If you aren't a pretty boy/look the part, or the like, you're going to have to have something to offer to chix, it's as simple as that. If you're indeed the aforementioned, you can pretty much bag hundreds, even thousands of women if you'd like, without much effort at all really.

01-28-2023, 09:48 AM
This thread is like a bad rom com starring Will Smith and Kevin James

01-29-2023, 12:27 PM
women are fucked in the head

because women are fucked in the head.

Agreed 100%. :toast

Now let's repeal that 19th Amendment and see which party gets 270 or more electoral votes, tbh... :)

01-29-2023, 01:29 PM
Men are even more fucked in the head because they're afraid of women.

Spurs Homer
01-29-2023, 02:26 PM
Agreed 100%. :toast

Now let's repeal that 19th Amendment and see which party gets 270 or more electoral votes, tbh... :)

i mean - regarding relationships

they all say they want a good man
most of them have many good dudes trying to get with them and they trample on those- and go where the danger is- or go where they will be lied to and treated the way they think they should be

i mean they subconsciously do not value themselves- so when a good guy tries to treat them with care- it freaks them out and they instead go where a dude will treat them like shit

because they dont value themselves

sad actually

but usually true

Spurs Homer
01-29-2023, 02:26 PM
Men are even more fucked in the head because they're afraid of women.

or they base THEIR happiness on women or on attaining a woman…

01-29-2023, 03:03 PM
or they base THEIR happiness on women or on attaining a woman…Meh, finding a partner is important to many.

01-31-2023, 12:24 PM
Female nature and hypergamy.

Women only want to target the highest social status and financially successful men they can find. They won't even consider anyone making less than they make. It's getting even worse for young guys nowadays.
A higher % of men than ever before are going without sex. Women are also earning more than before so the bar has risen for men.

If you don't start early and develope confidence with women you're going to have a hard time later. Because women can pick up on a man who isn't confident.
That's what the so called bad guys have, confidence, which is necessary for a woman to have attraction for you.

Women want good guys who are confident but often will settle for guys who are not good to them because they have confidence.
Women are messed up and will take a guy being too nice or good to them as a guy lacking in confidence and want nothing to do with those guys.

01-31-2023, 12:39 PM
Female nature and hypergamy.

Women only want to target the highest social status and financially successful men they can find. They won't even consider anyone making less than they make. It's getting even worse for young guys nowadays.
A higher % of men than ever before are going without sex. Women are also earning more than before so the bar has risen for men.

If you don't start early and develope confidence with women you're going to have a hard time later. Because women can pick up on a man who isn't confident.
That's what the so called bad guys have, confidence, which is necessary for a woman to have attraction for you.

Women what good guys who are confident but often will settle for guys who are not good to them because they have confidence.
Women are messed up and will take a guy being too nice or good to them as a guy lacking in confidence and want nothing to do with those guys.


Just don't kill anyone else, OK?

01-31-2023, 12:55 PM
This is just sad. Quit being a miserable whiner with a defeatist attitude. Otherwise you've failed before you even started. There are plenty of women out there man. But you aint getting any of them with such a shit attitude

01-31-2023, 12:57 PM
Also maybe stop shooting for only really attractive girls since you clearly don't have anything to offer them

01-31-2023, 01:00 PM
Female nature and hypergamy.

Women only want to target the highest social status and financially successful men they can find. They won't even consider anyone making less than they make. It's getting even worse for young guys nowadays.
A higher % of men than ever before are going without sex. Women are also earning more than before so the bar has risen for men.

If you don't start early and develope confidence with women you're going to have a hard time later. Because women can pick up on a man who isn't confident.
That's what the so called bad guys have, confidence, which is necessary for a woman to have attraction for you.

Women want good guys who are confident but often will settle for guys who are not good to them because they have confidence.
Women are messed up and will take a guy being too nice or good to them as a guy lacking in confidence and want nothing to do with those guys.
When in reality those type women lack confidence themselves.

Fake confidence, the overly posered schtikk done by not only *bad bois* but women who fall for the acting, are destined for disaster.

Find a good old girl who does not ride the shallow poser train. Volunteer places for numerous good causes. You're 99% not going to find a shallow dumbfuck hottie who's looking for a bad boi here. Rather most lilkely a down to earth good hearted woman. That's just one idea.

Spurs Homer
01-31-2023, 02:43 PM
Female nature and hypergamy.

Women only want to target the highest social status and financially successful men they can find. They won't even consider anyone making less than they make. It's getting even worse for young guys nowadays.
A higher % of men than ever before are going without sex. Women are also earning more than before so the bar has risen for men.

If you don't start early and develope confidence with women you're going to have a hard time later. Because women can pick up on a man who isn't confident.
That's what the so called bad guys have, confidence, which is necessary for a woman to have attraction for you.

Women want good guys who are confident but often will settle for guys who are not good to them because they have confidence.
Women are messed up and will take a guy being too nice or good to them as a guy lacking in confidence and want nothing to do with those guys.

is this YOUR take?

i told you to stop chasing and kissing their ass basically- that means you are confident and dont need women-

you disagreed, i told you they will try to figure out why you arent groveling- meaning - confidence-

i told you ignore them and get into YOUR OWN LIFE- confidence

then you post this?

dude , you are a good troll! I fell for it…lol

01-31-2023, 04:09 PM
Yesterday, I woke up without a girlfriend or any reasonable dating prospects for the past few months.

Today, I've got two (one is super hot and wants to meet me in Florida on Valentine's Day, the other is just a genuinely awesome woman and very pretty, womanly, and a self-proclaimed great cook) and a third chick who's not quite as hot but is freaky and definitely wants in my pants. Plus a fourth who is ultra nymphy who I've talked to from time from time reached out to me on facebook for the first time in months.

That's how life goes, I guess. Women in their 30s and their sex drives are downright amazing.

01-31-2023, 07:09 PM
I wanted only really attractive girls so settled for nothing as those girls had better options..

Women only want to target the highest social status and financially successful men they can find.

Oh ok

Joseph Kony
01-31-2023, 08:16 PM
Yesterday, I woke up without a girlfriend or any reasonable dating prospects for the past few months.

Today, I've got two (one is super hot and wants to meet me in Florida on Valentine's Day, the other is just a genuinely awesome woman and very pretty, womanly, and a self-proclaimed great cook) and a third chick who's not quite as hot but is freaky and definitely wants in my pants. Plus a fourth who is ultra nymphy who I've talked to from time from time reached out to me on facebook for the first time in months.

That's how life goes, I guess. Women in their 30s and their sex drives are downright amazing.

02-01-2023, 06:39 PM
Yesterday, I woke up without a girlfriend or any reasonable dating prospects for the past few months.

Today, I've got two (one is super hot and wants to meet me in Florida on Valentine's Day, the other is just a genuinely awesome woman and very pretty, womanly, and a self-proclaimed great cook) and a third chick who's not quite as hot but is freaky and definitely wants in my pants. Plus a fourth who is ultra nymphy who I've talked to from time from time reached out to me on facebook for the first time in months.

That's how life goes, I guess. Women in their 30s and their sex drives are downright amazing.

Don't count on either of the better options. They can change their minds as they often do and end up with some other guy they are also communicating with. A lot can happen in two weeks.

02-02-2023, 11:24 AM
Don't count on either of the better options. They can change their minds as they often do and end up with some other guy they are also communicating with. A lot can happen in two weeks.

Not impossible for sure, but usually when they've gotten a boyfriend in between somehow it's been my fault. Things I could have done or not have done that could have changed that situation, reflecting back on a lot of those. Occasionally I just did my best and it was her fault because I did everything and was not good enough for her, but I'd say more than half the time there were things I could have done better to win her longer than I did.

Actually the 3rd one (not the most attractive and a bit too chunky for my taste, would have been a hit & quit at best regardless) hasn't been answering my fb messenger texts, which I'm fine with, because I never saw a future realistically with her anyway, and she could have done me more harm than good.

The first 2 are still quite rock solid for the moment. As is the 4th I'm still regularly talking to, who the realistic best case scenario is friends with benefits because she's both a struggler (works a shitty low paid industrial job) and a stoner.

02-02-2023, 01:05 PM

02-02-2023, 11:01 PM
I remember in high school and college I liked this girl and I would get so nervous when I tried talking to her. I couldn't maintain eye contact and wouldn't know the first thing to do with her.

It totally turned her off. Having no confidence is the worst way to come across.

02-02-2023, 11:21 PM
Jesus. This has got to be one of the saddest threads on ST…and that’s saying something. Two virgins going back and forth about how to get women.

02-02-2023, 11:30 PM
Jesus. This has got to be one of the saddest threads on ST…and that’s saying something. Two virgins going back and forth about how to get women.

Millenial is going to get shut out. You just watch it happen.

Last three dates I've had led to no 2nd date. I average one date a year. No relationship/ I haven't touched a woman in ten years.

02-03-2023, 08:05 PM
This thread is like a bad rom com starring Will Smith and Kevin James

It's almost as believable as someone coming on here for advice about his cheating wife.

02-03-2023, 08:43 PM
It's almost as believable as someone coming on here for advice about his cheating wife.

Or that someone shows Spurstalk to their therapist during sessions

02-03-2023, 08:55 PM
:lol Fuzzy thinks wives don't exist

02-03-2023, 11:45 PM
Or that someone shows Spurstalk to their therapist during sessions
Yoooo. Did he really say he did that? That’s fucking embarrassing :lol

02-04-2023, 11:25 AM
I'll bet half of Spurs Talk never have/had any relations with girls/women too until well past their 20s.

They are just too afraid to tell anyone on here.

02-04-2023, 12:35 PM
I'll bet half of Spurs Talk never have/had any relations with girls/women too until well past their 20s.

They are just too afraid to tell anyone on here.

Well we know 99% make more than $200k per year

Tyronn Lue
02-04-2023, 01:26 PM
Yoooo. Did he really say he did that? That’s fucking embarrassing :lol
Check out the bot thread in the political forum. Seems like Fuzzy Lumpkins was bored and maybe a bit inebriated during the great freeze, went all in with seven two off and hit on the R. :lol

It's still paying dividends in lols.

Tyronn Lue
02-04-2023, 01:28 PM
Or that someone shows Spurstalk to their therapist during sessions
I would do that if I wanted to generate business for the therapist. Lots of great leads here :lol

02-04-2023, 01:59 PM
I'll bet half of Spurs Talk never have/had any relations with girls/women too until well past their 20s.

They are just too afraid to tell anyone on here.

I would take that bet. Half is way too big a number.

02-04-2023, 02:56 PM
I would take that bet. Half is way too big a number.

I would take that bet too.

02-04-2023, 06:09 PM
It was difficult to get any type of relationship with a girl until age 39 for me.

Struck out always. Had low confidence and bad game and was picky. Hit the gym hard but that made no difference if you don't have experience and game.

I wanted only really attractive girls so settled for nothing as those girls had better options. Wasted many years, good young years with nothing.

This is what happens when you root against winners like Manu and Messi and Argentines in general, you become an anti-winner.

You could be a suave, cool pro Argentinian, but you chose a life of pain instead.

02-05-2023, 12:21 PM
It's almost as believable as someone coming on here for advice about his cheating wife.

Did your gf leave you for your best friend in college? Inquiring minds would like to know.

02-05-2023, 04:23 PM
Did your gf leave you for your best friend in college? Inquiring minds would like to know.

That would imply he had a girlfriend in college.

02-05-2023, 04:54 PM
That would imply he had a girlfriend in college.

Yes and I doubt he'll answer the question tbh.

02-05-2023, 04:58 PM
Yes and I doubt he'll answer the question tbh.

So you're assuming he had a girlfriend in college

02-05-2023, 05:08 PM
So you're assuming he had a girlfriend in college

I'm asking him a question. Simple as that.

02-05-2023, 05:35 PM
Did your gf leave you for your best friend in college? Inquiring minds would like to know.

Chris stole his girlfriend and took her to San Diego. You remember that.

02-06-2023, 06:27 PM
I got turned down by a woman I've been interested in. I haven't been this interested in a woman in years. It's been at least five years or more since I've had chemistry with a girl. It just doesn't happen often. Seemd like she was into me at least a little.

She doesn't even want to text with me any more she said. She went back to a boyfriend she recently broke up with.
I didn't spin proper game with her and she saw me as unworthy.

Spurs Homer
02-07-2023, 12:25 AM
I got turned down by a woman I've been interested in. I haven't been this interested in a woman in years. It's been at least five years or more since I've had chemistry with a girl. It just doesn't happen often. Seemd like she was into me at least a little.

She doesn't even want to text with me any more she said. She went back to a boyfriend she recently broke up with.
I didn't spin proper game with her and she saw me as unworthy.


still trollin’

The ex boyfriend didnt put her on a pedestal and kissed her ass
he went about his own life and banged other chicks while you kissed her ass

keep doing it your way and keep failing tho’

02-07-2023, 10:08 AM

still trollin’

The ex boyfriend didnt put her on a pedestal and kissed her ass
he went about his own life and banged other chicks while you kissed her ass

keep doing it your way and keep failing tho’

You're wrong. That guy hounded her called her everyday she told me.

Spurs Homer
02-07-2023, 10:14 AM
You're wrong. That guy hounded her called her everyday she told me.

so good riddance
she wasted your time-

she waited for you to bang her and you “respected” her too much and she got tired of waiting for you to grow a pair

any man would have treated her like the pig she is- banged her and then ENCOURAGED her to go back to her loser boyfriend and then moved on

02-07-2023, 01:18 PM
so good riddance
she wasted your time-

she waited for you to bang her and you “respected” her too much and she got tired of waiting for you to grow a pair

any man would have treated her like the pig she is- banged her and then ENCOURAGED her to go back to her loser boyfriend and then moved on

I never had a chance to even date her so shut up with your wrong takes.

Spurs Homer
02-07-2023, 02:21 PM
I never had a chance to even date her so shut up with your wrong takes.

Keep trollin’

02-07-2023, 04:25 PM
Chris stole his girlfriend and took her to San Diego. You remember that.

Lol :tu