View Full Version : No Fap 2023

01-02-2023, 07:41 PM
Assuming you haven't broken this already, let's agree to do this.

I didn't do this in 2022, but in 2021 I did it and lasted until February 25th. Man that was the best fap of my life probably and the next one too. But I'll try not to do that this year.

Rules: You can have all the sex and/or sexual relations you can with a female partner, but no masturbation or you lose. Sex only, no fapping.

Let's go.

01-02-2023, 08:01 PM
Already going on five months. Have some strength and do it.

01-02-2023, 08:03 PM
Already going on five months. Have some strength and do it.

Are you married... girlfriend? Do you get laid on a regular basis?

I haven't been laid and had a girlfriend since mid-late August. In Michigan. So I'm just on day two of no fap, but looking forward to traveling out of Texas some more and getting laid before April

01-02-2023, 08:07 PM
Are you married... girlfriend? Do you get laid on a regular basis?

I haven't been laid and had a girlfriend since mid-late August. In Michigan. So I'm just on day two of no fap, but looking forward to traveling out of Texas some more and getting laid before April

No wife, no girlfriend

Haven't touched a girl/woman going on nine or ten years now, lost track.

01-02-2023, 08:13 PM
No wife, no girlfriend

Haven't touched a girl/woman going on nine or ten years now, lost track.


You really must not get out? Or do you live somewhere extremely rural / outside the USA.

01-02-2023, 08:16 PM
Go to singles dances often. Not meeting anyone I'm interesrted in. Most of the women going to these dances here are foreign and I don't want that. I'm in Connecticut.

01-02-2023, 08:19 PM
Go to singles dances often. Not meeting anyone I'm interesrted in. Most of the women going to these dances here are foreign and I don't want that. I'm in Connecticut.

Most of the single women are foreign and you're in Connecticut? Are you going to singles dances in Chinatown or something? :lol

The Northeast is arguably the best region in the entire USA to meet women. There are far more single women 25-49 out there than single men in almost every northeastern city and decent sized community. Completely opposite from the west coast and west / southwest / most of the south, which is overall terrible for men. Your best bets are in the northeast, upper mid-atlantic and upper midwest. Plenty of single females to be had. And they're not all foreign or hipsters like in Oregon.

01-02-2023, 08:21 PM
Skip to 11:05 on this video. Very helpful:


You definitely want to live in a red dot on that map from this video. A blue dot as a guy means you'll be fighting an uphill battle in the numbers game.

01-02-2023, 08:26 PM
Most of the single women are foreign and you're in Connecticut? Are you going to singles dances in Chinatown or something? :lol

The Northeast is arguably the best region in the entire USA to meet women. There are far more single women 25-49 out there than single men in almost every northeastern city and decent sized community. Completely opposite from the west coast and west / southwest / most of the south, which is overall terrible for men. Your best bets are in the northeast, upper mid-atlantic and upper midwest. Plenty of single females to be had. And they're not all foreign or hipsters like in Oregon.

I don't go to New york, too far. I'm in my 60s so the game is different with less options and places to go to meet women my age.

01-02-2023, 08:28 PM
I don't go to New york, too far. I'm in my 60s so the game is different with less options and places to go to meet women my age.

:lol oh, wait, nevermind.

In that case, you're well past your expiration date for dating. Might want to consult Mark Celibate on something he regularly refers to as the "VoS" tbh. :toast

01-02-2023, 08:32 PM
:lol oh, wait, nevermind.

In that case, you're well past your expiration date for dating. Might want to consult Mark Celibate on something he regularly refers to as the "VoS" tbh. :toast

No you'll see when you get there you won't be past dating if you're single.

01-02-2023, 08:37 PM
No you'll see when you get there you won't be past dating if you're single.

I'll either be fucking rich and drowning in pussy or dead by then, tbh :tu

01-02-2023, 08:41 PM
I'll either be fucking rich and drowning in pussy or dead by then, tbh :tu

Lifted weights all my life and kept fit. look good for my age.

01-02-2023, 08:56 PM
Lifted weights all my life and kept fit. look good for my age.
That doesn't mean shit if you're an introvert and never get out :lol

01-03-2023, 03:17 PM
you cant no fap because u will have a wet dream in 3 weeks.........cum has to reproduce it self to make room for the new..........

Tyronn Lue
01-03-2023, 06:25 PM
Damn. Some of you really need a personal life. I don't want to know about it, but you need one. Praying for you.

01-03-2023, 09:31 PM
you cant no fap because u will have a wet dream in 3 weeks.........cum has to reproduce it self to make room for the new..........

That's not true. I have never had a wet dream in my life. I didn't ejaculate any semen until the age of 14 years and 4+ months. I've gone at least 7 weeks in a row in adulthood without ejaculation. It's definitely possible if you put your mind to it.

Mark Celibate
01-03-2023, 11:46 PM
tbh what's the point of doing this crap for a temporary time? the "75 hard day" challenge, or not drinking for X amount of weeks only to go back to getting blackout drunk every weekend, NoFap November etc...isn't the point to make these lifelong habits?

01-04-2023, 06:12 AM
tbh what's the point of doing this crap for a temporary time? the "75 hard day" challenge, or not drinking for X amount of weeks only to go back to getting blackout drunk every weekend, NoFap November etc...isn't the point to make these lifelong habits?

Just to prove you're strong enough to resist the temptation I guess.

Also makes for more mind blowing sex when you get to it. Although a draw back is you come faster but if you go so long without fapping you can actually *gasp* cum twice in her after only about a 30 minute or less window instead of telling her you're done and her not ready for it to be done.

Mark Celibate
01-04-2023, 11:03 AM
Just to prove you're strong enough to resist the temptation I guess.

Also makes for more mind blowing sex when you get to it. Although a draw back is you come faster but if you go so long without fapping you can actually *gasp* cum twice in her after only about a 30 minute or less window instead of telling her you're done and her not ready for it to be done.

meh I cut all that stuff out like a decade ago before “NoFap” was really a thing tbh. The point was to cut off that dopamine reward circuit and actually be forced to go out and meet women IRL. Keep getting rejected or ignored? Well that forces you to actually work on yourself (working out, grooming, improving personality, etc) instead of just turning to porn for an easy way out and turning into an incel. And there’s actually some research out there showing the physical benefits of not ejaculating regularly but that’s a different story. That was my idea anyway. But I agree with you…just doing NoFap but sitting inside your house and never going out kinda defeats the purpose

01-04-2023, 11:58 AM
meh I cut all that stuff out like a decade ago before “NoFap” was really a thing tbh. The point was to cut off that dopamine reward circuit and actually be forced to go out and meet women IRL. Keep getting rejected or ignored? Well that forces you to actually work on yourself (working out, grooming, improving personality, etc) instead of just turning to porn for an easy way out and turning into an incel. And there’s actually some research out there showing the physical benefits of not ejaculating regularly but that’s a different story. That was my idea anyway. But I agree with you…just doing NoFap but sitting inside your house and never going out kinda defeats the purpose

If you just fap (or not fap) inside your house/apartment all day every day instead of going out you become an incel. If you get out and socialize your mind adapts to being around people and you gain social skills, meet people, ultimately find someone good and get laid.

Mark Celibate
01-04-2023, 01:30 PM

If you just fap (or not fap) inside your house/apartment all day every day instead of going out you become an incel. If you get out and socialize your mind adapts to being around people and you gain social skills, meet people, ultimately find someone good and get laid.

years ago i looked at some of those reddit pages where the incels would post pictures of themselves crying "how ugly am I ? " In all honesty, every single one of them could've been atleast a 7/10 if they started working out and did proper grooming which would get them a decent enough girl. Sure there are the natural Chads out there but IMO , unless you have a legitimate serious physical handicap, you can become attractive enough if you put on enough muscle and have a low enough body fat% along with good style tbh

Fat Brandon Bass
01-04-2023, 01:59 PM
Haha whats up douche bag, it's Tanner from Highschool. Remember me? Me and the guys used to give you a hard time in school. Sorry you were just an easy target lol. I can see not much has changed. Remember Sarah the girl you had a crush on? Yeah we're married now. I make over 200k a year and drive a mustang GT. I guess some things never change huh loser? Nice catching up

01-04-2023, 03:46 PM
years ago i looked at some of those reddit pages where the incels would post pictures of themselves crying "how ugly am I ? " In all honesty, every single one of them could've been atleast a 7/10 if they started working out and did proper grooming which would get them a decent enough girl. Sure there are the natural Chads out there but IMO , unless you have a legitimate serious physical handicap, you can become attractive enough if you put on enough muscle and have a low enough body fat% along with good style tbh

Being jacked is overrated, just be in shape and don't be a couch potato fatass who eats plurality junk food and is sedentary and spends more time playing video games than being outdoors. Have a fun personality. Enjoy life. Enjoy the outdoors, city blocks, playing sports, hanging out with people, strike up conversations with people (and not just with hot girls - don't be a pervy creep).

When there's a large group of guys and girls, some but not most of them being couples and most of them just being friends... my strategy for blending in is usually striking up a conversation with one of the guys. Could be about football/sports, the roller coaster we're standing in line for, the weather, hell even politics if they've got some right-leaning apparel on (was a thing in 2022). Just strike up a conversation with one of the guys first, not one of the ladies. You want to ease your way in... you'll never get in by making it obvious you want to make a serious play at one of the ladies from the group on the first shot.

01-04-2023, 03:50 PM
Haha whats up douche bag, it's Tanner from Highschool. Remember me? Me and the guys used to give you a hard time in school. Sorry you were just an easy target lol. I can see not much has changed. Remember Sarah the girl you had a crush on? Yeah we're married now. I make over 200k a year and drive a mustang GT. I guess some things never change huh loser? Nice catching up

:lol The only person who actually bullied me was Taylor, not Tanner, but he bullied me on the internet when I was like 11-12-13 years old, on the old IGN message boards... he was early 20s at the time. He went by "unctarheel1209" even though he was from Dallas and never had been to North Carolina in his life. He was later exposed to be a chode, but whatever.

I do credit him with helping me put up with shit early in life and grow a thick skin. Nothing in high school ever fazed me. It wasn't fun, I was celibate but not an incel because I had choices, they just were sleazy Mexican stoners that were way too skinny and probably wanted to get pregnant because they thought I came from money because I was the only white kid.

Sarah...oddly enough, was this other guy on that IGN message board's ex girlfriend that relocated away from his city. I never had a crush on a Sarah or came close to it. :lol So it's cool if you married her.

Mustang GT... :lol wouldn't want that if it was free. I'd probably just sell it if I won it. Gets terrible mileage and makes you look like a low rider and a pompous chode.

200k a year... :lol I've more than doubled you each of the past 3 years, buddy. Still, hope you enjoy the top 5%. :tu

01-04-2023, 04:11 PM
Not downplaying the benefits of NoFap, but the Nofap subreddit is a retarded cult tbh, they believe they will be getting superpowers, all the women suddenly noticing them, patchy beards turning into full beards, etc :lol

01-04-2023, 04:17 PM
Not downplaying the benefits of NoFap, but the Nofap subreddit is a retarded cult tbh, they believe they will be getting superpowers, all the women suddenly noticing them, patchy beards turning into full beards, etc :lol

I remember no fap before reddit ever existed. :lol

01-04-2023, 07:03 PM
Y'all stay with the same person for a couple decades, both work full time, have multiple kids with busy extracurricular schedules, have family members with health issues and all the other joys of getting older... then come back to me and say you don't need to rub one out on occasion.

Mark Celibate
01-04-2023, 10:53 PM

01-05-2023, 05:19 AM
Not downplaying the benefits of NoFap, but the Nofap subreddit is a retarded cult tbh, they believe they will be getting superpowers, all the women suddenly noticing them, patchy beards turning into full beards, etc :lol

Theres actually studies showing masturbation is healthy and has psychological benefits in terms of things like depression for normal people. Maybe it different for incels or something i dunno

01-06-2023, 11:13 AM
Theres actually studies showing masturbation is healthy and has psychological benefits in terms of things like depression for normal people. Maybe it different for incels or something i dunno

Mutually exclusive much?

01-06-2023, 04:52 PM
At least No Fap until you've been laid (full sexual intercourse, anything less doesn't count) at least once in the calendar year. Then jacking off is okay after that.

01-14-2023, 03:58 PM
At least No Fap until you've been laid (full sexual intercourse, anything less doesn't count) at least once in the calendar year. Then jacking off is okay after that.

Very few people responding. Very few have the will power to do it so you won't even see them respond.

01-15-2023, 09:28 PM
Very few people responding. Very few have the will power to do it so you won't even see them respond.

Or ya know, they're married and/or in a relationship

01-16-2023, 09:40 AM
Or ya know, they're married and/or in a relationship

Forgot about that. It's been so long since I even had an opportunity.