View Full Version : *** Official GOP suddenly cares about the debt/deficits again thread ***

01-13-2023, 07:23 PM
How long until Cuckarthy needs Dem votes to pass a debt ceiling increase? :lol

01-13-2023, 08:28 PM
How long until Cuckarthy needs Dem votes to pass a debt ceiling increase? :lol

As fast as calf-tats repeatedly says he DGAF about what anyone is saying in several threads, tbh.

baseline bum
01-13-2023, 10:36 PM
How long until Cuckarthy needs Dem votes to pass a debt ceiling increase? :lol

He knows he's gone the second he passes it, and he'll pass it because not doing so would cost a lot of rich people a lot of money. And also harm everyone else, but the republicans only care about the millionaires and billionaires that would be hurt a little.

01-13-2023, 11:33 PM
Secret deal to blow up the US government. That was a stated HFC intention originally, iirc.

01-13-2023, 11:34 PM
How long until Cuckarthy needs Dem votes to pass a debt ceiling increase? :lolthere's a lot of time to fill between now and the next election. no question he'll fold, but after how long, who knows?

Will Hunting
01-14-2023, 05:48 AM
:lol the very first bill the GOP house passed this year is a bill that would add over $100 billion to the national debt

01-14-2023, 07:51 AM
We should try make this thread go 10 pages to see how long it takes for a conservative to post in it

01-14-2023, 07:52 AM
And at page 10 see what % of posts overall are by conservatives

01-14-2023, 07:56 AM
Also, btw..


Will Hunting
01-14-2023, 08:21 AM
Also, btw..

And Obama’s first term was almost entirely a function of him inheriting GWB’s shit show.

01-14-2023, 11:20 AM
And Obama’s first term was almost entirely a function of him inheriting GWB’s shit show.while normalizing gwb's extraordinary natsec powers and official secrecy. kept gwb's secdef, Bob Gates.

01-14-2023, 11:49 AM
while normalizing gwb's extraordinary natsec powers and official secrecy. kept gwb's secdef, Bob Gates.

Can you put a jacket over your disgusting hate boner for obama? Its kinda gross to look at

01-14-2023, 11:59 AM
Can you put a jacket over your disgusting hate boner for obama? Its kinda gross to look atI don't hate Obama, but I do admire him for what he was, a capable, clear-minded, center-right caretaker of power during a turbulent period of transition.

01-14-2023, 12:03 PM
Not many presidents keep the previous secdef. Would be practically unthinkable now.

01-14-2023, 12:17 PM
The debt obviously matters, but there isn't a damn thing the house can effectively do at this point with the senate and presidency in democratic hands.. McCarthy got blackmailed into "trying" but it won't go anywhere.

Will Hunting
01-14-2023, 12:18 PM
Can you put a jacket over your disgusting hate boner for obama? Its kinda gross to look at
I don’t hate Obama but keeping GWB’s defense Secretary after how the country’s revolt against GWB’s natsec policy was a big part of what propelled Obama’s 2008 landslide is an L. Obama had a clear mandate to reverse course on GWB’s foreign policy that he mostly ignored.

Based Biden OTOH ended the war in Afghanistan knowing how unfairly the media would attack him over it (Jake Tapper has never seen a war he doesn’t think the US shouldn’t intervene in) because he knew it was the right thing to do regardless of the political cost.

Will Hunting
01-14-2023, 12:20 PM
The debt obviously matters, but there isn't a damn thing the house can effectively do at this point with the senate and presidency in democratic hands.. McCarthy got blackmailed into "trying" but it won't go anywhere.
:lmao yeah and when the GOP had full control of government, they prioritized a tax giveaway for the rich that added 2 trillion dollars to the national debt

01-14-2023, 12:26 PM
Obama reportedly bragged (this is from Tim Geithner, I think) in the 2009 meeting with the bankers that he was the only thing standing between them and the pitchforks. In the end, Obama and an active Fed delivered.

Will Hunting
01-14-2023, 12:32 PM
The notion that there’s nothing the house GOP can do to reduce the deficit now is hogwash. If the house GOP passed any of the following deficit reducing measures, they would have support from 50 out of 51 senate Dems as well as Biden:

- roll back Trump’s tax cuts
- close the carried interest loophole
- close the stepped up basis loophole
- allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices with no restrictions
- uncap the social security tax for wages over $140k

These would all reduce the deficit at essentially no cost to the median American, but we all know why the house GOP wouldn’t so much as entertain let alone support any of these measures.

01-14-2023, 12:32 PM
:lmao yeah and when the GOP had full control of government, they prioritized a tax giveaway for the rich that added 2 trillion dollars to the national debt

I didn't say they were any better. Just commenting on the politics. The debt will be y'alls problem. I suspect the "democracy" experiment won't last another 200 years.

Will Hunting
01-14-2023, 12:39 PM
Relevant to this thread:


01-14-2023, 02:57 PM
The notion that there’s nothing the house GOP can do to reduce the deficit now is hogwash. If the house GOP passed any of the following deficit reducing measures, they would have support from 50 out of 51 senate Dems as well as Biden:

- roll back Trump’s tax cuts
- close the carried interest loophole
- close the stepped up basis loophole
- allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices with no restrictions
- uncap the social security tax for wages over $140k

These would all reduce the deficit at essentially no cost to the median American, but we all know why the house GOP wouldn’t so much as entertain let alone support any of these measures.

It would actually be a boon/stimulus to the median American. Especially the tax cuts that had a poison pill for middle/lower class America, and the prescription drug negotiation...

baseline bum
01-14-2023, 03:40 PM
The debt obviously matters, but there isn't a damn thing the house can effectively do at this point with the senate and presidency in democratic hands.. McCarthy got blackmailed into "trying" but it won't go anywhere.


All the Republican house ever wants to do is pass tax cuts that do jack shit for our economy. LOL putting trillions on the deficit just so corporations can buy back more stock.

baseline bum
01-14-2023, 03:43 PM
I didn't say they were any better.

You were just whining that the senate won't go along with cutting social security and medicare while keeping the fire hose of welfare to the military industrial complex running full blast like the house wants.

01-14-2023, 04:23 PM
You were just whining that the senate won't go along with cutting social security and medicare while keeping the fire hose of welfare to the military industrial complex running full blast like the house wants.

I wasn't whining. It was a statement of fact. Neither party has an answer to deficits. Its a disease that has been building for 30+ years.

Will Hunting
01-14-2023, 05:02 PM
I wasn't whining. It was a statement of fact. Neither party has an answer to deficits. It’s a disease that has been building for 30+ years.
Slick Willy had an answer on deficits, then GWB ruined it.

01-14-2023, 05:29 PM
Slick Willy had an answer on deficits, then GWB ruined it.

LOL you mean Newt? Thats some serious revisionist history there Will.

01-14-2023, 06:40 PM
Let's see... debt ceiling raised by the previous administration, including while it controlled Congress: once... no wait, twice!....

wait, hold on there... three times! :lol

Not a word about debt or deficits then... or putting the US in the brink of a default (which largely will fuck with middle class America, of course, after the inevitable credit rating drop and market panic).

01-14-2023, 06:42 PM
LOL you mean Newt? Thats some serious revisionist history there Will.

First of all, it takes two to tango. Second, the boom was largely thanks to the dotcom bubble, which Newt had nothing to do with. Talk about "serious revisionist history"...

01-14-2023, 06:47 PM
First of all, it takes two to tango. Second, the boom was largely thanks to the dotcom bubble, which Newt had nothing to do with. Talk about "serious revisionist history"...

Oh, so it wasn't Clinton? Thanks for playing.

Will Hunting
01-14-2023, 06:53 PM
First of all, it takes two to tango. Second, the boom was largely thanks to the dotcom bubble, which Newt had nothing to do with. Talk about "serious revisionist history"...
Not to mention the tax increase that Clinton rammed through before the GOP took control of congress is what made the budget surplus possible.

The GOP’s dogma that you can tax cut your way to a budget surplus isn’t based in reality.

baseline bum
01-14-2023, 06:56 PM
I wasn't whining. It was a statement of fact. Neither party has an answer to deficits. Its a disease that has been building for 30+ years.

You said

"there isn't a damn thing the house can effectively do at this point with the senate and presidency in democratic hands"

as if the republicans have ever done shit but explode the deficit when in power. You don't give a fuck about the deficit and never have.

Will Hunting
01-14-2023, 07:03 PM
You said

"there isn't a damn thing the house can effectively do at this point with the senate and presidency in democratic hands"

as if the republicans have ever done shit but explode the deficit when in power. You don't give a fuck about the deficit and never have.
Sam Brownback’s Kansas is more or less what the entire country would look like if the HFC had full control to implement its economic agenda :lol

01-14-2023, 07:09 PM
You said

"there isn't a damn thing the house can effectively do at this point with the senate and presidency in democratic hands"

as if the republicans have ever done shit but explode the deficit when in power. You don't give a fuck about the deficit and never have.

I said nothing would happen with gridlock. And it wont. Quit trying to twist my words.

baseline bum
01-14-2023, 07:27 PM
I said nothing would happen with gridlock. And it wont. Quit trying to twist my words.

:cry Evil demcorats won't let the poor gop house do anything :cry

Will Hunting
01-14-2023, 07:28 PM
:lol CC pretending that his first post ITT wasn’t making the obvious implication that the GOP would do something about the national debt if not for the big evil socialist DEMOGANTS standing in their way

01-14-2023, 07:39 PM
Oh, so it wasn't Clinton? Thanks for playing.

I personally put it on Alan Greenspan, tbh

Will Hunting
01-14-2023, 07:45 PM
I personally put it on Alan Greenspan, tbh
So then Reagan, he’s the one who put that greedy kike in charge of the federal reserve.

01-14-2023, 08:49 PM
Also, btw..


But Reagan hated big government

01-14-2023, 08:51 PM
I wasn't whining. It was a statement of fact. Neither party has an answer to deficits. Its a disease that has been building for 30+ years.

Both sides guy making his weekly appearance

01-14-2023, 09:42 PM
Both sides guy making his weekly appearance

Are you so stupid you think its just one side blowing up the deficit? "Inflation reduction act" ring a bell?

01-14-2023, 09:45 PM
:lol CC pretending that his first post ITT wasn’t making the obvious implication that the GOP would do something about the national debt if not for the big evil socialist DEMOGANTS standing in their way

Read my words instead of trying to find "implications" that aren't there.

baseline bum
01-14-2023, 10:23 PM
Are you so stupid you think its just one side blowing up the deficit? "Inflation reduction act" ring a bell?

LOL I remember when you used to act like the teabaggers gave a fuck about the deficit

01-14-2023, 10:45 PM
LOL I remember when you used to act like the teabaggers gave a fuck about the deficit

Yeah and I remember when you guys said inflation was not ever gonna happen.

baseline bum
01-14-2023, 11:31 PM
Yeah and I remember when you guys said inflation was not ever gonna happen.

LOL you were happy to go into a second great depression

01-14-2023, 11:35 PM
Yeah and I remember when you guys said inflation was not ever gonna happen.:lmao we said it wasn't happening in the years before you abandoned your hyperinflation is days away thread.

01-14-2023, 11:41 PM
Slick Willy had an answer on deficits, then GWB ruined it.

I liked how he downsized the military but his cuts to arts and sciences not so much. His work in the Balkans was a clusterfuck. His partnering with Gramm for the Contract for America is probably the single biggest act that has led to the police state we are now in. They couldn't even get an Obamacare with a better Congress his first term. He was made to look like a fool in the middle east.

But hey the internet became an economic entity under his watch after being developed in the 70s and 80s with funding he cut.

01-14-2023, 11:43 PM
:lmao we said it wasn't happening in the years before you abandoned your hyperinflation is days away thread.

You are the one that twisted it into "hyper" inflation.

Still pulling the same shit.

baseline bum
01-14-2023, 11:49 PM
I liked how he downsized the military but his cuts to arts and sciences not so much.

:pctoss the fucking super collider in Waxahachie

01-14-2023, 11:55 PM
:pctoss the fucking super collider in Waxahachie

Exactly. We used to be on the technological and scientific vanguard. Then Bill Clinton. The higgs discovery and the rest would have happened a decade ago. Fusion power would likely be being built already as opposed to just now energy efficient. Not to mention all the shit that comes out of nowhere with state run R&D. Even the current pharmaceutical market with their jacking up costs and using R&D costs as an excuse is a symptom.

Clinton fucking sucked.

01-15-2023, 12:07 AM
You are the one that twisted it into "hyper" inflation.

Still pulling the same shit.Eh it was some other proto-Trumptard but you were there.


You were off by a full decade in your prediction.

01-15-2023, 07:12 AM
So then Reagan, he’s the one who put that greedy kike in charge of the federal reserve.

Ronnie found the government credit card after going away from the gold standard and wrecked that shit. It was so bad, he eventually had to do a tax hike.

01-15-2023, 07:13 AM
Yeah and I remember when you guys said inflation was not ever gonna happen.

No, actually, we said hyperinflation was not going to happen, and it hasn't.

Even the inflation we had was very mild vis a vis other countries.

Will Hunting
01-15-2023, 08:59 AM
Are you so stupid you think it’s just one side blowing up the deficit? "Inflation reduction act" ring a bell?
The CBO scored the IRA as a net deficit reduction, try again.

01-15-2023, 11:49 AM
I don't hate Obama, but I do admire him for what he was, a capable, clear-minded, center-right caretaker of power during a turbulent period of transition.

baseline bum
01-15-2023, 12:09 PM
I don't hate Obama, but I do admire him for what he was, a capable, clear-minded, center-right caretaker of power during a turbulent period of transition.

Pretty much, as his signature legislation was just copying Romney's healthcare plan for Massachusetts. Was hilarious seeing Romney run against his own healthcare plan in 2012.

01-15-2023, 12:28 PM
The debt obviously matters, but there isn't a damn thing the house can effectively do at this point with the senate and presidency in democratic hands.. McCarthy got blackmailed into "trying" but it won't go anywhere.

Dang forgot about CC or my 10 pages prediction would be CC

01-15-2023, 12:30 PM
I don’t hate Obama but keeping GWB’s defense Secretary after how the country’s revolt against GWB’s natsec policy was a big part of what propelled Obama’s 2008 landslide is an L. Obama had a clear mandate to reverse course on GWB’s foreign policy that he mostly ignored.

Based Biden OTOH ended the war in Afghanistan knowing how unfairly the media would attack him over it (Jake Tapper has never seen a war he doesn’t think the US shouldn’t intervene in) because he knew it was the right thing to do regardless of the political cost.

This is a deficit thread tho and he couldn't stand to see even 2 seconds of Obama looking good so he brings up several non-deficit topics lol. Also kind of funny he lives in the US where the "left-wing party" gets 20% of the vote in the left primaries so maybe his political compass is slightly off in terms of what is center here lol

01-15-2023, 05:11 PM
Pretty much, as his signature legislation was just copying Romney's healthcare plan for Massachusetts. Was hilarious seeing Romney run against his own healthcare plan in 2012.

BCBS executives wrote the bill's language.

01-15-2023, 06:13 PM
You are the one that twisted it into "hyper" inflation.

Still pulling the same shit.

feel bad for you having to fight this battle. but dont worry any minute more conservative posters gonna show up because they definitely not avoiding this thread

01-15-2023, 08:12 PM
Pretty much, as his signature legislation was just copying Romney's healthcare plan for Massachusetts. Was hilarious seeing Romney run against his own healthcare plan in 2012.
You know you not in Europe, right? lol. US Constitution is basically the Capitalist Manifesto and the entire 20th century was (very thankfully) a story of people escaping Winehole style countries to live in Capitalism. No surprise the center here is right of Europe. Also I dont even care about any of that stuff and like most Dem primary voters dont want most of the things you guys want so time you guys learned that a little bit and accepted you are in very distinct minority outside of the enclaves you coccoon yourself off in

01-15-2023, 08:15 PM
Honestly think some of these posters need a 2006 garmin level GPS to figure out what hemisphere they are in when they grade these politicians lolol. We remind them every 4 years in the Dem primaries but then they say they had the most popular ideas and its just a series "One Weird Trick" that makes them lose over and over hahah

baseline bum
01-15-2023, 08:35 PM
Honestly think some of these posters need a 2006 garmin level GPS to figure out what hemisphere they are in when they grade these politicians lolol. We remind them every 4 years in the Dem primaries but then they say they had the most popular ideas and its just a series "One Weird Trick" that makes them lose over and over hahah

Very leftist of Obama when he protected Rick Snyder's privatization of Flint's water poisoning the city's residents or when he assembled a financial team that stretched from Goldman to Sachs after those crooks took down our economy in 2008.

01-15-2023, 11:37 PM
Ronnie found the government credit card after going away from the gold standard and wrecked that shit. It was so bad, he eventually had to do a tax hike.

this is labeled as a bad thing by the teabagger contingent but being fiscally flexible is a good thing. Bush the Greater going back on that asinine pledge should be applauded as well. There is nothing wrong with being pragmatic in a real world crisis.

Will Hunting
01-16-2023, 08:53 AM
this is labeled as a bad thing by the teabagger contingent but being fiscally flexible is a good thing. Bush the Greater going back on that asinine pledge should be applauded as well. There is nothing wrong with being pragmatic in a real world crisis.
Agreed but Ronnie’s reasons for being fiscally flexible were retarded. Deficit spending to finance tax cuts for rich people and stock buybacks is the dumbest possible form of deficit spending.

Will Hunting
01-16-2023, 09:08 AM
You know you not in Europe, right? lol. US Constitution is basically the Capitalist Manifesto and the entire 20th century was (very thankfully) a story of people escaping Winehole style countries to live in Capitalism. No surprise the center here is right of Europe. Also I dont even care about any of that stuff and like most Dem primary voters dont want most of the things you guys want so time you guys learned that a little bit and accepted you are in very distinct minority outside of the enclaves you coccoon yourself off in
Not really sure what you’re saying here but I think the future of the Democratic Party is what I’d call the “institutional progressive.” Not people like AOC or Bernie but people like Matt Cartwright, Sherrod Brown, Tammy Baldwin, Ruben Gallego etc. who want to work within the bounds of America’s institutions to make America more like Western Europe in terms of its social safety net and public programs. I’d even say Biden as president has largely operated with this objective. The original BBB plan he wanted would have been the strongest safety net legislation since the Great Society.

Most Dem primary voters might not want full blown single payer healthcare but they definitely want something a lot closer to single payer healthcare than what we currently have (a public option, more price controls, etc.). The median Dem primary voter isn’t a socialist or anything but I think they absolutely believe the country needs significant reform on things like healthcare, campaign finance, taxes, and climate change and isn’t happy with the current status quo.

Regarding Obama there’s more he could have done to make Obamacare better but I don’t squarely put the blame on him when there were so many in his own party who railroaded Obamacare, and I blame the fact he didn’t do more largely on his inexperience, not his ideology. I think he took office and was blindsided by the amount of conservadems in congress who wanted to obstruct his agenda and he didn’t have the institutional knowledge to deal with it.

01-17-2023, 01:54 PM
As fast as calf-tats repeatedly says he DGAF about what anyone is saying in several threads, tbh.

i can't believe he still comes here for the abuse, it's been YEARS!

Spurs Homer
01-17-2023, 04:17 PM
Hey, it wont be much longer…

those dolla’s will be trickling down to the average murican any day now!

01-17-2023, 06:46 PM
The Party of Racism and Pootin, McCarthy agrees to breach debt ceiling

McCarthy's devil deal comes to light:

Letting the nation breach the debt ceiling

The plan is to allow the debt ceiling to be breached (https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2023/01/13/debt-ceiling-gop-plan),

and then to direct the Treasury Department on how to prioritize debt payments.

What they hadn’t said out loud was that they were willing to do the unthinkable:

Force a debt ceiling breach.

Since 1917, the debt ceiling has never been breached.

Now the GOP wants to do it,

but supposedly with a plan.

six sources involved in negotiations confirm that

McCarthy agreed to pass a payment prioritization bill in the next few months.


payment prioritization? pay the debts with the current limit, and stuff at the bottom of the priority list gets little or nothing

btw, no other industrial country has a national debt limit.

01-19-2023, 01:28 PM
the greed is out of control


01-23-2023, 05:29 PM
Not really sure what you’re saying here but I think the future of the Democratic Party is what I’d call the “institutional progressive.” Not people like AOC or Bernie but people like Matt Cartwright, Sherrod Brown, Tammy Baldwin, Ruben Gallego etc. who want to work within the bounds of America’s institutions to make America more like Western Europe in terms of its social safety net and public programs. I’d even say Biden as president has largely operated with this objective. The original BBB plan he wanted would have been the strongest safety net legislation since the Great Society.

Most Dem primary voters might not want full blown single payer healthcare but they definitely want something a lot closer to single payer healthcare than what we currently have (a public option, more price controls, etc.). The median Dem primary voter isn’t a socialist or anything but I think they absolutely believe the country needs significant reform on things like healthcare, campaign finance, taxes, and climate change and isn’t happy with the current status quo.

Regarding Obama there’s more he could have done to make Obamacare better but I don’t squarely put the blame on him when there were so many in his own party who railroaded Obamacare, and I blame the fact he didn’t do more largely on his inexperience, not his ideology. I think he took office and was blindsided by the amount of conservadems in congress who wanted to obstruct his agenda and he didn’t have the institutional knowledge to deal with it.

Winehole and baseline bum sitting around pretending Obamacare is a right-wing idea in America is fucking retarded and if they weren't both old as shit I'd say we need to get some child proof locks on all the Overton Windows in this country. Romneycare iirc was made in Massachusetts and they overcame a ton of line item vetoes from Romney to pass the bill anyways

01-23-2023, 05:56 PM
the greed is out of control


Those mother fuckers. And nothing will be done to them over price gouging

02-17-2023, 11:26 AM
hOw dO tHeY pLAn tO mAKe iT dEfiCiT nEuTrAl?

Congressman Vern Buchanan announced today that he has reintroduced the TCJA Permanency Act (H.R.976), legislation to make permanent tax cuts for individuals and small businesses originally enacted as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017. Buchanan was joined by 72 of his House Republican colleagues as original cosponsors in introducing this bill.

Without Congressional action, 23 different provisions (https://buchanan.house.gov/sites/buchanan.house.gov/files/x-1-18-5057%20%281%29.pdf) of the 2017 Republican tax law are set to expire after 2025.https://buchanan.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/TCJAPA-118

02-17-2023, 06:00 PM
Agreed but Ronnie’s reasons for being fiscally flexible were retarded. Deficit spending to finance tax cuts for rich people and stock buybacks is the dumbest possible form of deficit spending.

Sure and then the economy tanked and he raised taxes. It is obviously not ideal but compared to the MAGAtard modern GOP it was much preferable.

02-18-2023, 04:41 AM
Nearly half of the Senate Republican Conference has signed on to a letter to President Biden warning they will not vote for any bill to raise the nation’s debt limit unless it’s connected to spending cuts to address the nation’s $31 trillion debt.

The letter, led by conservative Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Ted Budd (R-N.C.), says it is the policy of the Republican conference that any increase in the debt ceiling must be accompanied by cuts in federal spending or “meaningful structural reform in spending.”


They only care about deficits when it means tax cuts for their constituents or program funding cuts for those that are not their constituents and their useful idiots.

03-14-2023, 05:36 PM
U.S. should temporarily guarantee all bank deposits, senior House Republican says

The government should temporarily insure every bank deposit in the country to shore up confidence in the U.S. financial system, a senior GOP lawmaker said Tuesday.

Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer of Missouri — a top member of the House Financial Services Committee and a former banker — said in an interview that such a move would help the smallest banks as they deal with the fallout of the collapse of regional lenders Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. The Biden administration and regulators have already guaranteed all the deposits at the two banks — above the deposit insurance limit of $250,000 — to mitigate economic damage.

Luetkemeyer said expanding the safety net would “give the system confidence.”

“If you don’t do this, there’s going to be a run on your smaller banks,” he said. “Everyone’s going to take their money out and run to the JPMorgan’s and these too-big-to-fail banks, and they’re going to get bigger and everybody else is going to get smaller and weaker, and it’s going really be bad for our system.”



03-14-2023, 06:41 PM
U.S. should temporarily guarantee all bank deposits, senior House Republican says

The government should temporarily insure every bank deposit in the country to shore up confidence in the U.S. financial system, a senior GOP lawmaker said Tuesday.

Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer of Missouri — a top member of the House Financial Services Committee and a former banker — said in an interview that such a move would help the smallest banks as they deal with the fallout of the collapse of regional lenders Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. The Biden administration and regulators have already guaranteed all the deposits at the two banks — above the deposit insurance limit of $250,000 — to mitigate economic damage.

Luetkemeyer said expanding the safety net would “give the system confidence.”

“If you don’t do this, there’s going to be a run on your smaller banks,” he said. “Everyone’s going to take their money out and run to the JPMorgan’s and these too-big-to-fail banks, and they’re going to get bigger and everybody else is going to get smaller and weaker, and it’s going really be bad for our system.”



Protect the rich so they can trickle on the poor is part of the GOP platform :tu ...and now Ole Joe's platform as well.

03-14-2023, 06:45 PM
Protect the rich so they can trickle on the poor is part of the GOP platform :tu ...and now Ole Joe's platform as well.

You can stop crying about student loans now.

But you won't.

03-14-2023, 10:20 PM
Protect the rich so they can trickle on the poor is part of the GOP platform :tu ...and now Ole Joe's platform as well.

I thought you cared about the deficit :lmao

03-14-2023, 10:32 PM
I thought you cared about the deficit :lmao

Hes a Trumper.
Does not know wtf he believes in.

04-17-2023, 11:54 AM

04-17-2023, 05:53 PM
With spineless Blowhard politicians on both sides you younger guys are well and truly fucked and don't even realize it yet.

Sadly, it would be impossible for anyone who tells the truth about spending and deficits to be elected.

04-17-2023, 05:57 PM
With spineless Blowhard politicians on both sides you younger guys are well and truly fucked and don't even realize it yet.

Sadly, it would be impossible for anyone who tells the truth about spending and deficits to be elected.And what is that truth?

04-17-2023, 06:05 PM
And what is that truth?

I think we have already passed the point of no return. No amount of tax increases or "bipartisan" token budget cuts are going to stop the eventual economic train wreck. There are trillions of unfunded state and local unfunded pension obligations that the federal government will eventually cover. Unfunded social security obligations are the third rail of politics that no one is brave enough to touch. We now have no choice but to run trillions of annual deficits as far as the eye can see. It will reach a point where the only options to sell government debt will be either to offer astronomical interest or let the fed monetize it, eventually crashing the dollar. I honestly don't think there is a feasible solution at this point.

04-17-2023, 06:09 PM
I think we have already passed the point of no return. No amount of tax increases or "bipartisan" token budget cuts are going to stop the eventual economic train wreck. There are trillions of unfunded state and local unfunded pension obligations that the federal government will eventually cover. Unfunded social security obligations are the third rail of politics that no one is brave enough to touch. We now have no choice but to run trillions of annual deficits as far as the eye can see. It will reach a point where the only options to sell government debt will be either to offer astronomical interest or let the fed monetize it, eventually crashing the dollar. I honestly don't think there is a feasible solution at this point.that's not a message likely to win an election, true

04-17-2023, 06:10 PM
We could probably postpone the inevitable by raising taxes massively from top to bottom, raising the social security age to 70, and telling the states and local governments that have underfunded their pension plans for years to suck it up and figure how to either fund them or default on their defined pension obligations. That would still just postpone the inevitable because the combination would crush GDP and make it impossible to "grow" out of it.

04-17-2023, 06:25 PM
We could probably postpone the inevitable by raising taxes massively from top to bottom, raising the social security age to 70, and telling the states and local governments that have underfunded their pension plans for years to suck it up and figure how to either fund them or default on their defined pension obligations. That would still just postpone the inevitable because the combination would crush GDP and make it impossible to "grow" out of it.

That's not a message that could win elections either.

04-17-2023, 06:27 PM
You could triple corporate taxes and they would just pass the cost through to the consumer as a legitimate cost of doing business and it would just throw gas on the inflation spiral.

Spurs Homer
04-17-2023, 06:31 PM
That's not a message that could win elections either.

Your cult daddy isn't interested in WINNING elections - never was -

he - and you - are interested in stealing elections like he did in 2016 and his failed coup attempt in 2020-

04-17-2023, 06:32 PM
You could triple corporate taxes and they would just pass the cost through to the consumer as a legitimate cost of doing business and it would just throw gas on the inflation spiral.

That could probably win elections from most in here, though.

04-17-2023, 06:34 PM
Your cult daddy isn't interested in WINNING elections - never was -

he - and you - are interested in stealing elections like he did in 2016 and his failed coup attempt in 2020-

Fuck off, loser. You are totally incapable of having a rational conversation. All you can do is spew insults and you don't contribute shit to this forum.

Spurs Homer
04-17-2023, 07:50 PM
Fuck off, loser. You are totally incapable of having a rational conversation. All you can do is spew insults and you don't contribute shit to this forum.

tell me which part did i not nail you fucking moron

it was exact and accurate and you didnt even deny any of it because you cant

04-17-2023, 10:05 PM
We could probably postpone the inevitable by raising taxes massively from top to bottom, raising the social security age to 70, and telling the states and local governments that have underfunded their pension plans for years to suck it up and figure how to either fund them or default on their defined pension obligations. That would still just postpone the inevitable because the combination would crush GDP and make it impossible to "grow" out of it.If as you suggest, we're fucked no matter who we vote for, does it matter at all who we vote for?

If nothing can be done to change our fate -- fucked and unfuckable, etc -- why not be a Bolshevik, a fascist, a monarchist or a terrorist? Or try to amass as much personal power and wealth as one can. however one can?

04-18-2023, 05:10 AM
tell me which part did i not nail you fucking moron

it was exact and accurate and you didnt even deny any of it because you cant

You are a stupid little troll loser. I have never been a Trump supporter from day one. Trump is almost as toxic as you are.

04-18-2023, 05:14 AM
If as you suggest, we're fucked no matter who we vote for, does it matter at all who we vote for?

If nothing can be done to change our fate -- fucked and unfuckable, etc -- why not be a Bolshevik, a fascist, a monarchist or a terrorist? Or try to amass as much personal power and wealth as one can. however one can?

That seems to be where we are going. Personally I am just doing everything I can to take care of my family. I certainly monitor politics since it affects me but am pretty disillusioned with the whole charade.

Spurs Homer
04-18-2023, 08:58 AM
You are a stupid little troll loser. I have never been a Trump supporter from day one. Trump is almost as toxic as you are.


good one!

Spurs Homer
04-18-2023, 09:01 AM
That seems to be where we are going. Personally I am just doing everything I can to take care of my family. I certainly monitor politics since it affects me but am pretty disillusioned with the whole charade.


sez the trump NON-supporter who has been complicit in destroying our democracy the past 7 yrs at least-

defending trumps fuckery, looking the other way, playing the whataboutism game in every trump crime,

all while claiming- “im NOT a trump supporter!”

what a dishonest cowardly douche

04-18-2023, 10:20 AM

sez the trump NON-supporter who has been complicit in destroying our democracy the past 7 yrs at least-

defending trumps fuckery, looking the other way, playing the whataboutism game in every trump crime,

all while claiming- “im NOT a trump supporter!”

what a dishonest cowardly douche

Keep it up if you want to get ISP banned this time, dickhead.

04-18-2023, 11:24 AM
That seems to be where we are going. Personally I am just doing everything I can to take care of my family. I certainly monitor politics since it affects me but am pretty disillusioned with the whole charade.

You've made it clear you benefit more when Dems gets voted in..... yet you keep voting R.


04-18-2023, 11:27 AM
Keep it up if you want to get ISP banned this time, dickhead.

:lol forum pretend sheriff

04-18-2023, 11:40 AM
:lol forum pretend sheriff

I got his ass banned when he was Bonnerific and I can do it again if necessary.

Spurs Homer
04-18-2023, 03:09 PM
Keep it up if you want to get ISP banned this time, dickhead.

sure pal, truth hurts?

04-18-2023, 03:14 PM
sure pal, truth hurts?

No, just tired of your fantasy shit.

Spurs Homer
04-18-2023, 03:18 PM
No, just tired of your fantasy shit.

go fuck yourself asshole -

keep lying that you did NOT defend the piece of shit cult daddy traitor of yours


04-18-2023, 04:21 PM
go fuck yourself asshole -

keep lying that you did NOT defend the piece of shit cult daddy traitor of yours


I get that you are confused. I'm ready to agree to disagree and let it go at that.

04-18-2023, 05:56 PM
I got his ass banned when he was Bonnerific and I can do it again if necessary.

Just like a true conservative. Free speech for all until your ass starts to get hurt.

04-18-2023, 06:17 PM
Just like a true conservative. Free speech for all until your ass starts to get hurt.

Fuck off loser. It's ankle biters like you and Bonnerific that are too fucking stupid to do anything but snipe at other posters. Every now and then why don't you actually try to bring a well thought out political post?

04-18-2023, 11:02 PM
I think we have already passed the point of no return. No amount of tax increases or "bipartisan" token budget cuts are going to stop the eventual economic train wreck. There are trillions of unfunded state and local unfunded pension obligations that the federal government will eventually cover. Unfunded social security obligations are the third rail of politics that no one is brave enough to touch. We now have no choice but to run trillions of annual deficits as far as the eye can see. It will reach a point where the only options to sell government debt will be either to offer astronomical interest or let the fed monetize it, eventually crashing the dollar. I honestly don't think there is a feasible solution at this point.

We could probably postpone the inevitable by raising taxes massively from top to bottom, raising the social security age to 70, and telling the states and local governments that have underfunded their pension plans for years to suck it up and figure how to either fund them or default on their defined pension obligations. That would still just postpone the inevitable because the combination would crush GDP and make it impossible to "grow" out of it.

What economic factors make you think the situation is dire like that? It's not like the government is having trouble selling debt. Also, raising taxes isn't the only solution to that.

I have a much bigger concern with the immediate recklessness of not raising the debt limit tho.

04-18-2023, 11:16 PM
Fuck off loser. It's ankle biters like you and Bonnerific that are too fucking stupid to do anything but snipe at other posters. Every now and then why don't you actually try to bring a well thought out political post?

It's just as fun to completely blow up what you think are well thought out posts and then watch you cry like you're doing now

04-19-2023, 05:21 AM
It's just as fun to completely blow up what you think are well thought out posts and then watch you cry like you're doing now

LOL @ Blake the faux intellectual that flatters himself that he can blow up anything besides his fat ass.

04-19-2023, 05:35 AM
What economic factors make you think the situation is dire like that? It's not like the government is having trouble selling debt. Also, raising taxes isn't the only solution to that.

I have a much bigger concern with the immediate recklessness of not raising the debt limit tho.

I'm not really concerned about the debt ceiling being raised. This shit happens over and over. Its the usual bullshit posturing by both sides and nothing substantial ever happens. Both parties are big spenders. Fix social security? What a joke. All politician one has to say is " my opponent wants to cut your social security" and politician 2 immediately responds "I pledge to never touch your social security". The issue is debt is growing faster than the economy. That is an unsustainable path and there will eventually be a tipping point.

04-19-2023, 06:49 AM
LOL @ Blake the faux intellectual that flatters himself that he can blow up anything besides his fat ass.

:lol you get blown up by many different posters in almost every faux intellectual thread you start. Then you cry. I'll give you the threads if you need them. : lol

04-19-2023, 07:41 AM
Again, Blake has nothing of substance to say about the topic. Just more butthurt ankle biting. "crying" LOL maybe tears of laughter at the forum cuck.

04-19-2023, 08:58 AM
"There's nothing we can do about any of it, we're doomed"


04-19-2023, 09:14 AM
"There's nothing we can do about any of it, we're doomed"


The big money has always been in personal income tax revenue. As for corporate taxes at any rate, it will just end up acting like a regressive personal tax. It becomes a cost of doing business that get passed directly down to the consumer of whatever product or service they produce, driving inflation.

04-19-2023, 09:23 AM
If only big corporations/ultra rich people paid their fair share and we stopped spending 700+ billion dollars on the defense budget every year, problem solved. But too many dolts are duped into voting for politicians who support corporate interests over their own and are convinced that if the US didnt spend 10x more than the next 10 counties combined in defense spending we would become Poland overnight or something :lol

Sadly this will never change, considering almost half the country thinks some fat orange trust fund nepo baby that craps in a golden toilet somehow represents working class interests

04-19-2023, 09:38 AM
The big money has always been in personal income tax revenue. As for corporate taxes at any rate, it will just end up acting like a regressive personal tax. It becomes a cost of doing business that get passed directly down to the consumer of whatever product or service they produce, driving inflation.

Back in US good old days, revenue was raised primarily from import taxes and tariffs (until like you said federal income tax began after 1913). Sure, consumer paid in the end but they made the choice of buying foreign made goods, if there was an option to buy similar US made goods.

04-19-2023, 09:40 AM
If only big corporations/ultra rich people paid their fair share and we stopped spending 700+ billion dollars on the defense budget every year, problem solved. But too many dolts are duped into voting for politicians who support corporate interests over their own and are convinced that if the US didnt spend 10x more than the next 10 counties combined in defense spending we would become Poland overnight or something :lol

Sadly this will never change, considering almost half the country thinks some fat orange trust fund nepo baby that craps in a golden toilet somehow represents working class interests

Do you really believe that if General Mills taxes/cost of business went up 15% that the cost of your cheerios wouldn't go up 15%?

04-19-2023, 09:45 AM
Do you really believe that if General Mills taxes/cost of business went up 15% that the cost of your cheerios wouldn't go up 15%?

It shouldnt. That's the problem. People like you are so against taxing corporations because of the fear of prices being raised yet the CEOs are still making billions of dollars and are completely unaffected by it. I also don't give a fuck if Cheerios go up by 15% if the taxes taken from it actually serve a purpose. I guess your solution is just do nothing and let the big corps do what they want while they continue to outsource a lot of their labor regardless?

04-19-2023, 09:52 AM
It shouldnt. That's the problem. People like you are so against taxing corporations because of the fear of prices being raised yet the CEOs are still making billions of dollars and are completely unaffected by it. I also don't give a fuck if Cheerios go up by 15% if the taxes taken from it actually serve a purpose. I guess your solution is just do nothing and let the big corps do what they want while they continue to outsource a lot of their labor regardless?

It has nothing to do with fear. I'm just pointing out the reality that corporate taxes end up being regressive personal tax because the cost of goods and services rises proportionally and hurts those least able to afford it.

04-19-2023, 09:57 AM
It has nothing to do with fear. I'm just pointing out the reality that corporate taxes end up being regressive personal tax because the cost of goods and services rises proportionally and hurts those least able to afford it.

Yeah except in your capitalist theory world there would still be breaking point where the Cheerios cost too much and nobody buys them.

04-19-2023, 10:08 AM
Yeah except in your capitalist theory world there would still be breaking point where the Cheerios cost too much and nobody buys them.

Yeah, but the cost of your lucky charms went up 15% too.

04-19-2023, 10:16 AM
It has nothing to do with fear. I'm just pointing out the reality that corporate taxes end up being regressive personal tax because the cost of goods and services rises proportionally and hurts those least able to afford it.
So prices went down when corporate rates were cut?

04-19-2023, 10:18 AM
So prices went down when corporate rates were cut?

More likely didn't rise as fast as they would have. Inflation is automatically baked in to our economy.

04-19-2023, 10:21 AM
More likely didn't rise as fast as they would have. Inflation is automatically baked in to our economy.
"most likely"?

Sounds like retro wishcasting.

04-19-2023, 10:43 AM
"most likely"?

Sounds like retro wishcasting.

Your position seems to be it made no difference. Have anything to back up your claim?

04-19-2023, 10:50 AM
Your position seems to be it made no difference. Have anything to back up your claim?I asked if it ever made a difference.

Looks like it didn't.

Would you lower your prices across the board after getting a tax break?

04-19-2023, 10:54 AM
I asked if it ever made a difference.

Looks like it didn't.

Would you lower your prices across the board after getting a tax break?

Anyone in a competitive business has to take into account what their competitors are charging. I have lowered prices on some items when my cost was lowered, and taxes are just another cost of doing business.

04-19-2023, 10:59 AM
Anyone in a competitive business has to take into account what their competitors are charging. I have lowered prices on some items when my cost was lowered, and taxes are just another cost of doing business.IOW no, you didn't lower prices when you got a tax break.

04-19-2023, 11:02 AM
IOW no, you didn't lower prices when you got a tax break.

I didn't get a tax break.

04-19-2023, 11:07 AM
I didn't get a tax break.
OK, well we'll have to find a corporation that did.

The last cut happened in what, 2018?

Good luck to us.

04-19-2023, 11:23 AM
Yeah, but the cost of your lucky charms went up 15% too.

If I'm that hard up for lucky charms I'll buy the off brand Fortunate Trinkets instead. Or maybe just do without.

I remember about ten years ago cereal companies all decided to jack up their prices across the board. Didn't last long.

I think the automatic assumption that the extra tax will just trickle down to the consumer is your on par narrow sighted view. Too many variables in the markets.

04-19-2023, 11:43 AM
If I'm that hard up for lucky charms I'll buy the off brand Fortunate Trinkets instead. Or maybe just do without.

I remember about ten years ago cereal companies all decided to jack up their prices across the board. Didn't last long.

I think the automatic assumption that the extra tax will just trickle down to the consumer is your on par narrow sighted view. Too many variables in the markets.

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt with Lucky Charms. Should have known you were already slurping down Fortunate Trinkets. Unfortunately they went up 15% too when their cost of doing business went up 15%.

04-19-2023, 11:43 AM
Do you really believe that if General Mills taxes/cost of business went up 15% that the cost of your cheerios wouldn't go up 15%?


:lol literally found a jpeg with Cheerios


04-19-2023, 12:12 PM
Do you really believe that if General Mills taxes/cost of business went up 15% that the cost of your cheerios wouldn't go up 15%?

If they do, they now have a product that's not competitive. But we keep protecting big conglomerates that hate competition. That's the other part that's left unsaid about this.

04-19-2023, 12:14 PM
We were talking about Federal taxes. General Mills is a multinational corporation. They wouldn't be constantly adjusting prices on a micro level based on state and local variations. Nice try, though.

04-19-2023, 12:15 PM
If they do, they now have a product that's not competitive. But we keep protecting big conglomerates that hate competition. That's the other part that's left unsaid about this.

The point was an across the board federal tax on all corporations. All would suffer the same increase in the cost of doing business. this wasn't just a tax on cheerios.

04-19-2023, 12:25 PM
I'm not really concerned about the debt ceiling being raised. This shit happens over and over. Its the usual bullshit posturing by both sides and nothing substantial ever happens. Both parties are big spenders. Fix social security? What a joke. All politician one has to say is " my opponent wants to cut your social security" and politician 2 immediately responds "I pledge to never touch your social security". The issue is debt is growing faster than the economy. That is an unsustainable path and there will eventually be a tipping point.

It's all gamesmanship until one day it isn't. My concern stems from the notion that conservatives no longer largely believe democracy is working for them, and that's a good opportunity to put a stick of dynamite on the country.

The issue with Social Security has many solutions that certainly don't involve making drastic changes like privatization. For example, immigration to expand the tax base is one of them, and we're certainly not lacking interest from people to come on over.

But when you run on a flawed premise like American exceptionalism, you rather see the country blow up than actual be proactive with solutions.

Plus, this is again an issue caused by another generation of Americans that now wants us to sacrifice for their fuckups, and on top of that don't want to be part of the solution.

04-19-2023, 12:28 PM
The point was an across the board federal tax on all corporations. All would suffer the same increase in the cost of doing business. this wasn't just a tax on cheerios.

But again, in a global economy you also need to remain competitive. ie: it doesn't take a lot to import Cheerios-competition from Mexico.

The larger issue is that our politicos are wholly owned by the General Mills, Comcast, Verizons of the world.

04-19-2023, 12:31 PM
If they do, they now have a product that's not competitive. But we keep protecting big conglomerates that hate competition. That's the other part that's left unsaid about this.

CC doesn't really understand capitalism. He has just been told he likes it.

04-19-2023, 12:32 PM
But again, in a global economy you also need to remain competitive. ie: it doesn't take a lot to import Cheerios-competition from Mexico.

The larger issue is that our politicos are wholly owned by the General Mills, Comcast, Verizons of the world.

I agree. as long as they keep buying politicians they will remain protected. I don't see it ever changing.

04-19-2023, 12:33 PM
The point was an across the board federal tax on all corporations. All would suffer the same increase in the cost of doing business. this wasn't just a tax on cheerios.

Corporations have had record profits for decades. The money just flows to the hyper-wealthy, provably so.

I have no problem taxing billionaires when their tax evasion schemes end up costing more than we spend on food stamps.

Rich people are leeches.

04-19-2023, 12:34 PM
CC doesn't really understand capitalism. He has just been told he likes it.

It has nothing to do with "liking" or "disliking" it. It is simply accepting reality.

04-19-2023, 12:38 PM
At least this is a legit thread with points made that have some backing.

CC is about the only conservative on this site who argues using conservative economic policy imo.
Its at least a useful conversation. Its does not end with " fk money"

04-19-2023, 12:41 PM
What has me the most concerned is business policies that stifle innovation or even prevent innovation.
So government has a job here. This is especially relevant in energy imo. The other stuff I just dont know well enough.
Sorry, carry on.

04-19-2023, 01:11 PM
Yeah, but the cost of your lucky charms went up 15% too.
this isnt really a compelling explanation, though. its not like corporate profits remain steady, and simply increase/decrease prices scaled to tax rates in some way. we've seen a lot of these companies show record profits. yes, there is inflation, but their profits are outpacing inflation.

direct price fixing has historically been a shitty policy, but i would just increase the marginal tax rates to decrease that incentive to hike prices "just because"

baseline bum
04-19-2023, 01:18 PM
Do you really believe that if General Mills taxes/cost of business went up 15% that the cost of your cheerios wouldn't go up 15%?

It's head I win, tails you lose in this economy. Corporations got their taxes slashed by Trump and it all went to stock buybacks to inflate compensation packages for executives since they can dodge income taxes with stock options thanks to low capital gains taxes. But their costs go up 15% and they raise prices by 30% because there is such little competition in so many sectors. Like with cereal almost everything on the shelf is General Mills, Post, or Kelloggs.

baseline bum
04-19-2023, 01:21 PM
Corporations have had record profits for decades. The money just flows to the hyper-wealthy, provably so.

I have no problem taxing billionaires when their tax evasion schemes end up costing more than we spend on food stamps.

Rich people are leeches.

Need to tax capital gains as income to reduce this ridiculous incentive our nation gives corporations to just spend everything buying back stock.

04-19-2023, 02:22 PM
We were talking about Federal taxes. General Mills is a multinational corporation. They wouldn't be constantly adjusting prices on a micro level based on state and local variations. Nice try, though.

The higher taxes in Alaska didn't automatically raise the price of Cheerios. That's the point.

04-19-2023, 02:53 PM
Thats an apples point on an orange discussion but thanks for playing.

04-19-2023, 05:38 PM
Thats an apples point on an orange discussion but thanks for playing.

Uh huh. Don't cry any more when I don't waste discussion with you and just go right to the lol you're an idiot lines.

04-19-2023, 05:42 PM
Some markets where you have many suppliers and distributors, you see prices react to market. In monopolistic, situations like meat processing and produce you won't.

CC and what he does with his own business is his own business and the ad hominem attacks he is getting is akin to the stupidity Darrin likes to bandy about regarding climate: "what do you do to help the climate and if you don't do enough your points are invalid!'

04-19-2023, 06:26 PM
Uh huh. Don't cry any more when I don't waste discussion with you and just go right to the lol you're an idiot lines.

It's not my fault you tried so desperately hard for a "gotcha!" that ultimately didn't apply to the conversation on federal taxes.

04-19-2023, 06:38 PM
It's not my fault you tried so desperately hard for a "gotcha!" that ultimately didn't apply to the conversation on federal taxes.
you moved the goalposts imo. your point was that higher taxes on corporations are passed onto consumers, then changed it to "federal" only, even though the same principle should apply with state taxes

04-19-2023, 06:46 PM
you moved the goalposts imo. your point was that higher taxes on corporations are passed onto consumers, then changed it to "federal" only, even though the same principle should apply with state taxes

The discussion was always about federal taxes on corporations. A multinational looks at multinational results and shoots for X profit margin to satisfy investors. Ups and down of state and local taxes average out nationally to a Y cost of doing business. The argument could be made that consumers in low tax states are subsidizing high tax states when a national brand establishes a national price point.

04-19-2023, 07:01 PM
The discussion was always about federal taxes on corporations. A multinational looks at multinational results and shoots for X profit margin to satisfy investors. Ups and down of state and local taxes average out nationally to a Y cost of doing business. The argument could be made that consumers in low tax states are subsidizing high tax states when a national brand establishes a national price point.

It could be said they are gouging low tax states and charging high tax states regularly.

04-19-2023, 07:37 PM
The discussion was always about federal taxes on corporations. A multinational looks at multinational results and shoots for X profit margin to satisfy investors. Ups and down of state and local taxes average out nationally to a Y cost of doing business. The argument could be made that consumers in low tax states are subsidizing high tax states when a national brand establishes a national price point.
what kind of financially sound company would not consider different economic conditions when doing business in different states?

04-19-2023, 08:14 PM
The discussion was always about federal taxes on corporations. A multinational looks at multinational results and shoots for X profit margin to satisfy investors. Ups and down of state and local taxes average out nationally to a Y cost of doing business. The argument could be made that consumers in low tax states are subsidizing high tax states when a national brand establishes a national price point.

Lol "the argument could be made"

But it isn't

04-19-2023, 09:45 PM
Lol "the argument could be made"

But it isn't

Did you even graduate from high school? Your intellectual growth was apparently stunted somewhere.

04-19-2023, 09:49 PM
Some markets where you have many suppliers and distributors, you see prices react to market. In monopolistic, situations like meat processing and produce you won't.

CC and what he does with his own business is his own business and the ad hominem attacks he is getting is akin to the stupidity Darrin likes to bandy about regarding climate: "what do you do to help the climate and if you don't do enough your points are invalid!'

Lol, rent free

04-20-2023, 05:04 AM
Lol, rent free

You should be proud. I thought of others that behaved like dumbasses and you were the first person I thought of. You are indeed a rent free example of stupidity. Thanks.

04-20-2023, 06:40 AM
Did you even graduate from high school? Your intellectual growth was apparently stunted somewhere.

You're an intellectual pussy, leaving yourself an out. Make the argument and back it up.

04-20-2023, 06:41 AM
Lol, rent free

You paid way in advance

04-24-2023, 03:17 PM
https://www.crfb.org/sites/default/files/styles/media_image_default/public/images/FY%202022%20deficit%20totaled%20%241.4%20trillioin .png.webp?itok=ZF038Niv

04-24-2023, 05:54 PM
https://www.crfb.org/sites/default/files/styles/media_image_default/public/images/FY%202022%20deficit%20totaled%20%241.4%20trillioin .png.webp?itok=ZF038Niv

Wow that's really something to celebrate, especially when CBO says they will continue to climb starting this year.

04-24-2023, 06:31 PM
Wow that's really something to celebrate, especially when CBO says they will continue to climb starting this year.yr Trump sure blew it up.

04-24-2023, 06:59 PM
yr Trump sure blew it up.

supply side tax cuts for the rich! A rising tide raises us all!

04-24-2023, 07:39 PM
yr Trump sure blew it up.

Covid. Be honest for a change whinehole.

05-17-2023, 10:48 AM
McCarthy wants to lock in the Trump tax cuts til 2033.

I forgot, are tax cuts deficit neutral?


05-17-2023, 10:49 AM
Covid. Be honest for a change whinehole.The buck's gotta stop somewhere, CC.

GWB blamed war, depression and terrorism. You guys always have an excuse.

05-17-2023, 10:55 AM
what's the Republican excuse for wanting to blow up the deficit this time?

05-18-2023, 02:05 PM
Don't worry guys, the Repubs want to slash 30 billion from Veterans spending.

07-06-2023, 09:57 AM
Dead in the Senate, but the inconsistency of principle is stark.

At the start of 2023, House Republicans refused to raise the debt ceiling unless the deficit came down. “We must move toward a balanced budget,” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said (https://www.speaker.gov/mccarthy-delivers-address-on-the-debt-ceiling/) in February. Eventually McCarthy settled for a bill that suspended the debt ceiling until 2025 and, according to (https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/2023-05/hr3746_Letter_McCarthy.pdf) the Congressional Budget Office, reduced the deficit by $1.5 trillion over 10 years.

But on June 13, the House Ways and Means Committee passed the Build It in America Act (http://waysandmeans.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/AINS-to-H.R.-3938.pdf), 24–18 (http://waysandmeans.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/3938-Final-Passage.pdf), a tax cut that would increase the budget deficit by $157 billion over the next 10 years, according to (https://www.jct.gov/publications/2023/jcx-29-23/) the Joint Committee on Taxation. The measure is part of a package of three bills called the American Families and Jobs Act (https://waysandmeans.house.gov/smith-introduces-the-american-families-and-jobs-act-to-cut-taxes-for-working-families-grow-main-street-businesses-and-protect-american-innovation-competitiveness/) that together, according to (https://www.crfb.org/blogs/wm-tax-bill-would-cost-over-1-trillion-if-made-permanent) the nonprofit Committee for a Responsible Budget, would (again, over 10 years) erase $1.1 trillion of the $1.5 trillion in savings from the deficit-ceiling bill.

This quantity of deficit reduction, you’ll recall, was so overwhelmingly necessary at the end of May that House Republicans were willing to risk default on the U.S. debt in order to achieve it. Yet two weeks later, their tax-writing committee pissed away nearly all of those savings in tax cuts.


07-06-2023, 11:35 AM
Lol, rent free

You are a great advertiser for a brand of ignorance or just flat out lying on this site.

07-06-2023, 12:13 PM
You are a great advertiser for a brand of ignorance or just flat out lying on this site.
Congrats.I think there's a little of both. Bullshitters are indifferent to truth and falsity, but trolls will lie on purpose just to get a reaction.

05-08-2024, 04:50 PM

05-08-2024, 05:47 PM

If we can afford to give the millions of Nazi's in Ukraine full health care (free ride) then anything else is good too.

05-11-2024, 08:50 AM
Abusive tax havens aren't revenue neutral. Whenever debt/deficit come board conservatives like to skip over the revenue side and focus entirely on public spending.

Anytime someone skips half the story, they're not telling a straight tale.


05-11-2024, 09:19 AM
Abusive tax havens aren't revenue neutral. Whenever debt/deficit come board conservatives like to skip over the revenue side and focus entirely on public spending.

Anytime someone skips half the story, they're not telling a straight tale.



05-30-2024, 10:12 AM
Rs blow up the deficit and blame Ds


05-30-2024, 10:36 AM
Rs blow up the deficit and blame Ds


It's alright, sweetheart. When it gets to the point that we can't CONTINUE to give the millions of Nazi's in Ukraine full ride healthcare then, and only then will we be monetarily in deep do-do.

We ain't even close, Winester. Because when it happen, it'll be like, like, like overnight. Monday after a weekend, A-OK. The next morn? The world will end if we don't have a massive tax increase on the following morrow, and the millions of Nazi's in Ukraine will have the full ride health care cut off within 9 months, no further than a year. No.