View Full Version : Stephen Jackson Interview with Dejounte

01-19-2023, 05:51 PM
Thoughts? :corn:

01-19-2023, 06:09 PM
All these dudes are full-on locked in on the brainwash. It's hip to hate on the Spurs and has been for years. You ain't cool if you don't hate on the Spurs. Thanks ESPN, you started this crap in the 2003-2004 season.

Joseph Kony
01-19-2023, 06:12 PM
:lmao that smoothbrain QueenKev thinks this rambling nonsense was "well spoken" and "articulate"

01-19-2023, 06:18 PM
:lmao that smoothbrain QueenKev thinks this rambling nonsense was "well spoken" and "articulate"

That was one clip Kyle. Listen to the whole
interview and come back.

01-19-2023, 06:21 PM
Thoughts? <img src="images/smilies/popcorn.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Popcorn" smilieid="69" class="inlineimg"><br>
It's hard to understand what his actual complaints are here. He seems to make a lot of insinuations that he seems to even acknowledge he didn't have confirmation of. <br>
His beef is that he was behind Tony and Patty and they also brought in Nicolas Laprovittola... was he thinking that the 29th overall pick should be treated like the second coming? Most of this came off more as DJ sounding entitled than it makes the Spurs look bad, tbh.<br><br>PS: acknowledging I didn't watch the whole interview, just this clip.

01-19-2023, 06:28 PM
In typical spurstalk fashion most of you gents (I use that term loosely) have jumped to conclusions and gotten in your feelings without full context… also most of you don’t watch Spurs games, let alone the NBA.

Bunch of Karens in this bitch.

timvp (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=8) you have a self set quota for articles this year right?

This would be a good topic to watch, review and opine on.

Joseph Kony
01-19-2023, 06:31 PM
:lmao ST is "in their feelings" while QueenKev relentlessly semen shields for DJM. only one in their feelings is the guy who cant help but defend instagram baller at every turn rofl

01-19-2023, 06:34 PM
Tf is he even talking about in this clip? He's upset that a 67 win team didn't hand the keys over to the 29th pick from day one? Wtf does Laprovitola who only played like 18 games have to do with it? Weird rant

Mr. Body
01-19-2023, 06:42 PM
It's just funny how Pop goes out of his way to mentor and develop players and they wind up spraying shit all over the place like fat, sassy hippos with helicoptering tails. Kawhi couldn't be bothered to say a single thing to the city and its fans who had supported him from the start.

John B
01-19-2023, 07:02 PM
:lmao Any Spurs fan really gonna defend this punk? Seriously. What did Spurs ever do to this guy? 29th pick and he’s complaining about playing behind future HOFer TP? What is this guy smoking? The Spurs looking down at him like he’s gonna bring 30 people smokin’ joints?! See, that’s the punk kid talking, against authority. The guy will always be paranoid, maybe because he was in juvenile most of his teens. He never really grown out of that. And of all people accusing PATFO?? Anybody really gonna believe him Spurs is like that? Fuck this punk.

01-19-2023, 07:05 PM
man DJM has serious "I am the main character" energy

01-19-2023, 07:16 PM
"And I took that personally" is his entire personality, tbh.

01-19-2023, 07:20 PM
Good interview format. Nice to hear the players talk among themselves rather than having the in-the-pocket local reporter ask pre-approved questions.

He was ragging on the Spurs a bit but really the team came off well. He states himself that when he got the starting role Pop formalized it to both him and Tony directly. States they had some concerns about his character but he earned their trust.

Any player that doesn't have their posse under control needs to be watched closely. I'm a Saints fan and two of the highest paid players on the team are looking at suspensions and/or jail time for stupid shit their posses got them into. Primo's career was recently ended because of whatever childhood trauma he'd been through combined with inept therapy and, if anything, negligent management that was _too_ hands off.

Players want to keep it real with their hoodrat friends, frequently fuck up their careers over stupid shit, then act insulted when teams try to protect them. Teams know a good chunk of these kids come from fatherless homes and what that leads to. They're not gonna be in denial of the statistical reality of that upbringing like most Americans are.

Lapro had a lot of overseas experience so it's not like a rookie was stealing his time, and that was barely a blip on the radar of Spurs PG history. I forgot he even played for us till this interview.

I hope Dejounte has a good career and rings at some point. His formative years were with us and I consider him a Spur for life.

01-19-2023, 07:24 PM
I knew one day this scrub would crack and expose who he really was and Jax still hung up about his last days here... these losers deserve each other :lol

01-19-2023, 07:28 PM
Watched the interview and a bit of a summary or important points

1. STarted of with DJ talking about his family and proceeded to the trade. Sounds like it was a mutual descison for the trade. SPurs going rebuild and DJ wanted to win/
2. Sj being Sk, brought up the same ole line on how the spurs system isn't for everyone (even tho it changes) and holds people back. brought up Kawhi,himself and dejounte on how the system held them back. Dj agreed but the question kinda of stopped there.
3. On that notes, SJ also brought up a good amount of postives about the spurs; on how they develop, build charatcer and basketball IQ
4. Alot of dicussion regarding Dejounte's past and family hitory
First 30 mins of the interview. More coming up

01-19-2023, 07:51 PM
Part 2;
1. Good amount of dicussion on his past issues (Again), and how it effected his draft. Talked about how the Fed were invovled, asking people close to him.
2. mentioned someone spread some rumors or whatever around, and DJ beieves that they tried to ruin him.
3. Mentioned that Spurs were having a discussion to moveup to draft him if he was not available.
4. Discussion of getting drafted by the spurs;
5. Growing up, knew that the spurs wer boring (no question) but repsected there history and what they've done
6. Mentioned that Pop, Manu, and TP didn't talk to him at first.Mostly was with Kawhi, Green and JSims
7. Than went into the small twitter clip we all saw.
8.Brought up Tp, Sjak went on a good rampage calling Tp the most selfish players he played with. (lol. Like dude cheated on Eva)
8. Brought up Manu, Suprising SJ likes him, and considered him to be one of the better teammated. Dejounte mentioned the same.
9. Discussed the Injury, and mentions how he will allways apprecioate the Orgainzation for that.
10. Brought up White, and how after that playoff series, he beleived that spurs were dicussing on who to start. Mentioned that he wasn't yes-man and white could potentially have been. Belived that pop sided with white over him.
11. Discussed the so call mind-games that Pop plays. Mostly Sj talked about this.

01-19-2023, 07:57 PM
Final Thoughts;
Really wasn't as bad as but people are assuming it was.
Tp got destroyed, SJ has good amount in there about Tp. Seems like Tp got zone on.
Mentioned a bit of pop; mostly the White thing. I don't really know the back story, but White always took the back seat to both Dejounte and Demar.
Nothing bad spoken about the spurs and there developed. actually mentioned a few postives.
Overall the spice came from that Twitter clip.

That is all folks, nothing oveally bad was said, besied Tp, which at this point shouldn't be a suprise

01-19-2023, 08:03 PM
Didnt read and dont care

01-19-2023, 08:07 PM
It looks like the spurs made the right decision trading DJ. I can’t believe a player that got drafted with 29th pick brought three first round picks in return.

01-19-2023, 08:08 PM
Why doesn’t SJ just invite TP on the podcast and they can have it out.

I mean I get irrational confidence, but TP would’ve been a good player on any team in the NBA. SJ was never an all star player and a 37 year old Jackson was objectively worse than Manu and Danny Green.

I think Murray disses on the Spurs a little more bc SJ is there. I mean every other team passed on him but the Spurs and I guess he wanted them to make him a star right away, but he sucked as a rookie. They did the right thing on his development and clearly it worked for him. And they paid him a great contract when he had just tore an ACL and White was playing better. Spurs showed him some loyalty but I mean it’s a business for everyone at the end of the day and players treat it the same way too. They may not make the trades but they force them a lot.

01-19-2023, 08:17 PM
Nothing said seems particularly aggravating. He comes from a very troubled background, he clearly has some personal issues that show up every now and then, but I suppose it's about as little as you could expect from someone with his background. His partnership with the Spurs paid off for both parties, and it was in mutual interest to part ways. I wish DJ a good career elsewhere, once the Hawks burst into flames and we land one lottery pick after another.

01-19-2023, 08:34 PM
on a sidenote Dejounte put Tim Duncan is all time starting 5 list.

01-19-2023, 08:35 PM
Nobody gives a shit about SJ or DM! Never won anything, never did anything worthwhile. Parker will be a hall of famer and when he is done with speech he can tell them both to fo

01-19-2023, 08:37 PM
Nobody gives a shit about SJ or DM! Never won anything, never did anything worthwhile. Parker will be a hall of famer and when he is done with speech he can tell them both to fo

We probably don’t win in 03’ without Jack…

01-19-2023, 08:50 PM
Not that controversial dunno why this is blowing up. Him asking for a trade his rookie year and Rich Paul telling him he has no value is a good tidbit though. We have a similar prospect in Wes.

01-19-2023, 09:21 PM
Thoughts? :corn:
id probably have to watch the full thing, but even in this clip he's kinda all over the place.

he mentions how they tried to break him, how they brought in some argentinian dude that he played behind, etc. how they drafted him but didnt really trust him.

but then he mentions how as a rookie he was thrown into the fire in the playoffs, and by his 2nd season he took the starting job from a franchise legend in tony parker

offset formation
01-19-2023, 10:47 PM
It's just funny how Pop goes out of his way to mentor and develop players and they wind up spraying shit all over the place like fat, sassy hippos with helicoptering tails. Kawhi couldn't be bothered to say a single thing to the city and its fans who had supported him from the start.

As always, fuck neph. He may have single-handedly ruined this franchise and ruined our mojo. It's like 2014 was the peak and everything has been downhill since the NBA playoffs vs Zaza and the Dubs. Anyone notice him in the background d photos during their WH pics from today?

james evans
01-19-2023, 11:31 PM
As time goes on, it's going to be harder and harder to find someone to say something nice about that piece of shit Tony Parker.

01-19-2023, 11:51 PM
Wait, just saw this Murray quote about D White, what the fuck man

Dejounte: "They really have me competing against Derrick White... I love Pop, but I felt like he sided with Derrick more than me because I wasn't a yes man. Not saying Derrick is any of that... Getting personal, you can't play with me like that."

01-19-2023, 11:53 PM
Dejounte on finding out he was an All-Star: "I head home and [Pop] randomly calls me. 'Can you come back to the facility?' and I'm like, for what?... I soon as I walk in the door, they're like 'Congratulations All-Star.' I'm like, 'wait a minute. What!?'"

The Truth #6
01-20-2023, 12:02 AM
Parker seems to rub a lot of people the wrong way. And yet, he was a Spurs lifer, completely bought in, and was able to keep his personality issues from spilling out into interviews and things like that. As a fan, I prefer it that way. I feel bad for Bones, but other than that it’s not really my problem. DJM on the other may somehow be a cool dude but he gives fans plenty of reasons to dislike him. I prefer the Parker approach.

01-20-2023, 12:08 AM
We probably don’t win in 03’ without Jack…

You could say the same about Steve Kerr and Manu Ginobili had some moments too. But yes, we could win the title simply because we had Tim Duncan and you could have replaced SJ with anyone that can shoot threes and it would have been the same result. Tim got guys some wide open shots.

01-20-2023, 12:13 AM
Parker seems to rub a lot of people the wrong way. And yet, he was a Spurs lifer, completely bought in, and was able to keep his personality issues from spilling out into interviews and things like that. As a fan, I prefer it that way. I feel bad for Bones, but other than that it’s not really my problem. DJM on the other may somehow be a cool dude but he gives fans plenty of reasons to dislike him. I prefer the Parker approach.

Man, he probably was not the best teammate. He was also not from the US. He didn't have the Manu humility either. But just because he turned some people off doesn't take away from the fact that he was an all-star and at times, a top 10 NBA player. Very few Spurs can make that claim. He made all-NBA 2nd team 3 times and got votes for first place and also finished in the top tier of MVP candidates. Dude had an ego, I'm sure, but to be honest, many players have an ego. Could you say his ego was any bigger than SJ? I mean SJ is not the paragon of humility.

01-20-2023, 12:22 AM
Truth nukes by DJ tbh

01-20-2023, 01:56 AM

01-20-2023, 02:07 AM
for a guy that comes from the hood and acts like he's some tough guy, he sure sounds like a vagina... Anyway, I dont really have any time to listen to 2 retards talking.

01-20-2023, 02:22 AM
One of my favourite things is seeing some bitter ex Spurs trying to trash talk one of Tim, Tony or Manu and failing miserably. These tears are delicious, just like those of Spurs fans who support them.

DeRozan m8
01-20-2023, 02:28 AM
He was never that guy and never will be.

His girly insta posts were the first signs...

Then the basketball followed

baseline bum
01-20-2023, 02:32 AM
id probably have to watch the full thing, but even in this clip he's kinda all over the place.

he mentions how they tried to break him, how they brought in some argentinian dude that he played behind, etc. how they drafted him but didnt really trust him.

but then he mentions how as a rookie he was thrown into the fire in the playoffs, and by his 2nd season he took the starting job from a franchise legend in tony parker

He was mostly very complimentary of the Spurs, was a good interview to listen to while playing Elden Ring. :lol

Jackson really hates Tony Parker though.

01-20-2023, 03:04 AM
also fuck captain jack for holding some whine session

fuck yo podcast, clown

01-20-2023, 04:06 AM
enrique was nothing more then a coatrider....this clown reminds me of that cuck pippen/horry, trying to get more credit then they actually deserve....

01-20-2023, 06:25 AM
That was one clip Kyle. Listen to the whole
interview and come back.

In what way listening to the whole interview would change what he says in this clip ?

I'm tired of this idiot, he's been such a disappointment since he left SA. Tear your ACL once again so we don't have to watch and listen to your BS for another year.

John B
01-20-2023, 08:21 AM
Parker seems to rub a lot of people the wrong way. And yet, he was a Spurs lifer, completely bought in, and was able to keep his personality issues from spilling out into interviews and things like that. As a fan, I prefer it that way. I feel bad for Bones, but other than that it’s not really my problem. DJM on the other may somehow be a cool dude but he gives fans plenty of reasons to dislike him. I prefer the Parker approach.

Agree 100%.

John B
01-20-2023, 08:32 AM
In what way listening to the whole interview would change what he says in this clip ?

I'm tired of this idiot, he's been such a disappointment since he left SA. Tear your ACL once again so we don't have to watch and listen to your BS for another year.

I’m sure he’s let down plenty of cops as a juvy, who gave him chances and he’s back on the street the next day. He still acts the same way. The punk never grew up. This disloyalty is 100% a deciding factor the Spurs traded him, on top of other reasons. He can never be the face of a franchise when he turns around and rat on the same people who treated him good. I bet the Hawks are excited to have him rat on them when he bolts out. Pussy ass punk!

01-20-2023, 08:39 AM
As time goes on, it's going to be harder and harder to find someone to say something nice about that piece of shit Tony Parker.

Who else outside of Jax, Kawhi, Barry, Dejounte is going to say anything bad about Tony? Barry, I understand his hatred of Tony which is legit but the other 3 guys are proven malcontents. They sound like a bunch of bitter ex-girlfriends trying to get over their ex when talking about Tony.

01-20-2023, 09:00 AM
Who else outside of Jax, Kawhi, Barry, Dejounte is going to say anything bad about Tony? Barry, I understand his hatred of Tony which is legit but the other 3 guys are proven malcontents. They sound like a bunch of bitter ex-girlfriends trying to get over their ex when talking about Tony.

Kawhi talk shit about Tony?

01-20-2023, 09:08 AM
Jax comments on Parker don't make sense. He blames Parker for freezing him out of game 6 in OKC and says Tony was trash that game. But Tony only shot the ball 6 times in the 4th and made 3 of them. He didn't freeze Jax out at all. Also Tony had a pretty damn good game leading in points and assists. Manu was the one who struggled of the three and all the other role players as well.

And as far as Tony and DJ goes, why would Tony mentor anybody? The dude couldn't dribble, pass, or shoot. Wtf is he gonna mentor him on? Ok this is how you do a pocket pass. This is how you keep your handle under your waist. This is how you do a gooseneck so you don't have to do 20 foot floaters in an actual game. DJ was pretty trash early on.

Now it's a credit to DJ and his work ethic that he got his game to where it is now, but it's revisionist history for DJ to say the Spurs tried to break him when the dude couldn't pass, dribble, or shoot. He was already broken. Plus whining about Derrick White is hilarious to me. Dude couldn't handle playing in any other era than today's coddled NBA. Shit Tim didn't talk to Tony for an entire fucking year. Bruce tried to end Manu's career during a practice season his rookie year. Just soft stuff from DJ

01-20-2023, 09:22 AM
I thought Parker said Pop wanted him to be third string, and that's why he went to Charlotte so that he could at least be second string. I leafed through Parker's book in a Barnes and Noble one time and ran across something like that. It didn't have to do with Dejounte specifically.

01-20-2023, 09:38 AM
https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/325875300_593564102607965_5868412144836399354_n.jp g?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=5HHM7uljxG8AX-EoFR7&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.xx&oh=00_AfDKAZykikjS8QCzV1kV7WksLL3h2Kw65Mf834jIczuP iA&oe=63CF75B5

01-20-2023, 09:51 AM
Kawhi talk shit about Tony?

He had his people talk shit about Tony back in '18.

01-20-2023, 10:19 AM
I can kind of get some animosity with parker, being a score first point guard and worst of all french :lol

But the comments about breaking him and mind games and they were so mean they didn't give me the starting spot right away just come off as super soft and entitled.. he was developed perfectly by the spurs, as was Jax for that matter..

Poor idiots don't realize they would have never gotten paid if it weren't for the spurs "breaking" (educating) their dumb asses

Watching that pod immediately reminded me of the Chris rock keeping it real standup

01-20-2023, 10:27 AM
https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/325875300_593564102607965_5868412144836399354_n.jp g?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=5HHM7uljxG8AX-EoFR7&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.xx&oh=00_AfDKAZykikjS8QCzV1kV7WksLL3h2Kw65Mf834jIczuP iA&oe=63CF75B5

:lol what a clown. such a fake loser. glad he's gone tbh

01-20-2023, 10:30 AM
What an immature moron! Good riddance.

It makes the TD-Manu-TP core and the previous David Robinson generation just even more respectable. Winning cores require a lot of front office and coaching efforts, but ultimately it is the players who are the key ingredients. Having TD, Manu, TP, and D-Rob made the life of Pop and RCB much so easier. The next generation of sorts - Nephew and later, this moron Murray, exemplify the immaturity of most players in the NBA who are spoiled by money.

01-20-2023, 11:19 AM
enrique was nothing more then a coatrider....this clown reminds me of that cuck pippen/horry, trying to get more credit then they actually deserve....
lol putting Porker and Pippen in the same sentence

01-20-2023, 11:21 AM
Ok, in fairness to Dejounte:

1. No he wasn't good enough to start when he was drafted and no, he wasn't ready to play point guard. But that's the hardest position to learn in the NBA and while he did legitimately look terrible to the NBA fan his first year, he certainly transformed in 3 years. Yes, the Spurs are great at developing talent, but it takes two to develop and DJM clearly put in the work and reaped the benefits.

2. As to the mental games, I don't see him as different than any other team from high school on. For every team, there is one or two guys that are head and shoulder above the rest. Everyone else has more or less enough skills that a coach could go one way or the other. So coaches just kind of pick their guy and that may change during the season or not. And if you are a talented player and you see yourself as better than someone playing in front of you, then it's human nature to try and get in the head of the coach and try and come up with why the coach thinks the way he does. So all that talk about putting one in his place or mind games, I think that's probably common on every NBA team and the only guy not thinking that way is the one who gets the ball and all the plays. And that guy is may be more concerned with keeping that role than winning.

01-20-2023, 11:31 AM
Murray is a clown. If you’re unsure, consider what he pulled with Jabari Smith Jr., for absolutely no reason

01-20-2023, 11:57 AM
23-22 with the Hawks as da man along with Tre.

Hit us back when you advance in the playoffs, fake gangsta.

01-20-2023, 12:00 PM
Sunday March 19 @ San Antonio.

Hope some of you can give him an earful.

01-20-2023, 12:20 PM
Whoever said DJ gives off “I’m the main character energy” absolutely nailed it. Such a perfect, concise summation of the way he views the world around him.

DJ and SJax obviously hold huge grudges against Tony, who I’m sure doesn’t think about them at all.

What strikes me through all of this is that you never hear DJ striving about winning a championship. Maybe that’s a function of the teams he has been on, or maybe its a glimpse into more of that “I’m the main character” energy. DJ isn’t driven by team accomplishments, but rather his own individual success. The way he talks about his rookie season and viewing it as some kind of mind game the Spurs put him through seems to reinforce this idea.

Honestly, DJ prob needs to spend some time with the team therapist.

01-20-2023, 12:23 PM
https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/325875300_593564102607965_5868412144836399354_n.jp g?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=5HHM7uljxG8AX-EoFR7&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.xx&oh=00_AfDKAZykikjS8QCzV1kV7WksLL3h2Kw65Mf834jIczuP iA&oe=63CF75B5
Did Murray take this down? I'd like to respond to the dipshit but don't see the post on his Twitter.

01-20-2023, 12:36 PM
Did Murray take this down? I'd like to respond to the dipshit but don't see the post on his Twitter.

It was on Instagram. Look up spursmemes_ and it is on their second post.

John B
01-20-2023, 12:56 PM
It was on Instagram. Look up spurs (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=1680)memes_ and it is on their second post.

I wonder how many ST’s already flooded replied to that clown. I did :lol

baseline bum
01-20-2023, 01:03 PM
I wonder how many ST’s already flooded replied to that clown. I did :lol

Yeah that'll show him

John B
01-20-2023, 01:18 PM
Yeah that'll show him

Probably will make him take it all back, call TP and Pop how sorry he is, and it was just Capt Jack was nudging him?? :dramaquee

01-20-2023, 01:53 PM
Yeah that'll show him

Just did, just for fun... Many dudes said he would just fade quicky, and that's probably the truth, specially with that attitude, being traded here or there still thinking he's da man (Melo style) before becoming a bench vet.

01-20-2023, 02:19 PM
Again, I think Murray's comments on the Spurs were influenced by SJ being his interviewer. He said some good stuff about the Spurs, they drafted him, they developed him (and he worked hard too), and they paid him when he was injured. They gave him an opportunity when everyone else passed and they gave him the team last year to be the leader.

But it's a given he's not going to on there and rah rah the Spurs when SJAX is there and is negative on the Spurs. Even SJAX can't be 100 percent negative. He is mostly negative about Tony and the way he left the second time, but he said some good stuff about the organization too. I think him getting cut the last time hurt his feelings. Yes, even guys with rough backgrounds have feelings.

01-20-2023, 02:24 PM
lol at this point the fans and organization probably believe more in the draft picks your trade brought back than they ever believed in you DJM

lol throwing lapro under the bus. I love how for Murray to succeed everyone has to suck his dick. Tony has to bow down and mentor him, Lapro has to bow down and leave the mins for him, D White has to quit being so compatible with the coaches for him.

Imagine Manu and TD squabbling bout run/touches one win away from a ring.

01-20-2023, 02:34 PM
Good thing he left that 95% out that would of made us hate the spurs fo:lobt2:

01-20-2023, 02:48 PM
23-22 with the Hawks as da man along with Tre.

Hit us back when you advance in the playoffs, fake gangsta.

Yeah, the way those millionaires try to talk like street/gangsta guys between themselves is hilarious..

01-20-2023, 03:27 PM
Murray himself acknowledges draft day uncertainties surrounding his off the court involvements in this very interview. Pop gave him an open door into the league he might not have fully received elsewhere. I don't know, it's debatable. But Murray's game was RAW coming into the league, plus the red flags about his personal life? Spurs gave him a huge opportunity and he still doesn't feel like the franchise was invested enough on him? Spurs gave him more or less 3 seasons alone just to turn a corner. He was homegrown which SA has a history of valuing.

His attitude is what limited his relationship with San Antonio, not choices from the coaching staff.

I bet front office is LOVING this shit now though, for all the fanbase that second-guessed the Murray trade last summer its like, hey, this is what we were seeing internally, now you know, now you see the value in that trade crystalize a bit hopefully. Perfect lipstick on the pig sell high moment from Wright. Masterful franchise management through some tumultuous shit lately while still making sick trades like the White deal and this Murray deal now in hindsight?

Brian Wrong, more like Brian RIGHT.

01-20-2023, 03:33 PM
Murray himself acknowledges draft day uncertainties surrounding his off the court involvements in this very interview. Pop gave him an open door into the league he might not have fully received elsewhere. I don't know, it's debatable. But Murray's game was RAW coming into the league, plus the red flags about his personal life? Spurs gave him a huge opportunity and he still doesn't feel like the franchise was invested enough on him? Spurs gave him more or less 3 seasons alone just to turn a corner. He was homegrown which SA has a history of valuing.

His attitude is what limited his relationship with San Antonio, not choices from the coaching staff.

I bet front office is LOVING this shit now though, for all the fanbase that second-guessed the Murray trade last summer its like, hey, this is what we were seeing internally, now you know, now you see the value in that trade crystalize a bit hopefully. Perfect lipstick on the pig sell high moment from Wright. Masterful franchise management through some tumultuous shit lately while still making sick trades like the White deal and this Murray deal now in hindsight?

Brian Wrong, more like Brian RIGHT.

Both DJ and SJax lack the basic self-awareness to understand that the Spurs is what enabled them to have a career. They see it as being “held back” without realizing that the Spurs helped build them. Without his playoff performances versus PHX and DAL, SJax doesn’t get the deal he does from Atlanta. Without the Spurs development path that “held back” DJ, he’s probably out of the league.

01-20-2023, 03:44 PM
:lol its really evident who watched the 2 minute clip vs who actually watched the interview

01-20-2023, 03:47 PM
Yeah that'll show him

Idk he is a pretty emo dude in his feelings a lot :lol

01-20-2023, 04:20 PM
If any of you followed DJ on IG for the last several years, this isn't a surprise tbh :lol

01-20-2023, 04:37 PM
Both DJ and SJax lack the basic self-awareness to understand that the Spurs is what enabled them to have a career. They see it as being “held back” without realizing that the Spurs helped build them. Without his playoff performances versus PHX and DAL, SJax doesn’t get the deal he does from Atlanta. Without the Spurs development path that “held back” DJ, he’s probably out of the league.

Yes, being held back is all relative. Kevin Love was considered one of the best players in the league in Minnesota. When he went to play with Lebron in Cleveland, then he became a starting role player. He didn't stop knowing how to score 25 points a game and getting 14 rebounds. It was that his role changed. So in a way, yes, he was held back, but that is what it took to win. Players get held back all the time, not because they can't do more, but because winning requires it. You could say the same about Manu. I mean, SJax complains, but he went to GS where he had a chance Manu never really had. He had the chance to become the leader and best player on that team. He had the chance to score and put up his best stats and they were not good enough to win.

The Spurs "system" is to win games and play efficient basketball. Not produce "stars" who score 25 empty points. Lots of guys in this league can score 20 points when they get as many shots as they want. But if it doesn't translate to winning, then it's just empty points. SJax was just empty points in GS. I think Manu would have been better. And the reason why Manu is so admired by the Spurs is when he wasn't scoring 20 points, he was hustling, playing hard defense, diving for loose balls, and making the extra pass. Sure, people got excited by his occasional dunk or circus style layup, but it was the little things that made him a great player. Take away scoring and SJax was mostly useless. He was an ok defender, but not elite by any stretch. But he didn't contribute to winning other than hitting open threes thanks to Tim Duncan.

You could say Parker was also limited to just scoring ability, but his speed changed the game and was weaponized by the Spurs in a way that contributed to the Spurs being great. It took a unique skill set that Parker had. SJax, well he was more replaceable. I don't say that to rip on his time with the Spurs. He took advantage of his role and played well and that's kudos in the NBA bc not all role players do that. But Danny Green could hit open threes and play unique defense. And there are other guys like that you can find to fill a role.

baseline bum
01-20-2023, 04:38 PM
Jax comments on Parker don't make sense. He blames Parker for freezing him out of game 6 in OKC and says Tony was trash that game. But Tony only shot the ball 6 times in the 4th and made 3 of them. He didn't freeze Jax out at all. Also Tony had a pretty damn good game leading in points and assists. Manu was the one who struggled of the three and all the other role players as well.

And as far as Tony and DJ goes, why would Tony mentor anybody? The dude couldn't dribble, pass, or shoot. Wtf is he gonna mentor him on? Ok this is how you do a pocket pass. This is how you keep your handle under your waist. This is how you do a gooseneck so you don't have to do 20 foot floaters in an actual game. DJ was pretty trash early on.

Now it's a credit to DJ and his work ethic that he got his game to where it is now, but it's revisionist history for DJ to say the Spurs tried to break him when the dude couldn't pass, dribble, or shoot. He was already broken. Plus whining about Derrick White is hilarious to me. Dude couldn't handle playing in any other era than today's coddled NBA. Shit Tim didn't talk to Tony for an entire fucking year. Bruce tried to end Manu's career during a practice season his rookie year. Just soft stuff from DJ

Fucking refs froze Jack out of Game 6 in OKC. Still can't fucking believe he got a tech for staring down Mo Cheeks when Cheeks was running on the sideline and screaming at him right before Stack dropped that three right in front of their bench. Most fucking rigged game ever.

01-20-2023, 04:39 PM
I made it 43 seconds. I feel like a genius after listening to these players talk. I'm actually surprised he didn't conduct the interview on Snapchat.

01-20-2023, 04:40 PM
I don't care how good he is, could you imagine deep in the playoffs, a series defining possession, and the knucklehead is thinking bout his touches instead of our championship ring?

It's gonna rear its ugly head if he ever gets there before his issues are resolved.

01-20-2023, 04:48 PM
:lol probably my favorite part of this interview is Jackson's delusion that the spurs were scared of him and didnt want to face him when they finally waived him

he was literally one of the worst players in the NBA that season. couldnt defend anymore. couldnt hit the broad side of a barn, and committed about as many turnovers as assists. after we waived him he only appeared in 9 other games in his career and averaged 1 ppg

what a narcissist lmao

01-20-2023, 04:57 PM
13:55 Murray acknowledgment and check out when the camera cuts to DJM in the crowd, lol, bad attitude from his body language.


01-20-2023, 06:09 PM
Porky catching a lot of strays this week tbh :lol

01-20-2023, 06:24 PM
I watched the entire thing. It's honestly not THAT bad. The way people are reacting to this is like how snippets of Parker's interview were taken extremely out of context with regards to Kawhi leaving. Stephen Jackson definitely provokes more and speaks way more shit about the Spurs than DJ does. Sure DJ comes off a little entitled expected TP to mentor him but I guess I would feel the same way coming in as a unorthodox super young PG in the Spurs coached by Pop. That's not on Parker to do that if he doesn't want to and DJ shouldn't hold a grudge because of that.

I'm glad we got the return for Dejounte that we did. Seemed like it would've gotten messy no matter what we did since we couldn't compete with him as our #1 guy. Dejounte probably will get into more trouble/controversy as he opens his mouth more and that's fine by me. Not the Spurs problem anymore.

01-20-2023, 06:43 PM
Porky catching a lot of strays this week tbh :lol

01-20-2023, 07:21 PM
I watched the entire thing. It's honestly not THAT bad. The way people are reacting to this is like how snippets of Parker's interview were taken extremely out of context with regards to Kawhi leaving. Stephen Jackson definitely provokes more and speaks way more shit about the Spurs than DJ does. Sure DJ comes off a little entitled expected TP to mentor him but I guess I would feel the same way coming in as a unorthodox super young PG in the Spurs coached by Pop. That's not on Parker to do that if he doesn't want to and DJ shouldn't hold a grudge because of that.

I'm glad we got the return for Dejounte that we did. Seemed like it would've gotten messy no matter what we did since we couldn't compete with him as our #1 guy. Dejounte probably will get into more trouble/controversy as he opens his mouth more and that's fine by me. Not the Spurs problem anymore.

It might be a bit diluted in the long ITV but if you add up, he talk a lot of trash and just saying today...

"Never Said Nothing Bad But The Truth And Left Out 95% Of Stuff That Would Really Have YALL Second Guessing Who You Cheering For..."

...is enough for me.

01-20-2023, 07:24 PM
IIRC, the perception was at the time that Tony was the one who went to Pop championing for DJ to get the promotion for Starter. Where he drew the line however, was being shelved in favor of Patty Mills getting the backup PG minutes the next season.

He subsequently left in FA to go to Charlotte as backup PG, and as mentor to Kemba Walker for the majority of his lone season there.
That was until Charlotte was under-performing and Borrego and the coaching staff had a candid conversation about embracing the youth
for the final part of the season which meant sitting TP down permanently. He subsequently retired at the end of the year.

The story, (as with most things in life) probably resides somewhere in the middle of TP and DJ's recollection of events. Stephen Jackson however should not be called on as a "Key witness" as that guys recollection, perceived grievances are likely self-inflicted.
"They could have one more championships except for TP being selfish..." yet they dumped you going into the 2014 Playoffs and went on to win another....

01-20-2023, 08:10 PM
Too few people don't allow for Murray being foolish and prone to mistakes. I don't miss him, but I don't think he should get dragged for having a complicated opinion on a place he spent so much of his early adult life. He's trying to strike out and build his brand and deal with the consequences of the trade. Without a filter, he's going to say stuff that's all over place. While I imagine his overall view of the Spurs is pretty positive, I also think it's not that hard to get into a headspace where he's very critical. That's basically where Jack lives, but I think DJM only goes there at certain times, like when he feels the need to defend himself from criticism. Obviously the Parker stuff is ridiculous, but he probably won't be able to understand Tony's perspective (as he interprets it) until/unless he finds himself in a similar position. Could easily be an Aaron Rodgers situation.

I don't think DJM's likeable, but I do think it's not hard to see his basic humanity throw his flaws. I hope he's not helping the Hawks win games in 2025, but I wish him no ill before then.

01-20-2023, 09:37 PM
I watched the entire thing. It's honestly not THAT bad. The way people are reacting to this is like how snippets of Parker's interview were taken extremely out of context with regards to Kawhi leaving. Stephen Jackson definitely provokes more and speaks way more shit about the Spurs than DJ does. Sure DJ comes off a little entitled expected TP to mentor him but I guess I would feel the same way coming in as a unorthodox super young PG in the Spurs coached by Pop. That's not on Parker to do that if he doesn't want to and DJ shouldn't hold a grudge because of that.

I'm glad we got the return for Dejounte that we did. Seemed like it would've gotten messy no matter what we did since we couldn't compete with him as our #1 guy. Dejounte probably will get into more trouble/controversy as he opens his mouth more and that's fine by me. Not the Spurs problem anymore.

Not that DJM is on the same level, but Brett Farve didn't want to groom Aaron Rodgers and Aaron Rodgers has no desire to groom Jordan Love.

The Truth #6
01-20-2023, 09:59 PM
I’ll say this after listening to pretty much the whole thing, I came away liking him more and also liking him less if that makes any sense. I feel pretty confident that he is completely speaking his mind as far as how he sees it. The problem is how he sees situation seems so different than how most people perceive it. It’s hard for me to take him seriously. Or maybe another way to put it is where he comes from and where the Spurs front office comes from are so different and it’s shocking.

01-20-2023, 10:13 PM
Jax comments on Parker don't make sense. He blames Parker for freezing him out of game 6 in OKC and says Tony was trash that game. But Tony only shot the ball 6 times in the 4th and made 3 of them. He didn't freeze Jax out at all. Also Tony had a pretty damn good game leading in points and assists. Manu was the one who struggled of the three and all the other role players as well.

And as far as Tony and DJ goes, why would Tony mentor anybody? The dude couldn't dribble, pass, or shoot. Wtf is he gonna mentor him on? Ok this is how you do a pocket pass. This is how you keep your handle under your waist. This is how you do a gooseneck so you don't have to do 20 foot floaters in an actual game. DJ was pretty trash early on.

Now it's a credit to DJ and his work ethic that he got his game to where it is now, but it's revisionist history for DJ to say the Spurs tried to break him when the dude couldn't pass, dribble, or shoot. He was already broken. Plus whining about Derrick White is hilarious to me. Dude couldn't handle playing in any other era than today's coddled NBA. Shit Tim didn't talk to Tony for an entire fucking year. Bruce tried to end Manu's career during a practice season his rookie year. Just soft stuff from DJ

DJ uses social media to post like a emotional woman. I'm not surprised he's soft. :lol

01-21-2023, 12:08 AM
getting all defensive team selection, yet never lock down anyone....that selection he received that year was nothing more then a consolation prize for the spurs by the league being a yes man trading away nephew

01-21-2023, 12:14 AM
Tony Parker is one of the best point guards in the history of the NBA, while Murray is one of the dumbest players in the NBA. I'm sure Tony or pretty much anyone with brain really cares what a retard has to say.

01-21-2023, 12:32 AM
Tony Parker man, what a legend. Love that guy.

01-21-2023, 01:36 AM
I don't post here as much as I used to but just gotta say this: FUCK Murray and FUCK JACKSON. My history here shows I've been a Murray guy too but those comments were completely baseless and unnecessary. He also used to talk shit about Kawhi leaving too and now he likes him? Fuck that shit.

01-21-2023, 01:38 AM
I watched the entire thing. It's honestly not THAT bad. The way people are reacting to this is like how snippets of Parker's interview were taken extremely out of context with regards to Kawhi leaving. Stephen Jackson definitely provokes more and speaks way more shit about the Spurs than DJ does. Sure DJ comes off a little entitled expected TP to mentor him but I guess I would feel the same way coming in as a unorthodox super young PG in the Spurs coached by Pop. That's not on Parker to do that if he doesn't want to and DJ shouldn't hold a grudge because of that.

I'm glad we got the return for Dejounte that we did. Seemed like it would've gotten messy no matter what we did since we couldn't compete with him as our #1 guy. Dejounte probably will get into more trouble/controversy as he opens his mouth more and that's fine by me. Not the Spurs problem anymore.

What bothered me more about the whole interview is Murray inferring that Pop disrespected him after White started getting more run. Not cool at all.

01-21-2023, 05:37 AM
IIRC, the perception was at the time that Tony was the one who went to Pop championing for DJ to get the promotion for Starter. Where he drew the line however, was being shelved in favor of Patty Mills getting the backup PG minutes the next season.

He subsequently left in FA to go to Charlotte as backup PG, and as mentor to Kemba Walker for the majority of his lone season there.
That was until Charlotte was under-performing and Borrego and the coaching staff had a candid conversation about embracing the youth
for the final part of the season which meant sitting TP down permanently. He subsequently retired at the end of the year.

The story, (as with most things in life) probably resides somewhere in the middle of TP and DJ's recollection of events. Stephen Jackson however should not be called on as a "Key witness" as that guys recollection, perceived grievances are likely self-inflicted.
"They could have one more championships except for TP being selfish..." yet they dumped you going into the 2014 Playoffs and went on to win another....

TP only left so that he could create the best piece of trivia ever, like the boss that he is - the only player in NBA history with a winning record against all 30 teams.

01-21-2023, 10:20 AM

This is undeniably true. But that's part of what makes the best players so good. They always have the belief but they are the best and that is the case even when they aren't. This is why Timmy and Manu are so special. To be that good and be humble is crazy. I don't fault Tony for not having that as his pride was part of the reason he was so good, but he wasn't a life long spur and I'd bet he regrets that a bit now.

offset formation
01-21-2023, 11:26 AM
I made it 43 seconds. I feel like a genius after listening to these players talk. I'm actually surprised he didn't conduct the interview on Snapchat.

That's your problem, you listened 1 second too long. The answer to the universe is 42.

offset formation
01-21-2023, 11:45 AM
I don't post here as much as I used to but just gotta say this: FUCK Murray and FUCK JACKSON. My history here shows I've been a Murray guy too but those comments were completely baseless and unnecessary. He also used to talk shit about Kawhi leaving too and now he likes him? Fuck that shit.

I've never seen one Spur speak negatively about neph. I always wanted one to come out and roast him, and I mean really ROAST his ass, but no one ever did. David took the high road. Duncan took the high road. Manu. Tony. Patty. And on down the line.

And of course you had players like Robert Horry and SJax defending neph at the time.

Spurs got shit on during that time and have never recovered. Might have been our peak on the Spur timeline unless we can reverse the curse. As it is now, I have little doubt that ping pong ball will not land on the Spurs. Charlotte or Detroit will get it.

01-21-2023, 11:52 AM
That's your problem, you listened 1 second too long. The answer to the universe is 42.

And thanks for all the fish.

01-21-2023, 12:22 PM
Murray is just one of those deluded, attention queens who sees the universe only from his own little perspective, where he's da man and the world just exists for him, with anything going against that being "mind games" or people wanting to hurt him. Zero distance or introsprection...

Imagine he believes he was smarter than an all time great coach + an all time great GM (Bufford) in team filled with future HOFers and thinks that a 5 time NBA champion franchise had nothing better to do that play "mind games" with a no name rookie... It's called teaching, genius.

TP earned the starting spot, 4 games into his NBA career cos he was not just fast but really smart and able to get spurs complicated system, like that "point guard from Argentina" did while Murray will always be clueless, That's the difference between an HOFer and some random talented guy nobody will remember...

And TP had hiw own litlle disagreements with the spurs, reason why he left but he didn't burn the house behind him. Time and karma will catch Murray and his delusion.

01-21-2023, 01:30 PM

I missed that GIF

TD 21
01-21-2023, 09:47 PM
:lmao At this cuckold organization and fans alike for continuing to defend and/or praise this clown, who's taken a bunch of (bizarre) shots and despite his denials continues to do so in cryptic fashion (the gutless fool doesn't even have the balls to be direct).

One time, it'd be nice if someone of stature, with some connection to this organization, showed a backbone and blasted these hood rats from here to kingdom come instead of continually allowing them to go unchecked.

Instead, we'll get the inevitable "tribute video" and fake hug/laugh from Pop when the Hawks play here, just like in the latest "The Ring of the Rowel", they have the audacity to show clips of Jackson being praised for the '03 run.

D-Robinson 50 fan
01-22-2023, 07:23 AM
I watched the whole interview and it wasn’t as bad as the clips make it seem. Ultimately DJ, just like Stephen Jackson felt that should’ve been given bigger roles at a faster clip than what they received while on the Spurs.

Most athletes have a big ego and having that ego is one of the things that helped them succeed at a high level. I think DJ’s biggest gripes from the little he reveled in the interview is the team had a pecking order and steps you had to check off to move up. They didn’t just fast track people because they had some talent. Even his comments about Kawhi’s sound advice showed this.

I honestly do believe what him and Jackson stated about the “mind games” comment, but from a military veteran perspective it isn’t mind games the organization is doing. They are making you prove you’re reliable and go all the way through the steps needed to be promoted.

Ed Helicopter Jones
01-22-2023, 12:51 PM
Meh. Whatever. He's butthurt that the Spurs didn't think he was cornerstone material, and maximized their return for him when they could rather than prop him up as the face of the franchise. Anyone who watched him play those first couple of years knew how raw he was, and his injury certainly didn't help in his development. Him being bitter about any of that is just prima donna stuff...similar to SJax tbh. Jackson was never capable of being "the man" either. These guys can roll together.

Smart move by the Spurs. He's not cornerstone material. Investing in a guy who thinks he should be #1 when he's not capable would have been a mistake and held the Spurs back. I like DJM. He would have been a great #4 guy on a championship caliber team.

01-22-2023, 08:05 PM
Meh. Whatever. He's butthurt that the Spurs didn't think he was cornerstone material, and maximized their return for him when they could rather than prop him up as the face of the franchise. Anyone who watched him play those first couple of years knew how raw he was, and his injury certainly didn't help in his development. Him being bitter about any of that is just prima donna stuff...similar to SJax tbh. Jackson was never capable of being "the man" either. These guys can roll together.

Smart move by the Spurs. He's not cornerstone material. Investing in a guy who thinks he should be #1 when he's not capable would have been a mistake and held the Spurs back. I like DJM. He would have been a great #4 guy on a championship caliber team.

Last year was his test. They moved DeMar out of his way. He was a playmaker/scorer and he has Keldon and Vassell to dish to, a decent enough defense, and we were just a play in team. That season told the Spurs everything they needed to know.

james evans
01-23-2023, 02:09 PM
I don't know why it is a problem for people to express their own opinion haha. I said YEARS ago that once Murray leaves, you guys would be mad at him. Now look at you. This is the new NBA. As much as I love Duncan(my favorite player of all time)you're just not going to find another player like him to take ridiculous pay cuts, allow his stas to be cut, and be totally submissive to popovich and an organization. That shit won't ever happen again and it shouldn't. The players have more power now in the NBA and yes the product sucks. I just don't think Popovich and his military ways can connect with younger players and superstars. Everyone always have nice things to say about popovihch, but nobody wants to play for him. In Texas with no state tax. Yall can keep making threads about every player that leaves/requests trades/talks about the franchise from Simmons, to Kawhi, Aldridge, Murray, Jackson, Walker, but at the end of the day, it's more than likely a lot more individuals than that but are afraid to speak out because they want to be seen in a negative light talking about Lord Popovich.

01-23-2023, 03:27 PM
I don't know why it is a problem for people to express their own opinion haha. I said YEARS ago that once Murray leaves, you guys would be mad at him. Now look at you. This is the new NBA. As much as I love Duncan(my favorite player of all time)you're just not going to find another player like him to take ridiculous pay cuts, allow his stas to be cut, and be totally submissive to popovich and an organization. That shit won't ever happen again and it shouldn't. The players have more power now in the NBA and yes the product sucks. I just don't think Popovich and his military ways can connect with younger players and superstars. Everyone always have nice things to say about popovihch, but nobody wants to play for him. In Texas with no state tax. Yall can keep making threads about every player that leaves/requests trades/talks about the franchise from Simmons, to Kawhi, Aldridge, Murray, Jackson, Walker, but at the end of the day, it's more than likely a lot more individuals than that but are afraid to speak out because they want to be seen in a negative light talking about Lord Popovich.

Duncan didn’t take a pay cut until his 14th season. Tony and Manu were the ones mostly out earning their less than MAX salaries.

01-23-2023, 09:36 PM

Everyone wants to hate, but I still love Pop

edit: sometime tweet embeds work, sometime they don't: https://twitter.com/tom_orsborn/status/1616586591614427136?s=20&t=aOfwfo1Syb7qAXiDGEs4VA

01-23-2023, 09:59 PM
I watched the whole interview and it wasn’t as bad as the clips make it seem. Ultimately DJ, just like Stephen Jackson felt that should’ve been given bigger roles at a faster clip than what they received while on the Spurs.

Most athletes have a big ego and having that ego is one of the things that helped them succeed at a high level. I think DJ’s biggest gripes from the little he reveled in the interview is the team had a pecking order and steps you had to check off to move up. They didn’t just fast track people because they had some talent. Even his comments about Kawhi’s sound advice showed this.

I honestly do believe what him and Jackson stated about the “mind games” comment, but from a military veteran perspective it isn’t mind games the organization is doing. They are making you prove you’re reliable and go all the way through the steps needed to be promoted.

I actually think it's worse than your interpretation of it. I think Murray and Jackson were subtly implying that PATFO have a prejudice against guys that came from the hood and purposefully make it harder for those guys to move up the ranks just because of where they came from. I mean, that's quite the charge and it's reaching AF but people are eating this shit up as the truth. I lost all my respect for Murray for talking like that.

james evans
01-23-2023, 10:54 PM
Duncan didn’t take a pay cut until his 14th season. Tony and Manu were the ones mostly out earning their less than MAX salaries.
I know that and made basically nothing his last season. Kobe was paid superstar money his last season and I was fine with it. I don't care how old and washed up a player is, no millionaire should be taking a pay cut for a BILLIONAIRE to get a piece of jewelry.

01-24-2023, 03:45 PM
I actually think it's worse than your interpretation of it. I think Murray and Jackson were subtly implying that PATFO have a prejudice against guys that came from the hood and purposefully make it harder for those guys to move up the ranks just because of where they came from. I mean, that's quite the charge and it's reaching AF but people are eating this shit up as the truth. I lost all my respect for Murray for talking like that.

Yeah he then cried that Parker should have stayed and mentored him as the starter. Lol

01-24-2023, 08:44 PM
I have to admit it is a little funny to hear SJax say San Antonio system does not produce stars and doesn't give players the opportunity to get stats and DJM agrees, but then DJM's last season with the Spurs, it was good enough for him to average almost a triple double.

01-24-2023, 10:49 PM
jax said on another pod that tony only cared about himself.

and that manu was totally different :toast

Joseph Kony
01-24-2023, 11:00 PM
TP living rent free in Jack's head

01-24-2023, 11:21 PM
TP living rent free in Jack's head
jax wasn't wrong. that's why you sleep with your teammate's wife while you're already married.

01-24-2023, 11:27 PM
TP living rent free in Jack's head
and it's not rent free when you do basketball podcasts and get asked about time in the league / with the spurs.

he wasn't on the view and brought it up out of nowhere.

01-24-2023, 11:37 PM
SJAX was just mad he lost his spot to Danny Green, he didn’t like it or he would have stayed the following year and not get cut by the team right before the playoffs.

01-25-2023, 01:18 AM
Jackson is a bridge burner, he even was on bad terms with the Warriors when they still had him. That was the best situation he had for himself post San Antonio and he shat all over that too. He can keep running his mouth. Fact is we won 3 more rings without him. Dude never made the all star team either so he really bought into his own hype.

01-25-2023, 03:12 AM
SJAX was just mad he lost his spot to Danny Green, he didn’t like it or he would have stayed the following year and not get cut by the team right before the playoffs.

Dude never made the all star team either so he really bought into his own hype.
he never had a bad thing to say about td or manu though.

01-25-2023, 03:16 AM
jax gave props to claxton too for stepping up to the challenge.

01-25-2023, 11:10 AM
Well it's funny because SJax will tell you of his respect for the game and playing the right way...and that he smoked pot before the games and played some games high. In one interview, he said he was high and missing a shot horribly. I mean, you smoke pot in your free time, that's your choice. But you go to a game high or drunk, that's not respecting the game or the fans that came to watch you play. But guys like that are walking contradictions. How would he feel about Devin Brown if Pop made Devin Brown say that SJax was better and he refused?

01-25-2023, 11:18 AM
jax gave props to claxton too for stepping up to the challenge.

Yes, but I've always thought that was a stupid knock on Parker for a few reasons: (1) Kidd couldn't guard Parker...Parker was killing him so bad they had to put Kerry Kittles on him; and (2) Parker is not good because he couldn't guard one of the best point guards in NBA history that was having an MVP caliber season when Parker was 21 and Kidd was in his prime? stupid; and (3) Parker averaged 14 points a game and scored 21 and 26 in games 2 and 3 in what was a low scoring, high defensive series. In fact, in the shot clock era, the only 5 other teams have had a lower PPG average in the NBA finals and won (the worst was 2004 Detroit at 87.1 and then 2nd was the '99 Spurs at 88.4, but if you want to call Spurs boring, the '97 and '98 Bulls were 3 and 4).

The Truth #6
01-25-2023, 01:16 PM
I used to love Stax back in the day and appreciate 03, but man he grows tiresome. He met his match in Kwame Brown, which was hilarious.

Joseph Kony
01-25-2023, 05:13 PM
and it's not rent free when you do basketball podcasts and get asked about time in the league / with the spurs.

he wasn't on the view and brought it up out of nowhere.

He's on his own podcast and uses every opportunity to bring it up :lol doesnt matter if basketball is the subject, he goes out of his way to bitch about the same thing. Parker must have fucked his wife too

01-25-2023, 05:31 PM
He's on his own podcast and uses every opportunity to bring it up :lol doesnt matter if basketball is the subject, he goes out of his way to bitch about the same thing. Parker must have fucked his wife too

He has over 200 hours of podcasts and has only spoke about him 2-3 times. He obviously feels a certain typa way about Tony but it isn’t hard to imagine Parker was arrogant; probably, deservedly so.

Joseph Kony
01-25-2023, 05:45 PM
Do you both get paid to gargle Jack's balls or do you just do it for free?

01-25-2023, 05:59 PM
Do you both get paid to gargle Jack's balls or do you just do it for free?

You gargle PATFO’s balls equally yet offer no insight otherwise to this forum Kyle.

Joseph Kony
01-25-2023, 07:26 PM
You gargle PATFO’s balls equally yet offer no insight otherwise to this forum Kyle.

:lol you really are dumber that your posts sound if you think I'm a PATFO slurper you braindead fuck

the Kyle thing isnt working for you btw, might wanna think of something else :tu

01-25-2023, 08:43 PM
:lol you really are dumber that your posts sound if you think I'm a PATFO slurper you braindead fuck

the Kyle thing isnt working for you btw, might wanna think of something else :tu

Make a competent basketball take. I challenge you.

Joseph Kony
01-25-2023, 10:02 PM
Make a competent basketball take. I challenge you.


let me know when you make your first, kid

The Truth #6
01-25-2023, 10:05 PM
I used to love Stax back in the day and appreciate 03, but man he grows tiresome. He met his match in Kwame Brown, which was hilarious.



01-26-2023, 05:15 PM


"The more you talk the dumber you look" -Kwame Brown perfectly summing up SJax (and it applies to DJM too)

02-01-2023, 12:52 PM
pretty different tone here. sometimes, it's just the venue that sets the narrative. know your audience, as they say in speech com classes:


02-01-2023, 01:56 PM
Murray credited the Spurs for having faith in him and taking a chance on drafting him while other teams may have been scared of his background. It also appears that the Spurs also had his best interest in terms of knowing when it was best for him to go elsewhere, too.The 6-foot-4, 180-pounder averaged 21.1 points, 9.2 assists, 8.3 rebounds and an NBA-best 2.0 steals during the 2021-22 season. He became the first player in NBA history to average more than 20 points, nine assists, eight rebounds, and two steals for an entire season. Murray told Andscape he wanted to spend his career in San Antonio. The Spurs, however, appeared focused on rebuilding after a 34-48 record last season and failing to make the postseason.
With trade rumors rampant last off-season, Murray said that he and longtime San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich had an honest and emotional two-hour meeting. A mutual decision was made to trade him to a playoff team. On June 30, 2022, the Spurs traded Murray and center Jock Landale to the Hawks for forward Danilo Gallinari, three first-round picks and a 2026 pick swap. Murray will play the Spurs for the first time on Feb. 11 in Atlanta and will be back in San Antonio for the first time on March 19.
“I wouldn’t say I wanted out. I wanted to be there my whole career. I love San Antonio,” Murray sad. “[Popovich] brought it up. It was emotional. Obviously, there was some little trade rumors and stuff, but it didn’t get real to me and Pop. Pop would see stuff, trade interest in such and such or blah-blah or Spurs looking to trade this guy. Pop don’t get into that, no.
“He wanted to hear it from me. ‘Would you want to be able to go play on a bigger stage? Do you want to stay, or you want to go?’ But he also gave his opinion on if I stay, he doesn’t want me to waste my talent, waste years of not making the playoffs. So, it really came down to that.”

John B
02-01-2023, 02:15 PM
pretty different tone here. sometimes, it's just the venue that sets the narrative. know your audience, as they say in speech com classes:


An attempt to fix his damaged image imo. That part where Pop asked him if Murray wanted to play in a bigger stage, Murray is not the 1st one that Pop did that to. The problem with Murray when he starts yapping, and SJax coaxing, Murray becomes blabber-mouth, starts forgetting the good things, and starts dissing his former team to the delight of SJax, whether he meant or not, but too late as they are captured and magnified by social media. Murray is hot headed, blabbermouth manchild and that’s never a good trait for the team captain, especially to young impressionable teammates, that’s why he was traded. Not a question of talent, but character. Though I think Spurs would’ve kept him if he wanted to stay and willing to sacrifice while rebuilding and mentor. But I’m glad they traded him.

And I’m glad he continually connects with his old friends, who are incarcerated, giving them hope, even writing personal letters to each one, every morning. It could be true, but suspiciously exaggerated knowing him as a blabbermouth. He grew up hustling and explaining himself to authorities. Sad but I still see that juvvy, not at peace with himself, but desperately trying to get approval, pat in the back.

02-01-2023, 05:01 PM
Yeah, saw that article on ESPN and thought the same: damage control.

Probably his agent calling Spears to try to reapair his image with all the bad rep he got from his ITV with "hate boner" Jackson...

Always thought Murray wasn't really a bad guy but just a self centered attention queen who would have benefited from playing longer with the Big 3 to learn on and off the floor. You can have a difficult background and story and still try to grow up as a man. Many people do.

02-02-2023, 09:51 PM
DJM not even listed as an All-Star snub in articles about the reserves being named :lol

02-02-2023, 10:11 PM
DJM not even listed as an All-Star snub in articles about the reserves being named :lol

He only had an all star appearance thanks to Draymond Green. Now that he’s on a better team, we see him for what he is. Elite role player at best.

02-02-2023, 10:29 PM
He only had an all star appearance thanks to Draymond Green. Now that he’s on a better team, we see him for what he is. Elite role player at best.

He’s better than that, a borderline AS, but the fact remains that you can’t build a successful franchise around him.

02-02-2023, 10:32 PM
"The more you talk the dumber you look" -Kwame Brown perfectly summing up SJax (and it applies to DJM too)
Awesome rebuke.

Thanks for posting the Kwame Brown link.

02-03-2023, 02:04 AM
You gargle PATFO’s balls equally yet offer no insight otherwise to this forum Kyle.

No, j Kory is not a slurper , actually I think he is pretty anti PATFO lately even more so than deserved at times in my opinion.