View Full Version : 20 Years Ago: The Spurs were Mar-Buried

UNT Eagles 2016
04-14-2023, 11:27 AM
I remember screaming and crying and breaking the light fixture in my grandmother's bedroom closet that day... I believe it was a Sunday afternoon... Game 1...

I was also pretty convinced and and come to acceptance that,

(a) The Spurs' insanely great second half of the season was for naught. The Spurs' season was over. The Suns simply had had our number by beating us now 4.5 out of 5 games to date on the season, as the Spurs' only victory over the mighty Marbury Suns (44-38 overall) came at home in overtime in a nip-and-tuck type of game.

(b) Losing as a #1 seed to the #8 seed, for the third time in NBA history and in the NBA's very first season where the first round was best-of-seven rather than best-of-five, was an inevitability and a shaming embarrassment and embarrassing finish to the end of The Admiral's career.

(c) Tony Parker's confidence was shot, so his career at least as a Spur is likely all but over going forward. We probably need to trade TP and give him a fresh start elsewhere and go hard after Kidd and Jermaine O'Neal in the offseason to have a chance next year in 2004.

(d) For being the reigning two-time MVP, why can't Tim Duncan ever make a goddamn free throw when it counts most? So un-clutch, just like in the 2002 playoffs.

(e) My grandmother and I promised my mom not to watch all 82 games the next season and to be more casual fans seeing as the Spurs' perennial playoff failures -and my resulting temper tantrums- were taking a toll on their stress level and health, even though my mom was only 45 and my grandmother was only 67 years old at the time. I had just turned 9 about a month prior.

(f) The Spurs weren't good and here's to hoping at least the Mavs can take down the Lakers and win the championship in 2003 and at least give big-mouthed Kobe and Shaq a big cow pie to the face and win a championship for Texas. No way were the Suns getting past the Lakers because Phil Jackson has all the right pieces to stop Marbury, Amare and Marion that we just don't.

Thoughts..... ?

04-14-2023, 11:32 AM
Remind me how 2003 turned out for the Spurs

04-14-2023, 12:09 PM
I remember that like it was yesterday, watching Marbury run up the court and chuck it up off the glass, i was so pissed :lol think i was probably at my grandma's also

IIRC spurs lost game 1 in 2005 against Denver and again in 2007

04-14-2023, 12:11 PM
2003 , the cardiac kids

That team gave big leads away so many times during the playoffs

04-14-2023, 12:25 PM
I remember that like it was yesterday, watching Marbury run up the court and chuck it up off the glass, i was so pissed :lol think i was probably at my grandma's also

IIRC spurs lost game 1 in 2005 against Denver and again in 2007

Some clown writer for a Denver paper wrote an article calling the Spurs done after one of those game 1 losses. I wish I could find it.

UNT Eagles 2016
04-14-2023, 12:37 PM
I remember that like it was yesterday, watching Marbury run up the court and chuck it up off the glass, i was so pissed :lol think i was probably at my grandma's also

IIRC spurs lost game 1 in 2005 against Denver and again in 2007
(A) - The funny thing is in that only game out of 4 that the Spurs did beat the Suns in the regular season, in mid-January 2003, it was the Suns coming back from down 10 with 2 minutes left on a chuckfest by Marion and then Tony missing 2 free throws and then Marbury sending that game into OT with the 35-foot bank shot, not too dissimilar from Amare's bank shot three that forced Game 1 in the playoffs into OT

(B) - Those Denver Thuggets teams were vitriolic. They were out for blood. They wanted Manu dead. Beating them in 5 both times after giving up game 1 was pretty resounding revenge, though. Still think RunMelo should have been suspended for game 4 for that flagrant foul in game 3, though.

UNT Eagles 2016
04-14-2023, 01:22 PM
2003 , the cardiac kids

That team gave big leads away so many times during the playoffs

Absolutely this, 100%. :tu

However, it's a bit par for the course if you remind yourself that the 2003 Spurs were basically a one-man team surrounded by way - over the hill vets and future stars who were up and down and inconsistent due to their lack of experience. Essentially nobody else in the playing rotation besides Duncan (and Bowen) were in their prime that year.

Compiling a 16-8 playoff record (4-2 in every series) is actually kind of mediocre. But winning the championship in the end was all that counted.

Game 1 vs. Phoenix - blew the double digit second half lead, game was nip and tuck the rest of the way but the Spurs in the driver's seat both in regulation and OT until the very, very, brutal end.

Game 2 vs. Phoenix - nip and tuck game, the Suns actually had pulled ahead and had us on the ropes in the 4th quarter before Timmy, Danny Ferry (!!?!!) and Manu's huge three and least salvaged the home split to give us a chance

Game 3 @ Phoenix - nip and tuck first quarter, but Spurs finally solved them for the first time all season after that and it was a big turning point game in the rivalry which had been pretty much one-sided in the Suns' favor prior to then. Spurs would win that one in a blowout.

Game 4 @ Phoenix - after a nip and tuck first half it appeared the Spurs would win again comfortably after a strong third quarter put us up 17 points in the fourth -- but the Spurs in typical 2003 Spurs fashion, completely choked away the lead with missed free throws and turnovers, and it was old man Penny Hardaway finding Jake Voskuhl (??!?) for the game winning in-between shot. Suns win another heartbreaker.

Game 5 vs. Phoenix - Looks like a Spurs blowout from the opening tip, and looks as if the better team finally found a way to take control of the series, as they generally do. Spurs took a nearly 30 point second half lead, but in typical Spurs fashion, they let the game get way too interesting down the stretch, with the Suns cutting the lead to 7 with Marbury going on a tear in the 4th quarter. Spurs still hold on and win, but not the most decisive of victories.

Game 6 @ Phoenix - Here it looked like game 7 was an inevitability as the Suns would dominate the Spurs in the first half, going up double digits and "kicking our ass physically" - Popovich. Spurs couldn't buy a defensive rebound. In the second half the tide would change as the Spurs would be the ones to make a comeback this time behind a barrage of threes from Jackson/Manu and finally get settled down and pull ahead midway through the 4th quarter, though once again they let the game get too interesting near the end, but a series win is a series win nonetheless, and finally putting the pesky Suns away was a huge blessing. On to the Lakers, who had just struggled and then dispatched Minnesota.

Game 1 vs. Lakers - nip and tuck game for the most part... Kevin Willis's halfcourt three at halftime... Spurs wouldn't pull ahead for good until the 4th, and ultimately won in hard-fought fashion, even though the ending wasn't exactly the most climactic.

Game 2 vs. Lakers - Spurs blowout, took a 30+ point lead, got a little interesting late but never under double digits. On to LA.

Game 3 @ Lakers - Lakers show us why they're three-time world champs and why they've had our number since forever and blow us out of the stadium, snapping their 6-game losing streak against us. Lakers blowout.

Game 4 @ Lakers - Yet another example of a typical 2003 Spurs chokejob loss. Spurs maintain a healthy double-digit lead from the 2nd through the 4th quarter, only to squander it in the 4th quarter and lose. Shaq killed us on the glass down the stretch. Series tied.

Game 5 vs. Lakers - The most pivotal game of the entire playoffs. Spurs jump out to nearly 30-point third quarter lead yet again, but this time the Lakers were poised for the comeback. Kobe was unstoppable in the 4th, the Spurs couldn't handle the ball or buy a bucket to save their lives late. Spurs completely blow the lead and are clinging to a 2-point lead, it's Lakers ball, and we all know what's coming. Someone - Kobe, Horry, or Fisher, is going to drill a three and break our hearts yet again. It's Horry, who receives the ball in perfect rhythm from a doubled Kobe... sets his feet, unleashes the three, and it rattles in, Lakers up by 1 with a couple second left and it's all but ove- WAIT NO IT RATTLES OUT!!! WHAT THE -!!! DAVID ROBINSON WITH THE REBOUND AND THE SPURS ARE UP 3-2 BABY!!! WOW!!!!!! WHAT JUST HAPPENED??!?!??

Game 6 @ Lakers - It's the most pivotal point in Tim Duncan's career to date and Timmy The GOAT is not to be denied. Lakers hang in there for three quarters, but in the 4th, the Spurs go on a tear, and this lead was not to be spoiled. Spurs win that iconic game at Staples by 28, Jack Nicholson and Derek Fisher cry, Kobe cries, the Lakers concede early, and everybody parties! The Spurs beat the Lakers in the playoffs!!! WOW!!!!!! On to Dallas, who had been the best team in the NBA by far for the first 75% of the season.

Game 1 vs. Dallas - The Spurs jump out to a big early lead and it looks like Popovich found a way to beat the Mavs at their own run-and-gun game. To slow down the pace, Nelson insists on Hack-a-Bowen in the second and third quarter, stopping the bleeding. However, the Spurs would maintain the double-digit lead through three and a half quarters, but in typical 2003 Spurs fashion, their favorite bugaboos - the turnovers and missed free throws - would haunt us and the Mavs would finally at last claw their way back, and with the game going down to the final possession, Michael Finley would get a lucky bounce on an in-between shot over Jackson that looked like it was a miss - and the Spurs couldn't answer, leading to yet another squandered game and loss. Mavs shoot 49/50 from the foul line (!!!!!) and take Game 1 in SA.

Game 2 vs. Dallas - similar type of game, but this time the Spurs were not to be denied. Dirk Nowitzki gets 3 fouls in the first quarter, then his 4th in the second quarter and a technical. Spurs keep a healthy lead throughout. Mavs would make a late push, but it wouldn't be good enough as the Spurs would win reasonably comfortably and salvage the home split.

Game 3 @ Dallas - Nip-and-tuck game most of the way, Spurs pull ahead late in the 3rd, then Dirk gets injured and is out for the series. Spurs pull away and win big.

Game 4 @ Dallas - Mavs surprisingly put up a great fight and keep a lead the majority of the game even without Dirk, but the Spurs slowly squeeze them out, TP has his best playoff game yet and are able to take two and go up 3-1 headed home.

Game 5 vs. Dallas - Yet another 2003 Spurs chokejob. With Dirk still sidelined, the Spurs take a nearly 20 point third quarter lead and everyone including Charles Barkley thinks it's over. But somehow the Spurs get sloppy once again, put a lid on their own basket and let an undermanned Dallas team get back into the game, and win once again in our stadium, this time by a convincing margin as the Spurs completely were beat down on both ends of the court in the 4th quarter, by Nash, Finley, Van Exel, and the rest of the Dallas forces.

Game 6 @ Dallas - Game 7 (plausibly with Dirk returning from injury) appears to be inevitable as the Mavs take their late game 5 momentum and control the game through three-plus quarters. But the Spurs miraculously go on a three-point barrage in the fourth and pull back into the game and eventually take control later in the 4th, with combined efforts from Stephen Jackson, Manu Ginobili, and Steve Kerr's 4 three-pointers ("The Steve Kerr game"). Spurs prove to be the better team and win comfortably enough down the stretch. And it's on to the NBA Finals baby!!!

Game 1 vs. Nets - After a nip-and-tuck first half, Tim Duncan proves his worth as the two-time MVP, and takes over the second half, leading to a comfortable Spurs victory.

Game 2 vs. Nets - Spurs take a big lead very early in the game, but squander it quickly with turnovers and poor execution and the Nets take over the game and control it for most of the rest of the game. Spurs led by Tony Parker finally wake up and make a very late push and even come within 1 point with only a few seconds left -- Jason Kidd splits a pair of free throws and the Nets go up by 2 -- and Stephen Jackson gets a great look for three to win the game, but it's just off the mark and our hearts are broken once again, with the series tied and headed to New Jersey for three games in the 2-3-2 format.

Game 3 @ Nets - First half is nip-and-tuck and also ghastly ugly on the scoreboard. In the 3rd quarter, the Nets dominate and take control of the game, taking a double digit lead. However, once again it would be TP (and Manu) leading the Spurs back into the game slowly but steadily, and the defense coming together just enough in the fourth quarter to steal the game away from the Nets. Game was close to the finish, but Manu made a clutch steal followed by a clutch baseline hoop that would give the Spurs just enough breathing room at the end. Whew. Spurs up 2-1, two wins from the long-awaited NBA Championship.

Game 4 @ Nets - The Nets would seemingly always have the upper hand in this one. New Jersey would pull ahead by 15 in the third, Popovich got a technical, and the Spurs would bounce back and actually take a lead temporarily late. However, the Nets' resolve was too much for the inconsistent Spurs to overcome, and they sort-of kicked our ass physically, beating us to just about every loose ball and getting the calls down the stretch as well. Game would come down to the last possession, Manu airballed a fall-away three, Timmy grabbed it and put the ball in the hoop at the buzzer, but it was meaningless as the hoop was worth two points in a three-point game. Spurs lose by 1, series tied. Ouch.

Game 5 @ Nets - Nets pull ahead very early in the game but Spurs bounce back by the 2nd quarter. Spurs seemingly are in a slight driver's seat throughout the game, though the Nets keep clawing back and cutting the margin. Spurs never take a big lead, but keep the Nets just far enough at bay throughout to salvage the victory and move within one game of winning the championship. Whew!!!

Game 6 vs. Nets - Spurs are seemingly outplayed by the desperate Nets from the get-go. Outside of a Tim Duncan solo run in the mid - 2nd quarter that pulled the Spurs even from a substantial early deficit, New Jersey outplays the Spurs through nearly three and a half quarters. Nets have a 10 point lead midway through the 4th. But suddenly, the 2003 Spurs pull an inverse of themselves -- they're the one who comes back, with game 7 looming and all the marbles on the line!! First a couple Duncan hoops, then a Manu interception and dunk, then a Jackson trey, then another Jackson trey to give us the lead, then a David Robinson hoop, then a couple Speedy Claxton hoops (Tony Parker was benched) and a third Jackson trey -- Spurs with the total team effort go on a 19-0 run and take a double digit lead late, holding the Nets down on the other end simultaneously with Duncan's GOAT-level near-quad double game, and actually they did it -- they won the NBA Championship!!! WOW!!!!! And my fandom was set in stone firmly for the long haul. *

*[until May 2017 happened]

04-14-2023, 01:26 PM
(B) - Those Denver Thuggets teams were vitriolic. They were out for blood. They wanted Manu dead. Beating them in 5 both times after giving up game 1 was pretty resounding revenge, though. Still think RunMelo should have been suspended for game 4 for that flagrant foul in game 3, though.
After watching them take turns hacking Manu and Karl's comments on Manu' hair helping him sell flops, I developed a strong dislike for Carmelo, Karl and the Nuggets that carries on to these days. For the newer generations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD7R1TOwNBc&t=462s

04-14-2023, 10:47 PM
Manu getting triple clotheslined by the Nuggets and then going calmly to the line was just classic Manu.
Another memory flashback: when Manu became a free agent, the team that made the strongest push was Denver. They had Marcus Camby call Manu to sell him on the idea of joining the Nuggets, and Camby later said he knew the sales pitch wasn't going well because Manu was like "yeah, yeah, Marcus, whatever". :lol

baseline bum
04-14-2023, 10:55 PM
That was such a nightmare matchup for the Spurs. Marbury just had Parker's number that season. Thankfully Jack really stepped up that series and the team got a lot of other timely contributions to get past that series. I remember Danny Ferry playing the greatest game of his Spurs career in Game 2 when Kevin Willis was suspended for that elbow he put on Scott Williams in Game 1.

04-15-2023, 01:42 AM
I was a sophomore in college and was watching the game in a student lounge on a big screen TV. I still remember this one guy who was a suns fan who kept talking shit to me throughout the game about how Phoenix was going to win the series. I remember how angry he was when the Spurs went up by 2 and I laughed in his face only for Marbury then to hit the game winner. He rubbed it and trolled hard and screamed the Spurs were done. I would end up seeing that guy 2 weeks later randomly on campus and rubbed it in and said, "What happened to the Suns?" He was so pissed off and said, "The spurs were fucking lucky, and you know it they aint doing shit for the rest of the playoffs." I laughed and walked away.

04-15-2023, 01:47 AM
That was such a nightmare matchup for the Spurs. Marbury just had Parker's number that season. Thankfully Jack really stepped up that series and the team got a lot of other timely contributions to get past that series. I remember Danny Ferry playing the greatest game of his Spurs career in Game 2 when Kevin Willis was suspended for that elbow he put on Scott Williams in Game 1.

I remember all those things too well especially Kwill elbowing Scott Williams in the neck. I will never forget Danny Ferry rebounding like Rodman in game 2 of that series. Ferry and Kerr stepping up in big games during that run showed to me how it's important to always have a few veterans on your team because they still could have enough left in their tank for 1 good game and all it takes 1 game to swing a series in your favor.

04-15-2023, 07:48 AM
I was at that game. And I was in total disbelief. I just turned to my dad and was like did we just lose? Wtf happened :lol
That 2003 Spurs DVD is the GOAT. I would watch those 4th quarters for hours upon hours

04-15-2023, 12:20 PM
That was such a nightmare matchup for the Spurs. Marbury just had Parker's number that season. Thankfully Jack really stepped up that series and the team got a lot of other timely contributions to get past that series. I remember Danny Ferry playing the greatest game of his Spurs career in Game 2 when Kevin Willis was suspended for that elbow he put on Scott Williams in Game 1.

I remember a TP interview in France when he was still playing in Europe and he was asked what his dream matchup would be and he answered “a 1 on 1 with Marbury”

:lol be careful what you wish for

04-15-2023, 01:48 PM
Game 6 recap


Duncan has second career playoff triple-double
Updated: May 3, 2003

PHOENIX (AP) -- Stephen Jackson and Manu Ginobili made the big shots, and Tim Duncan did about everything else to send the San Antonio Spurs into the second round of the NBA playoffs. Jackson and Ginobili sank two 3-pointers apiece in a decisive 12-2 fourth-quarter run, and Duncan had his second career playoff triple-double as the Spurs pulled away to beat the pesky Phoenix Suns 87-85 Thursday night."This team has been giving us trouble all year,'' Jackson said of the Suns. "We're definitely happy we're through with those guys.''

Duncan shot just 4-of-12 for 15 points, but had 20 rebounds and 10 assists. "That's my job, to quarterback out there,'' Duncan said. The West's No. 1 seed won the series 4-2 and advanced to play the Los Angeles Lakers in the second round beginning Monday night. Los Angeles has eliminated San Antonio from the playoffs the past two seasons, winning eight of nine games, although the Spurs swept the four-game season series against the Lakers.

Jackson, playing with a strained tendon in his lower right leg, added 19 points -- nine in the fourth quarter. He was 5-for-9 from 3-point range. "When your team needs you, you've got to come out and help them,'' Jackson said. "If that means playing hurt or playing beat up, you've got to do it, and that's what it takes to win.''

Tony Parker added 17 points, and Ginobili scored 12 by going on 4-of-7 3-pointers. "I knew that with our double-teaming, that if they were able to hit their outside shots, we'd be doomed,'' Phoenix coach Frank Johnson said. Shawn Marion had 24 points and 15 rebounds for Phoenix, but his only points of the fourth quarter came on a 3-point bank shot with 4.4 seconds to play and another 3 as the game ended.

Stephon Marbury, bothered by a nerve injury to his right shoulder, had 18 points but made just five of 19 shots as the Suns shot 36 percent. Marbury fouled out with 11 seconds to play. "It wasn't as strong as it normally is, but I was able to play,'' Marbury said of his shoulder. "They're a really good team. Whenever you try to trap Tim Duncan, you're going to give up open shots. They did what they were supposed to do as far as knocking them down tonight.''

Amare Stoudemire, the NBA rookie of the year, had 18 points and 10 rebounds for Phoenix. Reserve Joe Johnson scored 11. "The Suns were a great eighth seed,'' San Antonio coach Gregg Popovich said. "If they had made their shots down the stretch, we would probably be playing a seventh game.'' Duncan, who played 45 minutes, had his first playoff triple-double last April 29 against Seattle. This was his fourth triple-double overall.

"One thing you can always say about him is he's a quality person,'' the Suns' Scott Williams said. "He went out there and played a hard, clean ballgame. He's their all-everything.'' Johnson's driving layup gave Phoenix its last lead, 71-69, with 6:10 to play. Then the 3-pointers began to fall for the Spurs. Jackson made one to put the Spurs up for good, 72-71 with 5:54 to go. Ginobili, wide-open, made two, then Jackson sank another and it was 81-74 with 3:44 to go.

"Manu and Jack just kind of took over,'' Duncan said. "Those guys (the Suns) continued to double-team me in the post. We swung the ball around and those guys were great. They knew the ball was coming to them. They got ready, and they knocked them down.'' Penny Hardaway, just 4-for-13 for the game, made a 3-pointer with 1:32 left to cut the lead to 83-79, but the Suns got no closer until Marion's final shot at the buzzer.

Both teams had turnover problems. Phoenix committed 20, six in the fourth quarter, resulting in 20 points for San Antonio. The Spurs had 19, but only seven in the second half. The young Phoenix team, a surprise all season, beat San Antonio three of four times in the regular season and gave the Spurs trouble in the playoffs. But the Suns couldn't overcome San Antonio's tough defense. Phoenix shot less than 40 percent in all four of its losses.

"We gave the Spurs a pretty good run, so I think we opened a lot of eyes,'' Stoudemire said. "Don't count us out. We'll be back next year.'' The Suns seemed in good shape after Marion sank two 3-pointers and Marbury one in a 9-0 run to start the second half that put Phoenix up 52-41, its biggest lead of the series. Duncan and David Robinson each missed two free throws during the Suns' surge. Jackson's 3-pointer ignited an 11-0 run as San Antonio moved ahead 63-59 on Malik Rose's inside basket with 53.9 seconds left in the third. The Spurs led 64-61 entering the fourth.

04-15-2023, 08:36 PM
I remember all those things too well especially Kwill elbowing Scott Williams in the neck. I will never forget Danny Ferry rebounding like Rodman in game 2 of that series. Ferry and Kerr stepping up in big games during that run showed to me how it's important to always have a few veterans on your team because they still could have enough left in their tank for 1 good game and all it takes 1 game to swing a series in your favor.

Watching Kerr go nuclear on the Mavs will always be a top 3 Spurs memory for me

04-16-2023, 12:03 PM
That was such a nightmare matchup for the Spurs. Marbury just had Parker's number that season. Thankfully Jack really stepped up that series and the team got a lot of other timely contributions to get past that series. I remember Danny Ferry playing the greatest game of his Spurs career in Game 2 when Kevin Willis was suspended for that elbow he put on Scott Williams in Game 1.

one of my favorite spurs photos of all time came from that game 2.

04-17-2023, 04:37 PM
one of my favorite spurs photos of all time came from that game 2.

Manu's clutch three pointer to put us up 4 with a minute left, I assume?

Honestly, :lol I wouldn't call Ferry's effort in that Game 2 the best game of his career, but it was perhaps his most important role playing job. That corner three in the 4th when the Suns were almost to a double digit lead midway through the 4th & we were in dire danger of going down 0-2 to the 8th seed. On top of that the refs called an away from the play foul and Timmy made that free throw. With 4 points, we cut the lead from eight to four. It was the turning point in the game. If Ferry misses that shot it's just a regular team foul and no free throw and we probably come away with zero or 2 points on that possession and we probably lose. We fall behind 0-2 at home, having lost 6 of 7 meetings to them... that series would have been over. David Robinson would have retired with just one ring. It was the difference in the game.

I remember when the Suns were up like 7-8 points headed to timeout midway through the 4th on the Fox Sports SW telecast and Joel Meyers and (especially) Sean Elliott seemed like they were about to cry. That Ferry corner three changed everything. It was one shot but it was equally as important to that title run as, say, Horry's miss in game 5 the next round, or Kerr's first three pointer in the late 3rd of the dallas game 6 that got him going.

04-17-2023, 05:19 PM
Was at that game. I just stood there without reacting when it happened. Zen Phil Jackson style. Thought we might’ve been cooked. Glad history proved otherwise.

Years later in an interview, Marbury was asked if that was his favorite moment playing against Timmy and the Spurs. He replied that his favorite memory was becoming good buddies with Duncan during the Olympics. Class answer by Starbury.