View Full Version : I've lost all respect for Kobe Bryant

12-02-2005, 03:25 PM
the little respect i had remaining for him went out the door when i read what he said about devin brown's defense on him the last play:

"He fouled the (heck) out of me," Bryant said. "He kicked my legs out from underneath me. Usually, when it's a questionable call, you never call it with the game on the line. But that was pretty blatant."

that's low right there. if I was devin or sloan...i definitely would not let it slide after those comments. Kobe is scum of a human in my eyes right now. im sorry if i sound a bit harsh, but i was pissed last night. any night the spurs win and the lakers lose is a guaranteed deep sleep for me. i thought it was bad enough when he said his teammates have to do a better job of rebounding his missed shots...but that was sneaky...right now i wouldn't puit ANYTHING past kobe...hell, he might be hiding Osama right now.

12-02-2005, 03:34 PM
hater :lol So what if Kobe said he got fouled.

12-02-2005, 03:35 PM
Dude's a known liar. Why is this surprising?

Horry For 3!
12-02-2005, 03:35 PM
The refs were in line sucking Kobe off. There was no foul, Devin was standing there with his hands up straight and Kobe throws his arm into Devin's so they call a foul :rolleyes

Both games last night, refs made some fucked up calls that almost/did change the game.

12-02-2005, 03:36 PM
Why did you have respect for him in the first place?

Horry For 3!
12-02-2005, 03:37 PM
Even though so far my prediction is right. I said Lakers would be the worst team in California.

12-02-2005, 03:40 PM
Why did you have respect for him in the first place?
:lol That's what I was wondering...

12-02-2005, 04:21 PM
Pretty ballsy to make that claim when the whole world can see the replay.

I might care more if the win meant anything to either team. I do feel bad for Devin though.

12-02-2005, 04:30 PM
Who gives a shit...did you watch the game and see how may fouls were called...Utah went to the line over 50 times.....the game was horrible and Kobe played like Ass. So he was frustrated, big deal....Bowen rode him like a horse all game in San An and he made no comment and you lose all repsect....oh I guess Kobe's going to get worried.

12-02-2005, 05:28 PM
I knew he raped that chick.

You know Devin did step on his foot before the shot.

12-02-2005, 05:30 PM
Who gives a shit...did you watch the game and see how may fouls were called...Utah went to the line over 50 times.....the game was horrible and Kobe played like Ass. So he was frustrated, big deal....Bowen rode him like a horse all game in San An and he made no comment and you lose all repsect....oh I guess Kobe's going to get worried.

I agree with that.

But I think you have to admit that KB is simply wrong in his characterization of what happened at the end of regulation. He created all of the contact, which consisted only of his throwing his arm into Devin Brown's arm. Kobe didn't get his legs kicked out from underneath him.

Kobe's statement about THAT play is complete nonsense.

12-02-2005, 05:36 PM
Bryant is a dickhead, everyone knows that

12-02-2005, 05:38 PM
So is stepping on a foot before the shot a foul or not?

12-02-2005, 05:42 PM
I watched the play again...not much contact, but as Kobe went up, DB went in his space and it appeared like he undercut him...obviously not trying to do it on purpose....but's KB versus DB...the refs bailed him out.

12-02-2005, 05:51 PM
Lakers suck. Who cares. Like Barkley said two crappy teams and an unwatchable game.

12-02-2005, 07:25 PM
Lakers suck. Who cares. Like Barkley said two crappy teams and an unwatchable game.

Ohhh Aren't we all glad we have Sir Charles saying it like it is...boy the Lakers are boring to watch...even when they are playing the Spurs! haha

Now question! Are we surprised Kobe whined because he didn't get the call? I would have whined too...You can't even look at him without getting a foul called

12-02-2005, 07:32 PM
you always manage to make no sense at all.

12-02-2005, 07:35 PM
Who gives a shit...did you watch the game and see how may fouls were called...Utah went to the line over 50 times.....the game was horrible and Kobe played like Ass. So he was frustrated, big deal....Bowen rode him like a horse all game in San An and he made no comment and you lose all repsect....oh I guess Kobe's going to get worried.
You're a fucking retarded Lakers fan. Glad I read this, now I know.

12-02-2005, 07:36 PM
I lost what little I had when he bought his wife a $4 million ring
$4 million
$4 million on something to put on a finger
thats a sin beyond sin
fucker is going straight to hell when he dies

Timothy Dunkan
12-03-2005, 02:56 AM
"He fouled the (heck) out of me," Bryant said. "He kicked my legs out from underneath me. Usually, when it's a questionable call, you never call it with the game on the line. But that was pretty blatant."
What a freakin liar!
I did not respect that piece of scum before and now I'm more irritated w/ all that special treatments he's been getting.
I just can't wait till the day that he becomes another wash up like Penny Hardaway...next MJ my ass....

12-03-2005, 09:43 AM
I watched the play again...not much contact, but as Kobe went up, DB went in his space and it appeared like he undercut him...obviously not trying to do it on purpose....but's KB versus DB...the refs bailed him out.
get the fuck outta here!!!! u serious bro? devin didn't touch him. even laker fans were admitting that shyt. come on now...the truth shall set you free. some of you act like Kobe reads these boards and wont buy your christmas candy if you talk bad about him. get friggin serious. and to the person who asked why i had any respect for him before...good question...

12-03-2005, 09:48 AM
just to kill your point the ref was watching the feet to make sure it was a 2 on the play. he didnt call a foul when he was watching the feet...because there was NONE. when he looked and saw kobe's flop...he STILL didnt make the call until kobe gave home the fuckin "i'm Kobe Bryant, Bitch" stare he always gives to the refs. then the griggin grayshirt shriveled like a nutsac. thats some sad shyt. Shoot. if all it taked to get timmy a call is a dirty look, big boy better stare at those refs like they cursed in church...them maybe they'll throw him a friggin bone.

12-03-2005, 12:04 PM
Kobe Bryant is a punk-ass trick.

Bottom line.

12-03-2005, 12:09 PM
I just talked to Kobe, and he said he's completely distraught and saddened by the fact that many Spurs fans have lost their respect for him. He wants to know what he can do to make it up to you guys.

12-03-2005, 12:24 PM
I just talked to Kobe, and he said he's completely distraught and saddened by the fact that many Spurs fans have lost their respect for him. He wants to know what he can do to make it up to you guys.

He already has, by running Big Boi out of town.

Aggie Hoopsfan
12-03-2005, 12:25 PM
Shit, I lost all respect for him when he cheated on his wife and raped that chick in Colorado.

The way I see it Kobe's working on descending another level in Dante's Inferno.

What a cunt.

12-03-2005, 01:17 PM
I watched the play again...not much contact, but as Kobe went up, DB went in his space and it appeared like he undercut him...obviously not trying to do it on purpose....but's KB versus DB...the refs bailed him out.


Kobe "tried" to throw his body into Devin but missed. Devin didn't touch him.

As far as the stepping on the foot comment somebody made, I watched that replay 10 times and it never happened on that play.

Kobe was just frustrated that Devin shut him down in the 2nd half...plain and simple. Devin has always played decent D against him.

12-05-2005, 05:54 PM
"He fouled the (heck) out of me," Bryant said. "He kicked my legs out from underneath me. Usually, when it's a questionable call, you never call it with the game on the line. But that was pretty blatant."

How can something be "pretty blatant". That's an oxymoron. Blatant speaks for itself; if anything - it's "very blatant". Obviously the foul was not that obvious even in Kobe's mind - he's a walking contradition.

12-05-2005, 06:01 PM
Shit, I lost all respect for him when he cheated on his wife and raped that chick in Colorado.

The way I see it Kobe's working on descending another level in Dante's Inferno.

What a cunt.spoken like a typical christian or typical aggie

AHF at least he didnt dump shit on the band, what a bunch of loosers...I wish I would have had respect for AM so I could loose it, but its hard to have respect for a bunch of loosers that cant even build a safe bondfire.

12-05-2005, 06:06 PM
spoken like a typical christian or typical aggie.

Must be a christian, Aggies don't know how to use computers.

Preparing to get flamed.

12-05-2005, 11:08 PM
At least the Aggies don't dress in Piss and Purple.

I know LSU does, though.

12-05-2005, 11:13 PM
Shit, I lost all respect for him when he cheated on his wife and raped that chick in Colorado.

The way I see it Kobe's working on descending another level in Dante's Inferno.

What a cunt.

I didn't lose respect for him cheating on his wife, he's young and rich. He's supposed to be a slut. He shouldn't have got caught when he raped that girl though.

12-05-2005, 11:18 PM
I didn't lose respect for him cheating on his wife, he's young and rich. He's supposed to be a slut. He shouldn't have got caught when he raped that girl though.
Kobe became the NBA's O.J. when the case was dropped.

O.J. got away with murder.
Kobe got away with rape. Coincidence? I think not.

12-05-2005, 11:22 PM
Kobe became the NBA's O.J. when the case was dropped.

O.J. got away with murder.
Kobe got away with rape. Coincidence? I think not.

It was dropped because she filed a civil suit, so who cares about what happened to her

Guru of Nothing
12-05-2005, 11:55 PM
$4 million on something to put on a finger
thats a sin beyond sin
fucker is going straight to hell when he dies


T Park
12-06-2005, 01:40 AM
Shit, I lost all respect for him when he cheated on his wife and raped that chick in Colorado.

Now now Aggie.

That would mean you have morals.

Morals are not needed in society today.

If you have morals, you are "on a high horse"

spoken like a typical christian or typical aggie

AHF at least he didnt dump shit on the band, what a bunch of loosers...I wish I would have had respect for AM so I could loose it, but its hard to have respect for a bunch of loosers that cant even build a safe bondfire.

Too bad Kobe didn't act like a true muslim and tell Vanessa to STFU bring him a sandwich and cover her face.

But what the hell, christianity is horrible, and its cool to attack christians, so go ahead and keep firing away Adolf.

12-06-2005, 10:06 AM
I've lost all respect for Kobe Bryant

Me, too! Oh, wait! I haven't had any for him in at least 5 years!

12-06-2005, 11:15 AM
I lost respect for Laker fans when I heard they cheered for Shaq the other night. That just makes me sick!

12-06-2005, 11:18 AM
I lost respect for Laker fans when I heard they cheered for Shaq the other night. That just makes me sick!

I'd cheer for Shaq before I'd cheer for any current Laker...whether I was a Laker's fan or not.

12-06-2005, 11:25 AM
I'd cheer for Shaq before I'd cheer for any current Laker...whether I was a Laker's fan or not.

I just remember his hatred for Big Dave and everytime I see him, I just want to puke! :pctoss

12-06-2005, 05:50 PM
But what the hell, christianity is horrible, and its cool to attack christians, so go ahead and keep firing away Adolf.if pointing out that most christians are hypocritcs is attacking them, then I guess the truth hurts you as well. not attacking just pointing out an observation how most christians are quick to judge others when only God can truly judge according to christian bible. but you keep with the adolf references, I'm sure Jesus would be real proud of you and it only proves my point further.