View Full Version : We need a physical enforcer now to protect Wemby. Current Spurs are too soft.

05-16-2023, 10:41 PM
I'm old enough to remember winnning the rights to David Robinson, so I've seen alot of basketball. That's why I say the following:

Yes, Wemby is a generational talent. If he stays healthy, he will be KG/Giannis/Durant all rolled into one.

But, he's so damn thin. He can't bulk up too much, because it would produce too much stress on his lower body, especially the hips, lower back and knees. The track record for players over 7 feet tall who stayed relatively healthy their careers is thin. Players over 7'2? Very few. Yao Ming, Porzingas, Ralph Sampson, these players had similar body style to Wemby, and they all had health issues.

We need to preserve Wemby's body as much as we can. WE NEED A PHYSICAL ENFORCER.

Like what Charles Oakley did for Jordan. Lambeer did for the Isiah Thomas. Xavier Mcdaniel did for Ewing. Jared Dudley did for whoever he played with. (He just likes to fight. Youtube him, its funny as hell)
Antonio Davis did for Reggie. And to some extent, what Dillon Brooks and Draymond are doing in today's game.

Big, bruising players who can intimidate opposing teams who think they can go after Wemby. And trust me, the whole league will try. Eveyrone will try to be the first person to dunk on Wemby.

Sochan has potential to be an enforcer, but he has a bigger role to play. I think Drew Eubanks would do well in this role. Serge Ibaka perhaps. Pat Bev?

We have too many softies on our team right now.

But damn, think about it. If done correctly, Wemby can be Kevin Durant on offense and Rudy Gobert on Defense all rolled into one.

We need a physical enforcer now to protect Wemby.

05-16-2023, 10:44 PM
Colins isn't soft.

05-16-2023, 10:45 PM
Sochan will pinch nipples

05-16-2023, 10:48 PM
Tp on the bench
He would stand up for him !

05-16-2023, 10:48 PM
Sochan will pinch nipples

Does he not like pussy ?

05-16-2023, 10:48 PM
neither sochan nor collins are soft. sure we dont have a big brutish oaf like charles oakley but thats not necessary

05-16-2023, 10:48 PM
My pet idea is to back up a truck for Poeltl to steal him back from Toronto. Something huge like $80M/3. A weakened Raptors increases the odds of the pick conveying, and Jakob would be a good fit. By the time the Spurs truly need cap space, Jakob would be done with his deal.

Realistically, giving Brooke Lopez a contract could make sense. Lopez is on the downside of his career, but he knows how play the right way and also has experience playing stretch-five next to a dynamic PF. He could be a bridge while the Spurs look for a long-term solution.

Not a huge fan of a trade for Ayton or especially Gobert (there's an RGMer who's obsessed with pitching that). The Spurs don't need a great C now. But they should shore up that position, because guys like Collins and Bassey aren't inspiring much confidence.

Mr. Body
05-16-2023, 10:50 PM
Bassey is going to get some time and he has a physical presence. As far as a chippy asshole type, that's Collins.

05-16-2023, 10:50 PM
Yeah, Collins might be the best choice on the current roster. Sochan can't because we need him on the floor.

Marcus Bryant
05-16-2023, 10:51 PM
That’s not a thing today.

05-16-2023, 10:53 PM
Collins wouldn't think twice about knocking someone to the ground. Sochan will just get into people's heads.

05-16-2023, 10:54 PM
Collins Bassey and Sochan will be fine

05-16-2023, 10:55 PM
My pet idea is to back up a truck for Poeltl to steal him back from Toronto. Something huge like $80M/3. A weakened Raptors increases the odds of the pick conveying, and Jakob would be a good fit. By the time the Spurs truly need cap space, Jakob would be done with his deal.

Realistically, giving Brooke Lopez a contract could make sense. Lopez is on the downside of his career, but he knows how play the right way and also has experience playing stretch-five next to a dynamic PF. He could be a bridge while the Spurs look for a long-term solution.

Not a huge fan of a trade for Ayton or especially Gobert (there's an RGMer who's obsessed with pitching that). The Spurs don't need a great C now. But they should shore up that position, because guys like Collins and Bassey aren't inspiring much confidence.
really like those first 2 options tbh

a little confused by your wording re raptors pick conveying. its top 6 protected. weakening them too much could mean they hold their pick. unless you mean it increases the odds of a GOOD pick conveying (ie getting the #13 pick from them instead of the #23 pick from them)

i wouldnt mind ayton but dno what his price tag looks like from a trade perspective. saw somebody floated a cpe/keldon based trade. could so somethin big

05-16-2023, 11:02 PM
really like those first 2 options tbh

a little confused by your wording re raptors pick conveying. its top 6 protected. weakening them too much could mean they hold their pick. unless you mean it increases the odds of a GOOD pick conveying (ie getting the #13 pick from them instead of the #23 pick from them)

Yeah, I meant increases the odds of the pick being good. I don't think there's a ton of chance a Raptors team even in freefall would not convey their pick over the next two years. But this would improve it.

John B
05-16-2023, 11:02 PM
Wemby will play SF/PF. While Sochan or Keldon will get Wemby’s guy on defense, Vassell helping also. Yup Wemby will be well-protected

05-16-2023, 11:05 PM
Wemby will play SF/PF. While Sochan or Keldon will get Wemby’s guy on defense, Vassell helping also. Yup Wemby will be well-protected

Sure, but getting someone to be a real center could be really helpful so that Wemby and Sochan don't have to play it in bad situations. I don't think Collins is a horrible person to put there for a year -- especially a year where the Spurs might still want to lose. He knows they system and can space the floor. But more than PG I would like to see that position addressed this off-season. Kind of makes me wish the Spurs had snagged Mark Williams last year.

05-16-2023, 11:06 PM
That’s not a thing today.

This w is kk team called the bad boys

League is soft now and woke

05-16-2023, 11:09 PM
Think Lambeer could still handle it ?

05-16-2023, 11:13 PM
Lopez would be nice. The idea is to help teach and protect wemba until he is ready. Lopez likely wouldn't be in the team once it's contention time.

05-16-2023, 11:16 PM
Collins and Bassey will play that role well. Wemby will be protected with others playing the heavy guys on defense.

They've been planning for this opportunity and preparing for a couple years at the minimum. Spurs won't let another kawhi situation happen. Wemby will be catered too.

05-16-2023, 11:16 PM
Sure, but getting someone to be a real center could be really helpful so that Wemby and Sochan don't have to play it in bad situations. I don't think Collins is a horrible person to put there for a year -- especially a year where the Spurs might still want to lose. He knows they system and can space the floor. But more than PG I would like to see that position addressed this off-season. Kind of makes me wish the Spurs had snagged Mark Williams last year.
or walker kessler at 20

John B
05-16-2023, 11:28 PM
Sure, but getting someone to be a real center could be really helpful so that Wemby and Sochan don't have to play it in bad situations. I don't think Collins is a horrible person to put there for a year -- especially a year where the Spurs might still want to lose. He knows they system and can space the floor. But more than PG I would like to see that position addressed this off-season. Kind of makes me wish the Spurs had snagged Mark Williams last year.

Kevin Love? He brings veteran leadership. I always thought he’s a Spur in another team uniform.

05-16-2023, 11:35 PM
Kevin Love? He brings veteran leadership. I always thought he’s a Spur in another team uniform.

I don't think of Love as a strech-five though. I would want someone who could do his job on defense while given Wemby and the other Spurs free reign on offense. I'd almost prefer Blake Griffin if we're talking about role-playing former star PFs.

05-17-2023, 02:32 AM
Someone like Mason Plumlee to grab rebounds and box out other players would be good

05-17-2023, 02:49 AM
Wemby is David Robinson part 2 and just as soft,,,,

05-17-2023, 07:09 AM
Yes we should get Draymond..

As long as he promises NOT to deck the kid..

05-17-2023, 07:12 AM
Someone like Mason Plumlee to grab rebounds and box out other players would be good

well Pop thought he's better than Bam. So that's a real possibility :lol

05-17-2023, 07:24 AM
I think there will be flirtations with Jakob, but in the end they’ll be cool rolling with Zach. I thought he was great post Jacob trade tbh.

05-17-2023, 07:28 AM
I actually like Plumlee on a modest contract (modest meaning length).. He and Collins can lock down the middle.

05-17-2023, 07:33 AM
Think Lambeer could still handle it ?
At 65 yrs old... probably not.

05-17-2023, 07:42 AM
I agree look at my post I'm not convinced...we gonna are gonna be in trouble if he gets hurts Spurs fans are sounding like delusional Cowboys fans

05-17-2023, 08:24 AM
Yes we should get Draymond..

As long as he promises NOT to deck the kid..


05-17-2023, 08:25 AM
I agree look at my post I'm not convinced...we gonna are gonna be in trouble if he gets hurts Spurs fans are sounding like delusional Cowboys fans

Senility on parade.

05-17-2023, 08:25 AM
That’s not a thing today.

Tbh. You already can't touch anyone nowadays and Wemby will be even more protected for sure.

05-17-2023, 08:32 AM

No shit..

The Truth #6
05-17-2023, 08:55 AM
His enforcers will be the commissioner and the referees. But Zollins will be perfect for next year, along with Sochan. I don’t see Yak doing any enforcing.

05-17-2023, 09:00 AM
Tbh...Adam will ensure that the refs protect Wemby...tbh

05-17-2023, 09:07 AM
:lol Acting like Kermit Washington is still in the league.

This is not the 70s. This is not even the 2000s.

The league is about to run Morant out of the league for repping thug life and people are worried that the league is going to let players act it out on the court?

05-17-2023, 09:19 AM
:lol Acting like Kermit Washington is still in the league.

This is not the 70s. This is not even the 2000s.

The league is about to run Morant out of the league for repping thug life and people are worried that the league is going to let players act it out on the court?
Good points however.....

Gaymond Green.
NBA certainly has allowed this ape to hurt people.

05-17-2023, 09:51 AM
I actually on board with TIMVP’s idea to put Sochan at PG and start both Wemby and Zollins. Zollins will be there as bodyguard for Wemby, and he ain’t gonna back down. The guy went after MPJ for dunking on him. For Sochan? I think him at PG will at least further his offensive development.

05-17-2023, 10:11 AM
Dillon Brooks. He'll flagrantly foul someone if necessary for messing with Wemby.

Mr. Body
05-17-2023, 10:22 AM
I don't think we need an old school enforcer. We need beefier players with strength.

We have Bassey and Mamukelashvili. Barlow will continue to develop but his long-term viability is unlikely.

Trayce Jackson-Davis is the type of player you want. Previously, I thought he would be redundant with what we have already. Now, I'm back on board if he's available.

He's already 23, but who cares. He really developed his passing this year, is a great character guy, rangy and athletic, good rebounder and terrific weak-side shotblocker. Has no jump shot, but with Wembanyama that no longer matters. If he ever plays alongside, you've got two players who can really take care of the rim.

05-25-2023, 05:07 AM

05-25-2023, 10:23 AM
The enforcer/protector role used to be a power forward because they were big and usually bulkier than other players. However, now you see guys like Wemby being slotted for the PF role because they can play outside with their superior skills in handling and outside shooting. Just keeping Wemby outside is going to save him from a lot of wear and tear compared to what he would get as a center. Game has changed so much because the players skills have evolved away from the classic big man bullying his way to the basket and throwing it down. Wemby is going to get to the basket with a through the legs crossover and a Eurostep instead.

05-25-2023, 11:15 AM
Were you guys in a coma for the past year? The last thing we need is a rotten apple to spoil the barrel. Hard pass on Draymond and Dillon Brooks.

Extra Stout
05-25-2023, 11:21 AM
Zollins is fine.

05-25-2023, 03:25 PM
Boban is a free agent!

Boban is strong!

Release the Boban on anyone who messes with Wemby! Okay, he's not an enforcer, but he kinda looks like one in the pic below. Maybe Boban can scowl at anyone who messes with Wemby?


Mr. Body
05-25-2023, 03:29 PM
Wemby is going to take all the 'tall nba guy' commercials from Boban.

05-25-2023, 03:51 PM
Boban is a free agent!

Boban is strong!

Release the Boban on anyone who messes with Wemby! Okay, he's not an enforcer, but he kinda looks like one in the pic below. Maybe Boban can scowl at anyone who messes with Wemby?


Problem is Boban might be the one to hurt Wemby (accidentally).

05-25-2023, 04:34 PM
Yeah, I meant increases the odds of the pick being good. I don't think there's a ton of chance a Raptors team even in freefall would not convey their pick over the next two years. But this would improve it.

That Raptor pick will convey in the 20s next year. They will make some good moves with some good trades.

05-25-2023, 05:59 PM
Don't know how he is as a teammate, but Drummond would be a good fit as a bench big/enforcer. Also would be a great mentor for Bassey, who should pattern his game off being Drummond with extended range.

05-25-2023, 06:01 PM
My pet idea is to back up a truck for Poeltl to steal him back from Toronto. Something huge like $80M/3. A weakened Raptors increases the odds of the pick conveying, and Jakob would be a good fit. By the time the Spurs truly need cap space, Jakob would be done with his deal.

Realistically, giving Brooke Lopez a contract could make sense. Lopez is on the downside of his career, but he knows how play the right way and also has experience playing stretch-five next to a dynamic PF. He could be a bridge while the Spurs look for a long-term solution.

Not a huge fan of a trade for Ayton or especially Gobert (there's an RGMer who's obsessed with pitching that). The Spurs don't need a great C now. But they should shore up that position, because guys like Collins and Bassey aren't inspiring much confidence.

Technically, an over-weaked Raptors decreases, not increases, the odds of the pick conveying. not very worried about this one though unless they suddenly decided to go full rebuild out of nowhere.

05-25-2023, 06:19 PM
A weakened Raptors DECREASE the chances of the pick conveying, but INCREASE the value of the pick:


0,00 %

0,00 %

7,02 %

18,93 %

36,05 %

54,15 %

68,04 %

73,69 %

79,72 %

86,12 %

90,59 %

92,88 %

95,21 %

97,59 %

100,00 %

05-25-2023, 06:24 PM
barring a siakam injury, even a raptors team that loses poeltl would probably not be picking top 7

05-25-2023, 07:33 PM
I remember Willis and Massenburg.
Massenburg was a scary dude

Excessive Egotist
05-25-2023, 07:37 PM
We're fine with Collins and Barlow. The Poeltl idea is enticing, tho. He is a perfect fit. Grant Williams? In terms of the draft, Zack Edey probably can't defend in space, but using our late SRP on him makes some sense.

05-25-2023, 07:41 PM
We're fine with Collins and Barlow. The Poeltl idea is enticing, tho. He is a perfect fit. Grant Williams? In terms of the draft, Zack Edey probably can't defend in space, but using our late SRP on him makes some sense.
if boban wasnt good enough why would we want a worse boban

Guru of Nothing
05-25-2023, 07:50 PM
I remember Willis and Massenburg.
Massenburg was a scary dude

He was 6'9" of skull and muscle.

05-25-2023, 07:52 PM
We're fine with Collins and Barlow. The Poeltl idea is enticing, tho. He is a perfect fit. Grant Williams? In terms of the draft, Zack Edey probably can't defend in space, but using our late SRP on him makes some sense.

I like the idea of Poeltl. We already know how he fits, and I don't think Collins (who I also do like) is so great that it precludes you from going after another center. Don't hate the idea behind Grant Williams either.

The Truth #6
05-25-2023, 11:26 PM
Oscar Tshiebwe from Kentucky? Phenomenal rebounder. May go undrafted. Worth a camp invite.

05-25-2023, 11:31 PM
Oscar Tshiebwe from Kentucky? Phenomenal rebounder. May go undrafted. Worth a camp invite.

Dude is unmovable
I thought he looked great in the tournament

05-25-2023, 11:31 PM
Collins is perfect. Don't overthink this.

05-25-2023, 11:51 PM
Sign Zaza

05-26-2023, 03:11 AM
Steven Adams

05-26-2023, 09:24 AM
Steven Adams
Yes this!

I have been thinking of making a thread about him wondering why noone has mentioned trying to get him. Adam's would be perfect to have around when the other team tries to bully wemby. He also would be great to have around him in practice to help Wemby get used to the physicality of the NBA and a great mentor for him(from what I understand he is well loved by his teammates and a good locker room guy).

I honestly don't think the asking price would be to high from the Grizzlies .

05-26-2023, 09:50 AM
Collins is perfect. Don't overthink this.

There is plenty of room to add another rotation big. I would hope the spurs could have a rotation of two good centers rather than keeping bassey and Barlow around. If that additional big is better then collins,.ccool, if they're worse also cool.

If the spurs dont get a C, no big deal, but would prefer the spurs have lots of looks at talented partners to wemby and sochan who both look like elite position less float defenders

05-26-2023, 10:13 AM
Collins is perfect. Don't overthink this.
But Collins won't play 48 minutes.

Who fills in when Wama and Collins overlap?

Vince Carter's ankle
05-26-2023, 10:31 AM
But Collins won't play 48 minutes.

Who fills in when Wama and Collins overlap?

05-26-2023, 10:34 AM
Honestly Jaren Jackson Jr. seems like the best player to put next to Wemby. Should definitely try to sign him when he becomes an FA

The Truth #6
05-26-2023, 11:20 AM
Dude is unmovable
I thought he looked great in the tournament

I think he would be useful in small moments when we need help against bruising centers that would typically give Yak problems. However, Oscar isn’t super tall, 6’9” in shoes but has a 7’3” wingspan and super strong hands that seem to get every rebound. Seems like a Larry Smith, basically. That’s not bad for a likely undrafted player. He’s one of the best rebounders in decades. I’m modestly intrigued.

05-26-2023, 11:24 AM
Don't know how he is as a teammate, but Drummond would be a good fit as a bench big/enforcer. Also would be a great mentor for Bassey, who should pattern his game off being Drummond with extended range.

He is terrible. Pass.