View Full Version : Victor Wembanyama - load management and physical development

05-18-2023, 08:30 AM
One of the most intriguing aspects of Wembanyama joining the Spurs next season is trying to get a handle on how much playing time he will or should receive, and speculating about what his physical potential might be. It's easy to see where his unique body and skillset could take him, but what about that lanky frame? Does he need to add a lot of bulk to handle the rigors of the NBA? Is he going to be injury prone? Does he need his minutes capped as part of an overall strategy to protect his health?

This Brian Windhorst article offers some insight into Wembanyama's regimen and his team's approach to keeping him healthy. https://www.espn.in/nba/story/_/id/35690491/preparing-nba-victor-wembanyama-revolution

In the meantime, though, Wembanyama is supposed to be getting plenty of sleep. The athletic trainer hired this season specifically to care for him, Guillaume Alquier, waits for text messages every morning to get a report on how long the player slept. They don't rely on technology to track it; Alquier records it manually.

Alquier wants Wembanyama to get 10 hours a day but will live with eight or nine. Jeremy Medjana, Wembanyama's veteran Paris-based agent, also wants sleep updates and, frankly, would prefer at least 11 hours. Medjana manages his schedule diligently to clear time in the afternoons for naps.

THE SHOW ON game nights starts early.

Wembanyama is often one of the first players on the floor, where he goes through an extensive body activation routine. It's not quite Stephen Curry-esque, but it's intriguing nonetheless. Alquier puts him through the paces, which includes juggling tennis balls and going through other fast-twitch muscle and hand-eye coordination warmups.

If there's one thing Alquier cares more about than Wembanyama's sleep, it's his feet. Protecting the feet is vital for big men in the NBA, and there's perhaps few others on the planet with the type of long, arched and narrow Size 21 feet that Wembanyama has.

"We have unbelievable experience working on how to avoid stress [injuries], how to avoid them with those long feet," said Ndiaye, who has represented numerous French 7-footers during his career. "This is something that you have to work on. And we have been setting up a special program on Victor, on his feet these past three years. ... We have been working very specifically on his body to make him safer, and with a different approach."

Since he was 15, Wembanyama has been working to align his knees and learn how to land to soften the load. But his out-of-the-box techniques these days draw a crowd.

With shoes and socks off sitting on the floor, Alquier has him crawl on his fingertips and toes in an effort to strengthen his core. Then there is the big toe: Alquier spends a lot of time working on the big toes.

https://a.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=%2Fphoto%2F2023%2F0218%2Fr1133277_4013x2675c c.jpg&w=570&format=jpg
What does Victor Wembanyama's pregame stretching routine look like? Take a look at him prior to the Metropolitans 92 game against the G League Ignite on Oct. 6, 2022. Jim Poorten/NBAE via Getty Images

He will put bands around each of Wembanyama's big toes and stretch them to create resistance. Wembanyama grimaces as he goes through the drill, pushing back to create tension.

"We do it to improve the stability of the body and to help warm up the legs," Alquier said. "You have a big pressure with the big toe, to push during the spring."

On off days, following his team practices and after he naps, Wembanyama spends two hours every evening with Alquier. Wembanyama uses weights but not for the direct purpose of slapping on pounds. Adding weight is a sensitive topic with Wembanyama and his advisers.

Wembanyama has a slight build, officially listed at 230 pounds, and it's already a discussion point for scouts who have watched him closely. For some, it will be an automatic reaction to insist he needs more bulk once he arrives in the NBA. But it will not be a priority, and it is a nonnegotiable item for the Wembanyama camp.

It was backed up strongly after Wembanyama spent 10 days training in Germany last year with Holger Geschwindner, known for his decades of work with future Hall of Famer Dirk Nowitzki. Geschwindner begged the French teen to ignore the coming calls for him to add too much weight because it might risk his career.

"The weight will come over time, you know, but the focus on weight is -- it's a mistake," Ndiaye said. "I'm 100 percent sure on that. If you put too much weight too quickly on Victor's body -- it's not going to last. For sure. He will be injury-prone."

Wembanyama has been eating five times a day for five years to help his muscles keep up with his bones. The plan is for him to gain strength but not necessarily gain a great deal of weight immediately.

"I don't see myself becoming, like, a really, really big guy," Wembanyama said.

That said, in this short documentary (at 18:40), Wemby explicitly states that his goal is "to acquire the strength of Giannis," which if it's possible, will be something to see:


This video goes into extensive detail about his training and warm-up routines, and includes the claim that he has "never lifted weights in his life."


In terms of playing time, Victor says here (https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/36255353/projected-top-pick-victor-wembanyama-submits-paperwork-nba-draft):

"I've been working more than ever on my body with my personal trainer Guillaume [Alquier]," Wembanyama said. "I'm ready to go over all sorts of obstacles. So far it's worked pretty well. I haven't missed a game yet. I've been there for my guys every game.

"There's so many games in a NBA season. It's hard to play all 82 games, some players are built a certain way. Others got to rest. My goal is to play the most games I can, and help my team as much as I can."

All this is to demonstrate that Victor and his group already have a serious and long term plan in place for how to maintain and build his body. The Spurs have conditioning and fitness experts of their own, but my hunch is that Wembanyama will not want to alter his current plan much since it has worked well for him to this point. He recognizes it's a process and that he is not a finished product, and isn't interested in skipping steps to get to where he wants to be.

I'm intrigued to see how the Spurs organization will adapt to this plan, how much they might demand from Victor or try to protect him. I feel they will err on the side of caution with this once in a lifetime opportunity, in order to keep him physically and developmentally on track and to keep their new superstar happy. I hope there is no sort of behind the scenes conflict between Spurs medical staff and the experts that Victor has already been working with, and that they are all on the same page in their approach to his health. If anything might sour Victor on playing with a particular team, it would probably be this kind of disagreement over what's best for him in this area in the long and short term.

05-18-2023, 08:37 AM
One of the most intriguing aspects of Wembanyama joining the Spurs next season is trying to get a handle on how much playing time he will or should receive, and speculating about what his physical potential might be. It's easy to see where his unique body and skillset could take him, but what about that lanky frame? Does he need to add a lot of bulk to handle the rigors of the NBA? Is he going to be injury prone? Does he need his minutes capped as part of an overall strategy to protect his health?

This Brian Windhorst article offers some insight into Wembanyama's regimen and his team's approach to keeping him healthy. https://www.espn.in/nba/story/_/id/35690491/preparing-nba-victor-wembanyama-revolution

That said, in this short documentary (at 18:40), Wemby explicitly states that his goal is "to acquire the strength of Giannis," which if it's possible, will be something to see:


This video goes into extensive detail about his training and warm-up routines, and includes the claim that he has "never lifted weights in his life."


In terms of playing time, Victor says here (https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/36255353/projected-top-pick-victor-wembanyama-submits-paperwork-nba-draft):

All this is to demonstrate that Victor and his group already have a serious and long term plan in place for how to maintain and build his body. The Spurs have conditioning and fitness experts of their own, but my hunch is that Wembanyama will not want to alter his current plan much since it has worked well for him to this point. He recognizes it's a process and that he is not a finished product, and isn't interested in skipping steps to get to where he wants to be.

I'm intrigued to see how the Spurs organization will adapt to this plan, how much they might demand from Victor or try to protect him. I feel they will err on the side of caution with this once in a lifetime opportunity, in order to keep him physically and developmentally on track and to keep their new superstar happy. I hope there is no sort of behind the scenes conflict between Spurs medical staff and the experts that Victor has already been working with, and that they are all on the same page in their approach to his health. If anything might sour Victor on playing with a particular team, it would probably be this kind of disagreement over what's best for him in this area in the long and short term.

The Spurs will do whatever Victor wants. There will be no conflict.

05-18-2023, 09:25 AM
If anything, they might actually be able to come up with a symbiotic relationship where both parties get to implement what they want without obstructing the goals of the other group. Something along the lines of the spurs staff incorporating something from Wemby’s into their own and his group vice versa.

05-18-2023, 09:30 AM
Gotta admire the dedication and effort of Wemby in taking care of his body as early as his age.
Hope the Spurs and his camp will work together professionally and be open to achieve what both parties wants.

He's 7'3" without shoes right? Hope he's something like 7'2" or 7'3" and not 7'5" which is more scary.

05-18-2023, 09:49 AM
Gotta admire the dedication and effort of Wemby in taking care of his body as early as his age.
Hope the Spurs and his camp will work together professionally and be open to achieve what both parties wants.

He's 7'3" without shoes right? Hope he's something like 7'2" or 7'3" and not 7'5" which is more scary.

Rudy Gobert is 7’1 without shoes and Victor has at least 3-4 inches on him… I think Wemby’s a legit 7’5 tbh. Hope I’m wrong but that looks to be the case.


Mr. Body
05-18-2023, 10:12 AM
Good stuff. It's impressive how much he's doing already to care for his body. He's really serious about this. I don't want to mention a certain chunky boi in New Orleans, but I will.

The Spurs seem to have a really good medical staff and take these things seriously, too. I doubt there's going to be much disagreement at all. I can see SAS recognizing Victor has done a lot of work in this area already and are prepared to supplement and advance where he already is.

05-18-2023, 10:20 AM
a Giannis type of frame would be perfect. I like that they are not rushing things and want him to bulk up gradually.

05-18-2023, 11:30 AM
Amazing dedication rom a teenager. This guy is married beyond his years.

And I’m glad his people aren’t focused on weight. It would be a huge mistake to try to put on a ton of pounds. This is 2023, he doesn’t need bulk.

Spurs Homer
05-18-2023, 11:53 AM
lol sleepy vic!

05-18-2023, 12:37 PM
Really interesting stuff! Very dedicated for such a young man (or kid as Pop will call him). I also hoped he is not taller than 7'2'' but seeing him besides Gobert ... that is crazy.

05-18-2023, 01:16 PM
Rudy Gobert is 7’1 without shoes and Victor has at least 3-4 inches on him… I think Wemby’s a legit 7’5 tbh. Hope I’m wrong but that looks to be the case.



Gobert can actually be a future Spur. lol He's currently 30 and going 31 this June and his contract will end in 2026 (he'll likely pickup his Player Option) and he'll be cheap by then but still serviceable to take the defensive load away from Wemby and be a mentor - assuming Wemby will be fine (production and health) by that time.

05-18-2023, 01:47 PM

Gobert can actually be a future Spur. lol He's currently 30 and going 31 this June and his contract will end in 2026 (he'll likely pickup his Player Option) and he'll be cheap by then but still serviceable to take the defensive load away from Wemby and be a mentor - assuming Wemby will be fine (production and health) by that time.

Would be fitting. He was one pick away from being a Spur in the 2013 NBA Draft. Denver scooped him up with the 27th Pick and we ended up picking Livio Jean-Charles with the 28th Pick. We later learned he would’ve been the pick had been been available.

05-18-2023, 01:49 PM
I'm glad to see they are taking a proactive approach. Sports medicine and training keeps advancing. When I was a kid, if you tore an ACL, your career was over. Now days they are out for a year and two years later it's like it never happened.

05-18-2023, 02:03 PM
i mean, that daily routine/regimen is impressive, but i hope he doesnt burn out like todd marinovich or tiger woods tbh

05-18-2023, 03:22 PM
Great post, drpill. Thanks.

I like the idea of him avoiding bulking up too quickly. Wembanyama needs to get stronger but that should come naturally as he ages. Staying skinny is fine -- and probably preferrable to minimize the stress on his feet.

The worst thing he can do is just gain 20 to 30 pounds of muscle just to "get ready" for the NBA. Especially because the NBA really isn't about bulk strength like it used to be years ago. Not sure Durant can bench the bar but that doesn't slow him down at all, tbh.

Stay slim. Work on flexibility and core strength. And do whatever can be done to keep the feet, ankles and knees healthy.

05-18-2023, 03:49 PM
Great post, drpill (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=1347). Thanks.

I like the idea of him avoiding bulking up too quickly. Wembanyama needs to get stronger but that should come naturally as he ages. Staying skinny is fine -- and probably preferrable to minimize the stress on his feet.

The worst thing he can do is just gain 20 to 30 pounds of muscle just to "get ready" for the NBA. Especially because the NBA really isn't about bulk strength like it used to be years ago. Not sure Durant can bench the bar but that doesn't slow him down at all, tbh.

Stay slim. Work on flexibility and core strength. And do whatever can be done to keep the feet, ankles and knees healthy.

Yea well 30 pds of muscle .... okay

Tbh he should gain more strength in the gym. Those excercises they showed are okay but that abs was weak. bear crawl needs to be done better as the pushups. I think him gaining 20pds first year would be nice

05-18-2023, 03:51 PM
Obviously it's ok now being 19 but the issue will be getting older and the wear and tear of a long ass NBA season but i guess it never hurts to stay as prepared as possible.

05-18-2023, 04:01 PM
For a 19yro dude not lifting weights as a sporstman is a crime. He can do flexability work as much as he wants but the body will not take much if not strong.

05-18-2023, 04:06 PM

TD 21
05-18-2023, 04:09 PM
Great post, drpill (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=1347). Thanks.

I like the idea of him avoiding bulking up too quickly. Wembanyama needs to get stronger but that should come naturally as he ages. Staying skinny is fine -- and probably preferrable to minimize the stress on his feet.

The worst thing he can do is just gain 20 to 30 pounds of muscle just to "get ready" for the NBA. Especially because the NBA really isn't about bulk strength like it used to be years ago. Not sure Durant can bench the bar but that doesn't slow him down at all, tbh.

Stay slim. Work on flexibility and core strength. And do whatever can be done to keep the feet, ankles and knees healthy.

I don't disagree with the premise, but the difference with Durant specifically is, he was primarily a SF and now PF, whereas Wembanyama will likely be more of a PF who eventually becomes more of a C, where obviously more strength is needed.

People have this notion that "it's only Jokic and Embiid who are serious post-up threats", which is not only incorrect, but myopic. It's not just about that. There's drives and block outs where strength matters too.

05-18-2023, 04:50 PM
Good article pretty clear his people want a slow process which I agree with and the Spurs will do what his team wants.

05-18-2023, 04:51 PM
Very cool stuff, this kid has obviously been preparing for this for years, which pours cold water on the stupid idea that we'll play him 40 games for 20 minutes/per.

I imagine he'll come with his own team. This is pretty common for more European-centric sports, like F1, where a driver will have his own personal performance coach (Lewis Hamilton had his own personal physiotherapist who he only recently parted was with). I imagine Guillaume Alquier will be coming with him and start being a staple on the sidelines. Does the CBA allow for the Spurs to pay these kinds of people as part of the staff, or does Wemby has to pay out of his own pocket?

05-18-2023, 04:52 PM
For a 19yro dude not lifting weights as a sporstman is a crime. He can do flexability work as much as he wants but the body will not take much if not strong.

I think they will focus on his core strength which you really don’t need weights to achieve results

05-18-2023, 04:53 PM
Spurs will hire him as they should. They did the same with Nephew‘s friend Castleberry or whatever his name was.

05-18-2023, 06:26 PM
If I'm the Spurs, he ain't playing any more than 20 minutes a game. I don't care about any in-game situation or time.

Allan Rowe vs Wade
05-18-2023, 06:35 PM
1 game a week 1 minute for 1 quarter every 1 half

05-18-2023, 06:40 PM
Rudy Gobert is 7’1 without shoes and Victor has at least 3-4 inches on him… I think Wemby’s a legit 7’5 tbh. Hope I’m wrong but that looks to be the case.


Would you trade Keldon for Gobert?

05-18-2023, 06:44 PM
Spurs will hire him as they should. They did the same with Nephew‘s friend Castleberry or whatever his name was.

Dingleberry, iirc.

05-18-2023, 06:52 PM
If I'm the Spurs, he ain't playing any more than 20 minutes a game. I don't care about any in-game situation or time.

That would be the most effective way to get him disgruntled.

Yall crazy "we need to keep Wemby on a bubble" folks need to chill and stop overreacting., tbh.

05-18-2023, 07:13 PM
For a 19yro dude not lifting weights as a sporstman is a crime. He can do flexability work as much as he wants but the body will not take much if not strong.

PG recently said that Adams, Westbrook and David West doesn't do weightlifting. Sure different body but there are ways to strengthen the body other than weightlifting.

05-18-2023, 11:45 PM
PG recently said that Adams, Westbrook and David West doesn't do weightlifting. Sure different body but there are ways to strengthen the body other than weightlifting.
Sure :rolleyes

05-18-2023, 11:47 PM
I think they will focus on his core strength which you really don’t need weights to achieve results

core stength is not enough

Mr. Body
05-18-2023, 11:48 PM
Wasn't Kevin Durant not able to bench press a single time during the draft combine?

05-19-2023, 12:50 AM
He can stay weak no big deal tbh :)

If we talk about development there is no better way to gain strength but to lift weights. Nothing around it.

As a big guy it would be nice if he could hold the ball inside or stood the ground fighting for a rebound.

05-19-2023, 01:21 AM
I thought the Kawhi reporting brought up medical staff disagreements between the two parties. We know Green also complained. Is there reason to keep an eye on this? all of the Spurs wellness personnel getting along with Wembys 20 trainers and doctors to both Victor and Pop’s satisfaction?
What I can come up with is they have been planning for him for five years.

05-19-2023, 01:37 AM
Wasn't Kevin Durant not able to bench press a single time during the draft combine?

yeah and it became a thing with Cowherd saying he’d be a bust etc.

94.1 had a doctor on Wednesday morning who had a good perspective, who said in no uncertain terms,

that his body wouldn’t support putting on weight quickly, to just slowly add it naturally, and he feels his feet etc will be fine. When Yao Ming was brought up, and said Ming’s problem was he had naturally freakish large body in relation to his feet.

05-19-2023, 02:16 AM
yeah and it became a thing with Cowherd saying he’d be a bust etc.

94.1 had a doctor on Wednesday morning who had a good perspective, who said in no uncertain terms,

that his body wouldn’t support putting on weight quickly, to just slowly add it naturally, and he feels his feet etc will be fine. When Yao Ming was brought up, and said Ming’s problem was he had naturally freakish large body in relation to his feet.

What does it mean naturally? In sports world.

Extra Stout
05-19-2023, 12:48 PM
I think I’ll trust Wemby’s people and the Spurs’ staff to know what Wemby’s training regimen will be. My suspicion is that the regimen starts to work in more weights once the growth plates close.

05-19-2023, 10:32 PM
Is it true that your feet can keep growing all the way up to 21 years old? Was reading that most people height stop at 18 but that your feet can continue to grow until 21 years old? Yeah, I know you feet can get smaller or bigger if you loose weight or get fat but was a little surprised to learn that his feet could get longer which is why they put so much importance on his feet stretching, working the tendons, etc..and also surprised me that they wanting 8 to 10 hours of sleep

05-20-2023, 08:16 AM
What does it mean naturally? In sports world.

It means to add weight through "natural" training programs like bodyweight exercises, high cardio + slight caloric excess, and to avoid focusing on muscle buildup as a goal in itself.

As opposed to the usual "bulk him up" program of steroid injection, 6 protein-ladden meals a day, gym-rat muscle-isolation weightlifting.

You said earlier "If we talk about development there is no better way to gain strength but to lift weights", and I question the notion entirely: since when is "development" akin to muscle-building, and since when is strength-gaining the apex of player development? There might not be a "better way" to get strong than weightlifting, but the whole point of the discussion is that it might not be in Wemby's best long-term interest to bulk up and gain strength in significant measure.

As lanky as his body may seem, make no mistake, he's quite strong. And I love the exercise routine his entourage has got him on, it's great for his body - and you don't see him lifting weights at all, despite spending literal hours each day working on his body. Just excellent, medicinally advanced programs.

05-20-2023, 09:03 AM
It means to add weight through "natural" training programs like bodyweight exercises, high cardio + slight caloric excess, and to avoid focusing on muscle buildup as a goal in itself.

As opposed to the usual "bulk him up" program of steroid injection, 6 protein-ladden meals a day, gym-rat muscle-isolation weightlifting.

You said earlier "If we talk about development there is no better way to gain strength but to lift weights", and I question the notion entirely: since when is "development" akin to muscle-building, and since when is strength-gaining the apex of player development? There might not be a "better way" to get strong than weightlifting, but the whole point of the discussion is that it might not be in Wemby's best long-term interest to bulk up and gain strength in significant measure.

As lanky as his body may seem, make no mistake, he's quite strong. And I love the exercise routine his entourage has got him on, it's great for his body - and you don't see him lifting weights at all, despite spending literal hours each day working on his body. Just excellent, medicinally advanced programs.
That is so wrong on many levels tbh. You jyst like timvp has no idea how ut works with body development.

Tbqh he is weak inside as I took a look. So it us critical fir him to get stronger. If those exercises they showed are the only one he trains. With all flexability stretch work. They need to find anither coach.
I think in NBA they do know better.

Anyway you di nit separate prigrans to natural and unnatural. They are designed.
In NBA you do have good enhancements but then if your image is pumpin iron kinda sessions... Nope.

To develop strength you do not need juge muscles but they come in handy. And to build muscles it is hard to do when you are basketball player. He would have to go 2 years without basketball to gain muscles and then strength to be satisfying for the nba level as I can see.

Its a shame that at 19 he was not introduced to weights.

Things he needs most are mobility work hypertrophy work then strength going to power abd then speed.

Not also he lacks strength but his knees are bad. Foot butt and legs a must.

20pds by his second season is a must imo. And not much more.

05-20-2023, 09:20 AM
That is so wrong on many levels tbh. You jyst like timvp has no idea how ut works with body development.

Tbqh he is weak inside as I took a look. So it us critical fir him to get stronger. If those exercises they showed are the only one he trains. With all flexability stretch work. They need to find anither coach.
I think in NBA they do know better.

Anyway you di nit separate prigrans to natural and unnatural. They are designed.
In NBA you do have good enhancements but then if your image is pumpin iron kinda sessions... Nope.

To develop strength you do not need juge muscles but they come in handy. And to build muscles it is hard to do when you are basketball player. He would have to go 2 years without basketball to gain muscles and then strength to be satisfying for the nba level as I can see.

Its a shame that at 19 he was not introduced to weights.

Things he needs most are mobility work hypertrophy work then strength going to power abd then speed.

Not also he lacks strength but his knees are bad. Foot butt and legs a must.

20pds by next season is a must imo. And not much more.

I'm sure they know Victor and what they're doing better than anyone here. They even consulted Dirk's former famous trainer and guru, Holger Geschwindner (they guy who made Dirk basically and Victor trained with) and he also adviced not focus on bulking up to fast but very progressivily. Basically saying that's not the priority for now in his development and he shouldn't focus on lifting.

Mr. Body
05-20-2023, 09:25 AM
That is so wrong on many levels tbh. You jyst like timvp has no idea how ut works with body development.

Tbqh he is weak inside as I took a look. So it us critical fir him to get stronger. If those exercises they showed are the only one he trains. With all flexability stretch work. They need to find anither coach.
I think in NBA they do know better.

Anyway you di nit separate prigrans to natural and unnatural. They are designed.
In NBA you do have good enhancements but then if your image is pumpin iron kinda sessions... Nope.

To develop strength you do not need juge muscles but they come in handy. And to build muscles it is hard to do when you are basketball player. He would have to go 2 years without basketball to gain muscles and then strength to be satisfying for the nba level as I can see.

Its a shame that at 19 he was not introduced to weights.

Things he needs most are mobility work hypertrophy work then strength going to power abd then speed.

Not also he lacks strength but his knees are bad. Foot butt and legs a must.

20pds by next season is a must imo. And not much more.

The obsession modern culture has with weight lifting and 'putting on gains' is absurd.

Wembanyama knows infinitely more about what his body needs than you do. It's already been made explictly clear that he doesn't want to put on body mass at this point. He has a personal trainer who has worked with top athletes who are very, very tall. His prep regimin before games and practices is extensive, and based on flexibility and preparing the different parts of his body, from joints down to his big toes, for taking the constant pressure of taking off and landing. He's valuing long-term use of those joints, cartilege, tendons, muscle, bones, over simply 'putting on weight' and muscle like some roided out meathead freak.

05-20-2023, 09:30 AM
Staying upright on the floor is important for his back, which is why I emphasize that he has less duties defending players on the perimeter and more in the mid - paint area. He should be surrounded by players who guard “low”, so he can focus on blocks and being an interior presence. Team defense metrics goes up that way. And then an physical big inside to help with the physicality will help his long term durability. Collins is not that. He’s like a traffic cone inside when it comes to stronger players.

05-20-2023, 09:31 AM
I'm sure they know Victor and what they're doing better than anyone here. They even consulted Dirk's former famous trainer and guru, Holger Geschwindner (they guy who made Dirk basically and Victor trained with) and he also adviced not focus on bulking up to fast but very progressivily. Basically saying that's not the priority for now in his development and he shouldn't focus on lifting.

What is too fast then?

Lifting is not bulking - again

Also as a player he is unable to bulk up as you probably think he can

05-20-2023, 09:33 AM
The obsession modern culture has with weight lifting and 'putting on gains' is absurd.

Wembanyama knows infinitely more about what his body needs than you do. It's already been made explictly clear that he doesn't want to put on body mass at this point. He has a personal trainer who has worked with top athletes who are very, very tall. His prep regimin before games and practices is extensive, and based on flexibility and preparing the different parts of his body, from joints down to his big toes, for taking the constant pressure of taking off and landing. He's valuing long-term use of those joints, cartilege, tendons, muscle, bones, over simply 'putting on weight' and muscle like some roided out meathead freak.

Clearly you are not responding to my post.
And assures me you have no idea about training and human body.

05-20-2023, 09:33 AM
250'ish should be a solid weight overall

Vince Carter's ankle
05-20-2023, 10:12 AM
That is so wrong on many levels tbh. You jyst like timvp has no idea how ut works with body development.

Tbqh he is weak inside as I took a look. So it us critical fir him to get stronger. If those exercises they showed are the only one he trains. With all flexability stretch work. They need to find anither coach.
I think in NBA they do know better.

Anyway you di nit separate prigrans to natural and unnatural. They are designed.
In NBA you do have good enhancements but then if your image is pumpin iron kinda sessions... Nope.

To develop strength you do not need juge muscles but they come in handy. And to build muscles it is hard to do when you are basketball player. He would have to go 2 years without basketball to gain muscles and then strength to be satisfying for the nba level as I can see.

Its a shame that at 19 he was not introduced to weights.

Things he needs most are mobility work hypertrophy work then strength going to power abd then speed.

Not also he lacks strength but his knees are bad. Foot butt and legs a must.

20pds by his second season is a must imo. And not much more.
here's an article for you

05-20-2023, 10:20 AM
yeah and it became a thing with Cowherd saying he’d be a bust etc.

Yeah, conventional wisdom is a bitch. Colin Cowherd didn't just opine that Greg Oden would be a superstar and Kevin Durant would be a bust -- he went on and on about it.


94.1 had a doctor on Wednesday morning who had a good perspective, who said in no uncertain terms,

that his [Wemby's] body wouldn’t support putting on weight quickly, to just slowly add it naturally, and he feels his feet etc will be fine. When Yao Ming was brought up, and said Ming’s problem was he had naturally freakish large body in relation to his feet.

Why not just let Wemby play as much as he feels comfortable with. The natural movements of basketball will strengthen the joints and muscles that are most involved in playing basketball, likely more so than weightlifting. If Wemby bulks up his torso, the added weight may just put unnatural pressure on his feet that nature did not intend for a guy like him (like the Yao Ming statement above). Nature has a say in all of this and probably knows best. And, after all, Wemby didn't miss any games last season in France.

Let him play (within reason). People seem to forget (after the Kawhi nonsense) that the Spurs "load management" wasn't really so much about injury prevention as rest -- the Spurs wanted their players rested when the games mattered.

05-20-2023, 10:26 AM
Yeah, conventional wisdom is a bitch. Colin Cowherd didn't just opine that Greg Oden would be a superstar and Kevin Durant would be a bust -- he went on and on about it.


Why not just let Wemby play as much as he feels comfortable with. The natural movements of basketball will strengthen the joints and muscles that are most involved in playing basketball, likely more so than weightlifting. If Wemby bulks up his torso, the added weight may just put unnatural pressure on his feet that nature did not intend for a guy like him (like the Yao Ming statement above). Nature has a say in all of this and probably knows best. And, after all, Wemby didn't miss any games last season in France.

Let him play (within reason). People seem to forget (after the Kawhi nonsense) that the Spurs "load management" wasn't really so much about injury prevention as rest -- the Spurs wanted their players rested when the games mattered.


05-20-2023, 10:31 AM
It already states in the article that he is already using weights to gain strength. Nobody reads anymore.

Extra Stout
05-20-2023, 10:36 AM
I don’t think strength training necessarily means putting on weight quickly. I’m no expert, but what I remember from the 20th century back when I dabbled in such things is that the way to avoid bulking up was low-weight, high-repetition sets.

05-20-2023, 10:55 AM
Isn't Wembanyama playing a playoff game today.

Is there any way to watch?

05-20-2023, 10:57 AM
Great! We should be thankfull over the insistance of Polandprzem into thinking that Victor shoulf gain weight and lift iron as it is a sure sign that :

- it is definitely the wrong thing to do
- it's not gonna happen

Thank you man, such a relief... Now maybe you should go back watching Strongest man contests with Mariusz Pudzianowski :jack

05-20-2023, 11:41 AM
I don’t think strength training necessarily means putting on weight quickly. I’m no expert, but what I remember from the 20th century back when I dabbled in such things is that the way to avoid bulking up was low-weight, high-repetition sets.

It's not.
But additional muscles helps to develop strength. And it not have to be done quickly. Should not if you a pro athlete unless you have good amount of time and ease out on the sports you are playing. Different weight different forces the body has to deal with.
But also bigger body is helpful when you want not to be pushed around under the basket.

05-20-2023, 11:43 AM
I don’t think strength training necessarily means putting on weight quickly. I’m no expert, but what I remember from the 20th century back when I dabbled in such things is that the way to avoid bulking up was low-weight, high-repetition sets.
Nope it helps to bulk up. With so called 'non functional' muscles.

Joseph Kony
05-20-2023, 11:45 AM
obviously you want to try to bring him along slowly but you dont want to baby the kid. the best way to acclimate to the physicality and style of the NBA is by getting reps in imho.

Wemby should be playing at least 30mpg and 65 games as a rookie

05-20-2023, 11:54 AM
Isn't Wembanyama playing a playoff game today.

Is there any way to watch?Think it's tomorrow. Had to register but I'm getting a free live stream of Pro B here:


Pro A full-game replays are available and upcoming games are listed. We'll see if it shows up.

Extra Stout
05-20-2023, 11:57 AM
[QUOTE=polandprzem;10897041]It's not.
But additional muscles helps to develop strength. And it not have to be done quickly. Should not if you a pro athlete unless you have good amount of time and ease out on the sports you are playing. Different weight different forces the body has to deal with.
But also bigger body is helpful when you want not to be pushed around under the basket./QUOTE]

But Wembanyama is not going to live in the low post under the basket. His game is that of a more agile 7’4” Kevin Durant, and his defense is based upon his quickness, lateral movement, and 8-foot wingspan.

So while I think we all agree he needs to get stronger, and I think he’s at the age where that needs to be more of a focus, the end result we’re looking for is not Tim Duncan, much less David Robinson.

Mr. Body
05-20-2023, 11:58 AM
Clearly you are not responding to my post.
And assures me you have no idea about training and human body.

Pretty sure Wembanyama knows more about his body than you do, but please call him up and share with him your wisdom.

05-20-2023, 12:00 PM
Think it's tomorrow. Had to register but I'm getting a free live stream of Pro B here:


Pro A games are listed. We'll see if it shows up.

Thanks. :toast

05-20-2023, 12:28 PM
[QUOTE=polandprzem;10897041]It's not.
But additional muscles helps to develop strength. And it not have to be done quickly. Should not if you a pro athlete unless you have good amount of time and ease out on the sports you are playing. Different weight different forces the body has to deal with.
But also bigger body is helpful when you want not to be pushed around under the basket./QUOTE]

But Wembanyama is not going to live in the low post under the basket. His game is that of a more agile 7’4” Kevin Durant, and his defense is based upon his quickness, lateral movement, and 8-foot wingspan.

So while I think we all agree he needs to get stronger, and I think he’s at the age where that needs to be more of a focus, the end result we’re looking for is not Tim Duncan, much less David Robinson.
Of course but as of right now he is being pushed around in the French league...
Also he is not great shooter tbh.

Defense demands being strong inside when you are 7'5". He is pretty weak now and getting stronger is a long process alone. Being basketall player you not gonna gain much strength or became bigger in the season. So every bball player have summer to do it.
I shoot for 20pds more on this frame b4 his 2nd year and IMO it is beneficial. There are tons of way to do it. But you can't do that lifting basketball.

And that additional weight will not disturb him being agile. It just must be done right.

05-20-2023, 12:29 PM
Pretty sure Wembanyama knows more about his body than you do, but please call him up and share with him your wisdom.
You was posting on his behalf ?

05-20-2023, 12:30 PM
And pretty sure I know more about training then Wembanyma

05-20-2023, 12:37 PM
And pretty sure I know more about training then Wembanyma

He's had a full team of professionals surrounding him since he was 15.

05-20-2023, 12:50 PM
Isn't Wembanyama playing a playoff game today.

Is there any way to watch?

Think it's tomorrow. Had to register but I'm getting a free live stream of Pro B here:


Pro A full-game replays are available and upcoming games are listed. We'll see if it shows up.

Thanks. :toast

Looks like we will be able to watch the games through the NBA app.

This season, all Boulogne-Levallois Metropolitans 92 games – featuring French star and top 2023 NBA Draft prospect Victor Wembanyama – will be available for free on the new NBA App throughout the 2022-23 LNB Betclic ELITE regular season and playoffs. The live streams will debut on Saturday, Oct. 29, when the Metropolitans 92 play JL Bourg Basket at 2 p.m. ET.

05-20-2023, 01:13 PM
obviously you want to try to bring him along slowly but you dont want to baby the kid. the best way to acclimate to the physicality and style of the NBA is by getting reps in imho.

Wemby should be playing at least 30mpg and 65 games as a rookie

No way in Hell Pop does that I can assure you that every bruise, muscle tweak, he will be pulled out and probably miss a few games. And for once I 100% will agree with Pop - there is no reason to rush the kid and YES he is different then any draft pick we have had as most if not all the experts have said he is a generational talent and every one knows Unicorns are treated very different

05-20-2023, 01:16 PM
He's had a full team of professionals surrounding him since he was 15.

That means he has their knowledge?

05-20-2023, 01:19 PM
No way in Hell Pop does that I can assure you that every bruise, muscle tweak, he will be pulled out and probably miss a few games. And for once I 100% will agree with Pop - there is no reason to rush the kid and YES he is different then any draft pick we have had as most if not all the experts have said he is a generational talent and every one knows Unicorns are treated very different
Yea they did it with all players this past season. Sochan could play but they rather him to sit the games and work on his body.

05-20-2023, 01:37 PM
That means he has their knowledge?
Well, yeah. They've been there giving it his nearly every waking moment.
Whether he knows, or not doesn't matter.
They know and they're there.

05-20-2023, 02:17 PM
I believe Poland is shadow auditioning for Wemby's training coach job... They know what they're doing, consulting the best specialists... Wemby knows his body and is certainly learning too since he's the one putting into practice that training.

05-20-2023, 02:24 PM
Well, yeah. They've been there giving it his nearly every waking moment.
Whether he knows, or not doesn't matter.
They know and they're there.
So? Why you upset?

05-20-2023, 02:31 PM
I believe Poland is shadow auditioning for Wemby's training coach job... They know what they're doing, consulting the best specialists... Wemby knows his body and is certainly learning too since he's the one putting into practice that training.
Yea well
Fact is every athlete wants more strength, power, agility, mobility, speed and adequate weight for their frame.
If what they showed he is doing then he is in troubles. I would like to see real regiment and what he is doing other then that I just said what needs to be done by facts and development o a pro athlete.

Mr. Body
05-20-2023, 02:35 PM
Yea well
Fact is every athlete wants more strength, power, agility, mobility, speed and adequate weight for their frame.
If what they showed he is doing then he is in troubles. I would like to see real regiment and what he is doing other then that I just said what needs to be done by facts and development o a pro athlete.

The thing is, you're doing the meathead MMA-fan thing of thinking 'gains' is the goal. That's not the type of body Wembanyama has. There's an excellent article floating around about what Victor does before every practice and game, the personal trainer he has and who will probably come over with him, and the other top coaches he's met with who have worked with high-level seven footers. What's clear is that weight gain is not a goal of his whatsoever. They see it as a detriment to his long-term viability.

05-20-2023, 02:44 PM
Hopefully all this amazing internet wisdom is being collected so that timvp can deliver it to the Spurs and they don't fuck it up...

But in the meantime, serious question: is this dude done growing? Is there a chance he grows into some weird 8-foot tall spider human that can't function (I'm exaggerating, but you get my point). Just curious.

05-20-2023, 02:58 PM
Hopefully all this amazing internet wisdom is being collected so that timvp can deliver it to the Spurs and they don't fuck it up...

But in the meantime, serious question: is this dude done growing? Is there a chance he grows into some weird 8-foot tall spider human that can't function (I'm exaggerating, but you get my point). Just curious.

Manute Bol was 7’7”. I think that’s the outside limits of being able to play pro basketball.

05-20-2023, 03:06 PM
Manute Bol was 7’7”. I think that’s the outside limits of being able to play pro basketball.

Yeah, that's my concern (a very remote concern, not one that impacts any strategy at all, more just a curiousity), that he has another growth spurt and is 7'11" and can't play basketball but can pose for all the Guinness Book of World Records photos he wants. He's only 19.

I found one article that claims he was 7'1" at age 14, but then another one that claims he was only 6'5" at 14, and then a third article states he was 6'10" when he was 13. It's so weird that the information is so all over the place with this kid, it's not like he's hiding - he's out there in the French league - so it's just bizarre that there isn't clear info.

05-20-2023, 03:52 PM
The thing is, you're doing the meathead MMA-fan thing of thinking 'gains' is the goal.

Am I? Interesting.

05-20-2023, 03:55 PM
Hopefully all this amazing internet wisdom is being collected so that timvp can deliver it to the Spurs and they don't fuck it up...
that same timvp that said 30pds of muscle gains? :lol

05-20-2023, 04:12 PM
Yeah, that's my concern (a very remote concern, not one that impacts any strategy at all, more just a curiousity), that he has another growth spurt and is 7'11" and can't play basketball but can pose for all the Guinness Book of World Records photos he wants. He's only 19.

I found one article that claims he was 7'1" at age 14, but then another one that claims he was only 6'5" at 14, and then a third article states he was 6'10" when he was 13. It's so weird that the information is so all over the place with this kid, it's not like he's hiding - he's out there in the French league - so it's just bizarre that there isn't clear info.

So.many specialists around him. Yet he was not measured properly?

05-20-2023, 04:16 PM
So.many specialists around him. Yet he was not measured properly?I'm sure he was. Media is media.

05-20-2023, 04:34 PM
Looks like he is 220pds. Lets see if he gonna be 240 before 24/25 season

05-20-2023, 06:03 PM
So? Why you upset?
I'm upset? All I said was they know him and their knowledge is with him.

05-20-2023, 06:10 PM
tbh at 7/4 you don't do weights because the leverage on your joints is too much. longer arms mean more torque. He should do rubber bands and plyometrics and some machine based weights, but yeah keep the free weights away.

05-21-2023, 12:58 AM
tbh at 7/4 you don't do weights because the leverage on your joints is too much. longer arms mean more torque. He should do rubber bands and plyometrics and some machine based weights, but yeah keep the free weights away.
You do plyometrics with him and he is done. In order to do playos he needs proper strength.
Season is demanding or joints ligaments and muscles and ppl here do not want him to work to be able get through long NBA season. Nice.

05-21-2023, 01:02 AM
I'm upset? All I said was they know him and their knowledge is with him.
Of course

But not that weak ass shit they showed in the article. Cause that's a warm up and granny stuff. Not pro athlete in terms of getting stronger which he needs.
What they showed is important but just a tip o an iceberg.

05-21-2023, 08:34 AM
You do plyometrics with him and he is done. In order to do playos he needs proper strength.
Season is demanding or joints ligaments and muscles and ppl here do not want him to work to be able get through long NBA season. Nice.

Absolutely nobody here said they "do not want him to work", are you this obtuse on reading comprehension? What was said and upheld, is that working out your body =/= heavy weightlifting, and that Wemby's bodytype is much better suited for a different type of workout program than a Scoot type of player.

But of course, when your only tool is a hammer, all you'll see is nails...

05-21-2023, 08:41 AM
Wemby works a lot with bands which are better for your joints than lifting heavy weights. There are videos of it out there. Just learn how to use the internet properly

05-21-2023, 02:41 PM
Looks like Wembanyama played more minutes than anyone else on his team in today's(?) playoff win.

https://www.google.com/search?q=metropolitans+92&source=hp&ei=RXJqZP6NFdbBkPIPna-s-Ao&iflsig=AOEireoAAAAAZGqAVS1Pc7YLpOQwYvfLR3FSWySEsPn-&oq=metropolitans+92&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYADILCC4QgwEQsQMQgAQyCwgAEIA EELEDEIMBMgQIABADMgQIABADMgsIABCABBCxAxCDATIECAAQA zILCAAQgAQQsQMQgwEyBQgAEIAEMgQIABADMgUIABCABDoOCC4 QgAQQsQMQxwEQ0QM6DggAEIAEELEDEIMBEMkDOggIABCKBRCSA zoICC4QgAQQsQM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgsILhCABBDHARCvAToLCAA QigUQsQMQgwE6BQguEIAEUABYqSRg5k1oAHAAeAGAAe4JiAGGK ZIBBzUtMS40LjGYAQCgAQE&sclient=gws-wiz#sie=m;/g/11v022x37g;3;/m/05ys_0;tb1;fp;1;;;

05-21-2023, 03:17 PM
You do plyometrics with him and he is done. In order to do playos he needs proper strength.
Season is demanding or joints ligaments and muscles and ppl here do not want him to work to be able get through long NBA season. Nice.

Literally the opposite of every professional opinion. You train movement for what you do in the game. Weights is not something you do in the games. Wembenyama has one of the best training programs who have worked with players with long careers such as Dirk and swear against heavy weight regiments.

05-21-2023, 04:29 PM

hey, here's a french media video, with english dubbing available in the audio track settings , explaining easily the basics of biomechanics for big basketball players, like Victor.

nothing new probably for some people but still an interesting popularization video on this topic...

Allan Rowe vs Wade
05-21-2023, 04:59 PM
I was all about scoffing poland's take but he sniped some misinformation here pretty quickly tbh

05-21-2023, 05:50 PM
And pretty sure I know more about training then Wembanyma

05-21-2023, 05:58 PM
The side advantage we get from this is it will bring out the best in ST. A side we haven't seen since the glory days. Thank you Wemby for bringing the shine back to our "well informed" community.

05-21-2023, 07:52 PM
I think a lot of Spurs fans will be looking at Wemby with fresh eyes now and coming to three obvious conclusions:
- He is outrageously talented
- He is so raw, omgosh so raw, even more raw than they thought
- He is so talented that he will probably still help the team a lot, despite being raw

As you watch those factors, just think about how amazing he will be when the raw elements get cooked, he stays healthy, and he gains some strength on that frame.

Bonus observation that may be new to many posters here who haven't really watched Wemby closely: He is not a traditional big at all. He's not even a low block player. He plays offense like a SF right now. I keep reading a lot of takes about him playing in the block and that's just not going to happen for a while.

05-21-2023, 08:02 PM
I think a lot of Spurs fans will be looking at Wemby with fresh eyes now and coming to three obvious conclusions:
- He is outrageously talented
- He is so raw, omgosh so raw, even more raw than they thought
- He is so talented that he will probably still help the team a lot, despite being raw

As you watch those factors, just think about how amazing he will be when the raw elements get cooked, he stays healthy, and he gains some strength on that frame.

Bonus observation that may be new to many posters here who haven't really watched Wemby closely: He is not a traditional big at all. He's not even a low block player. He plays offense like a SF right now. I keep reading a lot of takes about him playing in the block and that's just not going to happen for a while.
Good stuff.
When you say "raw", could you give some details on said rawness? Just trying to get a better feel from some of you guys and what you're seeing and not seeing.

05-21-2023, 08:46 PM
The side advantage we get from this is it will bring out the best in ST. A side we haven't seen since the glory days. Thank you Wemby for bringing the shine back to our "well informed" community.


Man, I missed ST

05-22-2023, 12:29 AM
Good stuff.
When you say "raw", could you give some details on said rawness? Just trying to get a better feel from some of you guys and what you're seeing and not seeing.

It's mostly around decision making but also he is still learning what his go-to moves will be. His shot looks great but his 3 point percentage is not great yet.
He averages more turnovers than assists and he always has.
We see glimpses of him becoming a nice passer eventually but it's not there yet.
The shooting stroke looks really good but he is streaky from 3, partly because he tries some tough ones.
The FT shooting numbers and the way the shooting stroke look indicate he should be doing better than 28% from 3.
I'm honestly thrilled that he decided to work on this part of his game and start putting up five 3s a game but remains a work-in-progress.

05-22-2023, 12:51 AM
It's mostly around decision making but also he is still learning what his go-to moves will be. His shot looks great but his 3 point percentage is not great yet.
He averages more turnovers than assists and he always has.
We see glimpses of him becoming a nice passer eventually but it's not there yet.
The shooting stroke looks really good but he is streaky from 3, partly because he tries some tough ones.
The FT shooting numbers and the way the shooting stroke look indicate he should be doing better than 28% from 3.
I'm honestly thrilled that he decided to work on this part of his game and start putting up five 3s a game but remains a work-in-progress.
Thank you. Very much appreciated.

05-22-2023, 03:06 AM
Literally the opposite of every professional opinion. You train movement for what you do in the game. Weights is not something you do in the games. Wembenyama has one of the best training programs who have worked with players with long careers such as Dirk and swear against heavy weight regiments.

Development of human body or an athlete body is not like that. Movement in a game you do while practicing basketball.
What you want is to develop motor skills of a player to recruit muscle type fibers you want.
Of season is the time to get stronger and you are not gonna do it through bands.

All in all I see nobody here actually knows anything about training but that's fine. I am not gonna educate ppl here much.
To me it makes no sense as I do not see here even a base knowledge...

05-22-2023, 05:28 PM

Development of human body or an athlete body is not like that. Movement in a game you do while practicing basketball.
What you want is to develop motor skills of a player to recruit muscle type fibers you want.
Of season is the time to get stronger and you are not gonna do it through bands.

All in all I see nobody here actually knows anything about training but that's fine. I am not gonna educate ppl here much.
To me it makes no sense as I do not see here even a base knowledge...

Motor skills are movement used in a game.

You literally said, "Nope, what you want to do is what you said to do."

Resistance band training absolutely increases strength and it is the safer strength building for active athletes over constant weights to bulk up as you suggest.

Your comments sound like an anytime fitness trainer with the 60 hour online cert or something.

05-23-2023, 12:29 AM
He should be in load management program so that Spurs can still be in lottery for one more year

05-23-2023, 10:02 AM
Motor skills are movement used in a game.

You literally said, "Nope, what you want to do is what you said to do."

Resistance band training absolutely increases strength and it is the safer strength building for active athletes over constant weights to bulk up as you suggest.

Your comments sound like an anytime fitness trainer with the 60 hour online cert or something.
Get some knowledge dude, then speak

05-23-2023, 10:21 AM
The team that started load management is not going to make him guard the Embiids and Davises any more than they are going to try to force feed him to 260 lbs. He's a professional athlete who will continue strength training nonetheless.

This whole convo is stupid and the place just seems full of Polish people taking idiotically contrarian positions.

05-23-2023, 05:11 PM
The team that started load management is not going to make him guard the Embiids and Davises any more than they are going to try to force feed him to 260 lbs. He's a professional athlete who will continue strength training nonetheless.

This whole convo is stupid and the place just seems full of Polish people taking idiotically contrarian positions.

I agree.
Especially considering his entourage has already been clear about it. It's not negociable, he won't bulk.

05-24-2023, 12:59 PM
Watching Vic, he's like bamboo. Yes he's currently limited in strength, but he just reaches over people like a giant tree to make up for it :D

Grow his strength slowly, the right way, and dont piss off his people. His length overcompensates in the meantime.

05-30-2023, 08:58 PM
i know the french league is different, but at least in the playoffs, he's been playing basically every other day and comfortably 30+ minutes each game (5/21, 5/23, 5/25, 5/28, 5/30). he's played over 34 minutes each of the last 4 games even in that condensed schedule.

he wont be averaging 40mpg like duncan did early in his career or anything like that, but i dont think he's going to be bubble wrapped unless he actually gets banged up. they probably will be cautious when it comes to recovery timelines, but as long as he's healthy, i dont expect random benchings or specific minute restrictions

even when the spurs were riding dejounte like a workhorse in his last season here while nearly averaging a triple double, he averaged less than 35mpg

05-30-2023, 09:25 PM
i know the french league is different, but at least in the playoffs, he's been playing basically every other day and comfortably 30+ minutes each game (5/21, 5/23, 5/25, 5/28, 5/30). he's played over 34 minutes each of the last 4 games even in that condensed schedule.

he wont be averaging 40mpg like duncan did early in his career or anything like that, but i dont think he's going to be bubble wrapped unless he actually gets banged up. they probably will be cautious when it comes to recovery timelines, but as long as he's healthy, i dont expect random benchings or specific minute restrictions

even when the spurs were riding dejounte like a workhorse in his last season here while nearly averaging a triple double, he averaged less than 35mpg

Re: the Duncan comment…honestly that’s more a sign of the current times more than anything else. Pascal Siakam led the league in mpg at 37.4 this season. There were only 10 guys in the league who averaged 36 mpg. Guys just don’t really play 40 mpg (or close to it) in the regular season these days.

Regardless I agree with the expectations. I think something in the 28-32 mpg range is pretty reasonable assuming he doesn’t start to get banged up or anything. Will be a little disappointed if they’re ultra-conservative and play him something like 20 mpg but ultimately trust their judgment.

06-21-2023, 10:27 AM

He clearly needs a few lessons from polandprzem's master training course, tbh :lmao

06-21-2023, 11:11 AM
Looks like we are getting a clearer picture of the plan for Wembanyama, and it does not include an abnormal amount of rest. I'm sure player and staff will evaluate as the season goes on but hearing that he plans to play as many games as possible is exciting. The new elite performance centre is going to be the perfect element to bring the best out of Victor and his body. I'm increasingly confident that all the pieces are in place for this guy to be everything we are hoping he will be.

John B
06-21-2023, 11:16 AM
Well we can throw liad management away. This kid wants to hit the ground running. I’m not sure if he has talked with Pop, because I doubt that’s what Pop had in mind. He wants to slowly build this kid to NBA strong. The future of the franchise is on this kid’s shoulders to risk any injuries.

06-21-2023, 12:14 PM

He clearly needs a few lessons from polandprzem (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=216)'s master training course, tbh :lmao

I guess so.
Lets's put him on scales a yea from now and we will see who's gonna laugh then.