View Full Version : Intelligence Officials Say U.S. Has Retrieved Craft of Non-Human Origin

06-05-2023, 03:29 PM
A former intelligence official turned whistleblower has given Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General extensive classified information about deeply covert programs that he says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin.

The information, he says, has been illegally withheld from Congress, and he filed a complaint alleging that he suffered illegal retaliation for his confidential disclosures, reported here for the first time.

Other intelligence officials, both active and retired, with knowledge of these programs through their work in various agencies, have independently provided similar, corroborating information, both on and off the record.

The whistleblower, David Charles Grusch, 36, a decorated former combat officer in Afghanistan, is a veteran of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). He served as the reconnaissance office’s representative to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force from 2019-2021. From late 2021 to July 2022, he was the NGA’s co-lead for UAP analysis and its representative to the task force.

The task force was established to investigate what were once called “unidentified flying objects,” or UFOs, and are now officially called “unidentified anomalous phenomena,” or UAP. The task force was led by the Department of the Navy under the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security. It has since been reorganized and expanded into the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office to include investigations of objects operating underwater.

Grusch said the recoveries of partial fragments through and up to intact vehicles have been made for decades through the present day by the government, its allies, and defense contractors. Analysis has determined that the objects retrieved are “of exotic origin (non-human intelligence, whether extraterrestrial or unknown origin) based on the vehicle morphologies and material science testing and the possession of unique atomic arrangements and radiological signatures,” he said.

In filing his complaint, Grusch is represented by a lawyer who served as the original Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG).

“We are not talking about prosaic origins or identities,” Grusch said, referencing information he provided Congress and the current ICIG. “The material includes intact and partially intact vehicles.”

In accordance with protocols, Grusch provided the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review at the Department of Defense with the information he intended to disclose to us. His on-the-record statements were all “cleared for open publication” on April 4 and 6, 2023, in documents provided to us.

Grusch’s disclosures, and those of non-public witnesses, under new protective provisions of the latest defense appropriations bill, signal a growing determination by some in the government to unravel a colossal enigma with national security implications that has bedeviled the military and tantalized the public going back to World War II and beyond. For many decades, the Air Force carried out a disinformation campaign to discredit reported sightings of unexplained objects. Now, with two public hearings and many classified briefings under its belt, Congress is pressing for answers.

Karl E. Nell, a recently retired Army Colonel and current aerospace executive who was the Army’s liaison for the UAP Task Force from 2021 to 2022 and worked with Grusch there, characterizes Grusch as “beyond reproach.”

Christopher Mellon, who spent nearly twenty years in the U.S. Intelligence Community and served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, has worked with Congress for years on unidentified aerial phenomena.

“A number of well-placed current and former officials have shared detailed information with me regarding this alleged program, including insights into the history, governing documents and the location where a craft was allegedly abandoned and recovered,” Mellon said. “However, it is a delicate matter getting this potentially explosive information into the right hands for validation. This is made harder by the fact that, rightly or wrongly, a number of potential sources do not trust the leadership of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office established by Congress.”

But some insiders are now willing to take the risk of coming forward for the first time with knowledge of these recovery programs.

Jonathan Grey is a generational officer of the United States Intelligence Community with a Top-Secret Clearance who currently works for the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC), where the analysis of UAP has been his focus. Previously he had experience serving Private Aerospace and Department of Defense Special Directive Task Forces.

“The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. We are not alone,” Grey said. “Retrievals of this kind are not limited to the United States. This is a global phenomenon, and yet a global solution continues to elude us.”

At the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Grusch served as a Senior Intelligence Capabilities Integration Officer, cleared at the Top Secret/Secret Compartmented Information level, and was the agency’s Senior Technical Advisor for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena analysis/Trans-Medium Issues. From 2016 to 2021, he served with the National Reconnaissance Office as Senior Intelligence Officer and led the production of the NRO director’s daily briefing. Grusch was a GS-15 civilian, the military equivalent of a Colonel.

Grusch has served as an Intelligence Officer for over fourteen years. A veteran of the Air Force, he has numerous awards and decorations for his participation in covert and clandestine operations to advance American security.

According to a 2021 NRO Performance Report, Grusch was an intelligence strategist with multiple responsibilities who “analyzed unidentified aerial phenomena reports” and “boosted congressional leadership Intel gaps [in] understanding.” He was assessed by the reconnaissance office’s Operations Center Deputy Director as an “adept staff officer and strategist” and “total force integrator with innovative solutions and actionable results.”

Grusch prepared many briefs on unidentified aerial phenomena for Congress while in government and helped draft the language on UAP for the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act, spearheaded by Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Marco Rubio and signed into law by President Biden in December 2022. The provision states that any person with relevant UAP information can inform Congress without retaliation, regardless of any previous non-disclosure agreements.

In his statements cleared for publication by the Pentagon in April, Grusch asserted that UFO “legacy programs” have long been concealed within “multiple agencies nesting UAP activities in conventional secret access programs without appropriate reporting to various oversight authorities.”

He said he reported to Congress on the existence of a decades-long “publicly unknown Cold War for recovered and exploited physical material – a competition with near-peer adversaries over the years to identify UAP crashes/landings and retrieve the material for exploitation/reverse engineering to garner asymmetric national defense advantages.”

Beginning in 2022, Grusch provided Congress with hours of recorded classified information transcribed into hundreds of pages which included specific data about the materials recovery program. Congress has not been provided with any physical materials related to wreckage or other non-human objects.

Grusch’s investigation was centered on extensive interviews with high-level intelligence officials, some of whom are directly involved with the program. He says the operation was illegally shielded from proper Congressional oversight and that he was targeted and harassed because of his investigation.

Grusch said that the craft recovery operations are ongoing at various levels of activity and that he knows the specific individuals, current and former, who are involved.

“Individuals on these UAP programs approached me in my official capacity and disclosed their concerns regarding a multitude of wrongdoings, such as illegal contracting against the Federal Acquisition Regulations and other criminality and the suppression of information across a qualified industrial base and academia,” he stated.

Associates who vouched for Grusch said his information was highly sensitive, providing evidence that materials from objects of non-human origin are in the possession of highly secret black programs. Although locations, program names, and other specific data remain classified, the Inspector General and intelligence committee staff were provided with these details. Several current members of the recovery program spoke to the Inspector General’s office and corroborated the information Grusch had provided for the classified complaint.

Grusch left the government on April 7, 2023, in order, he said, to advance government accountability through public awareness. He remains well-supported within intelligence circles, and numerous sources have vouched for his credibility.

“His assertion concerning the existence of a terrestrial arms race occurring sub-rosa over the past eighty years focused on reverse engineering technologies of unknown origin is fundamentally correct, as is the indisputable realization that at least some of these technologies of unknown origin derive from non-human intelligence,” said Karl Nell, the retired Army Colonel who worked with Grusch on the UAP Task Force.

In a 2022 performance evaluation, Laura A. Potter, Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Headquarters, Department of the Army, described Nell as “an officer with the strongest possible moral compass.”

Grusch is represented by Charles McCullough III, senior partner of the Compass Rose Legal Group in Washington and the original Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, confirmed by the U.S. Senate in 2011. At that time, McCullough reported directly to the then-Director of National Intelligence, James R. Clapper, and oversaw intelligence officers responsible for audits, inspections, and investigations.

In May 2022, McCullough filed a Disclosure of Urgent Concern(s); Complaint of Reprisal on behalf of Grusch with the ICIG about detailed information that Grusch had gathered beginning in 2019 while working for the UAP Task Force.

An unclassified version of the complaint provided to us states that Grusch has direct knowledge that UAP-related classified information has been withheld and/or concealed from Congress by “elements” of the intelligence community “to purposely and intentionally thwart legitimate Congressional oversight of the UAP Program.” All testimony Grusch provided for the classified complaint was provided under oath.

According to the unclassified complaint, in July 2021, Grusch had confidentially provided classified information to the Department of Defense Inspector General concerning the withholding of UAP-related information from Congress. He believed that his identity, and the fact that he had provided testimony, were disclosed “to individuals and/or entities” within the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community outside the IG’s office. He did not allege that this information was improperly disclosed by any member of that office.

As a result, Grusch suffered months of retaliation and reprisals related to these disclosures beginning in 2021. He asked that details of these reprisals be withheld to protect the integrity of the ongoing investigation.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General found his complaint “credible and urgent” in July 2022. According to Grusch, a summary was immediately submitted to the Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines; the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

The complaint was drafted and signed by McCullough and his managing partner. It ended with Grusch’s signature attached to his statement that “I do solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury that the contents of the foregoing paper are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.”

A whistleblower reprisal investigation was launched, and Grusch began his communication with the staff of the Congressional intelligence committees in private closed-door sessions. According to Grusch, certain information which he obtained in his investigation could not be put before Congressional staffers because they did not have the necessary clearances or the appropriate investigative authority.

A representative of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence told us in March that the committee members are not able to comment on the content of a complaint or confirm the identity of a complainant.

“When you have multiple agencies nesting UAP activities in conventional SAP/CAP programs, both as recipients of exploitation-related insights and for operational reasons, without appropriate reporting to various oversight authorities, you have a problem,” Grusch said, referencing the highly secret Special Access Programs and Controlled Access Programs.

Grusch’s willingness to take risks and speak out appears to be emboldening others with similar knowledge who believe in greater transparency.

Jonathan Grey, the intelligence officer specializing in UAP analysis at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center, is speaking publicly for the first time, identified here under the identity he uses inside the agency.

NASIC, headquartered at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, is the Department of Defense’s primary Air Force source for foreign air and space threat analysis. Its mission is to “discover and characterize air, space, missile, and cyber threats,” according to the agency’s website. “The center’s team of trusted subject matter experts deliver unique collection, exploitation, and analytic capabilities not found elsewhere,” the website states.

Grey said that such immense capabilities are not merely relegated to the study of the prosaic. “The existence of complex historical programs involving the coordinated retrieval and study of exotic materials, dating back to the early 20th century, should no longer remain a secret,” he said. “The majority of retrieved, foreign exotic materials have a prosaic terrestrial explanation and origin – but not all, and any number higher than zero in this category represents an undeniably significant statistical percentage.”


Supplemental fact check




06-05-2023, 03:58 PM
So trump is in with the deep state and was holding back this shit!


Sure, he shares Iran info with the Saudis but holds this from everyone.

What an asshole!

P. S. All of you that have been anally probed by aliens, lawyer up as you are going to get paid!

06-05-2023, 04:47 PM
TSA what did you do after watching The Outer Limits?

06-05-2023, 05:11 PM

06-05-2023, 05:19 PM
It is all true.

Here is a picture of some non-human origin crap.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwpa.livestly.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F01%2FBird-poop.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=fac52a4faf8aa2753c25381034c8e1e24c0bdfbfe1b552 fbba9fdcab20e7ad30&ipo=images

06-05-2023, 05:25 PM

lol not even a sketch, Davey?

06-05-2023, 06:00 PM
Does the OP have any idea what this means if true?

Atomic arrangements of non human origin?
This would be absolutely enormous.
Why would this be hidden? Why? We cant handle it or what?

OP has brain rot of sub-human origin most likely.

06-05-2023, 06:18 PM
There should be a lot more people who worked on this chiming in and giving us more exact details.
I await.

06-05-2023, 06:22 PM
Does the OP have any idea what this means if true?

Atomic arrangements of non human origin?
This would be absolutely enormous.
Why would this be hidden? Why? We cant handle it or what?

OP has brain rot of sub-human origin most likely.

He will say he does not believe the story and is just posting it as an fyi; however, he will fight you to the death as to its legitimacy. :lol

06-05-2023, 06:32 PM
He will say he does not believe the story and is just posting it as an fyi; however, he will fight you to the death as to its legitimacy. :lol

Yeah probably.
Im familiar with his backpedaling and lying.

He needs to work for the National Enquirer instead of just being a conduit for bull shit.

06-05-2023, 06:36 PM
Does the OP have any idea what this means if true?

Atomic arrangements of non human origin?
This would be absolutely enormous.
Why would this be hidden? Why? We cant handle it or what?

OP has brain rot of sub-human origin most likely.

Are these just dumb rhetorical questions?

06-05-2023, 06:41 PM
This is the highest ranking defense intelligence official to ever come forward with something like this.

Two days ago the former minority staff director of the Senate Intelligence Committee and former deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Intelligence.


This is a coordinated release. Many more will be coming forward I’m sure.

This is mind blowingly terrifying and exciting at the same time.

06-05-2023, 06:44 PM
There should be a lot more people who worked on this chiming in and giving us more exact details.
I await.
This has been hidden from congress and you just expect more exact details immediately lol.

06-05-2023, 06:57 PM
Would be neat if true. I've always wondered how mainstream religion would cope with the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Probably call them demons I assume:lol

06-05-2023, 07:09 PM

First interview

06-05-2023, 07:15 PM
I’ve always thought there was no way we could be the only living things in existence but never thought I’d be alive to witness the confirmation of it. If this is all true I’m having a really hard time processing it. This is wild.

06-05-2023, 07:18 PM
Grusch leaves gov in April and then this meeting follows his departure.


Add in the new whistleblower protections congress passed and it all starts making sense.

Glad to see we have some in congress still working for the people. None of this happens without help from congress.

Statements from intelligence IG after hearing 7 hours from Grusch are crazy too.

06-05-2023, 07:27 PM
Yeah probably.
Im familiar with his backpedaling and lying.

He needs to work for the National Enquirer instead of just being a conduit for bull shit.

And there he goes, falling for another conspiracy and fighting with everyone on its legitimacy. :lol

I knew a government whistle blower.

Poor guy had mental issues and was delusional.

Am sure he would get along well with qtsa.

06-05-2023, 07:35 PM
Let me know if he draws a sketch.:wakeup

06-05-2023, 07:40 PM
And there he goes, falling for another conspiracy and fighting with everyone on its legitimacy. :lol

I knew a government whistle blower.

Poor guy had mental issues and was delusional.

Am sure he would get along well with qtsa.

It’s hilarious how much I’m in your head these days after taking you to the wood shed. You can’t keep my name out of your mouth, it’s pathetic.

I’d love to hear more about the government whistleblower you claim to know. Link to the complaint.

Tyronn Lue
06-05-2023, 07:42 PM
Stopped reading after 1st sentence "he said.."

06-05-2023, 07:42 PM
Whistleblowers good now.

Tyronn Lue
06-05-2023, 07:46 PM
Would be neat if true. I've always wondered how mainstream religion would cope with the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Probably call them demons I assume:lol

steak n eggs
06-05-2023, 07:50 PM
Hasn't there been speculation that it's possible these things inhabit our oceans? I remember USOs being a thing a while back. On another note, I saw a video the other day that basically pans out from Earth, to our solar system, to other solar systems, to our galaxy, then to an enormous number galaxies and then to our universe and on to multiple universes. It kind of made me really question our existence for a moment, more than I usually do. I mean we really shouldn't exist and none of this matters since we're so small with death being the end result.

Spurs Homer
06-05-2023, 07:52 PM
:elephant:elephant:elephant:elephant:cry:cry:cry:c ry:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:downspin::downspin::do wnspin::downspin::downspin:

UFO's yup!
Aliens - yup!
Pizzagate - Yup!

Flying monkeys, yup, whistleblowers that are never actually found and confirmed to not be as whacko as TSA - YUP!!!

The biggest liar on the planet has been lying for his entire life and has conned you into a bizarre belief of garbage for 8 years -

Uh - NO WAY MAN!!!!

06-05-2023, 07:56 PM
:elephant:elephant:elephant:elephant:cry:cry:cry:c ry:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:downspin::downspin::do wnspin::downspin::downspin:

UFO's yup!
Aliens - yup!
Pizzagate - Yup!

Flying monkeys, yup, whistleblowers that are never actually found and confirmed to not be as whacko as TSA - YUP!!!

The biggest liar on the planet has been lying for his entire life and has conned you into a bizarre belief of garbage for 8 years -

Uh - NO WAY MAN!!!!

You are the only poster left here that still believes Russiagate was a thing. Best you just shut up.

06-05-2023, 07:57 PM
Stopped reading after 1st sentence "he said.."

Edgelord :bobo

06-05-2023, 08:15 PM

06-05-2023, 08:52 PM
I’ve always thought there was no way we could be the only living things in existence but never thought I’d be alive to witness the confirmation of it. If this is all true I’m having a really hard time processing it. This is wild.

Lol you believe aliens landed here

Spurs Homer
06-05-2023, 08:56 PM
You are the only poster left here that still believes Russiagate was a thing. Best you just shut up.


If you were brainwashed into thinking there was a so called "russiagate hoax" -

then there IS A GOOD REASON

why you are also posting about UFO's!


06-05-2023, 09:26 PM
Lol you believe aliens landed here

lol you believed you had what it took to satisfy and keep a woman the rest of your life…and then publicly shared when you found out you didn’t.

06-05-2023, 09:30 PM
It’s hilarious how much I’m in your head these days after taking you to the wood shed. You can’t keep my name out of your mouth, it’s pathetic.

I’d love to hear more about the government whistleblower you claim to know. Link to the complaint.

:lmao :lmao :lmao

You keep falling for these conspiracies, keep proving me right as you defend them, and making claims about all the winning in your mind.

The poor guy I know is bipolar and has suffered enough so will not bring him up, but he was dilutional and had maniac episodes, as you do when you post.

Plus, you have not been truthful; you were hiding during and after the J1 insurrection as you provided zero proof you were ever in S. Korea. You just expected everyone to take your word for it, so think about that, idiot.

06-05-2023, 09:32 PM

If you were brainwashed into thinking there was a so called "russiagate hoax" -

then there IS A GOOD REASON

why you are also posting about UFO's!


Qtsa Mulder's motto: I want to believe


06-05-2023, 09:54 PM
:lmao :lmao :lmao

You keep falling for these conspiracies, keep proving me right as you defend them, and making claims about all the winning in your mind.

The poor guy I know is bipolar and has suffered enough so will not bring him up, but he was dilutional and had maniac episodes, as you do when you post.

Plus, you have not been truthful; you were hiding during and after the J1 insurrection as you provided zero proof you were ever in S. Korea. You just expected everyone to take your word for it, so think about that, idiot.

You brought “him” up dipshit. No one believes you anyways.

You keep claiming I went into hiding because of Jan 6th yet I said I was headed to Korea months before Jan 6th even happened when I took a break from posting here. You keep claiming I said I wasn’t posting because there was no internet in Korea and I told you’d I’d leave the board if you could show me saying that yet you’ve never produced the quote. You keep saying I can’t let go of Hillary and used a post from 3 years ago to prove your point. You’re nothing more than a stupid fuck who runs their mouth and can’t back shit up.

I’m so rent free in your head now it’s getting pathetic. I’ve ruined you.

Your fan club is djohn2oo8 and Spurs Homer. Think about that one for a bit.

06-05-2023, 09:57 PM
Rofl you believe in alien UFOs

06-05-2023, 09:57 PM
Anyways back to the topic.

I can’t stop thinking about this now. Feel like some wild shit is coming out soon. This changes everything we’ve ever thought we knew. Not sure how to come to terms with it if true.

06-05-2023, 09:58 PM
Anyways back to the topic.

I can’t stop thinking about this now. Feel like some wild shit is coming out soon. This changes everything we’ve ever thought we knew. Not sure how to come to terms with it if true.


06-05-2023, 10:05 PM
Rofl you believe in alien UFOs

All jokes about you not satisfying your wife aside…what’s so funny about that?

06-05-2023, 10:07 PM
If this is true Blake I actually might be coming to you for advice on how to come to terms with being lied to for so long.

Spurs Homer
06-05-2023, 10:08 PM
Qtsa Mulder's motto: I want to believe


Its amazing how he can fall for the most ridiculous shit that REALLY REALLY takes some imagination to even CONSIDER -


he is just UNABLE to understand that the biggest liar on the fucking planet would lie about his people meeting with russians and having meetings with russians and accepting help from the russians -

EVEN AFTER it was all proven in the Mueller report -

he cannot imagine the biggest liar on the planet LYING -
but he can immediately fall for fucking - wait for it -

here it comes....



06-05-2023, 10:13 PM
All jokes about you not satisfying your wife aside…what’s so funny about that?

Because believing in intelligent UFOs being on earth is for retarded tinfoil hats. You just leveled up on the conspiratard power charts.

06-05-2023, 10:30 PM
You brought “him” up dipshit. No one believes you anyways.

You keep claiming I went into hiding because of Jan 6th yet I said I was headed to Korea months before Jan 6th even happened when I took a break from posting here. You keep claiming I said I wasn’t posting because there was no internet in Korea and I told you’d I’d leave the board if you could show me saying that yet you’ve never produced the quote. You keep saying I can’t let go of Hillary and used a post from 3 years ago to prove your point. You’re nothing more than a stupid fuck who runs their mouth and can’t back shit up.

I’m so rent free in your head now it’s getting pathetic. I’ve ruined you.

Your fan club is djohn2oo8 and Spurs Homer. Think about that one for a bit.

This is your conspiracy thread idiot, of course I am responding! :lmao

All the winning going on in your head. :lmao

Priceless: You not understanding that you are being made fun of for claiming you were in Korea (where internet is everywhere)! How dense can you be? :lmao :lmao :lmao

06-05-2023, 10:38 PM
Because believing in intelligent UFOs being on earth is for retarded tinfoil hats. You just leveled up on the conspiratard power charts.

I used to think the same until this guy spoke up. Did you even read what he’s said, what his credentials are, and what other high level officials are saying about him?

06-05-2023, 10:41 PM
Its amazing how he can fall for the most ridiculous shit that REALLY REALLY takes some imagination to even CONSIDER -


he is just UNABLE to understand that the biggest liar on the fucking planet would lie about his people meeting with russians and having meetings with russians and accepting help from the russians -

EVEN AFTER it was all proven in the Mueller report -

he cannot imagine the biggest liar on the planet LYING -
but he can immediately fall for fucking - wait for it -

here it comes....



He is some fucked up special. :lol

Bipolar folk are not retarded but they believe conspiracy shit like qtsa, have delusions of grandeur, and go through fits of depression.

When initially dealing with bipolar folk, you think they are just weird. But once you know what bipolar behavior is all about, you go, oh, that is why they were weird and acted like they did, makes sense.

Not diagnosing qtsa but his behavior is not that different than the guy I know.

06-05-2023, 10:44 PM
This is your conspiracy thread idiot, of course I am responding! :lmao

All the winning going on in your head. :lmao

Priceless: You not understanding that you are being made fun of for claiming you were in Korea (where internet is everywhere)! How dense can you be? :lmao :lmao :lmao

You are the only one still trying to run with the failed Korea schtick. I offered you an ELE account bet and said I’d leave the board if you could show a single post of me saying I wasn’t posting because there was no internet in Korea and all your bitch ass has done after that is not provide the post and flail around and spam emojis.

It’s embarrassing watching you do this but, you do you I guess.

06-05-2023, 10:50 PM
This forum is seriously going to shit.

Can’t have an open discussion about the chance of the most consequential thing coming to light in our entire existence without it turning into a bunch of butthurt posters talking about anything but the topic.

I’m going to eat some mushrooms and think about todays revelations. Enjoy your night you butthurt bitches.

06-05-2023, 10:55 PM
You are the only one still trying to run with the failed Korea schtick. I offered you an ELE account bet and said I’d leave the board if you could show a single post of me saying I wasn’t posting because there was no internet in Korea and all your bitch ass has done after that is not provide the post and flail around and spam emojis.

It’s embarrassing watching you do this but, you do you I guess.

Damn you are dense.

Prove you were in Korea or fold, idiot.

No one ever believed you were in Korea, you were hiding, and that is all there is.

06-05-2023, 11:24 PM
Damn you are dense.

Prove you were in Korea or fold, idiot.

No one ever believed you were in Korea, you were hiding, and that is all there is.

Here’s where your shit theory and claim fall apart.

You claim I went into hiding because of January 6th. I stopped posting here 2 months before January 6th. My post history proves that. That fact alone proves I didn’t go into hiding because of January 6th.

You then claim I didn’t post while in Korea because I said I didn’t have internet access. I challenged you to produce the post of me claiming that and you couldn’t, because I never said that, once again proving you are full of shit.

I don’t need to prove I was ever in Korea to disprove both of your ridiculous claims that stem from the simple fact I’ve embarrassed you repeatedly and you can’t get over your butthurt.

You lose and you’re a loser.

06-05-2023, 11:25 PM
And my shrooms are kicking in…always forget how fast a lemon tek hits. Time to log off.

06-05-2023, 11:58 PM
I’ve always thought there was no way we could be the only living things in existence but never thought I’d be alive to witness the confirmation of it. If this is all true I’m having a really hard time processing it. This is wild.

That's a big if. That said, certainly more plausible than an invisible psychotic deity watching over your shoulder 24/7.

Spurs Homer
06-06-2023, 12:10 AM

oh…he is on shrooms!

so that explains it!


06-06-2023, 12:22 AM
Here’s where your shit theory and claim fall apart.

You claim I went into hiding because of January 6th. I stopped posting here 2 months before January 6th. My post history proves that. That fact alone proves I didn’t go into hiding because of January 6th.

You then claim I didn’t post while in Korea because I said I didn’t have internet access. I challenged you to produce the post of me claiming that and you couldn’t, because I never said that, once again proving you are full of shit.

I don’t need to prove I was ever in Korea to disprove both of your ridiculous claims that stem from the simple fact I’ve embarrassed you repeatedly and you can’t get over your butthurt.

You lose and you’re a loser.

Qtsa bends the knee as he can provide no proof of being in Korea and was merely hiding after trump was schlonged plus J6.

The trump schlonged/J6 hiding rodeo is always open, please come again. :lmao

06-06-2023, 12:50 AM
This forum is seriously going to shit.

Can’t have an open discussion about the chance of the most consequential thing coming to light in our entire existence without it turning into a bunch of butthurt posters talking about anything but the topic.

I’m going to eat some mushrooms and think about todays revelations. Enjoy your night you butthurt bitches.

Right, nobody wants to play so you're taking your ball and going home to do shrooms because everyone here is butthurt.

06-06-2023, 01:14 AM
Were there any sketches?

06-06-2023, 01:18 AM
You could add up all the sand in the world and our galaxy would be one grain in the grand scheme of things,,,the universe is that vast,,,,so itd be pretty arrogant on our part to think we are the only living organisms in the universe. As Jack Burton always says,,,,,"now im not sayin ive been everywhere and ive done everything but i do know its an amazing planet we live on here. A man would have to be some kind of fool to think we're all alone in this universe",,,,

Big Trouble in Little China Pork chop express - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeR27OP4V7U)

06-06-2023, 05:32 AM
Pretty arrogant to assume there is no other intelligent life in the infinite universe. Some really shallow people in here.

06-06-2023, 06:52 AM
I’m honestly dissapointed in the responses in here, there’s actually a lot going on behind the scenes in congress at the moment- new laws to protect whistleblowers relating to this subject. I have no idea if this is a personal thing against OP (I’m assuming it is) but the posters in here have gone and shown themselves to be completely uninformed and honestly childish.

all il say now is- this thread will be brought back from the dead again and again and again over the next year. Wait and see.

06-06-2023, 08:21 AM
Anyways back to the topic.

I can’t stop thinking about this now. Feel like some wild shit is coming out soon. This changes everything we’ve ever thought we knew. Not sure how to come to terms with it if true.how would it change "everything we ever thought we knew"? I have a hard time seeing how it changes anything, tbh.

06-06-2023, 08:35 AM
Pretty arrogant to assume there is no other intelligent life in the infinite universe. Some really shallow people in here.

This thread is not about life in the universe, it is about alien objects found on earth. Don't change the topic.

Interestingly, Maria Bartiromo from Fox asked Yam Tits, “Can you explain why the Department of Defense has set up a UFO task force? Are there UFOs?”

What did Yam Tits say about that? “Well, I'm going to have to check on that, “I mean, I've heard that. I heard that two days ago. So I'll check on that. I'll take a good, strong look at that.”

Not a peep from the fucker afterwards, nada, zilch, zero.

So that is why OP's beliefs on the topic are shit upon.

06-06-2023, 09:07 AM
Some pretty credible sightings by multiple F-18 pilots


In 2015, following this spate of UFO sightings, the U.S. Navy issued official guidelines for personnel to report and investigate aerial objects, according to The Times. Those Navy protocols were updated earlier this year; all data will be classified information and will not be made available to the general public

06-06-2023, 09:12 AM
This thread is not about life in the universe, it is about alien objects found on earth. Don't change the topic.

Interestingly, Maria Bartiromo from Fox asked Yam Tits, “Can you explain why the Department of Defense has set up a UFO task force? Are there UFOs?”

What did Yam Tits say about that? “Well, I'm going to have to check on that, “I mean, I've heard that. I heard that two days ago. So I'll check on that. I'll take a good, strong look at that.”

Not a peep from the fucker afterwards, nada, zilch, zero.

So that is why OP's beliefs on the topic are shit upon.

I am assuming that any craft able to navigate through space from potentially light years away would be some pretty sophisticated and complicated equipment. It is not unreasonable to think that over thousands or millions of years that some did not have mechanical issues resulting in the crafts crashing or being abandoned. Considering some of the unusual relics from the Incas it is not even unreasonable to wonder if there has been some alien intervention in the past.

06-06-2023, 09:18 AM
I am assuming that any craft able to navigate through space from potentially light years away would be some pretty sophisticated and complicated equipment. It is not unreasonable to think that over thousands or millions of years that some did not have mechanical issues resulting in the crafts crashing or being abandoned. Considering some of the unusual relics from the Incas it is not even unreasonable to wonder if there has been some alien intervention in the past.

That is an awful lot of assumptions on your part.

Everything I have read on aliens visiting earth have been bullshit (e.g. Nazca lines made by aliens).

You are reading too much into retard OP’s views.

06-06-2023, 09:23 AM
Pretty arrogant to assume there is no other intelligent life in the infinite universe. Some really shallow people in here.

Pretty easy to say this without defining intelligent life.
From an evolutionary point of view there are many other avenues to survive and produce fertile offspring other than our type of intelligence.
In fact one could argue “our type” of intelligence will lead us to extinction. I don’t doubt this at all. Homo sapiens have been around a very short period of time. We would also have to explain why it took 2 billion years for some bacteria to actually evolve into eukaryotic cells. Why so long? Why was this so incredibly difficult? Taking this long would allow for very few planets to ever get past the prokaryotic stage. Getting torched by constant bombardment and such. We don’t go looking for intelligent life when surveying other planets and moons we look for very simple bio molecules associated with life. With the universe as old as it is, intelligent life that looks for other intelligent life has not made it to us in any grand way. And why would other life even aspire to do this? I would love to see these novel atomic structures mentioned. So would a whole lot of other people. There is no reason to hide this.

Spurs Homer
06-06-2023, 09:25 AM


this was never about “is there other life in our universe”

06-06-2023, 09:40 AM
Physics guys are all over this intelligent life stuff pretty thick.
Biochemical and evolutionary biologists... not so much.
I find this telling.

06-06-2023, 10:12 AM
"However, none of the pilots suggest that these perplexing UFOs represent an extraterrestrial invasion,...

Pilots who spotted the UFOs speculated among themselves that the unnerving objects may have belonged to a highly classified drone program using unknown technology, and they did not consider them to be extraterrestrial in origin, The Times reported."

06-06-2023, 11:43 AM
Would be neat if true. I've always wondered how mainstream religion would cope with the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Probably call them demons I assume:lol
:cry testing our faith :cry

06-06-2023, 11:48 AM
Grusch leaves gov in April and then this meeting follows his departure.


Add in the new whistleblower protections congress passed and it all starts making sense.

Glad to see we have some in congress still working for the people. None of this happens without help from congress.

Statements from intelligence IG after hearing 7 hours from Grusch are crazy too.
which new whistleblower protections are you referring to? curious

06-06-2023, 12:29 PM

06-06-2023, 01:09 PM
For decades a highly advanced civilization has been repeatedly traveling light years in order to scare farmers and pilots. Sometimes they get captured by our government.

06-06-2023, 01:12 PM
I am assuming that any craft able to navigate through space from potentially light years away would be some pretty sophisticated and complicated equipment. It is not unreasonable to think that over thousands or millions of years that some did not have mechanical issues resulting in the crafts crashing or being abandoned. Considering some of the unusual relics from the Incas it is not even unreasonable to wonder if there has been some alien intervention in the past.

Yeah, it actually is unreasonable

06-06-2023, 01:14 PM
lol CC instantly going Erich Von Danikin

Extra Stout
06-06-2023, 01:29 PM
For decades a highly advanced civilization has been repeatedly traveling light years in order to scare farmers and pilots. Sometimes they get captured by our government.
Maybe we’re a science fair project

Spurs Homer
06-06-2023, 02:05 PM

06-06-2023, 02:13 PM
Yeah, it actually is unreasonable

for simple minds like yours.

06-06-2023, 03:52 PM
for simple minds like yours.

Rofl. You haven't even scratched the surface. You're only going on what the movies tell you.

06-06-2023, 04:12 PM
Rofl. You haven't even scratched the surface. You're only going on what the movies tell you.

Damn you are stupid. Can you even wrap your head around the term "infinite universe"? the arrogant hubris to dismiss the possibility of other intelligence (greater than you) is absurd.

06-06-2023, 05:41 PM
Wonder why qtsa has not brought up this story on bigfoot? Hmm, wonder if he and others are part of the deep state holding back the information? Cause, you know, infinite universe.

Why Government Officials Want to Keep Bigfoot/Sasquatch a Secret.

https://exemplore.com/Why-Would-Government-Officials-Want-to-Keep-BigfootSasquatch-a-Secret (https://exemplore.com/cryptids/Why-Would-Government-Officials-Want-to-Keep-BigfootSasquatch-a-Secret)

06-06-2023, 05:48 PM
Damn you are stupid. Can you even wrap your head around the term "infinite universe"? the arrogant hubris to dismiss the possibility of other intelligence (greater than you) is absurd.

This is about visitors. This is the second time you've been told. You gonna go for three?

06-06-2023, 06:11 PM

06-06-2023, 07:20 PM
This is about visitors. This is the second time you've been told. You gonna go for three?

Does your pea brain assume it's absolutely not possible? I even gave you a link where military pilots now have to report questionable sightings which immediately become classified. Trust me, I'm living my life assuming the current "normal" but blindly claiming it's not possible is just stupid. But then, you are "blake". LOL

06-06-2023, 07:32 PM
Pretty arrogant to assume there is no other intelligent life in the infinite universe. Some really shallow people in here.
i dont make that assumption. im just skeptical that we've had visitors.

baseline bum
06-06-2023, 07:39 PM
Pretty arrogant to assume there is no other intelligent life in the infinite universe. Some really shallow people in here.

There almost certainly is intelligent life elsewhere though pretty doubtful the universe is infinite. I very much doubt there is any intelligent life that could create the energy necessary to travel the vast distances between their stars and ours. Would have to be practically immortal too. I would expect we'd get signals from them long before there could be any actual in person contact since EM radiation travels at the speed of light and we have never picked up any kind of signal like that.

06-06-2023, 07:42 PM
So part of being intelligent is that you want to travel?

I am very skeptical we have ever been visited by anything as well.

06-06-2023, 07:49 PM
I must say I’m a fan though, I would love for there to be some sort of out of the galaxy craft discovered and examined

06-06-2023, 11:20 PM

06-06-2023, 11:48 PM
US urged to reveal UFO evidence after claim that it has intact alien vehicles

The US has been urged to disclose evidence of UFOs after a whistleblower former intelligence official said the government has possession of “intact and partially intact” alien vehicles.

The former intelligence official David Grusch, who led analysis of unexplained anomalous phenomena (UAP) within a US Department of Defense agency, has alleged that the US has craft of non-human origin.

Information on these vehicles is being illegally withheld from Congress, Grusch told the Debrief. Grusch said when he turned over classified information about the vehicles to Congress he suffered retaliation from government officials. He left the government in April after a 14-year career in US intelligence.

Jonathan Grey, a current US intelligence official at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (Nasic), confirmed the existence of “exotic materials” to the Debrief, adding: “We are not alone.”

The disclosures come after a swell of credible sightings and reports have revived attention in alien ships, and potentially visits, in recent years.

In 2021, the Pentagon released a report on UAP – the term is preferred to UFO by much of the extraterrestrial community – which found more than 140 instances of UAP encounters that could not be explained.

The report followed a leak of military footage that showed apparently inexplicable happenings in the sky, while navy pilots testified that they had frequently had encounters with strange craft off the US coast.

In an interview with the Debrief journalists Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, who previously exposed the existence of a secret Pentagon program that investigated UFOs, Grusch said the US government and defense contractors had been recovering fragments of non-human craft, and in some cases entire craft, for decades.

“We are not talking about prosaic origins or identities,” Grusch said. “The material includes intact and partially intact vehicles.”

Grusch told the Debrief that analysis determined that this material is “of exotic origin” – meaning “non-human intelligence, whether extraterrestrial or unknown origin”.

“[This assessment is] based on the vehicle morphologies and material science testing and the possession of unique atomic arrangements and radiological signatures,” Grusch said.

Grey, who, according to the Debrief, analyzes unexplained anomalous phenomena within the Nasic, confirmed Grusch’s account.

“The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. We are not alone,” Grey said. “Retrievals of this kind are not limited to the United States. This is a global phenomenon, and yet a global solution continues to elude us.”

The Debrief spoke to several of Grusch’s former colleagues, each of whom vouched for his character. Karl E Nell, a retired army colonel, said Grusch was “beyond reproach”. In a 2022 performance review seen by the Debrief, Grusch was described as “an officer with the strongest possible moral compass”.

Nick Pope, who spent the early 1990s investigating UFOs for the British Ministry of Defence (MoD), said Grusch and Grey’s account of alien materials was “very significant”.

“It’s one thing to have stories on the conspiracy blogs, but this takes it to the next level, with genuine insiders coming forward,” Pope said.

“When these people make these formal complaints, they do so on the understanding that if they’ve knowingly made a false statement, they are liable to a fairly hefty fine, and/or prison.

“People say: ‘Oh, people make up stories all the time.’ But I think it’s very different to go before Congress and go to the intelligence community inspector general and do that. Because there will be consequences if it emerges that this is not true.”

The Debrief reported that Grusch’s knowledge of non-human materials and vehicles was based on “extensive interviews with high-level intelligence officials”. He said he had reported the existence of a UFO material “recovery program” to Congress.

“Grusch said that the craft recovery operations are ongoing at various levels of activity and that he knows the specific individuals, current and former, who are involved,” the Debrief reported.

In the Debrief article, Grusch does not say he has personally seen alien vehicles, nor does he say where they may be being stored. He asked the Debrief to withhold details of retaliation by government officials due to an ongoing investigation.

He also does not specify how he believes the government retaliated against him.

In June 2021, a report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said that from 2004 to 2021 there were 144 encounters between military pilots and UAP, 80 of which were captured on multiple sensors. Only one of the 144 encounters could be explained with “high confidence” – it was a large, deflating balloon.

Following increased interest from the public and some US senators, the Pentagon established the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, charged with tracking UAP, in July 2022.

In December last year, the office said it had received “several hundred” new reports, but no evidence so far of alien life.

The publication of Grusch and Grey’s claims comes after a panel that the US space agency Nasa charged with investigating unexplained anomalous phenomena said stigma around reporting encounters – and harassment of those who do report encounters – was hindering its work.

The navy pilots who in 2021 shared their experiences of encountering unexplained objects while conducting military flights said they, and others, had decided against reporting the encounters internally, because of fears it could hinder their careers.

“Harassment only leads to further stigmatization of the UAP field, significantly hindering the scientific progress and discouraging others to study this important subject matter,” Nasa’s science chief, Nicola Fox, said in a public meeting on 31 May.

Dr David Spergel, the independent chair of Nasa’s UAP independent study team, told the Guardian he did not know Grusch and had no knowledge of his claims.

The Department of Defense did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In a statement, a Nasa spokesperson said: “One of Nasa’s key priorities is the search for life elsewhere in the universe, but so far, NASA has not found any credible evidence of extraterrestrial life and there is no evidence that UAPs are extraterrestrial. However, Nasa is exploring the solar system and beyond to help us answer fundamental questions, including whether we are alone in the universe.”

Pope said in his work investigating UFOs for the MoD he had seen no hard evidence of non-human craft or materials.

“Some of our cases were intriguing,” Pope said. “But we didn’t have a spaceship in a hangar anywhere. And if we did, they didn’t tell me.”

Still, Pope said, Grusch’s claims should be seen as part of an increasing flow of information – and hopefully disclosures – about UFOs.

He said: “It’s part of a wider puzzle. And I think, assuming this is all true, it takes us closer than we’ve ever been before to the very heart of all this.”


06-07-2023, 12:09 AM
So what does the intact craft look like?

06-07-2023, 12:52 PM
So what does the intact craft look like?

And what size? Human passenger size?

06-07-2023, 01:07 PM
Let me know if he draws a sketch.:wakeup
i have a sketch of the person who saw the spacecraft!

06-07-2023, 01:17 PM
And how do you get an intact craft without a pilot?

"can't show us proof"

"can't get into specifics"

"Grusch does not say he has personally seen alien vehicles, nor does he say where they may be being stored. He asked the Debrief to withhold details of retaliation by government officials due to an ongoing investigation.

He also does not specify how he believes the government retaliated against him."

This is Coast to Coast stuff tbh.

"This is a global phenomenon, and yet a global solution continues to elude us."

Honestly I'm surprised TSA doesn't suspect a globalist plot here.

06-07-2023, 01:21 PM
And how do you get an intact craft without a pilot?

"can't show us proof"

"can't get into specifics"

"Grusch does not say he has personally seen alien vehicles, nor does he say where they may be being stored. He asked the Debrief to withhold details of retaliation by government officials due to an ongoing investigation.

He also does not specify how he believes the government retaliated against him."

This is Coast to Coast stuff tbh.

"This is a global phenomenon, and yet a global solution continues to elude us."

Honestly I'm surprised TSA doesn't suspect a globalist plot here.

C'mon a guy near a guy next to a guy in the same room as a guy that works in the Pentagon says he's sure of it

06-07-2023, 01:41 PM
And how do you get an intact craft without a pilot?

"can't show us proof"

"can't get into specifics"

"Grusch does not say he has personally seen alien vehicles, nor does he say where they may be being stored. He asked the Debrief to withhold details of retaliation by government officials due to an ongoing investigation.

He also does not specify how he believes the government retaliated against him."

This is Coast to Coast stuff tbh.

"This is a global phenomenon, and yet a global solution continues to elude us."

Honestly I'm surprised TSA doesn't suspect a globalist plot here.

Sure, qtsa would believe this conspiracy: whistleblower tells everyone they exist but does not provide proof.
:lmao :lmao :lmao

06-07-2023, 01:48 PM
C'mon a guy near a guy next to a guy in the same room as a guy that works in the Pentagon says he's sure of it

Did aliens look like this?


Or this?


06-07-2023, 02:19 PM
Hopefully this is one of the stolen top secret document Trump declassified with his jedi mind tricks.

06-07-2023, 04:17 PM
Did aliens look like this?


Or this?


You joke but in the infinite universe it would be arrogant hubris to think that a two dimensional cartoon character couldn't have visited Earth

06-07-2023, 05:31 PM
You joke but in the infinite universe it would be arrogant hubris to think that a two dimensional cartoon character couldn't have visited Earth

In an infinite universe, it would be arrogant hubris to ignore the possibility that CC is an alien that is acutely observing us. But not cows, because, you know, not paying attention to cow intestines and farts.

06-07-2023, 07:30 PM
In an infinite universe, it would be arrogant hubris to ignore the possibility that CC is an alien that is acutely observing us. But not cows, because, you know, not paying attention to cow intestines and farts.

Another failed schtick you’ve run into the ground. You really need some new material.

06-07-2023, 07:34 PM
More high ranking officials back Grusch

Former Chief Scientist for Air Force Space Command Vouches For UFO Whistleblower's Integrity

In a show of support, Jim Shell, the former Chief Scientist for Air Force Space Command (now known as the U.S. Space Force), has lent his voice to the integrity of former senior intelligence official, David Grusch, in the wake of his recent astonishing claims relating to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).

Grusch's allegations, which centre around deeply covert programs purportedly holding retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin, have found an ally in Shell, further amplifying the gravity of these extraordinary revelations.

In a LinkedIn post referencing a recent bombshell article published by The Debrief, which delves into Grusch's allegations, Shell stated:

‘I will vouch for the integrity of Dave Grusch!’

Of interest, Shell did not publicly rule out claims that materials of non-human origin are held by the U.S. government, its allies, and defense contractors (made by Grusch within the article), adding:

‘Getting to the bottom of this is elusive and problematic, to say the least.

‘I will assert no matter the conclusion of extraterrestrial materials or not, the DoD and IC security apparatus is in trouble and unwitting accomplices are fostering an abusive system.’

Such comments may be in reference to claims by Grusch that information about such programs has and continues to be illegally withheld from Congress, and that he suffered illegal retaliation for his confidential disclosures to the Congress and the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community.

Liberation Times has sought Shell's input, reaching out to him for comment and seeking additional elucidation on the matter.

Grusch received further support on LinkedIn by Sean Allen who presently works at Space Systems Command, part of the U.S. Space Force's space development, acquisition, launch, and logistics field command.

Allen shared The Debrief’s article on Grusch, commenting, ‘seems like it will be a busy week. I hope David Grusch stays safe.’

Referencing allegations of reprisals taken against Grusch (and perhaps other whistleblowers who have yet to speak out publicly), Allen added:

‘I want to see how these individuals are treated. If they're liars then no need to target them with harassment, reprisal, threats.’

Liberation Times has made contact with the Intelligence Community's Inspector General (ICIG), posing specific inquiries regarding Grusch and the allegations made by him. At present, no response has been received from the ICIG.

However, U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) spokesperson Susan Gough, who claims to have ‘provided expert advice to DoD and other U.S. Government agencies on strategic communication, organizational change, psychological operations’ between 2006 and 2009, did provide Liberation Time with the following statement:

‘To date, AARO [the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office which investigates UAP] has not discovered any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently.

‘AARO is committed to following the data and its investigation wherever it leads. AARO, working with the Office of the General Counsel and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, has established a safe and secure process for individuals to come forward with information to aid AARO in its congressionally-mandated historical review.

‘AARO’s historical review of records and testimonies is ongoing and due to Congress by June 2024. AARO welcomes the opportunity to speak with any former or current government employee or contractor who believes they have information relevant to the historical review.’

It should be noted that Liberation Times understands that the AARO is not an authorized recipient of Dave Grusch's PPD-19 complaint made through the ICIG. The only authorized recipients are the Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The AARO would need approval by Avril Haines or the ICIG to gain access, or Grusch would need to make a separate disclosure through the AARO, which he has not done.

Sources have told Liberation Times that the AARO, which has, up until now, reported to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security (OUSDI&S), is not trusted by numerous whistleblowers.

The issue may stem from AARO’s proximity with the OUSDI&S, which has previously been criticised for allegedly persecuting whistleblowers.

The former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program and UAP whistleblower, Lue Elizondo, has previously commented:

‘The [O]USDI is the one single office that has continuously lied about this topic and persecuted whistleblowers.’

Speaking to Liberation Times, Elizondo has also vouched for Grusch, stating:

"Despite what some may say, Dave is an honorable man who served his country courageously, both during times of peace and war. He is who he says he is."

With the AARO seemingly unable to effectively investigate claims such as those made by Grusch, the responsibility may ultimately fall upon Congress. The U.S. government's House Oversight Committee intends to hold a public hearing on the subject, indicating the potential for Congressional intervention.

Liberation Times has gained insight into the consideration of a concept reminiscent of the Church Committee of 1975, which probed into abuses committed by U.S. intelligence agencies. This notion has been contemplated by certain members of Congress ever since the UAP whistleblower language was included in the Intelligence Authorization Act of July 2022.

Given the recent disclosure by Grusch, the momentum behind such thinking may gain further traction. It is anticipated that the gravity of Grusch's allegations may intensify in the days to come.


06-07-2023, 07:46 PM
Lol "liberationtimes.com"

06-07-2023, 09:18 PM
Another failed conspiracy I’ve run this one into the ground. I am so butthurt.


06-08-2023, 01:17 AM
‘Getting to the bottom of this is elusive and problematic, to say the least.

‘I will assert no matter the conclusion of extraterrestrial materials or not, the DoD and IC security apparatus is in trouble and unwitting accomplices are fostering an abusive system.’

This is tiresome gibberish.

Make with the spaceship or just shut up.

06-08-2023, 09:42 PM
A tsa family Saturday night

"LAS VEGAS (WLS) -- Las Vegas police have released bodycam and 911 audio of officers responding to a call from a family who claimed a UFO crashed in their backyard.

According to ABC News, a family called 911 on May 1 to report something crashed in their backyard and they saw non-human creatures in it.

In the 911 call audio released, the caller says he, his father and his brother were in their large backyard working on their truck when something crashed and they felt an impact.

"We just see in the corner of our eye something fall down from the sky, and it was with lights, and when it hit down there was like a big impact, and we felt like an energy? And then we hear like a lot of footsteps near us. And then - we have, like, big- a big equipment, and we see there's a, there's like an eight-foot person beside it and another one's inside, and it has big eyes and it's looking at us," the caller tells the 911 dispatcher. "They're very large. They're like eight foot, nine foot, 10 foot."

"And they're not human. One hundred percent, they're not human," the caller adds.

Officers responded to the residence, but when they arrived there was no sign of any creatures.

Police said the officers conducted a preliminary investigation but were unable to find anything. The case was closed as "unfounded," officials said.


Spurs Homer
06-08-2023, 10:54 PM
A tsa family Saturday night


06-09-2023, 04:57 PM
It's difficult to take at face value when there's no evidence or first hand knowledge. He readily admits he never seen one of these things, he never touched them, he never went on one of these rescue/salvage missions.

Doesn't mean he's lying, but without actually being able to directly back up his claims, it doesn't move from the realm of hearsay.

06-09-2023, 06:28 PM
It's difficult to take at face value when there's no evidence or first hand knowledge. He readily admits he never seen one of these things, he never touched them, he never went on one of these rescue/salvage missions.

Doesn't mean he's lying, but without actually being able to directly back up his claims, it doesn't move from the realm of hearsay.


06-09-2023, 09:08 PM
It's difficult to take at face value when there's no evidence or first hand knowledge. He readily admits he never seen one of these things, he never touched them, he never went on one of these rescue/salvage missions.

Doesn't mean he's lying, but without actually being able to directly back up his claims, it doesn't move from the realm of hearsay.

But in this infinite universe, he wants to believe!!! :lol

06-10-2023, 09:40 AM
Another failed schtick you’ve run into the ground. You really need some new material.

I quite enjoy it.
and you pontificate on running things into the ground?
that’s also funny

06-11-2023, 02:18 PM
I quite enjoy it.
and you pontificate on running things into the ground?
that’s also funny

What I really anxiously waiting to run into the ground is the expected qtsa conspiracy linking the alien space craft “revelation,” hunter’s laptop, the pizzagate cabal, blm, her emails, “Q,” and the deep state/lib indictment of Yam Tits.

06-11-2023, 02:31 PM
Another failed schtick you’ve run into the ground. You really need some new material.
I heard some aliens landed at comet ping pong pizza.

06-11-2023, 02:35 PM
LMAO Aliens! Yeah can't have anything to do with that $5-10 mil QPQ shit in regard to the Bidens.... :lmao

06-11-2023, 03:15 PM
LMAO Aliens! Yeah can't have anything to do with that $5-10 mil QPQ shit in regard to the Bidens.... :lmao
In that both appear to be made up stories with nothing to actually prove them, they are quite alike.

06-12-2023, 02:23 PM

Late at night in Las Vegas a guy named Angel saw the alien's land. They were trying to steal a front loader but couldn't figure out how to operate it.

06-12-2023, 02:24 PM
nm figured it was your usual immigration stupidity.

06-12-2023, 02:51 PM
nm figured it was your usual immigration stupidity.

wuts it have to do with immigration? Did you invent something in your head to get offended by lol

06-12-2023, 04:11 PM
wuts it have to do with immigration? Did you invent something in your head to get offended by lol

Nothing that was the point.

06-13-2023, 09:50 AM
which new whistleblower protections are you referring to? curious

Was in the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act. Basically removed previous prosecution for breaking NDA to whistleblow and was specific to UAP.

50 USC Section 3373b

§3373b. Unidentified anomalous phenomena reporting procedures
(a) Mechanism for authorized reporting
(1) Establishment

The Secretary of Defense, acting through the head of the Office and in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence, shall establish a secure mechanism for authorized reporting of-

(A) any event relating to unidentified anomalous phenomena; and

(B) any activity or program by a department or agency of the Federal Government or a contractor of such a department or agency relating to unidentified anomalous phenomena, including with respect to material retrieval, material analysis, reverse engineering, research and development, detection and tracking, developmental or operational testing, and security protections and enforcement.
(2) Protection of systems, programs, and activity

The Secretary shall ensure that the mechanism for authorized reporting established under paragraph (1) prevents the unauthorized public reporting or compromise of classified military and intelligence systems, programs, and related activity, including all categories and levels of special access and compartmented access programs.
(3) Administration

The Secretary shall ensure that the mechanism for authorized reporting established under paragraph (1) is administered by designated and appropriately cleared employees of the Department of Defense or elements of the intelligence community or contractors of the Department or such elements assigned to the Office.
(4) Sharing of information
(A) Prompt sharing within Office

The Secretary shall ensure that the mechanism for authorized reporting established under paragraph (1) provides for the sharing of an authorized disclosure to personnel and supporting analysts and scientists of the Office (regardless of the classification of information contained in the disclosure or any nondisclosure agreements), unless the employees or contractors administering the mechanism under paragraph (3) conclude that the preponderance of information available regarding the disclosure indicates that the observed object and associated events and activities likely relate to a special access program or compartmented access program that, as of the date of the disclosure, has been explicitly and clearly reported to the congressional defense committees or the congressional intelligence committees, and is documented as meeting those criteria.
(B) Congressional notification

Not later than 72 hours after determining that an authorized disclosure relates to a restricted access activity, a special access program, or a compartmented access program that has not been explicitly and clearly reported to the congressional defense committees or the congressional intelligence committees, the Secretary shall report such disclosure to such committees and the congressional leadership.
(5) Initial report and publication

Not later than 180 days after December 23, 2022, the Secretary, acting through the head of the Office and in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence, shall-

(A) submit to the congressional defense committees, the congressional intelligence committees, and the congressional leadership a report detailing the mechanism for authorized reporting established under paragraph (1); and

(B) issue clear public guidance for how to securely access the mechanism for authorized reporting.
(b) Protection for individuals making authorized disclosures
(1) Authorized disclosures

An authorized disclosure-

(A) shall not be subject to a nondisclosure agreement entered into by the individual who makes the disclosure;

(B) shall be deemed to comply with any regulation or order issued under the authority of Executive Order 13526 (50 U.S.C. 3161 note; relating to classified national security information) or chapter 18 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2271 et seq.); and

(C) is not a violation of section 798 of title 18 or other provision of law relating to the disclosure of information.
(2) Prohibition on reprisals
(A) Protection

An employee of a department or agency of the Federal Government, or of a contractor, subcontractor, grantee, subgrantee, or personal services contractor of such a department or agency, who has authority to take, direct others to take, recommend, or approve any personnel action, shall not, with respect to such authority, take or fail to take, or threaten to take or fail to take, a personnel action, including the revocation or suspension of security clearances, or termination of employment, with respect to any individual as a reprisal for any authorized disclosure.
(B) Procedures

The Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence shall establish procedures for the enforcement of subparagraph (A) consistent with, as appropriate, section 1034 of title 10, section 3234 of title 50, or other similar provisions of law regarding prohibited personnel actions.
(3) Nondisclosure agreements
(A) Identification

The Secretary of Defense, the Director of National Intelligence, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the heads of such other departments and agencies of the Federal Government that have supported investigations of the types of events covered by subparagraph (A) of subsection (a)(1) and activities and programs described in subparagraph (B) of such subsection, and contractors of the Federal Government that have supported or are supporting such activities and programs, shall conduct comprehensive searches of all records relating to nondisclosure orders relating to the types of events described in subsection (a) and provide copies of such orders, agreements, or obligations to the Office.
(B) Submission to Congress

The head of the Office shall-

(i) make the records compiled under subparagraph (A) accessible to the congressional defense committees, the congressional intelligence committees, and the congressional leadership; and

(ii) not later than September 30, 2023, and at least once each fiscal year thereafter through fiscal year 2026, provide to such committees and congressional leadership briefings and reports on such records.
(c) Omitted
(d) Definitions

In this section:

(1) The term "authorized disclosure" means a report of any information through, and in compliance with, the mechanism for authorized reporting established pursuant to subsection (a)(1).

(2) The term "congressional intelligence committees" has the meaning given such term in section 3003 of this title.

(3) The term "congressional leadership" means-

(A) the majority leader of the Senate;

(B) the minority leader of the Senate;

(C) the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and

(D) the minority leader of the House of Representatives.

(4) The term "intelligence community" has the meaning given such term in section 3003 of this title.

(5) The term "nondisclosure agreement" means any written or oral nondisclosure agreement, order, or other instrumentality or means entered into by an individual that could be interpreted as a legal constraint on the individual making an authorized disclosure.

(6) The term "Office" means the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office established pursuant to section 3373(a) of this title.

(7) The term "personnel action" has the meaning given such term in section 3234(a) of this title.

(8) The term "unidentified anomalous phenomena" has the meaning given such term in section 3373(n) of this title.


06-13-2023, 09:53 AM
I heard some aliens landed at comet ping pong pizza.

I heard the board lawyer went through our posts and concluded you did lose our bet and you do owe me $2000. Where's my money welsher?

06-13-2023, 11:00 AM
Oh good you posted the whole thing that nobody will read instead of just highlighting the specific section.

06-13-2023, 11:09 AM
Oh good you posted the whole thing that nobody will read instead of just highlighting the specific section.
The whole thing is H.R.7776 you idiot.


The specific section is 50 USC Section 3373b you idiot.

06-13-2023, 11:41 AM
Now claims aliens killed humans but he has no first hand knowledge :lol

Grusch was then asked if UFOs had ever killed humans and he replied: “While I can’t get into the specifics because that would reveal certain US classified operations, I was briefed by a few individuals on the program that there were malevolent events like that.”

The 36-year-old also suggested that the US government would go to extreme lengths to keep secrets covered up, saying: “At the very least, I saw substantive evidence that white-collar crime was committed… unfortunately.

“I’ve heard some really un-American things I don’t want to repeat right now.”

https://www.indy100.com/science-tech/pentagon-whistleblower-ufos-killed-humans (https://www.indy100.com/science-tech/pentagon-whistleblower-ufos-killed-humans)

06-13-2023, 11:44 AM
Now claims aliens killed humans but he has no first hand knowledge :lol

Grusch was then asked if UFOs had ever killed humans and he replied: “While I can’t get into the specifics because that would reveal certain US classified operations, I was briefed by a few individuals on the program that there were malevolent events like that.”

The 36-year-old also suggested that the US government would go to extreme lengths to keep secrets covered up, saying: “At the very least, I saw substantive evidence that white-collar crime was committed… unfortunately.

“I’ve heard some really un-American things I don’t want to repeat right now.”

https://www.indy100.com/science-tech/pentagon-whistleblower-ufos-killed-humans (https://www.indy100.com/science-tech/pentagon-whistleblower-ufos-killed-humans)

:lol selective whistle

06-13-2023, 01:42 PM
The whole thing is H.R.7776 you idiot.


The specific section is 50 USC Section 3373b you idiot.

:lol oh ok that makes it less of a text wall. You don't even know what you're posting nearly all the time.

06-13-2023, 01:55 PM
Was in the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act. Basically removed previous prosecution for breaking NDA to whistleblow and was specific to UAP.

50 USC Section 3373b

based brandon

06-13-2023, 08:24 PM
Are these just dumb rhetorical questions?


06-13-2023, 08:24 PM
The whole thing is H.R.7776 you idiot.


The specific section is 50 USC Section 3373b you idiot.

Trump Indicted twice, not Hillary.

07-04-2023, 06:17 PM
Mama mia, dat is some ah spicy aliens ah news! :lmao :lmao :lmao

Grusch claims that one of these alien spacecraft crashed in northern Italy in 1933 and was captured by American forces at the end of World War II. Italian researcher Roberto Pinotti has shared extraordinary details of the saucer crash, supported by documents he claims to have obtained.

According to Pinotti, the crash occurred on June 13, 1933, in Northern Italy, 14 years before the famous Roswell incident in New Mexico. Pinotti, the president of the National Ufological Center, known as CUN, obtained documents that supposedly detail the crash and a secret department set up by former Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini to study the alleged saucer.

The documents were anonymously mailed to Pinotti from a source who claimed to have inherited them from a family member who worked on Mussolini's supposed UFO program. They include two telegrams in Italian, one demanding "absolute silence" over an 'alleged landing on national soil of unknown aircraft' and another threatening "immediate arrest" and "maximum penalties" for any journalists reporting news of an "aircraft of unknown nature and origin." Both telegrams claim to be by "personal order" of Mussolini himself.

The documents lack protocol numbers or official stamps that would help verify them as real government documents, and they appear more like personal memos. British historian Graeme Rendall, who has written books on WWII UFO sightings, believes the evidence is inconclusive.


07-04-2023, 06:24 PM
A former intelligence official turned whistleblower has given Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General extensive classified information about deeply covert programs that he says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin.

The information, he says, has been illegally withheld from Congress, and he filed a complaint alleging that he suffered illegal retaliation for his confidential disclosures, reported here for the first time.

Other intelligence officials, both active and retired, with knowledge of these programs through their work in various agencies, have independently provided similar, corroborating information, both on and off the record.

The whistleblower, David Charles Grusch, 36, a decorated former combat officer in Afghanistan, is a veteran of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). He served as the reconnaissance office’s representative to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force from 2019-2021. From late 2021 to July 2022, he was the NGA’s co-lead for UAP analysis and its representative to the task force.

The task force was established to investigate what were once called “unidentified flying objects,” or UFOs, and are now officially called “unidentified anomalous phenomena,” or UAP. The task force was led by the Department of the Navy under the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security. It has since been reorganized and expanded into the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office to include investigations of objects operating underwater.

Grusch said the recoveries of partial fragments through and up to intact vehicles have been made for decades through the present day by the government, its allies, and defense contractors. Analysis has determined that the objects retrieved are “of exotic origin (non-human intelligence, whether extraterrestrial or unknown origin) based on the vehicle morphologies and material science testing and the possession of unique atomic arrangements and radiological signatures,” he said.

In filing his complaint, Grusch is represented by a lawyer who served as the original Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG).

“We are not talking about prosaic origins or identities,” Grusch said, referencing information he provided Congress and the current ICIG. “The material includes intact and partially intact vehicles.”

In accordance with protocols, Grusch provided the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review at the Department of Defense with the information he intended to disclose to us. His on-the-record statements were all “cleared for open publication” on April 4 and 6, 2023, in documents provided to us.

Grusch’s disclosures, and those of non-public witnesses, under new protective provisions of the latest defense appropriations bill, signal a growing determination by some in the government to unravel a colossal enigma with national security implications that has bedeviled the military and tantalized the public going back to World War II and beyond. For many decades, the Air Force carried out a disinformation campaign to discredit reported sightings of unexplained objects. Now, with two public hearings and many classified briefings under its belt, Congress is pressing for answers.

Karl E. Nell, a recently retired Army Colonel and current aerospace executive who was the Army’s liaison for the UAP Task Force from 2021 to 2022 and worked with Grusch there, characterizes Grusch as “beyond reproach.”

Christopher Mellon, who spent nearly twenty years in the U.S. Intelligence Community and served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, has worked with Congress for years on unidentified aerial phenomena.

“A number of well-placed current and former officials have shared detailed information with me regarding this alleged program, including insights into the history, governing documents and the location where a craft was allegedly abandoned and recovered,” Mellon said. “However, it is a delicate matter getting this potentially explosive information into the right hands for validation. This is made harder by the fact that, rightly or wrongly, a number of potential sources do not trust the leadership of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office established by Congress.”

But some insiders are now willing to take the risk of coming forward for the first time with knowledge of these recovery programs.

Jonathan Grey is a generational officer of the United States Intelligence Community with a Top-Secret Clearance who currently works for the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC), where the analysis of UAP has been his focus. Previously he had experience serving Private Aerospace and Department of Defense Special Directive Task Forces.

“The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. We are not alone,” Grey said. “Retrievals of this kind are not limited to the United States. This is a global phenomenon, and yet a global solution continues to elude us.”

At the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Grusch served as a Senior Intelligence Capabilities Integration Officer, cleared at the Top Secret/Secret Compartmented Information level, and was the agency’s Senior Technical Advisor for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena analysis/Trans-Medium Issues. From 2016 to 2021, he served with the National Reconnaissance Office as Senior Intelligence Officer and led the production of the NRO director’s daily briefing. Grusch was a GS-15 civilian, the military equivalent of a Colonel.

Grusch has served as an Intelligence Officer for over fourteen years. A veteran of the Air Force, he has numerous awards and decorations for his participation in covert and clandestine operations to advance American security.

According to a 2021 NRO Performance Report, Grusch was an intelligence strategist with multiple responsibilities who “analyzed unidentified aerial phenomena reports” and “boosted congressional leadership Intel gaps [in] understanding.” He was assessed by the reconnaissance office’s Operations Center Deputy Director as an “adept staff officer and strategist” and “total force integrator with innovative solutions and actionable results.”

Grusch prepared many briefs on unidentified aerial phenomena for Congress while in government and helped draft the language on UAP for the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act, spearheaded by Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Marco Rubio and signed into law by President Biden in December 2022. The provision states that any person with relevant UAP information can inform Congress without retaliation, regardless of any previous non-disclosure agreements.

In his statements cleared for publication by the Pentagon in April, Grusch asserted that UFO “legacy programs” have long been concealed within “multiple agencies nesting UAP activities in conventional secret access programs without appropriate reporting to various oversight authorities.”

He said he reported to Congress on the existence of a decades-long “publicly unknown Cold War for recovered and exploited physical material – a competition with near-peer adversaries over the years to identify UAP crashes/landings and retrieve the material for exploitation/reverse engineering to garner asymmetric national defense advantages.”

Beginning in 2022, Grusch provided Congress with hours of recorded classified information transcribed into hundreds of pages which included specific data about the materials recovery program. Congress has not been provided with any physical materials related to wreckage or other non-human objects.

Grusch’s investigation was centered on extensive interviews with high-level intelligence officials, some of whom are directly involved with the program. He says the operation was illegally shielded from proper Congressional oversight and that he was targeted and harassed because of his investigation.

Grusch said that the craft recovery operations are ongoing at various levels of activity and that he knows the specific individuals, current and former, who are involved.

“Individuals on these UAP programs approached me in my official capacity and disclosed their concerns regarding a multitude of wrongdoings, such as illegal contracting against the Federal Acquisition Regulations and other criminality and the suppression of information across a qualified industrial base and academia,” he stated.

Associates who vouched for Grusch said his information was highly sensitive, providing evidence that materials from objects of non-human origin are in the possession of highly secret black programs. Although locations, program names, and other specific data remain classified, the Inspector General and intelligence committee staff were provided with these details. Several current members of the recovery program spoke to the Inspector General’s office and corroborated the information Grusch had provided for the classified complaint.

Grusch left the government on April 7, 2023, in order, he said, to advance government accountability through public awareness. He remains well-supported within intelligence circles, and numerous sources have vouched for his credibility.

“His assertion concerning the existence of a terrestrial arms race occurring sub-rosa over the past eighty years focused on reverse engineering technologies of unknown origin is fundamentally correct, as is the indisputable realization that at least some of these technologies of unknown origin derive from non-human intelligence,” said Karl Nell, the retired Army Colonel who worked with Grusch on the UAP Task Force.

In a 2022 performance evaluation, Laura A. Potter, Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Headquarters, Department of the Army, described Nell as “an officer with the strongest possible moral compass.”

Grusch is represented by Charles McCullough III, senior partner of the Compass Rose Legal Group in Washington and the original Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, confirmed by the U.S. Senate in 2011. At that time, McCullough reported directly to the then-Director of National Intelligence, James R. Clapper, and oversaw intelligence officers responsible for audits, inspections, and investigations.

In May 2022, McCullough filed a Disclosure of Urgent Concern(s); Complaint of Reprisal on behalf of Grusch with the ICIG about detailed information that Grusch had gathered beginning in 2019 while working for the UAP Task Force.

An unclassified version of the complaint provided to us states that Grusch has direct knowledge that UAP-related classified information has been withheld and/or concealed from Congress by “elements” of the intelligence community “to purposely and intentionally thwart legitimate Congressional oversight of the UAP Program.” All testimony Grusch provided for the classified complaint was provided under oath.

According to the unclassified complaint, in July 2021, Grusch had confidentially provided classified information to the Department of Defense Inspector General concerning the withholding of UAP-related information from Congress. He believed that his identity, and the fact that he had provided testimony, were disclosed “to individuals and/or entities” within the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community outside the IG’s office. He did not allege that this information was improperly disclosed by any member of that office.

As a result, Grusch suffered months of retaliation and reprisals related to these disclosures beginning in 2021. He asked that details of these reprisals be withheld to protect the integrity of the ongoing investigation.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General found his complaint “credible and urgent” in July 2022. According to Grusch, a summary was immediately submitted to the Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines; the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

The complaint was drafted and signed by McCullough and his managing partner. It ended with Grusch’s signature attached to his statement that “I do solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury that the contents of the foregoing paper are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.”

A whistleblower reprisal investigation was launched, and Grusch began his communication with the staff of the Congressional intelligence committees in private closed-door sessions. According to Grusch, certain information which he obtained in his investigation could not be put before Congressional staffers because they did not have the necessary clearances or the appropriate investigative authority.

A representative of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence told us in March that the committee members are not able to comment on the content of a complaint or confirm the identity of a complainant.

“When you have multiple agencies nesting UAP activities in conventional SAP/CAP programs, both as recipients of exploitation-related insights and for operational reasons, without appropriate reporting to various oversight authorities, you have a problem,” Grusch said, referencing the highly secret Special Access Programs and Controlled Access Programs.

Grusch’s willingness to take risks and speak out appears to be emboldening others with similar knowledge who believe in greater transparency.

Jonathan Grey, the intelligence officer specializing in UAP analysis at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center, is speaking publicly for the first time, identified here under the identity he uses inside the agency.

NASIC, headquartered at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, is the Department of Defense’s primary Air Force source for foreign air and space threat analysis. Its mission is to “discover and characterize air, space, missile, and cyber threats,” according to the agency’s website. “The center’s team of trusted subject matter experts deliver unique collection, exploitation, and analytic capabilities not found elsewhere,” the website states.

Grey said that such immense capabilities are not merely relegated to the study of the prosaic. “The existence of complex historical programs involving the coordinated retrieval and study of exotic materials, dating back to the early 20th century, should no longer remain a secret,” he said. “The majority of retrieved, foreign exotic materials have a prosaic terrestrial explanation and origin – but not all, and any number higher than zero in this category represents an undeniably significant statistical percentage.”


Supplemental fact check




Is this news breaking?
Or just falling apart...

07-04-2023, 06:31 PM
Is this news breaking?
Or just falling apart...

Only the gullible would watch. :lol

07-04-2023, 06:53 PM
LMAO Aliens!

07-17-2023, 11:13 PM

07-26-2023, 04:07 PM
no comment on the hearing today? :lol

07-26-2023, 04:36 PM
no comment on the hearing today? :lol

Poor guy had such high hopes

07-26-2023, 04:43 PM
no comment on the hearing today? :lol

I have begun to seriously think they are preparing us for actually revealing it. I will believe it when I see good evidence for it, but I am having to make some room in my head for the possiblity, given the leaks here and there.

07-26-2023, 05:00 PM
I have begun to seriously think they are preparing us for actually revealing it. I will believe it when I see good evidence for it, but I am having to make some room in my head for the possiblity, given the leaks here and there.
im not dismissing the possibility. but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. the testimony of a guy who has a lot of "i heard from people involved with the project" that aliens have visited us through interdimensional travel, who has also claimed that mussolini was involved in a cover up that the pope, through back channels, alerted the US to, is simply not enough for me to take this kind of stuff seriously

pilots seeing things they cant explain is noteworthy. but saying we cant explain it is different from confidently asserting its an extraterrestrial aircraft. while they did make visual contact with an object they couldnt explain, a lot of the hype around, say, the famous tic tac stuff is what the sensors picked up (ie seeing it at 80k feet, then down to some much lower altitude, then some speed, etc), and not what was actually seen. imo its more plausible that sensors had an issue than happening to pick up an advanced alien craft.

07-26-2023, 05:03 PM
im not dismissing the possibility. but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. the testimony of a guy who has a lot of "i heard from people involved with the project" who has also claimed that mussolini was involved in a cover up that the pope, through back channels, alerted the US to, is simply not enough for me to take this kind of stuff seriously

The issue that the panel brought up was the poor data stream coming from the Pentagon. There are plenty of reasons other than hiding alien presence to explain that.

07-26-2023, 05:06 PM


aliens only seem to appear where there is a cultural fascination with them

07-26-2023, 05:19 PM


aliens only seem to appear where there is a cultural fascination with them


07-26-2023, 05:21 PM
I have begun to seriously think they are preparing us for actually revealing it. I will believe it when I see good evidence for it, but I am having to make some room in my head for the possiblity, given the leaks here and there.

The possibility that aliens have visited us?

I'll leave an opening at about a 0.0000000000000000000000000001% chance.

07-26-2023, 05:35 PM
I have begun to seriously think they are preparing us for actually revealing it. I will believe it when I see good evidence for it, but I am having to make some room in my head for the possiblity, given the leaks here and there.

What is wild is that if an Alien spacecraft visited Earth on live TV, conquered humans and put them in a life of servitude... there would still be 50% of the population in chains, being beaten by some alien overlord, calling it a false flag.

07-26-2023, 05:45 PM


aliens only seem to appear where there is a cultural fascination with them

Even the aliens know USA #1

07-26-2023, 06:26 PM
What is wild is that if an Alien spacecraft visited Earth on live TV, conquered humans and put them in a life of servitude... there would still be 50% of the population in chains, being beaten by some alien overlord, calling it a false flag.

CrOOkeD LibS alWayS trYing tO inDicT LorD ZartOc oN boGuS chRgeS

07-26-2023, 08:03 PM
CrOOkeD LibS alWayS trYing tO inDicT LorD ZartOc oN boGuS chRgeS

Biologics in the craft, that it where it is at, per the guy that told Grusch, biologics, can't wait for qtsa to text wall bomb this thread, just you wait, boom, biologics, your head will spin, just you wait.

07-26-2023, 08:26 PM
im not dismissing the possibility. but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. the testimony of a guy who has a lot of "i heard from people involved with the project" that aliens have visited us through interdimensional travel, who has also claimed that mussolini was involved in a cover up that the pope, through back channels, alerted the US to, is simply not enough for me to take this kind of stuff seriously

pilots seeing things they cant explain is noteworthy. but saying we cant explain it is different from confidently asserting its an extraterrestrial aircraft. while they did make visual contact with an object they couldnt explain, a lot of the hype around, say, the famous tic tac stuff is what the sensors picked up (ie seeing it at 80k feet, then down to some much lower altitude, then some speed, etc), and not what was actually seen. imo its more plausible that sensors had an issue than happening to pick up an advanced alien craft.

+1 pretty much my thoughts

07-27-2023, 10:40 AM
no comment on the hearing today? :lol

Didn't catch it...anything new revealed compared to his last interview?

07-27-2023, 10:43 AM
I have begun to seriously think they are preparing us for actually revealing it. I will believe it when I see good evidence for it, but I am having to make some room in my head for the possiblity, given the leaks here and there.

This is exactly what I think a government disclosure would look like. They aren't and can't just reveal it all at once. It would have to be a slow methodical stream of information to not freak everyone out and cause panic.

07-27-2023, 10:49 AM
This is exactly what I think a government disclosure would look like. They aren't and can't just reveal it all at once. It would have to be a slow methodical stream of information to not freak everyone out and cause panic.

Lol nobody would panic

07-27-2023, 11:05 AM
Lol nobody would panic

People panic about Barbie movies. Of course they would. Toilet paper would disappear again.

07-27-2023, 11:40 AM
This is exactly what I think a government disclosure would look like. They aren't and can't just reveal it all at once. It would have to be a slow methodical stream of information to not freak everyone out and cause panic.
nothing new

at least the crazy guy didnt bring up mussolini and the pope this time

07-27-2023, 11:51 AM
Lol nobody would panic

You are such an idiot.

07-27-2023, 11:52 AM
nothing new

at least the crazy guy didnt bring up mussolini and the pope this time

Nothing new yet you were laughing earlier that I didn't comment? Ok.

07-27-2023, 12:06 PM
You are such an idiot.

Exactly what do you think they have that will cause a panic. Please lay it out.

07-27-2023, 12:09 PM
Exactly what do you think they have that will cause a panic. Please lay it out.

You are such an idiot.

07-27-2023, 12:10 PM
Now TSA believes intelligence officials? He said they were lying about trump but believes them about some fucking aliens :lmao

07-27-2023, 12:16 PM
Guy is mental

07-27-2023, 01:21 PM
Guy is mental

Qtsa is doubling down again, on cue as he loses his conspiracy shit mind. Must be the fun time of the week for his family. :lol

Truly, he has been broken beyond repair and completely shattered his reputation. It's beyond time for him to fire up an alt if he want to continue posting here. His current handle has been destroyed. He should stop embarrassing himself further.

07-27-2023, 01:52 PM
Just horseshit to boost Commerce.

07-27-2023, 03:36 PM
I don't see what's unbelievable about this, tbh. It's a big Universe and we're babies on a cosmological timescale. Not to mention how corrupt to the bone government and private industry can be, as we all know.

Either way, if Grusch is lying, being duped, or really telling the truth, then the ICIG, Senate Intelligence committees, and further Congressional inquiry in closed SCIFs will determine that. Grusch did submit lists of names (40 people at last count) and locations last year to the IC Inspector General and the aforementioned committees, after all. Backed by his counsel, another former Inspector General, no less.

Odd though that, once you fastforward to today, we don't see them jailing him - and they certainly would have further reason now that he testified under oath - or even see the DoD calling him a fraud. Instead they direct you to AARO (who doesn't even have Title 50 authority (lol)).

Instead we see "UAP disclosure" admendments brought forth in a bi-partisan manner from guys like Chuck Schumer no less and more movement in DC to get to the bottom of this.

Some conspiracies have been proven true. Let's see how this one plays out. Anyone who wants the truth, and more oversight for Government and private industry should be for this regardless of which of the 3 scenarios this turns out to be.

07-27-2023, 04:05 PM
LOL WGAF except you gullible retards... :lmao

LMAO There's UFO's and Aliens!!!! :lol

07-27-2023, 04:12 PM
People panic about Barbie movies. Of course they would. Toilet paper would disappear again.

Those people would be more worried that ZartOc would make an anchor baby and drain our healthcare system some more

07-27-2023, 04:14 PM
I don't see what's unbelievable about this, tbh. It's a big Universe and we're babies on a cosmological timescale. Not to mention how corrupt to the bone government and private industry can be, as we all know.

Because the math, science, and time scale make the odds as close to zero as you might can get.

07-27-2023, 04:15 PM
You are such an idiot.

You watch too many movies

07-27-2023, 04:21 PM
I don't see what's unbelievable about this, tbh. It's a big Universe and we're babies on a cosmological timescale. Not to mention how corrupt to the bone government and private industry can be, as we all know.

Either way, if Grusch is lying, being duped, or really telling the truth, then the ICIG, Senate Intelligence committees, and further Congressional inquiry in closed SCIFs will determine that. Grusch did submit lists of names (40 people at last count) and locations last year to the IC Inspector General and the aforementioned committees, after all. Backed by his counsel, another former Inspector General, no less.

Odd though that, once you fastforward to today, we don't see them jailing him - and they certainly would have further reason now that he testified under oath - or even see the DoD calling him a fraud. Instead they direct you to AARO (who doesn't even have Title 50 authority (lol)).

Instead we see "UAP disclosure" admendments brought forth in a bi-partisan manner from guys like Chuck Schumer no less and more movement in DC to get to the bottom of this.

Some conspiracies have been proven true. Let's see how this one plays out. Anyone who wants the truth, and more oversight for Government and private industry should be for this regardless of which of the 3 scenarios this turns out to be.
believing its likely that theres life or intelligent life somewhere else in the universe is different from believing that we've had visitors crash land here or whatever, and there has been an extremely effective tight lipped cover up worldwide

its possible. but i need good evidence to believe these claims

07-27-2023, 04:34 PM
This is exactly what I think a government disclosure would look like. They aren't and can't just reveal it all at once. It would have to be a slow methodical stream of information to not freak everyone out and cause panic.

So it would look like QAnon.

07-27-2023, 04:35 PM
believing its likely that theres life or intelligent life somewhere else in the universe is different from believing that we've had visitors crash land here or whatever, and there has been an extremely effective tight lipped cover up worldwide

its possible. but i need good evidence to believe these claims

Agreed. So let's allow the ICIG investigation play out.

07-27-2023, 04:35 PM
Because the math, science, and time scale make the odds as close to zero as you might can get.

About? We're not necessarily discussing space aliens. NHI =/= ET

Also, what data do you have about crash retrievals to which you can discuss the science?

Again, not saying it's true. Grusch could be being duped, but we have none of the classified information Grusch, the ICIG, or these government entities/contractors/private industry have.

07-27-2023, 04:44 PM
Because the math, science, and time scale make the odds as close to zero as you might can get.

Our math, science and time?

Just sayin

07-27-2023, 04:48 PM

1. Grusch and Co are lying.

2. Grusch and Co, Congress, ICIG, etc, etc are all being duped by some unknown cabal of goverment and private industry insiders for reasons unknown.

3. It's more or less real.

I can't see 1 being true as the ICIG investigation has been going on over a year now, and was deemed urgent and credible. Grusch and Co. would also have a lot to lose.

So that leaves 2 and 3. We can debate that all day. Personally? I don't really care. Either are not very good...

07-27-2023, 05:08 PM
Agreed. So let's allow the ICIG investigation play out.

Who's not allowing it to play out? What are you expecting to find?

07-27-2023, 05:13 PM
Our math, science and time?

Just sayin

Who's others are there?

07-27-2023, 05:16 PM

1. Grusch and Co are lying.

2. Grusch and Co, Congress, ICIG, etc, etc are all being duped by some unknown cabal of goverment and private industry insiders for reasons unknown.

3. It's more or less real.

I can't see 1 being true as the ICIG investigation has been going on over a year now, and was deemed urgent and credible. Grusch and Co. would also have a lot to lose.

So that leaves 2 and 3. We can debate that all day. Personally? I don't really care. Either are not very good...

4. Grusch thinks he's telling the truth based on the limited information he has

07-27-2023, 05:20 PM
Who's not allowing it to play out? What are you expecting to find?

Anyone coming to any definite conclusions before the investigation is completed.

And I'm not sure what you're referring to with your second question. I'm not investigating anything. I don't know what the Inspector General for the IC and DoD is going to find about a whistle blower complaint - that the IG deemed "urgent and credible" - on a potential secret program dealing with NHI without Congressional oversight.

I'm interested though to know what the outcome of the investigation is though. It's also up to Congress to follow up on that. The legislation put up by Schumer recently signals that they will. We'll see.

07-27-2023, 05:23 PM
Anyone coming to any definite conclusions before the investigation is completed.

And I'm not sure what you're referring to with your second question. I'm not investigating anything. I don't know what the Inspector General for the IC and DoD is going to find about a whistle blower complaint - that the IG deemed "urgent and credible" - on a potential secret program dealing with NHI without Congressional oversight.

I'm interested though to know what the outcome of the investigation is though. It's also up to Congress to follow up on that. The legislation put up by Schumer recently signals that they will. We'll see.

I'm asking your opinion. What exactly do you think is being hidden? A spaceship? A dead green body?

07-27-2023, 05:30 PM
4. Grusch thinks he's telling the truth based on the limited information he has

Which is why it's important to note that he testified under oath to Congress in this hearing that he submitted 40 names he vetted over the course of 4 years, as well as locations and other relevant information in seperate Senate hearings, to the SSCI and to the DoD/IC Inspector Generals. The latter are still investigating the claims over a year later.

Will be interesting to see where the investigations into these first hand witnesses leads. Hopefully the seemingly open transparency from Congress continues...but I wouldn't hold my breath on that whatever the truth is.

07-27-2023, 05:35 PM
I'm asking your opinion. What exactly do you think is being hidden? A spaceship? A dead green body?

You're asking me a loaded question by framing it around only the NHI possibility.

I'll answer for both outcomes if you're truly interested.

I think either the "insiders" Grusch is whistleblowing against are hiding very human black projects, or hiding exactly what Grusch claims - NHI tech and biological material. I don't know if that means "spaceships" and "little green men". Again, it doesn't seem Grusch is alluding to literal space aliens.

Obviously the former is more likely. Either is crazy, however, and that's fine to admit although not impossible (imho).

We should all want the truth whatever it is.

07-27-2023, 05:51 PM
You're asking me a loaded question by framing it around only the NHI possibility.

I'll answer for both outcomes if you're truly interested.

I think either the "insiders" Grusch is whistleblowing against are hiding very human black projects, or hiding exactly what Grusch claims - NHI tech and biological material. I don't know if that means "spaceships" and "little green men". Again, it doesn't seem Grusch is alluding to literal space aliens.

Obviously the former is more likely. Either is crazy, however, and that's fine to admit although not impossible (imho).

We should all want the truth whatever it is.

A loaded question would be more like "what color do you think the aliens will be?"

This is just for fun. You seem to think there's something important someone is hiding. What's your best guess?

07-27-2023, 05:58 PM
A loaded question would be more like "what color do you think the aliens will be?"

This is just for fun. You seem to think there's something important someone is hiding. What's your best guess?

I didn't mean to say it was intentional or anything. Again, it's hard to decide on either or. Occam's Razor would say it's black budget tech - perhaps some exotic form of propulsion squirreled away as to not disrupt current profitable industries like big oil? But you would also have to say anti-grav or some other new physics was unlocked pre-WWII which is as wild as NHI/aliens/whatever.

I'd love that the non human claims are true. If not ET, then I couldn't begin to speculate without going full "woo". If ET, perhaps some form of AI intelligence that arrived conventionally long ago created by very real flesh and bone beings? Or perhaps they cracked some unknown physics long ago and getting here and hiding is trivial...I'm open to all possibilities.

Fun stuff. No one will believe the latter without a long custody chain of evidence however.

07-29-2023, 09:25 PM
One of the things I noticed when i watched the latest UFO documentary on Nat Geo is that nearly none of the hundreds of accounts of the UFO are similar in the type of craft(s) they saw.

08-04-2023, 08:40 PM
A monumental UFO scandal is looming

The decades-long saga of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) is barreling headlong toward one of two stunning conclusions.

Either the U.S. government has mounted an extraordinary, decades-long coverup of UFO retrieval and reverse-engineering activities, or elements of the defense and intelligence establishment are engaging in a staggeringly brazen psychological disinformation campaign.

Either possibility would have profound implications for democracy, the role of government and perhaps also humanity’s place in the cosmos.

For these reasons, it is imperative that Congress and federal law enforcement agencies devote significant resources to investigating a series of remarkable UFO-related developments.

Importantly, a third explanation for recent events — that dozens of high-level, highly-cleared officials have come to believe enduring UFO myths, rumors and speculation as fact — appears increasingly unlikely.

In June, U.S. Air Force veteran and former intelligence official David Grusch alleged that elements of the U.S. government have secretly and illegally overseen a decades-long UFO retrieval and reverse-engineering effort. Two defense officials corroborated the broad contours of Grusch’s stunning claims.

Grusch has stated that he provided a wealth of highly classified evidence to the powerful internal investigative agencies overseeing the Department of Defense and the U.S intelligence community, but he has not presented any such evidence publicly.

However, the officials and lawmakers who have reviewed Grusch’s classified evidence are taking his extraordinary allegations seriously.

The inspector general of the intelligence community deemed Grusch’s allegations that UFO-related information was inappropriately concealed from Congress “credible and urgent.” Senate Intelligence Vice Chairman Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) confirmed the inspector general’s finding.

I. Charles McCullough, III, the intelligence community’s first inspector general and now an attorney in private practice, represents Grusch and sat directly behind him during a July 26 congressional hearing. It is extremely unlikely that such a high-profile lawyer and former top federal official would represent anyone making the kinds of extraordinary claims that Grusch is without robust evidence.

When asked during the July 26 congressional hearing whether he believes that the U.S. government possesses UFOs, Grusch stated, “Absolutely, based on interviewing over 40 witnesses over four years.”

Grusch continued, “I know the exact locations [of retrieved UFOs], and those locations were provided to the inspector general and…to the [congressional] intelligence committees.” Critically, Grusch stated, “I actually had the people with the first-hand knowledge provide a protected disclosure to the inspector general.”

It is unlikely that Grusch, speaking to Congress under oath, would perjure himself so brazenly over such specific, falsifiable facts, particularly with his high-profile attorney sitting directly behind him.

To that end, it is safe to assume that more than three dozen individuals did indeed tell Grusch of a decades-long UFO retrieval and reverse-engineering program, and that those with “first-hand knowledge” provided corroborating information to the intelligence community inspector general.

One theory for Grusch’s allegations is that the individuals he interviewed became convinced that decades-old myths and rumors of ultra-secret UFO retrieval and reverse-engineering programs are true. However, given the significant penalties for making false statements to an inspector general, it is extremely unlikely that multiple high-level, highly-cleared officials would falsely claim to have first-hand knowledge of myths and rumors.

Rubio and Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, have stated that multiple individuals with first-hand knowledge of Grusch’s allegations have spoken to Congress.

Rubio put it succinctly: “Either what [Grusch] is saying is partially true or entirely true, or we have some really smart, educated people with high clearances and very important positions in our government who are crazy and are leading us on a goose chase.”

“Most of these people,” Rubio continued, “have held very high clearances and high positions within our government. So, you ask yourself: ‘What incentive would so many people with that kind of qualification — these are serious people — have to come forward and make something up?’”

This leaves two extraordinary possibilities — that Grusch is correct and elements within and outside of the U.S. government oversee a decades-old UFO retrieval and reverse-engineering effort – a profound, paradigm-shifting development — or, to quote Grusch, “multiple esteemed and credentialed current and former” government officials “with a long-standing track record of legitimacy and service to this country” are engaging in a brazen disinformation campaign.

For their part, key lawmakers are taking Grusch’s allegations extremely seriously.

On July 13, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) introduced a measure that asserts eminent domain over “any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin…that may be controlled by private persons or entities.” It also defines and contains two dozen references to “non-human intelligence,” a term used frequently by Grusch to denote the uncertain origin of highly advanced technology allegedly retrieved. Such efforts are referred to as a “legacy program” in Schumer’s legislation.

In an in-depth NewsNation interview, Grusch also alleged that non-human remains have been recovered from UFOs. Schumer’s legislation requires that any “biological evidence of non-human intelligence” held by private companies be turned over to the federal government “in the interests of the public good.”

On June 22, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), along with Rubio and two other Republican senators, introduced legislation that would immediately halt funding for precisely the types of illegal, unreported programs described by Grusch.

The bill also instructs individuals with knowledge of such UFO-related activities to disclose all relevant information. It grants legal immunity if the information is reported appropriately within a defined timeframe.

Meanwhile, Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) and Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.), who spearheaded the 26 July congressional hearing featuring Grusch and two former naval aviators, are leading a bipartisan effort to establish a select committee to investigate Grusch’s allegations.

As Rubio stated, if Grusch is correct, “there’s a group of people who believe that they possess something that they don’t need to share with anybody, including elected officials, who they view as temporary employees of the government.”

Rubio likened such a dynamic to “an internal military complex that’s their own government and is accountable to no one” which, ultimately, “would be a huge problem, if it’s even partially true.”

Although such revelations would shake public trust in government to its core, that trust might be rebuilt upon the paradigm-shifting knowledge that humanity is not alone in the cosmos.

Marik von Rennenkampff served as an analyst with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Security and non-proliferation, as well as an Obama administration appointee at the U.S. Department of Defense.


08-04-2023, 08:59 PM

Where is alien craft for everyone to go see or is it about more second hand allegations?

08-04-2023, 10:48 PM
Lol "one of two conclusions"

You guys seriously can't think of more than two?

08-04-2023, 11:20 PM
If I had a dollar for every ‘likely’, ‘extremely likely’, ‘extremely unlikely’ on that wall of text…

08-05-2023, 02:19 AM
If OP believes aliens walk among us why does he still care about Hunter Biden's dick pics?

08-05-2023, 02:55 AM
The day Nono and Chumper have a logical stance will be the first time,,,,,

08-05-2023, 03:03 AM
The day Nono and Chumper have a logical stance will be the first time,,,,,If aliens walk among us, are Hunter Biden dick pics still important to you?

08-05-2023, 03:25 AM
If aliens walk among us, are Hunter Biden dick pics still important to you?

Where did I say aliens walk among us and Biden dick pics are important?,,,i'll wait for your response to prove that because otherwise you are just a dumbfuck who stereotypes people,,,,so lets see it, chumper,,,

08-05-2023, 07:00 AM
Where did I say aliens walk among us and Biden dick pics are important?,,,i'll wait for your response to prove that because otherwise you are just a dumbfuck who stereotypes people,,,,so lets see it, chumper,,,That's why I used the word "if."

:lol you really don't know anything

08-05-2023, 08:22 AM
That's why I used the word "if."

:lol you really don't know anything

Like Yam Tits, he needs a spokesman to explain what the fuck he is saying. :lol

08-05-2023, 03:02 PM
The day Nono and Chumper have a logical stance will be the first time,,,,,

It's illogical to vote for Trump in 2024 but you will be three bright and early at the booth with your maga trucker cap on

08-06-2023, 10:13 PM
im not dismissing the possibility. but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. the testimony of a guy who has a lot of "i heard from people involved with the project" that aliens have visited us through interdimensional travel, who has also claimed that mussolini was involved in a cover up that the pope, through back channels, alerted the US to, is simply not enough for me to take this kind of stuff seriously

pilots seeing things they cant explain is noteworthy. but saying we cant explain it is different from confidently asserting its an extraterrestrial aircraft. while they did make visual contact with an object they couldnt explain, a lot of the hype around, say, the famous tic tac stuff is what the sensors picked up (ie seeing it at 80k feet, then down to some much lower altitude, then some speed, etc), and not what was actually seen. imo its more plausible that sensors had an issue than happening to pick up an advanced alien craft.

...man made ufos, limitless zero point energy, up to 70 extra terrestrial species.....a secret powerful cabal dominates the world...that is reality according to Dr. Steven Greer...


08-06-2023, 11:00 PM
scaler waves


08-07-2023, 01:15 AM
...man made ufos, limitless zero point energy, up to 70 extra terrestrial species.....a secret powerful cabal dominates the world...that is reality according to Dr. Steven Greer...

Oh so he’s a quack

08-07-2023, 01:39 AM
It's illogical to vote for Trump in 2024 but you will be three bright and early at the booth with your maga trucker cap on

You liberals are sure educated,,,,,

08-07-2023, 06:24 PM
You liberals are sure educated,,,,,

At least my error was spell check. Your grammar is retarded on purpose.

08-07-2023, 06:26 PM
...man made ufos, limitless zero point energy, up to 70 extra terrestrial species.....a secret powerful cabal dominates the world...that is reality according to Dr. Steven Greer...


Is this someone important or something?

08-07-2023, 09:24 PM
...man made ufos, limitless zero point energy, up to 70 extra terrestrial species.....a secret powerful cabal dominates the world...that is reality according to Dr. Steven Greer...


He was a doctor of medicine so of course he is an expert.
wtf is it with people thinking Doctors cant possibly be quacks. Even PHDs...?
This guy has made much more money on his UFO books than he did in the emergency room.

Put some letters behind a name and they know all...
Why dont you look into their background next time you put this horse shit up?
UFO ologist....
Weil it could be possible couldn't it? And this is how we got to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

09-13-2023, 02:08 PM

Mexican aliens are really small

09-13-2023, 02:14 PM

Mexican aliens are really small

LMFAO What a bs scam but then again it's MX so... Concrete aliens it is!

09-13-2023, 05:20 PM
When even joey calls snaks out, as he even he does not believe the bullshit. :lmao

09-19-2023, 01:49 AM
muh UFOs :lol

No evidence that UFOs have extraterrestrial origins, NASA finds

A panel of scientific experts commissioned by NASA to study “unidentified anomalous phenomena,” more widely known as UFOs, said Thursday that it found no evidence that any of the reported objects were extraterrestrial in origin.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/nasa-ufo-report-uap-panel (https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/09/14/nasa-ufo-report-uap-panel/)

09-20-2023, 12:27 PM
This is the highest ranking defense intelligence official to ever come forward with something like this.

Two days ago the former minority staff director of the Senate Intelligence Committee and former deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Intelligence.


This is a coordinated release. Many more will be coming forward I’m sure.

This is mind blowingly terrifying and exciting at the same time.

Poor fella