View Full Version : For Some Reason, House Republicans Don't Want Kids To Have Free School Lunches

06-17-2023, 08:45 AM
I guess they are taking a break from the war on men in the "wrong" clothing to go after poor kids.

For the GOP, the cruelty is the point, and the war on the poor continues, using another shitty policy initiative.


Among the many other things Republicans want to achieve for this great nation, like cutting Social Security and Medicare, making Trump's 2017 tax cuts permanent, and imposing work requirements for any child using a public library (look, just give them time), a proposed federal budget for 2024 lists as a top Republican priority the banning of any federal funds for universal free school meal programs.

You see, during the pandemic, the USDA's school nutrition program made it easy for schools to provide no-cost meals to all students, not just to those whose families qualify for free or discounted meals. Schools liked being freed from the administrative costs of figuring out which kids got free meals and which kids had to pay, and it eliminated the horrible Shame Sandwich for children whose parents hadn't refilled their lunch account, to say nothing of the weird spectacle of lunch ladies dumping perfectly good meals into the garbage to teach kids a lesson about responsibility.

As the New Republic reports, "California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, New Mexico, and as of this week, Vermont" are all instituting various forms of universal free school meals, and another 21 states are considering following suit. Isn't that wonderful? Happy kids, ready to learn because they have full tummies!

Unfortunately, Republicans just really hate the idea that anyone might get government benefits that they haven't earned by being an agribusiness, multinational bank, or oil company, so the 2024 budget proposal from the Republican Study Committee targets a federal program that allows some school districts to provide free meals to every student.

Or as the heading in the proposal puts it, the Rs want to "Focus School Lunch Subsidies on Those Who Actually Need Them." The idea is in a section of the budget titled "OPPORTUNITY THROUGH EMPOWERMENT AND SELF-SUFFICIENCY," because obviously people can only be "empowered" by having nice things taken from them. Republicans love empowering lower-income folks, and if the Rs had their druthers, the poor would have to empower their fingers to the bone for every last scrap of food.

As the New Republic 'splains, the Republican Study Committee budget would

eliminate the Community Eligibility Provision, or CEP, from the School Lunch Program. Why? Because “CEP allows certain schools to provide free school lunches regardless of the individual eligibility of each student.”

The horror.
Now, the CEP isn't even used by every school in the country anyway. It's targeted at schools in low-income areas, and

enables schools that predominantly serve children from low-income backgrounds to offer all students free breakfast and lunch, instead of means-testing them and having to manage collecting applications on an individual basis. As with many universal-oriented programs, it is more practically efficient and, as a bonus, lifts all boats.
Well, damn, you can see why Republicans think that's terrible. As we've seen with other efforts allegedly aimed at "fiscal responsibility," like work requirements or Iowa's recent efforts to sharply limit the foods that can be bought with SNAP (food stamp) benefits, Republicans will spare no expense if it can put the screws to people who are not well off but not absolutely destitute. Besides, they just know that some boats deserve to sink.


06-17-2023, 09:33 AM
"...Just over a week ago, North Dakota lawmakers voted to prevent giving free school lunches to low-income students. Then, on Thursday, they voted to increase the amount of money they get to spend on their own lunch.


06-17-2023, 12:09 PM
No understanding that eating at school is very important to academic performance. Especially early years.
Its almost like trying to create a permanent under class through educational hurdles.
"We need people to clean houses, Rumbas only do so much. Oh and do yard work. We need under educated people to do these jobs"

Keep people stupid for menial labor.
Lets do our best to keep that permanent underclass.

06-17-2023, 12:15 PM
You mean taxpayer-funded processed junk food.

No understanding that eating at school is very important to academic performance. Especially early years.

Eating real, healthy food like a nice green greek salad and non-processed, no-added chemical entrees, yes... but no french fries... no candy... no "instant" / institutionalized fake food. And don't even get me started on the processed public school cafeteria "Mystery Meat". Carcinogenic, fattening, disgusting, and overall toxic.

Eating processed garbage is worse than not eating at all until dinner. Heck, I didn't eat cafeteria lunch (NISD) throughout high school, and I was top of my class. I used that time to knock out any homework that I hadn't finished in any of the other classes. I believed back then that those institutionalized cafeteria school lunches were a means of poisoning the masses from an early age and I believe that to this date.

Also, lunch is the least important meal of the day. If I were running a school I'd replace lunch with study/social hour. Kids with certain medical needs can bring their own lunch from home. Lunch basically makes kids into long term fat people. It would be a lot more sustainable and lead to long term fitness if people only ate once or twice per day.

06-17-2023, 01:10 PM

06-17-2023, 01:49 PM
You mean taxpayer-funded processed junk food.

Eating real, healthy food like a nice green greek salad and non-processed, no-added chemical entrees, yes... but no french fries... no candy... no "instant" / institutionalized fake food. And don't even get me started on the processed public school cafeteria "Mystery Meat". Carcinogenic, fattening, disgusting, and overall toxic.

Eating processed garbage is worse than not eating at all until dinner. Heck, I didn't eat cafeteria lunch (NISD) throughout high school, and I was top of my class. I used that time to knock out any homework that I hadn't finished in any of the other classes. I believed back then that those institutionalized cafeteria school lunches were a means of poisoning the masses from an early age and I believe that to this date.

Also, lunch is the least important meal of the day. If I were running a school I'd replace lunch with study/social hour. Kids with certain medical needs can bring their own lunch from home. Lunch basically makes kids into long term fat people. It would be a lot more sustainable and lead to long term fitness if people only ate once or twice per day.

As opposed to not getting fed.
You are such a simpleton; its amazing. BTW it not just lunch.
Do you know what only biomolecule that neurons use for energy is... its glucose.
Do you know what neurons are?
Do you know what glucose is?

Feed the damn kids Pizza or whatever instead of not getting a meal at all.
You have no clue that this country has malnourished people, more than just eating the right foods for longevity.
You have such a narrow minded take its absolutely incredible. ESPECIALLY IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. The formative years. They need to eat something.

The indictment for school lunches being bad is a huge tier up from no food for lunch bozo... I totally agree with your second tier argument.

It is indeed a bad idea to get you "started" when you have no clue. Its like saying kids should learn to add when they cant even count or know what a number is.

06-17-2023, 02:22 PM
So M and M learned how to steal food out of soup kitchens and get away with it as an adult.
Now he claims he has moved up the social scale enough to occasionally visit a Cracker Barrel to vibe with like minded citizens.
Therefore a six yo should be able to do good school work while extraordinarily hungry.

*Expect incoming on the demerits given by said food expert on Cracker Barrel thereby avoiding the real issue.

06-17-2023, 08:14 PM
As opposed to not getting fed.
You are such a simpleton; its amazing. BTW it not just lunch.
Do you know what only biomolecule that neurons use for energy is... its glucose.
Do you know what neurons are?
Do you know what glucose is?

Feed the damn kids Pizza or whatever instead of not getting a meal at all.
You have no clue that this country has malnourished people, more than just eating the right foods for longevity.
You have such a narrow minded take its absolutely incredible. ESPECIALLY IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. The formative years. They need to eat something.

The indictment for school lunches being bad is a huge tier up from no food for lunch bozo... I totally agree with your second tier argument.

It is indeed a bad idea to get you "started" when you have no clue. Its like saying kids should learn to add when they cant even count or know what a number is.

Especially in elementary school..... The majority of the food should be eaten at home. It's the parents' responsibility to feed and raise their kids, not the taxpayers'.

And no.... the parents shouldn't have to buy 100% organic food or they're bad parents. When economically viable, yes, but just buying fresh stuff that isn't processed and loaded with chemicals, and actually cooking it at home instead of buying the microwave crap is part of fundamental parenting.

It's the left's fault that the nuclear family has been largely decimated and broken and that the proportion of women and mothers that are able to cook has been declining drastically each and every generation. Equal responsibility for Woke Capitalism like McDonald's and the like who has run amok and gotten Americans into a lazy culture cycle of buying kids shitty takeout instead of cooking dinner at home.

I was fortunate and lucky enough to be raised by a mom who is, in my opinion, the best cook in the world, even better than most restaurants'. I will always be thin, fit, and healthy because of that and not eating shitty public school cafeteria breakfast or lunch. I was proactive and used lunch as a time to get my other classwork and homework done, or study for a test later in the day if and when necessary. Also, medium and large quantity calorie consumption objectively causes short-term drowsiness, which causes decreased academic and examination performance in students. I remember vividly falling asleep in 7th period the few times I brought a ham sandwich to school in 7th grade, but, conversely, staying alert and acing almost every damn test all 4 years when I used the lunch period to study instead of stuff my face.

I think that a big part of America's obesity epidemic is the school cafeteria food and the culture of eating THREE (!!) times per day. Aside from the healthy food vs. shitty processed food like pizza and fries argument, Calorie reduction and intermittent fasting are both scientifically proven to promote longevity, decreased cancer risk, long term organ protection including the heart and brain.

As for glucose, kids get enough of that at home... why do they also need taxpayer funded junk food at school? PARENTS raise kids, PARENTS feed kids. Not public-sector bureaucrats or taxpayers. The Left just doesn't get it. Muh Hillary "it takes a village" rhetoric is stage 4 glioblastoma.

06-17-2023, 09:04 PM
Especially in elementary school..... The majority of the food should be eaten at home. It's the parents' responsibility to feed and raise their kids, not the taxpayers'.

And no.... the parents shouldn't have to buy 100% organic food or they're bad parents. When economically viable, yes, but just buying fresh stuff that isn't processed and loaded with chemicals, and actually cooking it at home instead of buying the microwave crap is part of fundamental parenting.

It's the left's fault that the nuclear family has been largely decimated and broken and that the proportion of women and mothers that are able to cook has been declining drastically each and every generation. Equal responsibility for Woke Capitalism like McDonald's and the like who has run amok and gotten Americans into a lazy culture cycle of buying kids shitty takeout instead of cooking dinner at home.

I was fortunate and lucky enough to be raised by a mom who is, in my opinion, the best cook in the world, even better than most restaurants'. I will always be thin, fit, and healthy because of that and not eating shitty public school cafeteria breakfast or lunch. I was proactive and used lunch as a time to get my other classwork and homework done, or study for a test later in the day if and when necessary. Also, medium and large quantity calorie consumption objectively causes short-term drowsiness, which causes decreased academic and examination performance in students. I remember vividly falling asleep in 7th period the few times I brought a ham sandwich to school in 7th grade, but, conversely, staying alert and acing almost every damn test all 4 years when I used the lunch period to study instead of stuff my face.

I think that a big part of America's obesity epidemic is the school cafeteria food and the culture of eating THREE (!!) times per day. Aside from the healthy food vs. shitty processed food like pizza and fries argument, Calorie reduction and intermittent fasting are both scientifically proven to promote longevity, decreased cancer risk, long term organ protection including the heart and brain.

As for glucose, kids get enough of that at home... why do they also need taxpayer funded junk food at school? PARENTS raise kids, PARENTS feed kids. Not public-sector bureaucrats or taxpayers. The Left just doesn't get it. Muh Hillary "it takes a village" rhetoric is stage 4 glioblastoma.

Mothers dont cook because they have to work.
Thats the biggest change.
Poverty is the major cause of breaking the family. The biggest problem that causes splits in the family is FINANCIAL.

Understand this. The taxpayer will pay for these kids who fall behind and cant navigate society one way or another.
You fkn red retards dont understand you pay early on and give them a chance or you pay later from problems with the law etc...
The biggest problem with this country is that the middle class is gone. There are many more people in poverty combined with a small ultra wealthy super rich.
This is at heart a money problem. Its starts with me, me, me, and continues with the sickness of hoarding money.

You are a part of the problem ya little shit, its right in front of your face. You stole food and you lecture... utter ignorance.

06-17-2023, 09:40 PM
And this is the guy who has this need to impregnate as many women as possible in various sales stops along his way points driving the country...


YOU want to make a village and then move on?

06-17-2023, 10:30 PM
And this is the guy who has this need to impregnate as many women as possible in various sales stops along his way points driving the country...


YOU want to make a village and then move on?

Flip flopping as conservative opposed to Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.

06-17-2023, 11:22 PM
Call it it out for what it is: an all out assault on public education. They want their own special education replete with alt facts.

06-17-2023, 11:27 PM
And this is the guy who has this need to impregnate as many women as possible in various sales stops along his way points driving the country...


YOU want to make a village and then move on?

That is Dale or someone pretending to be a millennial. Think about creating a annoying character. What kind of person are boomers and millennials going to hate? Well millennials are famously upset with their lack of upward success and boomers just hate 'uppity' kids. Ask yourself what is his story time always about?

He is no more a millennial than you are

06-18-2023, 06:56 PM
That is Dale or someone pretending to be a millennial. Think about creating a annoying character. What kind of person are boomers and millennials going to hate? Well millennials are famously upset with their lack of upward success and boomers just hate 'uppity' kids. Ask yourself what is his story time always about?

He is no more a millennial than you are

I seriously dont think about making an annoying character.
What I post may be incredibly annoying but its just me on a board waiting for it to cool down outside right now.

06-18-2023, 07:11 PM
I seriously dont think about making an annoying character.
What I post may be incredibly annoying but its just me on a board waiting for it to cool down outside right now.

I am talking about MM.

06-18-2023, 07:15 PM
tr:lolll detective

06-18-2023, 07:17 PM
I am talking about MM.


I got that.

06-18-2023, 07:23 PM
tr:lolll detective

I get your whole thing is to take them at face value and devolve into your OCD nonsense. Sorry that this makes you look like a dumbass for doing it.

06-18-2023, 07:38 PM
I get your whole thing is to take them at face value and devolve into your OCD nonsense. Sorry that this makes you look like a dumbass for doing it.I get your thing is obsessing over other posters.

What does your therapist think about that?

06-18-2023, 07:39 PM
I get your thing is obsessing over other posters.

What does your therapist think about that?

You but into my conversation to try and throw a dig and you want to tell me about obsession. :rollin

06-18-2023, 07:40 PM
You but into my conversation to try and throw a dig and you want to tell me about obsession. :rollin

Projection at its finest... Oh how fucking sweet it is. :rollin

06-18-2023, 07:41 PM
You but into my conversation to try and throw a dig and you want to tell me about obsession. :rollinI simply called you troll detective.

Do you consider that an insult?

Yes or no.

Let me know with a simple answer.

06-18-2023, 07:42 PM
I simply called you troll detective.

Do you consider that an insult?

Yes or no.

Again, I do not play your OCD games, creeper.

And I can get why you would dissemble. Coward.

06-18-2023, 07:44 PM
Again, I do not play your OCD games, creeper.

And I can get why you would dissemble. Coward.I mean you obviously took it as an insult, but you're too much of a coward to just say so.

Ask your therapist about your nonresponse.

Also ask your therapist if your years' long obsession with Joey is healthy.

06-18-2023, 09:20 PM
Universal free school lunches is a dumb idea

06-18-2023, 09:23 PM
Universal free school lunches is a dumb idea


06-18-2023, 10:40 PM
tr:lolll detective

I wonder if he's gonna purchase his own ST Rolodex. Like dmc.

06-18-2023, 10:41 PM
Universal free school lunches is a dumb idea

Just curious, what about free lunches for politicians?

06-19-2023, 12:47 PM
"...Just over a week ago, North Dakota lawmakers voted to prevent giving free school lunches to low-income students. Then, on Thursday, they voted to increase the amount of money they get to spend on their own lunch.



06-19-2023, 07:49 PM

Good for them realizing what a shit move it would have been

06-19-2023, 08:00 PM

Amazingly cheap for what it accomplishes. Might as well just feed all the kids and not worry about checking eligibility.:tu

06-20-2023, 12:42 AM
means testing for kids food...

06-20-2023, 10:55 AM
means testing for kids food...
