View Full Version : The Army Finally Fielded Its Drone-Killing Laser Weapon.

10-13-2023, 12:13 PM

The U.S. Army has just fielded its first laser weapon-equipped unit, possibly the first of its kind in the entire world. Based at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, the unit took possession of four laser-equipped Stryker infantry combat vehicles, each mounting a 50-kilowatt-class laser weapon system. The combination of Stryker and laser, which the Army calls DE M-SHORAD, can down both drones and artillery such as mortars and rockets in-flight.


10-13-2023, 12:36 PM
Just thank Christ McVeigh has already passed, eh, RG? tee, hee.https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/original-6526bdf18da5e.jpg

The U.S. Army has just fielded its first laser weapon-equipped unit, possibly the first of its kind in the entire world. Based at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, the unit took possession of four laser-equipped Stryker infantry combat vehicles, each mounting a 50-kilowatt-class laser weapon system. The combination of Stryker and laser, which the Army calls DE M-SHORAD, can down both drones and artillery such as mortars and rockets in-flight.
