View Full Version : Add Iverson to "overrated whiny bitches list"

12-04-2005, 12:33 AM
"They let him be as aggressive from the beginning to the end of the game," Iverson said. "They just let him get away with a lot of stuff, that's all it is."

- on bowen's defense on him


Horry For 3!
12-04-2005, 12:35 AM
another player you can add to the BOWNED list.

12-04-2005, 12:37 AM
Seems like A.I. might have a rash.

12-04-2005, 12:43 AM
LOLOL@Bowned. i like A.I. but never thought he would ever complain like that...i guess Bowen really does get to the best of them

The Hustler
12-04-2005, 12:55 AM
iverson is the man.

bruce is one of the best.

case closed.

manu and tp would be bitching too if bruce was on another team defending them...belleve dat. well.....maybe not manu...:lol

T Park
12-04-2005, 01:03 AM
He isn't bitching.

He is just telling the truth.

Bowen got away with playing close D on Iverson tonight, and got away with lots of contact.

12-04-2005, 01:05 AM
When basically everyone Bruce guards says he uses dirty tactics, you got to wonder a little bit, don't you?

I think Bruce is awesome. And, if the refs don't catch or call the clutching and grabbing and other little dirty tricks, by all means, he should take advantage.

But, that doesn't mean he doesn't do them.

The Hustler
12-04-2005, 01:06 AM
bruce's rep precedes him.

the refs let him play. no blood? no foul. :tu

12-04-2005, 01:06 AM
He isn't bitching.

He is just telling the truth.

Bowen got away with playing close D on Iverson tonight, and got away with lots of contact.

Half of Iverson's points come off fouls...

He just hated the fact that he didn't get many, and when he did they were bs.

The guy's a ragdoll and he's whining..

T Park
12-04-2005, 01:09 AM
When basically everyone Bruce guards says he uses dirty tactics, you got to wonder a little bit, don't you?

Not really.

Cause from what I watch, he doesn't do anything dirty.

Hes not gouging eyes, yanking down shorts (ahem AI), nor is he doing anything to injure on purpose.

If someoe wants to say he does any of THAT, they are wrong.

If they say what he does, and its NOT of the above things, and they still call it dirty?
They they are wrong again.

That simple.

George W. Bush
12-04-2005, 01:14 AM
Just don't throw a cup of ice at bruce. That niggas crazy in a bottle. Ooops. Sorry Dick. It just slipped out. :oops

12-04-2005, 01:29 AM
Just don't throw a cup of ice at bruce. That niggas crazy in a bottle. Ooops. Sorry Dick. It just slipped out. :oops

Chalk it up!

12-04-2005, 01:37 AM
Bruce just does what everyone else in the league does and holds, grabs, does whatever he can...and hopes he doesn't get caught...

...but he combines that with superior perimeter "showing hands" defense and he never gives up on a play...

A.I. is the man...but damn...Shut up!!!

12-04-2005, 02:26 AM
Referees from all over the leauge allow Bruce do his dirty tactics.
All the referees on one Bowen.

So maybe NBA should change all the refs or just suspend Bowen for ever.

I never thought that Iver will be Bowned. Never.
This is crazy Bowen can matchup with every wing in this leauge and a PG. wow.

I thought that Tony will guard Iver. Oh well

(BTW 37pts and at least 10 was in garbage)

12-04-2005, 02:28 AM
Naw AI isn't the man, he's just a baby faced thug who likes to pad his stats in garbage time.

12-04-2005, 02:29 AM
funny how he doesnt complain when he gets pounded by other players, but when bowen bowneds him he complains. sorry AI you overrated player ive ever seen to statpad in scrub minutes...

12-04-2005, 02:58 AM
I did notice AI trying to get his points after game was pretty much decided.

12-04-2005, 03:36 AM
I like AI because he's a warrior and he has balls when the game is on the line. Bowen gets away with alot because he is consistant every night. If he just played physical against the "studs" like a Kobe, T-Mac or Iverson then the refs might look at it a little different. Bruce plays the same way against no-names and below .500 teams as he does the superstars and legit playoff bound squads. AI is just venting, and showing he can be as big a BITCH as the next guy when his emotions get in the way. Iverson is still cool in my opinion and he will never be put in the "Gay Ray" category of cry baby bitches!

12-04-2005, 08:35 AM
Iverson doesn't care the score or the time in the game. When he's on the court, he goes 110%. You would think him being in the league for as long as he has, you guys would know that. It wasn't him padding his stats in scrub minutes. He plays hard all the time.

Bruce did a great job on Ivo in the third quarter. AI got frustrated. Bruce does have a few dirty tricks. Can't understand why some Spurs fans still deny that.

Last year, in a regular season game between Detroit and Philadelphia, Larry Brown put Tayshaun Prince on Allen Iverson, and that completely neutralized him. Iverson was frustrated. He didn't say Tayshaun got away with things all night long.

You got to understand that if all these players continually say that Bruce gets away with things that there has to be some merit to what they're saying.

I respect Bruce a lot. I think he's a world class defender. And, I think it's cool he never justifies any of the talk that he's dirty and he just shrugs it off or somewhat laughs at the notion. But, I have to believe that even he knows he does some dirty things to gain defensive advantages against opponents. You can crack on those players and call them whining bitches. But, as that list grows longer, the more the validity to those claims that he does get away with a lot.

12-04-2005, 08:39 AM
Amuseddaysleeper, your posting is hilarious...it works well with that video that plays along with it. I'd love to see someone kick AI, though. He's good, but a pussy (and will never win a ring).

12-04-2005, 09:22 AM
Amuseddaysleeper, your posting is hilarious...it works well with that video that plays along with it. I'd love to see someone kick AI, though. He's good, but a pussy (and will never win a ring).

hahaha i totally forgot about the little video in my sig in relation to this thread! lol it'll be a bit more hypocritical for me to stand up for bowen now! haha

12-04-2005, 09:36 AM
Iverson doesn't care the score or the time in the game. When he's on the court, he goes 110%. You would think him being in the league for as long as he has, you guys would know that. It wasn't him padding his stats in scrub minutes. He plays hard all the time.

Bruce did a great job on Ivo in the third quarter. AI got frustrated. Bruce does have a few dirty tricks. Can't understand why some Spurs fans still deny that.

Last year, in a regular season game between Detroit and Philadelphia, Larry Brown put Tayshaun Prince on Allen Iverson, and that completely neutralized him. Iverson was frustrated. He didn't say Tayshaun got away with things all night long.

You got to understand that if all these players continually say that Bruce gets away with things that there has to be some merit to what they're saying.

I respect Bruce a lot. I think he's a world class defender. And, I think it's cool he never justifies any of the talk that he's dirty and he just shrugs it off or somewhat laughs at the notion. But, I have to believe that even he knows he does some dirty things to gain defensive advantages against opponents. You can crack on those players and call them whining bitches. But, as that list grows longer, the more the validity to those claims that he does get away with a lot.

I agree. Bruce plays stellar defense but you know he's a master at "bending the rules" and throwing in some illegal stuff. The hand is quicker than the eye and Bruce, being a black belt, has some very quick hands.

Just like Ginobili "embellishes" contact and has become a master flopper. As a competitor you take whatever advantages you can to get the W. Both these guys work really hard but make no mistake, they both take advantages of weaknesses in the system.

More power to them. :fro

12-04-2005, 09:36 AM

12-04-2005, 09:39 AM
Iverson is still cool in my opinion and he will never be put in the "Gay Ray" category of cry baby bitches!


12-04-2005, 11:18 AM
:lol Why do people keep saying that AI was trying to "stat pad" in the end there? I believe he got the Sixers to withing 9 with about a 1 minute and 10 sec left or something. That's still plenty of time to get something done (Can you say TMac 13 points in 35 sec?). For those of you who don't watch much of Sixers basketball, you'd know realize that that's just the way AI plays, he never, ever gives up. He's not trying to stat pad...I think his 3 scoring titles speak for themselves, he's just not giving up.

As for the Bruce Bowen quote, I think AI just said that out of frustration.

Anyways, Spurs got the W!

12-04-2005, 11:36 AM
funny how he doesnt complain when he gets pounded by other players, but when bowen bowneds him he complains. sorry AI you overrated player ive ever seen to statpad in scrub minutes...

AI gets his points in scrub minutes? - dude he lights up people for the whole game - that guy has the biggest heart of anyone in the league. he had 37 on 15 for 32 shooting and you say he got bowned ? he only shot 8 free throws. bowen got AIed

Aggie Hoopsfan
12-04-2005, 11:57 AM
I'm disappointed AI felt the need to complain, he's usually a warrior.

When basically everyone Bruce guards says he uses dirty tactics, you got to wonder a little bit, don't you?

No, not unless you're a whiny fan of another team. Look, you can call Bowen dirty all you want. The fact is you know the league has looked at his play in depth and decided there's nothing wrong with how he plays defense.

Or are you going to go the whiny ass Laker bitch way and insinuate that all the refs in the league are in a conspiracy with the small market Spurs?

12-04-2005, 11:58 AM
"playing hard" = had AI for 35+ points in vBookie

"stat padding" = had AI for 21-25 points in vBookie

F'ing stat padder.

12-04-2005, 12:00 PM
BTW, I'm on record for a long, long time as saying Bruce does some questionable stuff.

Also on record that he's my favorite Spur.

12-04-2005, 01:50 PM
AI gets his points in scrub minutes? - dude he lights up people for the whole game - that guy has the biggest heart of anyone in the league. he had 37 on 15 for 32 shooting and you say he got bowned ? he only shot 8 free throws. bowen got AIed
did you watch the game?
and yes, the 3rd quarter is also part of "the whole game".

12-04-2005, 02:12 PM
The 76ers got 34 FTs compared to 17 for the Spurs. The refs sure screwed them.

12-04-2005, 05:33 PM
did you watch the game?
and yes, the 3rd quarter is also part of "the whole game".

yes and i saw bowen on him in the 2nd quarter too

12-09-2005, 02:04 AM
yes and i saw bowen on him in the 2nd quarter too
Just pulling out random things that was obviously wrong.

12-09-2005, 02:28 AM
a lot of players tried hard to stop IA. He's got most abused body in the NBA bec he is a warrior, bangs his body a lot, likes toying against big men. His shot can be limted but, i think there's really nobody who can stop Iverson.

and i think one article suggesting some points on how to stop him seems ridiculous....and SCARY.


Is there an answer for "The Answer"?

Can Allen Iverson be stopped, contained or, at the very least, be made uncomfortable?
Is the only way to stop him to knock him out?

In truth, Iverson is so quick, tough and multi-talented that no single strategy will minimize his effectiveness. Different teams try various tactics depending upon the proclivities of coaches and their available personnel.

Let us count the ways. …

1. The best way to neutralize Iverson (and every other big-time scorer) is to keep the ball out of his hands. Small guards equipped with genetic jet-speed can try to overplay and deny him the ball, as the Lakers' Tyronn Lue did so well in the 2001 NBA Finals. Yet, because of the relative scarcity of hot-footed backcourt men (T. J. Ford and Tony Parker are the exceptions that prove the rule), Iverson usually receives the ball when and where he wishes.

2. Double-teaming Iverson will almost certainly force him to give up the ball. The trouble here is that he frequently receives it a step above the 3-point line and in the middle of the court. This means that Iverson's sightlines to both his left and right are so good that a relatively short pass generally finds an unguarded teammate.

A sideline double-team, however, allows the defense to cover the short passes, zone the weak side and force Iverson to throw long crosscourt passes. The longer a pass is in the air, the easier it is to be intercepted. In any event, teams that choose to two-time Iverson are advised to send a big guard or small forward after him to reduce his field of vision.

3. Play the percentages; soften the defensive pressure, and let him shoot from the outskirts. Subtract Iverson's layups, and his shooting accuracy dwindles to close to 30 percent. The bonus here is that the more he fires from afar, the less he penetrates, dishes and involves his teammates in the offense.

When players become spectators on offense, they tend to become passive on defense, too. The inherent danger in employing this particular option, though, is the real possibility that Iverson will shoot the lights out. But it's a risk well worth taking.

4. Force him sideline and jump him with a big man. But that's risky business because it can leave a large (if temporary) gap in the bosom of the defense.

5. Sometimes Iverson plays like a two-guard and runs a variety of off-the-ball patterns designed to create enough space for him to receive a pass and go to work.

Typically, these patterns include moves called baseline "snakes," where he utilizes a pair of screens (set on or near the opposite boxes) in whatever sequences he desires. Some teams will "top" these screens, then try to jump into the passing lane — another risky tactic that usually results in a wide-open look for AI.

Should Iverson's defender closely follow him through the screens (a maneuver called "tailgating"), the defensive "bigs" must step out to discourage him from curling into an open space. This step-out must be forceful, even antagonistic. If the big man must commit a foul, the contact should inflict as much pain as possible.

Occasionally, Iverson's path around these baseline screens will be blocked (or "bucked") by his defender in hopes of disrupting the play's timing. This is the most dangerous strategy of all because it is particularly vulnerable to Iverson's ability to reverse and go back-door.

The common ground here is in the attempt to make him work as hard as possible to get where he wants to go.

6. When Iverson is presented with a screen-role situation, the defense has several options. It can go under the screen and let him shoot (see No. 1). It can have a big man show hard on the other side of the screen to delay Iverson until his man catches up, but then the other defenders must rotate in a hurry to keep the screener from easily rolling toward the hoop. Or the defense can simply double Iverson with the big man and then form a zone in the direction AI is moving, thereby forcing him to make a quick about-face reversal pass.

One disastrous option, however, is to switch and have a big man try to defend Iverson far from the basket.

7. Play a zone, preferably a 2-3 alignment pointed at Iverson to prevent him from darting between (or "splitting") the two backcourt defenders.

8. Be extremely physical. Bang him to the floor whenever possible and hope the refs won't whistle every single foul. The trouble here is that Iverson is as shifty as a running back — and just as hard to nail straight-on. And no matter how hard he's hit (usually one solid shot per game), he will always jump back up and hit the same hole as fearlessly as before.

9. Whenever Iverson releases a long jumper, his defender immediately takes off down the court — called "running out." In theory, this puts added pressure on Iverson to make the shot, possibly compromising his natural stroke because a miss followed by a defensive rebound and a long pass will produce an unguarded layup at the other end. Even though this maneuver is rarely used, it can be highly effective.

Tall, long-armed defenders like Kobe Bryant can buy A.I.'s fakes and still recover in time to challenge his shots. (Jesse D. Garrabrant / Getty Images)

10. Push him left toward a prearranged help spot. As always, the helper should be big and long.

11. One historically successful ploy is to defend Iverson with a bigger, longer player such as Kobe Bryant, Luol Deng, Eddie Jones or Corey Maggette. The idea is to counter Iverson's jab step, a quick and convincing step toward the basket that invariably causes the defender to retreat and allows AI to step back and unleash jumpers.

Tall, long-armed defenders can also buy Iverson's fakes and still recover to challenge his shots. This is the most effective way to discomfort Iverson, but it also results in a negative side-effect: The defender assigned this task won't have much leftover energy to fulfill whatever responsibilities he might have on offense.

12. Iverson is strictly a rhythm shooter, oftentimes likely to go off for 40 points or more. The trick here is not to let him get a good look right out of the box. The best way to accomplish this is to foul him hard the first few times that he touches the ball. Later, should he make a few shots in a row, bang him to the floor again and again.

Like Nos. 1, 9 and 11, this is heartily recommended.

13. Make Iverson work to the max on defense to sap his energy and possibly get him into foul trouble. Iso him and take him into the low-post.

14. Mix and match every defensive possibility to keep Iverson (and the Sixers) guessing. Don't stay with one technique long enough for Iverson to get comfortable, and save the most effective tactic for the end of the game.

Iverson's former teammates, Aaron McKie, swears that none of the above will inhibit AI's ability to control a ball game, saying, "The only way to neutralize Iverson is to triple-team him."

So perhaps the only real answer to "The Answer" is to pose another question, one as mystical and elusive as a Zen Koan. This: If the question is un-askable and unanswerable, does either the question or the answer truly exist?

Charley Rosen, Foxsports


btw, he doesn't belong in the list. He's not Carter or Allen.