View Full Version : Actually Pop might be a genius....tbh. Some thoughts after 1 Quarter into the Season.

12-18-2023, 03:51 AM
Sure this season is a loss cause but Pop's refusal to play Tre Jones with Wemby or get a good PG is actually a strategy for the long run.

1) Without a good PG, it would force Wemby to really show the world what he have, talents and skillswise offensively. Yes, it could be ugly and expose Wemby's mistakes and weakness. But knowing Wemby's competitiveness, work ethic and willing to learn attitude, all these mistakes and embarrassment will drive Wemby to train crazy hard in the coming offseason (although the Paris Olympics might delay the training a bit).

Pop want to leave no doubts to Wemby that the NBA is "not easy". Scouts, GMs etc may praise Wemby is the best prospect of all time with GOAT potential but it is for Wemby to really understand that it will not happen automatically unless Wemby really put in real hard work in order to get somewhere. Tbh, there are just too many number 1 picks who have the talents but don't have the work ethics and drive to train hard. Pop just want this season to really drill it into Wemby's bone that he is not adequate and hence Wemby would always keep this fire burning even when he get MVPs in his latter years.

I am sure Wemby by now is already aware that he currently don't have the dribbling skills and handle to attack from the perimeter in the NBA. Take KD as example, KD trained hard after his rookie year and his handle really tightened and it became a unsolvable weapon starting from his sophomore year. I remember even Kobe mentioned this in a interview (once KD tightened his handle, Kobe knew it was over. There is nothing stopping KD from driving and he became one of the best pull up shooter)

So if Wemby can start the next step like KD, his "individual" offensive skills would be up a whole notch. Wemby has shown desires to attack from the perimeter and also admitted that he watched a lot of KD's tapes. So becoming like KD is still something possible. But there is still something that can unlock Wemby's offensively even higher.

2) Now that is where a good PG comes in. Beside able to create his own shot by attacking the perimeter with a better handle, now imagine if there is a good PG who can throw him lobs to get easy transition points or at least get fouled and get to the FT line. This lob attack is something that even KD is not privileged to have. Wemby is blessed with the height and the length and the mobility to get transition points and a good PG will truly unlock Wemby's offensive talents. Pop might not want Wemby to be complacent if he can get easy points through a good PG now and results in Wemby not being motivated to train his individual offensive skills. In addition, without a good PG now, it would leave a great territory of untapped potential that Wemby can be much better (i.e. not showing the world what Wemby truly can do). What is important now is that Wemby understand by heart that he can be better individually and don't take wins for granted and be complacent.

Hence, this is why Pop is being patient and playing the long game. Yes, it might look bleak now. But once things finally come together, the Spurs could have 1 of the best turnaround wins season again.


12-18-2023, 04:12 AM
Continue on...

On Sochan:

Yes, the PG experiment on Sochan failed and now Branham is carrying on the torch. But in this "experiment" season, Pop is just trying to audition the guys to see who would fit with Wemby when he is "ready" to takeover. Putting Sochan as the PG is a gamble and also to see what Sochan is really made of.

Can Sochan figures it out? Is there PG potential in him? Pop is simply throwing him into the fire like he did with Tony. Sink or Swim? Tony figures things out and swimmed. The NBA is a tough and cut throat league. If you are not good enough then you will be replaced and exposed eventually.

Sochan need a mid-range jumper and respectable 3% to survive in the league tbh. He is not best perimeter defender or a top rebounder. Now his playmaking skill has regressed from his rookie season and thus far he has revealed that he has tunnel vision and also the worst chemistry with Wemby.

This is only his 2nd year so Sochan still can improve. But he has to put in the hard work. Take comparison with Nephew who was not scouted for his offensive skills during his college days. But now Nephew has become one of the best unstoppable 1 on 1 player with a Jordanesque pull up jumper. It is up to Sochan to sink or swim. Or he may not get the rookie extension and he will not be with Spurs after his rookie contract ends.

John B
12-18-2023, 04:51 AM
Finally someone who gets it….

Don’t forget to add.. the Spurs are about to get two top-10 lottery picks instead of one in the process, to draft or use to trade for that elusive starting point guard and/or whatever player(s) Pop sees fit to compliment Wemby’s game.

Only Pop can pull it off. He has the credentials to back him up, and assure the owners that it’s for the better. Other coaches would be pressured to win to keep their job. Not Pop. Cause while others play checkers, the PATFO plays chess and 25 moves ahead at that. :bobo

12-18-2023, 05:29 AM

12-18-2023, 10:31 AM
Used Pop Shorts
$799.00 each
Check or money order

Sniffers Warehouse
PO Box 4567
San Antonio Texas

Supplies are limited!

12-18-2023, 10:41 AM

12-18-2023, 10:42 AM
a genius? what about dumb luck

12-18-2023, 10:43 AM
Laying it on a little thick. But overall, a sneaky second tank while focusing on player development is ultimately ideal. The team severely lacks talent, and two top ten picks will solve that. Pop IS the only coach in the league that can lose 60ish games back to back and still keep his job, and his reputation. Wemby is literally getting better every month and guys like Branham and Vassell are starting to take steps forward. This year sucks, but at least the sacrifice looks worth it.

12-18-2023, 10:51 AM
Then why did Pop say before the season started that the goal this year was to win more games rather than development?

12-18-2023, 11:01 AM
This draft and having a culture of losing for your generational talent <<<<<<< winning and growing but having a lower draft pick.

Anyone advocating tanking post Wemby is a loser. You do not sacrifice a healthy season of growth for a potential MVP talent, EVER, morons.

12-18-2023, 11:09 AM
Then why did Pop say before the season started that the goal this year was to win more games rather than development?

I think his goal is still to go with the Sochan PG experiment and of course try to win. But unlike Tony, he did not expect to Sochan totally sank and even regressed. He did not foresee that Sochan to have the worst chemistry with Wemby, after Sochan shown flashes of quality play-making skills.

Other players like Branham and Collins were expected to improve upon their good season last year, but both regressed with Sochan.

If those players can at least maintain their quality of plays from last season, Spurs would not have lost as much. I think Pop was also caught by surprise that these players got exposed. But i think Pop and Wright's backup plan is that they can still afford to do a big "reset" on the roster with all the upcoming draft picks. So, this season is ultimately still an audition for all players to see who will fit with Wemby and have a future with the Spurs. The only risk is Pop must convince Wemby to buy in or risk having him leave once his rookie contract is up.

Tyronn Lue
12-18-2023, 11:20 AM
If only the Spurs could play a 1 man game. Too bad they need those other players to be more than scrubs. Which of these players would start (or even make the team) on a 2014 Spurs team?

Ed Helicopter Jones
12-18-2023, 11:57 AM
You have to smart in order to lose this badly. You can't do that on accident.

12-18-2023, 11:59 AM
Then why did Pop say before the season started that the goal this year was to win more games rather than development?

He said that whereas before winning didn't matter, now it did. He did not say they were going to emphasize it over player development.

Extra Stout
12-18-2023, 12:47 PM
I think his goal is still to go with the Sochan PG experiment and of course try to win. But unlike Tony, he did not expect to Sochan totally sank and even regressed. He did not foresee that Sochan to have the worst chemistry with Wemby, after Sochan shown flashes of quality play-making skills.

Other players like Branham and Collins were expected to improve upon their good season last year, but both regressed with Sochan.

If those players can at least maintain their quality of plays from last season, Spurs would not have lost as much. I think Pop was also caught by surprise that these players got exposed. But i think Pop and Wright's backup plan is that they can still afford to do a big "reset" on the roster with all the upcoming draft picks. So, this season is ultimately still an audition for all players to see who will fit with Wemby and have a future with the Spurs. The only risk is Pop must convince Wemby to buy in or risk having him leave once his rookie contract is up.
Sochan needs a change of scenery. rascal is right that he really wasn’t great last year, but he showed flashes. But the PG experiment utterly failed, and it’s not as though he’s thriving now back at PF. Maybe it’s true that Pop already saw that he might not fit and tried the PG experiment as a Hail Mary.

If Sochan never develops at least a serviceable shot, he won’t make it in the NBA. If he does, he’ll be a valuable utility forward. But that will happen somewhere else.

12-18-2023, 12:53 PM
lol. You guys are self-parodies

12-18-2023, 12:56 PM

12-18-2023, 01:13 PM
OP is on stage 1 :lol


12-18-2023, 01:38 PM
This draft and having a culture of losing for your generational talent <<<<<<< winning and growing but having a lower draft pick.

Anyone advocating tanking post Wemby is a loser. You do not sacrifice a healthy season of growth for a potential MVP talent, EVER, morons.

the morons are the ones who deluded themselves into thinking this team was going anywhere because the spurs landed a 19 YO phenom :lol ...the Spurs aren't actively trying to tank but they aren't doing everything they can to win... this team is seriously lacking in talent.. the league has caught up with the Spurs for drafting talent in the late rounds...we need to draft higher in the draft to get literal difference makers not the keldon johnson's of the world

12-18-2023, 02:15 PM
Thanks for your post. This analogy is true in that trial by fire is always a great learning experience. Working on his ball handling and the ability to attack from the perimeter is surely part of Wemby's development and, of course, Pop knows that. I also believe that Sochan at PG was an experiment that failed, but probably gave him some lessons in taking care of the ball. It's now up to him as to whether he develops at his more natural position. It's early in the season.

It is frustrating as fans to watch blowouts like yesterday and see any silver lining. However a humiliating defeat at home is sure to send a message to these young players. If moving Wemby to the 5 had briefly improved our defense, that was blown to smithereens. They looked like a G league team playing an NBA team and just sucked on both sides of the ball, with rare anomalies like Champagnie. I'm sure Pop has been surprised by the regression of some of the guys, but again they need to right their own ships.

Although I've had serious questions about some of Pop's rotations and lineups, I also know he isn't the type of coach who just doesn't give a fuck. It's hard for fans, especially fans who watched the most winning team in the NBA for 20 years. On here it has been transparent over the last 8 years how some of the Pop hate has come from those that hate him for calling out the race-baiting bullshit and lies of the moronic election deniers, but history will be on his side there....as well. So I'll continue to watch and drift away from the TV when it gets hopeless, but I do believe after a couple FRPs and a season of development we will be seeing a brighter future.

Go Spurs Go!

12-18-2023, 02:20 PM

12-18-2023, 03:54 PM
So, fielding a team that’s a disgrace and an embarrassment to the franchise, while making himself look incompetent and negligent, is all an expression of Pop’s genius. Here people were, thinking the disaster was because Pop is a senile nitwit. Now at last, the profound truth is revealed, and we can all bask in the glory that sparkles from every facet of his brilliance. The next time the Spurs lose by 30 (which should be soon) we’ll have to beseech Pop to lead us in a big Riverwalk parade, in celebration of his wisdom.

12-18-2023, 04:13 PM

12-18-2023, 04:47 PM
So, fielding a team that’s a disgrace and an embarrassment to the franchise, while making himself look incompetent and negligent, is all an expression of Pop’s genius. Here people were, thinking the disaster was because Pop is a senile nitwit. Now at last, the profound truth is revealed, and we can all bask in the glory that sparkles from every facet of his brilliance. The next time the Spurs lose by 30 (which should be soon) we’ll have to beseech Pop to lead us in a big Riverwalk parade, in celebration of his wisdom.
:lmao. Sniffers gotta sniff

Kawhi Duncan
12-18-2023, 07:13 PM
Unbelievable... One thing that completely destroys ur point is that it's not like they're giving Wemby the ball in spots where he can develop his 1 on 1 game... Dude basically has to fight for the ball every game... Pop is clueless and has reached a point in his life where he doesn't wanna hurt the players' feelings, so he doesn't trade, cut, or do any real coaching... He is willing to sacrifice Wemby's development for the feelings of everyone else

baseline bum
12-18-2023, 07:45 PM
Sochan needs a change of scenery. rascal is right that he really wasn’t great last year, but he showed flashes. But the PG experiment utterly failed, and it’s not as though he’s thriving now back at PF. Maybe it’s true that Pop already saw that he might not fit and tried the PG experiment as a Hail Mary.

If Sochan never develops at least a serviceable shot, he won’t make it in the NBA. If he does, he’ll be a valuable utility forward. But that will happen somewhere else.

His defense is the most frustrating thing. What's the point of having him on the floor if he's not going to hustle and play even league average defense? He has the size and athleticism that he should be an above average defender but instead he's barely better than traffic cones like Collins, Johnson, and McDermott. Takes balls to wear Rodman's number while being a bottom third tier defender.

12-18-2023, 08:40 PM
Sure this season is a loss cause but Pop's refusal to play Tre Jones with Wemby or get a good PG is actually a strategy for the long run.

1) Without a good PG, it would force Wemby to really show the world what he have, talents and skillswise offensively. Yes, it could be ugly and expose Wemby's mistakes and weakness. But knowing Wemby's competitiveness, work ethic and willing to learn attitude, all these mistakes and embarrassment will drive Wemby to train crazy hard in the coming offseason (although the Paris Olympics might delay the training a bit).

Pop want to leave no doubts to Wemby that the NBA is "not easy". Scouts, GMs etc may praise Wemby is the best prospect of all time with GOAT potential but it is for Wemby to really understand that it will not happen automatically unless Wemby really put in real hard work in order to get somewhere. Tbh, there are just too many number 1 picks who have the talents but don't have the work ethics and drive to train hard. Pop just want this season to really drill it into Wemby's bone that he is not adequate and hence Wemby would always keep this fire burning even when he get MVPs in his latter years.

I am sure Wemby by now is already aware that he currently don't have the dribbling skills and handle to attack from the perimeter in the NBA. Take KD as example, KD trained hard after his rookie year and his handle really tightened and it became a unsolvable weapon starting from his sophomore year. I remember even Kobe mentioned this in a interview (once KD tightened his handle, Kobe knew it was over. There is nothing stopping KD from driving and he became one of the best pull up shooter)

So if Wemby can start the next step like KD, his "individual" offensive skills would be up a whole notch. Wemby has shown desires to attack from the perimeter and also admitted that he watched a lot of KD's tapes. So becoming like KD is still something possible. But there is still something that can unlock Wemby's offensively even higher.

2) Now that is where a good PG comes in. Beside able to create his own shot by attacking the perimeter with a better handle, now imagine if there is a good PG who can throw him lobs to get easy transition points or at least get fouled and get to the FT line. This lob attack is something that even KD is not privileged to have. Wemby is blessed with the height and the length and the mobility to get transition points and a good PG will truly unlock Wemby's offensive talents. Pop might not want Wemby to be complacent if he can get easy points through a good PG now and results in Wemby not being motivated to train his individual offensive skills. In addition, without a good PG now, it would leave a great territory of untapped potential that Wemby can be much better (i.e. not showing the world what Wemby truly can do). What is important now is that Wemby understand by heart that he can be better individually and don't take wins for granted and be complacent.

Hence, this is why Pop is being patient and playing the long game. Yes, it might look bleak now. But once things finally come together, the Spurs could have 1 of the best turnaround wins season again.



absolutely nailed it

best post in the whole world, totally agree

Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SPURS go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-18-2023, 08:42 PM

12-18-2023, 08:44 PM

12-18-2023, 10:21 PM
Wembenyama will not change basketball. I mean, how many 7’5” guys are out there with that level of coordination.

12-19-2023, 06:47 AM
Let's be more patient and let cooler head prevail. I am sure we will feel differently on draft lottery night

12-19-2023, 07:10 PM

The Truth #6
12-19-2023, 07:44 PM
I don't think OP is a sniffer normally. Sounds like they had a change of heart.

12-21-2023, 10:33 PM
I think we need to trade Sochan. Not sure he is blind but seems like he is intentionally not making any effort to look for the 7'4 guy

12-21-2023, 10:47 PM
Under the logic of this post, Tre Jones is so good of a pg that popovich needs to find the worst possible person on the roster to play point otherwise Wemby’s development somehow will be impaired?

12-22-2023, 12:26 AM
Under the logic of this post, Tre Jones is so good of a pg that popovich needs to find the worst possible person on the roster to play point otherwise Wemby’s development somehow will be impaired?

It is a big gamble.

Either Wemby will be fed up and it push him to train hard to become unstoppable 1 on 1 wise and not needing to depend on passes from PG.


Wemby will be fed up and demand a trade/leave during FA to elsewhere where there are better PGs

james evans
12-23-2023, 12:35 PM
I don't think it's genius to frustrate your franchise player and have others not pass him the ball. Or maybe i'm just too stupid to understand.

12-23-2023, 01:03 PM
The more I actually think about it, I think if you replaced the old man this past summer with anybody besides Monty, they'd be creeping towards .500 :lol

This is the worst coaching job I've seen in any sport in my lifetime. Absolutely disgusting to see a selfish old man try and sabotage a bunch of young guys' careers. Would be amazing if this somehow turned into his last season.

james evans
12-23-2023, 03:51 PM
The more I actually think about it, I think if you replaced the old man this past summer with anybody besides Monty, they'd be creeping towards .500 :lol

This is the worst coaching job I've seen in any sport in my lifetime. Absolutely disgusting to see a selfish old man try and sabotage a bunch of young guys' careers. Would be amazing if this somehow turned into his last season.
I've been saying for years that he wants to destroy this franchise on his way out to ensure no one wins more than 5 titles. It makes no sense the bullshit he's done the past few years

12-24-2023, 01:05 AM
Pop calls up Cissoko and Wesley, but not Barlow.

Pop might be a genius. An idiot savant!

Allan Rowe vs Wade
12-24-2023, 07:42 AM
the thing about Pop is it'll take about 3 years to determine if he's a genius or biden/trump-level dementia patient

is he playing the long game or does he have no short-term memory? tbd tbh

12-24-2023, 07:46 AM
This draft and having a culture of losing for your generational talent <<<<<<< winning and growing but having a lower draft pick.

Anyone advocating tanking post Wemby is a loser. You do not sacrifice a healthy season of growth for a potential MVP talent, EVER, morons.

That might be your opinion, but it’s not even remotely true. This league has shown over the past decade or so that you can’t win with one star, and only way for small markets to get such a player is through the draft. Ergo, tanko.

offset formation
12-24-2023, 10:17 AM
Laying it on a little thick. But overall, a sneaky second tank while focusing on player development is ultimately ideal. The team severely lacks talent, and two top ten picks will solve that. Pop IS the only coach in the league that can lose 60ish games back to back and still keep his job, and his reputation. Wemby is literally getting better every month and guys like Branham and Vassell are starting to take steps forward. This year sucks, but at least the sacrifice looks worth it.

I was trying to root you along until you got to Branham and Vassell. Just no. Neither one of those players is getting better this year. I'll give you Vassell took a step forward last year and Branham had a decent rookie campaign but in no way can you say either has improved. Vassell chucks up 3s and Branham has a TO issue this year since he's handling the ball more. And Branham is non-existent on defense while Vassell is sometimes engaged and others not at all.

This team loses because of defense, historically bad at that. And neither one of those guys is helping on that end.

12-24-2023, 10:33 AM
Pop calls up Cissoko and Wesley, but not Barlow.

Pop might be a genius. An idiot savant!

Barlow still 4th on the depth chart. Wemby was available up until practice. There is no point dressing the 4th guy.

12-24-2023, 01:09 PM
That might be your opinion, but it’s not even remotely true. This league has shown over the past decade or so that you can’t win with one star, and only way for small markets to get such a player is through the draft. Ergo, tanko.

Wemby gets to have the distinction of being the only “Generational Talent” whose team sucked so bad it had to continue tanking after drafting him.

An historic level of roster mismanagement.

Also, here is a list of small market teams with stars they didn’t draft on their team:

Milwaukee Bucks (Dame)
Indiana Pacers (Halliburton)
Sacramento Kings (Sabonis)
Oklahoma City Thunder (SGA)
New Orleans Pelicans (Ingram)

So, half of the NBA’s small market teams have managed to find a star without drafting them. The Spurs have the capital to acquire better players or even another star, if they wanted, but instead they’re going to rely on the draft. This is a team, however, that has has a history of making great picks but has fallen off significantly since the Derrick pick in 2017. You can argue that since then, Keldon and Wemby are the only picks they’ve gotten right.

Ed Helicopter Jones
12-24-2023, 01:39 PM
I'm flipping my stance on Pop. The more I watch, the more I'm convinced that no one could coach this bunch of misfits to anything resembling a decent W/L record. These guys might lose in G League games.

12-24-2023, 02:33 PM
Barlow still 4th on the depth chart. Wemby was available up until practice. There is no point dressing the 4th guy.

That's a problem as well. Chimezie can tell you what it is.

12-25-2023, 01:30 PM
Wemby gets to have the distinction of being the only “Generational Talent” whose team sucked so bad it had to continue tanking after drafting him.

It's not that they have to. It's just the best strategy. And before you think otherwise -- where are the teams that tried to "flip the switch" immediately after drafting their "generational talent"?

The Hawks are terrible and have no help for Trae (yeah he's not strictly "generational" but w/e), nor much assets to get him some in the meantime. The Mavs are in a remarkably similar position and depend on a rookie bigman to hold them together, after crazy "shot in the dark" trades to get any sort of help around Luka. The Pistons... Yeah IDK what they're doing.

Point is, the Spurs very well could've chosen not to tank, but that's not necessarily the best strategy. And when I say chosen not to tank, I mean actually try to improve the team at all, which they consciously didn't - because there's little point to it with a rookie Wemby, as shown numerous times on other teams (hell, DRob could've won more rings before Timmy if the Spurs kept tanking to get him a sidekick earlier).

Not a lot of "success stories" for immediate win-now moves after drafting rookie generational talents, and please don't include 24-25 YO "rookies" here as it's of course an entirely different ballgame.

12-25-2023, 05:08 PM
It's not that they have to. It's just the best strategy. And before you think otherwise -- where are the teams that tried to "flip the switch" immediately after drafting their "generational talent"?

First off, let's get on the same page of what we are talking about here. Trae Young, or even Luka, aren't part of this conversation. You included a "but whatever" - but you can't simply waive off the criteria for the discussion with a "whatever". Wemby is not simply some top tier prospect that may turn out to be good. Right or wrong, he's been hyped up as some sort of game-breaking phenomenon, the kind of guy you line up a tank years in advance for, a "can't-miss" prospect. So comparing him to Trae or Luka, or even Giannis or Embiid, doesn't pass muster.

A true "generational talent" prospect (which I will admit, I hate this term) is a no-brainer #1 overall. The only justification for not going #1 overall would be the freak incidence whereby there were two or more "generational talents" in the same draft (which is part of how this term becomes so stupid, but that's another topic). Magic/Bird and Hakeem/Jordan come to mind as the only examples I can think of.

If we go back to the start of the lottery in 1985, I'd argue these are the "generational talents", and I'm being very generous here as I think there is an argument to be made that only Robinson, Shaq, Duncan, Lebron, Wemby belong on this list. Next to their name I've included the improvement of each team's record in the player's rookie season.

1987: DRob (+35)
1992: Shaq (+20)
1996: AI (+4*)
1997: Duncan (+36)
2002: Yao (+15)
2003: Lebron (+18)
2012: AD (+6*)
2019: Zion (-3**)
2023: Wemby (?)

I've put an * by the two teams that continued to be horrible. **For Zion's rookie season, which was a net decline in wins, but a higher win % (due to the shortened season).

Wemby will be the first "generational talent" since the advent of the lottery who's team has failed to get even a little better (by # wins or win %). That's truly embarrassing. The FO has generally done a good job in stock-piling assets so that we can improve the roster around Wemby. In an era where a lot of players need a couple of seasons to develop, I can already see the excuses coming when we are terrible again next season: "Well, we need to give Topic and Dunn (the two guys who game up on my first spin of the Tankathon Mock) time to develop and see what we have around them, it will be good since we'll add more top talent next year!". Then comes the 2025-26 season and it's "we need to give Flagg time to develop! We're the youngest team in the league! Topic/Vassell/Dunn/Flagg/Wemby are going to be a force to recon with, ESPECIALLY when we add another top pick next year!"

That may in fact be an okay strategy (OKC has seemed to make it work), but then you're running the risk of Wemby not being bought into the clown rodeo that's been put on for the first 3-4 years of his career, which I'll remind you, will be coupled with the distinction of being the first "generational talent" who has failed to appreciably improve his team. We take for granted that Wemby will be here through his first rookie extension. He has plenty of money to make off the court, and could easily be the first ever "generational talent" to just play under a QO and enter UFA after his rookie deal (if he doesn't demand a trade before then).

Is this chicken little talk? A little bit... but the possibilities are real enough and the Spurs FO has a primary responsibility at this point: keep Wemby happy.

12-29-2023, 06:37 PM
First off, let's get on the same page of what we are talking about here. Trae Young, or even Luka, aren't part of this conversation. You included a "but whatever" - but you can't simply waive off the criteria for the discussion with a "whatever". Wemby is not simply some top tier prospect that may turn out to be good. Right or wrong, he's been hyped up as some sort of game-breaking phenomenon, the kind of guy you line up a tank years in advance for, a "can't-miss" prospect. So comparing him to Trae or Luka, or even Giannis or Embiid, doesn't pass muster.

A true "generational talent" prospect (which I will admit, I hate this term) is a no-brainer #1 overall. The only justification for not going #1 overall would be the freak incidence whereby there were two or more "generational talents" in the same draft (which is part of how this term becomes so stupid, but that's another topic). Magic/Bird and Hakeem/Jordan come to mind as the only examples I can think of.

I guess I'm just not that invested/hung up on the "generational prospect" label and expectations, then? You say it yourself, it's pretty stupid and wildly thrown around, moreso in the modern era. Zion was supposed to be "generational" as well. Why am I supposed to compare Wemby to freakin' Jordan or Bird or whomever? That's a terribly harsh bar to clear, and I simply don't agree that his rookie season being better or worse than theirs, is defining what his future will look like.

Wemby will be the first "generational talent" since the advent of the lottery who's team has failed to get even a little better (by # wins or win %). That's truly embarrassing. The FO has generally done a good job in stock-piling assets so that we can improve the roster around Wemby. In an era where a lot of players need a couple of seasons to develop, I can already see the excuses coming when we are terrible again next season (...)

That may in fact be an okay strategy (OKC has seemed to make it work), but then you're running the risk of Wemby not being bought into the clown rodeo that's been put on for the first 3-4 years of his career, which I'll remind you, will be coupled with the distinction of being the first "generational talent" who has failed to appreciably improve his team. We take for granted that Wemby will be here through his first rookie extension. He has plenty of money to make off the court, and could easily be the first ever "generational talent" to just play under a QO and enter UFA after his rookie deal (if he doesn't demand a trade before then).

Is this chicken little talk? A little bit... but the possibilities are real enough and the Spurs FO has a primary responsibility at this point: keep Wemby happy.

Sorry to say, but no doubts here -- this is definitely chicken little talk, lol. Wemby has about a -100% chance of playing under a QO. His greatness basically guarantees him a blank cheque from the FO, and with the amount of money a #1 pick's designated rookie max extension will generate, AND his relatively frail body/possible injury concerns, he just will not do that. His "entourage" would be retarded to even suggest it, let alone let him go through with it. Besides, this is the modern NBA - everyone knows you sign the contract first, then you demand the trade ;)

Secondly... You say this as a terrible thing, but I just don't see how it's "embarrassing" on a personal level for Wemby to not live up to some floor-raising requirement as if it matters at all in the big picture? He's playing with scrubs and everyone knows it. What gives if the media gives him some slack for it? It'll be in between a mix of his highlights, no doubt. I don't see it having had an impact on another rookie's career before, and I don't think a player with a poise and character like Wemby's would be the first to fall for something like "OMG the embarrassment of not getting your team to the playoffs!!" or something.

He's a 19 year old rookie big man. Him not being ready to lift a team is anything but unexpected. People just don't realize how much more prepared players like Timmy, Drob etc were coming into the league at 24-25. Lastly, I've said it before, but I absolutely would give Wemby flak if the Spurs were as bad next year. I'm not expecting contention or even playoffs, but improvement in areas for sure, which Wemby (and the team) are already displaying. Baby steps here.

OTOH, if you're expecting major improvement from the youngest team in the league in the midst of a tanking rebuild, you might have some expectations problems to sort out. It's just gonna take a while, 2 to 3 years for sure. I'm not fully sold on OKC yet, but we'd be lucky to have a similar trajectory at this point.

12-29-2023, 07:12 PM
I guess I'm just not that invested/hung up on the "generational prospect" label and expectations, then? You say it yourself, it's pretty stupid and wildly thrown around, moreso in the modern era. Zion was supposed to be "generational" as well. Why am I supposed to compare Wemby to freakin' Jordan or Bird or whomever? That's a terribly harsh bar to clear, and I simply don't agree that his rookie season being better or worse than theirs, is defining what his future will look like.

Sorry to say, but no doubts here -- this is definitely chicken little talk, lol. Wemby has about a -100% chance of playing under a QO. His greatness basically guarantees him a blank cheque from the FO, and with the amount of money a #1 pick's designated rookie max extension will generate, AND his relatively frail body/possible injury concerns, he just will not do that. His "entourage" would be retarded to even suggest it, let alone let him go through with it. Besides, this is the modern NBA - everyone knows you sign the contract first, then you demand the trade ;)

Sorry, the NBA doesn't allow for Blank Checks, only for max checks. The difference between a FA max and a designated rookie Max isn't so great that it can't be made up for via endorsement deals in a bigger market on a winning team. Don't forget that, because it matters. This is exactly the kind of laissez faire attitude that will bite us in the ass. If the FO has a "blank check" mentality towards making Wemby happy, they sure as shit are deploying it now, instead choosing to surround him with a shit roster and a coach who doesn't to call any plays or hold anyone accountable.

Secondly... You say this as a terrible thing, but I just don't see how it's "embarrassing" on a personal level for Wemby to not live up to some floor-raising requirement as if it matters at all in the big picture? He's playing with scrubs and everyone knows it. What gives if the media gives him some slack for it? It'll be in between a mix of his highlights, no doubt. I don't see it having had an impact on another rookie's career before, and I don't think a player with a poise and character like Wemby's would be the first to fall for something like "OMG the embarrassment of not getting your team to the playoffs!!" or something.

He's a 19 year old rookie big man. Him not being ready to lift a team is anything but unexpected. People just don't realize how much more prepared players like Timmy, Drob etc were coming into the league at 24-25. Lastly, I've said it before, but I absolutely would give Wemby flak if the Spurs were as bad next year. I'm not expecting contention or even playoffs, but improvement in areas for sure, which Wemby (and the team) are already displaying. Baby steps here.

It's not Wemby who will deserve the flak, it's the front office who's already failed him once. Wemby is performing great as a rookie, well enough, in fact, to have made a difference. Instead, the coach and the front office have used this gift to somehow manage get worse.

Next year, when the Spurs are bad again and the excuse is that we're still the youngest team in the league and we need Topic or whoever the hell we draft to have time to develop, we'll be hearing the same excuses. It's already happening from the people on this board who said you don't tank again if you land Wemby.

OTOH, if you're expecting major improvement from the youngest team in the league in the midst of a tanking rebuild, you might have some expectations problems to sort out. It's just gonna take a while, 2 to 3 years for sure. I'm not fully sold on OKC yet, but we'd be lucky to have a similar trajectory at this point.

It's not major improvement we're talking about... just ANY improvement. Running back the same team + the greatest prospect in 20 years should yield SOME improvement, not make your team remarkably worse. As stated, multiple times, a lot of us would be fine with a poor record if it came with clear signs of progress and development, and an evident effort to maximize Wemby's development. Instead, as eloquently stated by other posters, we're setting his rookie season on fire.

12-29-2023, 07:20 PM
The Sniff Crew all like to ask "What does it matter if we are historically bad in Wemby's rookie year? Who cares if the coach and FO surround him with a garbage lineup and embarrass themselves?" as if no one notices this shit. This franchise was already found it challenging to attract talent when we had the league's best culture and reputation for winning... how do you think players will view coming to San Antonio when that's all gone?

In case you haven't noticed, player empowerment is higher than ever. "We'll just use this draft capital to trade for a big name!" Yeah, that sounds great right up until that player makes it known he doesn't want to come here, will be disgruntled, and will bolt at the first opportunity.

12-29-2023, 07:28 PM
Sorry, the NBA doesn't allow for Blank Checks, only for max checks. The difference between a FA max and a designated rookie Max isn't so great that it can't be made up for via endorsement deals in a bigger market on a winning team. Don't forget that, because it matters. This is exactly the kind of laissez faire attitude that will bite us in the ass. If the FO has a "blank check" mentality towards making Wemby happy, they sure as shit are deploying it now, instead choosing to surround him with a shit roster and a coach who doesn't to call any plays or hold anyone accountable.

Doesn't Wemby have to play a year on a QO for that to be a possibility, though? Again, if the proposition is Wemby going that path, I'll believe it when I see it. Absolutely no reason for it (when again he can simply ask out afterwards) and tons of reasons to sign, from job security to good PR. It's not laissez-faire to say "the Spurs could be bad and the #1 pick will still want to sign his 145 million dollar (or whatever amount) extension", at all, just the reality.

I'll take it even further and say, if Wemby is the type of player to even contemplate ditching the team before his rookie contract is even up -- he's not at all the player we're expecting him to be.

It's not Wemby who will deserve the flak, it's the front office who's already failed him once. Wemby is performing great as a rookie, well enough, in fact, to have made a difference. Instead, the coach and the front office have used this gift to somehow manage get worse.

Next year, when the Spurs are bad again and the excuse is that we're still the youngest team in the league and we need Topic or whoever the hell we draft to have time to develop, we'll be hearing the same excuses. It's already happening from the people on this board who said you don't tank again if you land Wemby.

Where has the FO failed him once, though? Failure implies a different outcome than was expected? Which by all accounts is not true. Every single person knew this was a developmental (aka tanking) season, let Vic do his thing and "see what happens (aka tanking), do some experiments (aka tanking). So where exactly is the failure? Not putting a mid team around him so he can hurt himself gunning for a postseason, or worse, carry us to mediocrity like the Luka Mavs are going through?

And lol, people who didn't even want to tank for Wemby were on board with a second year tank. It's actually wild to see how the tune has changed so quickly. There was a straight up consensus here after the draft, that the Spurs had to do exactly what they're doing right now, tank for the 1B player.

It's not major improvement we're talking about... just ANY improvement. Running back the same team + the greatest prospect in 20 years should yield SOME improvement, not make your team remarkably worse. As stated, multiple times, a lot of us would be fine with a poor record if it came with clear signs of progress and development, and an evident effort to maximize Wemby's development. Instead, as eloquently stated by other posters, we're setting his rookie season on fire.

Lol, how is Wemby's season "on fire"? He's leading all rookies in most categories and getting visibly better every day? His signs of development are clear. The rest of the team I don't care much about at this point, they're clearly going to be majorly replaced. I do like what I see from Sochan, Devin's hit or miss depending on the match. I find it hard to care about the rest one way or another, so I won't contest this point much.

It's Wemby's team now, so if this team cannot improve next season, it just means more work for the FO to get vets and other youngings on his timeline. But it's a much different picture than it was only two years ago, a different paradigm.

12-29-2023, 07:44 PM
Doesn't Wemby have to play a year on a QO for that to be a possibility, though? Again, if the proposition is Wemby going that path, I'll believe it when I see it. Absolutely no reason for it (when again he can simply ask out afterwards) and tons of reasons to sign, from job security to good PR. It's not laissez-faire to say "the Spurs could be bad and the #1 pick will still want to sign his 145 million dollar (or whatever amount) extension", at all, just the reality.

I'll take it even further and say, if Wemby is the type of player to even contemplate ditching the team before his rookie contract is even up -- he's not at all the player we're expecting him to be.

Where has the FO failed him once, though? Failure implies a different outcome than was expected? Which by all accounts is not true. Every single person knew this was a developmental (aka tanking) season, let Vic do his thing and "see what happens (aka tanking), do some experiments (aka tanking). So where exactly is the failure? Not putting a mid team around him so he can hurt himself gunning for a postseason, or worse, carry us to mediocrity like the Luka Mavs are going through?

And lol, people who didn't even want to tank for Wemby were on board with a second year tank. It's actually wild to see how the tune has changed so quickly. There was a straight up consensus here after the draft, that the Spurs had to do exactly what they're doing right now, tank for the 1B player.

The bolded portions of this are a downright revisionist history lie. The consensus was that there was no one worth tanking for in this draft (which remains true) and while the Spurs may not be a playoff contender, they would no longer intentionally tank. Maybe your expectation was that they'd tank again, but that was by far from the consensus. Go back and read the Over/Under thread if you need a reminder.

And NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE expected that the Spurs would drop from a .268 win% team to a .167 win% team by adding Wemby. If you thought that was the expected Outcome, then you are either a 1) clairvoyant genius, in which case good for you 2) a liar. So yes, we have failed, because getting *remarkably worse* is a different outcome than was expected. There are more shades of gray that simply championship/playoff/non-playoff team.

Lol, how is Wemby's season "on fire"? He's leading all rookies in most categories and getting visibly better every day? His signs of development are clear. The rest of the team I don't care much about at this point, they're clearly going to be majorly replaced. I do like what I see from Sochan, Devin's hit or miss depending on the match. I find it hard to care about the rest one way or another, so I won't contest this point much.

It's Wemby's team now, so if this team cannot improve next season, it just means more work for the FO to get vets and other youngings on his timeline. But it's a much different picture than it was only two years ago, a different paradigm.

The bolded section is the laissez faire attitude I'm talking about. Wemby, nor any other player, is some infinite creature who you just say "aw shucks, better luck next time" as you burn year after year of his career lifespan, much like them did with DRob under Red McCombs cheap-ass leadership. That is the point of all of this. You seem willing to just sit back and hope the team's leadership figures this out, while others of us believe that the fanbase and the media who cover the team should make an attempt to hold them accountable. It won't make a difference when it's just some folks on SpursTalk writing posts, but it might start to when fans stop showing up, and those who do show up start booing this team as they trot off the court following yet another 25 point drubbing.

And not caring about the rest of the team because they'll "clearly be majorly replaced" (inferably because they aren't good enough) is also exactly the evidence of a year set on fire. If these guys suck so bad that it's clear they'll all be replaced, then the FO should have done something to get players who have a chance to develop into something useful. None of these others guys are rookies, we shouldn't have needed to see them suck alongside Wemby to evaluate how much they suck.

12-29-2023, 11:15 PM
No one expected PATFO included Wemby to be so impactful so quick, most of us thought he woudn't play more than 25min/game.

But once u realise u were wrong you can't keep the same plan, u need to adapt

Tyronn Lue
12-30-2023, 11:05 AM
What's the scenario, the outcome, where Pop isn't a genius? If the Spurs improved and just barely missed the playoffs, Pop is a wonderful coach who improved so much over last season. If he totally blows it, Pop has a long term plan. This is basically how religion works, God always answers, sometimes the answer is no.

I agree with Tim Legler that Pop is trying to keep Victor off the radar as much as possible because Pop isn't concerned about his popularity and in fact wants to squash it for now to lower expectations. It's the reasons behind that mindset that's puzzling. Why would you want your generational talent to be hidden under such a shitty group of misfits? Even Pop said that people say they've never seen this or that done before Victor, but sure we have, just with a shorter person. That's Pop trying to slow the hype train.

Is that to benefit Victor or to benefit Pop?

Allan Rowe vs Wade
12-30-2023, 11:34 AM
Rest of the season needs to be devoted to seeing how players can help Vic. Devin throw those oops. Sochan hit those bounce passes. Blake get the penetration and kick out. Collins rough anyone up who sneezes in his direction. On defense, everyone tcob on the perimeter and get vic his blocks. Anyone who can't be a booster or catalyst for vic, sorry senor

12-30-2023, 06:19 PM
I would love to write a longer post on this, but I’m on my phone and too lazy to get on my computer

here goes:

sorry, Sugus but you’re wrong here.

you can’t honestly say this season wasn’t a failure. The whole mantra by the Spurs is they try to develop players. There is no way in hell none of these players mattered to them before Wemby was drafted— they all believe they have promise to be core players on this team, and development and upward improvement as a team is TOTALLY expected. It is extremely alarming that they have not had a semblance of chemistry at this point in their careers. To you, they might be throwaway players, but these guys have had the Spurs staff put their time and money into doing their best to make them improve. If it was up to the Spurs, they would keep all the guys they invested in but because they are going the Lonnie route, they are going to be forced to shuffle through players until they find a keeper. I’m not even saying that all of the current players have no hope anymore. But failing to acknowledge that they have not met expectations is just overall a bad take. They didn’t go into this season with the plan to tank, and it’s only convenient for you to say that they did because they’re not putting it together. It’s literally straight from the horses’ mouth that they were going to be competitive and win as much as they can. Do you think, with Pop’s character of being one of the most genuine coaches in basketball, can look into Wemby’s eyes and tell him he’s doing his best to win but actually trying to lose to get more talent? I bet you 100% that it pains Pop that he’s putting Wemby through this disappointing season. It’s a slap in the face to many in the Spurs org who’ve put so much effort into the current group of guys.

My Fault
12-31-2023, 01:37 AM
You're a sniffer because I have a low IQ and can only see short term. It's so laughable the amount of people that post on here regularly and throw elementary insults as it makes them superior while having no self awareness of their own stupidity. If they were truly so smart then they would be getting paid millions to spread their so ever so talented basketball knowledge :lol

01-01-2024, 04:51 PM
I would love to write a longer post on this, but I’m on my phone and too lazy to get on my computer

here goes:

sorry, Sugus but you’re wrong here.

you can’t honestly say this season wasn’t a failure. The whole mantra by the Spurs is they try to develop players. There is no way in hell none of these players mattered to them before Wemby was drafted— they all believe they have promise to be core players on this team, and development and upward improvement as a team is TOTALLY expected. It is extremely alarming that they have not had a semblance of chemistry at this point in their careers. To you, they might be throwaway players, but these guys have had the Spurs staff put their time and money into doing their best to make them improve. If it was up to the Spurs, they would keep all the guys they invested in but because they are going the Lonnie route, they are going to be forced to shuffle through players until they find a keeper. I’m not even saying that all of the current players have no hope anymore. But failing to acknowledge that they have not met expectations is just overall a bad take. They didn’t go into this season with the plan to tank, and it’s only convenient for you to say that they did because they’re not putting it together. It’s literally straight from the horses’ mouth that they were going to be competitive and win as much as they can. Do you think, with Pop’s character of being one of the most genuine coaches in basketball, can look into Wemby’s eyes and tell him he’s doing his best to win but actually trying to lose to get more talent? I bet you 100% that it pains Pop that he’s putting Wemby through this disappointing season. It’s a slap in the face to many in the Spurs org who’ve put so much effort into the current group of guys.

I understand your point, but disagree with the premise; the non-Wemby players can fail to develop, and the season still can be not-a-failure. So long as Wemby gets through it without major injury and keeps his game at top level and keeps developing it, it is at least partly a success.

I don't wish any of these guys bad or something, but the plan and perspective simply changed the moment Wemby got to the team. I'm not crying a river if Branham never gets to be a rotation level player, or if Sochan never works out in the end, sorry. I don't expect everyone to agree with this but it's pretty clearly the reality, and a majority of the current team won't be here when we're relevant again. There's bigger fish to fry now.

Lastly, dramatic "slap to the face" or not, the team is objectively better tanking the season out than not, and current hurt feelings aside, the benefits will be felt in the long run. I don't for a second believe the stupid "no one to tank for this draft" and entirely think the Spurs walk out of it with a very serviceable player, hopefully a true #2. And you build from there, from the ground up.

Oh wait, actual lastly - the horse's mouth can say all that it wants, but please point me to whatever moves the Spurs pulled on the roster to actually win games? Contrary to what was said (which I know), the fact is that they trotted out much the same team that got squashed en route to the #1 pick.... And they're getting squashed again, all right.

01-01-2024, 04:59 PM
It's funny, the more down the board is on the Spurs, the more bullish I become on them. I really think people underestimate the long-term outlook of the team and will be shocked to see what a PG'ed, fat-cut, revamped Spurs team with Wemby at the helm will do. Just not right now, which is understandably terrible to see.

01-01-2024, 06:02 PM
I understand your point, but disagree with the premise; the non-Wemby players can fail to develop, and the season still can be not-a-failure. So long as Wemby gets through it without major injury and keeps his game at top level and keeps developing it, it is at least partly a success.

I don't wish any of these guys bad or something, but the plan and perspective simply changed the moment Wemby got to the team. I'm not crying a river if Branham never gets to be a rotation level player, or if Sochan never works out in the end, sorry. I don't expect everyone to agree with this but it's pretty clearly the reality, and a majority of the current team won't be here when we're relevant again. There's bigger fish to fry now.

Lastly, dramatic "slap to the face" or not, the team is objectively better tanking the season out than not, and current hurt feelings aside, the benefits will be felt in the long run. I don't for a second believe the stupid "no one to tank for this draft" and entirely think the Spurs walk out of it with a very serviceable player, hopefully a true #2. And you build from there, from the ground up.

Oh wait, actual lastly - the horse's mouth can say all that it wants, but please point me to whatever moves the Spurs pulled on the roster to actually win games? Contrary to what was said (which I know), the fact is that they trotted out much the same team that got squashed en route to the #1 pick.... And they're getting squashed again, all right.
Yikes, man. You’re still not getting my point… driving right now and will write my post later. You’re still very clearly thinking the Spurs’ plan and view of their existing players is to detach from them easily when everything the Spurs are and have been suggests continuity and development. You’re projecting so much on the Spurs of your sudden Morey-like approach to these players just because of landing one player. I think you’ve forgotten what team you’re rooting for…

01-01-2024, 06:08 PM
The team that is known to plan ahead and all the years prior where we had young ins with vets to instill knowledge into them, like DeMar, Mills, Gay, etc,.. it’s foolish to think that they weren’t making an attempt to have the surrounding cast already in place for when they landed a player like Wemby. And that all of a sudden they are going to try to. THAT is where the failure is. The 3-5 years before Wemby was preparation time and it’s not looking good. To say the plan and perspective shifted when we got Wemby is naive, man.

01-01-2024, 08:04 PM
It is possible for us to experience short-term (this season) failure while still being able to achieve long-term success. Long term, the goal is to win a championship of course. That doesn't mean anything short of that this season is a failure, obviously.

However, Wemby in his own words laid out his view of a team goal and an individual goal for his rookie season, as quoted in my signature. For those who have sigs disabled (like me), here it is:

"Having a better record for my team than last year," Wembanyama said on ESPN when asked what would constitute success in his rookie year. "I’ve been looking into all the data of the past No. 1 picks, and what impact they've had. I'm trying to be better than every guy before me."

Clearly, we are failing on achieving both the team goal and his individual goal in his rookie season. Whether his vision of the short term goal for the team and the FO's (or the rest of the team) vision align with that, we don't know. However, judging by Pop's public statements before the season, I feel comfortable assuming that being worse this season than last season was not the goal coming into this year.

It's easy to say you simply don't care about short-term goals... okay, that's your thing... but typically when you fail at your short-term goals, it makes reaching your long-term goals even harder (unless your short-term goals were misplaced to begin with. If you want to make that argument, that's okay... I disagree but that's just individual prerogative.)

Dejounte does make a great point about how the Spurs have well positioned themselves to be able to respond to short-term failure though. We'll just have to see if they eventually do it, or they just choose to shift the entire timeline back (which is the "wasting Wemby's career" concerns that many on this board have).

The Truth #6
01-01-2024, 10:21 PM
Just my interpretation, but with the FO's approach to "see what they have" this season, I took that as focusing on development with the hope of winning but not the intention of tanking. Initially I was on board with trying Sochan at point guard hoping it would push him forward, but it turned out to be a massive overstep. It's weird. The team doesn't want to fast track with trades but are ok doing so my forcing Jeremy as a starting point guard, not even as back up. The haters hate everything so hard for me to take many sincerely. For me, I gave the idea time and Pop had to pull the plug. At this point it's hard to say it helped Sochan. Maybe down the road. But it sabotaged the season. Either that, or everyone is having a hard time playing next to an awesome player.

I'm ok with having VW realize on his own that he needs to play center, but not sure how Sochan as point guard was part of that equation.

In the end, Pop took some weird gambles, and by playing Sochan and now Branham out of position it's hard to "see what we have". Just a lot of weird choices that have been discussed to death.

To be clear, I don't see this as tanking. Just miscalculation. It can still work out. Keldon and Devin improved their skills over the summer. But Branham and Jeremy were the ones to take a look at, in my opinion, being in their second year, but their roles are bad, not the fact that we drafted them. The Spurs were great at developing players before but I think they are average now.

Anyway. Just rambling.

01-01-2024, 11:30 PM
I for one was intrigued at Sochan playing point and believed it needed 20 games to really test out. Pop did that. It didn't work and moved away. But I'm disappointed that Brehnam is kinda in that position now. Although I think the Spurs are still playing Sochan as a co pg. There is such a big hole in this position for this team that we are going this route. Worst of all is our defence. I just can't concede that original stating 5 couldn't be 18 to 23 on defense. That to me smells of team instructions.

Spurs won't win many games with Champagnie and Branham starting. That's 4 starters that are raw and they don't in particular fit well together either. I for one liked Collins starting if we had reliable backups, in which appears we don't. But that pg hole is such a killer, and starting Jones or Graham seems like the most obvious, cheapest solution.

I'm all for development and trying things, like Sochan at point. Although it should have been done with short bursts or for covering injuries, rather than defaulting. Spurs/Wright really balls up creating a team with roles. A trade should have occurred in the off season to bring in a point. Or heck, just don't waive Payne.

01-03-2024, 09:42 AM
cia pop making sure wemby doesn’t qualify for the mega rookie extension

01-04-2024, 05:54 PM

01-04-2024, 05:55 PM

01-04-2024, 06:05 PM

wow, it only took the genius 33 games to find out that he should start a PG at PG. He's the GOAT no doubt. :lol

I guess we'll win a lot more games from now on.

Extra Stout
01-04-2024, 06:16 PM
Good to see that it only takes a Hall of Fame coach two months to figure out what every casual fan already saw. He’s definitely trying to win and not just tanking up to the point of plausible deniability or open player revolt.

01-04-2024, 06:23 PM
dont act like pop saw the light. only reason Tre is starting is that branham is out

01-04-2024, 08:37 PM
wow, it only took the genius 33 games to find out that he should start a PG at PG. He's the GOAT no doubt. :lol

I guess we'll win a lot more games from now on.

It only took ending the Sochan experiment and Branham being injured.

I was going to post a picture of Leslie Nielsen writing PALN on a chalkboard (he said "We need a P-L-A-N plan!") and I can't find it for the life of me. I don't even remember which movie it was.

01-04-2024, 10:22 PM

01-04-2024, 10:25 PM

01-04-2024, 10:30 PM


01-04-2024, 10:36 PM
^ Damn, must suck being Jeremy this year. Hopefully he’s as mentally tough as they think he is.

01-04-2024, 10:37 PM
In the last 2 games:

-A player subbing himself into the game
-A player praising the obvious starting lineup choice the coach has been avoiding all season
-A player scratching the last play of the game to draw up his own while the head coach is off meditating somewhere

1996 GM Greg Popovich would fire 1996 Head Coach Bob Hill for "losing the team" if this happened then

01-05-2024, 06:01 PM
Looking at advanced stats of different 5-man lineups the Spurs have used this season.

The Wemby-Sochan-Keldon-Vassell-Tre lineup has a net rating of +16.8 albeit in only 33 minutes. That is right around where the Celtics, Bucks and Clippers most used lineups are at. Was shocked how good that lineup has performed. The fact that the team is 5-29 and the most obvious lineup has only played 33 minutes together all season is ridiculous. Borderline tanking tbh.


01-05-2024, 06:19 PM
Wow only 33 minutes with that obvious lineup lol.

01-05-2024, 07:23 PM
Looking at advanced stats of different 5-man lineups the Spurs have used this season.

The Wemby-Sochan-Keldon-Vassell-Tre lineup has a net rating of +16.8 albeit in only 33 minutes. That is right around where the Celtics, Bucks and Clippers most used lineups are at. Was shocked how good that lineup has performed. The fact that the team is 5-29 and the most obvious lineup has only played 33 minutes together all season is ridiculous. Borderline tanking tbh.


Just so you are aware, there is an entire thread on 5-man lineups here: https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=302701&page=2&p=11006859#post11006859

01-06-2024, 01:23 AM


01-06-2024, 02:05 AM
Looking at advanced stats of different 5-man lineups the Spurs have used this season.

The Wemby-Sochan-Keldon-Vassell-Tre lineup has a net rating of +16.8 albeit in only 33 minutes. That is right around where the Celtics, Bucks and Clippers most used lineups are at. Was shocked how good that lineup has performed. The fact that the team is 5-29 and the most obvious lineup has only played 33 minutes together all season is ridiculous. Borderline tanking tbh.


lol nothing borderline about it lol

01-06-2024, 02:32 AM
Looking at advanced stats of different 5-man lineups the Spurs have used this season.

The Wemby-Sochan-Keldon-Vassell-Tre lineup has a net rating of +16.8 albeit in only 33 minutes. That is right around where the Celtics, Bucks and Clippers most used lineups are at. Was shocked how good that lineup has performed. The fact that the team is 5-29 and the most obvious lineup has only played 33 minutes together all season is ridiculous. Borderline tanking tbh.


-34 last 15 games in 17 min. Branham instead of Tre is +5 in 88 min. That lineup is stopped in its tracks by zone defense, this was the case last year that is why Pop avoids Tre and Sochan pairing.