View Full Version : All-star Voting

12-20-2023, 08:44 AM
Let’s vote for Wemby early and often, friends and neighbors! Who else you got? My votes:

West -

East -

Edit: link to vote in English is here (https://vote.nba.com/en)

12-20-2023, 09:24 AM
Swap overrated Davis for Ant Edwards

12-20-2023, 09:32 AM
Let’s vote for Wemby early and often, friends and neighbors! Who else you got? My votes:

West -

East -

Durant for Davis

and Derrick Wagner for Tatum and White for Young. Cause I prefer those guys and a few votes won’t hurt them.

12-20-2023, 05:43 PM
Let’s vote for Wemby early and often, friends and neighbors! Who else you got? My votes:

West -

East -
Could we get a one stop shopping link in the OP?

12-20-2023, 06:30 PM
0 chance Wemby gets in imo. Maybe if the Spurs were a couple games under .500 but all star game selection is usually based on winning especially since they changed the voting format for starters.

12-20-2023, 07:19 PM
The Spurs clearly don't want Wemby in the ASG imo, they haven't even tweet about it

They'd rather have him rest

Tyronn Lue
12-20-2023, 07:29 PM
Since the ASG is a popularity contest, and Victor is extremely visible around the NBA, we'll see. Who would he have to beat out?

btw there's no way James doesn't make it unless he chose not to.

12-20-2023, 07:36 PM
Since the ASG is a popularity contest, and Victor is extremely visible around the NBA, we'll see. Who would he have to beat out?

btw there's no way James doesn't make it unless he chose not to.
if its broken down as frontcourt/backcourt... he's up against Jokic, Davis, LeBron, Durant, Kawhi, George, JJJ, Markannen, Gobert, Sabonis, Sengun

TD 21
12-20-2023, 07:52 PM
West: Gilgeous-Alexander, Doncic, Jokic, James, Davis

Bench: Curry, Scumbag, Edwards, Towns, Booker, Durant, Fox/Sabonis

In actuality, Curry will get the fan vote over Gilgeous-Alexander and Durant over Davis.

East: Haliburton, Maxey, Embiid, Antetokounmpo, Tatum

Bench: Young/Barnes, Porzingis/White, Mitchell, Adebayo, Butler, Lillard, Brunson

In actuality, a more established name will get the fan vote over Maxey and White has no chance.

Swap overrated Davis for Ant Edwards

Davis is the most underappreciated player of his generation and Edwards is probably the most overrated current player.

12-20-2023, 08:48 PM
West: Gilgeous-Alexander, Doncic, Jokic, James, Davis

Bench: Curry, Scumbag, Edwards, Towns, Booker, Durant, Fox/Sabonis

In actuality, Curry will get the fan vote over Gilgeous-Alexander and Durant over Davis.

East: Haliburton, Maxey, Embiid, Antetokounmpo, Tatum

Bench: Young/Barnes, Porzingis/White, Mitchell, Adebayo, Butler, Lillard, Brunson

In actuality, a more established name will get the fan vote over Maxey and White has no chance.

Davis is the most underappreciated player of his generation and Edwards is probably the most overrated current player.
Edwards is on the SpursTalk all-underrated team for sure

12-20-2023, 09:18 PM
0 chance Wemby gets in imo. Maybe if the Spurs were a couple games under .500 but all star game selection is usually based on winning especially since they changed the voting format for starters.

I'm probably wrong, as usual, but maybe a miracle happens, and Wemby is more popular with casualfan than expected. What's the harm, after all? ASG is all about the homer vote

Tyronn Lue
12-20-2023, 11:33 PM
I'm probably wrong, as usual, but maybe a miracle happens, and Wemby is more popular with casualfan than expected. What's the harm, after all? ASG is all about the homer vote
He'll get the all rookie team. He won't make the all star this year. Even if he had a good team around him, it's not certain his contributions would stick out enough vs the rest of the team to get the AS nod. He is fun as hell to watch though.

12-20-2023, 11:44 PM
Wemby won't be an all star.

Early in the season, all the media were hyping him and creating narratives. However now into 1 quarter of the season and having the worst record in the West conference, the media has stop their coverage on Wemby and has also agreed that Chet is leading in the ROY race. What is even more amazing is that Chet would be in the contenders for DPOY too.

Wemby won't be in the all-star for sure.

John B
12-20-2023, 11:45 PM
0 chance Wemby gets in imo. Maybe if the Spurs were a couple games under .500 but all star game selection is usually based on winning especially since they changed the voting format for starters.

Zaza almost got in at one point. Wemby will be in. A lot of people want to see the 7’4 phenom than half of those usual AS guys

12-21-2023, 06:31 AM
0 chance Wemby gets in imo. Maybe if the Spurs were a couple games under .500 but all star game selection is usually based on winning especially since they changed the voting format for starters.

What ? Public voters don’t give a shit about wins for All Star players, they just want a big show, and Wemby can bring that. I’m pretty confident he’ll be selected by public voters.

12-21-2023, 06:43 AM
Wemby won't be an all star.

Early in the season, all the media were hyping him and creating narratives. However now into 1 quarter of the season and having the worst record in the West conference, the media has stop their coverage on Wemby and has also agreed that Chet is leading in the ROY race. What is even more amazing is that Chet would be in the contenders for DPOY too.

Wemby won't be in the all-star for sure.

Holmgren isn’t ahead of him in the ROY discussion, not anymore.

12-21-2023, 09:47 AM
Wemby will get in but not as a starter.

12-21-2023, 11:16 AM
If he gets in, who knows, someone may throw him a lob.

12-21-2023, 11:23 AM
If he gets in, who knows, someone may throw him a lob.

That would be the best part, he’d be getting lobs every few possessions prolly lol

12-21-2023, 12:00 PM
EAST: Giannis, Tatum, Embiid, Haliburton and Maxey

WEST: Doncic, Shai, KD, Jokic and Wemby

12-21-2023, 01:11 PM
Zaza almost got in at one point. Wemby will be in. A lot of people want to see the 7’4 phenom than half of those usual AS guys

Yes and he didn't get in because they changed the way starters are voted in and fan vote counts for less than it used to. If it was just fan vote then I think he'd get it. But I don't see the coaches voting him in given the Spurs abysmal record

12-21-2023, 01:11 PM
What ? Public voters don’t give a shit about wins for All Star players, they just want a big show, and Wemby can bring that. I’m pretty confident he’ll be selected by public voters.

Again, fan vote weight has been reduced recently so it's not the only determining factor. Coaches won't vote him in

12-21-2023, 02:06 PM
The Spurs clearly don't want Wemby in the ASG imo, they haven't even tweet about it

They'd rather have him rest

He’ll be in the rising stars game. He’s not resting whether he makes the all star team or not

12-21-2023, 02:09 PM
Yes and he didn't get in because they changed the way starters are voted in and fan vote counts for less than it used to. If it was just fan vote then I think he'd get it. But I don't see the coaches voting him in given the Spurs abysmal record

I honestly didn't know. Id have to agree with your take in that case

12-21-2023, 03:09 PM
Found this on Fox sports:

"NBA All-Star Game starters are selected by fans, NBA players and the media. Fan votes make up 50 percent of the vote. All current players and a select group of media representatives will account for 25 percent each. Players and media only submit one ballot"

So fan vote only accounts for half. And I guarantee the players won't vote him in

12-21-2023, 03:38 PM
Found this on Fox sports:

"NBA All-Star Game starters are selected by fans, NBA players and the media. Fan votes make up 50 percent of the vote. All current players and a select group of media representatives will account for 25 percent each. Players and media only submit one ballot"

So fan vote only accounts for half. And I guarantee the players won't vote him in

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS_1uRiSMhFQ0KJflgRcYtxCQeRFqerm FPkpQ&usqp=CAU

https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBUVFRgVFRUZGRgYGBgYGBgYGBgYGBkYGhkZGhgYGB kcIS4lHB4rIRgYJjgmKy8xNTU1HCQ7QDs0Py40NTEBDAwMEA8Q HhISGjEhJCQxNDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0MTQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0MT Q0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0P//AABEIAKgBLAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAAABwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGBwj/xABGEAACAQIEAQoCBwYEBQQDAAABAgADEQQSITEFBhMiMkFRYX GBkXKxBxQjUqHR8DNCYoKSwRVTwuEkVGOi0hZDRLMXJTT/xAAZAQEAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAiEQEBAAICAgIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAQIRAzESITJBBFFxYSL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AOWwQRMsssODGzn4G/tJ2N6okDg56Z E/wBpYYrqzv8AxvhXHz/JU1ISmOusZYScpZdq42WaGx1ib6wEwWlbdtJNDbeIeKeJeVyva cZ0NZt C0ebo5e09I syfB6QeqinbNc Q1mtwlbOalthr6TDly9SOnhx92nkW8peNDpp8R Uu6TdGUHGD00 I/KYRtl0UY08dMaaXc694F1D5yzvKrgfUPnLMuALk2E0nSUTiv7J vT5iZpN5pqq899mnaR0joB4yqr8NCMRnvbTSxHvMsssd9tJxZX 6QJRcb64 ETQ1aLLuNO/smd41 0/lEb9KWWdmae00NDqr5CZ6ntNDR6q QiIKbYyDJzbGQZIAhiAQ7QlYcCH26eZ UTyu/wD6FH8C/MxzgI 3T1 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KC9RqocN0nNR6dm6Qa1ye3xjXKXidReG4XD1Ai821MWsc10puD c5iDv2S3bguGGDesVam5So7kVG zrBiFpsL9LuN7k3uJBr8mcO Hd bZwuBesmJNe4NewJQU76ZT8td4HNq2OY6DQRguwvcbb6HTz7p0 3Bcj8MaOYUGqKMC1f60K2hxABJp82NspA/vLHlPgFq0XoqOi3EF56qXGZaSU6bNUbMellViANdtIHIlqkd0J sQx7p0WvyVw/1kI GNNQa3Nf8UjfW8ik0x3pm 9oOyO8R5O4DD4d8S HbnAuHLYYVz9kzsVZc4uSLWNjrA5mKh8I7TqaTbcoeBYJExyUa bK ENB1qGpmzrVAYoVsAMua2ndMPTOkBiCCCSHcNufKS4IJ18PxZZ 9rLiPHatdFpvlyLawUW2FhrKwGHBNdSKHK2Jd7Z3ZrbZmJt7xk uBqYIJTP41bHs4tz3D8TF5fEwoJxNjVVD2MfwkRr6hiD7gwQSA 1TQZvCPhoIIDyNJCiCCAoQGCCSAjWIPcbzT1T0fSCCIhmoTC kOCEmKiRCmHBADiRKwFxBBIBhLCINQ9l9NrX0gggGrP4i22 nlFK1Tv cEECQK79t/xihXfx/GHBIqV2nKuutE0Vp0luhpGotPLVNM7qXBtr2m15Sl77q0EEAEj 7rQG2vW138fOCCARQH94676H8Y7RoC3W f5QQQP/9k=

TD 21
12-21-2023, 07:49 PM
Edwards is on the SpursTalk all-underrated team for sure

Nah, he's overrated everywhere because he's the easiest archetype to sell to the masses and now that he's on a good team, the media is pretending it's because he's made "the leap", when in actuality it's primarily because of their league leading defense and rotational depth.

12-21-2023, 07:55 PM
Nah, he's overrated everywhere because he's the easiest archetype to sell to the masses and now that he's on a good team, the media is pretending it's because he's made "the leap", when in actuality it's primarily because of their league leading defense and rotational depth.
Yes. Dwyane Wade with 3 point range is in fact a good archetype

Tyronn Lue
12-21-2023, 07:58 PM
Nah, he's overrated everywhere because he's the easiest archetype to sell to the masses and now that he's on a good team, the media is pretending it's because he's made "the leap", when in actuality it's primarily because of their league leading defense and rotational depth.
wait. So he happens to be on a much improved team but it's not because of him? This seems convenient for your argument.

TD 21
12-21-2023, 08:03 PM
Yes. Dwyane Wade with 3 point range is in fact a good archetype

:lmao If you don't have the capacity to tell the difference eye test wise, all you have to do is view any of the catch-all metrics to know Edwards is not in the same universe as Wade, at least to this point.

wait. So he happens to be on a much improved team but it's not because of him? This seems convenient for your argument.

I said primarily. Of course he's improved and that's helped, but this is not the superstar perimeter carry job the media is trying to portray it as.

He might have the more central role offensively, but Towns is still arguably their best player.

01-04-2024, 07:26 PM
First returns and it isn't looking good. 8th in voting in the Frontcourt.


Doubt the media or coaches are going to vote him in even as a backup given the Spurs abysmal record.

Victor has been great and may still be able to stay in the running for RoY, but All-Star seems to be a lost cause.

01-04-2024, 07:40 PM
Wemby 8th place. Okay so confirmed not an all star for Wemby as there is no chance he made the reserve team given the team record