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01-23-2024, 10:34 PM
Hey, Effy; "Who's the wild man now!"

Tyronn Lue
01-23-2024, 10:36 PM
What did you do that's so wild, push your nurse call button?

01-23-2024, 10:53 PM

01-23-2024, 11:01 PM
What did you do that's so wild, push your nurse call button?

I was talking to Effy, Lue. Get out of it.

Tyronn Lue
01-23-2024, 11:12 PM
I was talking to Effy, Lue. Get out of it.
Use the PM function, boomer.

01-23-2024, 11:37 PM
Use the PM function, boomer.

Which generation are you, Lue?

01-24-2024, 12:16 AM

:lol look at how stupid Trump supporters are.

01-24-2024, 01:28 AM
:lol look at how stupid Trump supporters are.

But, when you do it, nose in the air, it's cool. Same old shit...you can dish it, you just cannot take it, ever. It's your religion.

01-24-2024, 06:50 AM
Which generation are you, Lue?

The one where Tyrone Lue is considered "cool"


Will Hunting
01-24-2024, 09:14 AM
Thread I'm pretty sure Trump is gonna beat Old Joe, all I ask is that he make good on his promise to deport all the illegals Biden and Mayorkas have let flood the country the last 3 years. Can I count on him to deliver on that? If he does it'll make the rest of his presidency more palatable.

01-24-2024, 09:43 AM
Thread I'm pretty sure Trump is gonna beat Old Joe, all I ask is that he make good on his promise to deport all the illegals Biden and Mayorkas have let flood the country the last 3 years. Can I count on him to deliver on that? If he does it'll make the rest of his presidency more palatable.

Nope. just more empty promises to fire up the stupid one.

01-24-2024, 09:53 AM
Nope. just more empty promises to fire up the stupid one.

"Build back better"
"Ruble will be ruble"


Lots of stupids in this country :lol

01-24-2024, 10:12 AM
Thread (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=19320) I'm pretty sure Trump is gonna beat Old Joe, all I ask is that he make good on his promise to deport all the illegals Biden and Mayorkas have let flood the country the last 3 years. Can I count on him to deliver on that? If he does it'll make the rest of his presidency more palatable.

He (cannot) accomplish that promise, Will, even if he wins. The D's & RINO's will once again take off after him with everything they've got to thwart him on anything he tries to accomplish. They're not going to let him be President even if elected. The assassination attempts will start up again, go unpunished, and God forbid even come to fruition.

This has all been personal since he made President and it is never going to change. Anything other man woulda tossed the towel, or, taken up arms years ago. Not Trump, it's just as personal to him as them, though he is able to restrain himself. I have no idea how. Long ago I'd taken vengeance, no-matter-what.

Tyronn Lue
01-24-2024, 06:32 PM
"Build back better"
"Ruble will be ruble"


Lots of stupids in this country :lol
Spells Ruble twice instead of rubble :lol

01-24-2024, 08:47 PM
Spells Ruble twice instead of rubble :lol

:lmao spelling police is all they have for a retort :lmao :lmao

01-24-2024, 08:58 PM
Thread (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=19320) I'm pretty sure Trump is gonna beat Old Joe, all I ask is that he make good on his promise to deport all the illegals Biden and Mayorkas have let flood the country the last 3 years. Can I count on him to deliver on that? If he does it'll make the rest of his presidency more palatable.

I'm still surprised you even support the present day Democrats. They aren't your dad's Democrat Party. They aren't the party of unions, the working man, fiscal responsibility, high tax brackets for the rich, and being socially moderate on social issues like abortion. Nope. They're the party of elite oligarchic globalists who want to rule your brain with AI and spam society with woke counterculture, restorative justice for black crime, and illegal alien filth.

01-24-2024, 09:03 PM
He (cannot) accomplish that promise, Will, even if he wins. The D's & RINO's will once again take off after him with everything they've got to thwart him on anything he tries to accomplish. They're not going to let him be President even if elected. The assassination attempts will start up again, go unpunished, and God forbid even come to fruition.

This has all been personal since he made President and it is never going to change. Anything other man woulda tossed the towel, or, taken up arms years ago. Not Trump, it's just as personal to him as them, though he is able to restrain himself. I have no idea how. Long ago I'd taken vengeance, no-matter-what.


01-24-2024, 09:04 PM
I'm still surprised you even support the present day Democrats. They aren't your dad's Democrat Party. They aren't the party of unions, the working man, fiscal responsibility, high tax brackets for the rich, and being socially moderate on social issues like abortion. Nope. They're the party of elite oligarchic globalists who want to rule your brain with AI and spam society with woke counterculture, restorative justice for black crime, and illegal alien filth.


01-24-2024, 09:06 PM
I'm still surprised you even support the present day Democrats. They aren't your dad's Democrat Party. They aren't the party of unions, the working man, fiscal responsibility, high tax brackets for the rich, and being socially moderate on social issues like abortion. Nope. They're the party of elite oligarchic globalists who want to rule your brain with AI and spam society with woke counterculture, restorative justice for black crime, and illegal alien filth.

Don't forget about Donkeys being more warmonger and neocon than Repugs today :lmao

Tyronn Lue
01-24-2024, 09:32 PM
:lmao spelling police is all they have for a retort :lmao :lmao
:lol "they"
:lol "ruble"

baseline bum
01-24-2024, 09:34 PM
Thread I'm pretty sure Trump is gonna beat Old Joe, all I ask is that he make good on his promise to deport all the illegals Biden and Mayorkas have let flood the country the last 3 years. Can I count on him to deliver on that? If he does it'll make the rest of his presidency more palatable.

Yeah the guy who hires illegals is going to deport them :lol

01-24-2024, 10:05 PM
Yeah the guy who hires illegals is going to deport them :lol

I'll be a SOB, you just had to bring that up tonight when we're feelin' good, feelin' our oats. If I did that to you, you'd harbor it and you'd be correct, you SOB, you.

01-24-2024, 10:09 PM
:lol "they"
:lol "ruble"

Tyronn :lmao

01-24-2024, 10:10 PM
Yeah the guy who hires illegals is going to deport them :lol

Obomba did that tbqh

baseline bum
01-24-2024, 10:20 PM
Obomba did that tbqh

LOL Trumptards immune to facts

01-24-2024, 10:24 PM
LOL Trumptards immune to facts

They don't call him the "deporter in Chief" for nothing :lmao

Tyronn Lue
01-24-2024, 10:54 PM
Tyronn :lmao
Needing to edit "Tyronn" because you wrote "Tyrone". :lol

The more emojis I can squeeze from you the more I know I've hurt you.

01-24-2024, 10:59 PM
Needing to edit "Tyronn" because you wrote "Tyrone". :lol

The more emojis I can squeeze from you the more I know I've hurt you.

:lmao Tyronn


01-24-2024, 11:08 PM
:lmao Tyronn



01-24-2024, 11:40 PM
Yeah the guy who hires illegals is going to deport them :lol

TRUMP: “As soon as I lift my hand from the Bible as your 47th president, I will seal the border, shut down the invasion of millions and millions of people coming in, and I will instruct the heads of ICE to begin the largest deportation program in American history”


c'est la vie

01-25-2024, 02:19 AM
"Build back better"
"Ruble will be ruble"


Lots of stupids in this country :lol

Are you doing poorly in this economy?

01-25-2024, 02:20 AM
TRUMP: “As soon as I lift my hand from the Bible as your 47th president, I will seal the border, shut down the invasion of millions and millions of people coming in, and I will instruct the heads of ICE to begin the largest deportation program in American history”


c'est la vie

Why didn't he do that the first time?

01-25-2024, 09:19 AM
Why didn't he do that the first time?

He was busy trying to keep ya's from blowing up Mel and the kid on one hand, and the other hand was busy trying to keep ya's from separating his head from his body. + you had that old rapper, stupor dog, I mean snooper threatening to shoot him to death and that doper Dip, I mean Depp beating his gf days and threatening to shoot Trump nights.

01-25-2024, 02:12 PM

01-25-2024, 08:54 PM
:cry pls stahp Niki :cry
:lol fucking crybaby

01-25-2024, 10:09 PM
:lmao demoshits love Helly because



01-26-2024, 12:40 AM
:lmao demoshits love Helly because


I don't give a fuck about either. It's just funny watching the Donald squirm because she won't suck his dick like Ramswimmy, Tom Scott and Raphael do

01-27-2024, 12:57 AM
I don't give a fuck about either. It's just funny watching the Donald squirm because she won't suck his dick like Ramswimmy, Tom Scott and Raphael do

Just watch your fuckin' p's & q's. I own your ass now, bene.

Love always,

- Dale

01-27-2024, 03:04 AM
:lmao demoshits love Helly because



:lol Was Vivek trying to beat Trump?

Will Hunting
01-27-2024, 02:46 PM
I'm still surprised you even support the present day Democrats. They aren't your dad's Democrat Party. They aren't the party of unions, the working man, fiscal responsibility, high tax brackets for the rich, and being socially moderate on social issues like abortion. Nope. They're the party of elite oligarchic globalists who want to rule your brain with AI and spam society with woke counterculture, restorative justice for black crime, and illegal alien filth.
Dude look at the cucked immigration deal the GOP just made. It's a joke - it allows 1.8 million new people every year to migrate here illegally and stay (still not sure how or when we moved away from the policy of simply deporting the migrants we catch at the border trying to come here illegally). They're not any better than Democrats on migrants, worshipping brown people, etc., so I might as well support the party I agree with on other issues when the party that's ostensibly anti-immigration is totally feckless and bends the knee.

I'll admit though that Biden and that dirty ass gusano beaner Alejandro Mayorkas are testing my patience. We had 302,000 border encounters last month who are all now staying in the country thanks to Biden's retarded catch-and-release policies, and the Biden admin is trying to act like the country absorbing an illegal population the size of Pittsburgh every month is normal and no big deal. Biden could fix the border problems tomorrow with executive orders if he wanted to but he doesn't because his admin is controlled by open border zealots.

01-27-2024, 02:48 PM
Just watch your fuckin' p's & q's. I own your ass now, bene.

Love always,

- Dale

Will Hunting
01-27-2024, 02:52 PM
Whitewater, Wisconsin for example has ~15,000 people (as of the 2020 census) and Mayorkas has shipped 1,000 migrants there over the last couple years (gee I wonder why the Biden admin is depositing migrants in an important swing state of all places).

How the fuck do you expect a small locality to absorb a 7% population increase (primarily made up of people who speak no English, can't work and have no place to live) like it's no big deal? It's recklessly irresponsible immigration policy.

01-27-2024, 02:55 PM
Needing to edit "Tyronn" because you wrote "Tyrone". :lol

The more emojis I can squeeze from you the more I know I've hurt you.

LOL needing to impersonate a successful black man because you're the epitome of a racist white uppity progressive... I bet you think the black community as a whole can't find their way to a DMV too. :lmao

01-27-2024, 02:57 PM
LMAO Nimrada the retard is exactly the type of dumbfuck that progressive racist war mongering losers love

01-27-2024, 09:57 PM
Whitewater, Wisconsin for example has ~15,000 people (as of the 2020 census) and Mayorkas has shipped 1,000 migrants there over the last couple years (gee I wonder why the Biden admin is depositing migrants in an important swing state of all places).

How the fuck do you expect a small locality to absorb a 7% population increase (primarily made up of people who speak no English, can't work and have no place to live) like it's no big deal? It's recklessly irresponsible immigration policy.
Yup. Won't help Biden or the Dems in 2024, but look at what Reagan did with helping CA flip blue long-term by giving tens of millions of dirty illegals amnesty, first as governor, then as POTUS. Took about a decade to kick in as it still takes them ~7 years to get citizenship and vote, but the Dems are certainly playing the long (cheating) game.

Will Hunting
01-28-2024, 08:24 AM
Yup. Won't help Biden or the Dems in 2024, but look at what Reagan did with helping CA flip blue long-term by giving tens of millions of dirty illegals amnesty, first as governor, then as POTUS. Took about a decade to kick in as it still takes them ~7 years to get citizenship and vote, but the Dems are certainly playing the long (cheating) game.
Trump needs to mass deport them if he wins. He won’t though because he’s a lazy fatass.

01-28-2024, 10:35 AM
Trump needs to mass deport them if he wins. He won’t though because he’s a lazy fatass.

Yup. They won't be voting MAGA because they're "populists". He's delusional if he thinks he can use Hispanics of any kind (particularly immigrants) to flush out the "old guard establishment GOP" and vote MAGA GOP because of culture war issues and foreign policy et al. They have no love for America and American nationalism and while they may be socially conservative to some extent, they are above all else freeloaders and moochers and absolutely will vote for the party that offers them free stuff galore, which is the Democrats.

If Trump mass deports everyone that has come in since Biden took office on 01/20/2021, without due process, that would be based and frankly the only option, and henceforth America and MAGA populism can be saved; otherwise it's just going to be a turd-world salad bowl hellhole like what Canada has become (go to Toronto for a few days and tell me what % of whites and Muslims you see on a daily basis, for instance), and completely dominated by the globalist liberal party and neocon globalist-marxist puppets like Trudeau.

01-28-2024, 11:07 AM
Yup. They won't be voting MAGA because they're "populists". He's delusional if he thinks he can use Hispanics of any kind (particularly immigrants) to flush out the "old guard establishment GOP" and vote MAGA GOP because of culture war issues and foreign policy et al. They have no love for America and American nationalism and while they may be socially conservative to some extent, they are above all else freeloaders and moochers and absolutely will vote for the party that offers them free stuff galore, which is the Democrats.

If Trump mass deports everyone that has come in since Biden took office on 01/20/2021, without due process, that would be based and frankly the only option, and henceforth America and MAGA populism can be saved; otherwise it's just going to be a turd-world salad bowl hellhole like what Canada has become (go to Toronto for a few days and tell me what % of whites and Muslims you see on a daily basis, for instance), and completely dominated by the globalist liberal party and neocon globalist-marxist puppets like Trudeau.

The bitter truth.

Mark Celibate
01-28-2024, 11:14 AM
Yup. They won't be voting MAGA because they're "populists". He's delusional if he thinks he can use Hispanics of any kind (particularly immigrants) to flush out the "old guard establishment GOP" and vote MAGA GOP because of culture war issues and foreign policy et al. They have no love for America and American nationalism and while they may be socially conservative to some extent, they are above all else freeloaders and moochers and absolutely will vote for the party that offers them free stuff galore, which is the Democrats.

If Trump mass deports everyone that has come in since Biden took office on 01/20/2021, without due process, that would be based and frankly the only option, and henceforth America and MAGA populism can be saved; otherwise it's just going to be a turd-world salad bowl hellhole like what Canada has become (go to Toronto for a few days and tell me what % of whites and Muslims you see on a daily basis, for instance), and completely dominated by the globalist liberal party and neocon globalist-marxist puppets like Trudeau.

real problem is whitey not having enough kids to sustain the economy or the housing bubble tbh. White womyn have been brainwashed to be empowered and climb the corporate ladder into their 30s...or the 2024 edition which is to be a boss b!tch social influencer. And 80% of white men are just pussies. The result is you get all these white couples who do a bunch of mental gymnastics and end up having one or two kids like that couple in Idiocracy. IMO, whites could learn a few things from the Dindu and the Spic who breed like rabbits. The based method is the Millenial_Messiah method where you just start popping out kids left and right, but your social and monetary value is so high that the baby mommas and kids have to work for your attention/money.

01-28-2024, 11:17 AM
Why didn't he do that the first time?

01-28-2024, 11:33 AM
real problem is whitey not having enough kids to sustain the economy or the housing bubble tbh. White womyn have been brainwashed to be empowered and climb the corporate ladder into their 30s...or the 2024 edition which is to be a boss b!tch social influencer. And 80% of white men are just pussies. The result is you get all these white couples who do a bunch of mental gymnastics and end up having one or two kids like that couple in Idiocracy. IMO, whites could learn a few things from the Dindu and the Spic who breed like rabbits. The based method is the Millenial_Messiah method where you just start popping out kids left and right, but your social and monetary value is so high that the baby mommas and kids have to work for your attention/money.

Blackie ain't either, Mark. The real culprit is and has been since abortion became legal 50 years ago. They who know were and continue to be absolutley aghast at the numbers and resulting calamity these numbers drag along with them.

Will Hunting
01-28-2024, 11:43 AM
Yup. They won't be voting MAGA because they're "populists". He's delusional if he thinks he can use Hispanics of any kind (particularly immigrants) to flush out the "old guard establishment GOP" and vote MAGA GOP because of culture war issues and foreign policy et al. They have no love for America and American nationalism and while they may be socially conservative to some extent, they are above all else freeloaders and moochers and absolutely will vote for the party that offers them free stuff galore, which is the Democrats.

If Trump mass deports everyone that has come in since Biden took office on 01/20/2021, without due process, that would be based and frankly the only option, and henceforth America and MAGA populism can be saved; otherwise it's just going to be a turd-world salad bowl hellhole like what Canada has become (go to Toronto for a few days and tell me what % of whites and Muslims you see on a daily basis, for instance), and completely dominated by the globalist liberal party and neocon globalist-marxist puppets like Trudeau.
When you say "without due process" I'm not sure what you mean. They're not American citizens vested with constitutional rights and they're only here because they made a frivolous asylum claim which Biden and Mayorkas determined was sufficient under their bullshit "catch and release" orders.

Nothing about Trump deporting them would be unconstitutional; they should have never entered the country in the first place and almost all of their asylum claims are bogus. The mere fact you live in a shithole country with a high murder rate doesn't give you right to seek asylum in an entirely different fucking continent wherever you want to move.

A bunch of single military age men from Africa or the middle east traveling to Mexico and then showing up at the border is not remotely close to what real asylum claims look like.

Will Hunting
01-28-2024, 11:50 AM
Also could be wrong but I thought the issue in Toronto / Canada was more Pajeets than Muslims.

I remember reading a story recently that a beach on the north side of Lake Erie is basically uninhabitable now because there weren't any nearby public bathrooms and the Pajeets decided to use it as a toilet :lmao

Why the fuck would we ever import migrants from a culture that revolves around eating cow shit :lol

01-28-2024, 11:52 AM
When you say "without due process" I'm not sure what you mean. They're not American citizens vested with constitutional rights and they're only here because they made a frivolous asylum claim which Biden and Mayorkas determined was sufficient under their bullshit "catch and release" orders.

Nothing about Trump deporting them would be unconstitutional; they should have never entered the country in the first place and almost all of their asylum claims are bogus. The mere fact you live in a shithole country with a high murder rate doesn't give you right to seek asylum in an entirely different fucking continent wherever you want to move.

A bunch of single military age men from Africa or the middle east traveling to Mexico and then showing up at the border is not remotely close to what real asylum claims look like.

Will's finest hour.


01-28-2024, 11:53 AM
Also could be wrong but I thought the issue in Toronto / Canada was more Pajeets than Muslims.

I remember reading a story recently that a beach on the north side of Lake Erie is basically uninhabitable now because there weren't any nearby public bathrooms and the Pajeets decided to use it as a toilet :lmao

Why the fuck would we ever import migrants from a culture that revolves around eating cow shit :lol

Tell it, Will.


Will Hunting
01-28-2024, 11:54 AM
:lmao Justin Trudeau's major policy goal is to overwhelm the white Canadian population with people who do nothing but worship feces and ask random women on Instragram to "send bobs and vagene"


Mark Celibate
01-28-2024, 11:54 AM
Blackie ain't either, Mark. The real culprit is and has been since abortion became legal 50 years ago. They who know were and continue to be absolutley aghast at the numbers and resulting calamity these numbers drag along with them.

Based and Thread-pilled.

You are right, feminism is IMO the biggest factor in declining birth rates. There's no doubt that all countries in the West are feminist at this point. What was surprising to me is birthrates are even declining in the "Westernized" countries in Africa like Nigeria. The only country in the West whose fertility rates aren't falling off of a cliff is Israel

Will Hunting
01-28-2024, 12:00 PM
There are a lot of elements to our bad birth rates:

- feminism / career focused women is definitely a leading cause
- lack of economic opportunity for millennials Gen Zers is another big one
- ease of access to hardcore internet porn that men have gotten addicted to to the point where they have E.D. in their mid 20s
- increased obesity rates among young people (also why men are getting E.D. earlier than ever before)
- the fact our diverse, high crime society is one where it's less desirable to bring a child into the world

01-28-2024, 12:03 PM
There are a lot of elements to our bad birth rates:

- feminism / career focused women is definitely a leading cause
- lack of economic opportunity for millennials Gen Zers is another big one
- ease of access to hardcore internet porn that men have gotten addicted to to the point where they have E.D. in their mid 20s
- increased obesity rates among young people (also why men are getting E.D. earlier than ever before)
- the fact our diverse, high crime society is one where it's less desirable to bring a child into the world

...and (greed) as those that can easily (afford) children hold back because they don't want to share their wealth and coming wealth and the fancy do-dads it can purchase.

Will Hunting
01-28-2024, 12:05 PM
...and (greed) as those that can easily (afford) children hold back because they don't want to share their wealth and coming wealth and the fancy do-dads it can purchase.
Yep, that's also a big problem. A lot of couples who enjoy their life of leisure going on expensive vacations 6 times a year because they can afford to with two incomes and no kids.

Mark Celibate
01-28-2024, 12:15 PM
There are a lot of elements to our bad birth rates:

- feminism / career focused women is definitely a leading cause
- lack of economic opportunity for millennials Gen Zers is another big one
- ease of access to hardcore internet porn that men have gotten addicted to to the point where they have E.D. in their mid 20s
- increased obesity rates among young people (also why men are getting E.D. earlier than ever before)
- the fact our diverse, high crime society is one where it's less desirable to bring a child into the world

yeah, one thing I'd add is that by giving women high paying careers (especially through obvious DEI hires) they get very picky on who they will settle down with. Your average Joe Schmoe who makes $70k / year doing IT stuff but no exciting hobbies and just average looks is going to be invisible to a lot of women who have money. If she can take care of herself, she doesn't have a need for balding, skinnyfat Joe Schmoe who brings nothing to the table outside of money. That's why we're seeing the whole rise of the "Passport Bros" movement. Dating apps also inflate women's ego for a variety of reasons...Chad gets bored and randomly matches with her one time so she thinks she's a 9 or a 10 all of a sudden etc etc etc

I know the whole "women are hypergamous by nature blah blah blah" manosphere talking points from 2010ish era have been beaten to death, but I do think it's a big issue and one that's been pretty glaringly obvious in every social circle I've been in.

Mark Celibate
01-28-2024, 12:19 PM
Also the whole "men avoiding marriage because of the biased court system" movement is starting to become mainstream. I think that's been a pretty recent development, so it hasn't affected the birthrates that much to this point but it's going to just keep making things worse IMHO. A decade ago, this type of thought was only a thing on those "misogynist" manosphere sites like RooshV, ReturnofKings, etc

01-29-2024, 12:07 AM
Will Hunting red billed but still votes blue no matter who because muhbortion and he doesn't believe the dems are more establishmentarian than Trump. :lmao

Also could be wrong but I thought the issue in Toronto / Canada was more Pajeets than Muslims.

I remember reading a story recently that a beach on the north side of Lake Erie is basically uninhabitable now because there weren't any nearby public bathrooms and the Pajeets decided to use it as a toilet :lmao

Why the fuck would we ever import migrants from a culture that revolves around eating cow shit :lol

Both, but there are a shit ton of hijabis there too... they're not Hindu.

Will Hunting
01-29-2024, 09:10 AM
Will Hunting red billed but still votes blue no matter who because muhbortion and he doesn't believe the dems are more establishmentarian than Trump. :lmao
If I actually thought Trump would mass deport beaners I'd consider voting for him and voting Dem down ballot, but I know better than that after his first term.

01-29-2024, 11:47 AM
- the fact our diverse, high crime society is one where it's less desirable to bring a child into the world

I think by "fact" you mean "perception." The crime rate is half what it was 30 years ago. And assuming by "diversity" you mean scary African darkies and "beaners," then diversity itself should increase the overall birth rate when you consider the places in the world where birth rates are highest.

But I think you overestimate how many white people are as scared of minorities as you and the rest of this racist circle jerk. ED from porn addiction and lethargic lifestyle, on the other hand, is probably a significant factor like you said and something I think you guys could probably offer some more insight on.

01-29-2024, 02:01 PM
I think by "fact" you mean "perception." The crime rate is half what it was 30 years ago. And assuming by "diversity" you mean scary African darkies and "beaners," then diversity itself should increase the overall birth rate when you consider the places in the world where birth rates are highest.

But I think you overestimate how many white people are as scared of minorities as you and the rest of this racist circle jerk. ED from porn addiction and lethargic lifestyle, on the other hand, is probably a significant factor like you said and something I think you guys could probably offer some more insight on.

You're so full of a shit, Spurm, your eyes are turnin' brown.