View Full Version : Celtics game Friday night...

12-06-2005, 05:08 PM
Is also Rodeo night at the Spurs game...They will recognize the rodeo chairmen on the floor (I think before the game) and lucky SpursTalk fans at the game will get a look at CosmicCowboy...I will be the tallest one and wearing a Spurs cap.

12-06-2005, 05:11 PM
I'll try to remember to look for you.

12-06-2005, 05:21 PM
I will be available for autographs afterwards...:lol

12-06-2005, 05:29 PM
If you are autographing blank checks I am there, otherwise... hahaha

Old School Chic
12-06-2005, 05:39 PM
You Eva Longoria You! :lol

12-06-2005, 07:01 PM
Cool Cosmic!

12-06-2005, 08:00 PM
I think I will pull out the '99 championship cap even though most of you hated the colors...It was a good year...that championship plus the 50 years of good community relations with the Rodeo got the "community arena" bond issue passed that Fall after the Championship...and that was a very good thing...I did several gigs with Sean Elliot that summer drumming up support...he would speak for the Spurs and I would represent the Rodeo...very nice since the Spurs were footing the bar tab...:lol...I even did some solo gigs metting senior citizens at Lubys and taking them on bus tours of the proposed location just getting votes one at a time...

BTW...Big props to SpursFan AKA known as MarcusBryant for his help during that time..."the" Spurs Forum back then was on the old Express News site...and I swear that the Hotel/Rental Car lobby was hiring people to strafe the forum with Anti-Spurs Anti-Arena bullshit...it was bloody but fun...we fought emotion with facts and kicked some serious ass...if facts didn't work we just insulted them unmercifully till they left...JimCS and Travis were there too...plus Exstatic and a few others...

This was before Kori came on the scene and before her "age of enlightenment" becoming a Spurs fan and when she still thought David Robinson was "soft"...:lol