View Full Version : Larry digging up past

12-07-2005, 08:37 AM
MSNBC Sports

If you ever lived in the country and owned a hound dog, you’ve had this experience.

The dog finds something really disgusting — usually an aromatic portion of an unidentifiable animal that’s been lying in the sun on the road for a week or two. Naturally, the dog has to bring this treasure home and share it with the two-legged creatures who scratch behind its ears. After telling the dog how good it is for thinking to share, you distract the beast by giving it a nice fresh ham bone, then take the disgusting mass of festering fur and meat out back and bury it.

Robert Padgett / Reuters file
Why does Larry Brown continue to say he didn't leave the Pistons willingly?

You come back in the house, crack open a beer — if you live in the country, any outdoor task calls for a cold one, in fact, even thinking about outdoor work calls for a cold one — and sit back to watch the ball game. You don’t even notice when the dog slips out the dog door and goes outside.

Five minutes later, the dog is scratching at your feet, and when you look down, it’s panting happily and pointing at the treasure — covered with dirt now, which just makes it more attractive — which it has dropped at your feet.

So you give the dog the steak you were going to have for dinner then go out back, fire up the backhoe, dig a pit eight feet deep, throw the mess back in, pour three sacks of Redi-Mix concrete on top, fill the pit with dirt, and roll a boulder on top of it all.

The next morning, as sure as the sun rises in the east, the dog will be in your bedroom, covered in mud, thrilled to death to be able to show you that it found its prize and dug it back up. In the corner were the dog sleeps will be a half-eaten steak and a ham bone that’s barely been licked, because neither one was nearly rotten enough to enjoy.

Believe us, after this happens a couple of dozen times, you start to appreciate poodles, even if you can’t ever admit it to your friends.

We’re not sure if that story relates to our Whiner of the Week, Larry Brown, but we wanted to tell it because we got to drinking beer the other day and thinking about a hound we once had that just couldn’t let go of something disgusting. The dog kept bones around for years, and if you tried to get rid of one, she’d growl at you as if you were trying to steal her puppies. It didn’t matter how far you threw them or how deep you buried them, she’d always bring them back. The only way to get rid of one of her treasures was to burn it, and even then she’d roll in the ashes.

With Wandering Larry, it’s not road kill that he can’t let go of, but his last job in Detroit. It went rotten and started to fester, which sometimes happens with jobs, even jobs you do well. To make him feel better, the Knicks gave him a nice, new filet mignon of jobs.

Didn’t matter. When the Knicks went to Detroit to play the Pistons last week for the first time since he left, Brown had to dig up his mess and roll in it.

For some reason, he kept talking about how he didn’t leave the Pistons willingly, even though through the playoffs he was talking to Cleveland and New York about leaving Detroit. He and the Pistons agreed to a buy-out of the remaining years of his contract, with Brown taking $7 million instead of the $18 million left on the contract.

But, no, Brown whined, he didn’t agree to leave the job. He was fired, he cried, and he’d never been fired before. (He was neglecting that time when he was coaching the Nets in the playoffs and talking to his next potential employer and the Nets told him to take the rest of the playoffs off.)

No one could figure out what he was crying about. He had called the Knicks job his dream job and he signed for five years at $50 million, which is pretty good pay for a job that requires you to wear a suit only three or four days a week. Why dig up the mess he left behind?

That’s hound dog’s work.

Link (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3298669/)