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12-09-2005, 01:11 AM
Hey, you know what? You democrats never cease to amaze me.

Not only have you all celebrated a weak stalemate fall election, but you have reverted to your old playbook circa 2002. You are no longer the party of fat unions, snotty proffesors, air headed celebirties, transgender blouse-clad twinkies, and blowhard liberals. You are all one. An army of disdain rather than pure dissent. No longer a party of diversity, but of uniformity.

Not the Jacksonian, and Jeffersononian Democrat Party, but the new fat kid on the block, BushLied™. As members of BushLied™, you no longer will talk about issues and solutions, you will resort to calling conservatives liars and their daddy George DUbya a big fat liar. You will no longer waste your logistics on converting more americans to progressive values. Your goal is to say "nany nany poo poo" and "Liar, pants on fire". If you are to be confronted to the fact that your own progressive leaders sold you out to slob conservative neocon knob on the war and tax cuts. Just, ignore your opponent with a glazed look and continue with your arsenal of "I know you are, but what am I?".

What is left? What is there to run for? If the majority of americans support a ban on gay marriage, why should you want to rule a country of neanderthals. Just think about it liberals. YOu knew this war was crooked all along, but your fellow americans were too stupid to acknowledge the same. You are too good for all of us. :lol,. But you cannot tell the public how stupid they are. You must, convince them that they all think the way you do, by crushing their conservative instincts by name calling, and saying things such as "It's a well known fact that Valerie Plame was a covert agent...", you could fool them. Not only that. But one must fool oneself to become the Ultimate fool. You see, everytime a democrat sells you out for popularity and staying the course on the war, you should fool yourself into thinking that they really are against the whole thing. Maybe your leaders do not care about helping an imperialistic ideology in order to gain power themselves, but you must pretend that the world is a happy place. Just plug your ears and say, "LA LA la la,..La la la la.." and this sick sad world of spineless progressives won't be so bad after all. Yes, it hurts to know that Hillary is supporting the Beast, and the President's war. But it's okay, Bush is a liar! Pants on Fire,...oh and BushLied™.

I mean why should someone lie to the people in going to war over faulty intelligence. That's the worst cardinal sin. It is worse than supporting the Auschwitz experiments and buying a 12mpg SUV. People who knowingly support a false war, and support the iraqi occupation are evil. <WARNING: IRONY AHEAD!!.> Thank God 2008 is around the corner and you have Hillary to support for president. :elephant
Cuz after all, you truly believe this is an unjust war, and that this war is evil, Bush lied, and anybody who knowingly supports a liar's war is evil too. That's why you're thankful Hillary will carry the torch and represent.

And what about that David Corn guy. Yeah, that hero of yours at the nation who started the whole BushLied™ notion before the war started. HE was just an unbiased journalist who had no qualms, and was calling a spade a spade. What about all the balanced journalism from CHirs Matthews, Keith Olbermann, and Dan Rather. Thank God, for these brave americans who believe that America is a great country and that it's citizens are bright and optimistic.

But let's get back to the issue at hand. BushLied™, and the republicans are sliding in approval ratings. Now is your moment democrats, or should i say BushLied™ INc. This is your time. THe time is now, and you should tell the american people how stupid they are, and how you have all the solutions. Wait, don't say that. Tell them that that dumb republican fool George Bush lied to them and fooled them, but you knew all along that he was bluffing. Even though your leaders voted differently, that's not what counts. Half of Americans have severe ADD, and they will forget that your party is two faced, and will do anything for power. Yes, i know that's not exactly enlightening, but what would you rather have? A Dumb Liar, or a bunch of easily fooled Progressives who would sell out innocent iraqi children to retain political power. After all, it's not the Democrats war, unless it turns around for the better and the polls soar for approval, then and only then, it's now our achievement even though your party was vested in it's defeat. You were just doing your part in partaking in dissent. It's not like you were siding with the insurgents or calling them freedom fighters. Although, they did have a legitimate reason to fight our troops, and they should of been giving a platform to speak out, who cares. It'll be time to take credit for your assistance in this imperialistic war.

That's right. YOu'll do anything to advance your platform. IF a straight black man is dragged in Jasper, you then propose gays to be protected by the "hate crime" legislation, because black people being oppressed should mean that gays should be uplifted. Even though they have nothing in common, who cares about logical reasoning? And if those dumb hayseed hicks ask if you have a plan, tell them to stick that plan up their inbred sisters cooch. Plans are for neocons, dick cheney, karl rove, and responsible people. Don't even think about offering AMerica a plan. That's so 94 and newt gingrich and all.

12-09-2005, 03:32 AM
I mean why should someone lie to the people in going to war over faulty intelligence. That's the worst cardinal sin. It is worse than supporting the Auschwitz experiments and buying a 12mpg SUV. People who knowingly support a false war, and support the iraqi occupation are evil. <WARNING: IRONY AHEAD!!.> Thank God 2008 is around the corner and you have Hillary to support for president.
Cuz after all, you truly believe this is an unjust war, and that this war is evil, Bush lied, and anybody who knowingly supports a liar's war is evil too. That's why you're thankful Hillary will carry the torch and represent.


The only support I've seen for Hillary lately is from discontent X-Republicans.

12-09-2005, 03:34 AM
unless it turns around for the better and the polls soar for approval,

Yeah, that'll happen.


12-10-2005, 02:58 AM
Updated: 3:54 p.m. ET Dec. 9, 2005
WASHINGTON - President Bush’s improved standing with whites, men, Catholics and other core supporters has been a key factor in pushing his job approval rating up to 42 percent. That’s the highest level since summer.

Shifting into campaign mode to reverse his slide in public opinion polls, Bush has boosted his support among key constituency groups — particularly in the Northeast and West — on his handling of Iraq and the economy, an AP-Ipsos poll found.

“Now it’s not a one-sided debate,” said Republican pollster Ed Goeas, citing Bush’s recent speeches on the health of the economy and the high stakes in Iraq. “You have a message getting out there in a much more positive way.”

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Bush improved his job approval rating from 37 percent in November to 42 percent now, though his standing with the public remains relatively low. Fifty-seven percent still disapprove, down from 61.

Bush spent much of the year pushing for a Social Security plan that went nowhere, and he was put on the defensive in September and October after the slow government response to Hurricane Katrina.

Those factors combined with Iraq and the price of gasoline hitting $3 a gallon left the president with the lowest public support of his presidency from September through November.

Gas prices down, approval ratings up
Now, gas prices have eased, and Bush has been barnstorming the country to tout a stronger economy and claim progress in Iraq.

A recent report noted that the nation added 215,000 jobs in November, and Bush declared on Monday that “the best days are yet to come for the American economy.”

On Iraq, he’s halfway through a series of four speeches outlining — in the words of a huge banner behind him at one event — the administration’s “Plan for Victory” in Iraq. He has been claiming new strength for both Iraq’s troops and economy, while acknowledging difficulties caused by continuing violence.

The most important goal of the Iraq speeches is to shore up intensity of support with his Republican base, said Gary Jacobson, a political scientist at the University of California-San Diego. “If he restores the strong support of Republicans, he can ride out the rest of the term and keep Republican politicians on his side as well,” Jacobson said.

Bush’s job approval among men has climbed from 39 percent in November to 47 percent now and among whites from 40 percent to 47 percent, according to the AP-Ipsos poll.

Catholics’ approval went from 32 percent to 41 percent. In the Northeast, Bush’s support grew from 27 to 41 percent, and in the West from 34 to 42 percent.

More satisfaction with economy
Overall, approval of Bush’s handling of the economy was up to 42 percent in December from 37 percent last month, according to the poll of 1,002 adults taken Dec. 5-7 by Ipsos, an international polling firm. The survey had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

The poll found approval for Bush’s handling of Iraq also was up, from 37 percent last month to 41 percent now.

Those disapproving totaled 55 percent on the economy, 58 percent on Iraq, both down slightly from November.

“I think he’s doing what he has to do,” said Charl-Deane Almond, a Republican from Bishop, Calif. “I appreciate him standing strong with all the pressure he’s under.”

Still, many have mixed feelings.

Said Jonathan Schuler, an independent from Georgetown, a small city north of Austin, Texas: “If we stay in Iraq too much longer, it will be another Vietnam. If we pull out, the terrorists will look at it as a victory.”

The people who disapprove of Bush’s performance cite Iraq most often as the leading reason, AP-Ipsos polling found in the fall.

The administration can win support from the public by emphasizing the possibility of success, said political scientist Christopher Gelpi of Duke University.

Gelpi and his colleague and research partner at Duke, Peter Feaver, have concluded from their research that the public is more likely to tolerate some casualties and deaths if people can see that a military mission will be successful. As a special adviser on the National Security Council, Feaver is helping shape administration strategy on winning public support for the war.

While it’s important for the president to talk about victory, Gelpi said, “words without deeds on the ground will ring pretty hollow.”

© 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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12-10-2005, 10:03 AM
You just pimped a 42% approval rating.

12-10-2005, 10:21 AM
You just pimped a 42% approval rating.
The threshold for pimping approval ratings is 40% so he's okay.