View Full Version : Possible Ron Artest Trades

12-12-2005, 07:23 PM
INDIANA trades Ron Artest, Jamal Tinsley to NEW YORK

NEW YORK trades Stephon Marbury and Trevor Ariza to INDIANA

12-12-2005, 07:33 PM
Hmmm.....Pacer management would have to be smoking some serious crack to pull that trade out of their pockets. Great trade for the Knicks. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised to see a Tim Thomas- Ron Artest Trade. I don't think Ron would mind playing for the Bulls, considering it is under new and improved management. Similar coaching styles, but not identical. Skiles might be more hard-lined. Chicago would take his ass in. Tim Thomas would take the chance to play for a Championship caliber team. I would think he might even fit well into the mix. Good trade? I believe the contracts would be similarly close. Anyone know?

12-12-2005, 07:35 PM
TT's contract is close to double Artest. Paxson will not take Artest back. The Bulls are a team on the rise, filled with young players. Deng and Nocioni cover the SF position just fine.

Artest would love to play for the Knicks who have trouble scoring at times, need a true SF, and is in his hometown.

12-12-2005, 07:37 PM
did you make this trade up or did you hear the rumor?

12-12-2005, 07:43 PM
:lol If Artest hates playingt in the Indy system, because it's "too confining" wait unitl he gets a load of Larry Brown's offense.

Ed Helicopter Jones
12-12-2005, 07:44 PM
It is HIGHLY likely that Artest will be dealt to NY. I can guarantee you that much.


Sure it's "highly likely". New York will trade for anybody, heck they took Rose off our hands didn't they? That's like saying that it's highly likely that Atlanta will not make the playoffs this year and that you have a reliable source who can back you up. You crack me up GiG!

I doubt that Indiana will part with him, but I've been surprised before.

12-12-2005, 07:45 PM
I'd be surprised to see the Pacers trade him to a team in the East unless it would be to a non-contender like Toronto or the Hawks.

12-12-2005, 07:46 PM

Sure it's "highly likely". New York will trade for anybody, heck they took Rose off our hands didn't they? That's like saying that it's highly likely that Atlanta will not make the playoffs this year and that you have a reliable source who can back you up. You crack me up GiG!

I doubt that Indiana will part with him, but I've been surprised before.

per walsh they will
see nba forum

12-12-2005, 07:49 PM
It is HIGHLY likely that Artest will be dealt to NY. I can guarantee you that much.

I don't see why Indiana would want Marbury.

Kori Ellis
12-12-2005, 07:50 PM
I think they'll definitely trade him. But he's basically asked to go to New York, so I don't think that they are going to jump to abide by his wishes (unless they can get rid of Croshere's contract too). As someone else said in this thread, they'll try to deal him to the Western Conference and to a non-contender.

Kori Ellis
12-12-2005, 07:52 PM
By the way G_i_G, Artest and Tinsley make a total of about $11M while Marbury and Ariza total $17M. So there'd have to be more involved to the trade than that.

12-12-2005, 08:02 PM
he is not going to the eastern conference.

12-12-2005, 08:20 PM
He will get traded somewhere where they can get
a) a young player and/or unprotected pick.
b) the shortest matching veteran contract in return, if required, as deal ballast.

They can't get value for him. That's a given at $6.8M. What they can get is potential, and no bad contracts in return. Marubry would be a horrible pickup. He's just as bad for chemistry as Ron, and makes easily twice as much, and has YEARS left on that deal.

12-12-2005, 08:31 PM
I'd rather have tinsley than Me-bary

12-12-2005, 09:08 PM
:lol If Artest hates playingt in the Indy system, because it's "too confining" wait unitl he gets a load of Larry Brown's offense.

:lol :lol :lol

I hope the trade happens just so I can watch he and Brown duke it out. I can see it now.

:lol :lol :lol

12-12-2005, 09:14 PM
Artest, Jermaine,Tinsley for Zaza Pechulia is a rumor that I heard.

12-12-2005, 09:17 PM
GiG, stop using racial slurs!

12-12-2005, 09:19 PM
for lamar odom?

12-12-2005, 09:21 PM
Latest from espn was he was going to NY for Q-Rich. :)

12-12-2005, 09:22 PM

"Im off tha chain nigga."

Last time I checked, the N-Word was racial.

Kori Ellis
12-12-2005, 09:22 PM
When the fuck did I use a racial slur?

Many actual black people are offended by a wigger like you using "niggaz" in your user name. So please don't use it anymore.

Kori Ellis
12-12-2005, 09:30 PM
All blacks are different. Some care, some dont. I dont like ya all callin me shit, but do i complain? No. That SN is a lyric in a Jay-Z song.

No one calls you anything racial. Several black people have complained. Just don't use it.

Back to the topic of Artest.

12-12-2005, 09:37 PM
I am not black, but my cousin is. And he cant stand it when white people use the N-Word.

Kori Ellis
12-12-2005, 09:39 PM
I am not black, but my cousin is. And he cant stand it when white people use the N-Word.

Well I can't stand it either and I'm not black. So it won't be used anymore.

So do the Kings even want Artest? Or is Peja for Artest just a media fabrication?

12-12-2005, 09:58 PM
That wouldn't go over at all for the kings. Miller is a nut already.

Ghost Writer
12-12-2005, 11:22 PM
What would it take for the Spurs to get Artest?

He would be a great Bowen replacement in a season or two and could really floursih in the Spurs' disciplined, winning system.

Rasho + ?

Kori Ellis
12-12-2005, 11:24 PM
What would it take for the Spurs to get Artest?

He would be a great Bowen replacement in a season or two and could really floursih in the Spurs' disciplined, winning system.

Rasho + ?

That's all it would take financially. Just Rasho. Or Just Nazr.

But I don't think the Spurs would risk bringing on a headcase like Artest (no matter how appealing it may seem).

12-12-2005, 11:31 PM
I think Artest would be the perfect player for the Spurs...

as long as they continually slip anti-depressants and anti-psychotics into his food, and NEVER miss a dose.

Artest is 100%, dyed in the wool fucking NUTS.

Kori Ellis
12-13-2005, 12:08 AM
Manu Ginobili to Indiana for Ron Artest.......straight up.


12-13-2005, 01:22 AM
I am not black, but my cousin is. And he cant stand it when white people use the N-Word.

That's racist

12-13-2005, 08:54 AM
Manu Ginobili to Indiana for Ron Artest.......straight up.

Read between the lines in Artest's request....

He wants to get traded to a team that will be able to pay him a huge extension.... Ginobili is paid well below the value of his play and contribution... that's what makes his disposition and loyalty to this team so special.... Plus it doesn't take a genius to know that by playing alongside Duncan you get a championship proven formula...

Anyways Artest is leaving Indy because Jermaine O'Neal's contract is too big a piece in the salary cap pie for him to get that extension he wants... He knows people like Isaiah are thrifty enough to give him dough though.

In the next three years Duncan, Ginobili and yes even Parker are untradable commodities.

12-13-2005, 08:58 AM
Artest trade scenarios that 'scare' me....

1. Artest to Dallas... (under AJ's tutelage, Dallas-D would finally be elite)
2. Artest to Phoenix...
3. Artest to Seattle... (I believe a deal for Radmanovic and Flip would work, and Radmanovic has already voiced his desire to leave Seattle)

12-13-2005, 09:34 AM
I found this on one of the RealGM forums.

USA Today's David Dupree listrd 10 teams that could be in the market for Artest, and what combinations of players he thought would likely have to be in the deal:

NEW YORK: Frye, Crawford, Nate Robinson

LA LAKERS: Odom, Walton

DENVER: Andre Miller, Nene. Earl Watson, Boykins

MINNESOTA: Szczerbiak + Hassell

DALLAS: Josh Howard, Devin Harris

SEATTLE: Rashard Lewis, Radmanovich, Flip Murray

CHICAGO: Deng, Duhon


CLEVELAND: Ilgauskis, Larry Hughes

PHILADELPHIA: Dalembert, Korver, Iguodala

12-13-2005, 10:04 AM
knicks would be a fool to trade frye

12-13-2005, 12:08 PM
Donnie walsh said that he doesn't want a vetern, he wants youth, talent, potential draft picks.

12-13-2005, 12:27 PM
Many actual black people are offended by a wigger like you using "niggaz" in your user name. So please don't use it anymore.

just like many white and black people are offended by using the word Wigger so dont use that anymore either.

George Gervin's Afro
12-13-2005, 12:42 PM
what about offering nazr for artest..maybe throw in an international player's rights..

12-13-2005, 12:46 PM
Dallas won't dump Howard and Harris for Artest.

I would love to see Artest replace Bowen if he weren't such a fucking headcase. Not even Pop can handle that guy. He's beyond learning to play with others and won't be in the league long enough to be the franchise player he wants to be. He's living in a bit of a delusional world.

Ed Helicopter Jones
12-13-2005, 12:49 PM
I was thinking about what Western teams the Pacers might talk to. Things seem to be sinking in Sacramento, and the Maloofs are always looking to deal. I could see Cuban falling over himself to get Artest to Dallas. Denver needs to do something, too, because they appear to be slipping a couple of rungs this year. If I was a betting man I'd pick one of those three.

12-13-2005, 12:50 PM
you could add houston to that list

Ed Helicopter Jones
12-13-2005, 12:55 PM
Rumors in Indy are Artest for Peja.

That deal would suck for the Pacers I would think. I don't know who else would have to be involved to make that work. Doesn't Peja make more than Artest?

12-13-2005, 01:37 PM
I think Artest just needs a fresh start...A place where people are nice & friendly & understanding & don’t throw things at players...Staples Center comes to mind...I have it on good authority... (PLEASE DON’T ASK) me to reveal my sources....That the Lakers are talking to Indiana right now...Slava, Devean George & maybe a draft pick for Artest....Ron would have a chance to flourish as the 4th option behind Kobe, Lamar & Smush... :smokin

12-13-2005, 01:40 PM
Rumors in Indy are Artest for Peja.

That deal would suck for the Pacers I would think. I don't know who else would have to be involved to make that work. Doesn't Peja make more than Artest?

Peja for Artest straight up work under the cba rules. (Peja $7.6M and artest $6.5M)

12-13-2005, 01:57 PM
On the market: The Lakers might not make a play for disgruntled Indiana forward Ron Artest, who has demanded to be traded, but Jackson made it clear that he holds Artest in high regard.

"I don't see how you're going to get value out of this player who in my estimation is one of the most valuable players in the league," Jackson said. "Of course, I estimate him perhaps higher than other people. But I think he's a terrific player. He adds a big dimension to every game he plays in."

12-13-2005, 01:59 PM
I'm sure several teams have contacted Indiana thinking they are the ones who could handle this guy.

Trading for Peja is about the best even value they will find for him at that salary.

12-13-2005, 01:59 PM
How come a lot of people have said they wish he could replace Bowen if their roles are completely different? How would that work if we use Bowen as a role player and Artest is a star?

12-13-2005, 02:01 PM
Artest wants to go somewhere where he can be more of a scorer - it'd be stupid to go to LA, where Kobe has trouble sharing the ball with ANYONE and they have Odom waiting for some shots.

Sacramento trade their leading scorer and face of their franchise for a guy who's currently injured and with a questionable history of team chemistry? Stupid, stupid move.

Trade Artest to Atlanta and get Al Harrington back. Let him finish the rest of the season in basketball hell and see whether he wants back...

12-13-2005, 02:01 PM
I think Artest just needs a fresh start...A place where people are nice & friendly & understanding & don’t throw things at players...Staples Center comes to mind...I have it on good authority... (PLEASE DON’T ASK) me to reveal my sources....That the Lakers are talking to Indiana right now...Slava, Devean George & maybe a draft pick for Artest....Ron would have a chance to flourish as the 4th option behind Kobe, Lamar & Smush... :smokin

Who are your sources???

That would be an absolute fleecing and, as a Piston fan, would hope that this trade happens...

12-13-2005, 02:02 PM
Is it a good thing when Ducks & I understand one another? :lol

12-13-2005, 04:47 PM
gig wishes he was a nig.

Marcus Bryant
12-13-2005, 05:38 PM
Nazr + Beno. Otherwise, pass.

Que Gee
12-13-2005, 05:56 PM
How come a lot of people have said they wish he could replace Bowen if their roles are completely different? How would that work if we use Bowen as a role player and Artest is a star?

Why have a roll player like Bowen (great defensive player lacks offense) when you could have a two way impact player like Artest...(great defensive player, good offensive player)


Horry For 3!
12-13-2005, 06:13 PM
Pacers are looking for young talent. I heard somewhere that they would probably trade Artest for a young talent that they think will be very good in a few years.

Horry For 3!
12-13-2005, 06:14 PM
If I were the Pacers, I would try to get SG, PF or C. They don't have much depth at those spots. Especially at the C spot, they don't have anyone that is good and plus Foster, Pollard, Croshere (undersized) are kinda old.

12-13-2005, 06:15 PM
Why have a roll player like Bowen (great defensive player lacks offense) when you could have a two way impact player like Artest...(great defensive player, good offensive player)If the two-way impact player is a loon who is going to leave you in two years anyway....

12-13-2005, 06:17 PM
Since when is 28 old?

12-13-2005, 06:29 PM
I think Artest just needs a fresh start...A place where people are nice & friendly & understanding & don’t throw things at players...Staples Center comes to mind...I have it on good authority... (PLEASE DON’T ASK) me to reveal my sources....That the Lakers are talking to Indiana right now...Slava, Devean George & maybe a draft pick for Artest....Ron would have a chance to flourish as the 4th option behind Kobe, Lamar & Smush... :smokin

Translation: Lakers are offering Trash, Garbage and a lottery pick for Artest.

LOL, if Artest is your 4th option can you really afford to have TWO starters continually scoring 0 points against teams like the wolves?

No Way do i believe that the kings would consider peja/artest at this stage. They can get better. Plus Artest, Bonzi, and Brad Miller would make the blazers of yesteryear look like Ghandi.

12-13-2005, 06:29 PM
Oh yeah, one more thing: I don't know how any self-respecting Spurfan who witnessed Rodman's abandonment of this team could possibly entertain the notion of taking on a guy who sabotaged his team's chances at the championship two years in a row.

12-13-2005, 06:30 PM
Dec 13, 2005
Link: ESPN (http://insider.espn.go.com/nba/features/rumors)

NBA Rumor Central: Artest Scuttlebutt
Dec 13 - The Indianapolis Star reports, the Pacers put Ron Artest on the inactive list for at least the next three games and took an extra step: He can't practice or travel with the team. Pacers CEO Donnie Walsh said Monday he'll try to grant Artest's request, but emphasized he'll remain selective.

One of the more plausible scenarios could be a deal for former Pacer, Al Harrington.

According to Geoff Petrie, the Kings and Pacers have not discussed any deal involving Artest and Kings forward Peja Stojakovic. "We don't have any trade discussions going on with anybody at the present time," Petrie told the Sacramento Bee. Artest's agent, Mark Stevens, also said he had "no knowledge" of dealings between the Kings and Pacers.

According to the Newark Star-Ledger, Larry Brown told reporters before last night's game that he would like to see Artest make amends with the Pacers. "I think he's a wonderful player," Brown said. "I hope they can work it out where he stays there. That's a terrific team. I hate to see that broken up."

The Willoughby News-Herald reports, LeBron James endorsed trying to bring Artest to Cleveland. "Any team in the league could use a player like Ron Artest," James said. "Any time you get a great player to mention a team you are a part of, it's flattering."

The Dallas Morning News reports, if you think Ron Artest would be good in Dallas, you might want to reassess your thoughts. Owner Mark Cuban and Avery Johnson both said the Mavericks are not headed in that direction. "We like our team," said Cuban.

Would the Hornets have any interest in Artest? "With as much activity that's going on now, I'm not going to comment on anything," Hornets general manager Jeff Bower told the New Orleans Times-Picayune.
================================================== =
Also, Artest has just broadened his options by saying that he would go anywhere. Plus, Indiana might want to unload one of their contracts like Austin Croshere.

12-13-2005, 09:21 PM
I heard that Walsh said they will keep Artest on the inactive list until he's traded

12-13-2005, 09:54 PM
According to Artest's words, he wants to end up at New York and Cleveland!

He said that at the end of his contract he will leave anyway to one of these destinations! It doesn't make any sense for other teams to trade for him, he's such a nutcase!

12-13-2005, 10:29 PM
ummm, he's under contract for a few more years, not like its a few months.

12-13-2005, 10:57 PM
how many years exactly?

12-14-2005, 05:18 PM
San Antonio Express-News
By Mike Monroe
Dec 14, 2005
Link: Express-News (http://www.mysanantonio.com/sports/columnists/mmonroe/stories/MYSA121405.6C.COL.BKNmonroe.artest.12b97cee.html)

Artest's trade logic runs short of common sense

It was just one week ago, in this very space, when we discussed how difficult it is to trade a player who states publicly that he wants to be moved.

Pacers' forward Ron Artest, it appears, doesn't subscribe to the Express-News.

Artest went public with his trade demand a few days ago, and the Pacers have put him on their inactive list, with pay. Making matters worse for the Pacers, Artest said he preferred to go East, and vowed that if the Pacers move him to a Western Conference team, he definitely would opt out of his contract when he is eligible to do so, after the 2006-07 season.

If you want to get traded, why make it doubly hard?

Of course, where Artest is concerned, logic just does not compute.

Pacers CEO Donnie Walsh says the team will try to accommodate Artest and send him packing but won't operate in panic mode. Walsh is one of the smartest men ever to make basketball decisions in the NBA, so count on the Pacers to turn the chicken droppings Artest has presented them into some pretty tasty chicken salad, though it won't be easy.

"When players come out and ask publicly for a trade, it makes it tougher, just in general," Denver Nuggets general manager Kiki Vandeweghe said. Vandeweghe knows a thing or two about how difficult it is. One of his own players, Voshon Lenard, did the same thing not so long ago, which is what prompted last week's column in the first place.

Some NBA executives argue that Artest is one of the league's 10 best players, something some of us always felt gives too much credit to his combination of skills and intensity, while ignoring what always seemed to be his glaring need for self-promotion and general wackiness. That intensity, in fact, made him defensive player of the year for the 2003-04 season, in no small measure because coach Rick Carlisle waged a telephone campaign on his behalf, personally calling most of the media members who vote for the postseason awards. His skills, at both ends of the court, are unquestioned.

Most NBA executives, though, also understand that taking on a player with the kind of off-the-court baggage Artest brings with him risks alienating both a stable locker room and a fan base that prefers its players to be less, um, flighty.

It is evident that one key Pacer, All-Star power forward Jermaine O'Neal, is shedding no tears about the fact Artest has been de-activated. O'Neal is one of the league's true "stand-up" guys. When you wear him out, you succeed only in diminishing yourself.

Artest has become the NBA's version of Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Terrell Owens: A me-first guy whose amazing individual skills just don't translate well to a team game. How to now get proper value in return for him, especially after his public demand, is a knotty problem for Walsh and Pacers president of basketball operations Larry Bird.

There is no shortage of suggestions as to how the Pacers can deal him. The most popular rumor flying around the Internet on Tuesday had Sacramento's Peja Stojakovic going to Indiana, straight up, for Artest. Maybe that is because Bird once called Stojakovic the NBA's best shooter, and because the Kings are off to a horrid start this season.

Know this, though: As of Tuesday afternoon, there had been nary a single conversation between the Kings and the Pacers, about Artest or anyone else, and that is not speculation.

Expect things on the Artest front burner to heat up Thursday, when players traded over the summer are eligible to be traded again. And have no doubt some team will take the aforementioned risks.
Someone said Artest has two years left on his contract.

12-14-2005, 05:36 PM
Indiana Has Always Been A Fan Of Oberto ($2.50 On The High End Lets Say) And Barry ($4.5). I Think They Might Bite At It. Donnie Has Always Liked Players With Potential In The Dale Davis For O'neal Trade That Was Made Know. Oberto Has Potential And Barry Would Be A Nice Compliment Player And Could Fill It Up From Outside When Hes On. But Is Indiana Willing To Accept Two Players In Their 30's, And Can Pop Get Artest Under Control, If He Can, I Think That The Spurs Would Be One Tough Team.

12-14-2005, 05:40 PM
I think the Spurs are already one tough team.

12-14-2005, 05:53 PM
Rumors and speculation had made its way to the Warriors locker room prior to Tuesday's game. One player said he was told of a scenario of the Warriors sending small forward Mike Dunleavy and center Adonal Foyle to the Pacers for Artest and center Jeff Foster, whom the Warriors drafted in the first round (No. 21) of the 1999 draft and immediately traded his rights to Indiana for the rights to guard Vonteego Cummings and a future pick.

The numbers match, as the Pacers' pair will earn $11.8 million this season and the Warriors' pair will make $11.9 million. Because both teams are over the salary cap, the contracts only have to come to within 25 percent of each other instead of the usual 15 percent. Also, Dunleavy and whichever one of the Warriors' younger talents -- i.e., forward/center Andris Biedrins, forward Zarko Cabarkapa, swingman Mickael Pietrus -- Indiana wants would fit. Guard Derek Fisher could be traded straight up for Artest, although it would certainly take a draft pick or a young talent to make it worth the Pacers' while.

link (http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/38311/20051214/artest_rumors_make_their_way_to_golden_state/)

12-14-2005, 10:31 PM
Artest wants to go where he can be more of a scorer? So in SA he is going to take shots away from Duncan, Manu and Parker?

Why would Pop and Co. want to screw up the chemistry we have here? Spurs player generally = unselfish. Artest? No thanks.

I wanted him back when Indy was willing to take Steve Smith for him and Ron Mercer but not now.

12-14-2005, 11:10 PM
artest also said he wouldn't mind backing up lebron the day after he said he needed to be showcased offensively. he is not going to be traded to a team he wants to be traded to, and you can't believe anything he says. reggie miller said on the dan patrick show monday that donnie will work hard to get him traded... to a crappy team, like he deserves. miller said he loves artest, but the way he has handled this ruined his chances of getting what he wants.

12-15-2005, 12:12 AM
Ron Artest is mentally ill. He needs medication and intensive therapy. Unless he gets both, he will totally fuck and shred any team stupid enough to be drawn to his talent flame. He can't help it. It's what he does.

This is the story of the scorpion who needs to get across the creek and the frog whom he asks for a ride.

"I can't trust you," the frog says.

Sure you can," the scorpion says, hopping on the frog's back.

Midway across, the scorpion stings the frog.

"Why would you do that?" the frog asks, sinking toward the bottom. "Now we're both gonna die."

Scorpion: "I can't help it. I'm a scorpion. It's my nature."

baseline bum
12-15-2005, 12:15 AM
Dallas won't dump Howard and Harris for Artest.

I would love to see Artest replace Bowen if he weren't such a fucking headcase. Not even Pop can handle that guy. He's beyond learning to play with others and won't be in the league long enough to be the franchise player he wants to be. He's living in a bit of a delusional world.

If Artest wasn't a head-case he'd be a top-10 player in this league and no one would ever dream of letting him go.

12-15-2005, 12:19 AM
I think the warriors would be really dangerous if they could land artest like that. Running a lineup of Davis, Richardson, Artest, Murphy, and Foster out there would be formidable, with good scoring, a lockdown defender, athleticism, and decent interior play. And the Wariors have been bad for so long, if a move like this could make them a contender it might be worth the risk.

T Park
12-15-2005, 12:19 AM
ESPN Radio just said one of the teams interested is the Spurs, and supposedly "The Pacers want Oberto and Barry"

If thats all they want?

Damn. Do the trade.

Barry=Hot Dog

Do it Pop.

baseline bum
12-15-2005, 12:26 AM
ESPN Radio just said one of the teams interested is the Spurs, and supposedly "The Pacers want Oberto and Barry"

If thats all they want?

Damn. Do the trade.

Barry=Hot Dog

Do it Pop.

No fucking way. I wouldn't trade Steve Smith and Vinny DelNegro for Artest's psycho ass. Sometimes it works out (ie, Sheed), but no way I'm doing anything to mess with a team on pace for 66 wins coming off a title with all it's top players back for the chance to be a little better. Not after seeing how Rodman threw away our shot at the 95 title.

Without the trade for Mohammed, Indiana would have probably been the best team in the league last year. The way Artest ruined that was disgusting.

12-15-2005, 12:26 AM
Man, I hope your kidding. If we do that trade I'll be really upset. First of all, it will completely screw up team chemistry, and I don't really need or want truwarrior on my team. Where will his shots come from? Parker's layups? Manu? Duncan? Their are many reasons Bowen is preferrable on this team to Artest, including the fact that he plays within the system, doesn't demand shots, can really hit the three, and never, EVER complains. He doesn't deserve to be benched for that freakshow, and Artest would demand to start on our team. Class and character DO matter in this league.

donkey hote
12-15-2005, 12:29 AM
The Warriors with Artest would be kind of scary. That would be a hell of an upgrade for them. If he goes to Oakland like the press over there seems to want, that would be a tough team to face in the first round. Of course, that's what everyone said about Denver last year.

If we could get Nazr and Beno for Artest, it would be awfully tempting to pull the trigger on that deal. Same with Oberto and Barry. If I were playing NBA Live I would do that anyway. In the real world, we'd be at the very least dumping two guys that have done jack for us this year, and mostly keeping Ron Artest *out* of other people's hands. There's always the slim chance he might work here, with some discipline and guidance.

Most likely though, I think Cleveland and Houston are two teams that are most desparate to gamble. LeBron would be a good influence and leader for Ron of the sort that Jermaine O'Neal was not; obviously Danny Ferry would never put up with that, but that's just my idea. Also I look at Houston as a team that might feel the pressure to upgrade a few of their spare parts. Bob Sura, Jon Barry, and Juwan Howard would be made completely obsolete by Ron Artest and Luther Head rotating in next to McGrady.

Sounds like Golden State or Sacramento to me right now

baseline bum
12-15-2005, 12:30 AM
How much better can the Spurs roster be? When I look at it I cannot see one legit weakness. There is absolutely no reason to make any kind of trade with this team we have unless someone goes down for the season. They have 3 starting-quality centers in Duncan, Nesterovic, and Mohammed, two fearless point-guards in Parker and Van Exel, 2 outstanding shooters in Barry and Finley, an Artest-like jack-of-all-trades pressure performer in Ginobili, lockdown man-defenders in Bowen and Duncan, and one of the top-10 clutch players in NBA history in Horry. There is no reason to do anything to this team.

Spurs Biggest Fan
12-15-2005, 12:30 AM
ESPN Radio just said one of the teams interested is the Spurs, and supposedly "The Pacers want Oberto and Barry"

If thats all they want?

Damn. Do the trade.

Barry=Hot Dog

Do it Pop.

Can a third team be involved maybe??? -- Which would end up us getting Malik from NY and NY getting Artest???


Anyone??? is it possilbe :elephant

12-15-2005, 12:44 AM
artest on the spurs will be dangerous, imagine bowen and artest on the court at the same time, we will have teh best backcourt in the league

T Park
12-15-2005, 12:50 AM
Which would end up us getting Malik from NY and NY getting Artest???

Malik is not coming back.


12-15-2005, 01:06 AM
The most dangerous enemies are those within your own walls. There is no scenarios that I can see where we don't win this year...except Artest gone bad.

T Park
12-15-2005, 01:11 AM
I think Pop could controll him though.

Look at all the situations hes been in.

Has there been a dominant leader/authority figure like a Pop?

Someone to lay the smack down?

Carlisle is a pansy, and Pacer management supported his actions in the past only making Artest go nuttier.

I think Pop could control him.

Think of


Name me a team that would score on that lineup.

12-15-2005, 01:22 AM
I think Pop could controll him though.

And you're willing to bet the next several years on it? Piss off Bruce Bowen, the man that has given everything to this club, and done everything they've asked...the anti-Artest? Somebody has to sit.

I just think at some point, you have enough players to meet your needs, and anything else will only cause Portland like troubles, especially when you are going after players who lack character.

T Park
12-15-2005, 01:28 AM
Piss off Bruce Bowen

How would it piss him off??

You dont start Artest.

You bring him off the bench.

Brent Barry is bringing jack shit.

Oberto is wasting oxygen in the arena.

This trade makes way too much sense, if there is a modicom of truth behind it.

12-15-2005, 01:31 AM
How would it piss him off??

You dont start Artest.

You bring him off the bench.

Have you been reading ANYTHING about why Artest wants to be traded? He's not even happy STARTING for a Conference contender any more, not even as the #2 option. He wants to be the MAN.

Call me crazy as Artest, but I think he goes Nuclear with Barry minutes.

T Park
12-15-2005, 01:36 AM
Give it a shot.

If it dont work.

You Keyshawn him.

12-15-2005, 01:44 AM
The earliest his contract can end is in '07, and that would have to be his choice. You deactive him, maybe he decides to collect all of those Benjamins for the additional years. God knows no one else will ever give him another big contract. He would be impossible to get rid of at that point.

That's a huge chance and a lot of money for a player with a shitty track record of being team oriented, or even sane, for that matter.

Why would you take any chance of fucking up this team?

12-15-2005, 01:55 AM
exstatic is right. For all Barry's shooting woes, he did give us a few quality minutes vs the Suns and the Pistons. And Oberto is insurance against injury to our bigs.

Artest was the 2nd option after JO in Indy, and managed to lead the Pacers in scoring for several games. Now he wants to be the first option ... how's he gonna adjust to splitting time with Bruce, Manu and Finley for the 2 swing spots?

Anyway, I don't think Ron is the kind of guy you want to rely on for leadership and responsibility in the playoffs. His version of leadership is swinging his fists. The Spurs have a pretty good combo of talent and veteran leadership. The best case here is that Artest adds some incremental punch to an already strong squad. But the worst case is that he spoils team chemistry and is then benched for the rest of the season ...at the cost of 2 not-so-talented but reasonably good roleplayers who are also good teammates. I have no doubt that we'll need Barry and Oberto at some point in the playoffs.

12-15-2005, 02:15 AM
This seems a better trade to me

barry+nazr+any srcub player not name udrih :D for artest n foster

T Park
12-15-2005, 02:16 AM
he did give us a few quality minutes vs the Suns and the Pistons

A few minutes here and there is a joke.

Is this the extent everyone has gone to defend this overrated Silver Star?

12-15-2005, 02:54 AM
Far from defending Brent Barry, I'm simply questioning the wisdom of getting on board a player who wants to be the first option on offense. Whereas we already have a 2-time MVP, an all-star who performed as well as the 2-time MVP in the 2005 Finals, and a point guard who's having a breakout year. Are you suggesting that the Spurs try to experiment with playing Ron Artest as the 4th option, immediately after he's quit on the Pacers, the stated reason being he was unhappy being the 2nd option?

Barry and Oberto may not be worth too much, but what we'll get in return might well turn out to be even less valuable.

12-15-2005, 04:32 AM
Has Boozer been mentioned in any of the Artest Rumors? Utah and Indiana might make a great 3-4 team trade with those two pieces.

12-15-2005, 08:56 AM
"O'Neal said he had two candidates in mind: his former teammate and best friend, small forward Al Harrington, whom the Pacers traded to Atlanta in 2004, and Sacramento's Bonzi Wells, whom O'Neal said he liked for his defense over the Kings sharpshooter Peja Stojakovic."

12-15-2005, 08:57 AM
Lakers interested in Artest
December 15
Los Angeles Daily News: "The Lakers - and coach Phil Jackson, in particular - have strong interest in acquiring troubled Indiana Pacers forward Ron Artest, a source close to the team said Wednesday."

12-15-2005, 08:57 AM
Knicks Not in Running for Artest's Services

"Isiah Thomas made a perfunctory inquiry about Ron Artest yesterday, but the Knicks are not aggressively pursuing a trade and, for that matter, will not make any deal that costs them any of their promising young players."

12-15-2005, 08:58 AM
Celtics Not interested in Artest
December 15
Providence Journal (scroll down) (registration required): "Ainge was asked if he would ever take on a player like Indiana's Ron Artest , who has requested a trade. While the former Defensive Player of the Year is a gifted player, he also comes with baggage, and Ainge said his young team doesn't have a strong enough personality to successfully integrate someone like Artest."

12-15-2005, 09:00 AM
artest would be a great influence on kwame brown.

12-15-2005, 09:14 AM
Toronto Sun: " You can add Toronto to the list of rumoured destinations for Indiana Pacers forward Ron Artest. A rumour making the rounds last night had the Pacers badboy and second-round pick Erazem Lorbek going to the Raptors for Morris Peterson, another roster player (potentially Matt Bonner) and a first-round pick."

12-15-2005, 11:32 AM
he is not going to a contender, that is for sure. think hawks, raptors, or any other cellar dwellers.

12-15-2005, 11:42 AM
I think he is laker bound

and rumors are the lakers have offered odom

odom is by far the best piece pacers will get for him

12-15-2005, 12:51 PM
Why would the hawks want him to ruin there young team?

12-15-2005, 12:56 PM
Word is the wolves are offering up McCants and Kandi.

Pacers do need a typical SG................

12-15-2005, 01:54 PM
What the Lakers could best offer for Artest - if they refuse to trade Odom - probably would be either forward Kwame Brown or forward Devean George and teenage center Andrew Bynum.

Brown could play center for the Pacers and allow Jermaine

O'Neal to play power forward. George could replace Artest at small forward and is a talented defender. Bynum was the Lakers' first-round pick and has shown potential despite being only 18.

The Lakers might stand a better chance of winning during the three years Jackson is under contract to coach by moving Bynum, though the franchise's long-term future might be best served by keeping the 7-foot-1 big man.

Odom, meanwhile, is the last player remaining from the trade that sent Shaquille O'Neal to the Miami Heat and is averaging 15.9 points, 9.4 rebounds and 5.6 assists in one of the best seasons of his career.

Jackson has said he returned to coaching with the belief that he could use Odom much as he once did Scottie Pippen in the triangle offense.

The possibility of an Odom-Artest pairing is intriguing because the two are friends from New York. Odom spoke out in support of Artest following last season's brawl and said Monday the two crossed paths a couple of times during the summer.

"He seemed like he was just ready to play," Odom said. "I was surprised by (the trade demand). You never know. ... My grandmother always said, 'You don't know what's going on in somebody else's house.' "

As coach of the Chicago Bulls, Jackson found a way to reach Dennis Rodman, the player in whose honor Artest used to wear No. 91. Jackson praised Artest on Monday as possibly being the best two-way player in the league and values his defense highly.

Link (http://www.dailynews.com/sports/ci_3309731)

12-15-2005, 03:16 PM
What the Lakers could best offer for Artest - if they refuse to trade Odom - probably would be either forward Kwame Brown or forward Devean George and teenage center Andrew Bynum.

Brown could play center for the Pacers and allow Jermaine

O'Neal to play power forward. George could replace Artest at small forward and is a talented defender. Bynum was the Lakers' first-round pick and has shown potential despite being only 18.

The Lakers might stand a better chance of winning during the three years Jackson is under contract to coach by moving Bynum, though the franchise's long-term future might be best served by keeping the 7-foot-1 big man.

Odom, meanwhile, is the last player remaining from the trade that sent Shaquille O'Neal to the Miami Heat and is averaging 15.9 points, 9.4 rebounds and 5.6 assists in one of the best seasons of his career.

Jackson has said he returned to coaching with the belief that he could use Odom much as he once did Scottie Pippen in the triangle offense.

The possibility of an Odom-Artest pairing is intriguing because the two are friends from New York. Odom spoke out in support of Artest following last season's brawl and said Monday the two crossed paths a couple of times during the summer.

"He seemed like he was just ready to play," Odom said. "I was surprised by (the trade demand). You never know. ... My grandmother always said, 'You don't know what's going on in somebody else's house.' "

As coach of the Chicago Bulls, Jackson found a way to reach Dennis Rodman, the player in whose honor Artest used to wear No. 91. Jackson praised Artest on Monday as possibly being the best two-way player in the league and values his defense highly.

Link (http://www.dailynews.com/sports/ci_3309731)

I believe Jackson is one of the few coaches who could 'tame' Artest.... The above deal however would be very lopsided for the next three years or so....

If LA were allowed to retain Odom... Kobe, Artest and Odom would cause all sorts of matchup problems....

12-15-2005, 03:44 PM
Word is the wolves are offering up McCants and Kandi.

Pacers do need a typical SG................

And S-Jax?

Oh, Gee!!
12-15-2005, 03:51 PM
We should give them Scola and Barry for Artest

12-15-2005, 03:51 PM
The best trade for us is a 3 teams trade

We send Rasho or Nazr to Indiana, Indiana Artest to a third and we have a player Like Al Harrington or Forston

Oh, Gee!!
12-15-2005, 03:54 PM
we should give 'em Beno as well

12-15-2005, 04:18 PM
And S-Jax?

He's more a 2/3 than a legit 2 guard. Theres a reason they miss Reggie, they don't have someone to fill that spot.

Also heard about Hassell and Griffen, supposedly the like Hassell but i wouldn't do that trade unless there was some other fallback deal to get another big for Wally.

baseline bum
12-15-2005, 08:32 PM
A few minutes here and there is a joke.

Is this the extent everyone has gone to defend this overrated Silver Star?

I used to think the same, but the guy won game 1 of the WCF for us, not to mention that huge three he hit right before Horry's in game 2. In the biggest game of any of the Spurs careers he was nails and kept the Spurs in game 7 during the first half when EVERYONE was cold as ice. I don't care at all about a shitty regular season when he brought it like that in the final 2 rounds and won a title.

12-16-2005, 08:55 AM
Inconsistent, Nets Ponder Making Bid for Artest
New York Times (registration required): "The Nets placed a call to the Indiana Pacers on Thursday, their first official expression of interest in forward Ron Artest."
But the Nets would not say how intensely they plan to pursue Artest, who demanded a trade earlier this week. Rod Thorn, the Nets' president, described his talks with the Pacers as a "fact-finding" conversation.

"Any time that there's a player out there who is a great player, one of the better players in the league, there's always interest," Thorn said in a telephone interview.

Thorn said he believed that more than 20 teams had contacted the Pacers about Artest. But the Nets have an advantage over many other clubs in that they could afford to trade a star, Vince Carter, and possibly still improve as a team. The loss of Carter could be mitigated by the presence of Richard Jefferson, who can be just as dangerous offensively. Artest could bring a defensive toughness that is not Carter's strength.

The call to the Pacers on Thursday was just one of many that Thorn made on what was the de facto start of the trade season. All trade restrictions have been lifted, with teams now eligible to deal players they signed in the off-season.

For Thorn, Thursday meant there was a lot of work to do.

After the Nets (9-12) endured an embarrassing 91-83 loss at home to the Charlotte Bobcats on Wednesday night, their third consecutive defeat, it became apparent that Thorn would intensify his efforts to bolster his underachieving team.

Thorn said he had been busier "than normal in both fielding and placing calls."

Several Nets could be on the trading block, including Marc Jackson and Jeff McInnis, both off-season acquisitions who have not seemed pleased with their roles on the team. The reserve guard Zoran Planinic, who was on the inactive list Wednesday night for the first time this season, may also be a candidate to be traded.

Coach Lawrence Frank held Jackson and McInnis out of the lineup against the Bobcats, and after the game Jackson said, "If the coach don't believe I can help the team, then let me go some place where I can help the team."

Planinic's agent, Marc Cornstein, expressed a similar sentiment about his client on Thursday. He said he has had several conversations with Nets management in recent days, but he still does not understand why Planinic has been given limited playing time.

"You may not always agree, but typically you can understand why a player is, or is not, getting the minutes they are," Cornstein said in a telephone interview. "I certainly would not be shocked if Zoran is packaged in a trade."

Thorn apparently made an effort Thursday to reach out to the entire team in a meeting before practice.

"He was just speaking to being committed to the team and support your fellow teammates, which I think everybody does," Jackson said.

Thorn expressed his continued confidence in Frank.

"To me, our coach is as prepared as anybody," Thorn said. "I think the coach is doing a good job, so I don't have any problem with our coach."

Earlier in the season, the Nets had expressed a desire to upgrade the roster with an athletic power forward.

Now, it seems, the Nets are in search of anyone who could help them become consistent. They have been especially up-and-down on defense, and they have been burned by several swift perimeter scorers this season, including Michael Redd, Tracy McGrady, Kobe Bryant, Allen Iverson and Richard Hamilton.

To that end, Artest, who is widely considered the best one-on-one perimeter defender in the N.B.A., could be just what the Nets need.

Artest is set to make about $6.5 million this season, and Carter will make about $13.8 million. If the teams agreed to a trade involving those players, the Pacers might also have to send the Nets another player, perhaps power forward Austin Croshere, who will make about $8.9 million this year, to make the salaries match. The Nets could also include either Lamond Murray or Scott Padgett, forwards signed through free agency last summer, in a deal.

Jefferson, who will make about $10.2 million this season, would be difficult to trade because of his contract structure.

Though the Nets fancy Artest's talent, they realize that they must consider his behavior. He was suspended for most of last season after charging into the stands during a game with the Pistons.

"If you're interested in him, I think that's the first thing," Thorn said earlier in the week.

12-16-2005, 08:58 AM
Los Angeles Daily News (scroll down): "The agent for Ron Artest said Thursday the Lakers were not in the mix of teams considered the most serious contenders to trade for the troubled Indiana Pacers forward."

12-16-2005, 08:59 AM
vc for artest?

12-16-2005, 09:50 PM
CBS Sport Line
By Tony Mejia
Dec 16, 2005
Link: CBS Sports-Line (http://www.sportsline.com/nba/story/9099333)

Offseason duds could become trade-target studs
Unlike most of us, who begin shopping in earnest after Thanksgiving, most of the NBA waits until Dec. 15, the earliest day players signed in the offseason can be dealt. Consider it open season.

Players envisioned as quick fixes who haven't panned out can expect to be swapped, as can those clamoring for more playing time. Here's a list of players who could find themselves with new teams in the coming weeks, although this only includes players who signed more than 90 days ago. If those 90 days aren't up, the wait for a new beginning continues.

Matt Bonner, F, Toronto: The Raptors fan favorite has the right salary slot to accompany Morris Peterson and a No. 1 pick out of town if Indiana decides to banish Ron Artest from the country.

Antonio Daniels, G, Washington: He signed a lucrative five-year deal with the Wizards and was in the starting lineup opening night. But he has since fallen out of favor due to an inability to find his shot. His minutes are sporadic, and he's in danger of falling out of the rotation altogether. This might be a good time for someone to sneak in and lay claim to him, hoping he'll snap out of the slump. He's a solid ball-handler and strong defender.

Juan Dixon, G, Portland: He was hoping to have a larger role with the rebuilding Blazers, but Dixon is essentially doing the same thing he did in Washington -- coming off the bench and scoring in bunches. With Nate McMillan expected to make more of a commitment to rookie Martell Webster, perhaps a playoff contender can come in and grab the former Final Four MVP. He plays well in big games, had a solid playoffs last season and is the type of shooter who can change the complexion of a game.

Chris Duhon, G, Chicago: Fat chance landing him after what has thus far been a breakout season, but you have to give the Raptors credit for signing him to an offer sheet in the offseason. Even more kudos go the Bulls' way for keeping him and reaping the spoils.

Dan Gadzuric, C, Milwaukee: The Bucks re-upped with him for six years over the summer, so he won't come cheap, but it will be interesting to see whether any team has become enamored enough with his progress to come knocking. The Bucks love the depth they have up front with Jamaal Magloire, Andrew Bogut and Gadzuric, so it would take something very enticing for them to consider a shakeup.

Eddie Griffin, F/C, Minnesota: His role on the Timberwolves isn't concrete, with his minutes fluctuating depending on the matchup. One of the league's leaders in blocks per minute, Griffin also has the ability to extend defenses from the perimeter, making him a unique asset. Of course, he has slumped from outside of late, but considering he seems to have shed the off-court baggage, a team willing to be patient and help his talent flourish would be smart to swoop in with an offer.

Othella Harrington, F/C, Chicago: He has been a fixture in the Bulls frontcourt rotation lately, showcasing his skills for anyone in the league in need of a solid big man who hustles and bangs off the bench. If the Bulls make a play for a bigger name, expect him to be part of the deal.

Jerome James, C, New York: Larry Brown believes moves will be made fairly quickly after Dec. 15, and it would make sense if James is part of the shuffle. Originally signed for five years, $30 million to be the Knicks' starting center, he lost that gig as soon as Eddy Curry came on board and has been banged up and disinterested since. New York would love to move him, and there is always a market for 7-footers, regardless of their value.

Brevin Knight, G, Charlotte: He might be the Bobcats' most dependable figure so far, but his role is ultimately to mentor Raymond Felton and groom him to take over. Could anybody come up with a package sweet enough to force Charlotte to deviate from its plans? Lead guards of Knight's caliber -- he continues to improve with age -- are in high demand.

Arvydas Macijauskas, G, New Orleans: The Lithuanian sharpshooter signed with the Hornets specifically because he felt he'd contribute there from the get-go, but that hasn't happened. He hasn't played more than eight minutes in a single game and has yet to knock down even one of his staple shots -- the 3-pointer. Anyone care to bail him out?

Scott Padgett, F, New Jersey: A strong outside shooter and decent glue guy, he's not big enough for what New Jersey really needs: another big man. Speculation out of Jersey is that he's expendable.

Stromile Swift, F, Houston: The Rockets aren't thrilled with his development, as they were hoping he'd make more of an immediate impact, but he's slowly learning the system. If he concentrates on boards and defense, forgets about scoring, and gets Yao Ming's back, his venture in Houston will be a success. New Jersey has reportedly come in with an offer of Marc Jackson -- another offseason signee -- and a No. 1 pick.

Nikoloz Tskitishvili, F, Minnesota: After a superb preseason, Skita hoped he'd be part of the T-Wolves' plans, but aside from keeping a seat on the bench warm, that hasn't happened. He hasn't played a single minute this season, has asked to be traded and makes a marginal salary that would allow him to land with a team dangling a second-round pick and a pastrami on rye.

Earl Watson, G, Denver: This marriage hasn't worked at all, which is why it's almost a foregone conclusion the Nuggets will part ways with Watson with the first realistic offer they get. He's stuck behind Andre Miller and Earl Boykins in the rotation and could offer one of his many suitors his contract in exchange for a shooter. Watson is a tempo stabilizer who plays the right way on both ends of the floor.

Players still ineligible for trade (Date of eligibility): Seattle's Vladimir Radmanovic (Dec. 20) and Ronald Murray (Dec. 26); Portland's Steve Blake (Dec. 27); Charlotte's Keith Bogans (Dec. 29); Miami's Jason Kapono (Jan.1); Seattle's Reggie Evans (Jan. 2);

12-17-2005, 08:58 AM
Denver eyeing Artest
Pacers official says Vandeweghe called on possible trade

By Chris Tomasson, Rocky Mountain News
December 17, 2005

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. - The Denver Nuggets are in the hunt for Ron Artest, called by Carmelo Anthony "the type of piece we need."

Indiana Pacers CEO and president Donnie Walsh said Friday that Nuggets general manager Kiki Vandeweghe called him earlier this week to express interest in Artest. The often-troubled Pacers forward has requested a trade.

"They called to see what we want (for Artest)," Walsh said of the Nuggets.

Walsh said it was a preliminary call, and wouldn't speculate on the chances of Artest going to Denver. Walsh plans to keep in touch with the Nuggets as he will with all 20 or so teams that have called.

Asked which Denver players the Pacers might seek, Walsh said, "I will be telling Kiki that" rather than going through the media.

Artest primarily is a small forward, Anthony's position in Denver. But Anthony said he would favor Artest coming to the Nuggets, and one of the two could play shooting guard.

"He's the type of piece we need," Anthony said of the 2003-04 Defensive Player of the Year. "Everything he does. Intensity. Defense. Offense."

General manager Kiki Vandeweghe is not on Denver's ongoing trip. Vandeweghe, who declined comment Monday about Artest, didn't return a message.

Artest has had many troubles in his seven-year career, most notably having been suspended for 73 games last season for going into the stands during a November 2004 game at Detroit, which ignited a brawl. Nuggets coach George Karl was asked whether he could coach Artest.

"I think in my years of 1,500 games of coaching, I've coached every person," Karl said.

Karl wouldn't speculate on the possibility of Denver landing Artest. He said he had not spoken to Vandeweghe in two days, but figures to talk to him after the six-game trip ends Sunday in Atlanta.

Artest is making $6.5 million in the fourth year of a six-year, $42 million contract. There is little chance he will stay in Indiana.

"We plan on trading him," Walsh said.

PASSING FANCY: Andre Miller's 2001-02 season is looking less like a fluke.

Miller averaged an NBA-most 10.9 assists for Cleveland. After that, the point guard had seasons of 6.7 for the Los Angeles Clippers and 6.1 and 6.9 for the Nuggets.

But Miller this season is up to 8.2. He had 13 in Friday's 115-106 overtime loss to New Jersey, and has averaged 9.6 the past 10 games.

"I've just got a chance to play with the guys a couple of years," said Miller, who also said his Cleveland teammates "didn't dribble as much," leading to more assists. "I'm just trying to make the simple plays."

TNT analyst Steve Kerr, though, doesn't see anything simple about the way Miller aggressively drives.

"Miller is among the best in the league at (that)," Kerr said during Denver's game Thursday at Cleveland, adding Miller plays like a running back. "He reminds me of an Emmitt Smith."

ETC.: Center Marcus Camby sat out a second consecutive game because of a right-hand fifth-finger sprain and guard Earl Boykins missed his third with a strained left hamstring. And guard Greg Buckner didn't play in the second half because of a groin strain. Athletic trainer Jim Gillen said all but Boykins could play Sunday. "I'm surprised it's still this sore," Boykins said. "I don't want to come back too soon." Camby said he is "getting better." Buckner said there's a "good chance" he'll play Sunday . . . Kenyon Martin played his second game in New Jersey since the Nets sent him to Denver in a July 2004 sign-and-trade. "That's the bed they've got to lie in," Martin said of the Nets being weak at power forward . . . Michael Coyne, agent for Nene, who suffered a torn anterior cruciate ligament in Denver's Nov. 1 opener and underwent surgery Nov. 21, said his client is off crutches and is "ahead of schedule" in rehabilitation. Coyne can't say yet whether Nene might return this season.

Copyright 2005, Rocky Mountain News. All Rights Reserved.

Frenchise player
12-17-2005, 09:21 AM
Another head coach thinking that he is better than anyone else.
It's hard to see a worse pairing than Anthony and Artest.

12-27-2005, 06:59 PM
Trade him to Jack in the Box drive thru manager at graveyard shift.