View Full Version : They called him out...

12-14-2005, 08:56 AM
Did anybody see the post game interview with Michael Finley...it's about damn time...they finally called him out...saying...why do you pass up those open shots...why don't you just take them...then he started saying that he's used to being unselfish and that he needs to break that habit and just take the shot...I'm just glad someone actually made it public on what everyone was thinking...that's one thing I like about Nick vanE...he'll just shoot the damn ball...hopefully...he'll listen...

12-14-2005, 09:00 AM
The finisher and vanx just needed time to settle into pop's system and start to get the hang of playing with new teammates. This is only the tip of the iceberg. I am just waiting to see what they do come playoff time.

12-14-2005, 09:51 AM
I think Finley is coming along fine. Barry is the guy I was pissed at last night for passing up wide open shots. He passed up a wide-open 3 to pass to Parker behind the arc on one occasion. I was seething and so was Pop. Elliott even commented on how pissed Pop was about that. There's no excuse for that in his second year.

12-14-2005, 10:12 AM
Yeah I saw that...it looked like Barry was just scared and unsure of himself...wide open and then passed it to Parker...Finley is getting better at just shooting the jumper rather than passing it off...and did anyone see that play where he had that sweet fast break out look pass from Parker and he like 1-2 guys in front of him...instead of taking it to the hole...he tried to do some pinche tear drop...wtf...dude...just rise up and take that sh!t hard already...

T Park
12-14-2005, 10:26 AM
Its because Barry is a scared little puss.

Im sick of Brent Barry and his shit play.

Thank god for Michael Finley last night.

And I agree, Fin is comin along juuuust fine. He didn't take any shots last night where I said, WTF why did you shoot that?

Hell, he passed one up in OT where he had a open five footer and gave to Duncan who shot a jumper and barely drew iron.

On the way back to the huddle he was nodding to the guys saying pretty much I know I shouldve shot that.

Fin was awesome last night.

Even his defense was halfway decent.

12-14-2005, 11:00 AM
Its because Barry is a scared little puss.

Im sick of Brent Barry and his shit play.

Thank god for Michael Finley last night.

And I agree, Fin is comin along juuuust fine. He didn't take any shots last night where I said, WTF why did you shoot that?

Hell, he passed one up in OT where he had a open five footer and gave to Duncan who shot a jumper and barely drew iron.

On the way back to the huddle he was nodding to the guys saying pretty much I know I shouldve shot that.

Fin was awesome last night.

Even his defense was halfway decent.

Simmer down the Barry hate... he was doing fine this year before the back-spasms, he's trying to gain some consistency... Barry vs. the Sixers this year exhibits the aggresiveness we want to see from him on a nightly basis.

12-14-2005, 11:47 AM
Simmer down the Barry hate... he was doing fine this year before the back-spasms, he's trying to gain some consistency... Barry vs. the Sixers this year exhibits the aggresiveness we want to see from him on a nightly basis.
That's who TPark is. He hates Barry and no matter how well he plays, he will never him him props.

He loves Rasho and no matter how bad he plays, he will never critizice him.

12-14-2005, 12:17 PM
You know, Barry passed up that one open 3 and that was a bad decision. But in later stages of the game, he stepped right up and took those shots with confidence. He didn't make them, but he at least took them. Pop even came out and appeared to applaud Barry at one point in the second half for at least being aggressive and taking the shot.

As Brent grows into his role, those shots will continue to be available and he'll start to hit them, just like he did at several crucial spots last year. He's a valuable part of this team. I don't understand the dislike for the guy.

12-14-2005, 12:18 PM
There has to be a bad guy. It adds to the drama.

Otherwise, who would be offered in imaginary trade proposals?

12-14-2005, 12:29 PM
There has to be a bad guy. It adds to the drama.

Otherwise, who would be offered in imaginary trade proposals?

I guess that's true. We don't have Malik Rose to kick around anymore.

12-14-2005, 12:31 PM
You know, Barry passed up that one open 3 and that was a bad decision. But in later stages of the game, he stepped right up and took those shots with confidence. He didn't make them, but he at least took them. Pop even came out and appeared to applaud Barry at one point in the second half for at least being aggressive and taking the shot.

As Brent grows into his role, those shots will continue to be available and he'll start to hit them, just like he did at several crucial spots last year. He's a valuable part of this team. I don't understand the dislike for the guy.

Where the fuck has Whottttt been lately

12-14-2005, 01:15 PM
Funny this thread is right under the "I'm in love with a man" thread by GiG

"I'm in love with a man"

"They called him out"

T Park
12-14-2005, 01:22 PM
I don't understand the dislike for the guy

Because the guy never gets better.

Hes playing the same NOW, that he was at this time last year!

he was doing fine this year before the back-spasms, he's trying to gain some consistency

Excuses excuses.

That's who TPark is. He hates Barry and no matter how well he plays, he will never him him props

Incorrect, after the game against the Sixers I went out of my way to applaude Brent Barry.

I like Brent Barry, hes a typical Spur, nice guy, classy, doesn't do stupid shit.

But this passing up shots, turning the ball over, and being scared of his own shadow is getting old.

You know, Barry passed up that one open 3 and that was a bad decision. But in later stages of the game, he stepped right up and took those shots with confidence. He didn't make them, but he at least took them. Pop even came out and appeared to applaud Barry at one point in the second half for at least being aggressive and taking the shot.

As Brent grows into his role, those shots will continue to be available and he'll start to hit them, just like he did at several crucial spots last year. He's a valuable part of this team. I don't understand the dislike for the guy

Yeah thats true he did and even I applauded him for finally shooting.

But heres what it took for him to freakin do it, Pop to have to scream the fuck at him on the bench for him to do it.

Last time Pop did that was against Philly at halftime.

Why should Pop have to scream at the guy to take open shots EVERY GAME!

Brent, ill say it, like I SCREAMED it last night.

SHOOT THE DAMN BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-14-2005, 02:45 PM
I guess it's a differing perspective on the game of basketball...but, I like Finley's unselfishness, and DON'T like Nick's willingness to jack them up.

Gimme a Finley as a teamate any day, you can have the Iversons and Van Exel's.

T Park
12-14-2005, 04:10 PM
and DON'T like Nick's willingness to jack them up.

Your way off base on Van Exel.

This guy brought it in that 4th quarter last night.

Hes one of the reasons they won last night.

Dont hate on the X

BTW, anyone notice he FINALLY busted out the headband last night??

All we need now is a big three and the reverse raise the roof.

ALA against Dallas.

12-14-2005, 04:27 PM
The headband brings power...

12-14-2005, 04:30 PM
Wait, so first he steals Malik's number and now he's stolen Devin's headband? String him up!!!!!!!

12-15-2005, 12:07 AM
Your way off base on Van Exel.

This guy brought it in that 4th quarter last night.

Hes one of the reasons they won last night.

Dont hate on the X

BTW, anyone notice he FINALLY busted out the headband last night??...

..he busted the headband? he was wearing one when he was talking to Sam...

T Park
12-15-2005, 12:52 AM
he steals Malik's number

Didn't know he had "exclusive" rights to that number.

12-15-2005, 08:53 AM
..he busted the headband? he was wearing one when he was talking to Sam...
Umm...that's slang for he finally revealed it...ya know..busted it out...broke it out...umm...how else can I say this...took it out to show the other team...yeah...yeah that's it...

12-15-2005, 09:00 AM
he busted the headband? he was wearing one when he was talking to Sam...


Now Sam, I bet he could really bust a headband.