View Full Version : Spurs finally getting results from Nesterovic

Kori Ellis
12-15-2005, 01:18 AM
Spurs finally getting results from Nesterovic

Web Posted: 12/15/2005 12:00 AM CST
Johnny Ludden
Express-News Staff Writer


MINNEAPOLIS — When the NBA writes its official history, the record will show that Dec. 7, 2005, with 6:08 left in the first quarter and the Spurs leading the Miami Heat 10-6, Rasho Nesterovic dunked.

Tim Duncan skipped a bank shot off the rim, and before Alonzo Mourning could take the rebound, Nesterovic caught the ball in his right hand and whipped it back through the basket.

The Spurs' reserves immediately bounced off the bench and shouted at him. The SBC Center crowd, perhaps a bit more surprised at the show of force, paused for a half moment before roaring.

Nesterovic later laughed when recalling the basket.

"Finally," he said.

Spurs fans know the feeling. For more than two years they have waited for the team to coax some aggression from its starting center.

This season they're seeing some results. Not only has Nesterovic become an efficient shot blocker, he also has looked for his own scoring opportunities, including the occasional dunk.

As Nesterovic returns to the Target Center tonight, his teammates say they haven't seen him play this confidently since he left Minnesota in July 2003 to sign a six-year, $42million contract with the Spurs.

"If he can play like that consistently," Tony Parker said, "it's great for us."

Though overshadowed by the heroics of Duncan, Michael Finley and Parker, Nesterovic delivered another impressive, workmanlike performance in Tuesday's overtime victory over the Los Angeles Clippers. He grabbed seven rebounds after halftime and repeatedly frustrated the Clippers when they tried to go to the rim.

During the third quarter, he blocked a layup attempt by Sam Cassell from behind. One team official said he never has seen Nesterovic run the floor better.

Nesterovic made only 1 of 6 shots, tossing in a short hook after rebounding a missed free throw by Bruce Bowen. But what pleased the Spurs was that he continued to shoot.

"I just try to take advantage of anything that's open," Nesterovic said. "Even if it's scoring or not, I want to play 'D' or something."

Spurs coach Gregg Popovich doesn't think Nesterovic's improvement is a coincidence. After spraining his left ankle late last season, he lost his starting job to Nazr Mohammed and played sparingly in the playoffs.

"I think his motivation is that he got beat out last year," Popovich said. "He wanted his minutes back."

Nesterovic regained his place in the starting lineup after Mohammed missed much of the preseason because his wife and newborn son were ill. Mohammed returned but struggled to provide the weakside defense the Spurs ask of their big men.

"It was almost brand new to him in a sense because he had been away from it so long and we hit him with it so quickly last year," Popovich said.

Popovich says Mohammed, who is a better rebounder than Nesterovic, hasn't received enough minutes to fairly grade his play. With so many teams using small lineups, both Mohammed and Nesterovic have seen their playing time reduced.

"It's not that (Mohammed)'s playing poorly," Popovich said, "it's just that the guy ahead of him continues to play well."

Nesterovic is averaging a modest 5.7 points and 4.5 rebounds in 21.2 minutes. His contributions, however, don't always show on a stat sheet. Everyone noticed the six shots he blocked against Boston on Friday, but the Spurs think there have been many other nights where his position defense was just as effective.

"He's doing a lot better job of not fouling people when they get to the basket," Duncan said.

Duncan and Nesterovic also have teamed well on the other end of the floor. Because Popovich rarely calls plays for him, Nesterovic plays off the attention Duncan receives. This season, Duncan and Nesterovic have looked more comfortable passing to each other.

"Everyone has gained more confidence in Rasho because he's become more aggressive," Popovich said. "We've been on him about that since we brought him here.

"He's getting the ball more because he's showing some success at it."

For the season, Nesterovic is shooting a career-best 53.8 percent. He has been particularly effective early in games, occasionally jump-starting the offense with two or three quick baskets. He also has appeared more willing to absorb contact inside.

Two weeks ago against Philadelphia, he scored a season-high 12 points. Twice, teammates found him alone just above the free-throw line.

Last season, he struggled so much with his jump shot that he often turned down open looks.

"If he missed a shot, he was hesitant on his second one," Bowen said. "Now, if he misses a shot, it's, so what?

"He's having fun, and that's what we need."

T Park
12-15-2005, 01:26 AM
Nesterovic later laughed when recalling the basket.

"Finally," he said.

The man is an enigma, wrapped in a puzzle, packaged in a myth.

This guy is harder to figure out than Duncan.

Nesterovic is averaging a modest 5.7 points and 4.5 rebounds in 21.2 minutes. His contributions, however, don't always show on a stat sheet. Everyone noticed the six shots he blocked against Boston on Friday, but the Spurs think there have been many other nights where his position defense was just as effective

Rasho haters hate reading that.

12-15-2005, 01:37 AM
Fear the Sho! :D

Bruce: "He's having fun, and that's what we need."


T Park
12-15-2005, 01:39 AM
Coulda sworn Angel swore Rasho off at the last GTG cause of finding out hes bangin some ho in a bar.

12-15-2005, 01:41 AM
Love To The OCHO!

12-15-2005, 01:43 AM
Coulda sworn Angel swore Rasho off at the last GTG cause of finding out hes bangin some ho in a bar.

He's a good man, even if he isn't mine. :)

12-15-2005, 01:44 AM
Coulda sworn Angel swore Rasho off at the last GTG cause of finding out hes bangin some ho in a bar.
Nope...banging a bar ho....Just Kidding! If the new grilfriend is making him happy...then back off, she ain't no ho...Rasho has taste... :makemyday

12-15-2005, 01:46 AM
I am prety sure I over heard Rasho's girl talking about him. She seems to really like him. :angel

12-15-2005, 01:53 AM
I will never forget the December 2004 game against the T'Wolves. Mookie, Pego, and I were in attendance, and Michael Olowakandi was schooling the entire frontcourt.
The game was very competitive, and very close.

Then, in the early 4th, Rasho DUNKED, and the entire SBC Center EXPLODED!!! That was without a doubt the greatest turning point in a game I had ever seen live, and the Spurs went on to kick some TWolve ass.

Why doesn't Rasho do plyometric training like 24/7, lol.

12-15-2005, 04:03 AM
Coulda sworn Angel swore Rasho off at the last GTG cause of finding out hes bangin some ho in a bar.

i'm disappointed with u, T Park.

