View Full Version : How is Oberto shaping up?

12-17-2005, 12:47 AM
He doesnt' seem to be doing much with the minutes he is given. He's clearly the 5th bigman, behind Duncan, Horry, Rasho, and Nazr.

If somebody gets hurt, he still isn't seeing more than 10 min in a game (at this point). He seems pretty lost defensively, doesn't score much, and isn't putting up much in rebounds either.

Any comments on his adjustment so far? Perhaps the Spurs see him as insurance against either trading Rasho or letting Nazr go, but we have yet to see enough of him to judge if he would be a suitable replacement.

I'm leaning toward Oberto having more of a role like Marks than Rasho at this point, though as he learns more about the Spurs system I guess its possible he adjusts.

T Park
12-17-2005, 01:10 AM
Hes shaping up to be the next Carl Herrera

12-17-2005, 01:30 AM
he's shaping up?

12-17-2005, 01:40 AM
Rasho and Nazr would also look like crap if they had the same minutes off the bench as Oberto. He's good good hands and he's always in good positions for rebounds. I think big guys need big minutes to produce.

Rasho is doing great as starter and deserves it. I say keep things as they are and keep developing Oberto.

12-17-2005, 02:29 AM
Unfortunately, not so well....:depressed

he looks so lost out there and is a freaken foul magnet!!

12-17-2005, 02:45 AM
I recall people saying he could be starting sooner rather than later.

Doesn't seem to likely, I think the hype was a little to high with Oberto :(

12-17-2005, 02:50 AM
I recall people saying he could be starting sooner rather than later.

Doesn't seem to likely, I think the hype was a little to high with Oberto :(

yea...I concur.

T Park
12-17-2005, 09:59 AM
He's good good hands and he's always in good positions for rebounds

Good position? Yeah I guess.

Good hands? eh so so.

But he doesn't jump for rebounds.

Hell he doesnt even tip them out.

He gets outrebounded by guards.

The hype surrounding this guy was stupid now that you look back on it.

Carl Herrero=Oberto

12-17-2005, 10:08 AM
oberto had hype?

T Park
12-17-2005, 10:25 AM
Go check the Oberto thread from July.

12-17-2005, 10:30 AM
I don't think he's quite like Carl. He seems to have a decent feel for the game, he's got size, and he's played for quite a few years at a high level. I don't expect that he'll be the next Dwight Howard, but I think he could possibly be a serviceable backup once he gets more comfortable. He'll always be limited, but I don't think he'll always be practically useless like he is now.

T Park
12-17-2005, 11:11 AM
but I don't think he'll always be practically useless like he is now.

unless he acquires lift, or speed, hes always gonna be this useless.

12-17-2005, 11:56 AM
Oberto is a team player

So, his numbers without minutes never can be hights

12-17-2005, 11:59 AM
Oberto is a team player

So, his numbers without minutes never can be hights

12-17-2005, 12:00 PM
Oberto is a team player

So, his numbers without minutes never can be hights


12-17-2005, 12:47 PM
Looks like Oberto may turn out to be a Sean Marks who speaks Spanish.

Extra Stout
12-17-2005, 12:59 PM
Oberto doesn't put up stats.

But he is the only big man I have ever seen who can execute the give-and-go with Rasho Nesterovic. Rasho with American players looks like Uncle Fester. Rasho around other Euroleague vets turns into Vlade Divac. I cannot explain it.

12-17-2005, 01:10 PM
"Popovich: Mirada sobre Oberto

No ver en acción a Fabricio Oberto resulta extraño para los seguidores del cordobés, vital para los logros históricos de la Selección Argentina. Saber que jugó menos de diez minutos en 10 de los 16 partidos en los que estuvo en cancha desalienta al observador. Por lo visto en la temporada, Popovich alterna como pivotes a Rasho Nesterovic y Nazr Mohammed, más altos pero mucho menos técnicos que el argentino. Y al utilizar a Robert Horry como ala pivot, a Oberto también se le cierra otro camino para conseguir minutos.

—¿Cómo evalúa a Oberto?

—Se está acomodando como uno lo hubiera esperado cuando un jugador no tiene muchos minutos. Fue muy inteligente para aprender cosas, pero no tuvo muchas oportunidades para sumar experiencia en la cancha, porque Mohammed y Nesterovic han jugado bien. Pero aprende rápido y cada día. Pienso que cuando lleguen los playoffs será muy importante para nosotros.

—¿Pero jugó como usted lo había visto siempre en la Selección?

—Seguro. Le pedimos que jugara como lo hace en la Selección. Es un obrero del básquetbol. Hace cortinas, rebotea, agarra pelotas perdidas, se faja, la pasa, juega para el equipo. Hace el trabajo sucio como con Argentina.



http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.clarin.com%2Fdiario%2 F2005%2F12%2F16%2Fdeportes%2Fd-07801.htm&langpair=es%7Cen&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&prev=%2Flanguage_tools

12-17-2005, 01:11 PM
I recall people saying he could be starting sooner rather than later.

Doesn't seem to likely, I think the hype was a little to high with Oberto :(

he was not overhyped as much as lebron james

12-17-2005, 01:15 PM
are we still gonna try and get Scola next year?

12-17-2005, 01:22 PM
who said the spurs would get scola?
he has a large buyout and wants atleast the full mle to start
like the spurs should pay that UNPROVEN NBA ROOKIE THAT KND OF JACK

12-17-2005, 01:34 PM
I'm asking if we are still going to attempt that in the future.

12-17-2005, 02:07 PM
quick trade him to the pacers they like him

12-17-2005, 02:57 PM
You know the word was that Scola was definately the better player, but not by leaps and bounds over Oberto. Makes you wonder how much of just hype Scola will ultimately turn out to be regardless of where he plays.

12-18-2005, 05:32 PM
the man has a jersey out for sell too.




T Park
12-18-2005, 06:01 PM
he was not overhyped as much as lebron james

Lebron James has lived up to the hype you illiterate fuck.

12-18-2005, 06:03 PM
what has the cavs ever done after the allstar break with james?

T Park
12-18-2005, 06:08 PM
Your a fuckin moron.

What were the Cavs BEFORE james.

A lottery 20 win team.

Now they are a 45 win playoff team.

Good lord, what did Lebron run over your cat you moron?

12-18-2005, 06:10 PM
Dissapointing so far...