View Full Version : Thomas: Marbury No Longer Nucleus Of Knicks

12-19-2005, 08:52 AM
NBA Rumors
Thomas: Marbury No Longer Nucleus Of Knicks
December 19, 2005 -- While the rumblings inside the organization have suggested all season the Knicks are no longer building around Stephon Marbury, team president Isiah Thomas finally went public with that fact over the weekend.
Thomas said the Knicks have "three building blocks" and none of them is named Marbury. Thomas said the three untouchables are coach Larry Brown and his pair of 22-year-old big men, Eddy Curry and Channing Frye.

"From there, you start moving to fill around those three pieces," Thomas said on WFAN. "When you have really good bigs, you find the guards...

12-19-2005, 09:29 AM
Marbury bombs yet again, this time in his hometown's metro area.

12-19-2005, 10:14 AM
I'm not a fan of Starbury, but I'm less of a fan of Isiah....hopefully he lands Artest and the team implodes and the Knick org cleanses itself of Isiah's meanderings.