View Full Version : Bill O' Reilly Got OWNED on Letterman

01-04-2006, 01:01 AM
Just saw O Reilly get his butt handed to him by Dave. :lol
Letterman made him look stupid. Hopefully there's a link soon, to the interview.
One of the few times I've seen David Letterman that serious.



01-04-2006, 01:46 AM
what did he say
what happened

01-04-2006, 02:25 AM
It wasn't so much that Dave got into a long discussion about anything. It's that Bill was talking about the War on Christmas and Dave simply asked "What's the big deal"? and that Bill's making it all up.

Dave would cut him off by asking simple questions that ended the nonsense Bill was trying to create.


He defended Cindy Sheehan asking Bill if he had any kids who had died in this war.

And Dave said he's not smart enough to argue on a point by point basis with Bill, but he feels that 60% of what he says is CRAP!! :lmao

He also said he doesn't watch his show and briefly talked abut Bush's faulty intelligence that misled us to war.

It was hilarious.

01-04-2006, 02:32 AM
It's funny because many people read his book "O'Rielly Factor for Kids" to innoculate their children with firm republican values, and sow the seeds of a republican future.

I went to a private high school. In that school, there was always a group of people that were just, well, fucking dorks, idiots, full of shit. Flash forward 5 years later, look at these idiots myspace, and guess what? They're fucking republican.

It makes me feel happy realizing those are the type of people who become republican.

It made me realize that people like Bill O'Rielly are so popular because there's so many fucking idiots out there like the oens I went to high school with, in every high school, and these people so desperately want to make themselves elite that they become republican.

01-04-2006, 02:37 AM

01-04-2006, 03:47 AM
if they believed in such righteous views of the world why is porn, abortion, and illegal aliens still running rampant all over the place?

because of the damn liberals! :lol

01-04-2006, 04:45 AM
Dave turned redcoat years ago. It was funny I did see it..

Then he showed how stupid he is by talking to the star of Munich and Dave says "takin care of business"...

STFU Dave either your a pussy or not.... If Mossad can blow up some fuckers so can we bitch.

01-04-2006, 05:46 AM
Yea, STFU Dave, unless u back Republicans of course.

01-04-2006, 12:00 PM
firm republican values are to use as many people as you can to gain wealth and prosperity for yourselves.

republicans are the ultimate evil.......because they will sell you out in heartbeat to gain riches and wealth for themselves.

if they believed in such righteous views of the world why is porn, abortion, and illegal aliens still running rampant all over the place?

You are a bigot.

01-04-2006, 01:20 PM
It's funny because many people read his book "O'Rielly Factor for Kids" to innoculate their children with firm republican values, and sow the seeds of a republican future.

I went to a private high school. In that school, there was always a group of people that were just, well, fucking dorks, idiots, full of shit. Flash forward 5 years later, look at these idiots myspace, and guess what? They're fucking republican.

It makes me feel happy realizing those are the type of people who become republican.

It made me realize that people like Bill O'Rielly are so popular because there's so many fucking idiots out there like the oens I went to high school with, in every high school, and these people so desperately want to make themselves elite that they become republican.

yeah as opposed to the idiotology that Liberal college professors spew across the country indoctrinating the youth into this secular, socialist philosophy they believe that alienates any recognition of Diety and absolves the individual of responsibility, placing the burdens and failures of a weak society on the government. - Dude these countries already exist and have failed in the past - Take your sorry butt to Canada if you feel the way you do - Sweden or Denmark - France even - Leave the USA alone and stop trying to go socialist. Good gosh man

01-04-2006, 02:24 PM
yeah as opposed to the idiotology that Liberal college professors spew across the country indoctrinating the youth into this secular, socialist philosophy they believe that alienates any recognition of Diety and absolves the individual of responsibility, placing the burdens and failures of a weak society on the government. - Dude these countries already exist and have failed in the past - Take your sorry butt to Canada if you feel the way you do - Sweden or Denmark - France even - Leave the USA alone and stop trying to go socialist. Good gosh man

What University did you attend? Colleges in Texas are about as liberal as Hook-dem, except for maybe UT. Democrats are also 90% Christian, so I'm just wondering what planet your living on? Individual responsibility is passing on huge deficits to our children and their children?

01-04-2006, 02:29 PM
What University did you attend? Colleges in Texas are about as liberal as Hook-dem, except for maybe UT. Democrats are also 90% Christian, so I'm just wondering what planet your living on? Individual responsibility is passing on huge deficits to our children and their children?

I went to the University of Utah and then to Texas for law school where I was pounded with the secular progressive philosophy and gay rights -- all day -- every day. Colleges across the country -from Columbia to Colorado to UCLA are filled with thinkers much like yourself who choose to indoctrinate instead of teach and educate.

The deficit is the fault of the Republicans ?

Oh, Gee!!
01-04-2006, 03:23 PM
shouldn't you have been taught law in law school?

01-04-2006, 03:24 PM
no shit dan

these fucking neocons dont know shit about shit

01-04-2006, 04:12 PM
what about this school?


01-04-2006, 04:12 PM
shouldn't you have been taught law in law school?

You mean like St. Mary's here in good old SA? :lol

Oh, Gee!!
01-04-2006, 04:16 PM
You mean like St. Mary's here in good old SA? :lol

no, a real law school

01-04-2006, 04:17 PM
Ask and you shall receive.

video link (http://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/01/04.html#a6571)

01-04-2006, 04:23 PM
Thanks alot Ocotillo :tu

01-04-2006, 04:59 PM
besides we blue collar workers hate the no it all liberal college grads that think they own the world when they finally get there nice little cushy corporate job.. oh please just remember the working class hates the liberal elitist as much as any other elitist.. remember that as your driving around with your UT Alumni sticker on your new lexus... lol

Oh, Gee!!
01-04-2006, 05:18 PM
besides we blue collar workers hate the no [sic] it all liberal college grads that think they own the world when they finally get there [sic]nice little cushy corporate job.. oh please just remember the working class hates the liberal elitist as much as any other elitist.. remember that as your [sic] driving around with your UT Alumni sticker on your new lexus... lol


01-04-2006, 05:31 PM
who's bill orielly and why should i care what he thinks?

01-04-2006, 05:47 PM
who's bill orielly and why should i care what he thinks?
He shares your dumb selfish views.

01-04-2006, 06:10 PM
He shares your dumb selfish views.

so only your views are smart and giving? okay chief. :lol

MY views are in line with what is best for humanity. If you don't agree? That's your loss. :tu

01-04-2006, 06:58 PM
so only your views are smart and giving? okay chief. :lol

MY views are in line with what is best for humanity. If you don't agree? That's your loss. :tu
:lmao :lmao :lol :lmao your not a comedian in the sense that you have funny jokes, but more like an unintended ignoramace, not in the least bit aware of his embarrassing stupid dumb comments. :lmao

Sounds like someone we all know,


01-04-2006, 07:30 PM
keep digging your own grave man.

i'm no longer interested in your idiocy. :tu

01-04-2006, 07:38 PM
keep digging your own grave man.

i'm no longer interested in your idiocy. :tu
:lmao translated: I'm no longer interested in talking about reality and facts.

also sounds like someone we know, :lmao


01-04-2006, 07:39 PM
:lmao translated: I'm no longer interested in talking about reality and facts.

also sounds like someone we know, :lmao


your reality and facts are for the adults and the miserable. :shootme

i will stay in my childlike mentality and be happy. :) :elephant

01-04-2006, 08:01 PM
Miserable because u say so?

Hardly, but i know of ppl who are miserable because of actions from ppl with your views.

Childlike mental is more like it, because it's easier, and only because u can't hold conversation that includes facts, much like the Republican party.

01-05-2006, 02:08 AM
Right, because democrats are any smarter.

You're full of shit, and the more you talk the more you seem like a partisan tool than and individual with an oppinion.

01-05-2006, 09:05 AM
Right, because democrats are any smarter.

You're full of shit, and the more you talk the more you seem like a partisan tool than and individual with an oppinion.:lmao And individual? oPPinion?

Who's smarter? :lol

Since u like to point out errors, :lmao just thought I'd dish it back out to the secret late night lurker who likes to avoid factual debate. :lol
What a

01-05-2006, 09:29 AM
:lmao :lmao :lol :lmao your not a comedian in the sense that you have funny jokes, but more like an unintended ignoramace, not in the least bit aware of his embarrassing stupid dumb comments. :lmao

Sounds like someone we all know,


Hey STFU, zack may be a conservative but he isn't a dick, and you're being one.

save this shit for yoni or one of the other crazies who would actually engage you, because zach just made you look stupid

01-05-2006, 09:39 AM
:lmao where did you pull that crap out of, most ppl here know Zak makes himself look stupid. Have you even read the things he says?

01-05-2006, 10:23 AM
Miserable because u say so?

Hardly, but i know of ppl who are miserable because of actions from ppl with your views.

Childlike mental is more like it, because it's easier, and only because u can't hold conversation that includes facts, much like the Republican party.

Is that why you like to talk to the people "under the bridge".
You stay stuck there most of the time.

01-05-2006, 10:29 AM
For an old man, u sure are dumb. Not very wise. U know, it actually helps to get to know these ppl under a bridge u hate so much. You might better understand their situation.

01-05-2006, 11:45 AM
For an old man, u sure are dumb. Not very wise. U know, it actually helps to get to know these ppl under a bridge u hate so much. You might better understand their situation.

Oh, I understand their situation. They need a job and few less people like
you. Or maybe they do need you, didn't you comment one time you have
a business? If so, why not hire some of them? Now that would really be
a help to them and us taxpayers, wouldn't it? Yeah I know dumb idea from
an old man with no wisdom. But ever now and then I do have a thought. :lol

And I do know how to spell people. :lol

01-05-2006, 12:24 PM
Yes, I have a business and u don't know what i do with it, so don't assume. And I learned how to spell PEOPLE, wow thanks for teaching me, i never knew how to spell that :rolleyes

This is the best u can do. :lol

01-05-2006, 04:41 PM
Yes, I have a business and u don't know what i do with it, so don't assume. And I learned how to spell PEOPLE, wow thanks for teaching me, i never knew how to spell that :rolleyes

This is the best u can do. :lol

Why you assume all the time. You know what assume means don't you?
ass-u-me. You make an ass out of you and me. As a business person
you should know that.

01-05-2006, 04:47 PM

01-05-2006, 06:39 PM
Bill's a complete tool....and I'm glad Dave called him out. Still, if you watch the Daily Show or the Colbert Report...they goof on Bill all of the time, as he deserves everything he gets. The whole War on Christmas is so weak it hurts me seeing him waste entire shows on that BS when he calls himself a journalist.

Uncle Donnie
01-06-2006, 10:01 AM
Maybe I'm just not far enough on either side of the partisan line but I watched the video and had a hard time seeing how anyone got owned.

I was actually pretty disappointed in Dave because it seemed like he did no research at all, and if he was going to take O'Reilly to task he really should have done that. When he said "I just don't believe you" over and over and "60% of what you say is crap" but then could'nt give a single example of an O'Reilly lie (and I'm sure there are plenty), plus admitted to never having seen his show, he just came off looking very foolish. Just my opinion though.

O'Reilly looked pompous and arrogant as usual but that wasn't due to anything Dave did.

01-06-2006, 10:18 AM
If anyone knows Dave, they know that his comments about not being smart, knowing anything, or not watching anything is Him being sarcastic. Dave just simplified Bill's arguements and said what's the big deal, making Bill look dumb for making a big story out of nothing. simple.

01-06-2006, 11:19 AM
If anyone knows Dave, they know that his comments about not being smart, knowing anything, or not watching anything is Him being sarcastic. Dave just simplified Bill's arguements and said what's the big deal, making Bill look dumb for making a big story out of nothing. simple.

Look David Letterman is a known Al Franken stein buddy. Everything he said sounded like Al Franken was speaking in his ear. Cindy Sheehan -- Cindy Sheehan blah blah - wah wah Cindy Sheehan.

01-06-2006, 11:20 AM
Bill's crazy speaking his hate speech.

01-06-2006, 11:26 AM
that darn hate speech --- it is always coming from those blood thirsty, war-loving republicans -- darn those guys --- hug a tree !

01-06-2006, 11:29 AM
you forgot "criminals"

01-06-2006, 11:44 AM
you forgot "criminals"

yeah all of it man. Criminals - slugs - idiots - losers yeah pile it on. Keep thinking your way brother. Keep hope alive !

darn warmongers. Who do they think they are ? Going to war. Don't they know it is all our fault anyway -- it is all the fault of the United States. 9/11 -- our fault.

01-06-2006, 11:53 AM
yeah all of it man. Criminals - slugs - idiots - losers yeah pile it on. Keep thinking your way brother. Keep hope alive !

darn warmongers. Who do they think they are ? Going to war. Don't they know it is all our fault anyway -- it is all the fault of the United States. 9/11 -- our fault.

01-06-2006, 12:55 PM
i bet $100 to the Charity of SA210 choice that he/she doesn't own a business of substance. If Sa210 loses the bet which he/she will, I won't ask for anything anything because I don't want to bankrupt this imaginary company.

01-06-2006, 01:01 PM
i bet $100 to the Charity of SA210 choice that he/she doesn't own a business of substance. If Sa210 loses the bet which he/she will, I won't ask for anything anything because I don't want to bankrupt this imaginary company.
CompanieS, plural. But I don't need to disclose that information with You and I choose Not to.

Wow, it's funny the things you guys say, just because you can't defend Bush with Facts. :lol

01-06-2006, 01:04 PM
CompanieS, plural. But I don't need to disclose that information with You and I choose Not to.

Wow, it's funny the things you guys say, just because you can't defend Bush with Facts. :lol

facts? you mean like those "facts" clowns like you use to attempt to discredit him? like the plethora of facts that Michael Moore invented and fabricated in his movie ?

01-06-2006, 01:14 PM
Michael Moore made up that Bush sat there for seven minutes? Really?

01-06-2006, 01:30 PM
Michael Moore made up that Bush sat there for seven minutes? Really?

actually that might have been the only true thing in that whole "documentary"

01-06-2006, 01:35 PM
Wow, so our "Commander in Chief" sat for seven minutes no knowing what to do, while our Country was under attack.

Great job Commander, You make me feel safe.

Oh, Gee!!
01-06-2006, 01:36 PM
It's called strategerizing

01-06-2006, 01:39 PM
Wow, so our "Commander in Chief" sat for seven minutes no knowing what to do, while our Country was under attack.

Great job Commander, You make me feel safe.

is that why you hate him ? you seem to be hung up on those 7 minutes.

01-06-2006, 01:45 PM
^^^ while we were under attack.

01-06-2006, 01:47 PM
^^^ while we were under attack.

wasn't the attack already over?

anyway - isn't there some other reason -- more substantive and meaningful for you to hate Bush ? you are hung up on 7 minutes in a class room ?

01-06-2006, 01:48 PM
It's called strategerizing


01-06-2006, 01:50 PM
wasn't the attack already over?

anyway - isn't there some other reason -- more substantive and meaningful for you to hate Bush ? you are hung up on 7 minutes in a class room ?
Yea, like Not looking at this briefing to prevent the seven minutes from happening.


01-06-2006, 01:51 PM
Yea, like Not looking at this briefing to prevent the seven minutes from happening.


oh -- or maybe he should have heeded all those warnings he got from the great William Jefferson Clinton about Bin Laden and Al Quida.

01-06-2006, 01:59 PM
Or Maybe Bush shouldn't have been working so hard after he stole the election, maybe he woulda stopped 9/11 from happening.


01-06-2006, 02:36 PM
anyway - isn't there some other reason -- more substantive and meaningful for you to hate Bush ? you are hung up on 7 minutes in a class room ?
Don't you hate Clinton because of a BJ?

01-06-2006, 02:47 PM
Don't you hate Clinton because of a BJ?


01-06-2006, 03:42 PM
CompanieS, plural. But I don't need to disclose that information with You and I choose Not to.

Wow, it's funny the things you guys say, just because you can't defend Bush with Facts. :lolYou call what you post facts:lol ? It's fun to poke fun at you and your imaginary companies. I know a ton of business owners and have yet to meet one as dumb as you. That's why I question you and put my money where my mouth is.

01-06-2006, 03:45 PM
Bill O Reilly can kick Letterman's ass....

01-06-2006, 04:24 PM
You call what you post facts:lol ? It's fun to poke fun at you and your imaginary companies. I know a ton of business owners and have yet to meet one as dumb as you. That's why I question you and put my money where my mouth is.
:lol Seeing as how your not a business owner, mind your own business. Just because you can't defend Dumbya, it'll be ok.

01-06-2006, 06:17 PM
:lol Seeing as how your not a business owner, mind your own business. Just because you can't defend Dumbya, it'll be ok.
That's what I thought.:rolleyes

01-06-2006, 11:16 PM
Yea, thought what, that your a moron that can't defend this moronic president? Yea, you're right.

01-07-2006, 12:14 AM
^You're a buisiness owner? Great!:rolleyes

I bet those chocolate martinis Oh gee told me about and those "Fleet Week" specials really picked it up for you at your own gay bar.

One can only guess what kind of pickup lines you must recieve being the head honcho. "HEy Hoss, I got sac of goods, where do i make my deposit?", or "Hire me as your secretary, i'm good at short hand...or anyother hand!"

01-07-2006, 12:46 AM
Yea, thought what, that your a moron that can't defend this moronic president? Yea, you're right.
you've been exposed as a delusional liar who lives in an imaginary world were you think you own companies. You are the type of person that tries to perpetuate that Bush lied and stole and election. No defending of Bush necessary, just look at the source.

01-07-2006, 01:27 AM
you've been exposed as a delusional liar who lives in an imaginary world were you think you own companies. You are the type of person that tries to perpetuate that Bush lied and stole and election. No defending of Bush necessary, just look at the source.
Is this BigZak? Everything you say is made up and makes no sense and sounds like you just pulled it out of your rear.

Try and debate the political issue at hand or is it too hard for you. It's not so easy defending a corrupt president is it?

01-07-2006, 01:33 AM
^You're a buisiness owner? Great!:rolleyes

I bet those chocolate martinis Oh gee told me about and those "Fleet Week" specials really picked it up for you at your own gay bar.

One can only guess what kind of pickup lines you must recieve being the head honcho. "HEy Hoss, I got sac of goods, where do i make my deposit?", or "Hire me as your secretary, i'm good at short hand...or anyother hand!"

No, not a bar, although my brother has one, but thanks for being the homo that you are and speculating. Since your president is a moron, you've run out of things to say.

You wanna talk smack, meet me in the smack forum, u wanna debate politics, go ahead and try it, we already know u can't. Loser.

01-07-2006, 08:51 AM
Maybe I'm just not far enough on either side of the partisan line but I watched the video and had a hard time seeing how anyone got owned.

I was actually pretty disappointed in Dave because it seemed like he did no research at all, and if he was going to take O'Reilly to task he really should have done that. When he said "I just don't believe you" over and over and "60% of what you say is crap" but then could'nt give a single example of an O'Reilly lie (and I'm sure there are plenty), plus admitted to never having seen his show, he just came off looking very foolish. Just my opinion though.

O'Reilly looked pompous and arrogant as usual but that wasn't due to anything Dave did.

I saw the video too, and came to the same conclusions.

Starting a thread about Dave owning O'Reilly is silly. No such thing happened. But it does seem a great excuse for a food fight.

01-07-2006, 09:29 AM
I saw the video too, and came to the same conclusions.

Starting a thread about Dave owning O'Reilly is silly. No such thing happened. But it does seem a great excuse for a food fight.


Some of you have a pretty distorted view of what "ownage" is. Somehow I don't think lack of relevant knowledge of the subject matter is it.

01-07-2006, 11:05 AM
He didn't have lack of knowledge, he was being sarcastic because Bill is making issues out of nothing. If anyone knows Dave, they know he was being sarcastic, he always says things like that.

01-07-2006, 12:38 PM
How knowledgable of any thing O'Reilly says to know that 60% of it is crap can he possibly be if he admittedly never watches his show? How did he come up with 60%? That's not sarcastic, it's stupid.

01-07-2006, 12:40 PM
If he watched it (like me) he'd know the % is much higher

01-07-2006, 12:47 PM
^^^ exactly :lol

01-07-2006, 03:17 PM
Is this BigZak? Everything you say is made up and makes no sense and sounds like you just pulled it out of your rear.

Try and debate the political issue at hand or is it too hard for you. It's not so easy defending a corrupt president is it?
Way to change the subject businessman.:lol

01-07-2006, 04:37 PM
^^^ while we were under attack.

Sounds like Pete Jennings, where is our President, where is our
President. He should be in Washington at times like these. Give me
a break. What was he suppose to do, get up, run in circles and
scream: "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" run for cover, protect

Or maybe, jump up, run out of the building get in AF1, go to New
York and direct the rescue operation.

Give me a break, you silly bunch of twerps.

01-07-2006, 05:21 PM
^^^ exactly :lol

Right. But he hasn't, so how can he profess to know anything?

You could sit there and say all day long that what I cook is 60% inedible, but since you've never tasted my cooking...what you say really doesn't mean shit, does it?

01-07-2006, 05:26 PM
I have never been to a Joel Olsteen sermon
but I would venture to say him and his outfit are full of shit

01-07-2006, 05:27 PM
chode regulator has never rubbed me off
but I dont think i would want him too because i wouldnt like it

01-07-2006, 05:38 PM
And by you saying that, would you consider Joel Olsteen to have been owned?

What would suggest to you that he & his outfit are full of shit? How did you reach that conclusion? Pull it out of your ass? If that's the case, then I can definitely see how you would agree that O'Reilly got owned. Dave had no factual answer for how he came to that conclusion, either. Your negative feelings about opposing political parties and because you don't like him and/or what he says in and of itself doesn't make him wrong, or make what he says "60% crap." For one thing, how the fuck did he come up with 60%?

And how do you know if chode whatever rubbed you off that you wouldn't like it? You're just assuming you wouldn't because he's a guy. :eyebrows :lol

Just like Dave was assuming Bill was full of crap because he's a conservative. :fro

01-08-2006, 04:47 PM
January 8, 2006

Many Ready to Spar With Bill O'Reilly

Filed at 4:15 p.m. ET

NEW YORK (AP) -- If Bill O'Reilly truly loves a good fight, then he's had quite a week. The Fox News Channel personality's confrontation with David Letterman Tuesday night made for some gripping television. The cranky ''Late Show'' host told his guest: ''I have the feeling about 60 percent of what you say is crap.''

That same night, nemesis Keith Olbermann on MSNBC once again named O'Reilly his ''Worst Person in the World,'' this time for battling with two people at The New York Times. That's the 15th time O'Reilly has been cited since Olbermann began his half-facetious, half-serious nightly ''award'' to wag his finger at bad behavior.

For whatever reason, it seems more people are willing to step into the ring with the host of cable TV news' No. 1 program.

But they'd better beware. Combat may be as essential as oxygen to him.

O'Reilly has already logged many minutes on his TV and radio shows to talk about what he called his ''shootout'' with Letterman, and posted a video clip on his Web site. He gave a telephone interview to ''The View'' to say that he didn't feel ambushed.

''I had no problem with the interview,'' O'Reilly said. ''I enjoyed it.''

The interview began poorly -- with an uncomfortable silence after O'Reilly said he had ''a nice winter solstice'' -- and went downhill. Letterman disagreed with O'Reilly's contention that de-emphasizing religion during the Christmas season was an example of political correctness eroding tradition.

''I don't think this is an actual threat,'' Letterman said. ''I think that this is something that happened here and it happened there. And so people like you are trying to make us think that it's a threat.''

They jousted over peace activist Cindy Sheehan, who O'Reilly said has referred to Iraqi insurgents as freedom fighters.

''It is a vitally important time in American history,'' O'Reilly said. ''And we should all take it very seriously, and be very careful with what we say.''

Responded Letterman: ''Well, and you should be very careful with what you say also.''

Letterman said he was ''very concerned about people like yourself who don't have nothing but endless sympathy for a woman like Cindy Sheehan.'' That's where he issued his content analysis of ''The O'Reilly Factor,'' although he admitted he didn't watch it.

On O'Reilly's TV show the next night, Fox News analyst Juan Williams likened the segment to a knife fight. ''In some sense, it's like someone inviting you into their house and you find out you've been invited by, you know, John Wayne Gacy,'' he said.

A high-profile confrontation like this solidifies O'Reilly's relationship with his fans, said Martin Kaplan, an associate dean of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California.

''He lives and breathes attention and combat,'' Kaplan said. ''If he were to go on a friendly venue, there would be no story. It's made in heaven for him to be in a fight with Letterman.''

O'Reilly has been atop the cable news ratings for four years. His average nightly audience increased from 2.42 million in 2004 to 2.49 million last year, although his ratings dropped among viewers younger than 55.

Kaplan said he believes O'Reilly's Christmas campaign may have backfired on him. ''In TV sitcoms,'' he said, ''they call that `jumping the shark.'''

During an interview with Newsday's Verne Gay in October, O'Reilly sounded weary about the scrutiny of his critics and their attacks. He even mused about retiring in a couple of years.

For the past 18 months, the liberal Web site Media Matters for America has assigned a monitor to O'Reilly's radio and TV shows, and alerts critics to alleged misstatements. And Olbermann regularly tweaks his time slot competitor, particularly since starting the ''Worst Person in the World'' segment last June.

''He's writing this material for me,'' Olbermann said. ''I'm thinking of sending him a check. Day after day he just gets weirder and weirder and weirder.''

Olbermann said he's thinking of holding fire a bit lest it seem like an obsession. While he's not a watchdog in a serious sense, Olbermann said that ''it's important to me that you provide an alternate perspective to whatever the elite is in a given field.

''I look at them -- they're clearly the popular clique, led by the bullies in the school -- so if you get an opportunity to point out what stupid thing has been said or what moronic action has been encouraged by them or simply when they have fallen all over themselves in relation to the facts, you should do it,'' he said.

Olbermann pleads innocent to being holier-than-thou because of his show's willingness to point out its own mistakes. ''I'm sure I will eventually make the list,'' he said. ''I will be one of the worst people in the world.''

He may already be, at least at Fox News Channel's office. O'Reilly, who didn't want to talk for this article, has referred to Olbermann -- although not by name -- as a ''notorious smear merchant'' and pointed out his low ratings. (Olbermann's typical audience is about one-sixth of O'Reilly's.)

Network spokesman Brian Lewis was even more pointed. ''Perhaps (NBC Universal chief) Jeff Zucker should think twice about tying his future, not to mention the reputation of (parent company) General Electric, to an unstable ratings-killer like Keith, who uses an NBC property for his personal attacks,'' he said.

Who will have the last laugh?

It's worth noting that nearly 2.7 million people -- about 200,000 above last year's average -- tuned in to watch ''The O'Reilly Factor'' the night after he went toe-to-toe with Letterman, according to Nielsen Media Research. O'Reilly's younger viewership was up 20 percent over his December numbers.

01-08-2006, 04:54 PM
O` Reilly is a stuck up a hold. But he kinda feeds of bad press. It's like his crack.

Letterman just gave him too much free advertising. Dave is hardcore... even if he has become a fascist leftist commie anti american bastard...

He's still wields a lot of power in hollywood circles....

He's on message from the left...

01-13-2006, 07:06 PM
Right. But he hasn't, so how can he profess to know anything?
You could sit there and say all day long that what I cook is 60% inedible, but since you've never tasted my cooking...what you say really doesn't mean shit, does it?

Like I said previously, if you knew Letterman and His comedy, you would know that he always talks that way and is sarcastic alot of the time.

Whether Dave watches Bill O'Reilly or not, Bill spewed his trash about a "War on Christmas" ON Dave's show.

On Dave's show, Bill O'Reilly talked trash about Cindy Sheehan. So watching Bill's show wouldn't be a neccessity to know that what he says is "crap".

Dave could make that assessment based on Bill's comments on His own show. Dave even told him that there is nothing threating going on, but there are people like Bill who want to make make people believe that there is.

60% is just a number he made up as he does when he's being funny or sarcastic about most things. 60% would actually symolize that more than half of what Bill says is crap. I agree with that and I do watch Bill and I would say the percentage is much higher.

01-14-2006, 10:35 AM
First I have to agree with Uncle Donnie that I didn't see any "owning". Second, I think Dave did a discredit to himself to say he has never watched the show, and then proceed to critique it. Much like all those who bashed Michael Moore's movie without seeing it, in a high profile situation like that interview, ignorance only does you a disservice. I'm sure Dave could TIVO an episode of The Factor before having Bill on much like he views an episode of any actor's program before they come on most of the time.
Bill, to no surprise, favors Republicans as does FOX News. He also jumps onto causes that tick him off and run with it. Some you amy disagree with, some you may agree with. For example, right now he is going after a Vermont judge who sentenced a man to 60 days of prison for raping a six year old for the past 4 years, along with the Republican Governor and other politicians who are dragging thier feet on responding to such a verdict.
But back to the point, being "owned" should be more than making a soundbite and having an audience just cheer and applaud you. That is schoolyard fighting complete with the ooohs and ahhhs of a crowd of children standing around watching.

01-14-2006, 10:51 AM
Like I said previously, if you knew Letterman and His comedy, you would know that he always talks that way and is sarcastic alot of the time.

I've watched Letterman for years. Sarcasm doesn't change the fact that he was criticizing something he never even bothered to watch. Why does that seem so difficult for you to understand?

01-14-2006, 11:11 AM
I've watched Letterman for years. Sarcasm doesn't change the fact that he was criticizing something he never even bothered to watch. Why does that seem so difficult for you to understand?

Why does it seem so difficult for you to understand that Dave disagreed with what Bill was saying on Dave's show itself?

01-14-2006, 11:44 AM
Why does it seem so difficult for you to understand that Dave disagreed with what Bill was saying on Dave's show itself?

Well, I do understand that Dave disagreed with what Bill said on the show. But he also disagreed with Bill's show and made comments on that show which he said that he had never seen. Dave is an entertainer who doesn't have a direct obligation to provide us the news, but he booked Bill as a guest and I would have expected Dave to watch an episode of Bill's show like he does for actors and actresses that come on the show. He doesn't have to, but it makes for better conversation to have an understanding of who you are having on the show.
I mainly just disagree that Bill was "owned" because Dave says he is 60% full of crap. If Bill had Dave on his show and said that would we have a thread titled "Dave Letterman got OWNED on O'Reilly"?

01-14-2006, 12:11 PM
We may diagree, but I just think Dave made him look dumb by acting like "What's the Big deal to all Your madness" type of attitude. That Bill was making a big deal out of nothing and I agree with that.