View Full Version : Texas(this is pretty neat)

01-04-2006, 12:41 PM

When you're from Texas, people that you meet ask you questions like, Do you have any cows?" "Do you have horses?" "Bet you got a bunch of guns, eh?"

They all want to know if you've been to Southfork. They watched Dallas.

Have you ever looked at a map of the world? Look at Texas with me just for a second. That picture, with the Panhandle and the Gulf Coast, and the Red River and the Rio Grande is as much a part of you as anything ever will be.. As soon as anyone anywhere in the world looks at it they know what it is. It's Texas. Pick any kid off the street in Japan and draw him a picture of Texas in the dirt and he'll know what it is. What happens if I show you a picture of any other state? You might get it maybe after a second or two, but who else would? And even if you do, does it ever stir any feelings in you?

In every man, woman and child on this planet, there is a person who wishes just once he could be a real live Texan and get up on a horse or ride off in a pickup. There is some little bit of Texas in everyone.

Did you ever hear anyone in a bar go, "Wow...so you're from Iowa? Cool, tell me about it?" Do you know why? Because there's no place like Texas.

Texas is the Alamo. Texas is 183 men standing in a church, facing thousands of Mexican nationals, fighting for freedom, who had the chance to walk out and save themselves, but stayed instead to fight and die for the cause of freedom. We send our kids to schools named William B. Travis and James Bowie and Crockett and do you know why? Because those men saw a line in the sand and they decided to cross it and be heroes. John Wayne paid to do the movie himself. That is the Spirit of Texas.

Texas is Sam Houston capturing Santa Ana at San Jacinto.

Texas is "Juneteenth" and Texas Independence Day.

Texas is huge! forests of Piney Woods like the Davy Crockett National Forest.

Texas is breathtaking mountains in the Big Bend.

Texas is the unparalleled beauty of bluebonnet fields in the Texas Hill Country.

Texas is the beautiful, warm beaches of the Gulf Coast of South Texas.

Texas is the shiny skyscrapers in Houston and Dallas.

Texas is world record bass from places like Lake Fork.

Texas is Mexican food like nowhere else, not even Mexico.

Texas is the Fort Worth Stockyards, Bass Hall, the Ballpark in Arlington and the Astrodome.

Texas is larger-than-life legends like Michael DeBakey, Denton Cooley, Willie Nelson, Buddy Holly, Waylon Jennings, Janis Joplin, Kris Kristofferson, Tom Landry, Darrell Royal, ZZ Top, Eric Dickerson, Earl Campbell, Nolan Ryan,
Sam Rayburn, George H. W.Bush, Lyndon B.Johnson.

Texas is great companies like Dell Computer, Texas Instruments and Compaq. And LOCKHEED MARTIN AEROSPACE,! Home of the F-16 Jet Fighter and the JSF Fighter.

Texas is NASA.

Texas is huge herds of cattle and miles of crops.

Texas is skies blackened with doves, and fields full of deer.

Texas is a place where towns and cities shut down to watch the local High School Football game on Friday nights and for the Cowboys on Monday Night
Football, and for the Night In Old San Antonio River Parade in San Antonio. Texas is ocean beaches, deserts, lake s and rivers, mountains and prairies, and modern cities.

If it isn't in Texas, you probably don't need it.

No one does anything bigger or better than it's done in Texas.

By federal law, Texas is the only state in the U.S. that can fly its flag at the same height as the U.S. flag. Think about that for a second. You fly the Stars and Stripes at 20 feet in Maryland, California, or Maine and your state flag, whatever it is, goes at 17 feet. You fly the Stars and Stripes in front of Pine Tree High in Longview or anyplace else at 20 feet, the Lone Star flies at the same height - 20 feet. Do you know why? Because it is the only state that was a republic before it became a state.

Also, being a Texan is as high as being an American down here. Our capitol is the only one in the country that is taller than the capitol building in Washington, D.C. and we can divide our state into five states at any time if we wanted to! We included these things as part of the deal when we came on. That's the best part, right there.

Texas even has its own power grid!!

01-04-2006, 12:47 PM
Texas----> 5 states: True, but superfluous. See http://www.snopes.com/history/american/texas.asp

Texas flag only one allowed at same height as US Flag: False. See http://www.snopes.com/history/american/texasflag.asp

Extra Stout
01-04-2006, 01:04 PM
Other places have businesses.
Other places have forests, thicker ones, with taller trees.
Other places have mountains, higher, and more beautiful.
Other places have skyscrapers, taller, and shinier.
Other places have larger-than-life famous legends.
Other places have cattle and crops.

But they're still not Texas.

Texas is the good ol' boy who at once is the friendliest and yet the most intimidating sonofagun you ever saw.

Texas is eating barbecue on a lazy summer day down by the creek where the shady cypresses sway overhead.

Texas is kickin' up your heels at an old time dance hall out in the middle of nowhere with a couple hundred of your closest friends.

Texas is climbing up to the top of Guadalupe Peak and surveying a view of the desert where it seems you can see all the way to Mexico.

Texas is swimming down at Barton Springs where the water still freezes your ass off in August.

Texas is meetin' a bunch of farm folk at an old country church and having them feed you up right good.

Texas is taking a picture of your loved ones diving in a field of bluebonnets and getting your face sticky with kettle corn.

Texas is enchiladas drowning in three kinds of melted cheese. Texas is the 96-oz. steak that you'll finish only in your dreams.

And so forth.

Extra Stout
01-04-2006, 01:09 PM
Texas is gnawing on deer jerky sitting on a long German bench in a country store by the side of the highway chatting with other travelers while you sip your fountain drink.

Texas is sprinting up as fast as you can to the top of Enchanted Rock, then turning around and looking back as you catch your breath.

01-04-2006, 01:14 PM
You ain't kiddin' 'bout Barton Springs...:wow

01-04-2006, 01:31 PM
Pick any kid off the street in Japan and draw him a picture of Texas in the dirt and he'll know what it is. What happens if I show you a picture of any other state?I drew a picture of Colorado, but the kid guessed it was Wyoming.

Folks are much more impressed by Texas before they actually visit.

01-04-2006, 01:40 PM
Hot. Flat. Dusty.

01-04-2006, 01:47 PM
Don't forger Breast Implants came from Texas...

From wikipedia:

Houston plastic surgeons Thomas Cronin and Frank Gerow developed the first silicone breast prosthesis with the Dow Corning Corporation in 1961 and the first woman was implanted in 1962. The implant was made of a silicone rubber envelope or sac filled with a thick, viscous silicone gel.

01-04-2006, 01:58 PM
I'd love to visit the vast depths of Mischa Barton Springs.

woohoo!! :)

Extra Stout
01-04-2006, 02:04 PM
Hot. Flat. Dusty.
Only two out of those three apply in any one area for the most part.

01-04-2006, 02:08 PM
Folks are much more impressed by Texas before they actually visit.

We had some people come to work on a temporary basis at our office in the late 80s. There were two little old ladies from Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. They wanted to know if there was a fence around Randolph AFB, and if it was safe for them to take a taxi from the airport because they'd heard everyone down here had a gun (they wanted to make sure the taxi driver could protect them). They were dead serious :lol

Hot. Flat. Dusty.

We had a civilian guy who transferred here to our office from North Carolina. He says he still remembers the shock when the plane was coming in for a landing at the airport, that everything on the ground was so green, and we have so many TREES and SWIMMING POOLS in so many yards! He is originally from New York City, and said he had thought all his life that Texas was just a big desert and there were tumble weeds instead of grass and saguaro cactus everywhere instead of trees. He was all prepared to hate it here.

01-04-2006, 02:10 PM
"Hot Flat Dusty" is tbong's schtick. Just nod your head and move along. :lol

01-04-2006, 03:01 PM
Well, it's hot....kind of depends on where you are whether it's flat or not....more smoky than dusty these days.

Ed Helicopter Jones
01-04-2006, 04:29 PM
Most of coastal Texas is nice, and the hill country is awesome.

East Texas and a lot of the panhandle I could live without. There's where you'll find your hot, dry desert.

01-04-2006, 04:34 PM
used to go to Barton Springs as a child, miss it

01-04-2006, 04:35 PM
Texas----> 5 states: True, but superfluous. See http://www.snopes.com/history/american/texas.asp

Yeah. This is my favorite one. I keep telling people about it and their jaw drops. (Don't tell them about the superfluous part.)

01-04-2006, 04:35 PM

Hence, the implants.

01-04-2006, 04:53 PM
I say we flex our right to form our own country...the United State of Strategery...

01-04-2006, 05:04 PM
Don't forger Breast Implants came from Texas...

Kinda takes away the meaningfulness of "Everything is big in Texas"

Notorious H.O.P.
01-04-2006, 05:07 PM
Another Texas-related legend holds that the Texans negotiated an annexation treaty which reserved to them the right to secede from the Union without the consent of the U.S. Congress, but the terms of Texas' annexation contain no such provision.

I don't care about whether Texas legends are true or not. As a true Texan, I will continue to tell all of them as fact.

01-04-2006, 06:24 PM
I don't care about whether Texas legends are true or not. As a true Texan, I will continue to tell all of them as fact.
Thank You!!:lol

01-04-2006, 07:24 PM
I drew a picture of Colorado, but the kid guessed it was Wyoming.

Folks are much more impressed by Texas before they actually visit.

:lol My husband is from Wyoming. I always tease him about being from "one of those little square states up north".

Also, (I can't believe he was mentioned; can't believe people know who he is) my mother used to work for Denton Cooley. He had patients fly in from all over the word for heart surgery, so she got to meet a lot of interesting people, including an extremely rich Arab man who rented out an entire floor of the Four Seasons or whatever for his huge family and whose eldest son asked my mom to marry him because he liked her blue eyes.

01-05-2006, 12:53 AM
Texas is Mexican food like nowhere else, not even Mexico.

I love Texas, but this part is a load of bull.

01-05-2006, 01:21 AM
Its different in Mexico....but the stuff we have here is pretty good.

01-05-2006, 01:31 AM
??? Texas IS Mexican food like no other. Doesn't mean it's better, although I like Tex Mex better than Cali Mex as a rule. My exposure to actual Mex Mex is limited, but I liked it.

01-05-2006, 01:48 AM
Tex-Mex is the best type of Mexican food... can't get better Tex-Mex than in San Antonio. :)

(And I live in Dallas!)

Solid D
01-05-2006, 03:58 AM

Kori Ellis
01-05-2006, 04:01 AM
I've never thought Texas (San Antonio) Mexican food was any better than any other state's Mexican food. It's funny to me when people rave about it.

01-05-2006, 04:32 AM
Half of Texas stinks like oil and Natural gas, but the other half is alright when it rains.

Extra Stout
01-05-2006, 08:52 AM
Half of Texas stinks like oil and Natural gas, but the other half is alright when it rains.
That's not necessarily oil/gas. In much of the Panhandle, that smell is cow shit.