View Full Version : Homeless People

01-05-2006, 10:38 AM
I just had to post this little snippet from Rodey Stinson column in this
mornings E-N. I am sure SA210 will just love it.

RANGER: "I work in an office building that overlooks a North Side intersection where a limping panhandler plies his trade.

"Whenever he takes a break and thinks he's out of the sight of traffic, his limp disappears and he lights a cigarette and takes a cell phone out of his pocket and makes a call or two.

"I don't know what his cardboard sign says, but my suggestion would be: 'Need money to buy cigarettes and pay my cell phone bill.'"

RODDY: Shame on you, sir. America no longer has hobos, bums or "panhandlers." The limping fellow is one of the nation's "homeless," forced to live on the streets by the inhumane policies of the Bush administration.

His nicotine addiction is simply self-medication, which helps him tolerate the emotional pain of living in a country governed by the inhumane policies of the Bush administration.

As for his cell-phone calls ...

You have no idea who's on the other end of the line.

It could be his social worker, his pastor, his City Council representative or some other champion of those who have been wounded by the inhumane policies of the Bush administration.

Thank heaven we live in a city where such champions are in positions of political power and gladly spend other people's money on programs, services and tub-thumping publicity for the homeless.

Without their support, the "panhandler" and unfortunates like him might have no cash, no smokes, no cell phones, no 450-minute plans and, should they ever limp downtown, no $250,000 pots to pee in.

To contact Roddy Stinson,
call (210) 250-3155 or e-mail [email protected]. His column appears on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

================================================== =======

I love the part about the $250,000 potty. SA210 I am sure you love
it too. Since you didn't have to pay for it out of your pocket. It was
just "tax" money. :drunk :drunk :lol

Oh, Gee!!
01-05-2006, 10:49 AM
This is going to be a long day I can tell.

01-05-2006, 10:53 AM
This is going to be a long day I can tell.

You got to have faith man. It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

01-05-2006, 10:54 AM
:lmao first off, it's Stinson. :lol

But most importantly, Ingnoramace, those panhandlers that we all see and know all too well are NOT the majority of the homeless population. Alot of them are scamming and don't represent homeless ppl, they are just the ppl You want to see as the homeless to further your excuse of Your hate for the poor.

The real HOMELESS ppl are hiding under bridges and other places trying to stay out your sight. Your sounding alot like Gtown. Don't pick this arguement. You'll lose.


01-05-2006, 11:01 AM
:lmao first off, it's Stinson. :lol

But most importantly, Ingnoramace, those panhandlers that we all see and know all too well are NOT the majority of the homeless population. Alot of them are scamming and don't represent homeless ppl, they are just the ppl You want to see as the homeless to further your excuse of Your hate for the poor.

The real HOMELESS ppl are hiding under bridges and other places trying to stay out your sight. Your sounding alot like Gtown. Don't pick this arguement. You'll lose.


Son, me and alot of other people have already lost. Ever since you
and people like you got your hands in our pockets through taxes.
I feel your pain every day when I have to pay unnecessary taxes to
support your "compassion". Give me a break. Better yet, give the
"homeless" a break and make them get a job or starve like most
people. One question do you know how to spell "people"? Or is it
just too much trouble to do that? I note you can spell homeless, but
guess they are the only ones who count. People just pay the bill.

01-05-2006, 11:15 AM
It's funny, Xray, I can't remeber the last time you ever actually refuted something with substance or any facts, much like Gtown. All I ever read from you is "stuck under a bridge" "your against the troops" "traitors" "move out of America" and now "can you spell people?"

If you want to debate something or have an intelligent discussion, you and Gtown need to learn a thing or two. Insults don't win your arguement. No matter how repititious they are. If you want to debate homelessness, let's take the gloves off, and i'll wipe the floor with you on the matter. But don't start something, then get proven wrong and say repititous nonsense that does nothing to help your view or arguement. Your insults and childlike takes don't change a thing.

It Is my belief that we All have a responibilty to help the less fortunate, whether that be taxes, volunteering, or a few bucks to charity, or at least an understanding, at least that.

01-05-2006, 11:28 AM
It's funny, Xray, I can't remeber the last time you ever actually refuted something with substance or any facts, much like Gtown. All I ever read from you is "stuck under a bridge" "your against the troops" "traitors" "move out of America" and now "can you spell people?"

If you want to debate something or have an intelligent discussion, you and Gtown need to learn a thing or two. Insults don't win your arguement. No matter how repititious they are. If you want to debate homelessness, let's take the gloves off, and i'll wipe the floor with you on the matter. But don't start something, then get proven wrong and say repititous nonsense that does nothing to help your view or arguement. Your insults and childlike takes don't change a thing.

It Is my belief that we All have a responibilty to help the less fortunate, whether that be taxes, volunteering, or a few bucks to charity, or at least an understanding, at least that.

FACT: Your belief--"It Is my belief that we All have a responibilty to help the less fortunate, whether that be taxes, volunteering, or a few bucks to charity, or at least an understanding, at least that.

FACT: You don't give a damn about the taxpayer, just cough up because
you believe it is "All have a responsibility" thing.

FACT: You say you volunteer, I say great. You want to spend your time
that way, instead of with your child, do it. Don't make a martyr of yourself
doing it though.

FACT: you don't know if I or anyone else on this forum donate a few bucks
or their time to any charity work, do you?

FACT: But since you have no knowledge of what others do and they
don't conform to your way of thinking, they are stupid, wrong headed
and cruel to all things.

FACT: You and others kowtowing to a bunch of bums doesn't make
them the cream of the earth. Letting their "needs" work to the
determent of others doesn't solve anything, except make others join
the crowd. You want to help them, then get them a job. Any job,
just let them learn how to earn their own living. That is real help.
Throwing them a few crumbs, giving them a haircut and clean clothes
once a year is not helping.

FACT: Son you couldn't wipe any floor with anyone on any argument.
Your hate shows through too much. I sometimes wonder if your work
with the "homeless" is just a way to get back at the Bush administration.

FACT: We had not homeless people under Clinton, right? :lol

Hook Dem
01-05-2006, 11:35 AM
SA210 = Whippersnapper. Webster defines whippersnapper as an insignificant person who has an overexaggerated idea of his own importance! :lol

Oh, Gee!!
01-05-2006, 11:37 AM
Grumpy Old men in da House!! W00t W00t

Hook Dem
01-05-2006, 11:39 AM
Grumpy Old men in da House!! W00t W00t
As much as we disagree OG, I'm sure we could find something in common! :lol

01-05-2006, 11:49 AM
FACT: Your belief--"It Is my belief that we All have a responibilty to help the less fortunate, whether that be taxes, volunteering, or a few bucks to charity, or at least an understanding, at least that.

FACT: You don't give a damn about the taxpayer, just cough up because
you believe it is "All have a responsibility" thing.

I do care about the taxpayer, I'm one of them. Don't assume so quickly.

FACT: You say you volunteer, I say great. You want to spend your time that way, instead of with your child, do it. Don't make a martyr of yourself doing it though.
What a scapegoat. To knock my volunteering, you try and question my parenting. :tu you've sunk lower and I didn't think that was possible. No martyrs, but You seem to want to label me as such. Helping ppl and having some compassion shouldn't be scary to you, if it is, I question Your parenting and moral values.

FACT: you don't know if I or anyone else on this forum donate a few bucks or their time to any charity work, do you?
True, but how does that help your arguement? :lol My debate is about Your hateful views and comments towards the less fortunate.

FACT: But since you have no knowledge of what others do and they don't conform to your way of thinking, they are stupid, wrong headed and cruel to all things.

Sounds like your talking about yourself. If someone doesn't agree with you, they are traitors, should move out the country and are definitely against the troops.

FACT: You and others kowtowing to a bunch of bums doesn't make them the cream of the earth. Letting their "needs" work to the
determent of others doesn't solve anything, except make others join
the crowd. You want to help them, then get them a job. Any job,
just let them learn how to earn their own living. That is real help.
Throwing them a few crumbs, giving them a haircut and clean clothes
once a year is not helping.
This goes to show u know nothing about me. Part of my work is helping them to get jobs and also KEEPING those jobs. And I'll have you know that many DO work, so the stereotype is getting old, and many are VETS who are Mentally Ill whom our government has forgotten.

And the problem with alot of ppl in America, is that WE do only care ONCE a year, when it's the HOLIDAYS about these ppl. Then it's back to not caring. I'm not in that boat. I do year round. You and Gtown label me how you want, yall are the ones that keep bringing it up.

FACT: Son you couldn't wipe any floor with anyone on any argument.Your hate shows through too much. I sometimes wonder if your work with the "homeless" is just a way to get back at the Bush administration.
Your hate shows for the less fortunate and Your hate shows for anyone who legitimately questions this admistrations evil actions and inactions. Your arguements have no substance whatsoever, you can't back it with facts, but only your hatred and repitious insults that don't change anything. Yes, I know, I'm stuck under a bridge.

FACT: We had not homeless people under Clinton, right? :lol
Now your learning. It's a problem that been ignored far too long. Not that Republicans try and help the matter.


01-05-2006, 04:54 PM
SA210, you said: "This goes to show u know nothing about me. Part of my work is helping them to get jobs and also KEEPING those jobs. And I'll have you know that many DO work, so the stereotype is getting old, and many are VETS who are Mentally Ill whom our government has forgotten. "

I would like to inform you that the budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs
funding was: 70.038 BILLION that the President just signed.

Of that. Mental Health Services. 2.2 BILLION.

Now does that sound like a government that turn their backs on servicemen?
Get your head out of the dark and grown up.

Another damn thing. You said:

"What a scapegoat. To knock my volunteering, you try and question my parenting. you've sunk lower and I didn't think that was possible. No martyrs, but You seem to want to label me as such. Helping ppl and having some compassion shouldn't be scary to you, if it is, I question Your parenting and moral values.

I did not knock your "volunteering or your parenting". As a matter of fact I said it
was great if that is what you want to do. Boy your skin is thin as tissue paper.
You have a real problem and it isn't me. You must have been abused sometime
in your life. But it damn sure wasn't by me. What you do with your life is fine
with me so long as you don't want me to support you lifestyle or participate. Okay!

01-05-2006, 05:01 PM
Blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

Even wounded troops from Your war that's going on right now are forgotten and in need of help by Dumbya. Tell me your just pretending to be this stupid.

Get your toilet paper and wipe that egg off your face. Why would u assume to know the traits of someone who has been abused? Maybe u have a secret. Seems like u have the problem, a big MORAL problem.


01-05-2006, 05:04 PM
Blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

Even wounded troops from Your war that's going on right now are forgotten and in need of help by Dumbya. Tell me your just pretending to be this stupid.

Get your toilet paper and wipe that egg off your face. Why would u assume to know the traits of someone who has been abused? Maybe u have a secret. Seems like u have the problem, a big MORAL problem.


Tell me one more time, how you are going to wipe me up off the floor,
I gave you facts, and your response: Blah, blah, blah, blah and stupid
editorial cartoon. So you are good at surfing the web or going to the
blogs that have them and you know how to post. Gee, I hope you are
better at business. Otherwise, you will be a failure there too.

01-05-2006, 05:06 PM
Everybody knows homeless are just lazy people who don't want to work.


01-05-2006, 05:10 PM
Xray, Don't mind My Business, it's doing well to allow me to respond to Your trash. You spit numbers that don't change the fact that Vets have been swept under a rug, just as poor ppl have.

Foodstamps are still around, doesn't mean the problem hasn't been swept under a rug.
Tell me your on drugs.

01-05-2006, 05:16 PM
Everybody knows homeless are just lazy people who don't want to work.


Yeah, most are. Bums are bums. They have been on the face of the
earth during all my life time and will be for yours. Liberal judges turned
a bunch of mentally ill people loose on society some years ago, but no
one will address that issue. Most especially the Libs. They can function
only under supervision. There are drugs that will help them, but they
will not take them without supervision, because they quite taking them
after they start to function. No one ever looks at history, mentally
ill people are ill. Bums are bums. All have a story to tell about how
life has mistreated them. BS! Everyone has to live this life. Nature
damn sure doesn't discriminate. Root or go hungry. If you think that is
hard, then be glad you weren't one of the people who founded this
country. Because they damn sure didn't depend on anyone but themselves
to get by, including my Grandparents who came to Texas a few
generations ago. Go such a lemon. I am tired of you people (ppl for
SA210) putting down this country.

01-05-2006, 05:23 PM
Xray, how does it feel to be a selfish person? Explain, please for us that don't know what it's like.


01-05-2006, 05:41 PM
Xray, how does it feel to be a selfish person? Explain, please for us that don't know what it's like.


Selfish, being a person who came up on hard times. It feels damn great.
A person who worked damn hard to have what he has, it feels great.
You said you were raised by a single parent. Well my friend, I was too.
My Mother worked as a waitress, when it was a good day if she got a half
dollar in tips. She also had her own cafe and went broke taking care of
the people who needed help. I have know hunger, soles on my shoes
flapping. Being so damn broke I didn't know where my next meal was
coming from. Don't ever assume you know all the answers, because you
damn well don't. I don't nor does anyone else. Yeah, I am selfish, I
worked hard to raise a family, buy a house, spent long hours doing my
job so I could have a decent life for me a my family. I have a good
family and they in turn learned from me. All my kids have a college
education, they got on their own. They do contribute to the
community. My Grandkids also learned and with encouragement to get
their education. They are doing it. I am proud of them, damned proud
and stupid assholes, I apologize to the ladies in the forum, like you
go around and put this country down and post stupid damn cartoons which
prove nothing, but that someone can draw, make me sick. You need to
talk to someone else, not me. I have been there, done that and I mean
the whole ball of wax. You want to compare notes. Hell man I have been
from the brothels in Panama to the compounds in Turkey and everything
in between. Don't talk to me about life. I have seen most of it and
what I missed I don't want to see. I have seen twisted bodies, laws
passed that made poor people more poor. Hell look at the law that went
into effect for liability insurance on 1 January. Think that helped the
poor downtrodden, give me a break. You silly stupid twerp.

You are like all the rest of the idiots on this forum all you think about
is BS. Raise you family, take care of your business and for God's
sake get your hand out of the hard working peoples pocket.

01-05-2006, 05:52 PM
Yeah, I am selfish
Pretty much sums it up right there. You say you went through so much, but yet u turn your back on the people going through the same and much worse. :tu


01-05-2006, 06:04 PM
Selfish, being a person who came up on hard times. It feels damn great.
A person who worked damn hard to have what he has, it feels great.
You said you were raised by a single parent. Well my friend, I was too.
My Mother worked as a waitress, when it was a good day if she got a half
dollar in tips. She also had her own cafe and went broke taking care of
the people who needed help. I have know hunger, soles on my shoes
flapping. Being so damn broke I didn't know where my next meal was
coming from. Don't ever assume you know all the answers, because you
damn well don't. I don't nor does anyone else. Yeah, I am selfish, I
worked hard to raise a family, buy a house, spent long hours doing my
job so I could have a decent life for me a my family. I have a good
family and they in turn learned from me. All my kids have a college
education, they got on their own. They do contribute to the
community. My Grandkids also learned and with encouragement to get
their education. They are doing it. I am proud of them, damned proud
and stupid assholes, I apologize to the ladies in the forum, like you
go around and put this country down and post stupid damn cartoons which
prove nothing, but that someone can draw, make me sick. You need to
talk to someone else, not me. I have been there, done that and I mean
the whole ball of wax. You want to compare notes. Hell man I have been
from the brothels in Panama to the compounds in Turkey and everything
in between. Don't talk to me about life. I have seen most of it and
what I missed I don't want to see. I have seen twisted bodies, laws
passed that made poor people more poor. Hell look at the law that went
into effect for liability insurance on 1 January. Think that helped the
poor downtrodden, give me a break. You silly stupid twerp.

You are like all the rest of the idiots on this forum all you think about
is BS. Raise you family, take care of your business and for God's
sake get your hand out of the hard working peoples pocket.
You sound like Michael Douglas in Wall Street: "Greed is good!"

01-05-2006, 06:09 PM
Pretty much sums it up right there. You say you went through so much, but yet u turn your back on the people going through the same and much worse. :tu


You are really a twerp. I take care of those that count. I sure wouldn't
wont to count on you to take care of me. Cause that would be a lost

01-05-2006, 06:11 PM
You sound like Michael Douglas in Wall Street: "Greed is good!"

What's wrong with a little greed? You better hope it never stops, cause
there would be no business people. Right SA210? He must have a little
in his soul cause he wants to make a buck. I am sure he wont give it

01-05-2006, 06:15 PM
XRay is a compasionate man.

01-05-2006, 06:16 PM
What's wrong with a little greed?.
The kind of greed and selfishness you have in your heart is not good.

01-05-2006, 06:18 PM
The kind of greed and selfishness you have in your heart is not good.

You are so right. I hate little people. Where do you live?

01-05-2006, 06:47 PM
Xray is just a sad being. He is glad that he is selfish and greedy.

And I have more than one business, and I offer my product giving more than my competitors with better prices. And I also have my businesses in part to further my helping people, whether it be charity, tax payers, or taking care of employees and not screwing them over, or great customer service. But I'm not about to get into my businesses with you any further, you aren't worth it.

Just go and continue being greedy and selfish, have a party about it. It's just sad.

01-05-2006, 06:49 PM
Xray is just a sad being. He is glad that he is selfish and greedy.

And I have more than one business, and I offer my product giving more than my competitors with better prices. And I also have my businesses in part to further my helping people, whether it be charity, tax payers, or great customer service. But I'm not about to get into my businesses with you any further, you aren't worth it.

Just go and continue being greedy and selfish, have a party about it. It's just sad.

Oh, you still here, twerp?

01-05-2006, 07:04 PM
Oh, you still here, twerp?
Another Xrayzebra post with much substance and facts that change everything and prove his point. :rolleyes

01-06-2006, 10:40 AM
You are so right. I hate little people. Where do you live?

You are welcome to come and visit me any time of the year.

And I'm 6-1 and 200 pounds. I would not call myself "little".

01-06-2006, 10:48 AM
^^^ :lol Xrays full of hate and hot air.

Smeagol, Ny? Cool. I'm planning a vacation there.