View Full Version : Abramoff Influence Peddling Scandal Yet To Involve One Democrat

01-09-2006, 01:13 AM
...but a lot of Republicans received dirty money...

By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Perspective
Thursday 05 January 2006

"According to campaign donation information gathered by the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, the following officeholders and candidates have received political donations from Abramoff since 2000:

Tom DeLay (R-Texas). John Ashcroft (R-Mo.). Frank A. LoBiondo (R-NJ). Eric Cantor (R-Va.). Arlen Specter (R-Pa.). John Ensign (R-Nev.). Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.). Charles H. Taylor (R-NC). Chris Cannon (R-Utah). Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). Mark Foley (R-Fla.). Richard Pombo (R-Calif.). Christopher S. "Kit" Bond (R-Mo.). Curt Weldon (R-Pa.). Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.). Doug Ose (R-Calif.). Ernest J. Istook (R-Okla.). George R. Nethercutt Jr. (R-Wash.). Jim Bunning (R-Ky.). Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.). Tom Feeney (R-Fla.). Dan Burton (R-Ind.). Eric Cantor (R-Va.). Suzanne Terrell (R-La.). Rob Simmons (R-Conn.). Charles W. "Chip" Pickering Jr. (R-Miss.). Connie Morella (R-Md.). Gordon H. Smith (R-Ore.). James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.). James M. Talent (R-Mo.). John T. Doolittle (R-Calif.). John Thune (R-SD). Tim Hutchinson (R-Ark.). Bob Smith (R-Fla.). Bob Ney (R-Ohio). CL. "Butch" Otter (R-Idaho). Carolyn W. Grant (R-NC). Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.). Elizabeth Dole (R-NC). Heather Wilson (R-NM). J. Randy Forbes (R-Va.). Jack Kingston (R-Ga.). James V. Hansen (R-Utah). John Cornyn (R-Texas). Kimo Kaloi (R-Hawaii). Marilyn Musgrave (R-Colo.). Mike Ferguson (R-NJ). Mike Simpson (R-Idaho). Ralph Regula (R-Ohio). Ric Keller (R-Fla.). Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.). Ted Stevens (R-Alaska). Thad Cochran (R-Miss.). Dave Camp (R-Mich.). Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.). Tom Young (R-Ala.). Bill Janklow (R-SD). Craig Thomas (R-Wyo.). Spencer Abraham (R-Mich.). William L. Gormley (R-NJ). Bill McCollum (R-Fla.). Bill Redmond (R-NM). Bob Riley (R-Ala.). Claude B. Hutchison Jr. (R-Calif.). Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.). Francis E. Flotron (R-Mo.). George Allen (R-Va.). Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.). Walter B. Jones Jr. (R-NC). Paul Ryan (R-Wis.). Bob Smith (R-Fla.). Joe Pitts (R-PA). Charles H. Taylor (R-NC). Bob Ehrlich (R-Md.). Charles R. Gerow (R-Pa.). Ed Royce (R-Calif.). Elia Vincent Pirozzi (R-Calif.). Jerry Weller (R-Ill.). Mark Emerson (R-Utah). Tom Davis (R-Va.). Van Hilleary (R-Tenn.).


Americans for a Republican Majority, Leadership PAC of Tom DeLay (R-Texas). Republican Majority Fund, Leadership PAC of Don Nickles (R-Okla.). Keep Our Majority PAC, Leadership PAC of Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.). Leadership PAC, Leadership PAC of Michael G. Oxley (R-Ohio). Rely on Your Beliefs, Leadership PAC of Roy Blunt (R-Mo.). Friends of the Big Sky, Leadership PAC of Conrad Burns (R-Mont.). Senate Victory Fund, Leadership PAC of Thad Cochran (R-Miss.). American Liberty PAC, Leadership PAC of Bob Ney (R-Ohio). Battle Born PAC, Leadership PAC of John Ensign (R-Nev.). Fund for a Free Market America, Leadership PAC of Phil Crane (R-Ill.). Team PAC, Leadership PAC of J.D. Hayworth (R-Ariz.). The Republican Party of New Jersey.


George W. Bush (R)."


"In extremis, Republicans have taken to bandying about the name of Byron Dorgan, Democratic Senator from North Dakota, as evidence that this Abramoff thing is a two-party scandal. Dorgan received $67,000 from Native American tribes represented by Abramoff - not from Abramoff himself - and has since returned the money. Furthermore, he got the money before the tribes had any dealings with Abramoff. In shy William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Perspective
Thursday 05 January 2006

"According to campaign donation information gathered by the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, the following officeholders and candidates have received political donations from Abramoff since 2000:

Tom DeLay (R-Texas). John Ashcroft (R-Mo.). Frank A. LoBiondo (R-NJ). Eric Cantor (R-Va.). Arlen Specter (R-Pa.). John Ensign (R-Nev.). Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.). Charles H. Taylor (R-NC). Chris Cannon (R-Utah). Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). Mark Foley (R-Fla.). Richard Pombo (R-Calif.). Christopher S. "Kit" Bond (R-Mo.). Curt Weldon (R-Pa.). Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.). Doug Ose (R-Calif.). Ernest J. Istook (R-Okla.). George R. Nethercutt Jr. (R-Wash.). Jim Bunning (R-Ky.). Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.). Tom Feeney (R-Fla.). Dan Burton (R-Ind.). Eric Cantor (R-Va.). Suzanne Terrell (R-La.). Rob Simmons (R-Conn.). Charles W. "Chip" Pickering Jr. (R-Miss.). Connie Morella (R-Md.). Gordon H. Smith (R-Ore.). James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.). James M. Talent (R-Mo.). John T. Doolittle (R-Calif.). John Thune (R-SD). Tim Hutchinson (R-Ark.). Bob Smith (R-Fla.). Bob Ney (R-Ohio). CL. "Butch" Otter (R-Idaho). Carolyn W. Grant (R-NC). Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.). Elizabeth Dole (R-NC). Heather Wilson (R-NM). J. Randy Forbes (R-Va.). Jack Kingston (R-Ga.). James V. Hansen (R-Utah). John Cornyn (R-Texas). Kimo Kaloi (R-Hawaii). Marilyn Musgrave (R-Colo.). Mike Ferguson (R-NJ). Mike Simpson (R-Idaho). Ralph Regula (R-Ohio). Ric Keller (R-Fla.). Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.). Ted Stevens (R-Alaska). Thad Cochran (R-Miss.). Dave Camp (R-Mich.). Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.). Tom Young (R-Ala.). Bill Janklow (R-SD). Craig Thomas (R-Wyo.). Spencer Abraham (R-Mich.). William L. Gormley (R-NJ). Bill McCollum (R-Fla.). Bill Redmond (R-NM). Bob Riley (R-Ala.). Claude B. Hutchison Jr. (R-Calif.). Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.). Francis E. Flotron (R-Mo.). George Allen (R-Va.). Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.). Walter B. Jones Jr. (R-NC). Paul Ryan (R-Wis.). Bob Smith (R-Fla.). Joe Pitts (R-PA). Charles H. Taylor (R-NC). Bob Ehrlich (R-Md.). Charles R. Gerow (R-Pa.). Ed Royce (R-Calif.). Elia Vincent Pirozzi (R-Calif.). Jerry Weller (R-Ill.). Mark Emerson (R-Utah). Tom Davis (R-Va.). Van Hilleary (R-Tenn.).


Americans for a Republican Majority, Leadership PAC of Tom DeLay (R-Texas). Republican Majority Fund, Leadership PAC of Don Nickles (R-Okla.). Keep Our Majority PAC, Leadership PAC of Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.). Leadership PAC, Leadership PAC of Michael G. Oxley (R-Ohio). Rely on Your Beliefs, Leadership PAC of Roy Blunt (R-Mo.). Friends of the Big Sky, Leadership PAC of Conrad Burns (R-Mont.). Senate Victory Fund, Leadership PAC of Thad Cochran (R-Miss.). American Liberty PAC, Leadership PAC of Bob Ney (R-Ohio). Battle Born PAC, Leadership PAC of John Ensign (R-Nev.). Fund for a Free Market America, Leadership PAC of Phil Crane (R-Ill.). Team PAC, Leadership PAC of J.D. Hayworth (R-Ariz.). The Republican Party of New Jersey.


George W. Bush (R)."


"In extremis, Republicans have taken to bandying about the name of Byron Dorgan, Democratic Senator from North Dakota, as evidence that this Abramoff thing is a two-party scandal. Dorgan received $67,000 from Native American tribes represented by Abramoff - not from Abramoff himself - and has since returned the money. Furthermore, he got the money before the tribes had any dealings with Abramoff. In short, Dorgan's so-called involvement in the matter is a red herring." ort, Dorgan's so-called involvement in the matter is a red herring."

I guess it's hard to sell influence when you have no power.

01-11-2006, 11:24 AM
Okay, I don't even know what Nbadan's post says and I can rebut it...

Harry Reid and Tom Daschle. And, a whole host of other Democrat Congressmen and Organizations were on the receiving end of Abramhoff and Indian money.

Apparently, this scandal crosses party lines.

I will say this. Clinton's White House and Justice Department wouldn't have let this get past day one. I wonder what that says about the integrity of the current occupant.

01-11-2006, 11:45 AM
All of DC is corrupt, not just Repugs. I figure it's corrupt beyond repair, or at least beyond stable repair. Politicians are corrupt by definition. When 30K+ DC lobbyists are burning through $2B/year, every politician can be assumed to be bought and delivered.

Abramoff/DeLay are extreme examples.

However, why would a contributor contribute to the party out of power? Simply by virtue of the Repugs holding both houses, contributors would have given the most to the Repugs who could deliver, but less/none to the Dems who couldn't deliver anything.

01-11-2006, 01:41 PM
1) I believe hilliary clinton has recieved money from abramoff.

2) I dont think politicans are by definition corrupt, do you know the biggest scandal in canadian politics the last 5 years was when a cabinet offical took free pizza in order to "put in a good word" for an immigrant to the naturalization office there?

she later resigned for that

01-11-2006, 01:43 PM
You are such an idiot Yoniwhore.

The difference is that repugs "give back" as in BRIBES!

01-11-2006, 01:52 PM
You are such an idiot Yoniwhore.

The difference is that repugs "give back" as in BRIBES!

Yep, there's a big difference between getting money from Abramoff clients, after all, he was a legitimate Washington lobbyist once, and getting the money directly from Abramoff to influence the outcome of legislation favorable to his clients.

01-11-2006, 04:12 PM
I really dont get the differentiation here, besides in my mind I am pretty sure that Abramoff will only bring down those with whom he worked the most, and those with his same ideological beliefs. It is known that he is a staunch conservative and that he worked a lot with Ney and DeLay and I think both men are in serious trouble

01-11-2006, 05:12 PM
Yep, there's a big difference between getting money from Abramoff clients, after all, he was a legitimate Washington lobbyist once, and getting the money directly from Abramoff to influence the outcome of legislation favorable to his clients.

Yeah, the difference----they were dimm-o-craps. But they are still
under the gun. Let's be real patience and see where this all leads.

01-11-2006, 05:13 PM
However, why would a contributor contribute to the party out of power? Simply by virtue of the Repugs holding both houses, contributors would have given the most to the Repugs who could deliver, but less/none to the Dems who couldn't deliver anything.

Ever heard of the Minority Leader. He much power. Every Senator and
Congressman have some power. No one is really out of power.

01-11-2006, 06:34 PM
Sorry Dan - this is not just a Republican scandal.

Abramoff-linked probe focuses on 5 lawmakers
By Jerry Seper and Audrey Hudson
January 11, 2006

A Justice Department investigation into influence-peddling on Capitol Hill is focusing on a "first tier" of lawmakers and staffers, both Republicans and Democrats, say sources close to the probe that has netted guilty pleas from lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
Law-enforcement authorities and others said the investigation's opening phase is scrutinizing Sens. Conrad Burns, Montana Republican; Byron L. Dorgan, North Dakota Democrat; and Minority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, along with Reps. J.D. Hayworth, Arizona Republican, and Bob Ney, Ohio Republican. A source working with the Justice Department on the investigation told The Washington Times that Abramoff was questioned during several interviews about the lawmakers and their purported ties to the lobbyist and his former clients.
The source said prosecutors asked Abramoff whether the lawmakers had performed "official acts" in exchange for campaign cash or other favors. Although it is unknown whether any of the five will be charged in the case, the source said Abramoff was being "prepped" by five Justice Department attorneys in that event.
Others familiar with the investigation confirmed the names of the three Republican and two Democratic legislators.
All five lawmakers said that they have not done anything illegal and that all their dealings with Abramoff and his clients were legitimate.
The sources also said that at least two legislative directors and other lobbyists are under investigation in the preliminary round of inquiry. The probe is expected to widen and could ensnare "a minimum" of 20 members of Congress, they said.
Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay has not been directly implicated by Abramoff in the probe, but the Texas Republican's former deputy chief of staff, Tony Rudy, has emerged as a person of interest in the preliminary probe, the sources said.
Mr. DeLay's former communications director, Michael Scanlon, also worked as an Abramoff business partner and pleaded guilty in November to corruption charges. Scanlon also is cooperating in the government probe.
Abramoff pleaded guilty in federal court in Washington on Jan. 3 to conspiracy, tax evasion and fraud in a scheme involving what he described as the "corruption of public officials," saying he raised campaign cash, funded trips and gave other items to lawmakers "in exchange for certain official acts."
Seeking to reduce a 30-year prison sentence to 91/2 years, Abramoff has agreed with prosecutors to cooperate fully in the government's influence-peddling investigation. Prosecutors have seized his computer hard drive and are reviewing 500,000 e-mails.
Jim Manley, Mr. Reid's spokesman, said that no official acts were performed for Abramoff and that the senator has always opposed the expansion of off-reservation gambling, a stance favorable to Abramoff's clients.

01-11-2006, 07:00 PM
^^ Dorgan denies he is under investigation. Maybe he is without his knowledge.

Of course this is a story in the Washington Times with unnamed sources.

I'll wait and see.

If any Democrats are involved in any illegal activity, throw them under the bus. Like I have said before, for every 1 Democrat, there will be 30 Republicans when it comes to Abramoff.

The right wing noise machine is in overdrive right now trying to portray this as a bi-partisan scandal. Nothing is bi-partisan these days in D.C.

Some Dems received money from the Indian tribes, not from Abramoff. I would not be suprised that Abramoff and Delay and the other crooks had the Indians throw some money that way to try to get the hounds off the GOP trail. Problem for them is, it is not illegal to receive the money.......did you provide special favors for it.

01-11-2006, 07:17 PM

Delay threatens to sue media who run ads linking him to Casino Jack.

audio clip (http://www.khou.com/perl/common/video/wmPlayer.pl?title=www.khou.com/delay10_060110.wmv)

01-12-2006, 10:54 PM
Oops, the Washington Times appears to have had this wrong. What a suprise! :lol
link (http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2006/Jan-12-Thu-2006/news/5324874.html)

WASHINGTON -- The Justice Department is not focusing on Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid of Nevada as part of an investigation of lobbyist Jack Abramoff, a source close to the probe said Wednesday in challenging a published report.

The source, who requested anonymity, said the Justice Department is leading the investigation, which includes other agencies.

"But the Justice Department does not have a list of lawmakers who are being investigated," the source said.

The Washington Times reported Wednesday that Reid is on a "first tier" of five lawmakers who are the focus of a Justice Department probe of Abramoff.

The newspaper attributed its information to an unnamed source who is working with the Justice Department.

The other lawmakers mentioned included Sens. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., and Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., and Reps. J.D. Hayworth, R-Ariz., and Bob Ney, R-Ohio.

A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment on the Washington Times story.

"The department has not and will not discuss individuals who have not been charged," Justice Department spokesman Bryan Sierra said.

Speaking in Salt Lake City, Reid angrily denied the report.

He criticized the newspaper, which was founded by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church.

"You have to really stretch things to call it a newspaper," Reid said.

Reid spokeswoman Tessa Hafen called the Washington Times story "completely baseless."

"Senator Reid's office has not been contacted by the Justice Department at all," Hafen said.

Reid has insisted he did nothing wrong in accepting $61,000 in contributions from Abramoff's associates and American Indian tribe clients from 2001 to 2004.

Abramoff pleaded guilty last week to three felonies including bribing members of Congress and defrauding his American Indian clients.

Stanley Brand, a Washington, D.C., attorney who has represented former Reps. Tony Coelho, D-Calif., Dan Rostenkowski, D-Ill., and Joseph McDade, R-Pa., in criminal cases, said he does not doubt Democrats will be reviewed by the Justice Department.

"But this story doesn't ring true," Brand said.

The Justice Department "doesn't go around creating first and second tiers" for its investigations, Brand said.

Brand said the story also lacks credibility because it doesn't mention former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, "who already is the subject of two indictments."

"Thirdly, the allegation that people took campaign contributions alone as a basis of prosecution, whether they are Democratic or Republican, I think is far-fetched," Brand said.

Eric Herzik, a political science professor at the University of Nevada, Reno, said Reid does not appear to be in any legal trouble because of the contributions from Abramoff clients and colleagues.

But Herzik said Reid may suffer politically.

"I would have given the money back," Herzik said. "As soon as Abramoff pleaded guilty, that money became tainted no matter how you got it."

Carl Tobias, a law professor at the University of Richmond who formerly taught at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, said it would not make any difference to the Justice Department if Reid did return the money.

"We'll have to wait and see what happens, but I don't sense (Reid's) name has been in the forefront as much as a lot of other people in this investigation," Tobias said.

During a tour of Republican states this week, Reid has accused the GOP of creating a culture of corruption.

Reid also has objected to being linked to the Abramoff controversy, calling it "a Republican scandal."

The National Republican Senatorial Committee on Wednesday promoted the Washington Times article and criticized Reid.

"For assailing the culture of corruption while he is reportedly under investigation by the Justice Department, Senator Harry Reid receives today's politician award," one Republican committee statement said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

01-12-2006, 11:50 PM

Delay threatens to sue media who run ads linking him to Casino Jack.

audio clip (http://www.khou.com/perl/common/video/wmPlayer.pl?title=www.khou.com/delay10_060110.wmv)


01-12-2006, 11:54 PM
Ever heard of the Minority Leader. He much power. Every Senator and
Congressman have some power. No one is really out of power.

Not true. This seems pretty much a House thing, and there is no more useless or powerless group than the House minority party. They don't even have a filibuster equivalent. Fucking DeLay wouldn't even let former Democrats hire on as lobbyists for groups that wanted legislation worked. You think he's going to let a Democratic sponsored bill pass? I have some oceanfront property in Yuma if you do...

01-13-2006, 11:11 AM
Not true. This seems pretty much a House thing, and there is no more useless or powerless group than the House minority party. They don't even have a filibuster equivalent. Fucking DeLay wouldn't even let former Democrats hire on as lobbyists for groups that wanted legislation worked. You think he's going to let a Democratic sponsored bill pass? I have some oceanfront property in Yuma if you do...

What's it going for? You live in a dream world.